英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language课件

A text is a product of all three. The three metafunctions of language are closely related to context and realized in the lexicogrammar of language. They are interwoven in discourse.
Metafunctions of Language
M.A.K. Halliday
12英语2班 翁京京 马密密 王雅莛 唐晓雯 唐苑
A British-born Australian linguist who developed the internationally influential systemic functional linguistic model of language.
The experiential function 经验功能
It refers to the grammatical choices that enable
speakers to make meanings about the world around us
and inside us. 经验功能指的是语言对人们在现实世界(包括内心世界) 中的各种经历的表达。换言之,就是反映客观世界中所 发生的事、所牵涉的人和物以及与之有关的时间、地点 等环境因素。
The logical function
Halliday describes the logical function as those systems
“whichnships between o
ne clausal unite and another”
Metafunctions of Language
M.A.K. Halliday
12英语2班 翁京京 马密密 王雅莛 唐晓雯 唐苑
A British-born Australian linguist who developed the internationally influential systemic functional linguistic model of language.
The experiential function 经验功能
It refers to the grammatical choices that enable
speakers to make meanings about the world around us
and inside us. 经验功能指的是语言对人们在现实世界(包括内心世界) 中的各种经历的表达。换言之,就是反映客观世界中所 发生的事、所牵涉的人和物以及与之有关的时间、地点 等环境因素。
The logical function
Halliday describes the logical function as those systems
“whichnships between o
ne clausal unite and another”
英语语言学function of language课件

Six primary factors of any speech event: speaker, addressee, context, message, code, contact.
Jakobson’s well-known framework of language functions based on the six key elements of communication:
my group member's view
phatic function directive function informative function interrogative function expressive function evocative function performative function
Conative: to persuade and influence others
through commands and entreaties)
Phatic: to establish communion with others Metalingual function: to clear up intentions,
英语语言学function of language
Halliday’s view
Interpersonal metafunction The interpersonal function refers to the grammatical choices that enable speakers to enact their complex and diverse interpersonal relations.
Jakobson’s view
Jakobson’s well-known framework of language functions based on the six key elements of communication:
my group member's view
phatic function directive function informative function interrogative function expressive function evocative function performative function
Conative: to persuade and influence others
through commands and entreaties)
Phatic: to establish communion with others Metalingual function: to clear up intentions,
英语语言学function of language
Halliday’s view
Interpersonal metafunction The interpersonal function refers to the grammatical choices that enable speakers to enact their complex and diverse interpersonal relations.
Jakobson’s view

•Attributive is about what attributes a certain object has, or what type it belongs to. Expressed by:
▫ Attribute—the quality, Carrier—the entity
▫ E.g. Today’s weather is going to be warm.
Ideational function 概念功能
(different modes of meaning construed by the grammar)
Ideational fun--
• Generally only one participant, Behaver, often a human.
• Distinguished from Material process:
▫ Only one participant: whether the activity
concerned is physiological or psychological.
•Expressed by Identified and Identifier.(or token
and value)
•E.g. John
is our monitor.
Identified process Identifier
Token process Value
Verbal process 言语过程

logical–semantic relationships between one clausal unit and another”. 指的是是语言对两个或两个以上的意义单位之间逻辑关系的表达。
Ideational ≈ Descriptive
M达关。的E换时T言间A之、,地F就点U是等IdN反环e映境Ca客因tT观素io世。IO界n中aN所l S发生的E事xI、np所et牵reie涉rnp的ce人e和rfsu物no以cn及tioa与n之l 有
Logic function
Textual Halliday describes the logical function as those systems “which set up
“In terms of the functions that language evmolevteadfutnocsteiornve”
all langsuyasgteesmaicrefuconncstiidoenraeldlitnogbueissthiacpsed and
organised in relation to three functions, or metafunctions.
IndicSapteeaker’s role
InteErsptaebPrlisesrhosonnSaaol coiamlmreitlmaetinot nships
Halliday argues that both experiential and interpersonal functions are intricately organized, but that between the two “there is comparatively very little constraint”. This means that “by and large, you can put any interactional ‘spin’ on any representational content”. What allows meanings from these two modes to freely combine is the intercession of a third, distinct mode of meaning that Halliday refers to as the textual function. The term encompasses all of the grammatical systems responsible for managing the flow of discourse.
Ideational ≈ Descriptive
M达关。的E换时T言间A之、,地F就点U是等IdN反环e映境Ca客因tT观素io世。IO界n中aN所l S发生的E事xI、np所et牵reie涉rnp的ce人e和rfsu物no以cn及tioa与n之l 有
Logic function
Textual Halliday describes the logical function as those systems “which set up
“In terms of the functions that language evmolevteadfutnocsteiornve”
all langsuyasgteesmaicrefuconncstiidoenraeldlitnogbueissthiacpsed and
organised in relation to three functions, or metafunctions.
IndicSapteeaker’s role
InteErsptaebPrlisesrhosonnSaaol coiamlmreitlmaetinot nships
Halliday argues that both experiential and interpersonal functions are intricately organized, but that between the two “there is comparatively very little constraint”. This means that “by and large, you can put any interactional ‘spin’ on any representational content”. What allows meanings from these two modes to freely combine is the intercession of a third, distinct mode of meaning that Halliday refers to as the textual function. The term encompasses all of the grammatical systems responsible for managing the flow of discourse.

ran away with the gun.
Language is hierarchical. Stratification is the physical manifestation of the infinite use of finite means
3. Creativity ( 创 造 性 ) : language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness Words can be used in new ways to mean new things. Language has its potential to create endless sentences. e.g. He bought a book which was written by a teacher who taught in a school which was known for its graduates who…
朱永生, “论语言符号的任意性与象似性”, 《外语教学与研究》2002年第1期
Design features of language
2. Duality ( 二 重 性 ) : the property of having two levels of structures, units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization The mad man
语言学课件:functions of language

metafunctions 元------ the larger, more general purposes underlying language use.
7 specific functions:
1.emotive (expressive) function: releases feelings. Swear words, obscenities, exclamation , involuntary verbal reactions.
Four phases of English 1 old English 2 Middle English 3 Early Modern English 4 Present-day English
A historical study of language is a __ study of language.
ie, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make
them the subjects of study of linguistics.
Langue /parole
1 what is social from what is individual. 2 what is essential from what is
When we speak or write, we usually don’t confine ourselves to single phrases or sentences; we string them together to form a text. There are expressions that refer backwards and forwards, or substitute for others, or link phrases or sentences. They play the role of bringing units of language into unity.
7 specific functions:
1.emotive (expressive) function: releases feelings. Swear words, obscenities, exclamation , involuntary verbal reactions.
Four phases of English 1 old English 2 Middle English 3 Early Modern English 4 Present-day English
A historical study of language is a __ study of language.
ie, to discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make
them the subjects of study of linguistics.
Langue /parole
1 what is social from what is individual. 2 what is essential from what is
When we speak or write, we usually don’t confine ourselves to single phrases or sentences; we string them together to form a text. There are expressions that refer backwards and forwards, or substitute for others, or link phrases or sentences. They play the role of bringing units of language into unity.

Through language, children learn the values, norms, and beliefs of the culture in which they are raised, becoming socialized into that culture's ways of thinking and living
Language reflections cultural values
The language we speak codes cultural norms, beliefs, and values It reflects how people in a culture view of the world and interact with each other
Language is the primary tool for organizing and expressing thought, which in turn shapes the way people view the world and contact with it
Language services as a repository for cultural knowledge, conditions, and practices, passing them down through generations
Semantics refer to the study of meaning in language, including the meanings of words, phrases, and senses as well as the relationships between them It is one of the fundamental components of language and is essential for effective communication
英语语言学概论The Macrofunctions of Language李明霞

概念功能指的是语言对人们在现实世界(包 括内心世界)中的各种经历加以表达的功能。 就是反映客观和主观世界中所发生的事,所 牵涉的人和物以及与之相关的时间、地点等 因素。
1.He broke the window. 2.我们班周三下午在崇德楼有
《英语语言学导论》这门课,我 们都觉得它很难。
The international function (人际功 能)is to indicate,establish,or maintain social relationship between people.
人际功能指的是语言表达讲话者身份、 地位、态度、动机和他对事物的推断、 参加社会活动、建立社会关系等功能。
语言是社会人的有意义的活动,是做事 的手段,是动作,因此它的功能之一必 须是反映人与人之间的关系。
1.Lisa Li,you should clean up your room. 丽萨,你应该整理你的房间。
2.我觉得学校让大三做早操是有原因 的。
Textual function(语篇功能)is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner that they are coherent within themselves and fit the particular situation in which they are used.
Three macrofunctions
Ideational Interpersonal
Ideational function(概念功能)is to organize the speaker or writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world. It includes the expression of the speaker’s attitude, evaluation, his feelings and emotions.
1.He broke the window. 2.我们班周三下午在崇德楼有
《英语语言学导论》这门课,我 们都觉得它很难。
The international function (人际功 能)is to indicate,establish,or maintain social relationship between people.
人际功能指的是语言表达讲话者身份、 地位、态度、动机和他对事物的推断、 参加社会活动、建立社会关系等功能。
语言是社会人的有意义的活动,是做事 的手段,是动作,因此它的功能之一必 须是反映人与人之间的关系。
1.Lisa Li,you should clean up your room. 丽萨,你应该整理你的房间。
2.我觉得学校让大三做早操是有原因 的。
Textual function(语篇功能)is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner that they are coherent within themselves and fit the particular situation in which they are used.
Three macrofunctions
Ideational Interpersonal
Ideational function(概念功能)is to organize the speaker or writer’s experience of the real or imaginary world. It includes the expression of the speaker’s attitude, evaluation, his feelings and emotions.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language1

The ideational function is divided into experiential function and logical function. The experiential function refers to the grammatical choices that enable speakers to make convey meanings about the real or imaginary world. The logical function refers to those systems which set up logical semantic relationships between one clausal unit and another. When two clauses are combined, the speaker can give both clauses equal status, or make one dependent on the other.
Metafunctions of Language
小组成员:徐艳红 吴丽丹 钱婷婷 殷秋琼 李文婷 周兰花
Ideational function
The ideational function is to build and maintain a theory of experience. It includes the expression of the speaker’s attitude, evaluation, feelings and emotions, e.g. “I understand your concealed thought.”InBiblioteka erpersonal function
metafunctions of language 语言元功能

Transitivity, as a key analytical component of the ideational function of language in Halliday’s systemic-functional view of language, is a semantic concept that looks at how meaning is represented in the clause. Transitivity shows how language users encode in language their mental picture of reality and how they account for their experience of the world around them.
In the aftermath… In a video…
Titled… Just two days…
Verbal Verbal relational
Emphasized Sayer: Dufour Verbiage: the importance… said was Sayer: he Verbiage: “we can’t…” Carrier: Dufour’s reply Attribute: simple and honest In the video When…
Mental processes express such mental phenomena as “perception”(see, look) “reaction”(like, please) “cognition”(think, believe, convince). A mental process involves two participants: sensor and phenomenon. e.g. Mary likes the new house. Relational processes can be classified into two types: attributive and identifying. The former expresses what attributes a certain object has, or what type it belongs to while the latter expresses the identical properties of two entities.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language3

• 语言对人们在现实世 • 语言对两个或两个以
界包括内心世界中的 上的意义单位之间逻
Interpersonal function 人际功能
• The interpersonal function refers to the grammatical choices that enable speakers to enact their complex and diverse interpersonal relations.
• 用各种语言手段将语篇中的各个句子连接 成一篇连贯的文章的功能
• 先有大脑的思考和思想
• 然后是把自己大脑中的思考和思想拿出来 与人交流
• 并在与人交流的过程中还要把各种思想按 照一定的事理逻辑组合成一个衔接和连贯 的整体,以达到自己说话的目的
Thank you
Metafunctions of Language
Halliday's Model
12英语2班 王晓珏 仇丹妮 潘冬菊 袁承敏 吴爱婷 尹苗苗
Metafunction 纯理功能
Ideational function 概念功能
InterperBiblioteka onal function 人际功能
Textual function 语篇功能
Ideational function
• The ideational function is language concerned with building and maintaining a theory of experience. It includes the experiential function (经 验功能)and the logical function(逻辑 功能).

Metafunctions of Language: Halliday’s Model
12英语2班:刘盼、孙娴、杨洁、 魏梦娟、薛奇妹、陈佳炜
Ideational metafunction概念功能
根据韩礼德的观点,概念功能指的是语言对人们 在现实世界(包括内心世界)中的各种经历加以 表达的功能。换言之,就是反映客观和主观世界 中所发生的事,所牵涉的人和物以及与之相关的 时间、地点等因素。语言的这一功能就是用概 念内容的形式将人们的经验进行编码
韩礼德认为,句子是概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义同 步体现的产物。例如:
built By John
ideational 物质过程 material
目标goal: 受影响者
过程process: 物质material
参与者 participant: 有生命的
组成部分: 语气(Mood) 情态(Modality)
Textual metafunction语篇功能
语篇功能是指语意层中把语言成分组织成语篇的功能。语篇功能涉 及到主位和述位。主位是信息的起点,主位结构由主位和述位构成, 主位一旦确定,剩下的成份就是述位。主位有标记性和无标记性之 分。选择小句中哪一个成份做主位,这要看小句选择什么语气。在 陈述句中,无标记主位与主语合并,就是说,如无特殊理由,选择 主语成分充当主位,主语以外的成分充当主位时有标记主位。 疑问语气的提问要求读对方回答,因此,疑问语句的主位自然是 “我想要知道的答复”。是非问句想要知道的答复是“是”或 “非”,充当主位的是表示是非的成份,这些成分在英语中是限定 动词。
12英语2班:刘盼、孙娴、杨洁、 魏梦娟、薛奇妹、陈佳炜
Ideational metafunction概念功能
根据韩礼德的观点,概念功能指的是语言对人们 在现实世界(包括内心世界)中的各种经历加以 表达的功能。换言之,就是反映客观和主观世界 中所发生的事,所牵涉的人和物以及与之相关的 时间、地点等因素。语言的这一功能就是用概 念内容的形式将人们的经验进行编码
韩礼德认为,句子是概念意义、人际意义和语篇意义同 步体现的产物。例如:
built By John
ideational 物质过程 material
目标goal: 受影响者
过程process: 物质material
参与者 participant: 有生命的
组成部分: 语气(Mood) 情态(Modality)
Textual metafunction语篇功能
语篇功能是指语意层中把语言成分组织成语篇的功能。语篇功能涉 及到主位和述位。主位是信息的起点,主位结构由主位和述位构成, 主位一旦确定,剩下的成份就是述位。主位有标记性和无标记性之 分。选择小句中哪一个成份做主位,这要看小句选择什么语气。在 陈述句中,无标记主位与主语合并,就是说,如无特殊理由,选择 主语成分充当主位,主语以外的成分充当主位时有标记主位。 疑问语气的提问要求读对方回答,因此,疑问语句的主位自然是 “我想要知道的答复”。是非问句想要知道的答复是“是”或 “非”,充当主位的是表示是非的成份,这些成分在英语中是限定 动词。

• Textual function(语篇功能 ):refers to the fact that
language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences.
• Halliday argues that these encounters. It expresses the speaker’s role in the speech situation, his personal commitment and assessment of the social relationship between the addressee and himself.
• based on the claim that a speaker not only talks about something, but is always talking to and with others. Language not only construes experience, but simultaneously acts out “the interpersonal encounters that are essential to our survival”.
Metafunctions 元功能
• Ideational function (概念功能): aims to reveal that
language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve.
language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences.
• Halliday argues that these encounters. It expresses the speaker’s role in the speech situation, his personal commitment and assessment of the social relationship between the addressee and himself.
• based on the claim that a speaker not only talks about something, but is always talking to and with others. Language not only construes experience, but simultaneously acts out “the interpersonal encounters that are essential to our survival”.
Metafunctions 元功能
• Ideational function (概念功能): aims to reveal that
language is a means of social interaction, based on the position that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language课件

英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Interpersonal function(人际元功能)
• The interpersonal function is to express the speaker’s role in the speech situation to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships.
Interpersonal function (人际元功能)
Textual function (语篇元功能)
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Interpersonal function(人际元功能)
• The interpersonal function is to express the speaker’s role in the speech situation to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships.
Interpersonal function (人际元功能)
Textual function (语篇元功能)
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)

The History and Development of English
Early Beginnings
The Growth of Philosophy
Modern Linguistics
The study of English linguistics can trace its roots back to the Renaissance, with the works of scholars such as William Shakespeare and Francis Bacon
The Creation of New Words and the Development of Vocabulary
02 03
Language Change and Evolution
Linguistics investments how languages change over time and explore the processes that lead to language evolution
Communication and Social Interaction
Annotative meaning: the emotional or cultural associations a word may have
Context and Means
Sense depends on the context in which it is used
Context can change the intended meaning of a word or phrase
the IPA symbols and their
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e.g We have different hobbies:I like traveling while you don’t like it.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)
• Ideational function comprises two components, the experiential function and the logical function.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
• Textual function is represented through two categories of resources, structural resources which consist of thematic structure and thematic progression, and nonstructural resources which comprise all kinds of cohesive device.
“the speaker’s emotions,judgment and attitudes”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The textual function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner to fit the particular situation in which they are used.
The experiential function is when language enables users to “build a mTehnetalol gpiicctaul ries wofhreenal“ityw,tohimchaikse serenpsreeosefnwtehdatingothees loinngauriostuinc dsytshteemm ainndtihnesifdoermthoefmp”a.rIattdaixsitsinagnudishes the dhivyeprosetapxaist,tienrcnlusdoifnegxspuecrhierneclaetsioonfs paasrtcicoiopradnitnsa.tion, apposition, condition and reported speech”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Interpersonal function(人际元功能)
• The interpersonal function is to express the speaker’s role in the speech situation to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships.
Metafunctions of Language
——Halliday's Model
12英语2班 丁王婷、陈楠、刘燕妹 庞林艳、高志鹏、翟小波
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Halliday’s three metafunctions of language
Ideational function (概念元功能)
e.g We saIynt“erpTehrasonnkayl fouun”ctiotnoaelsxopcroensssistths eofgtrwaotiptuardtes: ttohe the peinrtseornacwtiohnoalhfuenlpctyioonua.nWd tehseaayffe“ctSivoerfruyn”ctiownh. Tehne we mairnektleaetritaorcnotisuohbnipale”l ptaaonrtdoettxhhpeererassf.sfeecst“ivethceosmppeoenche-ndtedfeinsecdribroelse
Interpersonal function (人际元功能)
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The ideational function is to organize people’s experience of the real or imaginary world, such as a person’s attitude, evaluation, feelings and emotions.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Ideational function(概念元功能)
• Ideational function comprises two components, the experiential function and the logical function.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
• Textual function is represented through two categories of resources, structural resources which consist of thematic structure and thematic progression, and nonstructural resources which comprise all kinds of cohesive device.
“the speaker’s emotions,judgment and attitudes”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The textual function is to organize written or spoken texts in such a manner to fit the particular situation in which they are used.
The experiential function is when language enables users to “build a mTehnetalol gpiicctaul ries wofhreenal“ityw,tohimchaikse serenpsreeosefnwtehdatingothees loinngauriostuinc dsytshteemm ainndtihnesifdoermthoefmp”a.rIattdaixsitsinagnudishes the dhivyeprosetapxaist,tienrcnlusdoifnegxspuecrhierneclaetsioonfs paasrtcicoiopradnitnsa.tion, apposition, condition and reported speech”.
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Interpersonal function(人际元功能)
• The interpersonal function is to express the speaker’s role in the speech situation to indicate, establish, or maintain social relationships.
Metafunctions of Language
——Halliday's Model
12英语2班 丁王婷、陈楠、刘燕妹 庞林艳、高志鹏、翟小波
英语语言学概论Metafunctions of Language
Halliday’s three metafunctions of language
Ideational function (概念元功能)
e.g We saIynt“erpTehrasonnkayl fouun”ctiotnoaelsxopcroensssistths eofgtrwaotiptuardtes: ttohe the peinrtseornacwtiohnoalhfuenlpctyioonua.nWd tehseaayffe“ctSivoerfruyn”ctiownh. Tehne we mairnektleaetritaorcnotisuohbnipale”l ptaaonrtdoettxhhpeererassf.sfeecst“ivethceosmppeoenche-ndtedfeinsecdribroelse
Interpersonal function (人际元功能)
Textual function (语篇元功能)
• The ideational function is to organize people’s experience of the real or imaginary world, such as a person’s attitude, evaluation, feelings and emotions.