



2004年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯被诊断出胰腺癌,苹果股价重挫。2004年,推 2004年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯被诊断出胰腺癌,苹果股价重挫。2004年,推 出第四代iPod数码音乐播放器,沿用了原本在iPod mini上的“Click 出第四代iPod数码音乐播放器,沿用了原本在iPod mini上的“Click Wheel” 操控设计。此后还推出搭载彩色显示屏的iPod Video。2004年,推出迷你版 操控设计。此后还推出搭载彩色显示屏的iPod Video。2004年,推出迷你版 iPod mini数码音乐播放器,其金属外壳与其他机种歧异性极大 mini数码音乐播放器,其金属外壳与其他机种歧异性极大 2005年斯蒂夫· 2005年斯蒂夫·乔布斯宣布下一年度将采用英特尔处理器。 2005年,推出第五代iPod播放器。 2005年,推出第五代iPod播放器。 2005年,推出第二代iPod 2005年,推出第二代iPod mini 迷你数码音乐播放器与iPod shuffle,其 迷你数码音乐播放器与iPod shuffle,其 无显示屏设计引起部分使用者不满。 2005年九月,推出iPod 2005年九月,推出iPod nano 超薄数码音乐播放器,采用彩色显示器。 2006年,斯蒂夫· 2006年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯发表了第一部使用英特尔处理器的台式电脑和笔 记本电脑分别为iMac和 记本电脑分别为iMac和MacBook Pro。 Pro。
手机:iPhone 手机:iPhone
2008年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯在Mac World上发布了新设计的MacBook和 2008年,斯蒂夫·乔布斯在Mac World上发布了新设计的MacBook和MacBook Pro, Pro, 以及全新的24英寸Apple 以及全新的24英寸Apple LED Cinema Display。 Display。 2009年,苹果负责全球营销的高级副总裁菲利普·席勒在Mac World2009大会上发 2009年,苹果负责全球营销的高级副总裁菲利普·席勒在Mac World2009大会上发 布了重新设计的17英寸屏幕的MacBook Pro笔记本电脑。 布了重新设计的17英寸屏幕的MacBook Pro笔记本电脑。 2009年,3 2009年,3月3日推出升级版的iMac,但外形并未改变,其使用了NVIDIA公司新款 日推出升级版的iMac,但外形并未改变,其使用了NVIDIA公司新款 显卡,并小幅度降低了iMac价格,同时升级更新的包括Mac mini和 显卡,并小幅度降低了iMac价格,同时升级更新的包括Mac mini和Mac Pro。 Pro。 2009年,3 11日推出新款iPod shuffle,这是第一款可以语音发音的数码音乐播 2009年,3月11日推出新款iPod shuffle,这是第一款可以语音发音的数码音乐播 放器,体积更加小巧,几乎是上代的一半大小,由于部分操作键转至耳机线缆上,所 以暂时不支持第三方耳机,而且必须配合8.1版本或更新版本的iTunes使用。 以暂时不支持第三方耳机,而且必须配合8.1版本或更新版本的iTunes使用。 2009年,6 25日推出新款iPhone,命名为iPhone 2009年,6月25日推出新款iPhone,命名为iPhone 3G s,s代表speed,iPhone s, 代表speed, 3G s是历代iPhone中性能最好的一款,其运行速度是前两代iPhone的两倍多,并且加 s是历代iPhone中性能最好的一款,其运行速度是前两代iPhone的两倍多,并且加 入了指南针、摄像等功能 2009年,9 10日更新全线iPod产品(itouch、classic和nano),其中第五代 2009年,9月10日更新全线iPod产品(itouch、classic和nano),其中第五代 nano支持摄像和收音机功能,推出iTunes 9,正式推出Snow Lepard系统 nano支持摄像和收音机功能,推出iTunes 9,正式推出Snow Lepard系统



商务英语介绍公司团队一、欢迎词:⏹Thank you for coming to our office。

⏹This is our first occasion to meet in person。

⏹We're delighted that you' ve chosen our firm to provide consultingservices for your new family restaurant。




二、总体介绍:⏹As you're already aware, our company specializes in providingstrategic planning,business development and consulting.⏹We are currently developing a main website which will then link to allthe other websites.⏹We look forward to working with you in the coming months.译文:⏹你们已经注意到了,我们公司专门提供战略性计划、业务发展和咨询服务。



三、介绍团队成员:⏹We're a fairly new team.⏹I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our team⏹As you know, my name is Jacob Moore and I'll be serving as projectcoordinator.⏹I'll also be your main liaison throughout all phases of the project.⏹To my left is Chris Harper. He's the IT wizard of our consulting team.⏹Chris can work with you to develop a website for the restaurant.⏹Next to Chris is Andy Meyer, who specializes in menu development.⏹To my right is Amy Taylor, our interior design specialist⏹She can help with everything from space planning to selecting colorschemes.⏹Andy can help maximize the profitability of your menu.⏹She's our marketing guru, and can help with things like signage, printadvertising, and promotional coupons.⏹He is the Web Development Manager and is responsible for all the"techie' bits of the website.译文:⏹我们是新组的团队。


此句直接采用直译旳措施,将句子按字面意思直接翻译过来,与原信息 相等。
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8
II. 企业将简介旳翻译技巧(2)
(2)自1979年成立迄今,成霖以其优质旳产品、良好旳售后服务、实惠旳 价格以及最高旳环境保护原则,迅速成为北美地域水龙头及厨浴配件市场最主 要旳外国供给商。
Sec 1 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 Sec 8 返回
I. 试把下列词语译成汉语。
(1) corporation (2) stockholder (3) capital (4) the board of the directors (5) location (6) rank (7) enterprise (8) stated-owned (9) individual-owned (10) collective-owned
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 6
II. 企业简介旳翻译技巧(4)
译文:Recreation What a better way to dissolve the stresses of the day than enjoying the facilities of our gymnasium, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, sauna & steam bath. 译文没有按照原文旳语序直译,而是采用了更符合英文体现习惯旳宣传 文体,使读者对酒店立即感觉到了犹如文字一样旳优美感受,不可不称之为 佳译。



介绍自己的公司商务英语作文Introducing Our Company in Business EnglishOur company, GlobalTech Solutions, is a leading provider of innovative technology solutions, catering to a diverse range of clients across various industries. Since our inception, we have been committed to delivering exceptional quality and service, tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer.At the core of our business lies our commitment to innovation. We pride ourselves on staying ahead of the curve, constantly exploring and adopting the latest technologies to help our clients achieve their business objectives. Our team of experts is highly skilled and experienced in their respective fields, ensuring that we deliver solutions that are both efficient and effective.We believe that strong client relationships are the key to our success. Therefore, we place a strong emphasis on communication and collaboration, ensuring that we understand our clients' needs and expectations. We work closely with them to develop customized solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements, and we continue toprovide support and guidance even after the project is completed.Moreover, we value integrity and transparency in all our business dealings. We believe that honesty and fairness are essential for building trust and maintaining long-term relationships with our clients and partners.In conclusion, GlobalTech Solutions is a company that is dedicated to providing cutting-edge technology solutions, while maintaining a strong focus on client satisfaction and ethical business practices. We are confident that our expertise, commitment, and integrity will enable us to continue to grow and thrive in the highly competitive business world.。



除了钟表和军刀外,瑞士还有一个很有名的东西,那就是巧克 力。瑞士的巧克力的种类丰富,价格也适中,最适合作为礼物。 牛奶巧克力是在瑞士发明的。因为调节牛奶的温度非常困难, 虽然欧洲各地都对之进行了大量的研究,但一直没有成功,后 来,瑞士人达尼尔· 彼德于1875年发明了制作方法。现在瑞士 的巧克力种类繁多,味道也是各种各样。
西门子股份公司(SIEMENS AG FWB:SIE, NYSE: SI)是世界最大西门子公司总部的机电类公司之一, 1847年由维尔纳· 西门子建立。如今,它的国际总 冯· 部位于德国慕尼黑。
通用汽车公司General Motor(GM)成立于1908年9月16日,自 从威廉· 杜兰特创建了美国通用汽车公司以来,先后联合或兼并了别 克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、奥兹莫比尔、庞蒂克、克尔维特、悍马等 公司,拥有铃木(Suzuki)3%股份。使原来的小公司成为它的分 部。从1927年以来一直是全世界最大的汽车公司之一。
爱立信公司(Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson) 1876年成立于瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。从早期生产电话机、 电话交换机发展到今天,爱立信的业务已遍布全球 140多个国家,是全球领先的提供端到端全面通信解 决方案以及专业服务的供应商。爱立信的业务体系包 括:通信网络系统,专业电信服务,技术授权,企业 系统和移动终端业务。
肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken肯塔基州炸鸡),通常简称为 KFC,是来自美国的著名连锁快餐厅,由哈兰· 山德士上校于1952 年创建。主要出售炸鸡、汉堡、薯条、汽水等西式快餐食品。 肯德基属于百胜餐饮集团。百胜集团是世界上最大的餐饮集团, 在全球100多个国家和地区拥有超过3.3万家连锁店和84万名员工。 旗下拥有肯德基、必胜客、塔可钟(已于2007年10月在国内结束 营业)、东方既白(中式餐饮)等世界知名餐饮品牌,分别在烹 鸡、比萨、墨西哥风味食品及海鲜餐饮领域名列全球第一。



商务英语如何向客户介绍自己的公司This manuscript was revised by the office on December 10, 2020.商务英语如何向客户介绍自己的公司Jennifer在与Standard家用电器的会谈中,因对方想进一步了解Action电器的营运状况。


In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now. We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Taipei. At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly. We improved our R&D department and enlarged our productlines to include washers and dryers, refrigerators, and microwave ovens. Our appliances are geared toward households with high needs but minimal space.Taiwan is still our main market. As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.With a strong home base, we feel we're ready to move overseas. Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the United States consists of highly efficient, compact products. You'll find that our appliances meet these needs.让我回答您的问题:Action电器生产一流的家电产品已有十五年的历史了。

公司简介 英语(共5篇)

公司简介 英语(共5篇)


2 customers and munities around the globe.Walmart operates over 11,500 retail units under 63 banners in 28 countries and e-merce websites in 11 countries.We employ 2.3 million aociates around the world ; 1.5 million in the U.S.alone.Around the world, we help families save money so they can live better.We use our size and scale to provide acce to high-quality goods and fresh, nutritious food at everyday lowprices;while creating opportunities for our aociates and small and medium-sized global suppliers.公司简介的英语范文(三) APPLE is a world famous brand, which is a world leader in the field of puter and personal digital.Apple products toexcellent product design、innovative ideas and the best user experience forhundreds of millions of users.APPLE mobile phone and apple notebook are the most popular objectsin many modern young people.People who Likeappleproducts know, apple enterprise devoted much paion and efforts in products.They know that3 apple is mitted to designthe best system and product .Just like they know about Jobs---always pursuit of the perfect, at the same time, our worship of Jobtrengthened our love of apple products.Most of the time, Jobs and apple is Integrated,we don't know exactly like apple or like Jobs.But,we also saythat :“Three apples changed the world, the first temptation of Xia Wa, the second one awakened Newton, third was in the hands of Jobs”.4第2篇:商务英语联想公司简介I am very proud to be the representative of the Lenovo Group to negotiate busine with you I'll start with the following five parts to introduce our pany Our pany was established in 1984 by Liu Chuan zhi and 10 scientists and technicians, invested 2 millionyuan by the Chinese Academy of Sciences,and today it has developed into a diversified development of large enterprise in the information industry.At present, our pany has 33000 employees worldwide.Look at this picture.this is our pany’s global distributionresearch and development centerSales HeadquartersManufacturing centerOur products .....This is the main products of our pany in different yearsLast year, we launched a newproduct,IdeaPadYoga,It has one of the biggest characteristics,It can free to rotate 360 degrees(He can freely rotate 360 degrees)March 28, 2023, our pany as the first Chinese pany was cooperated with the International Olympic mittee and signed an agreement to bee a global partner of the International Olympic mitteeAccording to the U.S.Fortune magazine in 2023 published the world's top 500 enterprises list.ourpany first appeared on the list.ranked 499th, with an ine of $16.788 billion a year.· 2023The Lenovo global market share reached its highest level ever, and became the world's fastest growing major PC manufacturer.In January 2023,in cooperation with NEC to change the pattern of the notebook puter industry.On July 8, 2023 our pany was elected the world’s top 500 enterprises again.,and ranked 449th in thelistIn 2023our panycreated brilliant.once again .moved up to370thIn the fourth quarter of last year , our pany a short period bee the world's shipments largest PC maker, and then exceeded by HP.in the annualreport ,our pany’s turnover reached nearly $ 30 billion.nearly 13% market share.Year-on-year increase in profit of $473 million .ranking in second place.in the PC market.1Marketing: Lenovo has developed into an international brand.in 2023 to bee the world's secondlargest PC manufacturer.According tothe fourth quarter report of 2023, Lenovo is the world's eighth largest mobile phone manufacturers, the fifth-largest Smartphone maker2 China market advantage: since 1996 Lenovo has been dominated by the first of the personal puter market.4 reputable panies: The organization has strong ethical values and a sense of miion, is mitted to the industry leader, bee a respected national enterprises.January 5, 2023, Lenovo announced a new organizational structure, theMay 7, Lenovo Group announced that the next five years willinvest 5 billion yuanin Wuhan established Lenovo Wuhan industrial base, research and development, production and sale of smart phones, tablet PCs and other mobile Inter products.Is expected to put into operation in October 2023, and 2023 sales are expected to reach 10 billion yuan.第3篇:商务英语公司简介填写商务英语公司简介填写模版使用方法:按照括号中提示填写相应的英文即可。


遂自荐。我公司是一家知名的翻译公司, 我们写这封信是想向您毛遂自荐。我公司是一家知名的翻译公司,位于中国 北京。我们主要提供亚洲区语言服务,包括英文、日语、韩语、印尼语、 北京。我们主要提供亚洲区语言服务,包括英文、日语、韩语、印尼语、越 南语以及泰语之间的互译。公司简介和价目表请参见附件。 南语以及泰语之间的互译。公司简介和价目表请参见附件。
介绍公司 介绍公司Introducing a company 介绍公司 – 我们专门从事汽车、家庭、人寿和商业的险种。 我们专门从事汽车、家庭、人寿和商业的险种。 – We specialize in automobile, home, life and commercial insurance. – 我公司在塑料制品业拥有 多年的经验。 我公司在塑料制品业拥有30多年的经验 多年的经验。 – Our company has over 30 years of experience in the plastics industry. – 我们很愿意送您一份公司简介。 我们很愿意送您一份公司简介。 – We would be glad to provide you with a copy of our company brochure.
介绍公司 介绍公司Introducing a company 介绍公司 – 感谢您多我公司的垂询。 感谢您多我公司的垂询。 – Thank you for inquiring about our company. – 我们是中国最大的医疗设备出口商之一。 我们是中国最大的医疗设备出口商之一。 – We are one of China’s largest exporters of medical devices. – 非常感谢您对你我公司的关注。 非常感谢您对你我公司的关注。 – Thank you very much for your interest in our company.

商务英语写作4-2 company profiles公司介绍

商务英语写作4-2 company profiles公司介绍

Introducti on— nature of the business, etc
Company profiles
Sample Analysis
The company occupies a producing land area of 80,000 square meters. We own most modernized equipments from Germany and our annual production capacity is about 1 million pieces/sets of cashmere garments. With more than 300 franchised stores located at more than 20 provinces in China selling our own brand “Sunshine”, our cashmere garments are very popular within modern people of 25 ~ 45 years old. The company’s policy is “To build a bright tomorrow with top quality”. We are strong at designing and developing. We have a valuable expert team engaging in designing the most fashionable colors and styles. Also we have very strict quality control system supervising all over the production lines.



商务英语介绍公司范文Welcome to XYZ Corporation. Founded in 2010, our company has rapidly evolved to become a leader in the technology sector, specializing in innovative solutions tailored for businesses across various industries. Our headquarters is located in the heart of Silicon Valley, where we foster a dynamic environment that encourages creativity and collaboration.At XYZ Corporation, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Our core mission is to empower businesses with cutting-edge technology that enhances efficiency and drives growth. We offer a diverse range of products and services, including cloud computing solutions, data analytics, and cybersecurity measures, all designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.One of our flagship products is the XYZ Cloud Suite, which provides businesses with a seamless and scalable cloud infrastructure. This platform enables companies to store, manage, and analyze their data with ease. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with clients to ensure that they fully leverage the capabilities of our solutions, resulting in increased productivity and improved decision-making processes.In addition to our technological offerings, XYZ Corporation places a strong emphasis on customer service. We believe that building lasting relationships with our clients is fundamental to our success. Our dedicated support team is available 24/7, providing expert assistance and guidance to ensure that our clients can navigate any challenges they may encounter.Over the years, we have received numerous awards and recognitions for our innovation and workplace culture. Ourcommitment to sustainability is also a core component of our business strategy. We strive to minimize our environmental impact by implementing green practices in our operations and encouraging our partners to do the same.Our workforce is composed of highly skilled professionals from diverse backgrounds, fostering a rich culture ofinclusion and collaboration. At XYZ Corporation, we believein investing in our employees through continuous training and development programs, empowering them to stay ahead in anever-evolving industry.As we look to the future, we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Our vision is to continueleading the way in technological innovation, helping businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. We invite you to join us on this journey, as we work together to create a brighter future powered by technology. Thank youfor considering XYZ Corporation as your partner in business success.。








不妨就从这句:have you heard of our company?开头为你的公司做介绍吧。

2.商务英语情景对话a:have you heard of our company before?你以前听说过我们公司吗?b:i heard about your company often. your company is well-knownall over the world. when was your company founded?我常常听说贵公司的事。


请问贵公司是何时创立的?well-known出名的a:our company was established in 1899 as the first joint-venture company with a western partner.我们公司创建于1899年,是第一家与西方伙伴合资的公司。

joint-venture company 合资公司b:as i know, your company is one of the leading manufacturers in china.how many employees do you have?据我所知,你们公司是中围主要的制造商之一。

有多少员工呢?a:we have about 60,000 employees including those working in our affiliate. more then 3,000 travel all over the world with about l,ooo residing abroad.我们大约有60000名员工,包括分公司的员工在内。



(一):Our company was founded in 1960.我公司始建于1960年。

A: Our company was founded in 1960.

B : A really long history.

The company was established in autumn 2004.
我公司成立于2004 年秋。

The company dates back to 1973.
公司始建于1973 年。

(二):Our company is a European based international consultancy company. 我们是国际性的咨询公司,总部在欧洲。

A:Could you tell me about your company?
B: Our company is a European based international consultancy company.

Siemens AG is headquartered in Munich, Germany.

We are a Chinese Company with its headquarters in Shenzhen .



Nike is one of the world’s leading sportswear and equipment manufacturers. It leads the world in sales of athletic shoes. The company was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight. Its first name was Blue Ribbon Sports but that changed to Nike in 1978. Nike is the Greek goddess of victory. It is famous for its slogan, “Just Do It” and the Swoosh logo, which Nike first used in 1971. Blue Ribbon’s first product was a soccer shoe called Nike. A major factor in Nike’s success is its sponsorship of top sports stars. Tennis ace IlieNastase was the first. Subsequent tie-ups with superstars like basketball’s Michael Jordan and golfer Tiger Woods accelerated Nike’s corporat e success.耐克公司是世界上领先的运动服装和设备制造商。










英语公司简介大体上可分两类:一类为公司的简要内容介绍或概览(Introduction to Company, Company Profile 或Company Overview),是最常见的一种类型。


例1:New Rock Technologies, Inc.New Rock Technologies, Inc. is a manufacturer of innovative V oIP equipments and next generation IMS communication solutions. We offers a full line of VoIP products including IPPBX, voice access gateway, trunking gateway, SIP service platform, and network element management system. Our customers range from service providers, enterprises, system integrators, to independent software vendors. We also have OEM partners worldwide.Registered in the Greater Boston area in the United States. We have expanded our Research and Development, marketing and sales, and manufacturing operations to Shanghai, China. We are fully founded by IDG Technology Venture Investment, Inc. and other investors.例2 Garrett Printing & GraphicsSince 1900, Garrett Printing & Graphics has provided our customers with quality work, reliable service and competitive pricing. Our staff has had decades of experience in all facets of printing; from simple 1 color work to 4 color, and beyond! There‟s no job too small, no job too large. Contact us today to see what we can do for you!It‟s extremely important to us that our clients know whom they‟re doing business with. Once you take the time to find out what we‟re all about, we‟re confident you‟ll like what you see.二、公司简介的翻译方法首先要求忠实于原文。



美联英语提供:介绍公司英语口语表达关于商务英语,那些你不知道的事都在这里/test/fayin.aspx?tid=16-73675-0你知道怎么样向客户介绍你的公司吗?接下来小编为大家整理了介绍公司英语口语表达,希望对你有帮助哦!介绍公司英语口语表达一:Giving the history of your company介绍公司历史We were founded / set up / established in 1981.我们成立于1981年。

We merged with X company in 1990.我们和X公司于1990年合并。

We set up a subsidiary in the UK.我们在英国开办了一家分公司。

The subsidiary was sold off two years after and the remaining company was split into five different divisions.分公司2年前出售,剩余公司分为5个部分。

We floated on the stock exchange last year, and we are now listed on the London Stock Exchange.去年我们在证券交易所上市,现在我们已经在伦敦证券交易所上市。

介绍公司英语口语表达二:T alking about your products and services介绍产品和服务We make / produce packaging material.我们生产包装材料。

We manufacture car engines.我们制造汽车发动机。

We supply paper products.我们提供纸质产品。

We launched a new washing powder last month. It has revolutionised the washing process. We have pioneered new ways of reducing energy costs in domestic appliances.上个月推出了一款新的洗衣粉,这是洗衣过程的一次革新。



我们的公司常用商务英语口语关于我们的公司常用商务英语口语一(一):Our company was founded in 1960.我公司始建于1960年。

A: Our company was founded in 1960.甲:我公司始建于I960年。

B : A really long history.乙:历史很悠久啊。

描述公司成立时间:The company was established in autumn 2022年.我公司成立于2022年年秋。

The company dates back to 1973.公司始建于1973 年。

(二):Our company is a European based international consultancy company. 我们是国际性的咨询公司,总部在欧洲。

A:Could you tell me about your company?甲:能跟我说说你们公司吗?B: Our company is a European based international consultancy company.乙:我们是国际性的咨询公司,总部在欧洲。


:Siemens AG is headquartered in Munich, Germany.西门子公司总部在德国慕尼黑。

We are a Chinese Company with its headquarters in Shenzhen .我们是一家总部在深圳的中国公司。

关于我们的公司常用商务英语口语二(一):At present, the company has set up offices in Hangzhou and Wuhan.公司目前在杭州和武汉均设立了办事处。

A: At present, the company has set up offices in Hangzhou and Wuhan. 甲:公司目前在杭州和武汉均设立了办事处。



商务英语介绍一个公司范文Title:Company Introduction - XYZ Corporation.XYZ Corporation is a leading provider of innovative solutions in the technology industry. With over a decade of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for businesses seeking cutting-edge technology solutions.Our core services include software development, IT consulting, and digital transformation. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and deliver customized solutions that drive business growth and efficiency.At XYZ Corporation, we are committed to excellence in every aspect of our work. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering high-quality results on time and within budget. We take pride in our ability to adapt to the rapidly changing technology landscape and stay ahead of industry trends.In addition to our client-focused approach, we prioritize sustainability and social responsibility in all our operations. We strive to minimize our environmental impact and contribute positively to thecommunities in which we operate.As a company, we are constantly seeking new opportunities for growth and innovation. We welcome collaboration with like-minded partners and are always open to exploring new markets and expanding our reach.XYZ Corporation is more than just a technology company – we are a trusted partner for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age. We invite you to explore our services and discover how we can help your business succeed.Thank you for considering XYZ Corporation for your technology needs.Sincerely,[Your Name].XYZ Corporation.中文翻译:公司介绍 - XYZ 公司。

商务英语写作公司简介 Company Profile

商务英语写作公司简介 Company Profile

To Review the History

If the company has a good reputation as well as a long history, it is necessary to introduce its development. To some extent, a long history gives the impression that the quality of the products or services can be guaranteed. If the company is merged with two or more companies, it is also necessary to mention this information. However, if the company was founded not long ago, this part can be omitted.
To Show Future Prospects

In the end, you may list some short-term or longterm plans of the company.
Samples of Future Prospects

Our(Ecolab) vision keeps us focused on what we strive for --- to be the global leader in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services; providing and protecting what is vital: clean water, safe food, abundant energy and healthy environments. At Philips, we strive to make the world healthier and more sustainable through innovation. Our goal is to improve the lives of 3 billion people a year by 2025. We will be the best place to work for people who share our passion. Together we will deliver superior value for our customers and shareholders.



我们的公司常用商务英语口语以下是小编给大家整理的关于我们的公司常用商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家,下面就跟小编一起来看看关于我们的公司常用商务英语口语<一>(一):Our company was founded in 1960.我公司始建于 1960年。

A: Our company was founded in 1960.甲:我公司始建于I960年。

B : A really long history.乙:历史很悠久啊。

描述公司成立时间:The company was established in autumn 2004.我公司成立于 2004 年秋。

The company dates back to 1973.公司始建于 1973 年。

(二):Our company is a European based international consultancy company. 我们是国际性的咨询公司,总部在欧洲。

A: Could you tell me about your company?甲:能跟我说说你们公司吗?B: Our company is a European based international consultancy company.乙:我们是国际性的咨询公司,总部在欧洲。

我们的总部在……:Siemens AG is headquartered in Munich, Germany.西门子公司总部在德国慕尼黑。

We are a Chinese Company with its headquarters in Shenzhen .我们是一家总部在深圳的中国公司。

关于我们的公司常用商务英语口语<二>(一):At present, the company has set up offices in Hangzhou and Wuhan.公司目前在杭州和武汉均设立了办事处。

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上次你学会了如何对新来的客人致欢迎辞,接下来,就要扼要地说明公司的一些基本情况,先预习一下这些u s e f u l w o r d s a n d p h r a s e s吧:g i v e s b.a b r i e f o u t l i n e向某人简单介绍情况consist of 由……组成的 main office 总公司branch office 分公司 general agent 总代理商s o l o a g e n t独家代理Outlining the Organization of your Company(1)介绍公司(1)上次你学会了如何对新来的客人致欢迎词;欢迎词过後,就要扼要地说明公司的一些基本情况,比如说客人们比较关心的公司的组织结构问题,你就要在这里简单明了地介绍一下。

你不妨先听听一家公司的经理助理Michael是怎样介绍公司结构的,然後你就可以根据自己的实际情况来灵活发表你的演说了:I'm going to give you a brief outline of the organization of our company.Michael在开头先说“让我先简单谈谈公司的组织情况”,在“简单介绍”的时候,他用的是give sb.a brief outline 这个句式,你也不妨在工作场合试着使用一下这个句式,比如说你想向老板简单的敍述一下某件事情的发生经过,就可以说 I will give you a brief outline of what had occurred. 当然除了Michael 的开头方式,你还可以用下面的句子作爲介绍的开头:Let me describe how our company is organized. 这里describe是“描述”的意思,如果你想给客人们描述一下怎样使用公司的新机器,就可以说Let me describle how to use this machine.. 下面我们继续听Michael是怎麽介绍公司的基本组织结构的:Our company consists of three organizations: a management office,a research institute, and manufacturing plants.看来Michael的公司是由三大组织构成的:management office“管理处”、research institute“研究所”以及manufacturing plants“制造工厂”;说到“是由……部分”组成的,这里的consist of...可是非常有用的一个句式,不过千万要牢记的就是这个短语只能用於主动结构,和它意思相同的一个词是compose,有趣的是compose在表达“由……组成的”的时候,用的是被动语态,所以在表达公司由几部分组成的时候,用compose来表达就是:Our company is composed of three offices and five factories across the nation.Michael的公司除了在北京有总公司外,还有分公司。

那麽公司在全国的分布是怎样的呢?让我们继续听Michael的介绍:In addition to the main office in Beijing, we have ten branch offices and five factoriesacross the nation.注意这里的in addition表示“除了……还有”的意思,所以整句话的意思就是“除了在北京的总公司外,在全国各地还有10家分公司和5个工厂”。

这里我们要熟悉,总公司一般可以用main office来表达,对应的“分公司”,就由branch office来表示了,我们知道branch就是指“从树干(trunk)中长出来的数枝”,用来表示“分店、分公司、分行”等意思,也是很自然的;有些公司自己并不设立branch office,而是找其他的一些公司来做自己的agent “代理商”,一般有general agent(总代理商)、solo agent(独家代理)。


上一次你听到了Michael对公司的组成部分做了一个简单的介绍,现在我们来看看这些部门的主要职责,还是先看一下 words and phrases吧:personnel management 人事管理 planning 企划advertising 宣传selling 销售specialize in 专门处理 innovative 新颖的、创新的research institute 研究中心 sophisticated 复杂的,精巧的operate 运转 according to 依照……,按照……develop new products 开发新産品 high-quality products 高质量産品poor(low)-quality 低质量的 in large volumes 大批量entertain your questions 接受你们的发问Outlining the Organization of your Company(2)介绍公司组织结构(2)上一次你听到了Michael对公司的组成部分做了一个简单的介绍,现在我们来听听公司里这些组成部分的主要职责是什麽: First, the main office, which is located in Beijing,specializes in personnel management, planning, advertising,and marketing of our products.Offices in other locations act according to directions by the main office.首先,他说到总公司的职责就是“人事管理(personnel management)、企划(planning)、宣传(advertising)以及销售事宜(selling)。


这里specialize in 表达的是“专门处理”的意思,比如说我们以後将陆续讲到一些specialized knowledge about business English“商业方面的专业知识”;另外Michael在讲到“按照(总部行事)的时候”,用到了according to这个短语,想一想在工作中,You often have to make decisions according to circumstances. “你经常要视情况而作出决定”;好,再让我们听听research institute (研究中心)的情况:Second, we have a very innovative research institute in Beijing where about 300 excellent scientists are experimenting to develop new products.看来Michael的公司“拥有一个非常创新的研究所,而且大约有300名优秀的科学家在进行实验以便能开发出新的産品;”在谈到研究中心的时候,Michael用到了innovative“新颖的、创新的”来形容,这个词的动词原形就是innovate,如果你在工作中发现效率很低的时候,You should consider innovating a plan for increasing efficiency. “你就应该考虑引进一项能提高效率的的计划”了;另外对於research institute(研究中心)来说,“开发、设计”工作是非常重要的,除了这里的develop 之外,你还可以用design new products, create new products 等等来表示;现在让我们来听听Michael对manufacturing plants(制造工厂)的简单介绍:Third, we have manufacturing plants in Qingdao, Shenzhen. These plants operate on a sophisticated computer system, and produce our high-quality products in large volumes.这里Michael提到了公司“在青岛、深圳都设有制造工厂。


”,这里的operate 作爲动词在商业活动中用的是比较频繁的,主要用来表达“运转、经营”等,比如说某个商行在几个国家都有经营活动,就可以说That business operates in several countries;另外提到了産品质量是high-quality(高质量的),当然我们也可以说good-quality,另外与之相反的就是 poor(low)-quality(品质差的);在形容産品的“量”上, Michael用的是large volumes(大批量),在商业上,volume也可以代表“额,总量”的概念,比如说The volume of trade is increasing.意思就是“贸易额在不断增长”;另外这里提到“电脑系统”的时候,用了sophisticated这个形容词,它的意思是“复杂的,精巧的”,这种“复杂和精巧”一般都是由“尖端技术而引起的”,所以说sophisticated computer system是非常合适的。

好了,现在公司的基本组织结构已经很清晰了,就等Michael做结束语了:I have given you an outline of our company, and now I would like to entertain your questions.听听,又用到了give sb. a brief outline的句式,这里Michael提到”给诸位介绍了本公司组织的基本概况。

下面我想接受你们的发问”,也许你注意到了在说“接受提问”的时候,Michael用了entertain这个动词,entertain本来是“招待、款待”的意思,那麽这里用 entertain one's questions使人觉得很轻松,很幽默!好了,你现在已经听到Michael是如何give a brief outline of the organization of his company.你也可以来试一试!跟着老外疯狂念这些句子,让这些句子在你的工作中散发魅力吧……*First, the main office, which is located in Beijing, specializes in personnel management,planning, advertising, and marketing of our products. Offices in other locations act according to directions by the main office.* Second, we have a very innovative research institute in Beijing where about 300 excellent scientists are experimenting to develop new products.*Third, we have manufacturing plants in Qingdao, Shenzhen. These plants operate on a sophisticated computer system, and produce our high-quality products in large volumes.* I have given you an outline of our company, and now I would like to entertain your questions.学完了1-4课,能做出下面的翻译作业吗?1.一个重要的加拿大代表团到你公司访问,你该怎样表示对他们热烈地欢迎呢?请认真阅读下面一段欢迎致辞,并把它翻译成英文:很高兴各位从加拿大来到本公司访问。
