
岗 位

1. 功能领域分类:按照不同的功能领域将岗位进行分类,如销售岗位、市场岗位、财务岗位等。
2. 职能分类:按照不同的职能将岗位进行分类,如管理岗位、技术岗位、行政岗位等。
3. 层级分类:按照岗位在组织中的层级关系进行分类,如高层管理岗位、中层管理岗位、基层操作岗位等。
4. 要求标准分类:按照岗位对员工的要求和能力进行分类,如高级岗位、中级岗位、初级岗位等。
1. 确定岗位分类的维度和标准:根据组织的具体情况,确定岗位分类的维度和标准,如根据不同的功能领域进行分类,或者根据职能进行分类等。
2. 收集和整理岗位相关信息:收集和整理与各个岗位相关的工作职责、工作要
3. 对岗位进行分类:根据收集到的信息,对各个岗位进行分类,并确定每个岗位所属的分类。
4. 批准和发布岗位分类表:由组织的管理者对岗位分类结果进行审批,并将最终的岗位分类表发布给相关部门和员工。
5. 定期审核和调整岗位分类:根据组织的需求和变化,定期对岗位分类进行审核和调整,以保持岗位分类的有效性和适应性。

二、分类原则1. 科学性:以职业特点和岗位要求为依据,合理划分工作岗位。
2. 实用性:充分考虑各类工作岗位的实际需求,便于操作和应用。
3. 动态性:根据社会发展和职业变迁,及时调整和完善工作岗位分类。
4. 综合性:涵盖国民经济各个行业,满足不同领域的工作岗位需求。
1. 职业大类职业大类是按照国民经济行业分类,将具有相似职业特点的工作岗位归并为一个大类。
本标准共设立19个职业大类,分别为:(1)农、林、牧、渔业(2)采矿业(3)制造业(4)电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业(5)建筑业(6)批发和零售业(7)住宿和餐饮业(8)交通运输、仓储和邮政业(9)信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业(10)金融业(11)房地产业(12)租赁和商务服务业(13)科学研究和技术服务业(14)水利、环境和公共设施管理业(15)教育(16)卫生和社会工作(17)文化、体育和娱乐业(18)公共管理、社会保障和社会组织(19)居民服务、修理和其他服务业2. 职业中类职业中类是在职业大类的基础上,按照工作性质和任务相似的原则,将工作岗位进一步细分。
以下为部分职业中类的示例:(1)农、林、牧、渔业农业生产人员林业生产人员畜牧业生产人员渔业生产人员(2)制造业金属冶炼和压延加工人员金属加工人员电子设备制造人员化学原料和化学制品制造人员(3)电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业发电、变电和配电人员燃气生产和供应人员水生产和供应人员3. 职业小类职业小类是在职业中类的基础上,进一步细化工作岗位。
以下为部分职业小类的示例:(1)农、林、牧、渔业农业技术员农业经济管理员农业机械化技术人员农业技术推广人员(2)制造业金属铸造工金属焊接工金属热处理工金属压力加工工(3)电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业变电站值班员配电网运行维护员燃气输配工水质检验员四、岗位描述以下为部分职业大类的岗位描述:1. 农、林、牧、渔业(1)农业生产人员主要职责:负责农作物种植、管理和收割工作,确保农业生产顺利进行。



工作岗位分类标准工作岗位分类标准01-----经营管理类-----0101 总裁/总经理/CEO0102 行政总监0103 技术总监CTO/总工0104 人力资源总监0105 财务总监CFO/总会计师0106 首席信息官CIO0107 首席运营官/COO0108 市场/营销总监0109 联盟经理02-----公关/市场营销类-----0201 公关经理0202 公关专员0211 市场经理/营销经理0212 渠道经理0213 产品/品牌经理0214 市场助理/专员0215 市场营销/推广/合作0216 客户代表/营销代表0217 市场策划0218 市场分析/调研0221 CI 设计与策划0222 广告文案/媒体策划/设计03-----贸易/销售/业务类-----0301 国内贸易0302 国外贸易/涉外业务0303 跟单员0304 报关员0311 销售经理/区域经理/商务经理0312 销售工程师/销售代表0313 销售助理/业务员0314 商务代表/商务助理/业务助理04-----财务类-----0401 财务经理/主任0402 会计主管0411 注册会计师0412 会计0413 出纳0421 审计经理/主管/专员0422 注册审计师0431 统计0432 计划0433 稽核0434 财务分析0435 成本分析/核算05-----行政/人力资源管理类---0501 行政经理/主管0502 行政专员/行政秘书/助理0503 办公室主任0511 人力资源经理/专员/助理0512 培训经理/专员/助理0513 招聘经理/专员/助理0514 薪酬福利经理/专员/助理0515 绩效考核经理/专员/助理06-----文职类-----0601 图书情报/资料/文档管理0602 文秘/高级文员0603 资料/文档撰写/编辑0611 计算机操作员/打字员/文员/校对0612 前台/接待员/礼仪0613 收发员/话务员/后勤0621 英语翻译0622 日语翻译0623 法语翻译0624 德语翻译0625 韩语翻译0626 其它语种07-----客户服务类-----0701 客户服务经理0702 技术支持/客户培训0703 售前/售后服务0704 热线咨询0705 客户关系处理0706 客户分析0707 投诉处理08-----工厂类-----0801 厂长/副厂长0802 厂务管理0803 车间主任/拉长0811 产品开发0812 品质管理0813 采购管理0814 仓储管理0815 物料管理0816 设备管理0817 安全管理0821 配色美工0822 计划/调度/协调员0823 PMC/SMT 技术员0824 生产控制文员09---计算机/互联网类----0901 技术主管/项目经理0902 信息经理/内容主管/栏目主持0911 程序员/软件工程师0912 系统集成/支持0913 系统分析员0914 硬件开发工程师/硬件工程师0921 软件测试工程师0922 硬件测试工程师0931 网站/电子商务开发0932 网络工程师0933 网站策划0934 网页设计与制作0935 网站美工/电脑美工0936 网站编辑0941 数据库开发与管理0942 系统/网络管理及维护0943 系统/网络/信息安全0951 多媒体设计与开发0952 计算机辅助设计与绘图10--电子/通讯类--1001 技术主管/项目经理1011 电子工程师1012 无线电工程师1013 电子元器件工程师1014 电路设计/电子测试/半导体技术1015 单片机/DSL/DSP/底层软件开发1016 广播视听设备工程师1017 电子/电器维修工程师1018 电子测试工程师1019 电子技术员1021 仪器/仪表/测量工程师1022 绘图工程师1031 通讯/通信工程师11―――机械类―――1101 机械工程师/模具设计1102 机械制图工程师1103 机械制造工程师1104 机电工程师1105 结构工程师1106 注塑/电镀工程师1111 机电技术员12-―规划/建筑/建材类――1201 城镇规划设计1202 风景园林规划设计1203 园艺工程师1211 建筑设计1212 土木建筑/工民建1213 绘图/建筑制图1214 结构工程师1215 测绘工程师1221 施工管理1222 工程监理1223 工程预决算1231 装饰/安装工程师1232 道桥设计与施工1233 港口与航道设计与施工1234 水电/管道工程师1235 给排水工程师1236 制冷暖通工程师1237 智能楼宇设计与施工1238 岩土工程师/地下工程1242 安全员1251 建材13―――房地产/物业管理类――――1301 房地产开发/策划1302 房地产经纪1303 房地产评估/交易1304 房地产销售1311 物业管理经理/主管/主任1312 物业管理员/助理14――――金融/经济――――1401 银行会计1402 储蓄员1403 信贷/信贷风险控制1404 银行国际业务1405 投资银行1406 外汇1407 建筑审计1411 证券经纪人1412 证券投资顾问1413 操盘手/交易员1414 行业分析1415 股评1416 期货/股票经纪1421 投资管理/顾问1422 资产评估1423 融资1431 保险经纪人/保险业务员1441 拍卖师15―――设计类―――1501 平面设计1502 动画设计1511 产品外观设计1512 装璜美术设计/室内外设计1513 服装设计1514 广告设计1515 珠宝设计1516 展览设计1517 家具设计1518 工艺品设计1521 形象设计16―――法律类―――1601 律师1602 法律顾问1603 法律助理17-----酒店/餐饮类-----1701 酒店经理/餐馆经理1702 大堂副理/楼面经理1711 领班1712 厨师1721 服务员1722 咨客18-----物流/交通运输类-----1801 物流经理/主管1802 货运仓储经理/主管1811 船务1821 运输管理/调度19―――――商场类―――――1901 商场经理/主管1902 业务经理/主任1911 店面设计/陈列1912 店长1913 营业员/导购员/店员1914 收银员1915 促销员1921 物价员20―――电气/电力类―――2001 电力拖动与自动控制2002 电机与电器2003 电力工程师/电气2011 电路布线设计2012 智能大厦/综合布线/弱电2013 灯饰研发工程师2014 光源/照明2015 变压器/磁电工程师2021 家用电器研发2022 家用电器维修21―――咨询/顾问类―――2101 企业管理咨询2102 企业管理顾问2103 信息咨询/中介2104 培训师22―――化工/生物类―――2201 化工生产工程师2202 精细化工工程师2203 高分子材料工程师2204 化工制药2211 化验员/检验员2212 化工生产技术员2221 生物工程23―――文化/教育/体育类/艺术类―――2301 图书情报/资料/文档管理2311 高等教育2312 中等教育2313 小学教育/幼儿教育/保育员2314 职业教育/培训/家教2321 体育教练/健美教练2331 模特2332 舞蹈2333 声乐2334 器乐24―――医疗卫生/护理/保健类―――2401 西医2402 中医2403 心理医生2404 兽医/宠物医生2405 医疗技术/医学检验师2406 药剂师2407 麻醉师2411 护理人员/护士2421 卫生防疫2422 妇幼保健2423 针灸推拿25―――新闻/出版/传媒类―――2501 总编/主编2502 文字编辑2503 美术编辑/美工2511 记者/新闻采编2512 摄影录制2521 节目主持/DJ/播音2522 演员2523 影视策划/制作2524 音效师26―――公众服务类―――2601 保安/消防员2602 快递员2611 旅游/导游2612 声讯2621 按摩师/美容/美发2622 家政2623 裁缝2624 环卫工27―――印刷/染织类―――2701 印刷主管2702 印刷技工2703 版房制版师傅2704 晒版师2711 染织类28―――技工类―――2801 机器冷加工/车、铣、刨、磨、镗、锯等2802 机器热加工/铸、锻、冲压、焊、金属热处理、注塑等2803 装配工2804 叉车工2805 汽车修理工2811 司机2821 水/木/漆工2822 电工2823 空调工/电梯工/锅炉工29―――其他专业类――――2901 食品类2902 造纸类2903 家具制造类2904 农林牧渔/水利类岗位分析之工作要素分析法2905 地质/矿产类2906 环境保护/监测/治理类页脚内容8。


以下是一些常见的分类标准:1. 职责与责任根据不同职责和责任的类型,可以将职位分为多个类别。
2. 技能要求根据不同技能要求,可以将职位分为技术性工作和非技术性工作。
3. 经验要求根据不同的经验要求,可以将职位分为初级、中级和高级。
4. 影响力与权力根据职位在组织内部的影响力和权力大小,可以将职位分为不同层级。
应用案例以下是一些应用职位评价分类法的案例:1. 招聘通过使用职位评价分类法,组织可以更好地了解每个职位所需的技能、知识和经验,并制定相应的招聘要求。
2. 培训通过将职位进行分类,组织可以更好地制定培训计划和课程。
3. 晋升职位评价分类法可以为员工的晋升提供参考。

T1-01总工程师T1-02副总工程师T1-03专业总师T1-03-01总设计师T1-03-03T1-03-02总工艺师T1-04专业副总师T1-05技术总监T1-06技术副总监T2-07部门正职T2-08部门副职T2-09部门助理T2-10顾问T2-10-01技术顾问T3-11科研员T3-12设计员T3-12-01产品设计员T3-12-02机械设计员T3-12-03电气设计员T3-12-04工装设计员T3-12-05其它设计员T4-13工艺员T4-13-01产品工艺员T4-13-04T4-13-02机加工工艺员T4-13-05T4-13-03铸造工艺员T4-13-06T5-14质保技术员T5-15质检技术员T5-16计量技术员T5-16-01计量鉴修员T5-16-04T5-16-02长度精密测量工T5-16-05T5-16-03热力计量检修员T5-17无损检测技术员T6-17-01无损探伤员T6-17-04T6-17-02磁粉探伤员T6-17-05T6-33-03超声波探伤员T5-18理化试验技术员T5-18-01理化试验员T5-18-04 T5-18-02机械性能试验员T5-18-05T5-18-03金相试验员T6-19计算机硬件技术员T6-20计算机软件技术员T6-21计算机网络技术员T6-22计算机系统技术员T6-23其它计算机与应用T7-24机械技术员T7-25电气技术员T9-25-01电讯技术员T7-26设备技术员T7-27工程技术服务员T7-28其它专业技术员T7-28-01管道技术员T7-28-04T7-28-02能源技术员T7-28-05T7-28-03空压技术员T7-28-06T7-29定额员T7-29-01劳动定额员T7-29-02材料定额员中层技术管理T2科研/设计T3Ⅱ.专业技术岗位分类标准二级三级四级专业工程技术T7T6计算机与应用总师/总监T1质保T5T4工艺。



01-----经营管理类-----0101 总裁/总经理/CEO0102 行政总监0103 技术总监CTO/总工0104 人力资源总监0105 财务总监CFO/总会计师0106 首席信息官CIO0107 首席运营官/COO0108 市场/营销总监0109 联盟经理02-----公关/市场营销类-----0201 公关经理0202 公关专员0211 市场经理/营销经理0212 渠道经理0213 产品/品牌经理0214 市场助理/专员0215 市场营销/推广/合作0216 客户代表/营销代表0217 市场策划0218 市场分析/调研0221 CI设计与策划0222 广告文案/媒体策划/设计03-----贸易/销售/业务类----0301 国内贸易0302 国外贸易/涉外业务0303 跟单员0304 报关员0311 销售经理/区域经理/商务经理0312 销售工程师/销售代表0313 销售助理/业务员0314 商务代表/商务助理/业务助理04-----财务类-----0401 财务经理/主任0402 会计主管0411 注册会计师0412 会计0413 出纳0421 审计经理/主管/专员0422 注册审计师0431 统计0432 计划0433 稽核0434 财务分析0435 成本分析/核算05-----行政/人力资源管理类---0501 行政经理/主管0502 行政专员/行政秘书/助理0503 办公室主任0511 人力资源经理/专员/助理0512 培训经理/专员/助理0513 招聘经理/专员/助理0514 薪酬福利经理/专员/助理0515 绩效考核经理/专员/助理06-----文职类-----0601 图书情报/资料/文档管理0602 文秘/高级文员0603 资料/文档撰写/编辑0611 计算机操作员/打字员/文员/校对0612 前台/接待员/礼仪0613 收发员/话务员/后勤0621 英语翻译0622 日语翻译0623 法语翻译0624 德语翻译0625 韩语翻译0626 其它语种07-----客户服务类-----0701 客户服务经理0702 技术支持/客户培训0703 售前/售后服务0704 热线咨询0705 客户关系处理0706 客户分析0707 投诉处理08-----工厂类-----0801 厂长/副厂长0802 厂务管理0803 车间主任/拉长0811 产品开发0812 品质管理0813 采购管理0814 仓储管理0815 物料管理0816 设备管理0817 安全管理0821 配色美工0822 计划/调度/协调员0823 PMC/SMT技术员0824 生产控制文员09---计算机/互联网类----0901 技术主管/项目经理0902 信息经理/内容主管/栏目主持0911 程序员/软件工程师0912 系统集成/支持0913 系统分析员0914 硬件开发工程师/硬件工程师0921 软件测试工程师0922 硬件测试工程师0931 网站/电子商务开发0932 网络工程师0933 网站策划0934 网页设计与制作0935 网站美工/电脑美工0936 网站编辑0941 数据库开发与管理0942 系统/网络管理及维护0943 系统/网络/信息安全0951 多媒体设计与开发0952 计算机辅助设计与绘图10--电子/通讯类--1001 技术主管/项目经理1011 电子工程师1012 无线电工程师1013 电子元器件工程师1014 电路设计/电子测试/半导体技术1015 单片机/DSL/DSP/底层软件开发1016 广播视听设备工程师1017 电子/电器维修工程师1018 电子测试工程师1019 电子技术员1021 工艺工程师1021 仪器/仪表/测量工程师1022 绘图工程师1031 通讯/通信工程师11―――机械类―――1101 机械工程师/模具设计1102 机械制图工程师1103 机械制造工程师1104 机电工程师1105 结构工程师1106 注塑/电镀工程师1111 机电技术员12-―规划/建筑/建材类――1201 城镇规划设计1202 风景园林规划设计1203 园艺工程师1211 建筑设计1212 土木建筑/工民建1213 绘图/建筑制图1214 结构工程师1215 测绘工程师1221 施工管理1222 工程监理1223 工程预决算1231 装饰/安装工程师1232 道桥设计与施工1233 港口与航道设计与施工1234 水电/管道工程师1235 给排水工程师1236 制冷暖通工程师1237 智能楼宇设计与施工1238 岩土工程师/地下工程1241 安全注册主任1242 安全员1251 建材13―――房地产/物业管理类――――1301 房地产开发/策划1302 房地产经纪1303 房地产评估/交易1304 房地产销售1311 物业管理经理/主管/主任1312 物业管理员/助理14――――金融/经济――――1401 银行会计1402 储蓄员1403 信贷/信贷风险控制1404 银行国际业务1405 投资银行1406 外汇1407 建筑审计1411 证券经纪人1412 证券投资顾问1413 操盘手/交易员1414 行业分析1415 股评1416 期货/股票经纪1421 投资管理/顾问1422 资产评估1423 融资1431 保险经纪人/保险业务员1441 拍卖师15―――设计类―――1501 平面设计1502 动画设计1511 产品外观设计1512 装璜美术设计/室内外设计1513 服装设计1514 广告设计1515 珠宝设计1516 展览设计1517 家具设计1518 工艺品设计1521 形象设计16―――法律类―――1601 律师1602 法律顾问1603 法律助理17-----酒店/餐饮类-----1701 酒店经理/餐馆经理1702 大堂副理/楼面经理1711 领班1712 厨师1721 服务员1722 咨客18-----物流/交通运输类-----1801 物流经理/主管1802 货运仓储经理/主管1811 船务1821 运输管理/调度19―――――商场类―――――1901 商场经理/主管1902 业务经理/主任1911 店面设计/陈列1912 店长1913 营业员/导购员/店员1914 收银员1915 促销员1921 物价员20―――电气/电力类―――2001 电力拖动与自动控制2002 电机与电器2003 电力工程师/电气2011 电路布线设计2012 智能大厦/综合布线/弱电2013 灯饰研发工程师2014 光源/照明2015 变压器/磁电工程师2021 家用电器研发2022 家用电器维修21―――咨询/顾问类―――2101 企业管理咨询2102 企业管理顾问2103 信息咨询/中介2104 培训师22―――化工/生物类―――2201 化工生产工程师2202 精细化工工程师2203 高分子材料工程师2204 化工制药2211 化验员/检验员2212 化工生产技术员2221 生物工程23―――文化/教育/体育类/艺术类―――2301 图书情报/资料/文档管理2311 高等教育2312 中等教育2313 小学教育/幼儿教育/保育员2314 职业教育/培训/家教2321 体育教练/健美教练2331 模特2332 舞蹈2333 声乐2334 器乐24―――医疗卫生/护理/保健类―――2401 西医2402 中医2403 心理医生2404 兽医/宠物医生2405 医疗技术/医学检验师2406 药剂师2407 麻醉师2411 护理人员/护士2421 卫生防疫2422 妇幼保健2423 针灸推拿25―――新闻/出版/传媒类―――2501 总编/主编2502 文字编辑2503 美术编辑/美工2511 记者/新闻采编2512 摄影录制2521 节目主持/DJ/播音2522 演员2523 影视策划/制作2524 音效师26―――公众服务类―――2601 保安/消防员2602 快递员2611 旅游/导游2612 声讯2621 按摩师/美容/美发2622 家政2623 裁缝2624 环卫工27―――印刷/染织类―――2701 印刷主管2702 印刷技工2703 版房制版师傅2704 晒版师2711 染织类28―――技工类―――2801 机器冷加工/车、铣、刨、磨、镗、锯等2802 机器热加工/铸、锻、冲压、焊、金属热处理、注塑等2803 装配工2804 叉车工2805 汽车修理工2811 司机2821 水/木/漆工2822 电工2823 空调工/电梯工/锅炉工29―――其他专业类――――2901 食品类2902 造纸类2903 家具制造类2904 农林牧渔/水利类2905 地质/矿产类2906 环境保护/监测/治理类。

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工作岗位分类标准01-----经营管理类-----0101 总裁/总经理/CEO0102 行政总监0103 技术总监CTO/总工0104 人力资源总监0105 财务总监CFO/总会计师0106 首席信息官CIO0107 首席运营官/COO0108 市场/营销总监0109 联盟经理02-----公关/市场营销类-----0201 公关经理0202 公关专员0211 市场经理/营销经理0212 渠道经理0213 产品/品牌经理0214 市场助理/专员0215 市场营销/推广/合作0216 客户代表/营销代表0217 市场策划0218 市场分析/调研0221 CI设计与策划0222 广告文案/媒体策划/设计03-----贸易/销售/业务类-----0301 国内贸易0302 国外贸易/涉外业务0303 跟单员0304 报关员0311 销售经理/区域经理/商务经理0312 销售工程师/销售代表0313 销售助理/业务员0314 商务代表/商务助理/业务助理04-----财务类-----0401 财务经理/主任0402 会计主管0411 注册会计师0412 会计0413 出纳0421 审计经理/主管/专员0422 注册审计师0431 统计0432 计划0433 稽核0434 财务分析0435 成本分析/核算05-----行政/人力资源管理类---0501 行政经理/主管0502 行政专员/行政秘书/助理0503 办公室主任0511 人力资源经理/专员/助理0512 培训经理/专员/助理0513 招聘经理/专员/助理0514 薪酬福利经理/专员/助理0515 绩效考核经理/专员/助理06-----文职类-----0601 图书情报/资料/文档管理0602 文秘/高级文员0603 资料/文档撰写/编辑0611 计算机操作员/打字员/文员/校对0612 前台/接待员/礼仪0613 收发员/话务员/后勤0621 英语翻译0622 日语翻译0623 法语翻译0624 德语翻译0625 韩语翻译0626 其它语种07-----客户服务类-----0701 客户服务经理0702 技术支持/客户培训0703 售前/售后服务0704 热线咨询0705 客户关系处理0706 客户分析0707 投诉处理08-----工厂类-----0801 厂长/副厂长0802 厂务管理0803 车间主任/拉长0811 产品开发0812 品质管理0813 采购管理0814 仓储管理0815 物料管理0816 设备管理0817 安全管理0821 配色美工0822 计划/调度/协调员0823 PMC/SMT技术员0824 生产控制文员09---计算机/互联网类----0901 技术主管/项目经理0902 信息经理/内容主管/栏目主持0911 程序员/软件工程师0912 系统集成/支持0913 系统分析员0914 硬件开发工程师/硬件工程师0921 软件测试工程师0922 硬件测试工程师0931 网站/电子商务开发0932 网络工程师0933 网站策划0934 网页设计与制作0935 网站美工/电脑美工0936 网站编辑0941 数据库开发与管理0942 系统/网络管理及维护0943 系统/网络/信息安全0951 多媒体设计与开发0952 计算机辅助设计与绘图10--电子/通讯类--1001 技术主管/项目经理1011 电子工程师1012 无线电工程师1013 电子元器件工程师1014 电路设计/电子测试/半导体技术1015 单片机/DSL/DSP/底层软件开发1016 广播视听设备工程师1017 电子/电器维修工程师1018 电子测试工程师1019 电子技术员1021 工艺工程师1021 仪器/仪表/测量工程师1022 绘图工程师1031 通讯/通信工程师11―――机械类―――1101 机械工程师/模具设计1102 机械制图工程师1103 机械制造工程师1104 机电工程师1105 结构工程师1106 注塑/电镀工程师1111 机电技术员12-―规划/建筑/建材类――1201 城镇规划设计1202 风景园林规划设计1203 园艺工程师1211 建筑设计1212 土木建筑/工民建1213 绘图/建筑制图1214 结构工程师1215 测绘工程师1221 施工管理1222 工程监理1223 工程预决算1231 装饰/安装工程师1232 道桥设计与施工1233 港口与航道设计与施工1234 水电/管道工程师1235 给排水工程师1236 制冷暖通工程师1237 智能楼宇设计与施工1238 岩土工程师/地下工程1241 安全注册主任1242 安全员1251 建材13―――房地产/物业管理类――――1301 房地产开发/策划1302 房地产经纪1303 房地产评估/交易1304 房地产销售1311 物业管理经理/主管/主任1312 物业管理员/助理14――――金融/经济――――1401 银行会计1402 储蓄员1403 信贷/信贷风险控制1404 银行国际业务1405 投资银行1406 外汇1407 建筑审计1411 证券经纪人1412 证券投资顾问1413 操盘手/交易员1414 行业分析1415 股评1416 期货/股票经纪1421 投资管理/顾问1422 资产评估1423 融资1431 保险经纪人/保险业务员1441 拍卖师15―――设计类―――1501 平面设计1502 动画设计1511 产品外观设计1512 装璜美术设计/室内外设计1513 服装设计1514 广告设计1515 珠宝设计1516 展览设计1517 家具设计1518 工艺品设计1521 形象设计16―――法律类―――1601 律师1602 法律顾问1603 法律助理17-----酒店/餐饮类-----1701 酒店经理/餐馆经理1702 大堂副理/楼面经理1711 领班1712 厨师1721 服务员1722 咨客18-----物流/交通运输类-----1801 物流经理/主管1802 货运仓储经理/主管1811 船务1821 运输管理/调度19―――――商场类―――――1901 商场经理/主管1902 业务经理/主任1911 店面设计/陈列1912 店长1913 营业员/导购员/店员1914 收银员1921 物价员20―――电气/电力类―――2001 电力拖动与自动控制2002 电机与电器2003 电力工程师/电气2011 电路布线设计2012 智能大厦/综合布线/弱电2013 灯饰研发工程师2014 光源/照明2015 变压器/磁电工程师2021 家用电器研发2022 家用电器维修21―――咨询/顾问类―――2101 企业管理咨询2102 企业管理顾问2103 信息咨询/中介2104 培训师22―――化工/生物类―――2201 化工生产工程师2202 精细化工工程师2203 高分子材料工程师2204 化工制药2211 化验员/检验员2212 化工生产技术员2221 生物工程23―――文化/教育/体育类/艺术类―――2301 图书情报/资料/文档管理2311 高等教育2312 中等教育2313 小学教育/幼儿教育/保育员2314 职业教育/培训/家教2321 体育教练/健美教练2331 模特2332 舞蹈2333 声乐2334 器乐24―――医疗卫生/护理/保健类―――2401 西医2402 中医2403 心理医生2404 兽医/宠物医生2405 医疗技术/医学检验师2406 药剂师2411 护理人员/护士2421 卫生防疫2422 妇幼保健2423 针灸推拿25―――新闻/出版/传媒类―――2501 总编/主编2502 文字编辑2503 美术编辑/美工2511 记者/新闻采编2512 摄影录制2521 节目主持/DJ/播音2522 演员2523 影视策划/制作2524 音效师26―――公众服务类―――2601 保安/消防员2602 快递员2611 旅游/导游2612 声讯2621 按摩师/美容/美发2622 家政2623 裁缝2624 环卫工27―――印刷/染织类―――2701 印刷主管2702 印刷技工2703 版房制版师傅2704 晒版师2711 染织类28―――技工类―――2801 机器冷加工/车、铣、刨、磨、镗、锯等2802 机器热加工/铸、锻、冲压、焊、金属热处理、注塑等2803 装配工2804 叉车工2805 汽车修理工2811 司机2821 水/木/漆工2822 电工2823 空调工/电梯工/锅炉工29―――其他专业类――――2901 食品类2902 造纸类2903 家具制造类2904 农林牧渔/水利类2905 地质/矿产类2906 环境保护/监测/治理类。


工作岗位分类标准01-----经营管理类-----0101 总裁/总经理/CEO0102 行政总监0103 技术总监CTO/总工0104 人力资源总监0105 财务总监CFO/总会计师0106 首席信息官CIO0107 首席运营官/COO0108 市场/营销总监0109 联盟经理02-----公关/市场营销类-----0201 公关经理0202 公关专员0211 市场经理/营销经理0212 渠道经理0213 产品/品牌经理0214 市场助理/专员0215 市场营销/推广/合作0216 客户代表/营销代表0217 市场策划0218 市场分析/调研0221 CI设计与策划0222 广告文案/媒体策划/设计03-----贸易/销售/业务类-----0301 国内贸易0302 国外贸易/涉外业务0303 跟单员0304 报关员0311 销售经理/区域经理/商务经理0312 销售工程师/销售代表0313 销售助理/业务员0314 商务代表/商务助理/业务助理04-----财务类-----0401 财务经理/主任0402 会计主管0411 注册会计师0412 会计0413 出纳0421 审计经理/主管/专员0422 注册审计师0431 统计0432 计划0433 稽核0434 财务分析0435 成本分析/核算05-----行政/人力资源管理类---0501 行政经理/主管0502 行政专员/行政秘书/助理0503 办公室主任0511 人力资源经理/专员/助理0512 培训经理/专员/助理0513 招聘经理/专员/助理0514 薪酬福利经理/专员/助理0515 绩效考核经理/专员/助理06-----文职类-----0601 图书情报/资料/文档管理0602 文秘/高级文员0603 资料/文档撰写/编辑0611 计算机操作员/打字员/文员/校对0612 前台/接待员/礼仪0613 收发员/话务员/后勤0621 英语翻译0622 日语翻译0623 法语翻译0624 德语翻译0625 韩语翻译0626 其它语种07-----客户服务类-----0701 客户服务经理0702 技术支持/客户培训0703 售前/售后服务0704 热线咨询0705 客户关系处理0706 客户分析0707 投诉处理08-----工厂类-----0801 厂长/副厂长0802 厂务管理0803 车间主任/拉长0811 产品开发0812 品质管理0813 采购管理0814 仓储管理0815 物料管理0816 设备管理0817 安全管理0821 配色美工0822 计划/调度/协调员0823 PMC/SMT技术员0824 生产控制文员09---计算机/互联网类----0901 技术主管/项目经理0902 信息经理/内容主管/栏目主持0911 程序员/软件工程师0912 系统集成/支持0913 系统分析员0914 硬件开发工程师/硬件工程师0921 软件测试工程师0922 硬件测试工程师0931 网站/电子商务开发0932 网络工程师0933 网站策划0934 网页设计与制作0935 网站美工/电脑美工0936 网站编辑0941 数据库开发与管理0942 系统/网络管理及维护0943 系统/网络/信息安全0951 多媒体设计与开发0952 计算机辅助设计与绘图10--电子/通讯类--1001 技术主管/项目经理1011 电子工程师1012 无线电工程师1013 电子元器件工程师1014 电路设计/电子测试/半导体技术1015 单片机/DSL/DSP/底层软件开发1016 广播视听设备工程师1017 电子/电器维修工程师1018 电子测试工程师1019 电子技术员1021 工艺工程师1021 仪器/仪表/测量工程师1022 绘图工程师1031 通讯/通信工程师11―――机械类―――1101 机械工程师/模具设计1102 机械制图工程师1103 机械制造工程师1104 机电工程师1105 结构工程师1106 注塑/电镀工程师1111 机电技术员12-―规划/建筑/建材类――1201 城镇规划设计1202 风景园林规划设计1203 园艺工程师1211 建筑设计1212 土木建筑/工民建1213 绘图/建筑制图1214 结构工程师1215 测绘工程师1221 施工管理1222 工程监理1223 工程预决算1231 装饰/安装工程师1232 道桥设计与施工1233 港口与航道设计与施工1234 水电/管道工程师1235 给排水工程师1236 制冷暖通工程师1237 智能楼宇设计与施工1238 岩土工程师/地下工程1241 安全注册主任1242 安全员1251 建材13―――房地产/物业管理类――――1301 房地产开发/策划1302 房地产经纪1303 房地产评估/交易1304 房地产销售1311 物业管理经理/主管/主任1312 物业管理员/助理14――――金融/经济――――1401 银行会计1402 储蓄员1403 信贷/信贷风险控制1404 银行国际业务1405 投资银行1406 外汇1407 建筑审计1411 证券经纪人1412 证券投资顾问1413 操盘手/交易员1414 行业分析1415 股评1416 期货/股票经纪1421 投资管理/顾问1422 资产评估1423 融资1431 保险经纪人/保险业务员1441 拍卖师15―――设计类―――1501 平面设计1502 动画设计1511 产品外观设计1512 装璜美术设计/室内外设计1513 服装设计1514 广告设计1515 珠宝设计1516 展览设计1517 家具设计1518 工艺品设计1521 形象设计16―――法律类―――1601 律师1602 法律顾问1603 法律助理17-----酒店/餐饮类-----1701 酒店经理/餐馆经理1702 大堂副理/楼面经理1711 领班1712 厨师1721 服务员1722 咨客18-----物流/交通运输类-----1801 物流经理/主管1802 货运仓储经理/主管1811 船务1821 运输管理/调度19―――――商场类―――――1901 商场经理/主管1902 业务经理/主任1911 店面设计/陈列1912 店长1913 营业员/导购员/店员1914 收银员1921 物价员20―――电气/电力类―――2001 电力拖动与自动控制2002 电机与电器2003 电力工程师/电气2011 电路布线设计2012 智能大厦/综合布线/弱电2013 灯饰研发工程师2014 光源/照明2015 变压器/磁电工程师2021 家用电器研发2022 家用电器维修21―――咨询/顾问类―――2101 企业管理咨询2102 企业管理顾问2103 信息咨询/中介2104 培训师22―――化工/生物类―――2201 化工生产工程师2202 精细化工工程师2203 高分子材料工程师2204 化工制药2211 化验员/检验员2212 化工生产技术员2221 生物工程23―――文化/教育/体育类/艺术类―――2301 图书情报/资料/文档管理2311 高等教育2312 中等教育2313 小学教育/幼儿教育/保育员2314 职业教育/培训/家教2321 体育教练/健美教练2331 模特2332 舞蹈2333 声乐2334 器乐24―――医疗卫生/护理/保健类―――2401 西医2402 中医2403 心理医生2404 兽医/宠物医生2405 医疗技术/医学检验师2406 药剂师2411 护理人员/护士2421 卫生防疫2422 妇幼保健2423 针灸推拿25―――新闻/出版/传媒类―――2501 总编/主编2502 文字编辑2503 美术编辑/美工2511 记者/新闻采编2512 摄影录制2521 节目主持/DJ/播音2522 演员2523 影视策划/制作2524 音效师26―――公众服务类―――2601 保安/消防员2602 快递员2611 旅游/导游2612 声讯2621 按摩师/美容/美发2622 家政2623 裁缝2624 环卫工27―――印刷/染织类―――2701 印刷主管2702 印刷技工2703 版房制版师傅2704 晒版师2711 染织类28―――技工类―――2801 机器冷加工/车、铣、刨、磨、镗、锯等2802 机器热加工/铸、锻、冲压、焊、金属热处理、注塑等2803 装配工2804 叉车工2805 汽车修理工2811 司机2821 水/木/漆工2822 电工2823 空调工/电梯工/锅炉工29―――其他专业类――――2901 食品类2902 造纸类2903 家具制造类2904 农林牧渔/水利类2905 地质/矿产类2906 环境保护/监测/治理类。

具体职责包括:1. 制定用户运营策略,包括用户获取、激活、留存等。
2. 设计和实施用户生命周期管理,包括用户画像、用户分层、用户生命周期价值等。
3. 负责用户反馈的收集、分析和解决,以提高用户满意度和活跃度。
4. 通过数据分析和市场调研,不断优化用户运营策略。
具体职责包括:1. 制定内容运营策略,包括内容类型、风格、频率等。
2. 负责内容创作和编辑,包括原创文章、视频、图片等。
3. 管理和维护内容平台,包括网站、社交媒体等。
4. 通过数据分析和市场调研,不断优化内容运营策略。
具体职责包括:1. 制定产品运营策略,包括产品定位、目标用户、竞争对手分析等。
2. 负责产品设计和开发的协调和跟踪,包括需求收集、评审和反馈。
3. 负责产品上线后的数据分析和优化,包括用户反馈、使用数据等。
4. 通过市场调研和竞品分析,不断优化产品运营策略。
具体职责包括:1. 制定社区/社群运营策略,包括社区/社群定位、目标用户等。
2. 负责社区/社群的日常管理和维护,包括活动策划、话题讨论等。
3. 负责社区/社群用户的反馈收集和解决,以提高用户满意度和活跃度。
4. 通过数据分析和市场调研,不断优化社区/社群运营策略。
具体职责包括:1. 收集和分析运营数据,包括用户数据、销售数据等。
2. 通过数据分析发现问题和机会,为运营决策提供数据支持。
3. 设计和实施数据驱动的运营策略和活动,以提高运营效果和ROI。
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Introduction to thePosition Classification StandardsTABLE OF CONTENTS(Also See The Classifier’s Handbook)SECTION I. BACKGROUND (2)Statutory BasisA (2)Classification Standards IssuancesB (2)SECTION II. STRUCTURE AND USE OF CLASSIFICATION STANDARDS (3)Explanation of TermsA (3)Form and Content of StandardsB (4)Using Classification StandardsC (5)SECTION III. PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES OF POSITION CLASSIFICATION (6)Authorities and Responsibilities for ClassificationA (6)Judgment in Applying StandardsB (8)Work Covered by the General ScheduleC (8)Position ManagementD (11)Use of Position DescriptionsE (11)Determining Duties To Be ClassifiedF (12)Selecting the Occupational SeriesG (13)Titling PositionsH (14)Determining Grade LevelI (16)Mixed Grade PositionsJ (17)Impact of the Person on the JobK (18)Interdisciplinary Professional PositionsL (19)SECTION IV. DETERMINING COVERAGE BY THE GENERAL SCHEDULE OR THE FEDERAL WAGE SYSTEM (20)General CriteriaA (20)Borderline PositionsB (20)APPENDIX 1 (26)LIST OF SERIES FOR WHICH A TWO-GRADE INTERVAL PATTERN IS NORMAL (26)APPENDIX 2 (35)FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION FOR SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS (35)APPENDIX 3 (42)PRIMARY STANDARD (42)GRADE CONVERSION TABLE (56)APPENDIX 4 (57)POSITION CLASSIFICATION APPEALS (57)APPENDIX 5 (71)EFFECTIVE DATES OF POSITION CLASSIFICATION ACTIONS (71)REVISION SUMMARY (73)SECTION I. BACKGROUNDBasisA. StatutoryThe classification standards program for positions in the General Schedule was established by the Classification Act of 1949, which has been codified in chapter 51 of title 5, United States Code. The statute:⎯Establishes the principle of providing equal pay for substantially equal work.⎯Provides a definition of each grade in the General Schedule.⎯Directs the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), after consulting with Federal agencies, to prepare standards for agencies to use in placing positions in their properclasses and grades.⎯States that standards issued by OPM shall:•Define the various classes of positions in terms of duties, responsibilities, and qualification requirements.•Establish official class titles.•Set forth the grades in which the classes of positions have been placed.Based on this statutory guidance, OPM has developed an occupational structure and classification system for positions included in the General Schedule.B. Classification Standards IssuancesThis Introduction to the Position Classification Standards provides background information and guidance regarding the classification standards for General Schedule work. It describes the fundamental policies which Federal managers, supervisors, and personnel specialists need to understand in using classification standards to determine the series, titles, and grades of positions.The full set of OPM guidance for General Schedule classification standards includes the following:1. Basic definitions and policies as set forth in this Introduction.2. Position classification standards, which include:a. Classification standards for individual occupations, which should be filed innumerical order by series code.b. Classification guides which cover work typically found in a number of series.In addition, there are several other sources of information on position classification and related subjects with which users should be familiar. OPM's guidance related to classification standards is designed to help the user classify work and make decisions on the proper occupational series and grade of a position.1. The Classifier’s Handbook, which provides general classification guidance on manydifferent subjects also covered in this Introduction.2. Handbook of Occupational Groups and Families, which provides the full occupationalstructure established by OPM for the General Schedule. It lists and defines eachoccupational group and series in the classification system.3. Digest of Significant Classification Decisions and Opinions, which is issuedperiodically. It contains summaries of recent OPM decisions and opinions which mayhave Governmentwide impact.4. Qualification standards, which set forth the minimum experience or education thatindividuals must have to qualify for a position.SECTION II. STRUCTURE AND USE OFCLASSIFICATION STANDARDSA. Explanation of TermsFollowing are definitions of basic terms relating to position classification standards.1. General Schedule⎯ The broadest subdivision of the classification system covered bytitle 5. It includes a range of levels of difficulty and responsibility for covered positions from grades GS−1 to GS−15. It is designated by “GS” for supervisory andnonsupervisory positions at all of these grade levels. (Most positions above grade GS−15 are included in the Senior Executive Service (SES) which is outside the GeneralSchedule.)2. Occupational Group⎯ A major subdivision of the General Schedule, embracing a groupof associated or related occupations; e.g., the Accounting and Budget Group, GS−500;the Engineering and Architecture Group, GS−800; the General Administrative, Clerical, and Office Services Group, GS−300).3. Series⎯ A subdivision of an occupational group consisting of positions similar as tospecialized line of work and qualification requirements. Series are designated by a titleand number such as the Accounting Series, GS−510; the Secretary Series, GS−318; theMicrobiology Series, GS−403.4. Grade⎯ The numerical designation, GS−1 through GS−15, which identifies the range ofdifficulty and responsibility, and level of qualification requirements of positions included in the General Schedule.5. Class of Positions⎯ All positions that are classified to the same schedule, series, andgrade (e.g., GS−510 −12) and are sufficiently alike to warrant like treatment in personnel processes such as testing, selection, transfer, and promotion.6. Position⎯ The duties and responsibilities which make up the work performed by anemployee.7. Position Description⎯ The official description of management's assignment of duties,responsibilities, and supervisory relationships to a position.8. Classification Standard⎯ Issued by OPM to relate the grade level definitions in title 5to specific work situations and thereby provide the basis for assigning each position theappropriate title, series, and grade.B. Form and Content of StandardsThe majority of position classification standards are developed by OPM and are applicable to occupations common to many or all Federal agencies. Standards for positions existing in one or a few agencies may be developed by OPM, or by a lead agency, under the guidance of OPM.All position classification standards are formally issued by OPM and distributed by the Government Printing Office, through subscription, to Federal agencies and other subscribers. Published standards remain in effect until they are abolished or replaced by OPM. Classification standards usually include a definition of the kind of work covered by the standard; background information, such as descriptions of typical kinds of assignments found in the occupation(s) covered and definitions of terms; official titles; and criteria for determining proper grade levels. Some standards, usually referred to as series coverage standards, do not contain specific grade level criteria and refer the user to other standards or guides for grading guidance. Some broad standards are issued as grade level guides, which provide criteria for determining the proper grade level of work in a number of occupational series.There are a number of possible ways of presenting, for purposes of analysis and classification, the essential characteristics of work. For this reason, classification standards and guides have different formats and include a variety of evaluation elements. The most common formats of classification standards are:⎯Narrative⎯ Standards describing the nature of work and level of responsibility for each grade covered by the standard. This requires the user to look at work as a whole andselect the most appropriate overall grade.⎯Narrative factor⎯ Standards describing covered work in terms of individual factors essential to determining the difficulty of assigned work. This requires the user to select the proper level for each factor to determine the overall grade.⎯Point factor⎯ Standards describing work in terms of individual evaluation factors, which are assigned points for different levels. This requires the user to select the proper level for each factor, add up the total points assigned, and refer to a point-gradeconversion table to determine the overall grade. Many point factor standards are inFactor Evaluation System (FES) format, which uses factors with established point values.Some FES standards include benchmark position descriptions to illustrate typicalcombinations of factor levels at different grade levels.From time to time, other formats and evaluation elements may be used in classification standards. Regardless of style or variations in the way criteria are presented, classification standards deal one way or another with essential characteristics that are common to all work. These include such things as the kinds of knowledge and skills required, the degree of difficulty involved, the kind of supervision received, the nature of personal judgment required, the level and purpose of contacts with others, and the impact of the work environment or inherent risks and hazards involved in the work.Most standards deal only with the classification of nonsupervisory duties and responsibilities, although a few include criteria for program management and supervisory work. Most positions involving supervisory duties are classified using broad guides covering supervisory work across occupational lines. (See discussion on Classifying Supervisory Work later in this Introduction.)C. Using Classification StandardsPosition classification standards encourage uniformity and equity in the classification of positions by providing an established standard for common reference and use in different organizations, locations, or agencies. This “sorting out” and recording of like duties and responsibilities provides a basis for managing essential Federal personnel management programs, such as those for recruiting, placing, compensating, training, reassigning, promoting, and separating employees.Position classification standards are descriptive of work as it exists and is performed throughout the Federal service. While they indicate the proper series, titles, and grades of positions, they do not alter the authority of agency managers and supervisors to organize programs and work processes; to establish, modify, and abolish positions; to assign duties and responsibilities to employees; and to direct and supervise the accomplishment of their assigned missions. Theclassification system should be a guide to judgment and supportive of each agency’s efforts to manage its workforce.Classification standards which have grade level criteria normally describe typical grades for the work covered. This does not preclude agencies from properly classifying positions at levels above or below the grade range specifically described in the standard. Such grades are determined by extending the criteria as needed to meet specific job situations.To aid in the classification of specific positions, agencies are encouraged to develop and use internal classification guides. These guides may be useful in assuring consistent treatment of an important occupational area in an agency. While such agency guides do not require OPM review or approval, they must result in classification findings that are consistent with published OPM standards for similar or related kinds of work.SECTION III. PRINCIPLES AND POLICIESOF POSITION CLASSIFICATIONThis Section highlights the basic principles and policies which govern the classification system.A. Authorities and Responsibilities for ClassificationBoth OPM and Federal agencies bear responsibility for carrying out the General Schedule classification system in accordance with the principles set forth in law. While OPM has overall responsibility for establishing the basic policies and guidance governing the classification system, each agency has the general authority and responsibility for properly classifying all of its positions covered by the General Schedule.1. OPM Authority and Responsibilitya. Developing position classification standards.Title 5 U.S.C. directs OPM to prepare and publish position classificationstandards as a means of implementing the classification system. The criteria inthese standards must be based on the principles and concepts outlined in the law.OPM has final authority over standards.b. Developing and issuing classification policies for the Federal personnel system.c. Monitoring agency classification programs.The law requires OPM to evaluate agency operations to determine whetheragencies are classifying positions in a manner which is consistent with publishedstandards.d. Providing assistance to agencies on classification matters.OPM responds to agency requests for interpretations of classification issues andadvisory opinions on the classification of work.e. Providing final decisions on classification appeals filed by agencies and Federalemployees.f. Responding to questions on whether specific kinds of work are covered by orexempt from the General Schedule according to provisions of the law.g. Revoking and restoring agency classification authority.Whenever OPM finds that an agency is not classifying its positions inconformance with published standards, it may revoke or suspend the agency’sauthority in whole or in part.2. Agency Authority and Responsibilitya. Carrying out a program for creating, changing, or abolishing positions andassigning or reassigning duties and responsibilities to employees.Under the law, each agency has the authority to administer the General Scheduleclassification system for its own positions, including the authority to organize andassign work.b. Exercising and redelegating classification authority.While the head of an agency remains responsible for insuring compliance with thelaw and with published classification standards, this authority is usuallyredelegated to agency managers and personnelists.c. Emphasizing sound position management.Federal managers have the responsibility to organize work to accomplish theagency's mission in the most efficient and economical manner. The policy of theFederal Government is to assign work in a way that will make optimum use ofavailable resources. (See further discussion on Position Management in SectionIII D. later in this Introduction.)d. Participating in OPM’s development of classification standards.Agencies recommend standards, projects, and factfinding sites; providebackground information; and comment on draft standards during the developmentprocess.e. Developing agency classification guidance.An agency may develop internal agency guides used in the classification ofpositions to assure uniform treatment of work in that agency.f. Ensuring consistency in the classification of positions within the agency.Each agency should have sufficient instructions and oversight to assure thatdelegated classification authority is exercised consistently throughout the agency.B. Judgment in Applying StandardsPosition classification standards are intended to be a guide to judgment, not a substitute for it. Standards are prepared on the assumption that the people using them are either skilled personnel management specialists or managers who are highly knowledgeable about the occupations which are basic to their organizational units.In the development of occupational standards, OPM has no intention of establishing a rigid framework for putting jobs in categories. The standards program has been oriented toward a broad concept of job structure that aims to: (1) broaden the range of backgrounds for initial entry into occupations; (2) remove artificial barriers between related occupations; (3) increase responsiveness to needs of management and of career patterns; (4) facilitate coordination or integration of classification and qualification practices; and (5) improve and encourage greater use of different methods for evaluating the impact of individual contributions to the job. The objective is to provide a classification system which permits agency managers to develop and use employee talents as fully as possible.Standards are to be considered and interpreted as guides to judgments made under the classification authority delegated to agencies by title 5 U.S.C. Jobs within an occupation frequently vary so extensively throughout the government that it is not possible to reflect in a standard all the possible combinations and permutations of duties and responsibilities. Proper application of standards, therefore, requires the use of judgment rather than just a mechanical matching of specific words or phrases in standards. Regardless of the format of the standard being used, it should be viewed in terms of its overall intent, and considerable judgment is needed in determining where work being classified fits into the continuum of duties and responsibilities described by the standard.C. Work Covered by the General ScheduleOccupational series in the General Schedule are normally divided into two categories − those covering one-grade interval work, and those covering two-grade interval work. A list of series for which the two-grade interval pattern is normal is provided as an appendix to this Introduction.Two-grade interval series follow a two−grade interval pattern up to GS−11; i.e., GS−5, 7, 9, 11. From GS−11 through GS−15, such series follow a one-grade pattern. Grade GS−9 normallyrepresents the first full performance level for two-grade interval work although this may vary with some occupations. (The use of grades GS−6, GS−8, and GS−10 is not prohibited in two-grade interval series. Such grades are unusual, however, and would ordinarily not be in keeping with the normal grade pattern for such work.)One-grade interval series have a grade level pattern which increases by one grade increments; i.e., GS−1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. The typical grade range for one-grade interval occupations is GS-2 through GS−8, although jobs in some occupations may be at higher grades.The material below summarizes the general characteristics of work classifiable under the General Schedule. (The general categories of work described are not reflective of the multitude of position titles in General Schedule occupations. Basic titles such as specialist, analyst, investigator, examiner, technician, assistant, operator, clerk, or aid are used in series for administrative, technical, or clerical work. The titles of professional positions usually reflect the field concerned; e.g., engineer, chemist, or accountant.)Work1. ProfessionalProfessional work requires knowledge in a field of science or learning characteristically acquired through education or training equivalent to a bachelor’s or higher degree withmajor study in or pertinent to the specialized field, as distinguished from generaleducation.Work is professional when it requires the exercise of discretion, judgment, and personal responsibility for the application of an organized body of knowledge that is constantlystudied to make new discoveries and interpretations, and to improve data, materials, and methods.There are situations in which an employee meets the formal education requirements for a particular professional field but does not perform professional work. This may be due toa lack of professional work to be done, or it may be because the organization andstructure of the assignment does not require a professionally qualified employee. In such situations, the position is classified in an appropriate nonprofessional series, based on the duties and responsibilities assigned and the qualifications required to do the work.Professional occupational series follow a two-grade interval pattern and are identified as professional in the series definitions. If a series definition does not state that the workcovered is professional, it should not be considered professional for classificationpurposes.Work2. AdministrativeAdministrative work involves the exercise of analytical ability, judgment, discretion, and personal responsibility, and the application of a substantial body of knowledge ofprinciples, concepts, and practices applicable to one or more fields of administration ormanagement. While these positions do not require specialized education, they do involvethe type of skills (analytical, research, writing, judgment) typically gained through acollege level education, or through progressively responsible experience.Administrative work may be performed as a part of the principal mission or program ofan agency or subcomponent, or it can be performed as a service function which supports the agency’s mission or program. Employees engaged in administrative work areconcerned with analyzing, evaluating, modifying, and developing the basic programs,policies, and procedures which facilitate the work of Federal agencies and theirprograms. They apply a knowledge of administrative analysis, theory, and principles inadapting practice to the unique requirements of a particular program.Administrative occupational series typically follow a two-grade interval pattern.3. TechnicalWorkTechnical work is typically associated with and supportive of a professional oradministrative field. It involves extensive practical knowledge, gained throughexperience and/or specific training less than that represented by college graduation.Work in these occupations may involve substantial elements of the work of theprofessional or administrative field, but requires less than full knowledge of the fieldinvolved.Technical employees carry out tasks, methods, procedures, and/or computations that are laid out either in published or oral instructions and covered by established precedents or guidelines. Depending upon the level of difficulty of the work, these procedures oftenrequire a high degree of technical skill, care, and precision.Some technical work may appear similar to that performed by employees doingbeginning professional or administrative work in the same general occupational field.Technical work, however, typically follows a one-grade interval pattern and does notrequire the application of knowledge and skills equivalent to those required for two-grade interval work. Classification decisions are based on duties and responsibilities,qualifications required, career patterns, management’s intent in designing the position,the purpose of the work, and recruiting sources.Work4. ClericalClerical occupations involve structured work in support of office, business, or fiscaloperations. Clerical work is performed in accordance with established policies,procedures, or techniques; and requires training, experience, or working knowledgerelated to the tasks to be performed. Clerical occupational series follow a one-gradeinterval pattern.Clerical work typically involves general office or program support duties such aspreparing, receiving, reviewing, and verifying documents; processing transactions;maintaining office records; locating and compiling data or information from files;keeping a calendar and informing others of deadlines and other important dates; andusing keyboards to prepare typewritten material or to store or manipulate information for data processing use. The work requires a knowledge of an organization’s rules, somedegree of subject matter knowledge, and skill in carrying out clerical processes andprocedures.5. Other Kinds of WorkThere are some occupations in the General Schedule which do not clearly fit into one of the above groupings. Included among these are series such as the Fire Protection andPrevention Series, GS−081, and Police Series, GS−083. The series definition orclassification standard should indicate whether the series is one- or two-grade interval.ManagementD. PositionThe law which governs the classification system clearly places upon agencies the authority and responsibility to establish, classify, and manage their own positions. The need to achieve an economical and effective position structure is critical to the proper and responsible use of limited financial and personnel resources.Good position management can be defined as a carefully designed position structure which blends the skills and assignments of employees with the goal of successfully carrying out the organization's mission or program. Sound position management reflects a logical balance between employees needed to carry out the major functions of the organization and those needed to provide adequate support; between professional employees and technicians; between fully trained employees and trainees; and between supervisors and subordinates.Good position management also requires consideration of grade levels for the positions involved. Grades should be commensurate with the work performed to accomplish the organization's mission and should not exceed those grades needed to perform the work of the unit. A carefully designed position structure will result in reasonable and supportable grade levels.Since supervisors and managers play major roles in the management and classification of subordinate positions, they are responsible for assuring a sound position structure in the organizations they lead. The Federal classification system allows considerable freedom and flexibility for Federal managers to establish an organizational structure that is not only efficient but also cost conscious.E. Use of Position DescriptionsA position description is a statement of the major duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of a given position. The description of each position must be kept up to date and include information about the job which is significant to its classification.For a nonsupervisory position, the description should include enough information so that proper classification can be made when the description is supplemented by other information about the organization's structure, mission, and procedures. The position description should define clearly the major duties assigned and the nature and extent of responsibility for carrying out those duties. Qualification requirements should be evident from reading the description, and specialized requirements not readily apparent from the description should be specifically mentioned and supported by the described duties.For a supervisory position, the description should identify the information necessary to evaluate the position by the appropriate supervisory criteria. The scope and degree of supervisory responsibility are of primary importance. The description of a supervisory position need not include a detailed discussion of the work performed by subordinate employees. It is important, however, that there be consistency between a supervisor's and subordinates' position descriptions concerning supervision given and received.All position descriptions must include a statement signed by the immediate supervisor certifying to the accuracy of the position description. (For a more detailed discussion of the development, maintenance, and use of position descriptions, see The Classifier’s Handbook.)F. Determining Duties To Be ClassifiedAn important step in evaluating a position is identifying the factors of the total position that are significant. The following discussion provides guidance on determining the duties of a position which influence the overall classification. In most positions, certain duties are performed from time to time that do not affect the position's title, series, or grade.1. Major vs. Minor DutiesMajor duties are those that represent the primary reason for the position's existence, and which govern the qualification requirements. Typically, they occupy most of theemployee's time. Minor duties generally occupy a small portion of time, are not theprimary purpose for which the position was established, and do not determinequalification requirements.Because the final classification of most positions is based on an evaluation of the major duties, small parts of the job could be overlooked as relatively insignificant to theposition's classification. These small parts, however, can sometimes have a majorinfluence on series and grade level determinations and the qualifications required, andmust be considered when classifying the position. (See discussion on classifying Mixed Grade Positions in Section III J. later in this Introduction and in The Classifier’sHandbook.)2. Regular vs. One-Time Only and Temporary DutiesRegular and recurring duties are the foundation of most positions. They may beperformed in a continuous, uninterrupted manner, or they may be performed at recurring intervals. Within reason, the time intervals between the performance of recurring duties。