02 2017年CFA一级_思维导图_Quantitative Methods
05 2017年CFA一级_思维导图_corporate finance
ؔУՃؔУڔ ઋڔ
Degree of total leverage (DTL)
ؔУՃؔУڔ ઋڔ
程Breakeven point
Breakeven point of sales
ࠢھ ઋ
Operating breakeven point of sales
Dividend ঝֺ
Ӯލ ךЗாऩ
ࣞॹாऩ лދாऩ
R35 Capital Budgeting
ԥЗாऩ ךЗாऩ
ࣞॹாऩ лދாऩ
育 教 Corporate Finance 程 金
R36 Cost of Capital
One tier Two tier
R34 Corporate Governance and ESG: An Introduction
Board committee
Audit committee Remuneration committee Nomination committee Governance committee Risk committee Investment committee
Stakeholder theory
ࡁثshareholder theory ԚӣЉգstakeholders
Principal agent conflict
Between controlling and minority shareholders
CFA一级培训项目Quantitative MethodsCFA一级培训项目Quantitative Methods单晨玮金程教育高级培训师地点:■上海□北京□深圳Topic Weightings in CFA Level IContent WeightingsSession NO.Ethics & Professional Standards15Study Session 1Quantitative Analysis12Study Session 2-3Economics10Study Session 4-6Financial Reporting and Analysis20Study Session 7-10Corporate Finance8Study Session 11Study Session 12Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning5Study Session 13-14Equity Investment10Study Session 15-16Fixed Income12Study Session 17Derivatives5Study Session 18Alternative Investments32-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismQuantitative Methods??Time Value CalculationzR5 The Time Value of MoneyzR6 Discounted Cash Flow Applications??Probability & StatisticszR7 Statistical Concepts and Market ReturnszR8 Probability ConceptszR9 Common Probability Distributions??Inferential statistics zR10 Sampling and EstimationzR11 Hypothesis Testing3-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of Money??Time Value of MoneyzInterestratezEARzAnnuities的计算:FV, PV, required payment 4-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of Money??Required rate of return iszaffected by the supply and demand of fundsin the market;zthe return that investors and savers require to get them to willingly lend their funds;zusually for particular investment.??Discount rate iszthe interest rate we use todiscount payments to be made in the future.zusually used interchangeably with the interest rate.??Opportunity cost iszalso understood as a form of interest rate. It is the value that investors forgo by choosing a particular course of action.5-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of MoneyEAR calculation:mmrr1+EAR=1+=eEAR=(1+periodic rate)??1mz那么如果是semi, m=2; 如果是quarterly, m=4annual intz如果是连续复利,公式则变为EAR = e -1??定性(EAR和计息次数有关)zThe greater the compounding frequency, the greater the EAR will be in comparison to the stated rate6-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of Money??Future value (FV): Amount to which investment grows after one or more compounding periods.??Present value (PV): Current value of some future cash flow??Annuities: is a stream of equal cash flowsthat occurs at equal intervalsover a given period??内容:zN = number of periodszI/Y = interest rate per periodzPV = present valuezPMT = amount of each periodic paymentzFV= future value7-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of MoneyAn example of ordinary annuities(后付年金):Example: What’s the FV of an ordinary annuity that pays 100 per year at the end ofeach of the next 3 years, given the discount rate is 10%Solutions:enter relevant data for calculate.N=3, I/Y=10, PMT=-100, PV=0, CPT→FV=3318-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Time Value of Money??About an annuity due(先付年金)zDefinition:an annuity where the annuity payments occur at the beginningof each compounding period.zCalculation:9Measure 1:put the calculator in the BGNmode and input relevant data.9Measure 2: treat as an ordinary annuity and simply multiple the resulting PV by (1+I/Y)9-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Example: Time Value of Money1.A company plans to borrow $50,000 for five ye ars. The company’s bank will lend the money at a rate of 9% and requires that the loan be paid off in five equal end-of-year payments. Calculate the amount of the payment that the company must make in order to fully amortize this loan in five years.??Answer:??N=5, I/Y=9, PV=50,000, FV=0; CPT: PMT=-12,ing the loan described in the preceding example, determine thepayment amount if the bank requires the company to make quarterly payments.??Answer:??N=5×4=20, I/Y=9/4=2.25, PV=50,000, FV=0; CPT: PMT=-3,132.1010-82100% Contribution Breeds ProfessionalismR5 Example: 房贷月供问题??张女士买了一套价值100万的房子,首付比例30%,她从银行贷款70万,贷款的年利率为6.2%,期限为20年。
CFA Quantitative Methonds
Predicted stock return (point estimate) Y
Quantitative Methods
8. Multiple Regression and Machine Learning
© Kaplan, Inc.
Multiple Regression
Multiple Regression
Multiple Regression
Formulate Regression Equation
1− 0.81852
Critical-t = 2.306
= 4.03
Because computed-t > critical-t, Reject Null
© Kaplan, Inc.
© Kaplan, Inc.
Correlation and Regression
Correlation and Regression
Fixed Income Investments
Fixed Income Investments
Study Session 3 Study Session 3 Quantitative Methods
Topic Weight: 5–10%
Quantitative Methods
6. 7. 8. Fintech in Investment Management Correlation and Regression Multiple Regression and Machine Learning 9. Time-Series Analysis 10. Scenario Analysis and Simulation
这本书的开篇就对金融分析师的考试做了全面的概述,让我对这个考试有了 更清晰的认识。它详细地介绍了考试的要求、内容、形式以及如何准备这样的考 试。这不仅为我提供了一个宏观的视角,被书中的内容所吸引。这本书并非简单地罗列知识 点,而是通过生动的案例、详尽的解释以及实用的图解,让我对金融世界有了更 加深入的了解。它不仅仅介绍了各种金融产品、市场运作,还对金融分析师的角 色、职责以及职业道德做了深入的探讨。
《新版CFA一级notes教材中文版特许注册金融分析师一级中文教材》的目录 结构清晰,按照CFA考试的大纲进行编排,分为几个主要部分。每个部分下面又 细分为若干章节,章节设置合理,符合知识点的逻辑关系。每个章节都配有一定 数量的习题,方便读者巩固所学知识。
从知识点的分布来看,这本书几乎涵盖了CFA一级考试的所有内容。从金融市 场的运行机制,到资产评估和投资组合管理,再到经济学和财务报表分析等,都 有详细的阐述。书中还涉及了一些实务性的内容,如投资策略、风险管理等,有 助于读者全面了解金融分析师的工作内容和所需技能。
“金融市场并非孤立存在,而是与实体经济紧密相连。理解这一点,对于我 们分析投资机会和风险至关重要。”
“投资不仅是一种经济行为,更是一种风险管理。成功的投资者不仅需要掌 握投资的技巧,更需要学会如何管理风险。”
“资产定价是金融市场的核心。理解资产定价的原理,能够帮助我们更好地 理解市场动态,从而做出更加明智的投资决策。”
这本教材不仅涵盖了CFA一级考试的全部内容,而且采用中文编写,使得中国 的考生能够更加轻松地理解和吸收其中的知识。在深度和广度上,它都达到了一 个极高的标准,为考生提供了全面的学习资源。
CFA⼀级财务框架终极版SS7-10 Financial Statement Analysis财务分析是CFA⼀级的重点,不仅仅因为占⽐⼤,还因为它所包含的内容多,计算量⼤。
1.(B3-P13-14)理解financial statement notes(footnotes), supplementary schedules, MD&A所包含的内容(⼀般考题形式是给定⼀项具体内容,问是在哪⼀项⾥披露?)2.(B3-P14)掌握 types of audit reports:unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverseopinion的定义3.(B3-P15)除了annual financial reporting之外的其他获得信息的途径:quarterly orsemiannual reports, SEC fillings, proxy statement, corporate reports and press release。
要知道每种信息中⼀般都包含哪些内容,特别要掌握proxy statement4.(B3-P15)了解财务报表的framework,明⽩分析财务报表的步骤,特别是step3和45.(B3-P20-21)掌握财务报表当中的各种要素的定义,特别是revenue的定义(指的是不是由于股东投资引起的净资产的增长)6.(B3-P20-21)掌握财务报表当中的各种要素的定义,特别是revenue的定义(指的是不是由于股东投资引起的净资产的增长)7.(B3-P21)计算accounting equation,最终的等式为A=L + Contributed Capital + R/E B +Revenue – Expense – DIV8.(B3-P23)掌握accrual basis,特别了解4个名词,unearned revenue、accrued revenue、prepaid expenses、accrued expenses9.(B3-P26)了解account process,其中journal entries(by date)、general ledger或者是T-account(by account)10.(B3-P34)了解Standard-setting Bodies和Regulatory Authorities,知道FASB对应USGAAP,⽽IASB对应IFRS11.(B3-P36-37&38)掌握financial statement 的qualitative characteristics和constraints12.(B3-P39)掌握financial statement 的qualitative characteristics和constraints13.(B3-P40)掌握有哪些是single coherent framework的 barriers14.(B3-P84)掌握balance sheet的格式,格式本⾝分为两种,⼀种叫report format,就是分两栏的,左边是A,右边是L和E;另外⼀种是account format就是⼀栏的。
2018CFAlevel1知识点——QuantitativeMethodsThe time value of moneyTime value of money concepts and applications/doc/bd1209418.html,pound interest (interest on interest)复利2.Future value3.Present valueUsing financial calculator1.Set up P/Y to”1”Time lines1.It is often a good idea to draw a time line before you start to solve a TVMproblem.2.Discounting贴现/doc/bd1209418.html,pounding4.Equilibrium interest rates均衡利率are the required rate of return for aparticular investment.5.Interest rates are also referred to as discount rates贴现率.6.We can also view interest rates as the opportunity cost of current consumption.7.Real risk-free rate真正的无风险利率: It is a theoretical rate on a single-periodloan that has no expectation of inflation in it.8.Nominal risk-free rate名义无风险利率= real risk-free rate+ expected inflationrate9.Default risk违约风险: The risk that a borrower will not make the promisedpayments in a timely manner.10.Liquidity risk流动性风险: The risk of receiving less than fair value for aninvestment if it must be sold for cash quickly.11.Maturity risk到期风险: The prices of longer-term bonds are more volatile不稳定的than those of shorter-term bonds. Longer maturity bonds have more maturity risk than shorter-term bonds and require a maturity risk premium.12.Required interest rate on a security= nominal risk-free rate+ default riskpremium+ liquidity premium+ maturity risk premium13.Effective annual rate (EAR) 实际年利率represents the annual rate of returnactually being earned after adjustments have been made for different compounding periods.14.EAR=(1+periodic rate)m-1Future value of a single sum1.Future value factor: (1+r)n2.FV=PV(1+r)nPresent value of a single sum1.Present value factor: 1/(1+r)n2.Annuities1.An annuity is a stream of equal cash flow that occurs at equal intervals over agiven period.2.Ordinary annuities普通年金: Cash flow occurs at the end of each period.3.Annuities due期初应付年金:Cash flow occurs at thebeginning of each period.Future value of an annuity due1.Future value of annuity due= future value of ordinary annuity*(1+n)2.做和annuity due相关的题目的时候都可以用两种方法,第一种是用计算器的BGN模式,另一种是用上面那条公式(用计算器的普通模式计算出结果,然后乘以“1+n”)。
CFA一级知识点概要总结============Quantitative Methods============#05 Time Value of Money1) EAR在离散复利(Monthly,Quarterly,Semi-annually)和连续复利时的计算2) 分期付款下利率、每期支付金额、FV、PV和支付次数的关系#06 Discounted Cash Flow Applications1) 如何计算Time-Weighted Rate of Return2) 如何计算Money-Weighted Rate of Return3) 如何用计算器计算NPV4) 如何用计算器计算IRR#07 Statistical Concepts and Market Return1) 4种Measurement Scle:Norminal Scale,Ordinal Scale,Interval Scale,Ratio Scale2) 车比雪夫不等式(Chebyshev's Inequality)的含义3) Sharp Ratio的定义4) 偏度(Skewness)的定义以及正偏(Positively Skewness)、负偏(Negatively Skewness)的判断5) Sample Skewness (样本偏度)的计算6) 什么是峰度(Kurtosis)以及尖峰的(Leptokurtic)和平峰的(Platykurtic)7) 如何计算样本偏度(Sample Skewness)和样本峰度(Sample Kurtosis)8) 正态分布(Standard Distribution)的几点属性:比如Sample Kurtosis等于3,mean/middle/mode三者相等#08 Probability Concepts1) 两个事件的联合概率(P(AB)),条件概率(P(A|B))以及概率加法法则和乘法法则#09 Common Probability Distribution1) 什么是置信区间(Confidence Interval),并且记住90%,95%和99%的置信区间幅度2) 如何计算Safty-First Ratio3) 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)的思路4) 历史模拟(Historical Simulation)的思路5) 蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)与历史模拟(Historical Simulation)的不同6) 正态分布(Normal Distribution)的三点主要特征#10 Sampling and Estimation1) Standard Error of Sample Mean的计算公式以及它的含义2) 什么是t分布(Student's t-distribution)以及其中自由度(Degrees of Freedom,df)的概念3) t分布的特点以及与正态分布的区别#11 Hypothesis Testing1) Hypothesis Testing的7个步骤(顺序)2) 什么是无效假设(Null Hypothesis)和备择假设(Altanative Hypothesis)3) 什么是单尾检验(One-Tailed Test)和双尾检验(Two-Tailed Test)4) 检验统计量(Test Statistic)的定义5) 如何得到Standard Error of Sample Statistic6) 什么是第一类错误(Type I Error)和第二类错误(Type II Error)============Economics============#13 Elasticity1) Price Elasticity of Demand的定义2) 影响Price Elasticity of Demand的三个方面3) Elastic,Inelastic,Perfectly Elastic和Perfectly Inelastic的图形表示4) Cross Elasticity of Demand的定义5) Income Elasticity的定义以及三个不同等级的商品与它的对应关系6) Price Elasticity of Supply的定义7) 影响Price Elasticity of Supply的两种因素8) 理解在直线需求曲线(Straight-Ling Demand Curve)时,High Elasticity,Unitary Elasticity 以及Low Elasticity的位置(Notes V2 P16)9) Demand Curve在价格越高时弹性越大#14 Efficiency & Equity1) MC(Marginal Cost)和MB(Marginal Benefits)的定义以及关系2) 如何计算消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)以及它在MC-MB图中的位置3) 什么是生产者剩余(Producer Surplus)以及它在MC-MB图中的位置4) 什么是Equilibrium Quantity5) 阻碍资源分配有效性的几个因素6) 什么是Deadweight Loss,以及它在MC-MB图上的表示7) 有关资源分配公平性/有效性的两种学派:Utilitarianism(功利主义)和Symmetry Principle (对称原则)的中心思想#16 Organizing Production1) 机会成本(Opportunity Cost)的含义2) 两种不同的机会成本:Explicit Cost和Implicit Cost3) 两种不同的隐性成本(Implicit Cost)4) 什么是Implicit Rental Rate,并且知道它是Economic Depreciation和Foregone Interest的和5) Economic Profit的定义以及它与Total Revenue,Total Cost(含Opportunity Cost)的关系6) 理解什么是Economic Profit,并且理解为什么Economic Profit小于Accounting Profit7) 理解在Normal情况下,Economic Profit等于08) 对Maximum Profit的三种类型的限制:技术限制、信息限制和市场限制9) 理解什么是技术有效性(Technological Efficiency),什么是经济有效性(Economic Efficiency),并结合例子(Notes V4 P52)10) 公司组织生产的两种形式:Command System和Incentive System,以及它们的不同11) 什么是Principal-Agent Problem,以及减少Principal Agent Problem的三种常用方法:Ownership,Incentive Pay和Long Term Contract12) 商务组织的三种形式的优缺点:Proprietorships,Partnerships,Corporations13) 四种市场类型:Perfect Competition, Monopllistic Competition, Oligopoly和Monoploy等含义和特点14) Her Findahl-Hirschman Index (HHI)指数的定义是什么15) 四公司集中度(Four Firm Concentration Ratio)的定义是什么16) Concentration Measurement的局限性:地理因素、壁垒因素、市场-行业的差异17) 企业比市场更有效的四个原因:Transaction Cost,Economies of Scale,Economies of Scope,Economies of Team Production#17 Output and Costs1) Short Run Decision和Long Run Decision有什么本质区别:Short Run Decision时,投入的资源固定;Long Run Decision时,可以调节投入的资源2) 什么是Total Product,Marginal Product,Average Product(Notes V4 P65)3) 什么是Total Cost(Total Fixed Cost和Total Variable Cost),Marginal Cost,4) 什么是Average Cost(Average Fixed Cost,Average Variable Cost),并熟悉它们的图形关系(Notes V4 P69)5) 什么是一个公司的生产函数(Production Function)以及为什么会产生Diminishing Returns6) Law of Diminishing Returns的中心思想是什么7) 什么是Marginal Product of Capital以及为什么会产生Diminishing Marginal Product of Capital8) LRATC曲线(Long Run Average Total Cost)是什么形状的9) Economies of Scale和Diseconomies of Scale的区别以及在LRATC曲线上的位置10) LRATC曲线上面的三个阶段Economies of Scale, Constant Returns to Scale,Diseconomies of Scale11) A TC = AFC + A VC等式的含义以及图形表示#18 Perfect Competition1) 在完全竞争市场(Perfect Competition Market)中,Price Taker的概念:价格合适可以卖出任意多;价格高出,可以卖出02) Perfect Competition的若干假定3) Perfect Competition的主要特点#19 Monopoly1) Monopoly市场的特点:没有竞争者;没有替代品;高壁垒2) Monopoly市场的两种壁垒形式:Leagal Barriers和Natural Barries3) Monopoly市场的两种价格方式:Single-Price和Price Discrimination4) 理解Price Discrimination的三个前提:Demand Curve右下斜;至少两个具有不同价格需求弹性的消费群体;消费者不能转卖5) 理解Price Discrimination的目的是为了将消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus)转变成经济收益(Economic Profit)6) Price Discrimination对Economic Profit和Consumer Surplus的影响7) 理解为什么在MC=MR时垄断者的产量最佳8) 理解为什么在垄断市场(Monopoly Market)会产生Deadeight Loss:Monoploy Market没有将Consumer Surplus+Producer Surplus最大化#20 Monopoly Competition & Oligopoly1) Monopoly Competition的特征2) 理解Monopoly Competition下,Price Demand Elasticity大3) 理解Kinked Demand Curve Model产生的原因4) 囚徒困境(Prisoners' Dilemma)是什么道理#21 Markets for Factors of Production1) 什么是Derived Demand2) Marginal Product,Marginal Revenue与Marginal Revenue Product的定义和相互关系3) 在完全竞争(Perfect Competition)环境下,MRP(Marginal Revenue Product)曲线的形状和含义4) 理解什么是Wage Rate5) 理解一个公司产出的商品的价格和它雇佣的Labor量成正比6) 理解影响Demand for Labor的几个因素:商品价格、其他生产因素(是否替代品)、技术进步水平7) 影响Labor Supply的两个因素:Substitution Effect,Income Effect是如何相互作用的:Substitution Effect导致工人用休闲时间换更多工资;Income Effect导致工人更多的用Income去休闲8) 工会(Labor Union)设法增加工人Wage Rate和保证工人就业的主要办法:Collective Bargaining,Traing to Increase MP,Restrick for importing,Increasesubstitution price9) Physical Capital和Financial Capital分别是什么10) 理解为什么Non-Renewable Resource的供应曲线是完全弹性的;为什么Renewable Resource的供应曲线是完全非弹性的11) 理解Economic Rent的经济学意义,以及它的供应曲线图形意义:Supply Curve完全弹性时,Economic Rent等于零;Supply Curve完全非弹性时,Economic Rent最大#22 Monitoring Jobs and the Price Level1) 失业率(Unemployment Rate)的计算公式,主要是其中Labor Force的意义(所有已经工作和有意工作的人群)2) 劳动力参加率(Labor-Force Participation Rate)的计算公式3) 就业人口比率(Employment-to-Population Ratio)的计算公式4) 什么是Aggregate Hours5) 什么是Real Wage Rate(一小时劳动可以换回多少商品和劳务,扣除价格水平变化),以及它和Wage Rate比较6) 失业的三种类型(Frictional Unemployment,Structural Unemployment,Cyclical Unemployment),注意区分Frictional Unemployment和Structual Unemployment的区别7) 什么是充分就业(Full Employment):没有Cyclical Unemployment8) 什么是自然失业率(Natual Rate of Unemployment):Frictional Unemployment和Structual Unemployment导致的失业率9) 什么是Potential GDP:当失业率维持在自然失业率的时候可以产生的GDP10) CPI(Consumer Price Index)的定义以及如何计算11) 哪个单位负责报告CPI,报告频率(Bureau of Labor Statistics BLS,Monthly)12) 通货膨胀率(Inflation Rate)如何计算13) CPI偏差(CPI Bias)的主要因素:New Goods,Quality Change,Commodity Substitution,Outlet Substitution#23 Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand1) 什么是总供给(Aggregate Supply)2) 短期总供给(Short Run Aggregate Supply SAS),长期总供给(Long Run Aggregate Supply LAS)的曲线图是什么样的3) 理解为什么LAS不受价格变化的影响,它反映了potential real output of the economy4) 什么是Potential Output(Full Employment下产生的Output)5) Potential Output正相关的几个因素:Quantity of Labor,Quantity of Capital,Technology6) 影响Money Wage Rate的两个因素:Unemployment(负相关);Inflation Expectation(正相关)7) Aggregate Demand的四个构成成分(Comsumption,Investment,Government Spending,Net Export)8) 影响Aggregate Demand曲线的三个因素(Expectation About Future Income/Inflation/Profits,Fiscal/Monetory Policies,World Economy)1) Classical Macroeconomics,Keynesian Macroeconomics和Monetarist Macroeconomics三种经济学观点的异同比较#24 Money, the Price Level, and Inflation1) Money的三种职能:Means of Payment;Unit of Account;Store of V alue2) 什么是M1,什么是M23) 理解为什么Checks Outstanding和Credit Card都不属于Money4) 三种主要的储蓄机构:Commercial Banks,Thrift Institution5) 存款机构(Depository Institution)的四种主要功能:提供流动性;金融中介;监控风险;分散贷款风险6) Fed的三种政策工具:贴现率;Bank Reserve Requirement;Open Market Operations7) 银行允许贷款量与Required Reserved Ratio之间的关系(Notes V2 P156)8) 什么是Monetary Base,它由什么构成9) 什么是现金漏损(Currency Drain)10) 货币乘数(Money Multiplier)的计算公式,以及它在Quantity of Money公式中的作用11) 理解Demand for Money与Interest Rate负相关的原理12) 什么是Money Velocity,并理解M*V=P*Y=GDP的含义#25 US Inflation, Unemployment, and Business Cycle1) Cost-Push Inflation是如何产生的:Aggregate Supply减少所致2) Demand-Pull Inflation是如何产生的:Aggregate Demand增加所导致3) 飞利浦线(Phillips Curve)是用来表达什么关系的(Inflation与失业率的关系)4) Short-Run Phillips Curve是什么形态;Long-Run Phillips Curve是什么形态5) 什么是期望通胀(Expected Inflation):在Full Employment下的通胀6) Natural Rate变化对Long-Run Phillip Curve的影响:Natural Rate增大,Long-Run Phillip Curve向右移动#26 Fiscal Policy1) 什么是Supply-Side Effects(Fiscal Policy对Supply的影响,尤其通过税收)2) 理解Laffer Curve描述的是什么原理(Notes V2 P184)3) Financing for Investment的来源主要包括哪些(National Savings,Government Savings,Borrowing from Foreigners)4) 挤出效应(Crowding Out Effect):政府扩张财政,挤出私人投资/支出机会#27 Monetary Policy1) Fed的货币政策的三个目标:扩大就业;稳定价格;稳定利率2) 理解Fed的主要货币手段是联邦基金利率(Federal Fund Rate)3) Open Market Operations是如何实现的:买入、卖出Treasury Securities#28 An Overview of Central Bank1) 中央银行实施货币政策(Monetary Policy)的工具有哪些2) Inflation Targeting指什么:将通胀率控制在一个区间内为目标的货币政策============FSA============#29 Financial Statement Analysis: Introduction1) 审计的三种结果的含义:Unqualified,Qualified,Adversed Opinion的分别的含义2) MD&A(Management's Discussion and Analysis)记录的内容是什么:一些Disclosure,Discussion3) Footnotes记录什么东西:Accounting Methods,4) Proxy Statement主要记录什么东西:有关Shareholder的信息5) Standard Auditor's Opinion的三部分内容(Notes V3 P14)6) FSA Framework的六步:State Objective and Context;Gather Data;Process Data;Analyze Date;Report Conclusion;Update#30 Financial Reporting Mechanics1) 什么是Contra Account2) 什么是Asset3) 什么是Liability4) 什么是Owners' Equity5) 什么是Income6) 什么是Expense7) 基本会计等式8) 什么是Double-Entry Accounting原则9) 什么是Accrual Basis Accounting,并解释什么是Unearned Revenue,Accrued Revenue,Prepaid Expense,Accrued Expense10) 什么是Cash Basis Accounting11) 什么是Prepaid Expenses12) 什么是Accrued Expenses13) 会用Balance Sheet、Income Statement和Cash Statement之间的金额互算14) Revenue和Unearned Revenue(Liabilities)的区别15) 知道Ending Retained Earning和Beginning Retained Earning的差等于Net Income减去Dividend Declared#31 Financial Reporting Standards1) 国际会计准则(IFSR)和美国会计准则(GAAP)的大略异同2) 国际会计准则No.1对哪些财务报表是必须的3) 什么是Proxy Statements4) 什么是MD&A5) 报表的质量:Understandability,Comparability,Relevance,Reliability6) 制作报表的两个Assumption:Accrual Basis,Going Concern Assumption分别是什么意思6) 一个完好的报表架构需要满足的几点要求:透明性(Transparency),可理解(Comprehensiveness)和一致性(Consistency)#32 Understanding The Income Statement1) Net Income与Revenue和Expense的关系:Revenue - Expense = Net Income2) 明白GnL(Gain and Loss)是Incidental Transaction产生的3) 什么是COGS:Cost of Goods Sold4) Gross Profit与Revenue的关系:Revenue - COGS = Gross Profit5) 什么是Operating Profit(Operating Profit(EBIT)= Gross Profit - Operating Expense - Depreciation Expense)以及它与Gross Profit的不同6) 明白为什么Unearned Revenue是一种负债7) GAAP下的FASB确认Revenue的四项原则是什么:Evidence of Arrangement;Product Delivered;Price Determined;Seller Sure Collecting Money8) Long-Term Contract下确认Revenue的方法:Percentage of Completion;Completed Contract9) 什么是Installment Sale,并且明白Profit根据收到的Cash确认;更有Cost Recovery Method 要求收到的Cash超过Cost时才确认Profit10) 什么是Barter Transaction以及它在GAAP和IFSR下得到Fair Value的不同方法11) Revenue的两种计量方法:Gross Reporting和Net Reporting的区别是什么(Gross Reporting 分别记Revenue和COGS;Net Reporting只记它们的差值)12) Expense确认的原则之一:Matching Principle是什么含义(Expense确认的时间要与Revenue确认的时间一致)13) Expense中的Period Cost是怎么回事,以及它的确认方式14) Straight-line Depreciation的计算方法(Notes V3 P58)15) Double-Declining Balance Depreciation的计算方法16) 关于Inventory的三种会计记录方法:FIFO、LIFO和Average Cost的原理是什么17) 无形资产(Intangible Assets)如何摊销(Amortization):分有固定使用期限(如Franchise Agreement)和没有固定使用期限(如Goodwill)两种情况18) 被停止的经营项目(Discontinued Operations)的记账原则:与其他项目分开报;对持续经营项目无影响19) 什么样的事情是Unusual Items(比如:Gain n Loss for Sale Assets);什么样的事情是Infrequent Items(比如:Impairement,Write Down,Write Off)20) 什么样的事情是Extraordinary Items21) 什么是Basic EPS以及公式,尤其清楚如何计算Weighted Average Shares22) 什么是简单资本结构(Simple Capital Structure);什么是复杂资本结构(Complex Capital Structure)23) 什么是Antidilutive Securities以及与Dilutive Securities的区别24) 什么是Diluted EPS以及公式25) 什么是Common-Size Income Statement,分母是什么26) Gross Profit Margin和Net Profit Margin的公式分别是什么,并且知道Net Sale就是Revenue27) 列举哪些收入不记入Income Statements:Issuing Stock;Reacquiring Stock;Dividend Paid;Other Comprehensive Income(FX,Pension Liability,HedgingDerivative,Available for Sale Securities)28) 什么是Available for Sale Securities29) 理解Comprehensive Income是Net Income和Other Comprehensive Income之和30) 计量Income的方法:Sale Basis Method,Percentage-of-Completion Method,Completed Contract Method,Installment Methods,Cost Recovery Method#33 Understanding Balance Sheet1) Balance Sheet的几种主要格式:Account Format;Report Format和Classified Balance Sheet2)1) 什么是Working Capital2) Current Asset包括哪些3) Long-Term Asset包括哪些4) Current Liability包括哪些5) Stakeholder Equity包括哪些6) Current Ratio如何计算7) Quick Ratio的计算#34 Understanding the Cash Flow Statement1) 呈现CFO的两种方法:Direct Method和Indirect Method分别是什么原理以及它们的异同2) Direct Method是将Cash-Basis Accounting的Income Statement直接转变成CFO的方法3) 针对CFO的Indirect Method的4个步骤以及其中涉及到的加减(Notes V3,第117页和第119页)4) 什么是Free Cash Flow以及它的计算方法5) 什么是Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF)以及它分别用Net Income和CFO两种方法表示的公式6) 什么是Free Cash Flow to Equity(FCFE)以及它用CFO表示的公式7) 罗列所有Cash Flow Ratios,包括Performance Ratios和Coverage Ratios#35 Inventories1) 什么是LIFO Reserve,以及它的公式2) LIFO Reserve的重要衍生公式:FIFO COGS = LIFO COGS - (Ending LIFO Reserve - Beginning LIFO Reserve)#36 Long-Lived Asset1) 什么是ARO(Asset Retirement Obligation)2) 明白为什么每一年的ARO Expense由Depreciation Expense和Accretion Expense组成#37) Income Taxes1) Tax Payable与Income Tax Paid的不同含义2) Taxable Income的含义以及与Tax Base的不同3) Tax Loss Carryforward的含义4) 什么是Income Tax Expense并且理解它的公式(对于Tax Payable, DTL, DTA)5) 什么是Valuation Allowance并且明白它的作用6) Temporary Difference和Permanant Difference的不同含义7) 可以罗列出四种Permanant Difference的情况#38 Long-Term Liabilities & Leases1) Bond的一些名词定义:face value(maturity value, par value)、coupon rate、coupon payments、market rate、balance sheet liability(bond book value,carryingvalue)、interest expense、par bond、discount bond、premium bond2) Finance Lease和Operating Lease的异同3) Direct Financing Lease和Operating Lease对现金流分别不同的影响4) Market Rate与Bond Rate之间大小关系的比较决定Bond是Premium还是Discount的关系5) 什么是Sale Type Lease#39 Financial Analysis Techniques1) Dividend Declared的概念2) Sustainable Growth Rate的计算方法3) DSO(Days Sales Outstanding)的几种计算方法4) Inventory Turnover的计算方法5) Cash Conversion Cycle的计算方法6) Total Asset Turnover的公式7) Financial Leverage Multiplier的公式#41 Accounting Shenanigans on The Cash Flow Statement1) Stretching Out Payable是如何实现舞弊的2) Financing Of Payable是如何实现舞弊的3) Securitization of Receivable是如何实现舞弊的4) Using Stock Buybacks to Offset Dilution of Earning是如何实现舞弊的5) 如何计算Days' Sales in Accounts Payable(应付账款天数)#42 Financial Statement Analysis: Application1) 如何利用common-sized的报表预测下年的一些财务指标#43 International Standards Convergence1) Marketable Investment Securities的几种类型以及它们对Balance Sheet和Income Statement 的影响================ Corporate Finance ==================#44 Capital Budgeting1) Capital Budgeting的几个基本原则2) 什么是沉没成本(Sunk Cost)3) 什么是外部性(Externalities)4) 什么是同型装配(Cannibalization),以及它对现金流的影响5) Conventional Cash Flow Pattern与Unconventional Cash Flow Pattern的区别6) 什么是机会成本(Opportunity Cost),并且明白Capital Budgeting的现金流基于机会成本考虑7) 评估资本项目的方法之一:NVP法的原理是什么8) 评估资本项目的方法之二:IRR法的原理是什么9) 评估资本项目的方法之三:PBP法的原理是什么10) 评估资本项目的方法之四:Discounted PBP法的原理是什么11) 评估资本项目的方法之五:AAR法的原理和公式12) 罗列为什么NPV方法和IRR方法可能产生不同的衡量结果#45 Cost of Capital1) Marginal Cost of Capital的定义是什么2) 加权资本成本(Weighted Average Cost of Capital)的公式3) 清楚投资机会曲线(Investment Opportunity Schedule)和MCC Curve(Marginal Cost of Capital Curve)的形状、关系。
《CFA一级中文精讲》是一本专注于CFA(注册金融分析师)考试学习的中文 教材,它不仅为考生提供了全面的考试知识覆盖,同时也以中文的语境和表达 方式,帮助考生更好地理解和掌握CFA考试的核心内容。在这本教材中,有许 多精彩的摘录,不仅具有知识性,也具有启发性。
是关于金融市场的部分。书中提到:“金融市场是资金的汇聚之地,它连接着 储蓄和投资,是国家经济活动的枢纽。”这句话简洁明了地概括了金融市场的 核心功能,即资金的有效配置。这不仅是金融市场的本质,也是CFA考试的重 点之一。
是关于投资策略的部分。书中写道:“投资策略的选择需要根据个人的风险承 受能力、投资期限、财务目标等因素来定制。没有一种通用的投资策略能够适 合所有人。”这告诉我们在制定投资策略时,需要充分了解自己的需求和状况, 同时也要认识到市场环境的复杂性和多变性。
再者,是关于风险管理的内容。书中有一句话:“风险管理不是消除风险,而 是通过合理的资产配置和风险管理工具的使用,将风险控制在可承受的范围 内。”这意味着风险管理不是追求零风险,而是要在可承受的风险下追求最大 的收益。
这本书深入浅出地介绍了CFA一级考试的核心内容,从基本的金融概念到复杂 的投资策略,无一不包,为读者提供了一个全面的金融知识框架。然而,学习 的过程并不轻松,尤其是在涉及一些数学公式和模型时,我曾一度感到困惑。 但正是这种挑战,让我更加坚定了成为一名合格金融分析师的决心。
书中特别强调了道德和专业性在金融领域的重要性。这让我深有感触。在金融 市场这样一个充满诱惑和复杂性的环境中,保持清醒的头脑和坚定的道德立场 是每一位金融从业人员必备的品质。而CFA考试之所以如此严格,正是因为它 要求考生不仅在知识上要精通,更要在道德上达到高标准。
CFA重点知识梳理(AB通过一级测验)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Ethic重点知识梳理一、前言部分(一)相关AMC Asset Manager Code of professional conduct(二)The code of ethics1.以高风亮节出现在所有人面前(integrity、competence、diligence、respect)2.把职业道德和客户利益凌驾于自身利益之上。
3.投资建议有理有据有节4.感化他人5.维护市场6.提高专业能力二、条款易混条款:条款区别Misrepresentation Professionaliam条款之下,包括所有不正当陈述,重点是吹牛、遗漏、剽窃Performance presentation Loyal to client条款之下,重点是对客户的业绩披露Communicate with clients and prospective 投资行为条款之下,重点是跟客户交流时分清事实和观点Fair dealing 客户内部之间的公平Priority of transaction 客户、自己、雇主之间的优先顺序Additional compensation arrangement 对雇主忠诚的条款下面,重点是给雇主批露客户给的奖励等Disclosure of conflict 其他相关冲突的披露I professionalismI(A)Knowledge of law1.知道相关法律2.遵守更严格法律3.不能“理应”知道还犯法4.怀疑犯法——咨询——上报主管——上报监管部门——脱离5.如果咨询错误,依然不能免责I(B)Independence and objectivity不能受到威逼利诱1.上市公司:不能接受会影响客观独立性的礼物,只要在别人眼中认为会影响就不行(如gift、favor、Job referral 、invitation to lavish function)不能接受奢侈的旅行安排、可以接受commercial、common 的差旅安排一般的小纪念品可以接受2.客户:要disclose给其他客户及雇主,并收到雇主的书面同意才可以收,如果仅仅告诉雇主但没有得到同意就收礼物,违反了IV(B)additional compensation arrangement既没告诉也没得到书面同意违反IV(B)、I(B)、V(A)3.Outside manager :不能收礼物,要选择物美价廉的,尤其是管理能力强的4.Issuer-paid research可以接受flat fee 任何与结论相关的bonus不能收5.M&A、IBD及buyside:不能受到此三方的压力,可以考虑放入restricted list上面,只陈述事实不发表评论。
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在全体同事的共同努力下,在公司领导的全面支 持、关心下,本着一切为客户服务的宗旨,围绕 优化服务、拓展xxx和xxx的宣传和信息的功能, 从客户的利益角度服务、业务管理、提高企业的 知名度和利益最大化,通过扎扎实实的努力,圆 满地完成了2017年的工作。
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财报总体变化不大,注意Reading 24部分删去了对“extraordinary items”的理解。
公司金融17年Corporate Governance内容变化较大,原reading40删除,变成reading 34。
2018 CFA level 1 知识点——Quantitative Methods
The time value of moneyTime value of money concepts and applicationspound interest (interest on interest)复利2.Future value3.Present valueUsing financial calculator1.Set up P/Y to”1”Time lines1.It is often a good idea to draw a time line before you start to solve a TVMproblem.2.Discounting贴现pounding4.Equilibrium interest rates均衡利率are the required rate of return for aparticular investment.5.Interest rates are also referred to as discount rates贴现率.6.We can also view interest rates as the opportunity cost of current consumption.7.Real risk-free rate真正的无风险利率: It is a theoretical rate on a single-periodloan that has no expectation of inflation in it.8.Nominal risk-free rate名义无风险利率= real risk-free rate+ expected inflationrate9.Default risk违约风险: The risk that a borrower will not make the promisedpayments in a timely manner.10.Liquidity risk流动性风险: The risk of receiving less than fair value for aninvestment if it must be sold for cash quickly.11.Maturity risk到期风险: The prices of longer-term bonds are more volatile不稳定的than those of shorter-term bonds. Longer maturity bonds have more maturity risk than shorter-term bonds and require a maturity risk premium.12.Required interest rate on a security= nominal risk-free rate+ default riskpremium+ liquidity premium+ maturity risk premium13.Effective annual rate (EAR) 实际年利率represents the annual rate of returnactually being earned after adjustments have been made for different compounding periods.14.EAR=(1+periodic rate)m-1Future value of a single sum1.Future value factor: (1+r)n2.FV=PV(1+r)nPresent value of a single sum1.Present value factor: 1/(1+r)n2.Annuities1.An annuity is a stream of equal cash flow that occurs at equal intervals over agiven period.2.Ordinary annuities普通年金: Cash flow occurs at the end of each period.3.Annuities due期初应付年金:Cash flow occurs at the beginning of each period.Future value of an annuity due1.Future value of annuity due= future value of ordinary annuity*(1+n)2.做和annuity due相关的题目的时候都可以用两种方法,第一种是用计算器的BGN模式,另一种是用上面那条公式(用计算器的普通模式计算出结果,然后乘以“1+n”)。
CFA一级学习重点记录Q uantitative methodP99、P253Continuous compounding: EAR=eRcc-1Continuous compounding of return (Rcc) = ln(1+EAR)P141:Time-weighted rate of return(分期计算收益率,然后相乘再开根,与投入资金的时间无关)Money-weighted rate of return(IRR)P143:Bank discount yield = D/F * 360/t 即把折扣率单利年化HPY holding period yieldEAY effective annual yield = (1+HPY)365/t – 1 即把HPY按照复利年化(365)MMY money market yield(CD equivalent yield )= HPY * 360/t 即把HPY单利年化(360)BEY bond-equivalent yield = HPY * 365 / t 即把HPY按照单利年化(365): (1 + BEY/2)2 = 1 + EAY切比雪夫不等式:在k standard deviation 以内的概率至少有1-1/k2 (k>1)夏普比率Sharpe ratio = ( portfolio return – risk-free return )/standard deviation of portfolio returns条件概率P(I|O) = P(O|I)*P(I) / P(O)置信区间:Two-tailed : 90% ? 1.65 , 95% ? 1.96 , 99% ? 2.58 .One-tailed : 90% ? 1.28 , 95% ? 1.65 , 99% ? 2.33 .SFR ratio SFR比率越大,越不可能小于threshold level ? P250 中央极限定理:Standard error of the sample mean isReliability factor is 置信区间的上界如90% (a=10%)? Z=1.65 , 95% (a=5%)? Z=1.96 , 99% ? 2.58 .假设检验:Type I error: H0 is true but reject it. = significance levelType II error: H0 is false but fail to reject it. Power of the test = 1 – P (Type II error)差异假设检验:正态分布、两变量有关联,用paired comparisons test (difference 的均值检验)正态分布、方差未知、方差可相等可不相等,两变量相互独立时,用t检验。
4.1全球投资业绩标准介绍 4.2 GIPS的9个主要部分★
1货币的时间价值 2现金流折现的应用
3统计概念和市场收 益率
5概率分布 6抽样与估计
7假设检验 8技术分析
1.1利率的解释 1.2有效年利率★★ 1.3货币时间价值的计算
2.1净现值与内部收益率 2.2货币市场产品的收益率 2.3时间加权收益率与货币加权收益率
3.1基本概念 3.2对集中趋势的度量 3.3对离散程度的度量 3.4切比雪夫不等式★ 3.5变异系数和夏普比率★★★ 3.6偏度和峰度
4.1概率、期望、方差 4.2概率的表达形式以及计算法则 4.3组合的期望及方差 4.4贝叶斯公式★ 4.5排列组合
5.1概率分布的介绍 5.2离散分布 5.3连续分布 5.4蒙特卡罗模拟
机会成本是指投资者在面临多选一的投资项目抉择时,被舍弃的选项中具有最高价值的选项就是本次决策的 机会成本。
2.1诉讼、AMC与道德规范和专业行为准则的对比 2.2道德规范详述★
3.1准则Ⅰ:专业性★★★ 3.2准则Ⅱ:对资本市场的诚信★★★ 3.3准则Ⅲ:对客户的责任★★★ 3.4准则Ⅳ:对雇主的责任★★★ 3.5准则Ⅴ:投资决策★★★ 3.6准则Ⅵ:利益冲突★★★ 3.7准则Ⅶ:CFA会员和候选人的责任★★★
第一,进行商业活动时遵守透明和公开的原则;第二,处理问题和危机时富有责任心;第三,进行商业活动 时遵守道德准则。
泽稷网校-财务金融证书在线教育领导品牌.....................................................................CFA一级考试重点之:Alternative Investments这部分的内容实用性较强,即使抛开CFA考试本身而言,对于相关投资从业经验学员也会有一定的帮助。
CFA一级的Alternative包括1个study session和1个reading:Study session 18 (Alternative Investments)和Reading 64: Introduction to Alternative Investments。
以下是Reading部分的重要考点,掌握了,10道考试题基本可以拿下:Alternative Investment的基本特征;Hedge fund(对冲基金)基本特征;Private equity(私有股权基金)基本特征,不同投资策略类型,leveraged buyout(杠杆收购),venture capital(风险投资)不同投资阶段特征,private equity(私有股权基金)不同的退出策略;Real estate(房地产)投资不同形式和分类介绍,房地产指数;Commodity(大宗商品)基金特征,大宗商品期货中的重要名词contango(期货溢价),backwardation(现货溢价),convenience yield (便利收益率),期货投资收益的计算。
CFA一级考试重点之:Corporate FinanceCorporate finance这部分包括1个study session,一共6个reading,需要考生具体掌握。
其中Reading 35、36、38 主要讲公司的回报;Reading 37、39、30主要讲公司的风险。
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Required Interest Rate on a Security
R6 The Time Value of Money
P(Type I error)=
Type I Error and Type II Error
Power of test=1-P(Type II error) P(I) n P(I) P(II) P(II)
Parametric Test:
Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
育 教 程 金
Negative/Left skewed
Skewness<0 Left fat tail Mode>Median>Mean Sample kurtosis>3 Leptokurtic Excess kurtosis>0
Sample kurtosis=3
Frequency Distribution, Histogram& Polygon
Cumulative Frequency/ Cumulative Relative Frequency Frequency Distribution Histogram &Polygon Arithmetic Mean Weighed Mean Geometric Mean Mean Harmonic Mean H
Introduction to the Steps of Hypothesis Testing
k 1
R12 Hypothesis Testing
k reject fail to reject
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P-value< — reject H 0 P-value> — do not reject H 0
Types of Charts
Candlestick Charts Point and Figure Charts
Uptrend Downtrend Uptrend Line Downtrend Line Head-and-shoulders Pattern For Uptrend Reversal Patterns Double Top Triple Top Inverse Head-and-shoulders Pattern For Downtrend Double Bottom Triple Bottom Continuation Patterns MA Lines Bollinger Bands Rate of Change Oscillator Momentum Oscillators RSI MACD Stochastic Oscillator Triangles Rectangles
R9 Probability Concepts
Covariance & Correlation
-1, 0, +1
Expected Value
Expected Value, Variance and Standard Deviation
Trend Line
Common Chart Patterns
R13 Technical Analysis
Technical Analysis Indicators
Put/Call Ratio Sentiment VIX Margin Debt Short Interest Ratio Short-term Trading Index Flow of Funds Margin Debt Mutual Fund Cash Position New Equity Issuance Cycle Theory
Odds for
Subjective Probability
Odds against
Mutually Exclusive Independent
P(AB)=P(A) ×P(B) correlation
Multiplication Rule Addition Rule
Ordinary Annuity Annuity Due Perpetuity
NPV Bank Discount Yield
R7 Discounted Cash Flow Applications
Money Market Yield
Convert among HPR,R BD, EAR, R MM and BEY
Stratified Random Sampling Time-Series Data
Sampling Error
Cross-Sectional Data 30
Sample mean Sample mean
Central Limit
Sample mean
Standard Error
Technical Analysis Theory
Elliott Wave Theory Intermarket Analysis
Sample mean
Point Estimate
Level of Significance
Confidence Interval Estimate
Degree of Confidence
R11 Sampling and Estimation
Unbiased Efficient
Desirable Properties of an Estimator
R10 Common Probability Distribution
Key Properties of the Normal Distribution
68% 90% 95% 99%
The Confidence Intervals
Standard Normal Distribution Threshold Level Return Shortfall Risk SFR
Bayes’ Formula
Multiplication Rule Factorial
Labeling (or Multinomial) Combination Permutation
Counting Problems
Measurable and positive
HPR Bond Equivalent Yield MWRR — IRR TWRR —
MWRR TWRR: Nominal Scales Ordinal Scales Interval Scales Ratio Scales Scale Population: Parameter
Types of Measurement Scales
Parameter& Sample Statistic
Sample: Sample statistic
Absolute/Relative Frequency
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R8 Statistical Concepts and Market Return
Sample Selection Bias
Time-period Bias
Null Hypothesis:
Alternative Hypothesis:
— z/t
Test Population Mean
2 1 2
—t — — Chi-squared
Test Population Variance
Excess kurtosis=0 Normal Distribution
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Platykurtic Sample kurtosis<3 Excess kurtosis<0
Roy’s Safety-First Criterion
Right skewed
Lognormal Distributions
Bounded from below by zero (
Monte Carlo Simulation Historical Simulation
Simple Random Sampling
Symmetrical: Skewness=0 Degree of Freedom=n-1 df t
Student’s t-distribution
Confidence Interval for a Population Mean
Data-mining Bias Survivorship Bias Look-ahead Bias