译文一 人民币衍生产品的发展现状与主要缺陷

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WenshengPeng, Chang Shu, Raymond Yip




离岸人民币衍生品市场主要包括以香港、新加坡为中心的无本金交割远期交易市场(Non-deliverable Forward Market , NDF),以及芝加哥商业交易所(CME)近期推出的人民币期货和期权两大类。




为应对公司与对冲基金的头寸需要,银行进入了NDF市场。另外,银行间通过相互交易合约理想的投资头寸。NDF市场有7个做市商:汇丰银行、渣打银行、星展银行香港(DBS in Hong Kong)、JP Morgan、花旗银行、德意志银行以及位于新加坡的美国银行(Bank of America in Singapore)。

由于是由私人经纪商系统或路透社交易平台发起的场外交易,我们很难知道NDF的规模。在2004年,由贸易协会(Trade Association)组织的针对新兴市场的研究表明:2003年人民币NDF市场的交易总量接近679亿美元,占全球NDF 市场(EMTA, 2004)交易量的7%。NDF市场自2002年起飞速发展,在2005年6月人民币汇率改革前几个月达到每天8亿美元的交易量。由于大多数市场参与者没有预期到近期的另一次改革,在汇改之后NDF市场趋于平淡。自2006年2月之后,由于境内即期汇率的波动性增强,NDF市场恢复增长。从2月至10月上旬,其日均交易量达到10亿美元。在国家外汇管理局于2006年10月发布通知限制大陆企业参与交易之后,NDF市场的活跃程度又有所下降。然而,由于部分

1《China & World Economy》,No. 5,2007。






CME的人民币期货是标准化的场内的无本金交割远期合约(NDF)。每个CME 期货合约为1百万人民币,交割日固定。芝加哥商品交易所电子交易平台组织交易,几乎可以日夜不停地接受全球访问。除了访问简单、交易时间长以外,CME 平台上的交易是匿名的,并在一个开放和公平的环境下进行。其中央清算系统提供保证清算,因而几乎笑出了交易对手风险。



Renminbi Derivatives: Recent Development and


WenshengPeng, Chang Shu, Raymond Yip ……

2.Offshore Markets

The offshore renminbi derivatives markets include mainly the NDF market centred in Hong Kong and Singapore, and the renminbi futures and options recently launched at the CME.

(1) Non-deliverable Forward Market

Information on the NDF market is generally limited. An earlier comprehensive treatment of the subject can be found in Zhang (2004), and Zhang (2006) provides an update. According to Zhang (2004, 2006) as well as information from some major banks participating in the NDF market, the demand-side players include both hedgers and speculators

1.Corporates (mostly multinational companies) are in the market mainly for hedging purposes. Apart from corporates, there is a significant presence of hedge funds, which take positions for profiting from renminbi exchange rate movements. Prior to the recent guideline by SAFE, some mainland banks and entities were active in the NDF market.

Tenors of NDF offered were for up to 3 years duration, although those under 1 year are more liquid. Corporate participants typically concentrate on the 3-month tenor, whereas hedge funds can play up to a year.

Banks operate in the NDF market to meet the demand from corporates and hedge funds, as well as to conduct trading among themselves to achieve their desired investment position. There are seven market makers: the HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, and DBS in Hong Kong, JP Morgan, Citibank, Deutsche Bank and Bank of America in Singapore.

It is difficult to assess the scale of the NDF market, as its trading is through the OTC method arranged on individual brokers’ systems or the Reuters’ trading platform. One survey undertaken by the Trade Association for the Emerging Markets in 2004 suggested that the total trading volume of renminbi NDF in 2003 was around US$67.9 billion, accounting for approximately 7 percent of the global NDF market (EMTA, 2004). The market grew substantially from 2002, with the trading volume rising to around US$800 million per day in

1 A non-deliverable forward contract is an arrangement in which forward transactions are settled by making a net payment in a convertible currency (typically the US dollar) proportional to the difference between the agreed forward exchange rate and the actual spot rate on the transaction date, without involving a delivery of the pair of underlying currencies.
