

关键词:建筑结构;建筑美学;表现手法中图分类号:TU245.2文献标识码:A9章编号:2096-2118(2019)02-0039-03A Brief Analysis of the Architecture Aesthetics in the Structureof Architecture------Take the Yale Ice Rink as an ExampleJIN Yaqi?g,WANG Yulin(Jilin Jianzhu University,Changehun Jilin130118,China)Abstract:Taking the Yale ice rink as an example,this paper analyzes the aesthetic thoughts and expressions in the architecture,interprets the architectural forms and design methods from the aspects of architectural environment,space and modeling,and points out that the structure itself has the connotation of artistic beauty.Building space should make full use of the aesthetic expression of the structure itself,shape the architectural image from the point of view of structure technology,and make it a potential means of expression in architectural design. Keywords:architectural structure;architectural aesthetics;expressions1建筑结构与建筑美学建筑结构通常是根据力学规律形成的建筑骨架,是建筑设计中不可或缺的参考元素。

创造一种公园与城市完全融合的结构,改变园林和城市分离的传统。这 一结构并非停留在将公园的林荫道延伸到城市之中的简单层次,而是要 做到城市里面有公园的要素,公园里面有城市的格局和建筑。
其次,屈米提出了“昼夜公园”的概念。应借助美丽的夜景吸引公 众夜晚到公园中来。由此带来的人气又避免公园成为夜晚的犯罪多发地, 起到改善社会治安的目的。 ——应该采用的新理念,提高公园的利用率。在我们的设计中可以 采用。 第三,给予城市形态的发展变化,屈米提出可塑性空间的公园设计 思路。他认为,城市处于不断变化之中,公园及其周围土地的利用方式 未来难以预料,城市的发展往往造成公园因多次改造而难以协调。而能 够随着城市的发展保持自身协调性和可塑性的公园结构是非常必要的。 ——在设计时应有前瞻性,与场地的发展相结合。
《建筑索引》,2003年出版 《事件城市2》,2000年出版 《事件城市》,1994年出版 《建筑与分离》,1975-1990年理论专著合集 《曼哈顿手稿》,1981年出版
概念一 概念二 概念三 概念四 概念五 概念六 非熟悉性的科技(TechnologiesofDefamiliarisation) 城市冲击的调和(TheMediatedMetropolitanShock) 解结构(De-structure) 重叠(Superimposition) 交叉性的规画(Crossprogramming) 事件(Event):转换点(TheTurningPoint)
美国柯柏联盟学院 Cooper Union的客座教授 美国耶鲁大学建筑系客座教授
1983地点:法国巴黎-拉维莱特公园 1986地点:法国Strasbourg-县集会堂的增建案 1986地点:日本东京-东京歌剧院 1987地点:美国纽约-未来公园 1989地点:德国Volklingen-工业城市 1989地点:德国Karlsruhe-媒体传播中心 1989地点:法国巴黎-国家图书馆 1990地点:荷兰Groningen-玻璃盒影像展览场 1990地点:法国Nancy-多用途集会场所 1991地点:法国Chartres-商业性公园 1991地点:日本东京-复合性火车站 1992地点:瑞士Lausanne-桥状式的复合性建筑 1996地点:美国-哥伦比亚学生活动中心

走廊是离教室最近的空间,它除了要满足交通疏散的要求,还应该为师生 提供一定的交往空间。能满足学生独处、休憩、交谈的需要。因此,在拓宽整个 走道的同时,有意识地在合适的地方挑出一些阳台或是形成一个较大的空间,例 如靠近庭院、共享空间或是走道的尽端布置一些座椅,这样既提供了学生休憩、 交流的空间,不被过往的人所影响,同时又有助于走道的采光。
好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。上 午3时38分38秒 上午3时38分03:38:3820.12.25
专注今天,好好努力,剩下的交给时 间。20.12.2520.12.2503:3803:38:3803:38:38Dec-20
牢记安全之责,善谋安全之策,力务 安全之 实。2020年12月25日 星期五3时38分 38秒Fr iday, December 25, 2020
大的交往空间也就是“动”空间可以布置在楼内的最中心位 置,而与之相对 照的其它 一些交往空间围绕其布置,并通过 绿化、座椅、隔断进行适当的划 分,再外圈为一些“静”空间 (如教室)等。 从垂直方向布置上讲:可以将“动”空间设在低层,将“静”空间设在较高的层
上,之 间通过楼梯、电梯 等联系。
入口大厅旁另设人流集散空间,避免了与报告厅人流的交叉,保持交 通畅通,也为首层展览厅的开放做了一个合理过度。
由上述四图可以看出,都是在入口处设置一个集散空间,以过厅 的形式展现
由于基地南北面宽不大, 而东西面相对较宽, 且 北向为学校主通路,为 噪音主要来源, 通过北 面的整体实墙可以构筑 人为的心理及视觉屏障。 同时整体实墙面的中空 部分有吸纳人流的效果。

我们可以清楚地看到 和屈灵顿的游泳池相比,小空间已经独立,服务与被服务的空间关系更加清晰
作品位于美国费城宾州大学校园内,1957年开始设计,1964年建成。这个建筑 有一个曲折的通廊,由医学和生物学两个部门资助,两者对环境的要求有 很多不同。
1901 出生于俄罗斯的奥塞尔岛(现爱沙尼亚的萨列马岛) 1924 宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学士 1928—1929 旅游欧洲 1935 成Байду номын сангаас建筑师事务所 1941 和乔治.霍伟合作 1947—1957 担任耶鲁大学建筑系的设计评论员与教授 1901 担任宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学教授 19241974 于纽约逝世
在建筑语言的表达方面,他注重的是某种历史上用来交流概念,思想,意 图的手法,将形式和结构关系作为表达的语言,他所用到的“词汇”是相
“砖,你喜欢什么?” “嗯,我喜欢做个券。” “不过,券不容易做,花费也多。我认为你可以用
混凝土穿过你的洞口,这是一样的。” “唔,我明白,你是对的。但要知道,如果你问我
(servant spaces and served spaces)
康以最基本的几何形正方形 作为构图的基本元
使平面本身有着结构 和组成的逻辑
从平面到剖面 一个“凸”字 型 反复出现
作品中反映出康的建筑哲学思想中 对人和空间的关系的思考 他提出的“服务”与“被服务”的 空间 关系的概念已经上升到相当成熟的 理性高度

——Louis Isadore Kahn
圆形的楼梯是整座建筑的亮点,作为参 观的主要交通空间,这个圆形的混凝土筒像是 一个巨大的艺术品为这个外表看似平淡的建筑 增添了一些趣味,路易康对细节的苛求在这里 展露无遗,每级台阶都是用整块大理石切割而 成,不会产生由大理石拼接而成的细缝,栏杆 也是单独设计过,还专门有灯为栏杆照明,而 地下大理石铺地的接缝更是用金属镶边,在转 角平台形成像精妙数学般扇形的图案,而最让 人激动的当然就是那个三角形的混凝土屋顶, 镶嵌在圆筒楼梯间顶上,和玻璃砖形成精彩的 光线处理,这里的光线柔和,每时每刻都为楼 梯间提供足够的采光,而且效果相当的好。
——Louis Isadore Kahn
——Louis Isadore Kahn
对于内部空间的处理,中间 用一个圆形混凝土的楼梯间和一 个矩形的电梯间组织了交通,而 剩下的便是干净的展览空间。流 线相对简单,但是却很实际,到 了今天仍然符合现代艺术展览的 任何要求,声光电全都派上用场, 甚至楼层的指示牌都用投影机打 到暗色的清水混凝土墙上,特别 有感觉。

耶鲁艺术学院(Yale School of Art)隶属于耶鲁大学,成立于1864年,是美国第一所专业美术学院,研究生阶段开设有2年制MFA项目,设有平面设计、油画/版画艺术、摄影艺术和雕塑艺术。
专业设置耶鲁艺术学院本科阶段仅开设有艺术学士(BA in Arts),设有以下专业方向,分别是:平面设计(graphic design)油画艺术/版画艺术(painting/printmaking)摄影艺术(photography)雕塑艺术(sculpture)二、研究生申请1、基本要求语言要求:TOEFL总分不低于100分,IELTS总分不低于7.0,两者均无单项分数要求;学位背景要求:正规大学本科毕业并取得学士学位,无需BFA学位;GPA:未做要求,通常美国大学研究生院要求申请者本科GPA,尤其是大三和大四GPA不低于3.0,但艺术类项目更注重个人作品质量,对于GPA要求可能有所降低;GRE:未做要求;申请时间:仅接受秋季学期入学申请,截止日期为1月4日;耶鲁艺术学院研究生项目通过学校官网递交申请,要求递交的申请材料包括:申请表和申请费(online application and the nonrefundable application fee of $100);个人陈述(A one-page statement);推荐信(References);成绩单(Transcripts of the academic record for the bachelor’s degree and/or transcripts from professional art schools attended);个人作品(Portfolio of work);语言成绩单(TOEFL/IELTS Scores)3、费用与奖学金耶鲁艺术学院不向国际学生提供Merit-based奖学金和Need-based奖学金。

真不愧是美国历史第三耶鲁大学校园风光一览今天若希要带大家参观游览的学校,可以称得上是常春藤联盟(IVY League)中东北部的老牌名校,它就是被称作“美国学院之母”的耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)。
耶鲁大学(Yale University)位于纽黑文市(City of NewHaven),纽黑文是前美国总统乔治?W?布什的出生地,位于康涅狄格州(State of Connecticut)中南部长岛湾。

耶鲁大学建筑设计专业耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称“耶鲁(Yale)”,是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的世界著名私立研究型大学。
耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。


Arch Daily评选的最佳建筑网站1. ArchDaily ()2. Architectural Record ()3. Architonic ()4. Archinect ()5. World Architecture News ()6. Architecture week ()7. Bustler ()8. AIA ()9. World Architects ()10. Bldg Blog ()11. World Architecture Community ()12. Building Design ()13. Mirage Studio ()14. RIBA ()15. Architecture MNP ()16. AJ Online ()17. MIMOA (www.mimoa.eu)18. Eiknographia ()19. Architect Magazine ()20. ArchiDose ()21. + Mood ()此外,根据alexa排名,评选出了20个有建筑内容的混合型站点:1. Designboom ()2. Inhabitat ()3. Yanko Design ()4. Dezeen ()5. Mocoloco ()6. Furniture Fashion ()7. Notcot ()8. PSFK ()9. The Coolhunter ()10. Contemporist ()11. Dwell Blog (/blogs)12. World Changing ()13. Materialicious ()14. Dezain ()15. Icon Eye ()16. We Heart Stuff ()17. Things Magazine ()18. City of Sound ()19. Dezona ()20. Tropolism ()宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学作品集/f/14012273.html建筑留学作品集/f/20733849.html 建筑留学作品集/f/20733850.html 耶鲁建筑申请作品集./f/20387969.html英国建筑留学申请优秀作品集/f/20200230.html华南理工优秀毕业生77 建筑出国优秀作品集/f/21167498.htmlNick_Wang`s_portfolio_建筑学优秀作品集_英国申请/f/23076924.html东南大学建筑系优秀毕业生作品集/f/22726992.html国外建筑作品集/f/21931390.html 美国柏克莱大学建筑系学生作品集/f/13595921.html耶鲁大学建筑,优秀作品,建筑设计/view/4a876403cc1755270722087b.ht ml 建筑学院嘘学生出国申请作品集/view/88f4b61ea300a6c30c229f9a.ht ml 建筑学生作品集/view/2be73b0c581b6bd97f19ea16.ht ml 清华建筑作品集及手绘效果图/htmldata/20091208/c4bc29f9cff1d8f0. html 华南理工大学建筑作品集/htmldata/20101111/b30a909d45236a4 f.html 个人建筑作品集/htmldata/20111122/047920a3d6373b3 c.html 国外建筑学作品集/p-248695570.html出国建筑设计作品集/d-268661.html建筑学建筑作品集/d-400435.html Portfolio+Final Review建筑留学出国作品集/p-228457626.html 天大He_Song 建筑出国留学作品集/p-53274395.htmlyehsensu+portfolio台湾国立成功大学牛人作品集/p-58300145.html清华yangguang耶鲁大学Yale申请作品集/p-86693626.html牛人GSD-MLA出国留学作品集/p-278654975.html荷兰Delft建筑学院出国留学申请作品集/p-164569613.html留美建筑学申请优秀作品集Portfolio of Chenjinfan/p-102666822.html。

• 荷兰驻德国大使馆
库哈斯和艾伦.凡.鲁恩设计的 荷兰驻德国大使馆新馆一举击败其 他同样实力不俗的竞争者,从30多 个进入决赛的方案中脱颖而出。颁 奖仪式上,Figel专员说,“提名的 项目代表了欧洲人每天接触到的建 筑所带来的文化精髓。它们是功能 和美感的结合,在塑造和谐环境方 面扮演了重要角色。” 库哈斯和艾伦.凡.鲁恩设计的 荷兰驻德国大使馆新馆位于柏林亚 历山大广场后面,距离使馆区较远, 于2003年11月建成。评委对它的评 价是“空间宽阔、综合性强、富于 创新、惊喜无处不在”。
• 伊利诺理工学院学生活动中心
库哈斯将跨越伊利诺理工学院学生活 动中心的捷运围上一个椭圆形的隧道, 这样的处理手法着实打破了一般建筑 体验的范畴。 伊利诺理工学院学生活动中心是一座 9300平方公尺的单层建筑,使用机能 包括:会议中心、娱乐中心等。库哈 斯以「路径」的概念打造学生活动中 心,在他眼里学生活动中心是学生来 回校园间的一个歇脚处。在那儿可以 坐下来读书、躲雨等。库哈斯以连续 的缓坡相互交错穿越来突显学生活动 中心的「路径」功能,而把部分功能 的地板下沉。此外,室内还有许多大 型的平面设计,如密斯——创办人头 像,以及放大的符号人等构成的墙面, 更增添了活动中心的特殊性与趣味性。
对于外型,库哈斯首先为了强调动感,两 栋主体塔楼呈倾斜状。 然后经过一个巨型悬挑出去的空中拐角 间接相连的。 两栋塔楼之间的地面联结则是经过另 外一个与空中拐角相对应的地面拐角相连 的。 整个建筑看上去,是两个镂空的巨大 的“Z”交缠在一起的门字的三维立体形状, 中间是一个巨大的洞, 大楼外面将采用特 种玻璃,其表面被烧制成灰色瓷釉,能更 有效遮蔽日晒。
耶鲁大学校园建筑巍峨壮观 生活便利

耶鲁大学校园建筑巍峨壮观生活便利耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称耶鲁,是一所坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文的顶尖私立研究型大学,最初由康涅狄格州公理会教友于1701年创立,1716年迁至康涅狄格州的纽黑文。
被公认为全美乃至世界最好的私立大学之一;是美国东北部老牌名校“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的八大成员之一;是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的一所大学;也是美国最具影响力的顶尖私立大学之一;还是美国建立的第三所大学。
而一些现代建筑也常被作为建筑史中的典范出现在教科书中,其中包括路易·康设计的耶鲁大学美术馆、耶鲁大学英国艺术中心;Eero Saarinen设计的Ingalls滑冰场、Ezra Stiles学院和Morse学院;以及由Paul Rudolph设计的艺术和建筑系大楼。
建筑师James Gamble Rogers为了使建筑显得老旧,采用了在石质墙面上泼酸、故意打破玻璃并且使用中世纪的方法补合,并且还人为的添加了许多空的装饰性壁龛,仿佛雕塑已经失落很久。

(Paul Rudolph,1918-)
纽黑文耶鲁大学艺术 与建筑系大楼(1963)。

盖里的作品常常成为城市的地标,为 城市带来活力和吸引力,提升城市形 象。
盖里的作品注重环保和可持续发展, 为城市规划提供了一种新的思路和方 向。
盖里的设计理念有助于推动城市更新 和改造,改善城市环境和生活质量。
详细描述:盖里运用创新的工程技术,将建筑的结构与 外观完美结合,如用反向弯曲的钢架来支撑整个建筑, 展现出独特的视觉效果。
详细描述:博物馆的设计融入了当地的地域特色,与周 围的环境相得益彰,体现了盖里对建筑与环境和谐共生 的追求。
总结词:标志性建筑 总结词:环保理念 总结词:多功能空间
安藤忠雄是日本著名建筑师,以简约主义和自然融合的设计 理念著称。与安藤忠雄相比,盖里的作品更加注重创新和实 验,而安藤忠雄则更强调建筑与自然的和谐共生。
总结词:颠覆传统 总结词:创新结构 总结词:地域特色
详细描述:盖里的设计大胆颠覆了传统博物馆的建筑形 式,采用流线型的曲线外观,如同自然形成的山丘,给 人留下深刻的印象。
西班牙毕加索博物馆 丹麦哥本哈根的赫尔辛格的赫斯霍尔门
盖里认为每个建筑都应 有独特的形态和语言, 反对千篇一律的建筑风
盖里注重建筑与周围环 境的和谐共生,认为建 筑应与自然环境相互融

定的主题是physical diagram,希望能表达以模型为主导的思考与设计过程。
所有参与的竞赛作品、一些有意思的设计和实习期间的东西放到了other works里,再后面是一些速写和建筑摄影,也为了表现我做过比较多的建筑旅行。

architecture design portfolioDAMON WAKEdvwake@(602) 647-1664ADDRESS4701 East Arcadia LanePhoenix, AZ 85018(602) 840-8157EDUCATIONCollege of Architecture, Art, and PlanningBachelors of Architecture February 2010Cumulative GPA: 3.748 - Dean’s List 4 yearsCornell in RomeSemester, extension of Cornell AAP based in Rome with local Roman and Ithaca faculty.Program focused on the study of Contemporary and Historical Italian Art and Architecturein conjunction with analytical research and design in Rome and during immersion tripsthroughout Italy.Cornell Latin AmericaEight-week, 15 credit architecture design, visual representation, and theory program inMexico and Brazil. Traveling study of Historical and Modern Latin American culture, art, andArchitecture, focused on lectures, readings, sketch books, and design charettes.AWARDSSeipp Memorial Prize Competition, Co-WinnerCornell second year architecture competition for an ADA accessible renovation of SibleyHallDwell Magazine Re-Burbia Competition, FinalistOpen competition hosted by Dwell Magazine for visually and theoretically compellingimages/ideas for the re-construction of suburban developmentCOMPUTER SKILLSAutodesk AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 4 (Including Grasshopper), Adobe Photoshop, AdobeIllustrator, Google Sketch-Up, Microsoft O ce, Pepakura, basic Adobe Premiere,basic Autodesk Maya 8FABRICATION SKILLSWoodworking, Metal Working including welding and casting, Laser Cutting, Scale ModelMaking (including plaster and cement casting, soldiering, bass wood, foam, chipboard,plexi construction, etc.)Fall 2007Summer 2006Fall 2006August 2009WORK EXPERIENCEDesign InternshipMS Square Construction, Glendale AZ Administrative Assistant architect. Wrotebiding documents and organized bids from multiple Sub-Contractors to produce project cost estimates. Contacted local businesses to securenon-competitive contracts.Vincent Mulcahy, Ithaca NYConstruction g, painting, andhardware installation to demolition and landscaping. Worked closely with home owner, and professor Vince Mulcahy who oversaw all work.Rand Hall Wood & Metal Shop Technician’s Assistant Assist in the management and safety of Architecture and Art shop facilities. Train undergrad and graduate Architecture and Fine Arts majorsFirst-Aid assistancein the case of injury.2003 - 2007Summer 2005Summer 20082006 - 2009References Brian E. Beeners - Shop and Fabrication Facilities Supervisor beb4@, 607 255 1527 Dana Cupkova - Professordanacupkova@, 607 255 2701 Yanni Loukissas - Thesis Advisoryal1@, 607 255 2785Charles Schi ner - Architect 602 954 7442Freelance Design2010Studio CWake, Phoenix AZ Worked consistently for four years at the small, design oriented rm specializing in Taliesin and Native American architecture. Co-managed a home renovation, preparing shematic and design development drawings while acting as project manager. Worked extensivly on the Wind River Casino in Wyoming, prepared drawings for bidding, designed panelings layouts, color schemes, schedules, worked with an FF&E specialits, and presented work to the CEO, subcontractor, and engineers. Drew and edited cad drawings of all development levels and provided 3D renderings for clients.Independent design work on single family homes and co ee shops. Commercial work includes printed graphics, interior re-design, and back of house extensions. Currently working on single family new home construction in Seattle and a new duplex in Phoenix.Damon Wake-c 2010C O N T E N TSIBLEY PROJECTED - SEIPP MEMORIAL PRIZEcollaboration: michael hughes – advisor: henry richardson - fall 2006 Design competition for an ADA accessible r enovation of Sibley Hall, First Place FORM WORKS - CHELSEA HIGHLINE DEVELOPMENTadvisor: vincent mulcahy - spring 2007 with commercial and public use spacesCONNECTED CITY - ROCHESTER BROWNFIELD RE-USEcollaboration: lisa corkum - advisor: henry Richardson - fall 2006 Transit oriented development project for a Mid-rise multi-use building in a former industrial complex undergoing re-use and re-developmentPLAZA DE MUSICA - VALENCIA MUSIC CENTERadvisors: antón garcía-abril, débora mesa-molina - spring 2008 City music center and public plaza space adjoining Studio Ensemble’s new Berkley School of Music center on the outskirts of Valencia Spain ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY CENTER - LEADING EDGE DESIGN COMPETITIONcollaboration: chad christie, lisa corkum, peter rodway, larysa konowka - advisor: martha bohm - spring 2008 Sustainable design competition for a multi-use history, teaching, and research center in Santa BarbraCalifornia near rejuvenated wetlands LOVENESS RESIDENCE - VASHON ISLAND NEW HOME DESIGNcollaboration: lisa corkum – client: elizabeth loveness - 2010 Schematic development proposals for a new residence overlooking the Puget Sound onVashon Island near Seattle Washington 02_03_04_05_06_01_STRUCTURAL MODEL - MADRID BARAJAS AIRPORTcollaboration: asdren matoshi – advisors: mark cruvellier, mark cruvellier - spring 2007 Scale model structural analysis of Richard Roger’s airport project07_RADIAL ERECT-URBIA - DWELL REBURBIA COMPETITION collaboration: michael hughes - summer 2009 COLLAGE - LATIN AMERICAadvisors: andrea simitch, ta: marrisa tirone - summer 2006 Select pages from the collage sketchbook compiled of found materials on the Cornell Latin America summertrip through Mexico and BrazilBRONZE CASTINGadvisor: roberto bertoia - fall 2009Caste bronze sculpture completed for advanced sculpture classCARVED LUMINAIRadvisor: roberto bertoia - fall 2009 Hand and machine carved wood block with indirect lighting feature, completed for advanced sculpture class BEDSIDE LUMINAIRadvisor: martha bohm - spring 2007 Bedside night table with multiple lighting features, completed for lighting and acousticsSKETCHBOOK - MEXICO-BRAZIL/ROME-ITALYadvisors: james williamson, val warke, andrea simitch - summer 2006advisors: vincent mulcahy, alberto iacovoni - fall 2007 Freehand, on-site architectural sketches08_09_11_10_13_14_ Image based online design competition hosted by Dwell and to propose creative PROFESSIONAL DESIGN - CHARLES SCHIFFNER & ASSOCIATESprincipal: charles schi ner - 2005 - 2006 Schematic design and visual presentation work for clients of home renovation projects12_south north east eastscheme 1 Freelance Architecture & Design – Studio CWakecollaboration: lisa corkumProject:2k sqft new home construction sitson a slope overlooking the Puget Sound andthe Olympic Peninsula on Vashon Island'swestern coast. The home is a retirement spotdesigned to live one but expand forentertainment when the client's two sons, andfuture grandchildren, come to visit. Two mainscheme were developed with almost identicalprograms. The first focuses on a large picturewindow and loft space looking out to the seawhile the second focuses on a cantileveredsecond floor living space providing cover for anoutdoor fireplace and porch below. Bothscheme were developed visually for the client.First FloorSecond FloorB e d r o o m B e d r o o mP a y R o o m R e a d n g R o o mB a t h B e d r o o m NM a s t e r B e d r o o mD n n g D e n P a o F o y e rM u dK t c h e nPantryB a t hnorth easteastscheme 2SIBLEY PROJECTEDSEIPP MEMORIAL PRIZE COMPETITIONconcept sketchesexploded axonometric –accessible circulation through three part struc-ture with projected gallery and peeled back façadecollaboration: michael hughesadvisor: henry richardsonfall 2006co-winner first placecompetition parameters – to design an ADA Accesible renovation for the first floor of Sibley Hall connecting the dome with the east and west wings.scheme – gutting the first floor and basement under the dome, the new and expanded Hartell Gallery projects out of the back façade over a sunken plaza that bridges over the new lowered parking lot. pulling back the interior from the front façade, a new loggia space overlooks the arts quad and acts as a grand entrance to the interior atrium. steel stairs and causeways wrap the out edge of the double high space over the new extended Green Dragon café space. The pushed back glass box aligns with the axial hallways on either side of Sibley while creating an outdoor covered plaza.first floor planbasement plancross section through Sibley Domepresentation boards with sectional model and paper studiesmanhattandesignthinktank The project addresses multiple scales of context and diversities of programmatic occupation. Large high-rises contrast with Chelsea’s general low-rise neighborhood that has, until now, remained one of the last areas of lower Manhattan to become heavily gentrified. The defunct elevated railway known as the Highline, a vestige of the area’s meatpacking heritage, is set to become an elevated public park with some sporadic program. Several developers have started to build high-rise condos. Chelsea’s quiet artsy feel seems to be in jeopardy of becoming another Soho.Located on the edge of Manhattan in a vacant Chelsea parking lot between West 17th and 18th streets, this infill development project is a proposal designed to maintain the pregentrified character of the area while accommodating its inevitable commercial growth.concept site modellongitudinal sectionconcept project proposal modelwest elevationThe fourteen story tower facing the Hudson houses artists in residence while providing mechanical access to studio and work spaces in the forward slab. The back slab addresses the Highline’s turn by wrapping around on the far side while placing three stories of small shops on its edge for easy access by Highline joggers and walkers. A long glazed plinth on 18th street provides plenty of gallery and exhibition space for artists-inresidence. Lifted from a sunken ground plane, the building opens 10th Avenue to the Hudson and Chelsea Piers. Access to the ground level lawn, sculpture garden, and amphitheater creates a cloistered and continuously occupied public armature connecting with the Highline, Riverbank and adjacent parks.plexi massing modelsouth elevationcross sectionrendered model in siteCONNECTED CITY-ROCHESTER BROWNFIELD RE-USEcollaboration: lisa corkum advisor: henry richardson fall 2006on the edge of the geneses river in a century old industrial area recently redeveloped as a commercial center near Rocherster’s downtown, this multi-use project strategically links disparate parts of the vacant downtown with new development to help generate further reuse and redevelopment of the city centersite plan with proposed rail links and pedestrian movers in greencity zoningzoning blocks extruded by population denistygreen roof context on the edge of the geneses river in a century old industrial area recently redeveloped as a commercial center near Rocherster’s downtown, this multi-use project strategically links disparate parts of the vacant downtown with new development to help generate further reuse and redevelopment of the city centercity hot spots derived from programatic density and populationmapping strategic analytical mapping of Rochester’s downtown shows a lack of programmatic continuity with major population centers. by locating hot spots, or areas of programmatic density (high in attractor programs such as restaurants, bars, liquor stores, clubs, theaters, cinemas, etc.) we drew a map expressive of city’s dynamic use. the project’s proposed light rail link and cross river with suburban population centers. the project site serves as a primary transit hub, structure for attractor programs, and year round public space.rooftop planscheme the interior atrium space is derived by the lofting lower tube houses the main elevated light rail station. the hollowed core opens up to the view of the river gorge and waterfall while avoiding direct sun exposure. the key pedestrian path is a small loop that connects a commercial hot spot across the gorge with the stadium through the project proposal.attractor programs within city centerview from opposite bank internal atrium formal deformation processverticle circulationopen atrium access spacecommercial programbent frame and secondary beam and column systemlateral bracingMoment Connections Shear Connectionstypical framing planstructure a bent frame system provides the primaryBentsColumnsGirderssecondary pin connected columns and beams transfer the loads from the concrete slabs down while maintaining an un obstructed atrium and curved glass ceiling. lateral bracing is provided by a continuous diagrid structure. this system gives the exterior diamond shaped appearance as large out on the north east main entrance.Beamsrail system and structureprimary bent frame structureexterior glazing and diagrid vertical circulation systemsMain Air Handling Room at Floor 8Typical Branch Supply and ReturnDuctsSupply & ReturnShaftsBentLateral Bracing w/ InsulationMullionDouble Pane Insulated GlassSmoke Panel10” Concrete Slab w/ Shear JointsDucktsDiffuserFire Sprinkler Light FixturePerforated Metal Drop CeilingCeiling Hangers28” Girder 12” Beam w/ Fire ProofingSteel DeckingFinish Floor*Detail Section Adapted From Prada Tokyo, Herzog & de Mueron 2004, El Croquis Issue 129-130variable glass tintingenvelope detail section*environmental systemstinted glass panels vary across the façade to allow in a variable amounts of sunlight dependant on programmatic and environ-mental needs. primary mechanical cores near the elevator shafts provide the main supplies of hot and cold air in individual atrium space relies primarily on direct gain through the glazing for heating. secondary days while ceiling exhaust fans prevent over heating in summer.Main Air Handling EquipmentFor Offices and RetailChilled Water PlantBoilerSupply & Exhaust Branch Supply & ReturnsMain Supply & ReturnsMain Air Handling EquipmentFor AtriumBoilerExhaust F ansChilled WaterPlantDirect GainMain Supply & ReturnsBranch Supply & ReturnsFloor VentsStack Ventilation passive and active heating and cooling systemszamfonia (hurdy gurdy)music machineinstead of using a rosined wheel to vibrate the keys and a keybox to produce notes; a piston automatically moves the strings when turned. the music box is replaced by individual structural units holding up the camshaft and pistons.Initial concept research derived from a study of the zamfonia, or the Spanish version of the medieval instrument known in English as the zamfonia. a piston based machine served as the guiding conceptual structure and organization of the music center and plaza.project proposals required designing a public music center adjacent to the not yet constructed Berkley School of Music center on the southern developing edge of Valenciageneral scheme L shaped structure wraps around the open plaza and plinth rooftop to activate multiple urban spaces changing in scale and size up through the towertheaters/halls student housing nearest public spacea lack of major public spaces, nearby student housing, and appropriate program segregates the site from denser parts of the cityrooftop planthe elevated connecting arm provides spectator and program-mable spaces to look down on the plinth rooftop plaza whilethe main plaza stage can be viewed from either the groundlevel plaza or rooftopsecondary steel structuresteel floor plates steel scrims lifted ground and shell structureS TA G E SU P P O R T S TA G E S U P P O R T S TA G E S U P P O R T S TA G E E LE V A T E D S EA T I N G E LE VA T E DS E A T IN G E L E V AT E DS E A T I N G B AR /N I GH T C LU B B A R /N I G H T C L UBP U B L I C L O C K E R SB A T H -RO O M S B A T H -RO O M S P LA Z A - S P OR T SF E I LD -S T A G E S M A LL -SC AL ER ET AI L& C A F ES M A LL -SC AL ER ET AI L & CA FEprogramatic distributionbelow ground facilities mainly cater to athletic needs since the plaza and rooftop can be used for small local sports events in daytime. the main ground level includes a plaza between Berkley school and lifted seating for sports spectators. The first above ground level consists of stage support spaces. centered between support areas and framed by the main shell structure, the stage faces towards the tower. the south block is a three story bar/night club with access to the stage level when there are no performances.The elevated wing consists of two stories of small retail and bar/restaurant spaces set back from the edge to allow for circulation and views of the rooftop and stage area.floor plansperspectivesvariable shadernw & se elevations process sketchesvariable shading is provided by large retractable sail like cloth shades. this activates the south facing plaza and stage area for daytime use which would otherwise be too hot for 24 hour occupation. permanent steel scrims provide constant shading for fixed programs.University of California, Santa Barbara ENVIRONMENTAL + HISTORY CENTERcollaboration: chad christie, lisa corkum, peter rodway, larysa konowkaadvisor: martha bohm - spring 2008NAccess Drive +Disabled Parking Isla Vista School Playground Camino Corto Open Space Building GroundLevel EntryBioremediationAreasPe des t ri a nPa th sFire Lane BioremediationArea BioremediationAreaBarn PlazaProposed Vernal Pool Chain-link Fence Over-Flow Drain 1Over-Flow Drain 2Rooftop Sedum Plantings Bioremediation Plantings Water Collection Pond Drain 1 Collection Area Drain 2 Collection Area Flow Towards Slough WATER FLOW + DRAINAGEOver-Flow Drain 1Over-Flow Drain 2Rooftop Sedum PlantingsBioremediation Plantings Water Colletion Pond Drain 1 Collection Area Drain 2 Collection AreaFlow Twords SloughOn-Site Water Flows PROJECT NARRATIVEProject utilizes natural ventilation from ocean breezes which is aided by the lifted of the southern corner.Extensive water catchment systems collect rain water and runoff from the nearby hard-scapes to be filteredthrough a bio remediation zone before entering the wetland areas.Extensive sun calculations dictated the placement of recycled wood shading louvers. In winter the building’snatural b the building is entirely heated by direct gain, thus not requiring any mechanical heating system.The Leading Edge sustain-able design competitioncalled for a multi-use history,teaching, and researchcenter in Santa BarbraCalifornia near rejuvenated wetlands. The site includesan old barn and is adjacent to an elementary school.TRANSVERSE BUILDING SECTIONLandscape extended below grade connecting courtyard to barnEAST ELEVATION Lecture Hall with vertical louvers and less fenestration articulatinga more controlled program Offices fully fenestrated with operable glazing and vertical louvers Classrooms and Library fully fenestrated with operable glazing and vertical louvers Entrance to Library from roof above lobbyClassroom LibraryClassroomOffices Courtyard/ BioremediationAreaLobbyLecture HallBathroomsFire stairsCLASSROOM WALL SECTION3” Fly-Ash Concrete Steel Decking Open Web Steel Joists 1” Rigid Insulation(Expanded Perlite Organic Bonded)Vapor Barrier1” Fly-Ash Concrete Cladding(Sub-Sand/Gravel/Stone Concrete)1/2” DrywallWater Resistant Barrier AirspaceUncoated Low-E Double Pane GlassSteel StudWooden PlanksDrainage Layer 3” Cellulose Insulation (Recycled Newsprint)Metal Grated Drop Ceiling ROOF ASSEMBLYWALL ASSEMBLYFLOOR ASSEMBLYMarmoleum3” Fly-Ash ConcreteSteel DeckingOpen Web Steel Joists1” Rigid Insulation(Expanded Perlite Organic Bonded)Vapor BarrierAirspace1” Fly-Ash Concrete Cladding(Sub-Sand/Gravel/Stone Concrete)Vapor Barrier3” Cellulose Insulation(Recycled Newsprint)Water Resistant BarrierAirspaceAirspaceDETAILED CLASSROOM SECTIONA I R P O R T 2d modelstructural collaboration:asdren matoshiadvisors:mark cruvellierMatt Lindsayspring 2007This structural model represents a detail section of the Madrid Barajas Airport designed by Richard Rogers. The two primary structural systems are a composite concrete slab floor system holding up curved “gull wing” shaped roof frames. Each roof section consists of steel girders supported by hinged V and Y columns on H shaped concrete base columns. Circular skylights puncture the top curves. A steel and glass curtain wall hangs from the end of each wing and is tied to the upper slab.We cast the upper floor level in 1/4in. Rockite cement with soldered piano wire reinforcing. The wire reinforcing connects to brass hinge connections on the secondary Y shaped columns and fixed connections on the V shaped columns. More brass hinges fix the columns to the roof constructed of curved bass wood girders. The curtain wall is constructed of soldered brass rods and H shapes.Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do CongonhasFaculty of Architecture & Planning University São PauloBrazilian Museum of Sculpture in São PauloForma Furniture Showroom - São Paulo Ministry of Education and CultureRio de Janeiro Summer 2006advisors: james williamson,val warke, andrea simitchOratorio de San Felipe Neri - San Miguel de Allende Our Lady of Pilar - Ouro PretoMonastery AlcomanUniveristy of GuanajuatoSketches completed during the Cornell SummerLatin America program were completed on sitewhile traveling through Mexico and Brazil.Villa Carprarola Villa Madama - RomeBasilica of St Anthony - PaduaBaptistry - PisaCamposanto Monumentale - PisaFall 2007advisor: vincent mulcahyDuomo - Siena Piazza del Campo - Siena Castel del Monte - ApuliaPiazza Navona - RomeSketches completed during the Cornell Romeprogram were completed on site within Rome andits environs as well as on trips throughoutNorthern and Southern Italy.Radial Erect-UrbiaThese 3000 ft mobile tower-cranes toddle towards suburban communities where they proceed to drill deep footings at the center of their cores into the earth and outstretch their tripod legs over a 2000 ft radius of suburb. The crane tears out homes from their plots and shelves them in 60 floors of open floor plates. Breaking it up into five sub neighborhoods, commercial/public floors are packed full of the big box stores and strip malls that sustain residential communities. Each sub-neighborhood is an atrium space of houses connecting to a core with wide causeways planted as walking parks./2009/08/05/radial-erect-urbia-2/A drill digs the core underground to extract geothermal energy and regulate the extraction and return of ground-water for. The crane’s legs unfold and pivot around the core to cultivate cleared land. Tilling, planting, watering, and harvesting are performed by the three revolving utility appendages. A wind turbine rotates to collect energy while the crane erects connecting thoroughfares to adjacent towers. The elevated links support public transit networks and allow the flow of people and goods. Each tower sustains 1200 single-family homes and 2.5 million sq ft of commercial/public space for some 5000 inhabitants. By radically retrofitting suburbs, the old methodology of horizontal sprawl is supplanted with a scheme of vertical-core sprawl freeing the suburbanite from the demands of automotive travel while maintaining the spatial desire for individual homes and returning the land to mother nature.Bronze Casting Pouring against gravity, a liquid stream breaks through a platonic sphere. Boiling forces inside the cracked shell seem to both create and destroy. The curved stem precariously floats the weighty ball, appearing to almost fall at anysecond. The piece explores simple dichotomies: smooth & rough, heavy & light, platonic & irregular, light & dark, flow &static, shadow & reflection.Design。
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Dog Run
Park Trails
A taxonomy of extrusion enhancements were developed and operated in the conceptual park/facade interplay.
Informe is process of generating form from rules. Form by itself is nothing more than geometry. The charged space between form and informe contains vectors for complexity and emergence. From each rule imposed on a system of informe are folded forces (forces waiting to spring forth, potential). These forces unravel in the space between form and informe. In this project, tessellation is generative rule. As the form tessellates, emergent patterns within the form result from the push of increased density along the edge where the tessellation occurs. These forces, as they push into the active system cause spatial compression in one dimension and spatial expansion along another as forces are resolved to maintain c1 continuity (tangential continuity).
Virtual Park/Real Park
Affine Transformation
Primary Facade/ Secondary Facade
Tom Tang
Yale School of Architecture 2009
hybrids are naturally more adpative to its environment due to the sheer number of permutations possible. Genetically bottle-necked concepts are cross-bred across traditional boundaries to generate productive and more fit offsprings.
Skin and Volume
Fall06:01 Skin and Volume are the basic tenents of manifolds, hulls, and forms. In this project, both skin and volume sought dematerialization. The volume is both punctured by the excessive folding of the skin and reaffirmed by the continuity of each strand. In this way, dependancies between skin and volume are intact while questioning the volatility of both.
A conceptual collage, disparate constraints are topologically mapped and networked based on loose relationships. This exploratory device yeilded a consistent conceptual strain of categorization and performance enhancement. By looking to the city for part categorization, the dialectic between facade and park drove at the issue of both reciprocation negation whereby a duality of facades and parks distinguish the categorized and enhanced elements of the building
Dog Suites
Cafe Seat Wall
Parking Lot
Cafe TabΒιβλιοθήκη e Cafe Seat Wall Room Pool
Human Suites
Parking Garage
Building programs respond to an urban condition as a catalyst for enhancement.
The question posed by this project was twofold. First, how can one analyze a site using fields? And second, how does one design with this field in mind? The former is an exercise in critical analysis: more precisely, the ability to focus on a systemic framework to infer the inner workings of a system. The conditions of the field were recognized as a matrix of velocity vectors. By representing the velocity as a field, space was parameterized in a consistent single variable condition from which interactions and site conditions can be extracted. The site analysis was used as an empirical analysis model to determine relationships between various modes of transportation: pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus, and train. Focusing on the field interference points, it became apparent that the level or fluidity of the interaction was directly related to velocity. Field interference was generally categorized as homogenous, heterogeneous, and field transfers. The first two are descriptive of interactivity conditions, the last addresses people transferring from one mode of transportation to another. The threshold levels of fluid interaction in heterogeneous systems were catalogued and mapped back to velocity and acceleration to show dependencies. From these systems, methods were created to measure/manipulate velocity in order to promote or hinder fluidity in field interference. Designing within the framework of the field allowed one to design another field on the extant field, or relegate field to analysis only. The analysis, through its empirical rule extractions no longer had a direct spatial relationship to the site, but rather created a kit of tools to implement any design strategy dealing with velocity. Returning to the spatial attributes of the site, the site interference zones offer an opportunity to use the velocity manipulation tools in order to influence or disrupt extant field conditions. In order to mediate velocity, adjustments to extant velocity conditions require that all objects operate on the lowest common denominator. This means that cars must operate at the same velocity as that of pedestrians and so would cars and buses. This would severely cripple the performance of the transportation system. So instead of velocity mediation, a a system of velocity segregation is proposed instead. By understanding the tools for adjusting and measuring velocity, those same tools are now used to isolate velocities and provide a phenomenological or experiential perception of velocity for the objects which operate and activate the architectural mechanisms within the field.