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五年级下册英语一.听音,选出所听到的内容,把序号写在括号内9. A.jumping B. fighting C. limbing D.alking

Beause I an plant trees .Whih season do ou like best ?

Spring .

What’s our favourite season ,Sarah ?

Wh do ou like inter ?

Winter .

Beause I an skate .

Wh do ou like spring ?



3.The are _______the insets arefull .

A. ath

B. athing

C. athes

4.A rabbit is ______on the grass

5.Can I speak _____Chen

Jie ,please ?


B. ith

C. at

6.It is August the _______ toda.

A. tent

B. tentth

C. tentieth

7.Wh do ou like summer best ? ______ I an sim in the lake.

A. Beause

B. So

C. And

8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the oods.

A. tomatos butterflies

B. tomatoes butterflies

C. tomatoes butterfls

9. I have some beans. _________ ou?

A. What about

B. Ho are

C. Wh do

10. Thank ou _____telling me about our da .

A. at

B. to

C. for

五.连词成句:to do. It’s Sunda and it’s a nie da. I get up at five o’lok and then I do morning exerises. I like spring, beause in spring I an hearthe birds singing and the floers are beautiful. In the afternoon I go to the park ith m friends and have a pini there. It’s a prett da!


1. It is a rain da. 1.Does m sister like summmer ?

A .No ,she doesn’t like . B. Yes, she does like summer .

2.What’s m mother’s favourite season ?


B. Winter

C. Fall

3.Whih season do I like best ?

A. It’s spring

B. It’s inter

C. It’s fall

4. Wh does m sister like spring ?

A.She an plant trees .

B. She an make a snoman.

C. She an limb mountains .

5. What season is it no ?

A. It’s fall.

B. It’s summer .

C. It’s spring .



1. ath

2. leaves

3. alk

4. London

5. ant

6. lasses

7. draing pitures

8. sleep

9. jumping 10. November


1.What are ou doing ,Chen Jie ?

I'm eating dinner.

2.Do ou like inter ?

No, spring is m favourite season.

Beause I an fl kites.

3. When is our birthda?

M birthda is in Januar .

4.Look at the pandas.

Are the simming ? No, the are limbing

5.It’s time to go . Where is John ?

三.听音排序, 每小题读两遍。

A : What’s our favourite season , Sarah ?

B : Spring .

A : Wh do ou like spring ?

B : Beause Ian plant trees .Whih season do ou like best ?

A : Winter .
