

MTI翻译笔记整理版 (1)

MTI翻译笔记整理版 (1)

2009考研翻译笔记(主讲:唐静)一、考研翻译的三大基本问题(一)考研翻译的解题“奥秘”做真题,而不是看翻译做翻译=写汉字46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.(二)考研翻译的题型、命题原则和考试内容1、题型①大的方面:主观题——汉字书写工整②小的方面:阅读题没有必要通读全文有些情况下,需要阅读划线句子的上下文划线句子有代词,需要读上下文2、命题原则①体裁偏向学术文献,比较抽象②题材偏向文科领域(1998年理科的)③划线的句子长30个字左右,为长难句3、考试内容=考点1)考察专有名词、词组和多义词的解释(1)专有名词人名、地名、国家名称、术语、组织机构名称(2)专业术语Big Bang大爆炸理论inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论SARS非典(3)学科术语anthropoloist人类学家anthropological人类学的inflationary universe theory宇宙膨胀理论SARS非典(4)词组as……as by means ofhome appliances家用电器die out灭绝(5)多义词:school 学派before以前serve起作用life 生命、生活(6)熟词生义set (成套)设备;集、集合offend 冒犯;排污超标;污染超标particle 粒子(7)生词:超纲词2)考察一般性翻译技巧,包括词序调整、词义选择A、词序调整:即改变英语单词在汉语译文中的先后顺序46)Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed—and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.在联系不同民族和国家方面,电视也许以前没有像在最近欧洲事件中起如此重大的作用。


























• 1、青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝; • 2、虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。 • 3、君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无 过矣。
• • • • 1、青,取之于蓝,而青于蓝; 译:靛青,是从蓝草中取得,却比蓝草更青。 2、虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。 即使又晒干了,也不会再挺直,这是用火烤 使它弯曲变成这样的。 • 3、君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过 矣。 • 君子广泛的学习并且每天检查反省自身,那 么就智慧明达、行为没有过失了。
8、是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子, 闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已
9、好古文,六艺经传皆通习之,不拘于时, 学于余 , 余嘉其能行古道,作《师说》以 贻之。
7、孔子曰:三人行,则必有我师。 孔子说:“几个人一起走,其中一定有可以当 我的老师的人 8、是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子,闻 道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而已 因此,学生不一定不如老师,老师不一定胜过 学生,懂得道理有早有晚,学问记忆各有专长, 如此罢了 9、好古文,六艺经传皆通习之,不拘于时,学 于余 , 余嘉其能行古道,作《师说》以贻之。 喜欢古文,六经的经文和传文都普遍学习了, 不被世俗的限制,向我学习。我赞许他能遵行 古人从师学习的风尚,特别写了这篇《师说》 来赠给他
况且,您曾经对晋惠公有恩惠,他也曾 答应把焦、瑕二地。然而,他早上渡河 归晋,晚上就筑城拒秦,这是您知道的。 重点:赐:恩惠、好处
• 1.今操芟夷大难,略已平矣。
• 2.若不能,何不按兵束甲,北面而事之。 • 3.此所谓“强弩之末势不能穿鲁缟”也。
• 1.今操芟夷大难,略已平矣。 • 翻译:现在曹操削平大乱,中原地区大致 已经平定了。 • 2.若不能,何不按兵束甲,北面而事之。 • 翻译:如果不能,为什么不放下武器、捆 起铠甲,面向北来侍奉他呢! • 3.此所谓“强弩之末势不能穿鲁缟”也。 • 翻译:这就是所说的“强弓射出的箭到了 射程的尽头,其力量不能穿透鲁国的薄绢” 啊。



1.经常运动会提高人的自信正确句子:Regular exercise can increase one’s self-confidence.我的句子:Excise动词原形不可以做主语要用名词性质的词exercising regularly can improve people's self-confidences ,,, confidence不可数increase: 及物动词/不及物动词及物动词:increase one’s confidence(宾语)不及物动词:the figure increases 数据的增加增长多出现在小作文里exercise:做动词时v. exercising regularly 此句型本局中做主语做名词时n. 既可以为可数/也可以为不可数(本句为不可数)主语:regular exercise doing exercise regularly增强自信心:boostincrease confidencebuildimproveExercise在表示健康运动时不可数所以这里应该是doing exercise副词usually修饰动词放在动词的后面表示通常表示频率通常表达为I usually do.. 改:Doing exercise regularly can improve people’s self-confidence.人们的信心:people’s self-confidence2.教学质量对学生成绩有很大影响正确句子:The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students’ academic performance. 我的句子:The quality of teaching has a serious修饰不当influence of在...方面的影响用on students’academic performance.quality:品质, 可数N:例如leadership限定教学质量:the quality of teaching; teaching quality; standard of education注意:quantity 表示数量influence在...方面有影响:have an impact oneffect或者hugemake a big difference to...major学术成绩:academic performance; achievements; levels of attainmentgrade/ scores 指分数只有一种搭配have an influence/impact/effect on应该是academic achievements补充:对...有负面的/相反/好的的影响negativehave a damaging effect on ...oppositehave a beneficial effect on ...
have a negative effect onbe beneficial to3.家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间正确句子:Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children’s screen time.我的句子:Patients and teachers should try to建议用词伙reduce the time of students’ watching TV中式表达不要直接翻译中文努力做…:make an effort to do 其中effort既可以为可数也可以为不可数也可以说make effortsmake every effortmake an effort to do sth限制看电视的时间:reduce one’s screen timelimit one’s screen time直译看电视的时间错误记住词或表达screen timeTry one’s best这种四六级的表达建议不要再写在雅思作文里定从错误应该是which children spend in watching TV,不过这样表达就很啰嗦4.经济的下滑导致失业率的上升正确句子:(The)Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate. 我的句子:Economic slowdown lead to the increase of unemployment rate. slowdown 是可数名词前面建议加the此句用完成时:has led to 完成时其中lead to的to是介词后面加名词现在完成时形式:have/has + done(截止到现在回头往前看这件事完成的结果如何用法:过去的之前,例句:When he got there, she had left. She was not there.现在全部完成:He has left.现成部分完成:We have studied English for ten yearsclimbing :形容词修饰名词词组unemployment rate 也可以用increasing;rising 上升:climbing ,increasing ,raisingraise:使…上升举手:raise your hand抚养长大:you raise me upincrease 做名词时: increase in表示在...方面的增长increase of 表示所属关系... 的增长unemployment 为不可数Nfind/seek employment 找工作Rate 可数名词不要裸奔——unemployment rateLeads (lead-led-led)后面应该是unemployment rate5.经济的发展需要更年轻的劳动者正确句子:A country’s economic development relies on a supply of young workers. 我的句子:the development of economy need如果想用need 主谓也不一致new年轻的用new 我有点怕workers.经济增长:economic development ——不可数economic growth ——不可数劳动力的表达方式技术工人:skilled labourlabour force 劳动力年轻的劳动者labour 在表示劳动力时为不可数N work force :为特定的行业工作=staffworker:可数名词需要年青的劳动者:不要直译need rely on:依靠;信赖;需要a large number of 大量的——后面加可数名词复数a large amount of+不可数名词——of 表示所属关系前后都是名词a supply of:一批——a supply of young workers.主谓不一致经济增长有词伙economic development/growth6. 工作很多的人没有时间去休息正确句子:People with a heavy workload do not have adequate times to rest and recharge batteries.我的句子:People who have heavy workload可数名词裸奔have no time to rest.中式表达do not have time to rest/take a restto rest: 动词不定式后置定语翻译为没有休息的时间work:不可数n工作可数n :Works of literature 文学作品workload:可数名词——不要裸奔要么加不定冠词要么变复数have no time口语中可以使用——作文要用do not have timea heavy workload 工作很多rest:do not have time to resttake a rest;have a rest 这里的rest是名词Workload为可数N 不要裸奔然后have time to do sth7. 在中国,很多学生晚上都要上自习正确句子:A large number of students in china have to study at night.我的句子:In china there are many students have are和have两个动词这个句子5.5分to study不能体现自习do self-study 词伙at nighta large number ofmany+可数名词复数晚上:at night /in the evening自习:self-study;do self-study;self-educationthere be句型里已经存在be动词了后面的句子中不能有动词8.文化遗产因为城市的发展而受到威胁。




88. 因为竞争激烈和技术发展太快,现在经营一家公司是一个艰巨的任务。

MINE: Because competition is the rapid development of technology, it is a hard mission to manage a company.COR: Running an organization in today’s world can be a daunting task, because competition is stiff and technology is developing rapidly.① a daunting task,艰巨的任务,让人气馁的任务②没理解中文句子的逻辑和意思,所以没翻译对。

③Running an organization,经营一家公司。

89. 事实是,一些工作已经被砍掉,因为机械化的原因。

MINE: The fact is that some jobs are cut off because of mechanizationCOR: The fact is that some jobs have been made redundant because of mechanisation.注意时态,完成时。

①been made redundant被砍掉。

Redundant,a. 多余的,过剩的,被解雇的,冗长的,redundant job, 多余的工作。

②make the jobs redundant是jobs have been made redundant的原形③mechanization,不可数名词。

④cut off some jobs/work,削减工作。

这是可以的⑤cut down,砍(树);cut off budget削减开支⑥some, lots of, plenty of, 可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。




get in touch/contact后一般接的是somebody。

可数名词不能裸奔!a variety of/varietis of15.政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务可数名词不可裸奔!government----the government/governments pay attention to 注意某件事。

concertrate on/focus on聚焦在某点上。

医疗救助medical treatment词伙:give priority to 重视16.教育或许决定了人的工作机会考虑所有可能性和争议之后,人/官方做决定做选择用decide。


make a decision for sb /about sthdecide是及物动词,不用加介词,直接跟宾语。

词伙:hold the key to 决定了17.使用化石资源会对环境造成污染Use可以作动词也可以作名词,没有the using这种用法。

Destroy是毁灭破坏的意思,是及物动词!没有make a destroy这种用法,程度很深,一般不用。



词伙:fossil fuels 化石资源18.建造住宅楼有助于解决城市拥堵问题congestion 审题!!表示堵车不表示城市拥堵!过度拥挤overcrowding本来就是一个问题,所以在英文后面不用加problem。

Establish=set up 成立、设立(公司) 非建造。

Crowded problem 中式表达词伙:overcrowded是个动词或者形容词。



13. 平等的教育能帮助解决学生学习成绩不好equal access to education can help students to have a good academic performance正确的句子:Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement.-equal education 教育均等,同等教育equal education opportunity ,equal access to education-solve problems,tackle problems,handle problems-underachievement n.underachiever-access to 到某个地方,(有机会)使用什么东西-disadvantaged adj-fair 公正公平,在此处不合适-poor academic performance14. 接触不同的文化可以促进创新Being contaxt with different cultures can help involution.与人的接触,拼写也是错的,contact,也没有help involution这个搭配的哦正确的句子:Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity.-expose to , sb. Be exposed to-boost/raise/improve / build morale , confidence-creativity n. 创造力creation un. 创作cn. 创造的产物15. 政府应该重视社会福利,尤其是医疗服务the government should pay attention to public welfare, especially medicine service s正确的句子:The government should give priority to welfare services, especially the healthcare.-priority u/cn. 具体的事情时可数-focus用在大环境不合适-give emphasis on sth-service c/un16.教育或许决定了人的工作机会education may decide people's working opportunities.正确的句子:Education may hold the key to one’s job prospect.-decide 主语通常是人/官方/政府不合适determine-job/career prospect-one’s 等限定词后面名词不再是裸奔,可不加s-may 情态动词后面加动词原型maybe 动词-人用‘s ,物用of17. 使用化石资源会对环境造成破坏the usage of fossil resourses may be harmful to environment.正确的句子:The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment.-Environment cn 加s或者the18.建造住宅楼有助于解决城市的拥堵问题building living houses is helpful to solve cities' congestiontraffic congestion,注意住着楼的搭配哦正确的句子:Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in cities.句子结构:主语+及物动词(helps)+宾语(solve overcrowding),省略了to, 本来是不定式to solve overcrowding)-overcrowding-it is helpful to do sth. 之类用法?19.贫穷的人可以通过努力工作来提高社会地位poor people can improve social status by hard working正确的句子:People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by working hard.-the poor ,the disadvantaged the 表示一类人-class 可数,status 不可数have/enjoy high status20. 因为全球化,人们需要和来自不同背景的人工作because of globlization people need to work with people who have different backgroundsglobalization正确的句子:Because of globalisation, people need to work with those from diverse backgrounds.注:这里的those 就是其他人的意思,不能说those people,这样会和主语重复。











1.一举两得- Kill two birds with one stone2.杯弓蛇影- A figment of one's imagination3.画蛇添足- To overdo something and spoil it4.自相矛盾- Self-contradictory, inconsistent5.刻舟求剑- Focused on old outdated solutions6.对牛弹琴- Cast pearls before swine7.守株待兔- Waste time and effort waiting for something unlikely to happen8.虎头蛇尾- Strong start but weak ending9.杞人忧天- Fretting over imaginary troubles10.坐井观天- Limited view of the world11.画龙点睛- The finishing touch12.塞翁失马- Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise13.夜郎自大- Arrogant and ignorant14.九牛二虎之力- Tremendous strength15.一毛不拔- Stingy16.求仁得仁- One gets what he deserves17.铁杵成针- Perseverance can turn a hopeless situation around18.纸上谈兵- Armchair theorizing19.入乡随俗- When in Rome, do as the Romans do20.掩耳盗铃- Deceiving oneself21.心有灵犀一点通- Mutual understanding without communication22.路遥知马力,日久见人心- Time reveals all secrets23.两全其美- Best of both worlds24.打草惊蛇- Unnecessary action that alerts the enemy25.东施效颦- Imitating others without success26.言简意赅- Simple and to the point27.悬崖勒马- Stop short of the point of no return28.乐极生悲- Extreme joy begets sorrow29.多此一举- Superfluous, unnecessary30.抛砖引玉- Start a topic to invite other's opinions31.海底捞针- Finding a needle in a haystack32.骑虎难下- Hard to get off the tiger once you are riding it33.狐假虎威- To feign power34.画地为牢- Set boundaries35.授人以鱼不如授人以渔- Teaching someone how to do something is better than doing it for them36.无源之水,无本之木- Something without source or foundation37.虚虚实实- Half real and half imaginary38.有的放矢- Aimed and targeted39.明枪易躲,暗箭难防- Hidden danger is more difficult to handle40.守口如瓶- Keep one's mouth shut41.百年树人- Educate people that will last generations42.事半功倍- Half the effort, twice the effect43.束手无策- Unable to find a way out44.貌似天仙,实则蝼蚁- The appearance is beautiful, but the reality is insignificant45.亡羊补牢- Better late than never46.安居乐业- Live and work in peace and contentment47.鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已- Work hard until one's last breath48.碧血丹心- Loyalty and devotion49.画饼充饥- Deceiving oneself with false hope50.白驹过隙- Time flies51.得过且过- Coast along without planning for the future52.殊途同归- Different paths lead to the same destination53.人山人海- Crowded with people54.四海为家- Feel at home everywhere55.同舟共济- Work together when facing difficulties56.入木三分- Penetrate deeply57.一毫不差-Accurate to the smallest detail58.不可思议- Unbelievable59.顺手牵羊- Snatch something without effort60.水落石出- Truth will eventually come to light61.含沙射影- Imply something indirectly62.奉公守法- Be law-abiding63.扬眉吐气- Defeat an enemy and feel proud64.青梅竹马- Childhood sweethearts65.轻松自如- Easy and comfortable66.老马识途- Experienced and knowledgeable67.七上八下- Feel anxious68.星星之火,可以燎原- Small sparks can start a big fire69.万无一失- Foolproof70.心惊肉跳- Frightened and trembling71.四面楚歌- Enemies on all sides72.投桃报李- Return a favor with a greater favor73.不打不成器- Spare the rod, spoil the child74.五体投地- Admire and worship someone75.刮目相看- Look at someone with new respect76.一日千里- Rapid progress77.身体力行- Put into practice78.不遗余力- Spare no effort79.如鱼得水- Feel at home80.金玉满堂- Abundant wealth and treasures81.入情入理- Full of sentiment and reason82.恍然大悟- Suddenly understand something83.刮骨疗伤- Cure a deep-rooted problem84.石破天惊- Astonishing and shocking85.七手八脚- Busy and bustling86.受宠若惊- Surprised by special treatment87.不知所措- At a loss what to do88.假以时日- Given enough time, anything can be accomplished89.面目全非- Completely changed in appearance90.人云亦云- Follow the crowd blindly91.先发制人- Strike first to gain the upper hand92.独善其身- Only concerned with oneself93.风雨同舟- In the same boat through thick and thin94.放眼世界- Take a worldly view95.如履薄冰- Tread on thin ice96.垂头丧气- Feel dejected97.大惊小怪- Make a fuss over nothing98.力不从心- Unable to live up to one's aspirations99.视同路人- Treat someone as a stranger100.恩将仇报- Repay kindness with enmity高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功高考质量提升是一项系统工程,涉及到多个方面、各个维度,关键是要抓住重点、以点带面、全面突破,收到事半功倍的效果。



1.经常做运动会增强自信心正确的句子:Regular exercise can increase one's self-confidence.句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语(confidence)增强自信心:improve/increase one’s confidence感到自信:feel confident2教学质量影响学生学术成绩正确的句子:The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students’ academic performance.句子结构:主谓宾成绩:scores=grades=academic performance表演(如:歌唱表演)performance 可数名词表现(如:工作表现)performance 不可数名词对……有影响:Have an impact/influence/effect on sth./sbQuality表质量用单数quality,表人的特质是可数名词常用复数qualities3家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间正确的句子:parents and tea chers should make an effort to limit children’s screen time.句子结构:主语(parents and teachers)+及物动词(make)+宾语(effort)看电视的时间:screen time花费时间做……:Spend some time in doing sth./ spend time on sth.4经济的下滑(the economic slowdown可数名词要加定冠词)引起失业率的上升更正:slowdown 是可数名词,这里应该加the正确的句子:The economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate.句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语the economic slowdown可数名词要加定冠词表示一件已经发生的事情,用一般完成时5经济的发展需要年轻的劳动者正确的句子:A country's economic development relies on a supply of young workers句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语除特指某一国家,不然不可用theLabor是不可数名词,worker是可数名词年轻劳动力:young workers6工作很忙的人没有时间去休息正确的句子:People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest句子结构:主语+及物动词+宾语,“to rest and recharge batteries”不定式充当time的后置定语Work 不可数名词繁重的工作量:a heavy workload休息:Take/have a rest7在中国,很多学生晚上都要自习正确的句子:A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night. 句子结构:主语+及物动词+ 宾语自习:do self-study早中晚:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening/at nightin China 放在句子最后表示地点状语8文化遗产Heritage sites 因为城市发展而受到威胁正确的句子:The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites.句子的结构: 主语(development)+ 及物动词(pose)+ 宾语(threat)文化遗产:heritage sites 不用加定冠词威胁:pose a threat to sth.Threat n.威胁; 恐吓; 凶兆;Threaten vt.& vi.预示(某事); 恐吓; 危及; 预示凶兆;vi.似将发生; 威胁; Threatened adj.受到威胁的; v.威胁(threaten的过去分词);9我们不能忽视面对面的交流正确的句子:We should not ignore face-to-face communication.句子结构:主语+ 及物动词+宾语(communication)Communication 不可数名词面对面交流:face-to-face communication10 有些公共服务很难收支平衡正确的句子:Some public services have problems in breaking even.句子结构:主语+ 及物动词(have)+ 宾语(problems)量入为出:make ends meet收支平衡:break even做某事有困难:have problems/difficulty (in) dong sth.11我们需要考虑社会和经济的环境正确的句子:We have to consider the social and economic context.句子结构:主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语经济、社会环境:the social and economic context.整体大自然环境:the environment 专有名词个人氛围、环境(如:工作环境):environment 可数名词生物所处环境(如:栖息地):environment 可数名词Consider vt.& vi.考虑; 把(某人,某事)看作…,认为(某人,某事)如何; 考虑,细想;Considerable adj.相当大(或多)的; 该注意的,应考虑的;Considerate adj.体贴的,体谅的; 深思熟虑; 到; 慎重;Consideration n.考虑,考察; 照顾,关心; 报酬; 尊敬;12密度种植对生物多样性造成了威胁正确的句子:Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio-diversity.句子结构:主语+ 及物动词+ 宾语(threat)密度种植:intensive farming生物多样性:bio-diversity=biodiversity.13平等的教育能帮助解决学生学习成绩不好正确的句子:Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement. 句子的结构:主语+ 及物动词(help)+ 宾语(to tackle ….这里省略了to)平等的教育:equal access to education=equal opportunity to receive education解决学生学习成绩不好的问题:tackle educational underachievement=improve academic performanceOverall:1.of后加名词或动名词2.名词注意单复数以及定冠词3.动词注意时态语态以及“数”的问题。



翻译笔记整理以下是我从大二以来利用课余时间从《综合教程》,《泛读教程》,《新编英语语法教程》,视听说,《Time 单挑1000》,《呼啸山庄》,《高级阅读教程》,《高级口译教程》,《英语修辞学》,《汉译英词语手册》,《英译中国现代散文选(一)》,《The Economist》等书里积累的英汉互译的短语和句子(适合笔译),以红体字部分为主;由于时间仓促,故不能做到很好的分类,而且有些句子的翻译未必是最佳的,套路式的译法,所以在具体语境和语体中应该灵活的使用这些地道表达。


Darkness falls quickly in the tropics.2.这封信既无热情又无感情。

The letter was devoid of warmth and feeling.3.一想到吃肉她就想吐。

The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.4.日益严重的污染对当地人民的健康构成了重大威胁。

Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.5.当这个年轻人听到他的朋友打算去城市这个消息时,他不假思索地决定陪伴他。

When the young man heard that his friend was going to the city, he decided, on the spur of the moment, to accompany him.6.他运气好,几乎立刻找到了工作。

By a stroke of fortune, he found work almost immediately.7.由于天气很冷,我的腿又不好,我已经好几个星期没有出门了。



Unit 1 How to Improve Your Study Habits你也许是个智力一般的普通学生。


































1、第一段階(だいいちだんかい)仮名(がな)クラスUnit12自己(じこ)紹介(しょうかい)例文1、お名前は何ですか飛鳥桜(あすかさくら)です2、出身(しゅっしん)はどちらですか上海(しゃんはい、シャンハイ)(出身)です3、どちらにすんでいますか東京(とうきょう)です4、いつ日本語の勉強をはじまりましたか去年(きょねん)の五月です(いつ仕事を始まりましたか)2、第二段階(だいにだんかい)入門(にゅもん)クラスUnit1はじめまして例文(れいぶん)1、私は中村達雄(なかむらたつお)です/私は会社員です/桜さんは学生です2、桜さんは学生ですかはい、そうです/中村さんは学生ですかいいえ、そうじゃ(では)ありません3、あの人/方は誰ですか田中課長(たなかかちょう)です4、飛鳥さんは何歳(なんさい)(おいくつ)ですか17歳です5、うちはどこですか東京です6、あなたはどこから来ましたかわたしは、横浜からきました会話(かいわ)Topic 1学校の職員室で(がっこうのしょくいんしつで)在学校的办公室里わたしは、担当(たんとう)の川口(かわぐち)ですどうぞ、よろしくおねがいしますわたしは、飛鳥桜ですどうぞ、よろしくおねがいしますTopic 2 学校の教室で(がっこうのきょうしつで)こちらが転校生(てんこうせい)の飛鳥桜さんですTopic 3会社で新入社員(しんにゅうしゃいん)の小野です小野(おの)さんのうちはどこ?Topic 4 道でおにいちゃん、かのじょはわたしのクラスメート紀子(のりこ)の兄(あに)の達雄ですUnit2失礼します、中村です例文1、これは、何のお茶ですかウーロン茶です2、あれは、誰の手帳(てちょう)ですか小野さんの手帳です3、はい、誰/どなたですか506の中村です4、この荷物(にもつ)は誰のですかわたしのです会話Topic 2宅配便(たくはいびん)すみませーんお荷物です中村達雄さん宛てのお荷物です(あて直接放在人名公司名等名词后,表示”寄给”,”汇给”,”平分”,”分摊”)Topic 4メモこのメモ、これは「1」かね、「7」かね?あ、すみません、これは「7」です(か或者)Unit3これはいくらですか例文1、中村さんは、どこですかトイレです2、これは、どこのお茶ですかこの時計は、いくらですか100円です/100円します3、(電話で)そこは、桜木町ですねはい、ここは桜木町(さくらぎちょう)です会話Topic 1すみません、ここどこですかあ、ここ、もう終点(しゅうてん)ですねTopic 2すみません、トイレはどこですか男性トイレは、2階です化粧室(けしょうしつ)はあちらですTopic 3すみません、その洋服を見せてくださいこれはいくらですか何でもありません(ない)Unit4そちらは何時からですか例文会話Topic 2あのう、携帯番号(けいたいばんごう)は何番ですか達雄さん、もう一回(いっかい)お願いしますTopic 3すみません、お宅の本屋は何時から何時までですかあーあうちの会社も、7時までなんですよねTopic 4あ~あ次のバス、いつ来ますか今、そちらは何時ですか夜(よる)六時だよ時差は一時間ですか文化:電話のかけ方A:もしもし、――さんのお宅でいらっしゃいますかB:はい、――でございます/いいえ、違いますA:~ともうしますが、~さんはいらっしゃいますか/あ、失礼しましたB:はい、ちょっとお待ちください(もしもし、――ですが)B:――は外出中(がいしゅつちゅう)ですがA:ああ、そうですか、あのう、伝言(でんごん)をお願いますかB:はい、どうぞA:では、すみませんが、待ち合わせの時間は15(じゅうご)時に変更(へんこう)したとお伝え(つたえ)くださいB:――は出かけておりますが、A:何時ごろお帰りないますかB:18時ごろになるとおもいますが、A:そうですかB:失礼しますUnit5会社へ行きます例文Topic 1会社で中村くんはいつ入社したっけ入社三年目ですそうか稲本(いねもと)くんと同期(どうき)がなTopic 2道で桜ちゃん、毎日何で、学校へいく自転車(じてんしゃ)でいきます僕も、昔、自転車にだったな今は、地下鉄(ちかてつ)だよTopic 3会社でまいったな(表示受不了,吃不消,让人为难的意思)突然の出張だよ(とつぜんのしゅっちょう)どちらですか上海。



英语七年级笔记Unit 1Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions1. What are some common English greetings?- Some common English greetings include "hello," "hi," "good morning," "good afternoon," "good evening," and "how are you?"2. How do you introduce yourself in English?- You can introduce yourself by saying "hello, my name is [your name]" or "hi, I'm [your name]."3. What are some polite ways to greet people?- Polite ways to greet people include saying "please" and "thank you" when appropriate, and also using polite greetings such as "good morning" or "good afternoon."4. How do you respond when someone greets you?- You can respond by saying "hello" or "hi" back, and also by asking the person how they are doing, such as "I'm good, how about you?"5. How do you say goodbye in English?- Some common ways to say goodbye in English include "goodbye," "bye," "see you later," and "take care."6. What are some common English farewells?- Common English farewells include "have a good day," "take care," and "see you soon."Lesson 2: The Alphabet and Spelling1. What are the 26 letters of the English alphabet?- The 26 letters of the English alphabet are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z.2. How do you spell your name in English?- I spell my name in English as [spelling out your name].3. What are some common English words that are spelled differently from how they are pronounced?- Some common English words that are spelled differently from how they are pronounced include "knight," "receipt," and "colonel."4. What is the difference between vowels and consonants?- Vowels are the letters A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y, while consonants are all the other letters in the alphabet.5. How do you pronounce the letter "W" in English?- The letter "W" is pronounced as "double-U" in English.Lesson 3: Numbers and Prices1. How do you count from 1 to 20 in English?- In English, you count from 1 to 20 as follows: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.2. What are the multiples of 10 from 10 to 100?- The multiples of 10 from 10 to 100 are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100.3. How do you say your phone number in English?- I say my phone number in English as [saying your phone number].4. How do you write the date in English?- In English, the date is usually written in the format of month/day/year, for example, January 1, 2023.5. What are some common English words for prices and numbers?- Some common English words for prices and numbersinclude "dollar," "cent," "thousand," "million," and "billion."Lesson 4: Time and Daily Routines1. How do you ask for the time in English?- You can ask for the time in English by saying "whattime is it?" or "do you have the time?"2. How do you tell someone what time it is in English?- You can tell someone what time it is in English by saying "it's [the time]" or "it's [the time] o'clock."3. What are some common English words for daily routines?- Some common English words for daily routines include "morning," "afternoon," "evening," "wake up," "eat breakfast," "go to school," "do homework," "have dinner," and "go to bed."4. What time do you usually wake up and go to bed?- I usually wake up at [your usual wake-up time] and goto bed at [your usual bedtime].5. How do you say the time in English when it is halfpast the hour?- When it is half past the hour, you can say "it's half past [the hour]," for example, "it's half past two."中文翻译:第一单元第一课:问候和介绍1. 一些常见的英语问候是什么?- 一些常见的英语问候包括"hello"、"hi"、"good morning"、"good afternoon"、"good evening"和"how are you?"2. 如何用英语介绍自己?- 你可以说"hello, my name is [你的名字]"或者"hi, I'm [你的名字]".3. 一些礼貌的问候方式是什么?- 礼貌的问候方式包括在适当的时候说"please"和"thank you",还有使用礼貌的问候,比如"good morning"或"good afternoon"。



新概念英语第1册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99~104新概念英语第1册课文翻译及学习笔记Lesson99~100 【课文】ANDY: Ow!LUCY: What’s the matter, Andy?ANDY: I slipped and fell downstairs.LUCY: Have you hurt yourself?ANDY: Yes, I have. I think that I’ve hurt my back.LUCY: Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here. Let me help you.ANDY: I’m sorry, Lucy. I’m afraid that I can’t get up.LUCY: I think that the doctor had better see you. I’ll phone Dr. Carter.LUCY: The doctor says that he will come at once. I’m sure that you need an X-ray, Andy.【课文翻译】安迪:啊哟!露西:怎么了,安迪?安迪:我滑了一跤,从楼梯上摔下来了。









安迪,我看你需要做一次X 光透视。

【生词】ow int. 哎哟slip v. 滑倒,滑了一脚fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒downstairs adv. 下楼hurt (hurt, hurt) v. 伤,伤害,疼痛back n. 背stand up 起立,站起来help v. 帮助at once 立即sure adj. 一定的,确信的X-ray n. X光透视【知识点讲解】1. 今天我们要接触到宾语从句的基本形式,请大家看课文中出现的这些句子:I think that I’ve hurt my back.(我想+我伤了我的背。
































grass who
shakes her head and laughs and flies away.
19.the sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing
28. Knowing something of everything and everything of something.
29. In delay there lies no plenty , Then come kiss me , sweet and t
3.friendship cannot live with ceremony,nor without civility.
4.choose a life of action,not one of ostentation.
5.facts speak much louder than words.
2.searching high and low,here and there for her,but failed,and then,when I tur
ned back,there she was,in the brightest place. 众里寻她千,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。
omorrow .
15.the world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.




(教育类话题)正确的句子:Education may hold the key to one’s job prospects.我的句子:Education may decide determine people’s working job opportunities.Education 教育May, can, might这些可能类词表或许Decide 为口语中的表达,做决定decide to do something通常为考虑了各个可能性后做出的决定,主语通常为人,政府,社区,官方做出的决定。

本句话的决定表示有一种产生影响的意思,用determine vt 较好Hold the key to/ determine 决定to为介词注意后面接n(名词),one’s不特指可以替换为people’sJob/ career prospects 职业前景(词伙)prospect在这里是将来成功的机会所以这里的prospect是复数形式Job opportunities / career advancement / career development 工作机会(词伙)Decide 不准确可换为determine/hold the key to工作机会可用词伙job prospects改:Education may hold the key to people’s job prospects.工作机会:Job prospects / job opportunities / career advancement / career development不说work opportunities改:Education may determine people’s career advancement.状从拓展句子:Education may hold the key to one’s job prospect, especially when people intend to find jobs in the hi-tech industry.17.使用化石资源对环境会造成破坏。



3.4umbrella n.伞翻译:这是你的雨伞吗?Is this your umbrella?不是,这不是我的雨伞。

No,it isn't.2.please int.请Please sb取悦某人The father bought an ice-cream to please his son.爸爸买冰淇淋取悦他儿子。

(用于请求或命令)请“May I come in?”“Come in,please.”我可以进来吗?请进愿意;喜欢Go where you please.=Go where you want to go.去你想去的地方3.here adv.这里这里,在这里;向这里come here(用以引起注意等)喂!嘿!(hey)Here!What are you doing?Here we go!开始吧!Here it is!在这呢!Here you are.给你。

4.my pron.&adj.我的人称代词主格宾格形容词性物主代词我(们)I me my你(们)you you yourI am 我是You are 你是He is 他是She is 她是It is 它是I can help you主格一般作主语,放在句首宾格作宾语,放在动词或者介词之后形容词性的物主代词不能单独使用,后面必须跟名词或者其他的词5.ticket n.票①n.车票;入场券train ticket movie ticket②(货物上的)标签③(给违反交通规则者等的)传票,罚单Harris got a ticket for speeding.哈里斯拿到一张超速驾驶罚款单6.number n.号码A number of =many许多A number of books 许多书A number of cars 许多车缩写No.7.five num.五1—10one two three four five six seven eight nine ten猜下句意思:give me five.击掌8.sorry adj.对不起的9.sir n.先生Mr.先生不单独出现后面加姓Sir先生可单独使用表对长辈或上级或顾客的尊称Miss 是没有结婚的Mrs.意思也是“太太、夫人”,是对已婚妇女的称呼,使用时常与丈夫的姓氏连用Miss(mis) 意为“女士,小姐”是对未婚女子的称呼,与姓氏连用Madam 意思是“太太,夫人”,是对妇女的尊称,不论婚否都可用Ms.已婚和未婚都可以用10.cloakroom n.衣帽存放处toilet n. 卫生间Washroom n.卫生间Bathroom (带抽水马桶的)厕所,卫生间,洗手间Men’s room 男厕所Women’s room 女厕三、课文解析My coat and my umbrella please.请给我的外套和我的雨伞Here is my ticket.这是我的票Thank you,sir.谢谢.先生Number five.第五号Here’s your umbrella and your coat.这是你的雨伞和外套(倒装句)This is not my umbrella.这不是我的雨伞Sorry,sir.对不起.先生Is this your umbrella?这是您的雨伞吗?No,it isn’t.不.这不是Is this it?是这个吗?Yes,it is.是,这是.Thank you very much.非常感谢Thank you动词宾格代词Thank you =thankssorry,sir.=i’m sorry.Eg:Your handbag please.请把你的手提包递给我Here is my money.Here comes the bus.四、Lesson 4 Is this your...?1.suit n.一套衣服Suitcase手提箱Suit the action to the word言行一致2.school n.学校Schoolbag书包Schoolboy schoolgirlSchoolmate同学,校友Go to school去上学Go to the school去学校I don’t like school.我不喜欢上学。


叔”便成了“美国”、“美国人”或“美国 政府”的绰号。
John Bull 原是18世纪英国作家约翰·阿布什诺特在《约 翰·布尔的历史》中所创造的形象——一个矮 胖愚笨的绅士,用来讽刺当时辉格党的战争
政策。由于“布尔”在英文中是牛的意思, 故译为“约翰牛”。随着《约翰·布尔的历史 》一书的行销,人们便用“约翰牛”来称呼
what is it ?
A、一件无用的东西 B、一头白象 C、白给的东西 D、白色陷阱
英国人和中国人都喜欢喝茶,但英 国人通常将中国人说的“红茶”, 说成 ______ tea。
A. red
B. white
C. black
D. green
汉语说“绿茶”,说成英语是 green tea, 但汉语说“红茶”, 英语习惯上用 black tea表示, 而不能按字面意思说成 red tea。
Eat all the time
Share your summer holiday
with your partner … (3-5 sentences)
Can you guess? 收心

1.明确本学期英语学习要求 2.了解本学期的学习计划 3.认识自己英语学习方面的优势与不足 4.根据自己的学习情况制定本学期的学习目标
学会听课、学会做笔记, 选择性记录老师讲的知识点。
课后必须及时复习, 多记单词,多背重点 句型!老师会用听写、 课堂和课后抽背、小 组比赛等的方式考核。
按时并高质量地独立 完成作业,绝不拖拉 !
每次作业、听写、练 习等都要用英文写日 期,日期格式:写在 开头,独占一行,右 对齐。 Eg.1st,September.



高一英语必修一句子翻译及小作文必修一 M11.很荣幸参加你的生日宴会..honor2.现在他的工作进展得非常顺利..get along with3.使我大为惊奇的是;他能把这首诗从头至尾背诵出来..4.你对高中生做兼职有什么看法5.他的演讲给我留下了深刻的印象..6.他的研究涉及的范围很广..His studies covered a wide field.7.众所周知;一年分为四季..★话题写作:根据提示;完成小作文..1. 我在天津一中学习;它完全不同于我在初中的学校..nothing like2. 这儿的老师好极了;他们热情;对待工作态度积极..brilliant;enthusiastic; have a positive attitude towards3. 他们的教学方法给我留下了深刻印象以至于我期盼着每一节课..method; be impressed with; look forward to4. 放学后;男老师邀请一些学生参加诸如打篮球、踢足球这样的活动..take part in5. 我认为在他们的教导下我会做得更好..instructionM21.我代表家人欢迎你的到来..on behalf of2.我从你的演讲中受益匪浅..benefit from3.他躺在草地上;两眼望着天空..with4.如果不去尝试;我们永远都不知道我们会成功..unless5.解出这道题很难..it6.我宁愿在家里读点书;也不愿意与他们去购物..would rather…than /prefer…to …7.由于交通阻塞;他迟到了..★话题作文:根据提示完成下面的小作文1.保罗是我们的英语老师;他精力充沛而且有趣..energetic;amusing2. 他非常热爱教育事业;对我们很有耐心..patient3. 为了确保我们每个人理解他的课;他采用多种教学方法..make sure4. 然而; 他对我们也很严格..strict5. 如果我们在作业中犯错误;他要求我们立刻改正并做类似的练习..make mistakes6. 因此;我们在做作业时都很细心;避免犯错误..as a result; avoid7.有保罗教我们;我们在英语上都取得了进步..with 符合结构; makeprogress8. 我们都感激他;因他努力工作而尊重他..appreciate; respect9.我认为在他的帮助下;我们能被大学录取..admitM31.那个男孩躺在床上看报纸..现在分词短语作状语2.我从来没想到玛丽会成为一名成功的女演员..make it3.你认为他要和谁一起去那里4.明天去什么地方尚未决定..5.不知您能否告诉我如何去做这件事..6.孩子太小;不知道在困境中该做什么..★根据提示完成小作文1. 去年;国庆节;我和父母决定去青岛欣赏美景..scenery2. 午夜时分;我们上了公共汽车..midnight; get on3. 6个小时候;我们到达了青岛汽车站;在那儿我们买了一张地图来查阅..refer to4. 首先;我们去了迷人的海边;在那儿;我们拍了一些照片;尽情地在沙滩上散步;在海中游泳..seaside5. 午饭后;我们决定爬崂山..尽管到达山顶时筋疲力尽;但我们很高兴..exhausted6. 多么棒的一次旅行啊journeyM41.因为缺钱;这次旅行取消了..for lack of2.我没能买车;一方面是因为我不会开车;另一方面是因为我没有足够的钱..for one thing… for another thing…★根据提示完成作文1.这对夫妇自从上次见面已经有一年了.. It is …since ..2.她丈夫在广州郊区盖楼..put up3.一天;她打电话联系他说;她决定来看他..contact4.这是她第一次来广州..It is the first time that…5.广州是她到过的最吸引人的地方之一;因此她决定去买些东西..attractive6.然而当她接近一家购物中心时发生了交通事故;她伤得很重..approach; traffic7.一听到这个噩耗;她丈夫立刻来到医院和医生交换了看法..exchange8.在医生的帮助才;她活了下来..survive9.遇见这么优秀的医生;她觉得很幸运..fortunateM51.尽管他很累;但他仍然工作到深夜..让步状语从句2.为了您的家庭新都;务必遵守交通规则..do+ v. 表示强调★1.那天王老师发表的演讲是关于学习的..lecture2..首先;他高三学生确立目标是必要的..It is + adj. + to do ; aim3. 举了几个例子之后;他得出结论;学生不应该过没有目标的生活..conclusion4. 一些学生对此感到惊讶;因为他们过去认为学习不需要目标..astonished; used to5.其次;他说学生们应该养成好的学习习惯;比如上课记笔记.be supposed to; form6. 再次;学生们应该博览群书;因为读书可以使人学识丰富..ordinary7. 最后;他提醒学生要合理膳食..balanced8. 一个学生越健康;越有可能学好功课..the + 比较级;the + 比较级M61.雨下得越来越大..比较级 and 比较级It’s raining harder and harder.2.你的计划意味着节省许多时间、金钱及其他材料..Your plan means saving lots of time; money and the othermaterials.★根据提示完成作文1. 这所学校作为省级规范化学校而出名..become known as2. 去年;该校校长在会上提出了一个新的提议.e up with3. 也就是说;为了满足学生的需求;学校应该建一栋由图书馆和阅览室组成的新楼.consist of4. 阅览室设计将容纳200名学生;在那儿学生们还可以使用因特网..design; contain; access; as well5. 自从阅览室开放以来;平均每天有100人来此专心阅读..average;concentrate6.然而;由于期中考试临近;和山个月相比;来阅读的学生数量下降了.pared with; go down高一英语必修一句子翻译及小作文参考译文必修一 M18.It’s my honor to take part in your birthday party.9.He is getting along well with his work now.10.To my amazement ; he was able to recite the whole poem frommemory.11.What is your attitude to / toward senior high students takingup a part-time job12.His speech made a great impression on me.13.His studies covered a wide field.As is known to us; a year is divided into four seasons.◆I study at No.1 middle school of Tianjin; which is nothing likemy junior school. The teachers are brilliant; who areenthusiastic and have a positive attitude towards their work.I’ m so impressed with their teaching method that I lookforward to each class. After school; the male teachers invite some students to take part in activities such as playingbasketball and football. I think I can do better under their instruction.M28.On behalf of my family; I welcome you to be here.9.I benefited greatly from your lecture.10.He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky.11.We will never know we will succeed unless we try.12.It is very difficult to work out the problem.I prefer reading books at home to going shopping with them.I would rather do some reading at home than go shopping with them.I prefer to read books at home rather than go shopping with them.I like to do some reading at home instead of going shopping withthem.13.He was caught in a traffic jam. As a result; he was late.He was late as a result of a traffic jam.He was late because of a traffic jam.A traffic jam contributed / led to / resulted in his late.◆ Paul is my English teacher; who is energetic and amusing. Heloves teaching very much and is patient with us. To make sure each of us understands his class; he adopts many teaching methods.However ; he is also strict with us. If we make mistakes in our homework; he asks us to correct them at once and lets us do some similar exercises. As a result; when we do our homework; we are always careful and avoiding making mistakes. With Paul teaching us; we all have made progress in English. We all appreciate him and respect him for his hard work. I think we can be admitted to universities with his help.M37.The boy lay on the bed; reading a newspaper.8.I never thought Mary could make it as an actress.Who do you think he will go there with9.Where to go tomorrow has not been decided.I wonder if you could tell me how to do it.10.The boy is too young to know what to do in trouble.The boy is too young to know what he should do in trouble.◆Last year; on National Day; my parents and I decided to goto Qingdao to enjoy the beautiful scenery. At midnight; we got on a bus. Six hours later; we got to the Qingdao bus station ;where we bought a map in case we might refer to it. We first went to the attractive seaside ; where we took some photos;walked on the sands and swam in the sea as much as we liked.After lunch; we decided to climb Mountain Lao. Through we were exhausted when we got to the top of it; we felt very glad. Whata great journeyM43.For lack of money; the trips was cancelled.I can’t buy a car. For one thing; I can’t drive. Foranother thing; I don’t have enough money.◆It is a year since he couple last saw each other. Her husbandis putting up buildings in the suburb of Guangzhou. One day;she made contact with her husband by telephone; saying shedecided to see him. It was the first time that she had come to Guangzhou. It was one of the most attractive places she had been to; so she decided to do some shopping. However ; she hada traffic accident when she was approaching a shopping centerand was badly hurt. On hearing the bad news; her husband came to the hospital at once and exchanged his opinion with the doctor. She survived with the doctor’s help. She feltfortunate coming across such an excellent doctor.M53.Tired as he was; he worked late into the night.2. For the happiness of your family; do obey traffic rules.◆The lecture Mr. Wang gave that day is about study. First; hetold the students that it was necessary to set an aim. After giving some examples; he drew a conclusion that the students shouldn’t lead an aimless life. Some students were astonished at this because they used to think that study didn’t need an aim. Second; he said that the students were supposed to forma good study habit; for example; taking notes in class. Third;the students should do more reading because reading can make an ordinary people learned. At last he reminded the students to keep a balanced diet. The healthier a student is; the more likely he or she is to learn the subject well.M63.It’s raining harder and harder.2. Your plan means saving lots of time; money and the othermaterials.◆The school becomes known as a provincial standardized school. Its headmaster came up with a new proposal at the meeting last year. That is; to meet the students’ need; the school should put up a new building; which consists of a library and a reading room. The reading room is designed to contain 200students ; where students can have an access to the Internet as well. Since it opened up; an average of 100studnets come to here to concentrate their attention on reading every day. However; with the mid-term exam approaching; the number of the students who come to read has gone down compared with that of last month.。

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1.经常运动会提高人的自信正确句子:Regular exercise can increase one’s self-confidence.我的句子:Excise动词原形不可以做主语要用名词性质的词exercising regularly can improve people's self-confidences ,,, confidence不可数increase: 及物动词/不及物动词及物动词:increase one’s confidence(宾语)不及物动词:the figure increases 数据的增加增长多出现在小作文里exercise:做动词时v. exercising regularly 此句型本局中做主语做名词时n. 既可以为可数/也可以为不可数(本句为不可数)主语:regular exercise doing exercise regularly增强自信心:boostincrease confidencebuildimproveExercise在表示健康运动时不可数所以这里应该是doing exercise副词usually修饰动词放在动词的后面表示通常表示频率通常表达为I usually do.. 改:Doing exercise regularly can improve people’s self-confidence.人们的信心:people’s self-confidence2.教学质量对学生成绩有很大影响正确句子:The quality of teaching can make a huge difference to students’ academic performance. 我的句子:The quality of teaching has a serious修饰不当influence of在...方面的影响用on students’academic performance.quality:品质, 可数N:例如leadership限定教学质量:the quality of teaching; teaching quality; standard of education注意:quantity 表示数量influence在...方面有影响:have an impact oneffect或者hugemake a big difference to...major学术成绩:academic performance; achievements; levels of attainmentgrade/ scores 指分数只有一种搭配have an influence/impact/effect on应该是academic achievements补充:对...有负面的/相反/好的的影响negativehave a damaging effect on ...oppositehave a beneficial effect on ...
have a negative effect onbe beneficial to3.家长和老师应该努力去减少小孩看电视的时间正确句子:Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children’s screen time.我的句子:Patients and teachers should try to建议用词伙reduce the time of students’ watching TV中式表达不要直接翻译中文努力做…:make an effort to do 其中effort既可以为可数也可以为不可数也可以说make effortsmake every effortmake an effort to do sth限制看电视的时间:reduce one’s screen timelimit one’s screen time直译看电视的时间错误记住词或表达screen timeTry one’s best这种四六级的表达建议不要再写在雅思作文里定从错误应该是which children spend in watching TV,不过这样表达就很啰嗦4.经济的下滑导致失业率的上升正确句子:(The)Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate. 我的句子:Economic slowdown lead to the increase of unemployment rate. slowdown 是可数名词前面建议加the此句用完成时:has led to 完成时其中lead to的to是介词后面加名词现在完成时形式:have/has + done(截止到现在回头往前看这件事完成的结果如何用法:过去的之前,例句:When he got there, she had left. She was not there.现在全部完成:He has left.现成部分完成:We have studied English for ten yearsclimbing :形容词修饰名词词组unemployment rate 也可以用increasing;rising 上升:climbing ,increasing ,raisingraise:使…上升举手:raise your hand抚养长大:you raise me upincrease 做名词时: increase in表示在...方面的增长increase of 表示所属关系... 的增长unemployment 为不可数Nfind/seek employment 找工作Rate 可数名词不要裸奔——unemployment rateLeads (lead-led-led)后面应该是unemployment rate5.经济的发展需要更年轻的劳动者正确句子:A country’s economic development relies on a supply of young workers. 我的句子:the development of economy need如果想用need 主谓也不一致new年轻的用new 我有点怕workers.经济增长:economic development ——不可数economic growth ——不可数劳动力的表达方式技术工人:skilled labourlabour force 劳动力年轻的劳动者labour 在表示劳动力时为不可数N work force :为特定的行业工作=staffworker:可数名词需要年青的劳动者:不要直译need rely on:依靠;信赖;需要a large number of 大量的——后面加可数名词复数a large amount of+不可数名词——of 表示所属关系前后都是名词a supply of:一批——a supply of young workers.主谓不一致经济增长有词伙economic development/growth6. 工作很多的人没有时间去休息正确句子:People with a heavy workload do not have adequate times to rest and recharge batteries.我的句子:People who have heavy workload可数名词裸奔have no time to rest.中式表达do not have time to rest/take a restto rest: 动词不定式后置定语翻译为没有休息的时间work:不可数n工作可数n :Works of literature 文学作品workload:可数名词——不要裸奔要么加不定冠词要么变复数have no time口语中可以使用——作文要用do not have timea heavy workload 工作很多rest:do not have time to resttake a rest;have a rest 这里的rest是名词Workload为可数N 不要裸奔然后have time to do sth7. 在中国,很多学生晚上都要上自习正确句子:A large number of students in china have to study at night.我的句子:In china there are many students have are和have两个动词这个句子5.5分to study不能体现自习do self-study 词伙at nighta large number ofmany+可数名词复数晚上:at night /in the evening自习:self-study;do self-study;self-educationthere be句型里已经存在be动词了后面的句子中不能有动词8.文化遗产因为城市的发展而受到威胁。

正确句子:(最佳)The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites. Because of the development of cities,the heritage sites are threatened。

我的句子:The development of cities has posed a threat of 固定的介词搭配是to heritage sites。

development是主语城市发展:urban expansion;the development of cities造成威胁:pose a threat toheritage sites:遗产地;古迹;主题文物建筑被动语态一般用于在找不到动作的发出者时现在完成时是have done 这里应该是has posed a threat to9. 我们不能够忽视面对面的交流。

正确句子:We should not ignore face-to-face communication。

我的句子:We can not大作文里只有一种写法:cannot ignore face-to-face communicationdoor-to-door /face-to-face 充当形容词,修饰名词door to door /face to face 副词修饰动词communication 为不可数N交流技能:communication skillsCommunication如果加s,communications——表示的是那些通讯科技,譬如说手机,电脑等——Modern communications忽视:neglectignore(故意忽视)大作文只用:cannotface to face副词不能修饰名词10.有些公共服务很难收支平衡。
