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The computer, which seems to play the role of a human brain, is often called an electronic brain 由于电子计算机起着类似人脑的作用,所以常被称作电脑。
3. 英语的某些原因状语从句可以译为汉语中 不用关联词但内含有因果关系的并列分句。 不用关联词但内含有因果关系的并列分句。
二.将英语的分词短语、独立结构、介词短语、不定式短 语译为汉语的复句。 分词短语: Not knowing the language, he didn’t know how to ask the way. 他因为不懂语言,不知道怎样问路。 Being easily set on fire, alcohol must be kept away from the flame. 酒精(因为)容易着火,必须放在与火隔绝的地方。 Asked to work overtime that evening, Jim missed the gettogether of old friends. 由于那天晚上被要求加班,吉姆错过了老朋友的聚会。
On their advice I applied for the job.
6、of 与某些形容词或过去分词连用,表示引起某种情绪的原 因,常译为因为,由于。 He is scared of the dark.
I was tired of doing things of this kind.
We are overjoyed to see you.
I felt guilty about leaving without saying goodbye. 我因不辞而别而感到内疚。
The accident resulted from Tom’s carelessness. 这事故由于汤姆不小心才造成的。
Steam still provides power, of which electricity is the obedient carrier, it being capable of transmitting power in any desired amount and to any place where it is necessary to use it. 蒸汽仍旧提供动力,而电则是动力的输送手段,因为电能够把任何数量的动 力输送到任何需要的地方去。 Her leg wounded, Ellen could do nothing but stay at home. 腿受伤了,艾伦只好呆在家里。
翻译方法之一: 将英语中表达因果关系的表达式,译为汉语的说明因 果式复句或推论因果式复句,同时增添适当地表示原 因的连接词,
翻译方法之二: 采用汉语意合的特点,将表原因的分句放在前 面,表结果的分句放在后面,省略连接词。
一、将英语中表某些的介词译为表原因的因 果复句
1、with 表示因为,由于,有种种译法。 Her eyes shone with pleasure.
She’s in the hospital with a desperate illness.
2. In 和 that 连用,表示原因是,因为,后接从句。 I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country.
2. 英语中某些定语从句从形式上看属于定语 从句,但从逻辑意义上分析, 从句,但从逻辑意义上分析,他们却和主句 构成了一层因果关系,这类定语从句也常常 构成了一层因果关系, 译为汉语的因果复句。 译为汉语的因果复句。
The little girl who was afraid of waking her father walked quietly out of the room. 因为担心吵醒父亲,小女孩悄悄地走出了房间。 I did not watch the movie, which I thought uninteresting. 我没看那部电影,因为我认为那部电影没意思。
英汉语言由于各自语言结构的差异, 英汉语言由于各自语言结构的差异,其表达 因果关系的方式也各有不同。 因果关系的方式也各有不同。 英语表达因果关系的方式: 英语表达因果关系的方式:
介词,连接词、分词短语、独立结构、介词短语、形容词短语、不定式,状语从句。 介词,连接词、分词短语、独立结构、介词短语、形容词短语、不定式,状语从句。
1.英语的原因状语从句可以根据汉语的习惯,直接译为汉语因果复句。将 表原因的分句置于句首。在现代汉语中,由于受西方语言的影响,有时也 将表原因的分句置于句末,此时,从句往往含有补充说明的作用。
Since the flight was cancelled , they had to stay there for one night. 因为航班被取消,他们只能在那儿住一晚。 Many people slipped down because the road was too slippery. 因为路太滑,很多人都滑到了。 As she has always been working hard, Miss Smith got promoted soon. 史密斯小姐一直工作努力,因此很快得到了提升。 We all like reading because we can learn a lot from it. 我们都很喜欢读书,因为能从中学到许多知识。 It must be morning now, for the birds are singing. 现在一定是天亮了,因为鸟儿在歌唱。 Since he insists on his viewpoint, we shall take up the matter at the next meeting. 既然他坚持自己的观点,我们要在下次会议讨论这件 事。
4、 for 表因为,由于,常有较活的译法。 France is famous for its wines.
法国因其酒而闻名。Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
I must apologize for call so late.
5、 on 表示原因,可译为根据,由于,在。。。。。。下。 He made money on the deal.
We were proud of our motherland.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
7、 at 也可用来表示引起某种情绪的原因,常译为“为,对于”等 与某些形容词或分词连用。
He looked surprised at seeing us. 见到我们他看上去有些惊讶。 Peter was delighted at the chance. 彼得为这个机会而感到高兴。 They were overjoyed at his return to work. 他又回来工作了,他们为此而欢呼雀跃。
汉语表达因果关系的方式:因果复句来实现。 汉语表达因果关系的方式:因果复句来实现。 汉语的因果复句:说明因果式和推论因果式。 汉语的因果复句:说明因果式和推论因果式。 说明因果式基本格式是“因为A,所以B A,所以 说明因果式基本格式是“因为A,所以B”, 前面的分句指出原因,后面分句说明结果; 前面的分句指出原因,后面分句说明结果; 推论因果式的基本格式是“既然A, A,就 推论因果式的基本格式是“既然A,就B”, 前面分句提出前提,后面分句推论出结果。 前面分句提出前提,后面分句推论出结果。
Sometimes she takes offence at trifles. 有时她会因一些小事儿发怒。 We all rejoiced at the news of your success. 我们都为你成功的消息而高兴。 at 用在某些名词或词组后面。 The whole house was in grief at his death. 屋里所有的人都为他去世而感到悲痛。 He was in high spirits at the prospect. 他为美好的前景感到精神振奋。
鲍勃极端自私,他从不会关心别人的利益。 鲍勃极端自私,他从不会关心别人的利益。 In winter, very few visitors travel in the north because it is extremely cold. 冬天,北方的天气相当寒冷,游客非常少。 冬天,北方的天气相当寒冷,游客非常少。
Since it’s getting dark, let’s stop and go home. 天黑了,我们停工回家吧。 天黑了,我们停工回家吧。
Because he is extremely selfish,Bob never cares for other people’s interests.
8、through 也可用来表示原因,译为由于,因为 的关系 He became ill through eating too much.
It was all through you that we were late. 都是因为你的关系我们才迟到的。
9、by置于不带the的名词前,表示原因,可译为由于 I did it by mistake. They met by chance. The coroner’s verdict was death by misadventure. 验尸官判定是意外致死。
3、from 表原因,译为由于,因 He wasn’t ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.
We were all weak from hunger, not having had food for over forty hours.