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作者:叶周恒, 刘文武, 孙学军, YE Zhou-heng, LIU Wen-wu, SUN Xue-jun




英文刊名:Basic & Clinical Medicine


1.Hu ZQ;Zhao WH Type 1 interferon-associated necroptosis:a novel mechanism for Salmonella enterica Typhimurium to induce macrophage death 2013

2.Shuh M;Bohorquez H;Loss GE Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha:Life and Death of Hepatocytes During Liver

Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury 2013

3.Linkermann A;Brasen JH;Himmerkus N Rip1 (receptor-interacting protein kinase 1) mediates necroptosis and contributes to renal ischemia/reperfusion injury 2012

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5.Holler N;Zaru R;Micheau O Fas triggers an alternative,caspase-8-independent cell death pathway using the kinase RIP as effector molecule 2000

6.Degterev A;Huang Z;Boyce M Chemical inhibitorof nonapoptotic cell death with therapeutic potential for ischemic brain injury 2005

7.Degterev A;Hitomi J;Germscheid M Identification of RIP1 kinase as a specific cellular target of necrostatins 2008

8.Xie T;Peng W;Liu Y Structural basis of RIP1 inhibition by necrostatins 2013

9.Zhang DW;Shao J;Lin J RIP3,an energy metabolism regulator that switches TNF-induced cell death from apoptosis to necrosis 2009

10.Sun L;Wang H;Wang Z Mixed lineage kinase domain-like protein mediates necrosis signaling downstream of RIP3 kinase 2012

11.McNamara CR;Ahuja R;Osafo-Addo AD Akt Regulates TNFalpha Synthesis Downstream of RIP1 Kinase Activation during Necroptosis 2013

12.Zhang M;Li J;Geng R The Inhibition of ERK Activation Mediates the Protection of Necrostatin-1 on Glutamate Toxicity in HT-22 Cells 2013

13.Vanlangenakker N;Vanden Berghe T;Bogaert P cIAP1 and TAK1 protect cells from TNF-induced necrosis by preventing RIP1/RIP3-dependent reactive oxygen species production 2011

14.He S;Wang L;Miao L Receptor interacting protein kinase-3 determines cellular necrotic response to TNF-alpha 2009

15.Vandenabeele P;Galluzzi L;Vanden Berghe T Molecular mechanisms of necroptosis:an ordered cellular explosion 2010

16.Moujalled DM;Cook WD;Okamoto T TNF can activate RIPK3 and cause programmed necrosis in the absence of RIPK1 2013

17.Ye YC;Wang HJ;Yu L RIP1-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction and ROS production contributed to tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced L929 cell necroptosis and autophagy 2012

18.Wu YT;Tan HL;Huang Q zVAD-induced necroptosis in L929 cells depends on autocrine production of TNFalpha mediated by the PKC-MAPKs-AP-1 pathway 2011

19.Baritaud M;Cabon L;Delavallee L AIF-mediated caspase-independent necroptosis requires ATM and DNAPK-induced histone H2AX Ser139 phosphorylation 2012

20.Meloni BP;Meade AJ;Kitikomolsuk D Characterisation of neuronal cell death in acute and delayed in vitro ischemia (oxygen-glucose deprivation) models 2011

21.Rosenbaum DM;Degterev A;David J Necroptosis,a novel form of caspase-independent cell death,contributes to neuronal damage in a retinal ischemia-reperfusion injury model 2010

22.Xu X;Chua KW;Chua CC Synergistic protective effects of humanin and necrostatin-1 on hypoxia and

ischemia/reperfusion injury 2010
