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八年级下册Unit 4练习题


()1. I think our parents should allow us ____ our own clothes.

A. choose

B. to choose

C. choosing

D. Chose

()2. On school nights, my parents don't allow me________ out.


B. going

C. to go

D. went

()3. ---_________________? ---It doesn’t work.

A. How are you

B. Which is your watch

C. What’s wrong with your watch

D. How do you do

()4. ______________ give him a watch?

A. What about

B. Let’s

C. Why don’t

D. Why don’t you

()5.________ give them some good books?

A. Why don't

B. What about

C. Why don't you

D. Would you like ()6. You should save some money ____ you can buy a gift for your mother.

A. in order to

B. because

C. so

D. so that

()7.---We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet.

--- Really? Will you please show me ________?

A. what to use

B. how to use it

C. how can I use it

D. what can I use ()8. The little boy ____ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus.

A. lent

B. offered

C. took

D. brought

()9. My uncle usually has lunch at home, but today he had lunch in the school ____.

A. instead of

B. instead to

C. instead

D. for instead

()10.---How are you ___ your cousins? ---Very well.

A.get along with

B. get on well with

C. getting along with

D. getting along

()11. Maria ________well with her classmates.

A. gets up

B. gets off

C. gets on D .gets to

()12.---What’s the matter?

---I can’t do my homework. I____my homework in the classroom this morning.

A. leave

B. forget

C. forgot

D. left

()13. You can’t go to the movie _____you finish your homework.

A. when

B. because

C. what

D. until

()14. He is very angry with his mother, because his mother always _____him with the best student.

A. compares

B. complains

C. tells

D. makes

()15.---You teach me English and I teach you Chinese. --- ____

A. The same to you

B. That’s a deal

C. So do I

D. Neither do I

()16. This math question is too difficult. Can you help me ______?

A. work on it

B. work it out

C. work out it

D. work for it

()17.--- I had a fight with my brother this morning. ---_______

A. You should say sorry to him

B. Great! You are right.

C. That’s nothing.

D. You shouldn’t talk to him first.
