捷进少儿语法①Lesson6第一课时1 优质课件

What's the reason for animal migration?
几乎所有的动物迁徙都只是 出于同一个理由——生存。 有些动物迁移是为了寻找食 物,另一些则是为了远离危 险,繁衍后代。动物们没有 一个挂在墙上的日历告诉他 们何时迁徙,那么它们是如 何知道何时该启程了呢?它 们又是如何找回到多年前出 生的地方呢?又或者,它们 是如何知道在这12,000 英里 的旅途中该向哪个方向前行 呢?科学家正开始了解更多 关于动物迁徙的奥秘。
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find one’s way (back) to
Proper Names
How much do you know about animal migration? Watch the following video clip, and think about the following questions. 1. What animals are mentioned in the video? 2. What animal makes the longest migration?
译 文
Knowing when to migrate comes from various things. For some animals, it is how long the day is. Some judge the time by the temperature outside, whereas others know when to travel by the level of fat in their body. Animals know how much fat they need. When their fat levels fall, many will migrate.However, if they wait too long, they will not have enough fat to make the journey.

教案课程名称捷进英语综合教程1课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《捷进英语综合教程1 教师用书》Teaching Plan教学单元Unit 6 Feeling Good单元主题●Helping others●Optimism vs pessimism●What makes a hero?课时安排8教学内容●Reading for learningWould You Like to Make a Difference?●Reading for DoingHalf Full or Half Empty?●Guided WritingA Letter of Thanks●Audio/Video Lab教学环节主要特色教学活动安排建议Warm-up(热身)This section introducesthe idea of feelings andreactions. It does thisthrough a set ofadjectives and musicclips for students toreact to.✧Depending on the time you have available,you could extend this into students playingtheir own music and discussing how themusic makes them feel.Reading (阅读)Readingforlearning◆This section startswith usingpronoun referentswhen reading tohelp understandthe organisation ofa text. It thenencouragesstudents to workout reasons in thetext.◆Vocabulary andGrammarStudents look atphrases and individualwords from the text.The grammar focus✧In Task 4 of Reading and Understanding,you could ask students to compare theirtranslations with a partner. Then ask studentsto close their books and translate them backinto English.✧In Vocabulary Focus, the three vocabularytasks draw on the text. Task 1 and Task 3 arealso a set of questions and so work well aspair-work discussion tasks.✧The Grammar Focus part looks at differentways of referring to the past, present andfuture with quite simple structures. Afterworking through the tasks you would setstudents a short written or spoken task usingthese structures to refer to their own desiresin the past present and future.✧Beyond the Text encourages students to reactlooks at would like to, like to and wanted to.◆Beyond the TextStudents interpret their own decisions. personally to the texts they have read. It also practices the grammar structure. Students could also think about and discuss their own good deeds.Reading for doing ◆Students read andanswer aquestionnaire onoptimism andpessimism.✧This section should take less time thansection A as the text is less complicated.They focus on developing students’ everydayreading skills as they are reading andresponding to a questionnaire.✧If time permits, students could create theirown scenario and options for others tochoose as an additional question in thequestionnaire.Guided Writing ◆Writing a letter ofthanks:(1) Formal expressionsof thanks(2) Informalexpressions ofthanks ✧When checking Task, 2 you could highlightsome of the other features of informality aswell as the vocabulary / phrases focused on,e.g. the punctuation and contractions.✧With weaker students you might want toshow them the model first before they writetheir email.Audio/Video Lab ◆Students watch avideo showingan interviewwith someonewho has donesomethingheroic:(1) making predictions(2) dictating andansweringquestions ✧Write hero onto the board and ask students todefine the word and to think of an example of one.✧When you get to Task 5, you will probablyneed to pause briefly between each question.Wrap-up ◆This sectionprovides a quickreview of thevocabulary,grammar, writing ✧For Task 1, Task 2 and Task 3 on thelanguage work, you might want to set themup as a team game or class quiz.✧For Task 4, it could be set as small groupand theme of theunit.◆Tasks could be setfor individualwork or done inpairs.discussion task.课后学习设计作业◆Finish all the exercises in Unit 6.◆Read the two texts in this unit again and try to summarisetheir contents.◆Write a letter of thanks to a person who ever helped you.课后总结和反思。

Tip: 快速大声说出物品名,当看到炸 弹时大声说:“bomb”。
Yang Ling 在家中房间的衣柜前换穿了不同的 衣服,展示给妈妈看,妈妈在一旁评论她试 穿的每一件衣服。
今天她将在学校的舞台上为同学们展示她 的衣服。
New Words
It’s red .
It’s yellow.
林老师编辑整理11It Nhomakorabeas blue .
It’s orange.
It’s green.
—What colour is it? —It’s+表示颜色的词.
—What colour is your dress? — It’s red.
—What colour is my jacket? — It’s green.
—What colour is my cap? — It’s green.
1. 听录音,跟读story time 3遍; 2. 向家人或好朋友展示自己漂亮的衣服。
Watch and answer
What colour is Yang Ling’s skirt at the beginning?
捷进英语 Unit 6

捷进英语Unit 6老猴子咬菜根学习交流Lesson 1 Market research 市场调研1.Dean, have you got a moment? Dean,你有空吗?Sure. 当然。
I'm on my way home. 我正要回家。
I'm working on a scheme to attract younger customers. 我正在制定一项吸引年轻顾客的计划。
To the restaurant?吸引他们来餐厅?Yes. 是的。
2.Hm. 嗯。
"Youth Market Trends in the Dining Industry". “年轻人在餐饮业方面的市场趋向”。
I beg your pardon? 你再说一遍好吗?My research last semester was on this topic. 上学期,我就这个课题做了些研究。
Do go on. 请说下去。
3.Well, in general,younger customers prefer casual dining.嗯,一般来说,年轻一些的顾客通常更喜欢吃得随便一点。
They like finger food. 他们喜欢用手拿东西吃。
In fact, they often order appetizers. 实际上,他们常常点一些开胃的东西。
In the bar, they prefer beer and wine to hard liquor.在酒吧,和烈性酒相比,他们更喜欢啤酒和葡萄酒。
4.Is that information useful? 这样的信息有用吗?Absolutely. 绝对有用。
Let me ask you a question. 让我问你一个问题。
Do they prefer large portions? 他们喜欢量多一些吗?I mean, is that important? 我是说,那重要吗?Sure. 当然。

每册课本的教材系列有以下几个部分:1. 学生课本学生课本是本套教材的主体,供学生使用。
2. 教师教学用书全一册,涵盖四册课本,对教材的编写目的、编写体例、特点、教学内容和要求、教学方法和教学评价等方面作了详细的说明,对每课书的重点和难点作了简明扼要的解析,对各课的教法提出了切实可行的建议,是教师必不可少的教学指导用书。
3. 配套阶段测试题本套《捷进少儿语法》教材还附有活页的配套阶段测试题,每册书配4套,分别为1~3课、1~6课、7~9课、1~12课各一套,通过使用这些阶段测试题,既可使学生及时复习和进一步巩固所学知识,又可及时了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况。
教师可根据学生具体情况灵活安排教学,下面三种模式供参考:1. 同步学习本套教材可作为同步学习教材,与各学年课堂教学同步进行,即三年级学习第1册,四年级学习第2册,五年级学习第3册,六年级学习第4册。

Unit6 BirthdaysLesson 1Good afternoon, dear judges. …It’s my great honor to share my teaching design here. According to the English course standard, I’ll explain …from the following 5 aspects.1.Analysis of teaching materialNow let’s move to the ‘Analysis of teaching material’, there are 3 parts.①Analysis of book. I’ll introduce the Lesson1 of Unit6: Birthdays from SL , Book 5. This unit mainly talk about how to ask and introduce birthdays.②Analysis of lesson. In Lesson1, There are 4 parts. From the main scene, students can perceive the topic of birthdays in the context. In part A, students can learn new words through the chant. In part B, students can use the key structures: My birthday is in... In part C, students can trace and write the sentences.③Analysis of students. The 39 students are in Grade3. After 2 years’study, they have known the structures: My name is... and some numbers, seasons and holidays. They need to learn the main scene, chant and the 12 months:January,February, March, April, May, June...2.Teaching aimsNow, Let’s move to the teaching aims, there are 2 parts.1)Aims of knowledge and abilities: Based on the students’comprehensive ability and quality✧Ss can listen and understand the main scene and chant.✧Ss can understand, speak out and read the new words.✧Ss can understand and imitate the key structures to introducebirthdays.2)Aims of emotion:Based on the students’affective attitude and thinking character✧Ss can train and improve their ability of cooperation andcommunication.✧Ss can love others and stay well with them.3.Key points and difficult pointsNow, let’s move to the Key points and difficult points. Based on students’ language cognitive abilityKey points:✧Ss can understand, speak out and read the new words of months.✧Ss can understand and imitate the key structures to introduce thebirthdays.Difficult points:✧Ss can master the pronunciation of new words.✧Ss can understand and talk about their birthdays.4.Teaching and Learning methodsTo improve students’ ability of Autonomous learning and life-long study, I’ll use ‘Task-based teaching method’, ‘TPR (Total Physical Response) teaching method’and ‘Situational teaching method’. It mainly depends on the ‘Task-based teaching method’.To achieve the teaching aims and solve the key points and difficult points, I need these teaching aids: pictures, multimedia and Brief strokes.5.Teaching procedures and purposes of designNow, I’ll focus on the most important part, there are 5 steps.Step1. Warm upThere are 3 activities. First, we say hello to each other. Then the students sing birthday song for me. After that, I divide the students into 2 groups and they have a competition.Purpose: To review birthday song and stimulate students’interest, they can feel relaxed and pay attention to the class quickly.Step2. Lead-inThere is one activity:Look and brainstorm. I show the cards of December and introduce my birthday. Then the students find and circle out: When is your birthday?Purpose: To make the transition naturally from daily life into the main scene. It’s a good lead-in to help Ss learn new knowledge in lesson1.Step3. PresentationThere are 4 activities.Activity 1: Main sceneI show the main scene and set a question: When is Lily’s/Joy’s birthday? Ss watch the video to seek out that Lily’s birthday is in November. And Joy’s birthday is in May.From the main scene, students can perceive the topic of birthdays in the context.Activity 2: Look, listen and chant.In this part, I set 3 tasks to achieve the teaching aims.1) Pre-taskI show the picture with a question: what can you see? Ss observe and talk freely.Purpose: To stimulate students’ability of divergent thinking in English.2) While-taskThere are 3 listening tasks.First time to listen:I set a question: What can you hear? Ss listen carefully andperceive the chant.(My birthday is in the month. Happy birthday! My birthday is inthe month. Stand up and say. January! February, March, April, May, June. My birthday is in the month. Happy birthday! My birthday is in the month. Stand up and say. July, August,September, October, November, December.)Purpose: Have overall perception of new language.Second time to listen:I play the chant again. Ss listen carefully and try to understand the description of birthdays. Then I set a cards game:What’s missing to focus on the new knowledge.Purpose: Help students understand and pay attention to the key words.Third time to listen:Ss listen carefully and chant to focus on their own birthdays. (视频)Purpose: Have overall perception of language again.3) Post-taskHere, I encourage students to remember the months. I spell and write the words and they can speak out and trace with fingers. After that, I set a game: Choose and say.Purpose: Understand and enhance the new knowledge.Activity 3: Order and sayThis is a group work and I use task-based teaching method to solve the key points and difficult points.Task1: Ss observe and talk about the context.Task2: I set an example and write the key structures: My birthday is in... Ss practice in pairs and act out.(视频)Task3: Ss ask and find out whose birthday are in the same month.Purpose: Improve their ability of cooperation and communication.Activity 4: Let’s writeTo build a good foundation of hand-writing in the initial stage, I set examples and remind them to pay attention to the first letter, punctuation, space and the correct writing of some letters. They trace and write carefully.(trace和学生书写及成品的视频)Step4. ConclusionTo consolidate and check students’ study, I set a free-talk: what did you learn today? They discuss and share.Step5. HomeworkTo respect Ss’individual difference and consolidate the new knowledge, I set 2 kinds of homework. Listen and chant for family in the App of Cool English. Ask and talk about families’ birthdays.After class, all the students can listen and understand the chant. Most of them can talk about their birthdays. It’s difficult for the new students but they can love others and stay well with them.That’s all for my teaching design. Thank you.。
少儿版① Lesson 6 第一课时

少儿1 Lesson 6第一课时教学内容:少儿版①Lesson 6 第一课时教学重点:字母o的短音,四会单词not, frog, on, box, 三会单词hill, fox,教学难点: 字母o的短音教具:PPT课件Teaching steps:1、Warm-up & RevisionT: Hello, my kids. Hello! Hello! (different tones to say hello) Hello, Coco. Hello, I’m Coco. Hello, Lily, how do you do? OK, we have two teams also. You are team A. You are team B. (Take out cards of consonants), Do you remember this?S: Yes.T: What’s this? Let’s read it together.T & S:b b b。
T: Now, let’s PK. you are number 1, 2, 3. remember your numbers. when I call number 1, you two stand up and read it out. Who is faster, I will give her a sticker. OK?S: OK.T: Can we spell the words with these consonants?S: No.T: We need vowels. (Take out a e i)What’s this?S: aT: Great! (Review a e i together. Pick three letters and put them together and ask the students to spell them). S: b- a- dT: Can you make up some words?S: ......T: (show them it is fish, spell other words) hill Can you read this word hill?S: No.T: No, let me tell you. double l pronounced as l. (Teach them to read.)2、New lessonT: Great, we have learned a e i。
捷进少儿语法③ Lesson 6 第一课时

3. 交际用语、短语 Have a good time. Look at my new bike. It’s cool. Beihai Park, on Sundays, live near…
1. 唱本课歌曲。 2. 复习Free talk,准备下节课表演。
Have a rest!
Revi经常读英语吗? 3. 他们总是九点上班。 4. 我们通常七点半起床。 5. 你什么时候上体育课? 6. 放学后他们一般做什么?
1. I watch TV every day. 2. Do you often read English? 3. They always begin work at nine. 4. We usually get up at half past seven. 5. When do you have PE? 6. What do they usually do after school?
Language points
3.交际用语: Look at my new bike. It’s cool.
Language points
1. How do you go there? On foot. (by bus, by bike) 2. 短语: Beihai Park, on Sundays, on foot, live near…
1. Do you speak English? 2. Where do you come from? 3. Where do you live in your country? 4. Do you come to China by plane? 5. I always come by plane.
精选 Unit1 Lesson6精品完整教学课件PPT

Lesson 6
New words
Story time
Zeke is a little, little boy. Emma is a girl. She is Little Zeke’s friend.
奇克是个小小的男孩。艾玛是 个女孩。她是奇克的朋友。
有时,小奇克在老师的桌子上放一个苹果。早上,琼 斯夫人在桌上发现了这个苹果。
Hello. My name is Emma. What’s your
A new girl, Tess, comes to Emma’s class. She feels sad and afraid. She hides behind her books.
一个新来的女孩苔丝来 到艾玛的班级。她感到难过 和害怕。她藏在书的后面。
Little Zeke wants to help Tess. He wants her to feel happy. He writes to her. 小奇克想要帮助苔丝。他想让她感到快乐。他写信给她。
Tess finds Little Zeke in her desk. She finds him in her pencil box. She is so happy.
爱怜的意味。 例:她是一个小而可爱的女孩。 She is a little girl.
例:他几乎不会说英语。 He can speak little English.
2. Here it is. 它在这儿。 〔1〕Here it is:在这儿〔表示找到了要找的东西〕
Read and talk

Task 1 What are the important moments in your life? Read the following
Sense and Memory
译 文
音乐 上学路上你听到一首歌,然后便发现接下来的一整天这首歌都挥之不去。一 直萦绕耳边的音乐被称为“耳朵虫”。一项研究表明,近92% 的人一周会有 一次或多次这种经历。“耳朵虫”可由许多事情引起,例如回到第一次听到 某首歌的地方。人们心情不好时常常会听忧伤的歌,而压力大的情况常常会 令你想起那首歌。
Sound You heard a song on your way to campus, and you found it hard to get rid of it for the rest of the day. Songs that stay in your head all day are known as “earworms”. It was found in one study that nearly 92% of people have such an experience once a week or more. Earworms are started by many different kinds of things, such as going back to the same place where you first heard a song. People also often listen to sad music when they are in a sad mood, and stressful situations often remind them of that song.
捷进少儿语法③ 公开课

What is she doing?
She is cooking .
What are they doing?
They are playing football.
What is she doing?
She is ?
He is doing the long jump.
She is taking a walk.
What are they doing?
They are eating breakfast.
What is he doing?
He is doing morning exercises.
What is he doing?
He is sleeping.
What is she doing?
ten past ten
a quarter past two
twenty past eleven twenty-five past six
half past ten
get up, 6:00
wash face, 6:20
go to school, 7:50
have classes, 8:00
have lunch, 12:00
Thank you! Thank you !how are you?
Let’s review the words! clothes busy
mouth jeans
help pair
beautiful hat
trousers borrow
What are they doing?
unit 6 第一课时

Names I My friend
happy thing afraid thing angry things
A: How do you feel when you have a new dress? B: I feel happy.
• Words: happy afraid
• Sentences: It’s about a cat. He chases the mice. He is angry with them. They’re afraid of him.
• 回家调查父母及家人开心、生气和害怕的 事情是什么,可以画出来,准备下一节做 汇报。
Let’s talk
• Listen and answer the question: Why is the cat angry with the mice?
Sam: What’s this ______ about? Sarah: It’s about a ___. The cat is a _____ _____. Sam: Cool! Sarah: He chase the ____. They’re afraid of him. Sam: Why? Sarah: Because the mice are ____. They hurt people.
Unit 6 How do you feel ?
Do you like popcorn ?
When do you eat popcorn?
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Fill in the blanks.
A: ___ ___ is it, Bob? B: It's eight o'clock. A: It's time ___ class. Let's go to
the classroom. B: OK.
A: What's ___ ___, Pete? B: It's five o'clock. A: It's time ___ go home. B: Let's go.
What's the time? = What time is it? It's time for class. It's time to go to school.
Let's go to the classroom.
Let's go.
What's the time? It's …
Listen and repeat.
/g/ /k/ /h/ /r/ /s/ /z/ /w/ /v/
/dW/ /tS/ /S/ /W/ /O/ /D/ /j/ /Y/
Read it!
1. What's the time? What time is it?
2. It's time for class. It's time to gons:
1. What time is it? 2. What will Bob do?
(M = Mum B = Bob)
M: Come here, Bob. It's time for breakfast.
B: What time is it, Mum? M: It's eight o'clock. B: Oh, it's time to go to school.
Bye-bye, Mum. M: But your breakfast… B: No, thank you.
Pronunciatio 短元音音标:n/Z/ /e/ /I/ /F/ /V/ /H/ /E/
长元音音标:/i:/ /C:/ /A:/ /u:/ /E:/ 双元音音标:/eI/ /aI/ /EH/ /IE/ /eE/ /HE/ /CI/ 辅音音标: /b/ /p/ /m/ /f/ /d/ /t/ /n/ /l/
What time is it?
It's eight o'clock.
It's time for class. Let's go to the classroom.
What's the time? It's time to go home.
It's five o'clock.
Let's go.
Lesson 6 What time is it?
one two three four five six
Put a or an in the blanks. 1. This is ____ ruler. 2. That is _____ eraser. 3. This is _____ old pencil-box. 4. That is _____ new schoolbag.
3. Let's go to the classroom. Let's go.
It's time for … It's time to …