
船用低硫油管理、转换与操作船用低硫油管理,转换与操作Management,TransferandOperationofMarineLowSulphurFuel口陈秋华WiththecomingintoeffectofIMO'Sconventiononship'Sgasemissionconvention,therequir ementsonship'Semissionwillturnstricterandlow—sulphurfuelwillbeappliedwidely.Thissimultaneouslybringsaboutaseriesofproblemsin relationtotheoperationofship'Smainengine,auxiliaryengine,boiler,oilseparator,etc.国际海事组织fIMO)已经将大气污染物由MARPOLAnnexVI中硫化物排放控制区改成了排放物控制区.并于2010年7月1日生效.这一改变.意味着大气污染物由原来的S0x的排放控制扩大到了对更多大气排放物的控制(如NOx排放等).目前,IMO批准了北海和波罗的海和英吉利海峡这两个大气排放控制区.航行在以上航区的船舶燃油中的含硫量要求在2010年7月1日后要低于1.0%.2015年1月1日以后要低于0.1%.随着以上公约的生效.对于船舶排放物的要求将更加严格.低硫油会得到广泛的使用,同时这对船舶主机,辅机,锅炉,分油机等设备的管理带来一系列的技术问题为了叙述的方便.下文中低硫油指含硫量低于0.1%的燃油(ULsH—FO).目前市场上低于1.5%含硫量燃油主要从低硫原油中提炼得到.只有部分地区可以得到也可安装脱硫设备提炼低硫燃油,但需要添加昂贵设备. 然而.不管是蒸馏提炼的低硫油,还是脱硫冶炼的低硫油.低硫油的贮存保管,理化特性以及燃油的燃烧特性与传统的重油相比.有了很大的变化.具体表现在以下方面:一是较差的发火/燃烧性能:低硫油进行脱硫后导致燃油成分中烃类含量变化.从而降低了低硫油的发火燃烧性能.大气污染物的排放量随之增加.对未来柴油机技术,日常的管理将带来改变二是低的润滑性能:低硫油本身润滑性能不如传统的重油此外.燃油中的硫在机器内进行燃烧反应时.同燃油中的其他成分产生的化学物质有一定的润滑作用随着燃油中的硫含量降低.燃烧产物巾的润滑性能也会降低.对按照传统重油设计机器部件如主,辅机排气阀将带来磨损.低硫油润滑性能降低会带来主,辅机高压油泵,喷油器等柱塞偶件以及燃油泵的磨损甚至咬死为此.国际标准化组织对燃油的润滑性能制定了相关标准以及测试方法(ISOl2156—1).要求燃油商提供的燃油润滑性能.按照以上标准测试值为460~520微米如果低硫油的润滑性指标不在以上范围内.可以要求燃油供应商添加燃油润滑剂三是不相容性:两种不同的燃油混合时会带来燃油不相容.产生沉淀, 分层堵塞管路滤器等蒸馏的低硫油与其他的重油相容性很差.传统的重油中含有较多的芳香烃成分以及沥青.这些成分与柴油,低硫油混合后稳定性很差.将会产生析蜡和质量很大的油泥四是低硫油对目前船舶设备潜在的影响:由于ULSFHO含硫量降低,燃烧产物中的酸性物质较少.要求滑油的碱性降低尤其是目前美国陆}}j低硫柴油含硫量只有l5PPM.如果仍然使用BN70的汽缸油.过高碱性的滑油将会带来缸套等运动部件磨损,拉缸等事故过高碱性的滑油没有被机器内的燃烧产物巾和掉,会燃烧室j二, 活塞环槽内沉淀大量?硬钙镁化合物五是低硫油的净化:通常情况下.MG0轻油可以不需要分油机净化处理.然而有些机器制造商推荐净化处理净化操作应该按照分油机厂家指导进行至于像硅,铝化合物的触媒颗粒.燃油的热裂化提炼过程是存500℃的高温分离塔中通过触媒裂化分解. 大量的触媒颗粒存在于蒸馏物巾触媒对于燃油的终端产品会产生负面的影响.对机器运动部件产生磨损这种触媒颗粒尺寸和硬度不同密度较大的燃油提炼的I序比低硫燃油T序少.存在于低硫燃油rrI的触媒含晕比密度大的劣质燃油要大船上减少触媒颗粒的方法是燃油沉淀加热,放残以及进行离心分油机净化处理如果这些触媒颗粒不能降低到以接受41—的程度.对设备运动部件如柱塞套筒偶件,喷油器,高压油泵,活塞环等产生潜在危害六是鉴于低硫油与传统燃油的差异,以及进入排放控制区进行转换操作给船舶设备带来潜在的危害.相关船级社建议:低硫油与传统燃油之间转换进行风险评估目前相关设备厂家都是按照传统燃油设计,制造的由于低硫油的理化特性.在燃油——低硫油转换操作中.以及低硫油使用过程中会产生潜在危害船东和经营人应该同设备厂家联系.制定改进措施. 包括修改设备,操作管理,以及对船员进行相关培训七是对于目前船舶现有设备.对于燃油——低硫油转换以及使用低硫油操作.相关船级社建议:●同设备厂家联系.准备一份潜在风险评估.这种评估应该包括整个燃油系统和设备部件.也可以同这些部件的生产厂家联系.得到相关指导●同设备厂家联系.制定详细的操作转换程序.包括所有必要的检查. 维护.适当的船员培训程序作为安全程序的组成部分.这个程序应该存放在船上.在接受ISM审核时应该可以在船上查到●同燃油供应商联系.选择和接收适当的MGO燃油/低硫油(黏度在设备要求最小黏度以上)●对燃油系统法兰,密封部位等进行检查维护.低黏度将会带来这些密封部位的泄漏●对燃油净化系统,过滤器进行维护●控制系统,警报系统,传感器,指示器等应该良好维护和操作●船员的培训(初次培训,定期培训).船员培训评估的需求要经常了解和实施●汽缸油应该细致检查和监测.过多的汽缸润滑油会导致汽缸磨损八是燃油转换程序.转换程序没有统一的格式这种转换程序根据每一42一艘船的不同情况具体制作然而制定的转换程序要对船员的操作有指导, 帮助作用.但极力推荐低硫油转换应该由技能较好和有操作经验的船员执行.在安全开阔的水域对船员安全没有危险时进行完成相关转换操作的船员应该进行培训和安全措施提醒. 新上船船员在进行转换操作前进行培训应该特别注意低硫油的操作都是在沿岸水域和靠港进行.在这些水域转换操作出现问题.会对环境带来很大危险.低硫油的操作如果在加利福尼亚水域进行.最好选择在船舶进入拥挤的航道以前完成.错误的操作将会导致搁浅或碰撞的危险燃油一低硫油转换操作程序如下因素应该考虑:●有良好技能的船员对燃油系统安全有效的转换进行评估●考虑到燃油日用柜,沉淀柜的设计布置情况.决定了转换操作时是否混油1998年以后建造的船舶.按照SOLAS公约要求.有两个日用柜和多个储存柜.在很多情况下.有一个日用油柜是轻油柜而不是重油柜.当这个油是MDO或MGO时好操作.在装LSFHO时就像MGO转换操作一样.这是这种设计的优点●开始进行转换操作时.建议降低主机负荷.典型的情况是30%70% MCR进行转换操作具体的情况依照推进装置的特点确定●避免燃油系统温度变化过快设备制造厂家对温度变化要求一般不高于2~C/MIN.正常情况下以主机燃油进机温度150~C为例.MGO温度4O度.按照2~C/MIN的要求进行操作.完成转换过程需要55分钟.接近1个小时很多船舶采用3通阀直接转换.燃油在混合油柜中快速流动.会导致MGO过热气化.过快的从MGO转换HFO.由于过冷的MGO使HFO温度降低过快堵塞滤器导致主机停车因此.转换系统不得不进行修改.安装自动转换装置●为了保证低硫油的进机黏度不低于设备要求的最低黏度.燃油系统安装冷却器,冷却旁通阀保持常开.进行转换操作时在关闭九是锅炉燃烧低硫油:现在燃油锅炉都是采用外部电源与集成控制系统.注意到锅炉的最初设计不是使用MGO之类的轻油现在船上的锅炉设备将要进行修改.相关船级社对此建议如下.●船东和经营人要对锅炉及附属设备对燃烧低硫油存在的风险进行评估.船级社建议船东和经营人.同设备制造厂家以及认可的设计单位联系.以便确认是否需要添加设备或修改管路以便适合燃烧低硫油.以及相关的操作程序毕竞原来的操作程序不是燃烧MGO对于不需要修改或添加设备的锅炉系统.作为安全措施.建议制定低硫油操作程序放在船上.这是ISM 审核时要求●对于初始设计使用HFO/MD0的燃油锅炉应该注意如下事宜:(a)锅炉在冷态初始状态燃烧MGO.但要考虑燃烧MGO时蒸汽负荷达不到要求(b)不正确的操作会引起锅炉的爆炸控制系统发生故障.如锅炉彳F点火以前没有进行适当扫风.燃烧失败以后在炉膛内产生了高压燃气(c1没有完全燃烧的燃油进入到高温的炉膛内.炉膛内的热源可以点着这些燃油而发生爆炸(d1对锅炉雾化油嘴进行重新评估.以前的雾化油嘴不适合燃烧MGO.可能导致火焰熄灭.应该同厂家联系制定安全措施(e)MGO可能会在旋转杯上结碳,需要采取防热措施避免结碳此外.锅炉燃油一低硫油转换时.同样要考虑油的相容问题.(f1目前适用HFO/MDO 的燃烧器不得不修改以便满足适用HFO/MGO要求.(目前船舶燃油管路系统中的伴热管是为燃烧HFO设计的.不适合MGO应该考虑添加单独的低硫油管路.(h1目前船舶锅炉油泵适合HFO.但对于使用MGO会带来吸入困难.(i)详细的船员转换操作程序应该在船上.(j)除了以上所述外,燃油系统的检查维护应该制定☆。

种类 的燃 油 ,即 当进入 或离 开 SECA 时须进 行更 换 燃 油操 作 , 白 2010年 7月 1日起 ,船 上应 持有 一 份书 面程 序 以说 明燃 油转 换如 何完 成 。这份程 序 以 前公 约虽 没有 明确 强制 要求 ,但 是 为 了安全操 作 很 多船 上 已有该 份程 序 。本次 公约 修正 案 明确要 求船 上应 持 有 该份 程 序 ,并 要 求 在 进 行 燃 油转 换 操 作 时 ,将每 一燃 油舱 中的低硫 燃 油 的容 积 以及 日期 、 时 间及船 舶位 置记 录在 主管 机关 规 定的航 海 日志 , 轮 机 日志 ,油 类记 录簿 中。 1 已公布各地 区燃油硫含量限制标准及实施 日期
船舶 );船 舶靠泊 后应尽 早转换 为低硫燃 油
(硫 含量不超 过0.1%),船舶开航前尽 量晚
切换成 高硫燃 油 ;燃 油转换操 作应 记录在船
舶 日志上 。
收稿 13期 :2015—1l-01 作者简介 :洪建 海 (1965一),男 ,福建省人 ,甲类轮机长 ,现从事
船舶轮机管理工作 。
关 键 词 :SOX排 放控 制 区 低 硫 油 换 油操 作
0 前言 近 期从 中 国船 级社 获 悉 :部分 SOx排 放控 制 区
域 (下文 简称 SECA)港 口加 强对 船舶 使用 的燃 油 硫 含 量进 行检 测 。一艘 香港旗 船 舶在进 入 北美地 区 SECA 排放 控制 区 时 ,因所使用 的燃 油硫 含 量超标 , 被美 国 USCG滞 留;另 外一艘 船 舶在荷 兰鹿 特丹 港 接受 PSC检查时,检查官现场在沉淀柜和 日用柜之 间管 路取低 硫 油油样 化验 ,结果含 硫量 超过 1%, 也 同样 被 PSC滞 留。

具体操作如下:一.到达燃油含硫量限制区域航行1. 当船舶到达距离含硫量限制区域1小时路程位置时,通知机舱进行换油操作。
3. 汽缸油转换,打开低硫汽缸油硫测量柜出口阀L0208V、L029V将汽缸油进口三通阀L030V转至低硫测量柜位置,关闭高硫汽缸油硫测量柜出口阀L014V、L015V,将汽缸油回油转换三通阀L031转至低硫测量柜位置。
4. 锅炉低硫油转换,由于锅炉燃油与主机燃油共用油柜出口管,主机转换后锅炉进油就已经完成,只需将回油桶回油三通阀FS01V转至低硫油柜位置。
5. 发电机使用重油时与主机共用同一燃油系统,转换与主机一致。
二. 在燃油含硫量限制港口靠泊进港前转换操作1. 在船舶进港备车之前,关闭主机燃油系统加热,当油温降到换油温度时将轻重油转换阀转到轻油位置,使主机使用轻柴油,同时将锅炉轻重油转换阀转到轻油位置,使锅炉使用轻柴油。
2. 到港前打开低硫轻柴油柜出口阀FP27V、FP30V,关闭日用轻柴油柜出口阀FS06V、FS06,启动发电机柴油供给泵,将发电机轻重油转换阀转至轻柴油位置,是发电机使用含硫量低于0.1%的轻柴油,同时主机和锅炉燃油系统也都转换成了含硫量低于0.1%的轻柴油。
三.出燃油含硫量限制区域燃油转换1. 离港后低硫轻柴油转换成普通轻柴油,将轻油日用柜出口阀打开,关闭低硫轻油日用柜出口阀,使系统使用普通轻柴油;2. 当船舶离开港区及航道后驾驶台应通知机舱准备进行换油操作,a. 主机辅机燃油系统:此时开启主机燃油系统加热器,待油温到达换油温度时将主机燃油系统轻重油转换阀转至重油位置,同时将发电机进出口轻重油转换阀转至重油位置,停止发电机轻柴油泵,使主机和辅机是由低硫燃油。

Class News No.22/2014英国劳氏船级社信息2014年6月17日Statutory Alert: Fuel change-over when entering and exiting emission control areas法规警示:船舶进出排放控制区域时的燃油转换Applicability: All shipowners and operators适用:所有的船东和船舶运营者From 1 January, 2015, the maximum sulphur content of fuel oil used within the MARPOL Annex VI EmissionControl Areas (ECAs) will be 0.10%, unless using an approved alternative means for controlling sulphur emissions.In most cases, the fuel used will be low-sulphur distillate oil (LSDO). Many ships operating both inside and outside ECAs will change-over between LSDO and residual fuel oil (RFO) when entering and exiting ECAs.从2015年1月1日起,在MARPOL公约附则VI规定在排放控制区域(ECAs)内使用的燃油,其硫含量将不得超过0.10%,除非使用已批准的控制硫排放的装置。
Lloyd’s Register Rule requirements劳氏船级社船舶规范的要求The Lloyd’s Register (LR) Rule requirements for fuel oil systems are contained within Pt.5 Ch.14 sections 2, 3 and4; these contain design requirements for systems which are to operate on either LDSO or RFO grades, or both. LR also offers the optional descriptive note, DIST, for shipowners and operators applying industry best practice to theuse of LSDO. The ShipRight Procedure for Assigning DIST Descriptive Note contains further guidance onmeasures to be considered by owners and operators.劳氏船级社(LR)对船舶燃油系统的要求涵盖在其船舶规范第5篇第14章的第2,3和4部分。


MV:INITIAL CHECKS•Check local requirements in excess of Marpol Annex VI – Refer to PB Marpol Annex VI APPP & Record Book. •Confirm sufficient fuel oil of the right Sulfur content (%) is available on board for voyage consumption. •Ensure that the entire system is purged of any HSFO prior to entering an ECA. Refer to PB “Change over procedure to Low Sulphur MGO” and calculate the hours required to flush out the HSFO.•Drain off water and sludge from settling & service tanks.•Clean all line filters prior change over.•Control FO service tank heating, ensure max. oil temperature is 95 deg, stop the FO purifier in advance.CASE 1 FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start Standby Generator on LSMGO and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Shut off steam tracing valves for FO supply pipes; mixing column ; fuel pump injection pipes and filters. •Throttle steam inlet valve before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C depending on FO temperature in service tank, and shut off the FO service tank valve [insert valve no.]•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.]open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.]status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed).•Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve•Shut off LO supply to FO injecting pump rack, when viscosity drops to 3-4 Cst, Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed [insert RPM], as per instructions from the Bridge.•For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a) flush all AEs with LSMGO.b) flush standby pump and pipelines; c) flush filters,•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO. Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualVessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCR with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engines).•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops with a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column ;fuel pump injection pipes and filters.•Open the MGO service tank valve[insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.] in FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Shut off LO supply to FO Pump rack.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge. •For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a)flush all AEs with LSMGO. b) flush stby pump and pipeline; c) flush filters.•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO. Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed.•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 2 - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer SystemStart Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).Check and confirm HFO in service tank is heating to 80 - 85 °C.Readjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engine).•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually with a rate of 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.] from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.] from the MGO/MDO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves[insert valve nos.]for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes and FO filters.•Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]fully.Set viscosity to 12-13 Cst. Shut off the LO supply valve to FO injection pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no.of engines required to be in service)•Increase the HFO Service tank temperature to 90 – 950C•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manual Vesselfitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCR by reducing/ increasing with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible.•Check and confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller from ER temperature to 60°C gradually. with a rate of 1 deg. per 2 mins.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise with a rate of 2°C per minute.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes•Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no.of engines required to be in service)•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge•Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position.•Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 3 - FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load •Lubricate fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Throttle steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C and shut off the FO service tank valve (insert valve No.)•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.]open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.]status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed).•Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the DO pump pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading andinform bridge to make entries with ship’s position at the time of completion of change over.•Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Once Viscosity drops to 3 or 4 cst, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO •Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO in pipeline is flushed out.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load •Lubricate each fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops at a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Open the MGO service tank valve[insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.]of FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the pump pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Once temperature drops to nearly same as service tank, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.CASE 3 - CHANGE OVER - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually at 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.] from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.] from the MGO/MDO service tank, whe n the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves[insert valve nos.]for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes.•Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]fully.Set viscosity to 11-12 Cst.•Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller at 60°C.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise ata rate of 20C per minute.•Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required•Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position.CHANGE OVER OF BOILER - FROM HFO to LSMGO•Boiler to be changed over to LSMGO prior to statring• 4 hours prior entry into ECA, change over the boiler FO pump suction valve to LSMGO (if not already on LSMGO)•Switch off fuel heating to the Boiler•With Boiler FO return line to HFO service tank, run the Boiler FO pump until the entire line is flushed and only LSMGO remains in the line•Fire the Boiler on LSMGO•After 1 hour of Boiler firing, change the return line to LSMGO tank.•The boiler fuel pump may develop less pressure and adjustment of the relief valve setting may be required, while running the boiler on LS MGO.•Do not re-start the boiler in the event of any flame failure without sufficient purging followed by checking inside the furnace for leakage of fuel or any collection of un-burnt fuel•The air damper position may need to be adjusted to prevent misfiring and flame failure, while running boiler on LS MGO. A low firing rate is preferable to frequent start / stopsChief Engineer _____________________ Date: _________________________2nd Engr.: 3rd Engr.:4/E:。

5. Backround & Future(背景及未来)MARPOL 73/78, Annex Vl outlines international requirements for vessel air emissions and pollution prevention.MARPOL73/78附则6概要描述了船舶气体排放和防污染的国际要求.Under the terms of the convention, nations must require ships of their administration and foreign ships in their waters to comply with these international air pollution prevention regulations.根据公约条款的要求,成员国必须要求所有进入他们水域和本国船遵守国际防大气污染规则Upon entry into force of Annex VI to MARPOL on the 19 May 2005, the sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions from ships are controlled by setting a limit of 4.5% on the sulphur content of marine fuel oils. Further, a limit of 1.5% on the sulphur content of marine fuel oil is apply in designated SOx Emission Control Areas (SECAs).根据2005年5月19日开始生效的MARPOL附则6,所有船用燃油的硫份最高为4.5%.在规定的硫氧化物排放控制区SECAs区使用的燃油硫份不得超过1.5%.SECAsIMO has currently agreed on the designation of two SECA’s, the first is the Baltic Sea and the second the North Sea with English Channel. It is expected that further SECA’s will be designated and IMO has set forth certain criteria for designating such SECA’s.目前IMO同意已就指定两个SECAs达成共识.第一个是波罗的海区域,第二个是北海包括英吉利海峡.可以预期将来IMO将指定更多的这样的SECAs区并已设立确定的目标.ECA (Emission Control Area)ECA means to unite Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) with incorporation of NOx emission as requirements.So far Emission Control Area means an area where the adoption of special mandatory measures for emissions from ships is required to prevent, reduce and control air pollution from SOx, NOx, and particulate matter and its attendant adverse impacts on human health and the environment. Emission Control Areas includes those listed in, or designated under regulations MARPOL ANNEX VI Reg. 13 and 14.ECA是硫化物的排放控制区(SECA)和氮氧化物的排放控制的结合.ECA进一步表示采取特殊的强制措施防止,减少和控制SOx, NOx,颗粒物和由含有这些元素的物质对人类健康和环境有害的大气污染物的排放.NOxAs a part of the revision of MARPOL Annex VI, IMO countries agreed to set stricter limits for NOx from ships too. MEPC of IMO agreed in 57th meeting that in the ECAs, NOx reduction from 17g/kWh to 14.4 g/kWh is mandatory for engines constructed after 2011.After 2016 only max of 3.4 gkWh-1 is allowed for new ships. This practically makes catalytic converters compulsory for ships sailing in NOx ECA areas, provided that low sulphur fuel can be produced at sufficient quantities.It is noteworthy that IMO also requires modification of old engines built in 1990-2000, so that they conform to existing NOx limits of 17 gkWh-1.作为MARPOL附则6的修订版的一部分,IMO成员国同意设定更严格的船舶氮氧化物排放控制.IMO 海洋环境保护委员会在57次会议上达成协议在ECAs2011年以后建成的船用柴油机氮氧化物的排放从降低到14.4g/KWh.2016年以后的新船,降低到最大3.4g/KWh. 这实际上是强制要求能为航行在NOx ECA控制区的船舶生产足够的低硫油.值得注意的是,IMO同时对于1990-2000之间生产的柴油机提出了改进要求以满足现行的17g/KWh的氮氧化物的排放要求.Revised MARPOL Annex VIThe Baltic Sea and the North Sea will become ECA's upon entry into force of the revised MARPOL Annex VI. The MEPC agreed that two sessions of MEPC would be required to complete the necessary revisions to the Code.Subsequently it was agreed to revise the entry into force date to 1 July 2010.Global limits reduced to 3.50% from the 1st January 2012.Global limit reduced to 0.50% from 1st January 2020, subject to a 2018 review.Global limit reduced to 0.50% by the 1st January 2025.Sulphur content in fuel oils reduced to 1.00% within an Emission Control Area (ECA) from the 1st July 2010.ECA Sulphur content limits reduced to 0.10% from the 1st January 2015.Those ships using separate fuel and entering or leaving an ECA shall carry a written procedure showing how the fuel oil change-over is to be done, allowing sufficient time for the fuel oil service system to be fully flushed of all fuel oils exceeding the applicable sulphur content prior entry into ECA.The volume of low sulphur fuel oils in each tank as well as the date, time, and position of the ship when any fuel-oil-change-over operation is completed prior to the entry into an ECA or commenced after exit from such an area, shall be recorded.当MARPOL附则6修订版生效时,波罗的海和北海区域将成为ECA’s. 海洋环境保护委员会已同意第二次会议上将完成相关的必要修正.2010年7月1日评估生效的可能性.2012年1月1日开始,全球允许最高含硫量为3.5%;2018年将进行评估,如果当时燃油的生产技术能力能提供0.5%的低硫油,则从2020年1月1日起全球允许最高含硫量为0.5%;如果不行,则推迟到2025年1月1日;.自2010年7月1日起,ECA控制区,燃油硫份减至最高1.00%;自2015年1月1日起,ECA控制区,燃油硫份减至最高0.10%;对于进入和离开ECA的船舶,必须携带纸质燃油转换程序,说明在进入ECA前,必须提前足够的时间转换,确保燃油系统中的燃油完全符合ECA的要求.在进入ECA前燃油转换完成时或离开ECA后燃油转换开始时每个油舱中的低硫油,和日期,时间船位必须要记录.SECA Areas-Baltic Sea-North SeaEast of 5 West – English ChannelEast of 4 West – North SeaSouth of 62 North57.44.08 North – Baltic SeaSummary - EU and other requirements2007 1st January CARB Max 0.5% sulphur within 24 miles of California shore11th August EU North Sea and English Channel SECA enters into force22nd Nov IMO North Sea and English Channel SECA enters into force2008 1st January EU Max 0.1% sulphur for marine gas oils2010 1st January EU Max 0.1% sulphur bunker fuel in use at EU berthsEU Max 0.1% sulphur in all EU inland waterwaysCARB Max 0.1% sulphur within 24 miles of California shore2012 1st January EUMax 0.1% sulphur bunker fuel in use by Greek ferries at Greek ports6. Change-over proceduresChange-over between heavy fuel oil grades is standard practice and so is changeover from heavy fuel oil to marine diesel oil in connection with e.g. dry-dockings.Change-over from heavy fuel oil to marine gas oil is however completely different and clearly not common standard. If gas oil is mixed in while the fuel temperature is still very high, there is a high probability of gassing in the fuel oil service system with subsequent loss of power.It should be acknowledged that the frequency and timing of such change-over may increase and become far more essential upon entry into force of SECA’s.Additionally, the time, ship’s posit ions at the start and completion of change-over to and from1.5% fuel oil must be recorded in a logbook (e.g. ER log. book), together with details of the tanks involved and fuel used. It can be anticipated that the same will be applicable with respect to the EU proposal upon entry into force.Following description of procedure, how it is possible to keep set limits of Sulphur with entrance in SECA(s).不同牌号的重油之间的转换,重油转为轻油是很日常的操作,但是重油转为MGO却是完全不同的概念,如果在重油温度还很高时换入MGO,燃油将会气化,从而造成船舶失去动力.举世公认,随着SECA’s进入强制,这种转换将变得越来越频繁.另外,时间,转换开始和结束的船位,相关油舱的详细情况必须记录进相应的记录簿(如轮机日志).可以预期,欧洲港口相关要求也将生效.下面描述了转换程序,以及如何保证进入SECA ’s 前保证所用燃油含硫量低于1.5%.The No.2 is appointed as the low sulphur fuel oil storage tank. 2 days before passing western borderline of SECA / EU, lower sulphur fuel oil Settling Tank should be filled with theseparator.1. According to the LR ’0.67tons/hours, G/E 0.075tons/hours); 2. open 86v, close85v;3. open30v,37v,31v,34v;close 28v,29v,37v,33v.NO.2重油舱为低硫油储油舱,低硫油必须在经过SECA / EU 前两天驳入低硫油沉淀柜加温并通过分油机分离入低硫油日用柜.1. 根据劳氏提供的计算法,得出符合要求的转换时间表如下(计算时,系统含有0.5吨燃油,主机耗油SOx and Fuel Oil Quality - Bunker Delivery NotesBunker Delivery Notes contain information specified in Appendix V to Annex VISulphur content of not more than 4.5 % m/mKept aboard for 3 years after bunker deliverySox和燃油质量– BDNBDN附录5包含附则6要求的特有信息硫份不超过4.5 % m/m加油后保留在船3年SOx and Fuel Oil Quality - Bunker SamplesEach sample not less than 400 ml for each deliverySealedUniquely identifiedLocation (including facility), date & method drawnMarked with the delivery dateMarked with the name of the bunker facilityMarked with the vessel’s name and IMO num berSigned by the fuel supplier’s representative and the Master or Officer in chargeMarked with the bunker gradeOnboard storage at cool/ambient temperature and not stored in direct sunlight or in an accommodation spaceSample retained for a minimum of 12 monthsSox和燃油质量–油样每次加油时每个油样不少于400ml;已加上封条;每个油样有唯一标识;地方(包括设施),日期和油样提取方法;标识上加油日期;标识上加油设施的名称;标识上船名和IMO号;供油船代表的签字和受油船船长或加油负责人的签字;标识上所加燃油的品牌;储存在船舶凉快或环境温度下不要放在阳光直射或生活区;油样留船最少12个月.Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) Baltic Sea / North SeaIf separate fuel tanks are used –verify that “high” & “low” sulphur fuels cannot be blended/mixedVerify unauthorized inter-connection of “high” & “low” sulphur fuel pipingApproved exhaust gas cleaning system (if installed)Verify logs to ensure date, time, position, of fuel change over was documentedVerify bunker delivery notes to verify 1.5% m/m sulphur fuel was deliveredSulphur content consumed in SECA does not exceed 1.5% m/m 注意事项(SECA/波罗的海/ 北海)如果使用单独的油舱–确认高低硫油不能混合;确认没有未经授权的高低硫油的内部管路连接;批准的排气清洗系统(如有);确认燃油转换的日期,时间,船位记录有存档;确认BDN载明所加燃油硫份不超过1.5%;确认SECA 区内消耗的燃油硫份不超过1.5%m/m;。

MV:INITIAL CHECKS•Check local requirements in excess of Marpol Annex VI – Refer to PB Marpol Annex VI APPP & Record Book. •Confirm sufficient fuel oil of the right Sulfur content (%) is available on board for voyage consumption.•Ensure that the entire system is purged of any HSFO prior to entering an ECA. Refer to PB “Change over procedure to Low Sulphur MGO” and calculate the hours required to flush out the HSFO.•Drain off water and sludge from settling & service tanks.•Clean all line filters prior change over.•Control FO service tank heating, ensure max. oil temperature is 95 deg, stop the FO purifier in advance.CASE 1 FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME) Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start Standby Generator on LSMGO and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only). •Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Shut off steam tracing valves for FO supply pipes; mixing column ; fuel pump injection pipes and filters.•Throttle steam inlet valve before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.],when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C depending on FO temperature in service tank, and shut off the FO service tank valve [insert valve no.]•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.] open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.] status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed).•Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve•Shut off LO supply to FO injecting pump rack, when viscosity drops to 3-4 Cst, Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed [insert RPM],as per instructions from the Bridge.•For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a) flush all AEs with LSMGO.b) flush standby pump and pipelines; c) flush filters,•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO. Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualVessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCR with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engines).•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops with a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column ;fuel pump injection pipes and filters. •Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.] in FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Shut off LO supply to FO Pump rack.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge.•For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a)flush all AEs with LSMGO. b) flush stby pump and pipeline;c) flush filters.•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO. Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed.•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 2 - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME) Vessel fitted with Viscometer SystemStart Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).Check and confirm HFO in service tank is heating to 80 - 85 °C.Readjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engine).•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually with a rate of 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.] from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.] from the MGO/MDO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes and FO filters.•Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] fully. Set viscosity to 12-13 Cst. Shut off the LO supply valve to FO injection pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no. of engines required to be in service)•Increase the HFO Service tank temperature to 90 – 950C•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge •Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manual Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCR by reducing/ increasing with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible. •Check and confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller from ER temperature to 60°C gradually. with a rate of 1 deg. per 2 mins.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise with a rate of 2°C per minute.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes •Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no. of engines required to be in service)•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge •Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position.•Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 3 - FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load•Lubricate fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Throttle steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.],when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C and shut off the FO service tank valve (insert valve No.)•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.] open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.] status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed).•Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the DO pump pressure adjusting valve may be required. •Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to ma ke entries with ship’s position at the time of completion of change over.•Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Once Viscosity drops to 3 or 4 cst, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO in pipeline is flushed out.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load•Lubricate each fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops at a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.]of FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the pump pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Once temperature drops to nearly same as service tank, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.CASE 3 - CHANGE OVER - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually at 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.] from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.] from the MGO/MDO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes. •Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] fully. Set viscosity to 11-12 Cst.•Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller at 60°C.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise at a rate of 20C per minute.•Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack. •Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required•Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. CHANGE OVER OF BOILER - FROM HFO to LSMGO•Boiler to be changed over to LSMGO prior to statring• 4 hours prior entry into ECA, change over the boiler FO pump suction valve to LSMGO (if not already on LSMGO)•Switch off fuel heating to the Boiler•With Boiler FO return line to HFO service tank, run the Boiler FO pump until the entire line is flushed and only LSMGO remains in the line•Fire the Boiler on LSMGO•After 1 hour of Boiler firing, change the return line to LSMGO tank.•The boiler fuel pump may develop less pressure and adjustment of the relief valve setting may be required, while running the boiler on LS MGO.•Do not re-start the boiler in the event of any flame failure without sufficient purging followed by checking inside the furnace for leakage of fuel or any collection of un-burnt fuel•The air damper position may need to be adjusted to prevent misfiring and flame failure, while running boiler on LS MGO.A low firing rate is preferable to frequent start / stopsChief Engineer _____________________ Date: _________________________ 2nd Engr.: 3rd Engr.: 4/E:。

控制区范围为三个地区水域领海基线外12 海里内的领海,其内将严控船舶硫氧化物等污染物的排放。
加利福尼亚空气资源委员会(CARB)要求加州沿海地区24英里海域内航行的船舶自 2014年1月1日起,使用DMA和DMB(ISO8217)燃油的硫含量不大于0.1%。

***轮进出SOx排放控制区域(ECA)低硫油更换操作规程MV**** L.S.F.O.AND H.F.O CHANGE-OVER PROCEDURE PRIOR TO ENTERING AND AFTER EXITING ECA1. 低硫油舱柜分布情况:(根据本轮实际填写油舱使用情况)如:我轮指定如下油舱为低硫油舱:D.O TANK(CAP. **m3)---------- 低硫轻油舱D.O SETT. TANK(CAP.** m3)-------低硫轻油沉淀柜D.O SERV. TANK(CAP.** m3) ------低硫轻油日用柜NO3S F.O TANK(CAP. **m3)------- 低硫轻油或低硫重油舱F.O SETT. TANK(CAP. **m3)-------重油沉淀柜L.S.F.O SETT. TANK(CAP.**m3)----低硫重油沉淀柜F.O (CAP. **m3):------ 重油日用柜。
L.S.F.O SERV. TANK(CAP.**m3)----低硫重油日用柜2. 更换低硫油涉及的设备2.1 需更换低硫油的设备:主机、副机、锅炉。
2.2 低硫油驳运设备:重油驳运泵、轻油驳运泵。
2.3 低硫油净化设备:NO.**燃油分油机2.4 低硫油冷却设备低硫油冷却器 ***3. 进入排放控制区之前所需的准备:3.1 驳油:船舶根据本轮实际详细说明驳油的过程,包括使用的驳运泵名称、开关的阀门号码及顺序等,如果需要转换管路中盲板位置,也要说明。
3.2 计算抵ECA前更换燃油开始时间:按照Lioyd’s Regist er的FOBAS change-over calculator计算换油时间如下:注:将本轮更换低硫油所涉及的燃油日用柜和沉淀柜名称及容量列出,如:轻油日用柜容量:** m3 轻油沉淀柜容量:** m3重油日用柜的存油量:** m3 重油沉淀柜存油量:** m3。

2015-01-01 燃油硫含量不大于〇. 10
排放控制区(E C A ) 内美国加勒比海 2015-01-01 燃油硫含量不大于〇.10
2014-01-01 船用轻柴油(D M A )和船用柴油(D M B )硫含量不大于0 . 1
在欧盟港口停泊(包 括 系 泊 和 锚 泊 )超 过 2 h 的船舶
收稿日期=2016- 1 0 - 2 7 修回日期=2016 -11 - 3 0 基 金 项 目 :国家自然科学基金面上项目(51679178) 第一作者:马喜仲(1969— ),男 ,学 士 ,副教授 研 究方向:机舱资源管理 144
有 一 份 书 面 程 序 表 明 燃 油 转 换 如 何 完 成 [2]。这 份 程 序 以 前 公 约 虽 没 有 明 确 强 制 要 求 ,但是 为 了 安全操作很多船上已有该份程序。现在公约修正 案 明 确 要 求 船 上 应 持 有 该 份 程 序 ,并 要 求 在 进 行 燃 油 转 换 操 作 时 ,将 每 一 燃 油 舱 中 的 低 硫 燃 油 的 容 积 以 及 日 期 、时 间 及 船 舶 位 置 记 录 在 主 管 机 关 规定的航海日志、轮机日志、油类记录簿中[3]。
第46卷 第 4 期 2017 年 8 月
D O I :10. 3963/j. issn. 1671-7953. 2017. 04. 033
Vd.46 No.4 Aug. 2017
船舶进入或离开硫氧化物排放控制区域时的 燃油转换程序
马喜仲 (天津海运职业学院,天 津 3〇〇35〇)
和 加 拿 大 沿 海 、美 属 波 多 黎 各 临 近 水 域 和 维 尔 京 群 岛 。对 于 S0 . 排放的控制方法主要通过2 个方


低硫油转换操作须知低硫油转换操作须知Low sulfur oil conversion operation instruction在“排放控制区(Emission Control Areas,ECAs)”区域使用重油的程序Procedure for using HFO in “ECAs”1.从高硫燃油转换到低硫燃油Changing over from high sulphur fuel to low sulphur fuel:1.1.确保低硫油舱的燃油被提前加热好Ensure that the fuel oil in the low sulphur bunker tank is heated well in advance1.2.在进入“ECA s”区域前,停止向重油沉淀柜驳油,并将驳运泵转到手动操作方式Before entering the ECAs, stop transfer of HFO to settling tank and put the HFO transfer pump in manual mode.1.3.直到重油沉淀柜消耗到低位即分油机不能吸入重油时,停止重油分油机工作When the HFO settling tank level comes down to minimum or when the separator looses suction, stop HFO separator.1.4.从低硫燃油舱驳运低于1.5%含硫量的低硫重油至重油沉淀柜Transfer 1.5 %or less sulphur content HFO from low sulphur HFO tank to the HFO settling tank.1.5.继续保持使用重油日用柜的高硫重油Keep consuming the high sulphur content HFO from the service tank.1.6.当重油日用柜的重油消耗到最低位,起动重油分油机向重油日用柜分油When the HFO level in the service tank, comes down to the minimum level, start the HFO separator and start filling theservice tank.1.7.请注意,必须在进入“ECA s”区域前就已经转换好低硫油并开始使用,当进入“ECA s”区域时,将情况记入轮机日志,请见下面的备注。

柴油机换用低硫燃油的实例探析陈强;邱岸墩【摘要】根据大气污染物的排放控制规则的实施要求,分析柴油机在低硫燃油转换操作中所产生的故障,结合实船工作经验,探析柴油机和船用锅炉换用低硫燃油的操作风险,制定规范的操作程序和管理细节,以减少机器设备故障,保障船舶的安全运营.【期刊名称】《船海工程》【年(卷),期】2012(041)006【总页数】3页(P65-67)【关键词】ECA;低硫油;使用;探讨【作者】陈强;邱岸墩【作者单位】福建福通对外经济合作有限公司,福州350000;福建永佳船务有限公司,福州350000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U664.121随着国际海事组织(IMO)将MARPOL Annex VI 中大气污染物扩大到对更多大气排放物的控制ECAs(emission control areas,ECA),意味着大气污染物由原来的SOx的排放控制扩大到如NOx排放等[1]。
图1 国际海事组织海洋环境保护委员会第57次会议和加利福尼亚洲燃油含硫量限制实施时间表自2009年7月1日该规则开始实施以来,美国海岸警卫队第 11 区的记录显示,与切换使用燃油有关的推进系统故障显著上升。
1 柴油机换用低硫燃油的操作风险由于船舶原先使用的是重燃料油(HFO),因此发动机和锅炉使用的油品需要从HFO切换为MGO或MDO。

关于防止燃油含硫量超标而被滞留的工作提醒近期从中国船级社获悉:部分SECA港口加强对船舶使用的燃油硫含量进行检测:一艘香港旗船舶在进入北美地区SECA排放控制区时,因所使用的燃油硫含量超标,被美国USCG滞留;另外一艘船舶在荷兰鹿特丹港接受PSC检查时,检查官现场在沉淀柜和日用柜之间管路取低硫油油样化验,结果含硫量超过1% m/m,也同样被PSC滞留。

中图分类号:U664.111 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-914X(2015)15-0105-01一、背景随着人们的环保意识的逐渐提高,现在全世界对环境污染的关注度是越来越高,硫氧化物是大气的主要污染物之一,它主要来自含硫燃料的燃烧,远洋船舶每天消耗的含硫燃料量是不可想象的,可想而知由船舶排放的硫氧化物更是相当惊人的。
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太平洋航运2015版最新低硫油转换程序MV:INITIAL CHECKS•Check local requirements in excess of Marpol Annex VI – Refer to PB Marpol Annex VI APPP & Record Book. •Confirm sufficient fuel oil of the right Sulfur content (%) is available on board for voyage consumption.•E nsure that the entire system is purged of any HSFO prior to entering an ECA. Refer to PB “Change over procedure to Low Sulphur MGO” and calculate the hours required to flush out the HSFO.•Drain off water and sludge from settling & service tanks.•Clean all line filters prior change over.•Control FO service tank heating, ensure max. oil temperature is 95 deg, stop the FO purifier in advance.CASE 1 FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start Standby Generator on LSMGO and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Shut off steam tracing valves for FO supply pipes; mixing column ; fuel pump injection pipes and filters.•Throttle steam inlet valve before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C depending on FO temperature in service tank, and shut off the FO service tank valve [insert valve no.]•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.] open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.] status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed).•Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve•Shut off LO supply to FO injecting pump rack, when viscosity drops to 3-4 Cst, Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed [insert RPM], as per instructions from the Bridge.•For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a) flush all AEs with LSMGO.b) flush standby pump and pipelines; c) flush filters,•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO.Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualVessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCR with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engines).•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops with a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column ;fuel pump injection pipes and filters.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.] in FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Shut off LO supply to FO Pump rack.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Readjust ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge.•For vessels with common systems - flush the FO system: a)flush all AEs with LSMGO. b) flush stby pump and pipeline; c) flush filters.•Try out and confirm that the main engine can be started/ stopped and reversed on air and MDO/ MGO from all stations ( Bridge/ ECR and Local Control ). Operate M/E at CSR for one hour after fully changed over to LSMGO.Ensure FO pressure is as per maker recommendation at full speed.•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.•Open & supply LO to fuel pump injecting rack for 15mins every 1 hours while operating on LSMGO.•Change over cylinder lubrication to LSCLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 2 - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO COMMON FUEL SYSTEMS FOR VESSELS WITH COMMON SYSTEM FOR AE AND ME AS WELL AS ME SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME) Vessel fitted with Viscometer SystemStart Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).Check and confirm HFO in service tank is heating to 80 - 85 °C.Readjust Main engine load to 70 - 75%MCRwith a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible•Open LO supply valve [insert valve no.] to FO injecting pump rack (UEC engine).•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually with a rate of 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.]from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.]from the MGO/MDO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes and FO filters.•Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] fully. Set viscosity to 12-13 Cst. Shut off the LO supply valve to FO injection pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no.of engines required to be in service)•Increase the HFO Service tank temperature to 90 – 950C•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with a rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manual Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start Standby AE on LSMGO (direct line) and take on part load in parallel with the running AE (for common systems only).•Adjust Main engine load to 70 - 75% MCR by reducing/ increasing with a rate of 1rpm per 2 minutes as far as possible.•Check and confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller from ER temperature to 60°C gradually. with a rate of 1 deg. per 2 mins.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise witha rate of 2°C per minute.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes•Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack.•Once system is completely on HFO, other AE (on LSMGO) may be off-loaded and stopped (depending upon no.of engines required to be in service)•Reduce/ increase ME rpm with the rate of 1 rpm per 2 minutes to steaming speed as per instructions from the Bridge•Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position.•Change over cylinder lubrication to normal CLO and adjust lubricator as per the engine maker manualCASE 3 - FROM HSFO TO LSMGO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITH SEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load •Lubricate fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Throttle steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve gradually; ensure temperature drop with a rate of about 20C per minute.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when fuel oil temperature drops to 90-950C and shut off the FO service tank valve (insert valve No.)•Ensure system return oil valve [insert valve no.] open to mixing column, but not to service tank. Check valves [insert valves nos.] status (valve to mixing column to be opened, and valve to service tank to be closed). •Shut off steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] before steam temperature regulating valve.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the DO pump pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to ma ke entries with ship’s position a t the time of completion of change over.•Keep viscometer setting same as actual value to avoid any damage to it.•Once Viscosity drops to 3 or 4 cst, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO in pipeline is flushed out.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start the standby Auxiliary engine on LSMGO using direct line from the service tank and take on part load •Lubricate each fuel pump racks and lubricate through the inspection hole used to check fuel pump timing mark manually.•For AE FO system, shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.] FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Reduce temperature regulating valve setting gradually. Ensure FO temperature drops at a rate of about of 20C per minute.•Shut off steam tracing valves [insert valve no.]FO supply pipes; mixing column and fuel pump injection pipes.•Open the MGO service tank valve [insert valve no.], when FO temperature drops to 90-95°C (depending upon FO temperature in service tank). Shut off FO service tank valve. [insert valve no.]•Check the valves [insert valve no.]of FO return line and ensure oil returns to mixing column.•Shut off FO heaters steam inlet valves [insert valve no.].•Changeover is completed when oil temperature drops to almost same as in MGO service tank.•Monitor fuel pressure when running on MGO. Adjustment of the pump pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the MDO/ MGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position. At the time of completion of change over.•Once temperature drops to nearly same as service tank, run all AEs on part load until all AE lines are flushed with LSMGO•Vessels fitted with cooler, when change over to LSMGO, cooler to be put into use to maintain higher viscosity only in case the viscosity is below 2 at the temperature of the fuel.•Flush all filter vents to ensure any remaining FO is flushed out.CASE 3 - CHANGE OVER - FROM MDO/ MGO TO HSFO (APPLICABLE TO AE SYSTEM FOR VESSELS WITHSEPARATE SYSTEMS FOR AE AND ME)Vessel fitted with Viscometer System•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Partly open steam inlet valve [insert valve no.]before steam temperature regulating valve of FO heaters gradually and ensure temperature rises gradually at 20C per minute.•Open FO valve [insert valve no.]from HFO service tank and shut off the valve [insert valve no.]from the MGO/MDO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve nos.] status and confirm that oil returns to mixing column (not to service tanks).•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply line; mixing column and main engine injecting pipes.•Confirm indication in the ECR control panel.•Increase temperature gradually and ensure FO temperature rises at a desired speed.•Check actual viscosity, when it rises to 14 Cst, open the steam inlet valve [insert valve no.] fully. Set viscosity to 11-12 Cst.•Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required.•Record the date/ time of change over, contents of the FO/ LSMGO in each tank and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make e ntries with ship’s position. At the time of commencement of change over.Vessel fitted with Steam Temperature Regulating Valve only•Start standby AE on LSMGO using direct line from LSMGO service tank•Confirm that the HFO service tank temperature is 80-85°C.•Open the steam inlet valve [insert valve nos.] of FO heaters and set temperature controller at 60°C.•Open FO valve [insert valve nos.] from HFO service tank, when the oil temperature rises to 60°C, and shut off the valve [insert valve nos.] of the MGO/MDO service tank.•Check the FO return line valve [insert valve no.] status, and confirm that oil returns to mixing column and not to service tanks.•Open the steam tracing valves [insert valve nos.] for FO supply pipes; mixing column and main engine fuel pump pipes.•Increase temperature of steam temperature regulating valve gradually and ensure FO temperature to rise at a rate of 20C per minute.•Set the temperature as per bunker sample test report, shut off the LO supply valve to FO injecting pump rack. •Monitor fuel pressure. Adjustment of the pressure adjusting valve may be required•Record the time of change over and the flow meter reading and inform bridge to make entries with ship’s position.CHANGE OVER OF BOILER - FROM HFO to LSMGO•Boiler to be changed over to LSMGO prior to statring• 4 hours prior entry into ECA, change over the boiler FO pump suction valve to LSMGO (if not already on LSMGO)•Switch off fuel heating to the Boiler•With Boiler FO return line to HFO service tank, run the Boiler FO pump until the entire line is flushed and only LSMGO remains in the line•Fire the Boiler on LSMGO•After 1 hour of Boiler firing, change the return line to LSMGO tank.•The boiler fuel pump may develop less pressure and adjustment of the relief valve setting may be required, while running the boiler on LS MGO.•Do not re-start the boiler in the event of any flame failure without sufficient purging followed by checking inside the furnace for leakage of fuel or any collection of un-burnt fuel•The air damper position may need to be adjusted to prevent misfiring and flame failure, while running boiler on LS MGO. A low firing rate is preferable to frequent start / stopsChief Engineer _____________________ Date: _________________________2nd Engr.: 3rd Engr.: 4/E:。