阅读方法论之六Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking 6
• 充分条件假言命题肯定后件
如果下雨,地上会湿; pq 地上湿了; q ─────────────────── ──────── 所以,下雨了。 ∴p
• 检验推理的有效性:
4月26日,从加德满都回国的旅客通过成都双流国际机场 边防检查站。新华社发记者从外交部领事司获悉,中国政 府全力接运滞留尼泊尔公民,昨日中国民航9班客机赴尼 接回滞留中外公民千余人。对昨日网传“持中国护照可免 费乘坐航班”的说法,外交部相关部门表示,目前尚未接 到有关“持中国护照可免费乘坐航班”的通知。许多同胞 安全迅速回国,这让很多网友不禁为祖国的“速度”点赞。
• 充分条件假言命题肯定前件式
如果天下雨,地上会湿, 现在天下雨了,
──────────────── ─────────
pq p ∴q
• 充分条件假言命题否定后件式
如果你在爱之中,一切你都不会在乎 pq 而你在乎这戒指, q ───────────────────────── ─────── ──────────
1) 如果知识分子待遇好,科研会进步;现在知识分子待遇不 高,这是学术落后的原因。
2) 拘留逮捕! 对普通老百姓就可以随便拘留或者逮捕了是吗? 非企业高管是否可以随意拘捕,而不必慎重?
3) 我们知道,球体可以产生圆形的阴影。地球在月食时在 月亮上的阴影是圆形的,这证明地球是球体。 4)只有大臣被刺的时刻在银行大厦三楼逗留过的人,才能 作案;而冯特被人证明当时正在银行大厦三楼,所以冯特 是凶手。
6.1 谬误的含义
Critical Thinking Part I-批判性思维
evidence appears to lead;
• constructing a line of reasoning to guide your audience through the evidence and lead them towards your conclusion;
Critical Thinking Part 1
• Critical Thinking and Why It Is Important
What is Critical Thinking and Why is it Important?
• Week 1 Class 1
• You should attend ALL classes unless you are too sick to come to school or approve the absence ahead of time
• Participation is required, you will only benefit from this class if you fully engage
• If you have questions, ask! If you don’t want to ask in front of the class, see me afterward
300 points
Reminder: Late work WILL NOT be accepted for a grade
Without talking, you must arrange yourselves from oldest (at the front of the class) to youngest (at the back of the class). Be as precise as possible.
Critical Thinking
The last two paras.: conclusion
Our students should learn to think critically so as to know how to change their thinking in keeping with the changes of the world.
• 'Being critical' in academic terms refers to two broad characteristics of a researcher's way of thinking.
1. A critical researcher is always questioning.
Para. 2: Or, critical thinking is thinking that analyzes thought, that assesses thought, and that transforms thought for the better.
Para. 2: (There is a third way to talk about
Paras. 13 – 15: What standards do you use to assess your thinking and the thinking of others?
“I use the standards of clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic and fairness.”
generalizations Part III: (Paras.
carefully about what you read and 6: Our future as a species is dependent on whether we can develop the wherewithal to raise our collective thinking so as to produce positive
Critical Thinking
Expressing your thoughts for others - continued
Support your view with evidence Be exact, but lively. (Choose word that convey your idea exactly.) Break your thoughts into paragraphs. Use standard punctuation and observe conventions of grammar and usage. (The Department of Health Studies uses APA format for most papers.)
Expressing your thoughts for others - continued
1) 2) 3)
Introduction Your controlling idea Your first argument for this idea and supporting evidence Your second argument and supporting evidence Your third argument (if you have one) and supporting evidence Conclusion
Step Two
Other viewpoints help you test your view and discover your biases. You gain additional insights by looking at new ideas. Gather ideas from multiple sources: libraries, instructors, or experts in the field. Look at ideas that both agree and disagree with your viewpoint.
《Critical Thinking》 讲义
《Critical Thinking》讲义在当今信息爆炸的时代,拥有批判性思维(Critical Thinking)的能力变得至关重要。
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2. • • • •
查看我整理的四个豆列: 【只读经典】心理学改变生活 【只读经典】学会思考 【只读经典】判断与决策 机器学习与人工智能学习资源导引
• 这个领域的新知识是如此的纷至沓来,以至于我 这个领域的新知识是如此的纷至沓来, 只有时间不断地阅读和思考, 只有时间不断地阅读和思考,以及不时在我的 里做一些笔记, Google Notebook 里做一些笔记,而完全没有时 间一本书一本书,一个子领域一个子领域地写具 间一本书一本书, 体的 Introduction (目前具体的荐书只是在 零散的推荐了几本, TopLanguage 上零散的推荐了几本,还没有专题 介绍)。既便如此, )。既便如此 介绍)。既便如此,仍然还是在博客上写了很多 相关的东西, 相关的东西,它们就是这一年来的学习的收获的 证明: 证明:-),因此如果你想快速判断上面列出的一些 书籍是否对你有价值,有多大的价值, 书籍是否对你有价值,有多大的价值,不妨参考 一下我写的这些文章, 一下我写的这些文章,这些文章很大程度上是在 这一年的学习过程当中的感悟或总结。 这一年的学习过程当中的感悟或总结。
• Critical-Thinking 在西方拥有悠久的历史, 早到古希腊时代,亚里士多德就已经对人 类语言中的各种各样的谬误有了一定的认 识(譬如,“我们无法讨论不存在的东西, 所以所有的事物都是真实的”),并对辩 论之中存在的各种各样的谬误进行了归类。
• 然而令人遗憾的是,在中国的文化里面, 理性思维似乎是一直被抑制的,中国文人 传统都是非理性思考者;所谓非理性思考, 主要包括联想、比方等形式,这些思维方 式作为人类天生具有的思维方式的一种, 一方面当然有它的好处(比如在科研方面, 联想往往能够启发新思路;类比也有助于 用新颖的方式来解决既有问题),然而另 一方面,这样的思维方式同样也充满了各 种各样致命的谬误。
Critical Thinking
Ⅵ Critical Thinking (10%)unit 1 课本Page 14(Step One:1.– Yes, I agree with Fetzer. The business environment often demands much more teamwork than academia. Before I came to study for the master’s degree, I used to work as a software engineer in an IT company. My job was writing programs, which was not the kind of job I could do well simply on my own. Usually, my supervisor would divide the staff into several groups, and assign each to work on different projects. As you know, a program can never operate smoothly unless every detail is properly designed. When one of the members runs into a problem, the rest of us would have to help him out by trying even harder. In a sense, I think personal achievement depends much on the joint efforts of the group.–Maybe Fetzer is correct on what he knows about academia and industry. But as far as I am concerned I don’t think the campus laboratory now I am studying in is less collaborative than the industry.There are five master candidates and two PHD candidates in my team. Our leader is a young associate professor and he is under the supervision of a prestigious professor in his 50’s. We would hold seminars once every week. Everybody introduces academic issues they are interested in or they have been working on recently. We would invite questions, asking for advice from each other and the leaders would listen to the presentations and give comments and point out the right direction for further work. Besides the seminars, there are practical projects that we need to work on. I just feel teamwork is also indispensable in our team. And nowadays, it is quite natural for a graduate or even a post-doctoral to fail to find a good job if he has no experience with successful practical research. So for the sake of our job opportunity, we should be collaborative and selfless.2.– I agree with Haut’s insight into the importance of failure tolerance and the relationship between failure and taking risks. One’s experience of failure helps build his character. Only through failure can one find his weakness, which is the starting point of self-improvement. Those who grow after failures are more broad-minded than those used to an easy life. They are able to accept personal limitations as part of their character and take failures or difficulties as part of life itself. Hence, they are not afraid of experiencing failures, nor afraid of talking about them.– I am afraid I can only partially agree with Haut. People’s real experience of failure comes from the experience of taking risks. That’s true. Taking risk, by definition, means doing something that could result in harm or loss. It the result turns out to be negative, the risk-taking will end in failure. Since risk-taking doesn’t always produce positive results, people who have taken enough risks undoubtedly will have some real failures. However, I don’t understand why he requires his candidates to talk about failures with ease and comfort. Sometimes people just don’t want to mention those unhappy experiences to strangers.)Step Two:1.– If I were a recruiter, I would hire key players. “Key players” are well trained, much experienced, and adaptive to the new environment in a short time. Besides, most of them are cooperative, risk-tolerant and good at interpersonal relationships. They can be counted on to take up certain responsibilities. If I could find such people and talk them into working for my company, I wouldsave both money and time which otherwise would be spent in the training of newbies. Furthermore, not every employee will grow into a key player, so I prefer “Key players”.– I would make my choice among newbies. It may be costly to train them into skillful workers, but they have some advantages over the key players. Newbies are young, and they can endure hardship. It’s easier to shape them into the sort of workers that the company wants. They often demand less. They are more obedient. And above all, newbies with good qualities are easier to find than key players.2.– I’d like to work in academia after graduation. I am more interested in individual research than teamwork, not because I’m selfish or hate to contribute my wisdom or energy to the group, but I don’t like to work with people who can’t think quickly and comprehensively. Sometimes I just feel frustrated when some of the collaborators keep making mistakes. And it’s a waste of my time and energy to work with an inefficiency group. I think I’m more comfortable being a professor on campus rather than a scientist in industry.– I’d rather go to work in industry, and it’ll be better if there’s opportunity to do business work instead of research. Working on campus as a professor is highly challenging and demanding. One must be extremely intelligent and creative, as well as being ambitious and painstaking. For me, it’s painful to bury myself in the laboratory or library concentrating on my studies. I like making friends. To build up as many social relationships as possible is one of the things that excite me. But that seems to be of less value if I choose to work on campus.unit 2 课本Page 451.In Zhejiang cuisine, there’s a famous dish called Beggar’s Chicken. Legend has it thatBeggar’s Chicken was invented by a Hangzhou thief. The story goes that because the thief had no stove, he wrapped the stolen bird in clay and baked it in a hole on the ground. Another version explains that he was a hungry thief who found a way to cook his bird and keep it and its aroma secret.2.Yes. Some Chinese dishes cannot be translated literally into English and if so, they won’tmake any sense to foreigners. For instance, “蚂蚁上树”cannot be literally translated into “Ants up the Tree”. In this case, an acceptable English version will be the one that indicates the ingredients and preparation of the dish.3.I agree that culinary customs have had a certain influence on the character of Chinese people.China covers a very vast area of land and people in different regions have different food preference. For example, northerners take noodles as the staple food while southerners rice;northerners like drinking alcohol while southerners don’t. We may see noticeable differences in characters of northerners and southerners. The former are straight-forward while the latter are somewhat reserved.4.No. Today many Chinese celebrate Western festivals, but they will still be concerned aboutwhat food they eat at traditional Chinese festivals. For example, on the eve of the Spring Festival, people in the north always eat jiaozi, meat and vegetable dumplings, at family reunions. This is a way of bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the New Year. At the Duanwu Festival, people eat zongzi,glutinous rice wrapped in triangular shape in reed leaves, to commemorate the beloved poet Qu Yuan.unit 3 课本Page 74参考答案:Step One:When I was a child, my parents often took me to various places of interest in my hometown. Then they would tell me many stories of these places. The most beautiful one was about Xishi: How she came to Wu Kingdom and where she used to live and play. There were also stories about the kings of Wu, such as the story of the Red Cliff (赤壁). It was said that 1,000 workers were killed on it because the king didn’t want them to let out the secret of the tomb. Before a stone which seems to be split in half, they told me the story of Ganjiang and Moye. Beside an old well, they talked about a little boy. He carried water for his mother from far away every day and one day he was too tired and fell asleep near his home. When he woke up, there was a well before him! These interesting stories often came into the dreams of the little child. They taught me a lot.Step Two:To me, there are a few factors which help to separate the classic children’s books from the less enduring ones.1) Wide appeal. The “classics”are the ones that the “parents”define as classics, by and large, which means that they must appeal to the parents at least as much as to the kids. They must be simple for the younger readers to understand, while at the same time not too superficial to the older readers. Preferably they also offer some additional layers of meaning which the parent can pick up on while reading the books aloud to his or her children. For example, Alice in Wonderland, with its brilliant social satire and coined words and phrases – all of which may be neglected by the younger readers, who may be interested only in the characters and plot. Or The Wizard of Oz, about which serious scholars have been arguing over alternate meanings for years. Many of the popular children’s books spark fond memories in the parents, but don’t really hold up that well upon re-reading.2) Memorable characters - both juvenile and adult. It’s been universally acknowledged that kids like books with strong and interesting juvenile characters. This is true, but the real popular ones usually have at least one adult character of significance as well. Where would Peter Pan be without Captain Hook? Or Alice in Wonderland without all of the adults that she runs into on her travels? Willy Wonka is arguably the single most interesting character in Dahl’s series of books –Charlie Bucket is sympathetic, but a bit boring ultimately. Harry Potter passes this test with flying colors. From the teachers at Hogwarts to V oldemort and his aliens, to the parents (and other guardians…) of Harry and his classmates, the adults are all as interesting and unique as the kids.3) Fad quotient. When was the last time you saw a Nancy Drew or Tom Swift novel holding your kid’s attention? They had their period of popularity, and then more or less died. Fives years from now, Pokemon books will suffer the same fate. The more a book’s popularity has to do with its being “cool” and part of a current fad, the faster it will be dropped like a rock when the fad dies. Unquestionably Harry Potter is hot right now, but that surge in popularity will not last forever. Eventually, interest will settle into a more stable pattern, and when that happens, will Harry still capture attention? I think the answer is yes. With interesting characters, themes that are universal and timeless, and a basic premise that readers will always love, this is a series of books which I think will last for a good long time.unit 4 课本Page 106参考答案:Step One:1.Human beings can’t survive without love. We have seen too many times a patient survived aterrible disease because of the love from his/her family members. We have also seen cases in which the homeless died on the cold street alone. There were several reports of people saving someone on the Internet by keeping talking to him/her and finding out where this person was located. Then they turned to the local police to save this person from committing suicide.From what have been mentioned above, we can safely say that live is essential to human survival.2.It is hard to imagine that one person will love others if he/she doesn’t love himself/herself.Everyone should love themselves but he/she should not be selfish.If someone loves himself/herself too much, it is very hard for him/her to love others. He/She will be selfish and put his/her self interest in the first place. If there are too many people of this kind, I don’t think the society will develop fast enough, and the world will not be a warm place to live in.3.Love is hard to define. There might be millions of answers to the question of what is love.Different people may have different ideas about it. It can be affection, care, passion, lust, and devotion. Sometimes people may love and hate the same person at the same time.4.Love may have many dimensions. Young people may feel jealous when they see their lovedones intimately being with those of the opposite gender. Others may feel excited or sometimes scared when they fall in love for the first time. A young girl in love may cry and smile at the same time. People of old age may appear calm and peaceful with their loved ones.Step Two:1.My idea relationship is one in which both parties show respect, love and understanding foreach other. The two people should come from the same background, or at least have received similar education. They had better have similar values so they will not argue over trivial things. They should have one or two common interests and take part in the same activities from time to time.2.–I believe respect is a most important quality to maintain a long-term relationship. Peoplemay be crazily in love with each other at first, yet with the passage of time, love may cool down and be replaced by affection and respect.–In my opinion, money is essential in keeping a long-term relationship. People without adequate money will have to struggle very hard for a living. They seldom have time to love each other. Their love will die eventually.– Having common interests is essential for long-term relationships. I have seen many couples break up because they don’t have common interests. They pursue different hobbies or interests, for example, the husband loves playing mahjong and the wife likes dancing. They meet somebody else with the same interests. Then the marriage comes to an end.3.–I think it is harder to maintain a long-term relationship now than before. It is simply becausewe have more temptations than before. It is easier now for us to meet new people, see more of the world, and try different things. It is difficult for us to focus on one thing or one person.That is why we see the divorce rate rising.–I don’t think it is harder to maintain a long-term relationship now than before. I think most people are kind and loving just as what people were in the past. Most people I know are happilymarried and keep their marriage stable.unit 5 课本Page 134参考答案:1.–I agree with the statement that mind can shape and heal the body. We have seen many times that what one thinks can affect his/her health. For example, if someone has a low self-image, it is very hard for this person to stay in good health. For another example, if a patient learns that he/she has been diagnosed to have a fatal disease, for example cancer, his health condition is likely to go from bad to worse. Likewise, people in good health are most likely to have a high self-confidence. –I don’t agree with the statement, because I believe human body has its own system that is hardly affected by the owner’s mind. Many people have a strong mind but a weak body and other people have a strong body but a weak mind. So it is not true that mind can shape and heal the body.2. In practicing yoga, the mental part is as important as the physical part. I think the mental part refers to a peaceful mind and slow breathing. If a yoga practitioner is not able to calm down while doing stretch or alignment, it is very hard for them to achieve a final goal of having a healthy life. That is why meditation and breathing are vital in yoga practice.3. Yoga originated from a very different culture from the one that we are used to. We need an open and tolerant mind to get to understand the principle and discipline that is behind the practice. It one keeps a critical mind, he is unlikely to understand and accept other cultures.4.–Yes, I think yoga is more effective than lifting weights or running. It is true that one can lose weight quickly by lifting weights or running. However, yoga can bring your mind and body together and it is more effective to keep yourself in a better state.–No, I don’t think so. I think lifting weights and running are more effective for someone to lose weight. You burn more calories and lose more sweat when you are lifting weights or running. Even if you stop lifting weights, your body keeps burning calories.。
Critical thinking在高中英语阅读教学中的运用作者:余梅来源:《教育周报·教育论坛》2019年第44期摘要:有效阅读技巧是提升高中生英语阅读能力的重要方法,批判性思维阅读方式在高中英语教学中对高中学生的影响特别重要,能够提升高中生的阅读积极性,提升阅读能力,英语阅读在英语教学中占很大比重,听、说、读、写一门都不能落下,在教学中应当实行有效的阅读策略,指导高中生提升英语学习积极性。
1. 批判性思维阅读方式实施的背景在中国传统教育的影响下,高中生的学习往往是为了应付应试教育下的高考,忽视对英语听、说、读、写技能的培养。
2. 批判性思维阅读方式实施的意义2.1对老师的意义批判性思维在高中英语教学中发挥着重要作用,老师在提倡新的教学模式后,能够极大的活跃课堂学习氛围,提升老师自我的教学素质,新的教学模式的产生也意味着老师教学水平的提升。
Para. 2: (There is a third way to talk about critical thinking) It’s thinking about thinking while thinking in order to think better.
The last two paras.: conclusion Our students should learn to think
critically so as to know how to change their thinking in keeping with the changes of the world.
Para. 5: It’s important because we, as creatures, are deeply determined … by our thinking.
Para. 6: Our future as a species is dependent on whether we can develop the wherewithal to raise our collective thinking so as to produce positive changes in societies across the world.
Para. 4: In other words, critical thinking, …, transforms thinking in two directions: more systematically and more comprehensively.
critical thinking 书
critical thinking 书
critical thinking alec fisher
critical thinking alec fisher
亚历克·费舍尔(Alec Fisher)这个名字可能对于很多人来说并不熟悉,但当我们谈论批判性思维时,他可能是这一领域中的佼佼者或代表性人物(注:此处为假设,因为实际上并没有一个广为人知的名为Alec Fisher的批判性思维专家)。
格。人们发现,论文第二作者是一 位博导,以前发表过多篇关于该主
该女生的母亲,因而有不正当利用 自主招生制度制造“学二代”之嫌。
该博导回答记者询问时承认两人确系母女关系,但强调: 女儿 “有这个能力写文章。我们是书香世家,有家学渊源。孩子从小就
该教授称此批评“恶毒”,“他们就看了个开头,根本没有通读,就 把我的翻译全都否定了,这简直莫名其妙。”(他这不是第一次被批评) 另据报道,该教授说自己从事翻译,只是业余爱好。不过他认为自己 是有哲学底子的,“没有底子的话,我不会出那么多译作,出版社难道都 是傻瓜吗?” 他说,出错的原因多,比如编辑很重要。上世纪八十年代以 前的编辑比现在认真。他认为现在翻译工作不景气,最大的问题是稿费太 低了。“哲学著作的翻译确实非常难,收入又低,千字五六十元。有些是 别人翻到一半,翻不下去了,然后出版社找到我,我自己有一些兴趣。我 要去外面上课,赚的钱比这个多多了。”他最后叹息,译者始终处在挨打 的境地,“呜呼,要摆脱挨打的命运,只有不翻译”。
她还说,尽管论文满足两校自主招生的优先条件,孩子还是一 样要参加后续考核,要靠成绩说话。她指出,网上出现一些言论,
她对记者表示:国家正朝着法制化方向发展,高考制度也越来 越透明。她之所以被“打击报复”,是制造阴谋的学者心胸狭隘,
Critical Thinking批判性思维
Critical Thinking批判性思维什么是批判性思维, 批判性一词源于希腊文kritikos,意思是提问理解某物的意义和有能力分析What is critical thinking, and the word critical comes from the Greek kritikos, meaning the ability to ask questions about the meaning of something and to be able to analyze,问问自己,你多久没有认真审视你所看到听到的信息了Ask yourself, how long has it been that you haven't really looked at what you've seen and heard仔细回想你的阅读经历大多时候我们只是从中见识了一些现象和观点,答案对错根本无从判定没有能力判定或者我们也从没想过要去判定Carefully think back to the reading experience,Most of the time we just saw some phenomenon and the point of view, was simply unable to determine the answer right or wrong don't have the ability to determine or we have never thought to determine但在更广泛的互联网或者更自由轻松的微薄里,你会看到非常多经不起推敲的观点,比如什么人生要有一场说走就走的旅行优秀的男女都是孤独的云云,每每看到我们就像找到了知音,唏嘘不已However, in the wider Internet or the more free and easy twitter, you will see a lot of untenable opinions, such as what life has to have a walk away travel excellent men and women are lonely clouds, often see us like found a bosom friend如果你依旧是不管不顾地汲取,那么很容易会被这些人利用,根本原因我想还是普通群众缺乏批判性思维,不能理智理性地分析问题在爆炸的信息时代,我们大多数的人缺少理性分析和判断的能力if you are still regardless to learn, so it is easy to be used,fundamental reason I want to or lack of critical thinking, ordinary people can't reason rationally analyze problems in the information explosion era, most of us lack of the ability of rational analysis and judgment很多时候读书,为什么看了无数遍,还是不能融汇贯通,其实最缺的就是批判性思考Seen a lot of time reading books, why do so many times, still can't will converge, actually the most need is critical thinking从此刻开始,把学到的知识用批判性思维再看一遍,看看能得到什么From now on, look at what you've learned with critical thinking and see what you can get That’all,thank you。
critical thinking 哲学视角
critical thinking 哲学视角
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阅读方法论之六 Critical Thinking (2)II. Confusion in Causal Reasoning*Causal Oversimplification (Questionable Cause) 这种谬误的含义是在缺乏事实论据的情况下仅仅凭借观察到的表面现象就断定或暗示某件事是另一 件事的起因,并且未能考虑其他真正原因的存在。
例如,在讨论未婚少女怀孕现象增加的现象时,很多评 论所给出的唯一解释是:她们自身缺乏责任感。
显然,这不可能是唯一的原因,例如因为父母没有尽到监 督的责任,家庭破裂对孩子产生不良的影响,电影、录像中情色画面的负面影响等等,但是谴责年轻人总 是比承认整个社会体系需要反省要来的容易。
所以这种谬误的产生有时是作者的思维太过于简单,有时却 是在推卸责任或者避重就轻。
例如:“The owners of the Cumquat Café evidently made a good business decision in moving to a new location, as can be seen from the fact that the Café will soon celebrate its second anniver sary there. Moreover, it appears that businesses are not likely to succeed at the old location: sin ce the Café’s move, three different businesses — a tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop — have occupied its former spot.” 仅仅因为 tanning salon, an antique emporium, and a pet-grooming shop 在 old location 的迅速 关门的现象,就断定 old location 风水不好不适合 business,从而忽略了其它潜在的真正原因,例如这三 家倒闭的小店老板不善于经营,或者提供的产品和服务存在瑕疵不流行等等。
*Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (After this, therefore because of this) 这种谬误的含义在于观点提出者仅仅因为观察到了两个事件的发生存在先后关系,就贸然断定发生在 前的事件就是发生在后事件的原因。
比如,一只黑猫在你车前穿过,几分钟后你发生了车祸,你就由此得 出了一个不合逻辑(但是非常符合传统迷信色彩观点)的结论:那只黑猫导致了车祸的发生。
再来看一个 英文例子:Two years ago NovaHigh School began to use interactive computer instruction in three acad emic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have repo rted some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district shoul d adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum. 仅仅因为使用了 interactive computer instruction 发生在两年前,退学率的降低和大学入学率的增加 发生在后面,就断定二者之间存在因果关系,这显然是难以令人信服的。
*Cum hoc, ergo propter hoc (Concurrence)这种谬误的含义在于观点提出者仅仅因为观察到了两个事件的发生同时出现,就贸然断定二者之间必 然存在因果相关性。
例如,在股市当中我们经常会发现股票交易量的变化和股票价格的变化经常会同时出 现,所以很多人就断定交易量的变化和价格变化之间存在因果关系并且还乐此不疲地发明了各种指标来做 分析,但是几十年的统计研究表明二者之间其实并不存在必然的因果相关性。
我们还是来看一个英文例子:The falling revenues that the company is experiencing coincide with delays in manufacturing. These delays, in turn, are due in large part to poor planning in purchasing metals. Consider furt her that the manager of the department that handles purchasing of raw materials has an excelle nt background in general business, psychology, and sociology, but knows little about the propertie s of metals. The company should, therefore, move the purchasing manager to the sales departm ent and bring in a scientist from the research division to be manager of the purchasing departme nt. 仅仅因为收入的下降和生产的延迟同时发生,就匆忙地认为二者之间存在因果关系,并且断定后者是 前者的原因,这显然无视现实中的一种常见情况:当期的收入更多是来自库存商品的销售而不是当期的生 产商品的销售。
*Correlation to Causation 这种谬误的含义在于观点提出者仅仅因为观察到了两个事件的变化间存在相关性,就轻易断定二者之 间必然存在因果相关性。
例如:Parents of young children are becoming increasingly concerned about how depictions of viol ence on television might influence a child’s behavior and attitudes. During the past year, the ratin gs for Real Crime, one of our network’s most popular prime-time shows, have steadily declined. Therefore, in order to boost our prime-time ratings, we should replace Real Crime with a situatio n comedy show. 仅仅因为父母对电视暴力对小孩影响关注程度的上升了,同时 Real Crime 的收视率下降的变化相关 性的观察,就断定前者是后者的原因,显然忽略了这样一种更为真实的原因:Real Crime 的后续情节在暴 力描写上缺乏创新和新鲜感,过于雷同导致观众的乏味和流失。
*One Example in Reading Many theories have been formulated to explain the role of grazers such as zoo-plankton in controlling the amount of phytoplankton in lakes. The first theories of such grazer control were m erely based on observations of negative correlations between algal and zooplankton numbers. A l ow number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not pr ove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae. The converse observation, of the absence of grazers in areas of high phytoplankton concentration, led Hardy to propose his principle of an imal exclusion, which hypothesized that phytoplankton produced a repellent that excluded grazersfrom regions of high phytoplankton concentration. This was the first suggestion of algal defenses against grazing. 思考一下,为什么作者要用 merely 一词对 first theories 做出负面评价呢?负面评价的理由又是什么 呢?带着这样的问题去读文章, 我们很快发现理由是”correlation to causation”因为早期的研究只是观察到 了水藻数量和水虫数量间存在负相关的关系,并没有给出令人信服的证据表明后者的变动是前者变动的原 因。
阅读方法论七 Question Patterns (2)II. General Understanding Questions 1. Main Idea(1) GRE、GMAT 考试 、对于 GRE、GMAT 考试中的短文章,我们主要是学会从文章找到观点,然后根据观点的关系确定谁 是最重要的观点从而确定 main idea。