























其中, q n = 2 n! π
1 ∞ (tanh r )n ∫ dq ∫ dq' q, q' q, q' n, n . ∑ cosh r n =0
−1 / 2
H n ( q) exp( − q 2 / 2), H n 为 Hermite 多项式。利用求和公式
q 2 + q' 2 −2λqq' , exp λ q n n q' = ∑ − 2(1 − λ2 ) n =0 π (1 − λ2 )
对于 50/50 分束器,且 N
= 1 , 出态为
1 2
( 0,1
+ 1,0 ) .
(b) n1 , n2 = n, n , 对于 50/50 分束器, 输出态
1 ˆ n, n = e − i ( n − 2 m ) φ B ∑ 2 m =0
n n
∑ (−1)
k =0
n− k
n n (2m)!(2n − 2m)! 2m,2n − 2m . k n! 2m − k
ˆ n1 , n 2 N1 , N 2 B
= e −iφ ( n1 − N1 ) ∑∑ ( −1) n1 −k r n1 +n2 −k −l t k +l
k =0 l = 0
n1! n2 ! N 1! N 2 ! δ N ,n + k −l δ N 2 ,n1 −k + l N 1 , N 2 . k! (n1 − k )! l! ( n2 − l )! 1 2





1.连续变量量子密钥分配的量化预处理 [J], 郑平允;黄春晖
2.基于量子远程通信的连续变量量子确定性密钥分配协议 [J], 宋汉冲;龚黎华;周南润
3.平衡零拍测量对连续变量量子密钥分配的影响 [J], 陈进建;韩正甫;赵义博;桂有珍;郭光灿
4.海盐粒子半径对大气连续变量量子密钥分配的影响 [J], 张淑静; 肖晨; 武斌; 张海龙
5.实际温度下的大气信道连续变量量子密钥分配 [J], 张淑静;肖晨;张海龙



连续变量量子计算领域最新研究连续变量量子计算(Continuous Variable Quantum Computing, CVQC)作为量子信息处理的一个重要分支,近年来在理论研究与实验技术上均取得了显著进展,为解决经典计算机难以处理的复杂问题提供了全新的视角。

























量子导引(Quantum steering)是除了量子关联和量子纠缠之外的一种重要的量子资源,其显著特征在于它的非对称性。









此外,两个量子比特也可以存在纠缠态(entangled state),意味着它们具有相互依存的量子状态,其中一个量子比特的测量结果会影响另一个量子比特的状态,即使它们之间有很远的物理距离。


而连续变量(continuous variable)量子通信则是另一种量子通信方式,它与离散变量(discrete variable)量子通信不同,采用的是连续变量比特而非离散变量比特。










连续变量量子通信的另一个应用是量子隐形传态(quantum teleportation)。

在这种情况下,量子嵌套态(quantum entangled state)被用于传输量子信息。




Quantum information with continuous variablesSamuel L.BraunsteinComputer Science,University of York,York YO105DD,United KingdomPeter van LoockNational Institute of Informatics(NII),Tokyo101-8430,Japan and Institute of TheoreticalPhysics,Institute of Optics,Information and Photonics(Max-Planck Forschungsgruppe),Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg,D-91058Erlangen,Germany͑Published29June2005͒Quantum information is a rapidly advancing area of interdisciplinary research.It may lead to real-world applications for communication and computation unavailable without the exploitation of quantum properties such as nonorthogonality or entanglement.This article reviews the progress in quantum information based on continuous quantum variables,with emphasis on quantum optical implementations in terms of the quadrature amplitudes of the electromagneticfield.CONTENTSI.Introduction513II.Continuous Variables in Quantum Optics516A.The quadratures of the quantizedfield516B.Phase-space representations518C.Gaussian states519D.Linear optics519E.Nonlinear optics520F.Polarization and spin representations522G.Necessity of phase reference523 III.Continuous-Variable Entanglement523A.Bipartite entanglement5251.Pure states5252.Mixed states and inseparability criteria526B.Multipartite entanglement5291.Discrete variables5292.Genuine multipartite entanglement5303.Separability properties of Gaussian states5304.Generating entanglement5315.Measuring entanglement533C.Bound entanglement534D.Nonlocality5341.Traditional EPR-type approach5352.Phase-space approach5363.Pseudospin approach536E.Verifying entanglement experimentally537 IV.Quantum Communication with Continuous Variables538A.Quantum teleportation5401.Teleportation protocol5412.Teleportation criteria5433.Entanglement swapping546B.Dense coding546rmation:A measure5472.Mutual information5473.Classical communication5474.Classical communication via quantum states5475.Dense coding548C.Quantum error correction550D.Quantum cryptography5501.Entanglement-based versus prepare andmeasure5502.Early ideas and recent progress5513.Absolute theoretical security5524.Verifying experimental security5535.Quantum secret sharing553E.Entanglement distillation554F.Quantum memory555V.Quantum Cloning with Continuous Variables555A.Local universal cloning5551.Beyond no-cloning5552.Universal cloners556B.Local cloning of Gaussian states5571.Fidelity bounds for Gaussian cloners5572.An optical cloning circuit for coherentstates558C.Telecloning559 VI.Quantum Computation with Continuous Variables560A.Universal quantum computation560B.Extension of the Gottesman-Knill theorem563 VII.Experiments with Continuous Quantum Variables565A.Generation of squeezed-state EPR entanglement5651.Broadband entanglement via opticalparametric amplification5652.Kerr effect and linear interference567B.Generation of long-lived atomic entanglement568C.Generation of genuine multipartite entanglement569D.Quantum teleportation of coherent states569E.Experimental dense coding570F.Experimental quantum key distribution571G.Demonstration of a quantum memory effect572 VIII.Concluding Remarks572 Acknowledgments573 References573I.INTRODUCTIONQuantum information is a relatively young branch of physics.One of its goals is to interpret the concepts of quantum physics from an information-theoretic point of view.This may lead to a deeper understanding of quan-REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS,VOLUME77,APRIL20050034-6861/2005/77͑2͒/513͑65͒/$50.00©2005The American Physical Society513tum theory.Conversely,information and computation are intrinsically physical concepts,since they rely on physical systems in which information is stored and by means of which information is processed or transmitted. Hence physical concepts,and at a more fundamental level quantum physical concepts,must be incorporated in a theory of information and computation.Further-more,the exploitation of quantum effects may even prove beneficial for various kinds of information pro-cessing and communication.The most prominent ex-amples of this are quantum computation and quantum key distribution.Quantum computation means in par-ticular cases,in principle,computation faster than any known classical computation.Quantum key distribution makes possible,in principle,unconditionally secure communication as opposed to communication based on classical key distribution.From a conceptual point of view,it is illuminating to consider continuous quantum variables in quantum in-formation theory.This includes the extension of quan-tum communication protocols from discrete to continu-ous variables and hence fromfinite to infinite dimensions.For instance,the original discrete-variable quantum teleportation protocol for qubits and other finite-dimensional systems͑Bennett et al.,1993͒was soon after its publication translated into the continuous-variable setting͑Vaidman,1994͒.The main motivation for dealing with continuous variables in quantum infor-mation,however,originated in a more practical observa-tion:efficient implementation of the essential steps in quantum communication protocols,namely,preparing, unitarily manipulating,and measuring͑entangled͒quan-tum states,is achievable in quantum optics utilizing con-tinuous quadrature amplitudes of the quantized electro-magneticfield.For example,the tools for measuring a quadrature with near-unit efficiency or for displacing an optical mode in phase space are provided by homodyne-detection and feedforward techniques,respectively. Continuous-variable entanglement can be efficiently produced using squeezed light͓in which the squeezing of a quadrature’s quantumfluctuations is due to a non-linear optical interaction͑Walls and Milburn,1994͔͒and linear optics.A valuable feature of quantum optical implementa-tions based upon continuous variables,related to their high efficiency,is their unconditionalness.Quantum re-sources such as entangled states emerge from the non-linear optical interaction of a laser with a crystal͑supple-mented if necessary by some linear optics͒in an unconditional fashion,i.e.,every inverse bandwidth time.This unconditionalness is hard to obtain in discrete-variable qubit-based implementations using single-photon states.In that case,the desired prepara-tion due to the nonlinear optical interaction depends on particular͑coincidence͒measurement results ruling out the unwanted͑in particular,vacuum͒contributions in the outgoing state vector.However,the unconditional-ness of the continuous-variable implementations has its price:it is at the expense of the quality of the entangle-ment of the prepared states.This entanglement and hence any entanglement-based quantum protocol is al-ways imperfect,the degree of imperfection depending on the amount of squeezing of the laser light involved. Good quality and performance require large squeezing which is technologically demanding,but to a certain ex-tent͓about10dB͑Wu et al.,1986͔͒already state of the art.Of course,in continuous-variable protocols that do not rely on entanglement,for instance,coherent-state-based quantum key distribution,these imperfections do not occur.To summarize,in the most commonly used optical ap-proaches,the continuous-variable implementations al-ways work pretty well͑and hence efficiently and uncon-ditionally͒,but never perfectly.Their discrete-variable counterparts only work sometimes͑conditioned upon rare successful events͒,but they succeed,in principle, perfectly.A similar tradeoff occurs when optical quan-tum states are sent through noisy channels͑opticalfi-bers͒,for example,in a realistic quantum key distribu-tion scenario.Subject to losses,the continuous-variable states accumulate noise and emerge at the receiver as contaminated versions of the sender’s input states.The discrete-variable quantum information encoded in single-photon states is reliably conveyed for each photon that is not absorbed during transmission.Due to the recent results of Knill,Laflamme,and Mil-burn͑Knill et al.,2001͒,it is now known that efficient quantum information processing is possible,in principle, solely by means of linear optics.Their scheme is formu-lated in a discrete-variable setting in which the quantum information is encoded in single-photon states.Apart from entangled auxiliary photon states,generated off-line without restriction to linear optics,conditional dy-namics͑feedforward͒is the essential ingredient in mak-ing this approach work.Universal quantum gates such as a controlled-NOT gate can,in principle,be built using this scheme without need of any Kerr-type nonlinear op-tical interaction͑corresponding to an interaction Hamil-tonian quartic in the optical modes’annihilation and creation operators͒.This Kerr-type interaction would be hard to obtain on the level of single photons.However, the off-line generation of the complicated auxiliary states needed in the Knill-Laflamme-Milburn scheme seems impractical too.Similarly,in the continuous-variable setting,when it comes to more advanced quantum information proto-cols,such as universal quantum computation or,in a communication scenario,entanglement distillation,it turns out that tools more sophisticated than mere Gaussian operations are needed.In fact,the Gaussian operations are effectively those described by interaction Hamiltonians at most quadratic in the optical modes’annihilation and creation operators,thus leading to lin-ear input-output relations as in beam-splitter or squeez-ing transformations.Gaussian operations,mapping Gaussian states onto Gaussian states,also include ho-modyne detections and phase-space displacements.In contrast,the non-Gaussian operations required for ad-vanced continuous-variable quantum communication͑in particular,long-distance communication based on en-514S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005tanglement distillation and swapping,quantum memory,and teleportation͒are due either to at least cubic non-linear optical interactions or to conditional transforma-tions depending on non-Gaussian measurements such asphoton counting.It seems that,at this very sophisticatedlevel,the difficulties and requirements of the discrete-and continuous-variable implementations are analogous.In this review,our aim is to highlight the strengths ofthe continuous-variable approaches to quantum infor-mation processing.Therefore we focus on those proto-cols that are based on Gaussian states and their feasiblemanipulation through Gaussian operations.This leads tocontinuous-variable proposals for the implementation ofthe simplest quantum communication protocols,such asquantum teleportation and quantum key distribution,and includes the efficient generation and detection ofcontinuous-variable entanglement.Before dealing with quantum communication andcomputation,in Sec.II,wefirst introduce continuousquantum variables within the framework of quantumoptics.The discussions about the quadratures of quan-tized electromagnetic modes,about phase-space repre-sentations,and about Gaussian states include the nota-tions and conventions that we use throughout thisarticle.We conclude Sec.II with a few remarks on linearand nonlinear optics,on alternative polarization andspin representations,and on the necessity of a phasereference in continuous-variable implementations.Thenotion of entanglement,indispensable in many quantumprotocols,is described in Sec.III in the context of con-tinuous variables.We discuss pure and mixed entangledstates,entanglement between two͑bipartite͒and be-tween many͑multipartite͒parties,and so-called bound ͑undistillable͒entanglement.The generation,measure-ment,and verification͑both theoretical and experimen-tal͒of continuous-variable entanglement are here of par-ticular interest.As for the properties of the continuous-variable entangled states related with theirinseparability,we explain how the nonlocal character ofthese states is revealed.This involves,for instance,vio-lations of Bell-type inequalities imposed by local real-ism.Such violations,however,cannot occur when themeasurements considered are exclusively of continuous-variable type.This is due to the strict positivity of theWigner function of the Gaussian continuous-variable en-tangled states,which allows for a hidden-variable de-scription in terms of the quadrature observables.In Sec.IV,we describe the conceptually and practi-cally most important quantum communication protocols formulated in terms of continuous variables and thus utilizing the continuous-variable͑entangled͒states. These schemes include quantum teleportation and en-tanglement swapping͑teleportation of entanglement͒, quantum͑super͒dense coding,quantum error correc-tion,quantum cryptography,and entanglement distilla-tion.Since quantum teleportation based on nonmaxi-mum continuous-variable entanglement,usingfinitely squeezed two-mode squeezed states,is always imperfect, teleportation criteria are needed both for the theoretical and for the experimental verification.As is known from classical communication,light,propagating at high speed and offering a broad range of different frequen-cies,is an ideal carrier for the transmission of informa-tion.This applies to quantum communication as well. However,light is less suited for the storage of informa-tion.In order to store quantum information,for in-stance,at the intermediate stations in a quantum re-peater,atoms are more appropriate media than light. Significantly,as another motivation to deal with continu-ous variables,a feasible light-atom interface can be built via free-space interaction of light with an atomic en-semble based on the alternative polarization and spin-type variables.No strong cavity QED coupling is needed as with single photons.The concepts of this transfer of quantum information from light to atoms and vice versa, as the essential ingredients of a quantum memory,are discussed in Sec.IV.FSection V is devoted to quantum cloning with con-tinuous variables.One of the most fundamental͑and historically one of thefirst͒“laws”of quantum informa-tion theory is the so-called no-cloning theorem͑Dieks, 1982;Wootters and Zurek,1982͒.It forbids the exact copying of arbitrary quantum states.However,arbitrary quantum states can be copied approximately,and the resemblance͑in mathematical terms,the overlap orfi-delity͒between the clones may attain an optimal value independent of the original states.Such optimal cloning can be accomplished locally by sending the original states͑together with some auxiliary system͒through a local unitary quantum circuit.Optimal cloning of Gauss-ian continuous-variable states appears to be more inter-esting than that of general continuous-variable states, because the latter can be mimicked by a simple coin toss.We describe a non-entanglement-based implemen-tation for the optimal local cloning of Gaussian continuous-variable states.In addition,for Gaussian continuous-variable states,an optical implementation exists of optimal cloning at a distance͑telecloning͒.In this case,the optimality requires entanglement.The cor-responding multiparty entanglement is again producible with nonlinear optics͑squeezed light͒and linear optics ͑beam splitters͒.Quantum computation over continuous variables,dis-cussed in Sec.VI,is a more subtle issue than the in some sense straightforward continuous-variable extensions of quantum communication protocols.Atfirst sight,con-tinuous variables do not appear well suited for the pro-cessing of digital information in a computation.On the other hand,a continuous-variable quantum state having an infinite-dimensional spectrum of eigenstates contains a vast amount of quantum information.Hence it might be promising to adjust the continuous-variable states theoretically to the task of computation͑for instance,by discretization͒and yet to exploit their continuous-variable character experimentally in efficient͑optical͒implementations.We explain in Sec.VI why universal quantum computation over continuous variables re-quires Hamiltonians at least cubic in the position and momentum͑quadrature͒operators.Similarly,any quan-tum circuit that consists exclusively of unitary gates from515S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005the continuous-variable Clifford group can be efficientlysimulated by purely classical means.This is acontinuous-variable extension of the discrete-variableGottesman-Knill theorem in which the Clifford groupelements include gates such as the Hadamard͑in thecontinuous-variable case,Fourier͒transform or the con-trolled NOT͑CNOT͒.The theorem applies,for example,to quantum teleportation which is fully describable by CNOT’s and Hadamard͑or Fourier͒transforms of some eigenstates supplemented by measurements in thateigenbasis and spin or phaseflip operations͑or phase-space displacements͒.Before some concluding remarks in Sec.VIII,wepresent some of the experimental approaches to squeez-ing of light and squeezed-state entanglement generationin Sec.VII.A.Both quadratic and quartic optical nonlin-earities are suitable for this,namely,parametric downconversion and the Kerr effect,respectively.Quantumteleportation experiments that have been performed al-ready based on continuous-variable squeezed-state en-tanglement are described in Sec.VII.D.In Sec.VII,wefurther discuss experiments with long-lived atomic en-tanglement,with genuine multipartite entanglement ofoptical modes,experimental dense coding,experimentalquantum key distribution,and the demonstration of aquantum memory effect.II.CONTINUOUS VARIABLES IN QUANTUM OPTICSFor the transition from classical to quantum mechan-ics,the position and momentum observables of the par-ticles turn into noncommuting Hermitian operators inthe Hamiltonian.In quantum optics,the quantized elec-tromagnetic modes correspond to quantum harmonicoscillators.The modes’quadratures play the roles of theoscillators’position and momentum operators obeyingan analogous Heisenberg uncertainty relation.A.The quadratures of the quantizedfieldFrom the Hamiltonian of a quantum harmonic oscil-lator expressed in terms of͑dimensionless͒creation and annihilation operators and representing a single mode k, Hˆk=ប␻k͑aˆk†aˆk+12͒,we obtain the well-known form writ-ten in terms of“position”and“momentum”operators ͑unit mass͒,Hˆk=12͑pˆk2+␻k2xˆk2͒,͑1͒withaˆk=1ͱ2ប␻k͑␻k xˆk+ipˆk͒,͑2͒aˆk†=1ͱ2ប␻k͑␻k xˆk−ipˆk͒,͑3͒or,conversely,xˆk=ͱប2␻k͑aˆk+aˆk†͒,͑4͒pˆk=−iͱប␻k2͑aˆk−aˆk†͒.͑5͒Here,we have used the well-known commutation rela-tion for position and momentum,͓xˆk,pˆkЈ͔=iប␦kkЈ,͑6͒which is consistent with the bosonic commutation rela-tions͓aˆk,aˆkЈ†͔=␦kkЈ,͓aˆk,aˆkЈ͔=0.In Eq.͑2͒,we see that up to normalization factors the position and the momentum are the real and imaginary parts of the annihilation op-erator.Let us now define the dimensionless pair of con-jugate variables,Xˆkϵͱ␻k2បxˆk=Re aˆk,Pˆkϵ1ͱ2ប␻k pˆk=Im aˆk.͑7͒Their commutation relation is then͓Xˆk,PˆkЈ͔=i2␦kkЈ.͑8͒In other words,the dimensionless position and momen-tum operators,Xˆk and Pˆk,are defined as if we setប=1/2.These operators represent the quadratures of a single mode k,in classical terms corresponding to the real and imaginary parts of the oscillator’s complex am-plitude.In the following,by using͑Xˆ,Pˆ͒or equivalently ͑xˆ,pˆ͒,we shall always refer to these dimensionless quadratures as playing the roles of position and momen-tum.Hence͑xˆ,pˆ͒will also stand for a conjugate pair of dimensionless quadratures.The Heisenberg uncertainty relation,expressed in terms of the variances of two arbitrary noncommuting observables Aˆand Bˆfor an arbitrary given quantum state,͗͑⌬Aˆ͒2͘ϵŠ͑Aˆ−͗Aˆ͒͘2‹=͗Aˆ2͘−͗Aˆ͘2,͗͑⌬Bˆ͒2͘ϵŠ͑Bˆ−͗Bˆ͒͘2‹=͗Bˆ2͘−͗Bˆ͘2,͑9͒becomes͗͑⌬Aˆ͒2͗͑͘⌬Bˆ͒2͘ജ14͉͓͗Aˆ,Bˆ͔͉͘2.͑10͒Inserting Eq.͑8͒into Eq.͑10͒yields the uncertainty re-lation for a pair of conjugate quadrature observables of a single mode k,xˆk=͑aˆk+aˆk†͒/2,pˆk=͑aˆk−aˆk†͒/2i,͑11͒namely,͗͑⌬xˆk͒2͗͑͘⌬pˆk͒2͘ജ14͉͓͗xˆk,pˆk͔͉͘2=116.͑12͒Thus,in our units,the quadrature variance for a vacuum or coherent state of a single mode is1/4.Let us further516S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005illuminate the meaning of the quadratures by looking at a single frequency mode of the electric field ͑for a single polarization ͒,E ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=E 0͓a ˆk ei ͑k ·r −␻k t ͒+a ˆk †e −i ͑k ·r −␻k t ͔͒.͑13͒The constant E 0contains all the dimensional prefactors.By using Eq.͑11͒,we can rewrite the mode asE ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=2E 0͓x ˆk cos ͑␻k t −k ·r ͒+pˆk sin ͑␻k t −k ·r ͔͒.͑14͒Clearly,the position and momentum operators xˆk and p ˆk represent the in-phase and out-of-phase components of the electric-field amplitude of the single mode k with respect to a ͑classical ͒reference wave ϰcos ͑␻k t −k ·r ͒.The choice of the phase of this wave is arbitrary,of course,and a more general reference wave would lead us to the single-mode descriptionE ˆk ͑r ,t ͒=2E 0͓x ˆk ͑⌰͒cos ͑␻k t −k ·r −⌰͒+pˆk ͑⌰͒sin ͑␻k t −k ·r −⌰͔͒,͑15͒with the more general quadraturesxˆk ͑⌰͒=͑a ˆk e −i ⌰+a ˆk †e +i ⌰͒/2,͑16͒p ˆk ͑⌰͒=͑a ˆk e −i ⌰−a ˆk †e +i ⌰͒/2i .͑17͒These new quadratures can be obtained from x ˆk and p ˆk via the rotationͩx ˆk ͑⌰͒pˆk ͑⌰͒ͪ=ͩcos ⌰sin ⌰−sin ⌰cos ⌰ͪͩxˆk pˆk ͪ.͑18͒Since this is a unitary transformation,we again end upwith a pair of conjugate observables fulfilling the com-mutation relation ͑8͒.Furthermore,because pˆk ͑⌰͒=x ˆk ͑⌰+␲/2͒,the whole continuum of quadratures is cov-ered by x ˆk ͑⌰͒with ⌰෈͓0,␲͒.This continuum of observ-ables is indeed measurable by relatively simple means.Such a so-called homodyne detection works as follows.A photodetector measuring an electromagnetic mode converts the photons into electrons and hence into an electric current,called the photocurrent i ˆ.It is therefore sensible to assume i ˆϰn ˆ=a ˆ†a ˆor i ˆ=qaˆ†a ˆwhere q is a con-stant ͑Paul,1995͒.In order to detect a quadrature of themode aˆ,the mode must be combined with an intense local oscillator at a 50:50beam splitter.The local oscil-lator is assumed to be in a coherent state with large photon number,͉␣LO ͘.It is therefore reasonable to de-scribe this oscillator by a classical complex amplitude␣LO rather than by an annihilation operator aˆLO .The two output modes of the beam splitter,͑aˆLO +a ˆ͒/ͱ2and ͑a ˆLO −a ˆ͒/ͱ2͑see Sec.II.D ͒,may then be approximated byaˆ1=͑␣LO +a ˆ͒/ͱ2,aˆ2=͑␣LO −a ˆ͒/ͱ2.͑19͒This yields the photocurrentsi ˆ1=qa ˆ1†aˆ1=q ͑␣LO *+a ˆ†͒͑␣LO +a ˆ͒/2,i ˆ2=qa ˆ2†aˆ2=q ͑␣LO *−a ˆ†͒͑␣LO −a ˆ͒/2.͑20͒The actual quantity to be measured will be the differ-ence photocurrent␦i ˆϵi ˆ1−i ˆ2=q ͑␣LO *aˆ+␣LO a ˆ†͒.͑21͒By introducing the phase ⌰of the local oscillator,␣LO=͉␣LO ͉exp ͑i ⌰͒,we recognize that the quadrature observ-able xˆ͑⌰͒from Eq.͑16͒is measured ͑without mode index k ͒.Now adjustment of the local oscillator’s phase ⌰෈͓0,␲͔enables us to detect any quadrature from thewhole continuum of quadratures xˆ͑⌰͒.A possible way to realize quantum tomography ͑Leonhardt,1997͒,i.e.,the reconstruction of the mode’s quantum state given by its Wigner function,relies on this measurement method,called ͑balanced ͒homodyne detection .A broadband rather than a single-mode description of homodyne de-tection can be found in the work of Braunstein and Crouch ͑1991͒,who also investigate the influence of a quantized local oscillator.We have now seen that it is not too hard to measure the quadratures of an electromagnetic mode.Unitary transformations such as quadrature displacements ͑phase-space displacements ͒can also be relatively easily performed via the so-called feedforward technique,as opposed to,for example,photon number displacements.This simplicity and the high efficiency when measuring and manipulating continuous quadratures are the main reasons why continuous-variable schemes appear more attractive than those based on discrete variables such as the photon number.In the following,we shall refer mainly to the conju-gate pair of quadratures xˆk and p ˆk ͑position and momen-tum,i.e.,⌰=0and ⌰=␲/2͒.In terms of these quadra-tures,the number operator becomesn ˆk =a ˆk †a ˆk =x ˆk 2+p ˆk 2−12,͑22͒using Eq.͑8͒.Let us finally review some useful formulas for the single-mode quadrature eigenstates,xˆ͉x ͘=x ͉x ͘,pˆ͉p ͘=p ͉p ͘,͑23͒where we have now dropped the mode index k .They are orthogonal,͗x ͉x Ј͘=␦͑x −x Ј͒,͗p ͉p Ј͘=␦͑p −p Ј͒,͑24͒and complete,͵−ϱϱ͉x ͗͘x ͉dx =1,͵−ϱϱ͉p ͗͘p ͉dp =1.͑25͒Just as for position and momentum eigenstates,the quadrature eigenstates are mutually related to each other by a Fourier transformation,͉x ͘=1ͱ␲͵−ϱϱe −2ixp ͉p ͘dp ,͑26͒517S.L.Braunstein and P .van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variablesRev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April 2005͉p͘=1ͱ͵−ϱϱe+2ixp͉x͘dx.͑27͒Despite being unphysical and not square integrable,the quadrature eigenstates can be very useful in calculations involving the wave functions␺͑x͒=͗x͉␺͘,etc.,and inidealized quantum communication protocols based on continuous variables.For instance,a vacuum state infi-nitely squeezed in position may be expressed by a zero-position eigenstate͉x=0͘=͉͐p͘dp/ͱ␲.The physical,fi-nitely squeezed states are characterized by the quadrature probability distributions͉␺͑x͉͒2,etc.,ofwhich the widths correspond to the quadrature uncer-tainties.B.Phase-space representationsThe Wigner function is particularly suitable as a “quantum phase-space distribution”for describing the effects on the quadrature observables that may arise from quantum theory and classical statistics.It behaves partly as a classical probability distribution,thus en-abling us to calculate measurable quantities such as mean values and variances of the quadratures in a classical-like fashion.On the other hand,in contrast to a classical probability distribution,the Wigner function can become negative.The Wigner function was originally proposed by Wigner in his1932paper“On the quantum correction for thermodynamic equilibrium”͑Wigner,1932͒.There, he gave an expression for the Wigner function in terms of the position basis which reads͑with x and p being a dimensionless pair of quadratures in our units withប=1/2as introduced in the previous section;Wigner, 1932͒W͑x,p͒=2␲͵dye+4iyp͗x−y͉␳ˆ͉x+y͘.͑28͒Here and throughout,unless otherwise specified,the in-tegration will be over the entire space of the integration variable͑i.e.,here the integration goes from−ϱtoϱ͒. We gave Wigner’s original formula for only one mode or one particle͓Wigner’s͑1932͒original equation was in N-particle form͔because it simplifies the understanding of the concept behind the Wigner function approach. The extension to N modes is straightforward.Why does W͑x,p͒resemble a classical-like probability distribution?The most important attributes that explain this are the proper normalization,͵W͑␣͒d2␣=1,͑29͒the property of yielding the correct marginal distribu-tions,͵W͑x,p͒dx=͗p͉␳ˆ͉p͘,͵W͑x,p͒dp=͗x͉␳ˆ͉x͘,͑30͒and the equivalence to a probability distribution in clas-sical averaging when mean values of a certain class of operators Aˆin a quantum state␳ˆare to be calculated,͗Aˆ͘=Tr͑␳ˆAˆ͒=͵W͑␣͒A͑␣͒d2␣,͑31͒with a function A͑␣͒related to the operator Aˆ.The measure of integration is in our case d2␣=d͑Re␣͒d͑Im␣͒=dxdp with W͑␣=x+ip͒ϵW͑x,p͒,and we shall use d2␣and dxdp interchangeably.The opera-tor Aˆrepresents a particular class of functions of aˆand aˆ†or xˆand pˆ.The marginal distribution for p,͗p͉␳ˆ͉p͘,is obtained by changing the integration variables͑x−y =u,x+y=v͒and using Eq.͑26͒,that for x,͗x͉␳ˆ͉x͘,by using͐exp͑+4iyp͒dp=͑␲/2͒␦͑y͒.The normalization of the Wigner function then follows from Tr͑␳ˆ͒=1.For any symmetrized operator͑Leonhardt,1997͒,the so-called Weyl correspondence͑Weyl,1950͒,Tr͓␳ˆS͑xˆn pˆm͔͒=͵W͑x,p͒x n p m dxdp,͑32͒provides a rule for calculating quantum-mechanical ex-pectation values in a classical-like fashion according to Eq.͑31͒.Here,S͑xˆn pˆm͒indicates symmetrization.For example,S͑xˆ2pˆ͒=͑xˆ2pˆ+xˆpˆxˆ+pˆxˆ2͒/3corresponds to x2p ͑Leonhardt,1997͒.Such a classical-like formulation of quantum optics in terms of quasiprobability distributions is not unique.In fact,there is a whole family of distributions P͑␣,s͒of which each member corresponds to a particular value of a real parameter s,P͑␣,s͒=1␲2͵␹͑␤,s͒exp͑i␤␣*+i␤*␣͒d2␤,͑33͒with the s-parametrized characteristic functions ␹͑␤,s͒=Tr͓␳ˆexp͑−i␤aˆ†−i␤*aˆ͔͒exp͑s͉␤͉2/2͒.͑34͒The mean values of operators normally and antinor-mally ordered in aˆand aˆ†may be calculated via the so-called P function͑s=1͒and Q function͑s=−1͒,re-spectively.The Wigner function͑s=0͒and its character-istic function␹͑␤,0͒are perfectly suited to provide ex-pectation values of quantities symmetric in aˆand aˆ†such as the quadratures.Hence the Wigner function,though not always positive definite,appears to be a good com-promise in describing quantum states in terms of quan-tum phase-space variables such as single-mode quadra-tures.We may formulate various quantum states relevant to continuous-variable quantum communica-tion by means of the Wigner representation.These par-ticular quantum states exhibit extremely nonclassical features such as entanglement and nonlocality.Yet their Wigner functions are positive definite,and thus belong to the class of Gaussian states.518S.L.Braunstein and P.van Loock:Quantum information with continuous variables Rev.Mod.Phys.,Vol.77,No.2,April2005。




【摘要】量子通信;连续变量;研究概况1 量子通信的研究量子信息学是量子力学与信息科学相结合的产物,这一新兴学科揭示了量子力学在信息科学中的应用,涉及了量子物理学、信息科学和计算机学等多种学科,其潜在的应用价值和重大的科学意义,为信息科学展示出美好的前景。





2 基于连续变量的量子通信量子通信与量子计算是量子信息的两大主要研究领域,都是最近20多年才发展起来的新型交叉学科。





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专题报道/Cover FeaturesCommunications of CCF 2008/7 58连续变量量子信息苏晓龙谢常德彭堃墀引言1948年,美国工程师香农(C. E.Shannon[1])发表了《通信的数学理论》一文。



















量子纠缠量子力学所提供的最重要的“资源”是量子纠缠(Quantum Entanglement)。

正是利用了纠缠,人们才得以突破经典电动力山西大学关键词:连续变量 量子纠缠学的框架,从全新的视角去发展信息科学与技术,完成一系列经典通信不可能完成的工作。

其中最引人注目的是量子离物传送(Quantum Teleportation)与量子密集编码(Quantum Dense Coding)。





二粒子系统的纠缠概念最早以1935年爱因斯坦(E i n s t e i n)、波多尔斯基(Podolsky)和罗森(Rosen)(简称EPR)三位科学家联合发表的著名论文[4]中提出,因此由2个子系统构成的纠缠态常常又称为“EPR”对。










与一般客体的输运不同,量子离物传送(Quantum Teleportation)是将一个未知的量子态从客体中分离出来,再由一个地方传送至另一个地方。






1993年,班尼特(C. H. Bennett)等来1态矢量的概念来源于统计物理学,是对连续的物理场进行粗粒化描述的方法2 Greenberg Horne-Zeilinger,格林伯格-霍姆-泽林格3 Werner Karl Heisenberg (1907~1976),亦译成海森堡,德国理论物理学家,量子力学的重要奠基人。



测量一对共轭量的误差的乘积必然大于常数 h/2π(h是普朗克常数)Communications of CCF 2008/759专题报道/Cover FeaturesCommunications of CCF 2008/760自4个国家的6位科学家联合发表了题为《经由经典和EPR 信道传送未知量子态》的具有开创性的文章,提出了一个量子离物传送的方案,其目标是利用纠缠和经典比特传输量子态,并且在接收方重构量子态。









1998年,美国的金布尔(H. J. Kimble )小组利用2个相位相干的正交位相压缩光,在50%分束器上耦合产生了一对连续变量的EPR 纠缠光束,因而首先完成了连续变量的量子离物传送实验[10]。


澳大利亚国立大学的兰姆(P.K. Lam )研究组,利用两个经典相干量子独立的压缩光和分束器产生了明亮EPR 纠缠态,并将其用于实现量子离物传送(保真度为0.64±0.02)[12]。

我们实验室利用由双KTP 4晶体构建的NOPA 5 所产生的明亮EPR 纠缠光束,初步完成了相干态的量子离物传送,保真度达到0.58[13]。

图1 连续变量量子离物传送态示意图4 KTiOPO4,磷酸氧钛钾5 non-degenerate optical parametric ampli fier ,非简并光参量放大器6 optical parametric oscillator图1简要介绍了连续变量的量子离物传送实验 [10]。

通过双向泵浦的光学参量振荡器(OPO 6),产生两个独立的正交位相压缩真空态光场,然后经50%光学分束器合成一对EPR 纠缠态光场1和2。

在发送站,发送者艾丽丝(Alice )用一个50%分束器将EPR1与待传未知量子态 进行耦合,2个输出场被送入平衡零差探测器Dx 和Dp ,分别测量正交振幅和正交位相,以完成连续变量的贝尔(Bell )态测量。

如果EPR1和EPR2是理想纠缠态,此时EPR1具有无限大的量子起伏,艾丽丝不可能测得 的任何信息。

然而在这一耦合测量过程中,量子态 的量子信息,就会经消纠缠塌缩“无形”地传送给EPR2,这正是信息传送的量子通道。

此时,EPR2的状态与初始 态仅差一个相空间的平移因子。

为了确切地再现初始态,接收者鲍勃(Bob )利用经典通道传送过来的艾丽丝对正交振幅和正交位相的测量结果,即光电流 和 ,经振幅(Mx )和位相(Mp )调制器调制一束相干光,之后通过高反镜mBob 与EPR2干涉耦合,in V in V in VCommunications of CCF 2008/761图2 连续变量量子密集编码原理这一步相当于EPR2的简单的相空间平移。

最后,配置者维克托(Victor )利用平衡零差探测系统对输出场进行检测。

