【小兔子找太阳】Have a lovely little rabbit, heard that the sun is red, round to find the sun. It came to the house, carrying two red, round lantern ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the two red lanterns, the sun outside the room!" Little rabbit came to the garden, saw three red, round radish, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the three red turnip, the sun in the sky!" Little rabbit glanced up and saw the sky floating red, round balloons, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the red balloons · · · · · · ·" rabbit shouted anxiously: "really nasty people, where the hell is the sun?" Mother said: "look, the sun is only one, still shine!" Little rabbit down the mother the direction of the finger, looked up and called out: "mom, I found, the sun was red, round, bright, according to the body warm.有一只可爱的小兔子,听说太阳是红红的圆圆的便要去找太阳。
《英语童话故事》英语童话故事精选(一):An old cock and a foxIt is evening。
An old cock is sitting in a tree。
A fox es to the tree and looks up at the cock。
Hello,Mr Cock,I have good news for you,says the fox。
Ohsays thecock,What good news for me?All the animals are friends now。
says the fox。
Fine!says the cock。
I'm very glad to know that。
Then he looks up、Look!A dog ia ing this way。
What?A dog?says the fox。
well,I must go now。
Goodbye,Mr Cock!Wait,Mr Fox,Don't you like dogs?Don't you like playing with the dog?Dogs are our friends now。
but they may not know the news yet。
Then he runs away。
I see,I see,says the cock。
He smiles and goes to sleep翻译:一只老公鸡和一只狐狸是夜。
简短英语童话故事大全精选1:白蛇A long time ago there lived a king who was famed for his wisdom through all the land. Nothing was hidden from him, and it seemed as if news of the most secret things was brought to him through the air. But he had a strange custom; every day after dinner, when the table was cleared, and no one else was present, a trusty servant had to bring him one more dish. It was covered, however, and even the servant did not know what was in it, neither did anyone know, for the King never took off the cover to eat of it until he was quite alone. This had gone on for a long time, when one day the servant, who took away the dish, was overcome with such curiosity that he could not help carrying the dish into his room. When he had carefully locked the door, he lifted up the cover, and saw a white snake lying on the dish. But when he saw it he could not deny himself the pleasure of tasting it, so he cut off a little bit and put it into his mouth. No sooner had it touched his tongue than he heard a strange whispering of little voices outside his window. He went and listened, and then noticed that it was the sparrows who were chattering together, and telling one another of all kinds of things which they had seen in the fields and woods. Eating the snake had given him power of understanding the language of animals.Now it so happened that on this very day the Queen lost her most beautiful ring, and suspicion of having stolen it fell upon this trusty servant, who was allowed to go everywhere. The King ordered the man to be brought before him, and threatened withangry words that unless he could before the morrow point out the thief, he himself should be looked upon as guilty and executed. In vain he declared his innocence; he was dismissed with no better answer. In his trouble and fear he went down into the courtyard and took thought how to help himself out of his trouble. Now some ducks were sitting together quietly by a brook and taking their rest; and, whilst they were making their feathers smooth with their bills, they were having a confidential conversation together. The servant stood by and listened. They were telling one another of all the places where they had been waddling about all the morning, and what good food they had found, and one said in a pitiful tone, "Something lies heavy on my stomach; as I was eating in haste I swallowed a ring which lay under the Queen's window." The servant at once seized her by the neck, carried her to the kitchen, and said to the cook, "Here is a fine duck; pray, kill her." - "Yes," said the cook, and weighed her in his hand; "she has spared no trouble to fatten herself, and has been waiting to be roasted long enough." So he cut off her head, and as she was being dressed for the spit, the Queen's ring was found inside her. The servant could now easily prove his innocence; and the King, to make amends for the wrong, allowed him to ask a favour, and promised him the best place in the court that he could wish for.The servant refused everything, and only asked for a horse and some money for travelling, as he had a mind to see the world and go about a little. When his request was granted he set out on his way, and one day came to a pond, where he saw three fishes caught in the reeds and gasping for water. Now, though it is said that fishes are dumb, he heard them lamenting that they must perish so miserably, and, as he had a kind heart, he got offhis horse and put the three prisoners back into the water. They quivered with delight, put out their heads, and cried to him, "We will remember you and repay you for saving us!" He rode on, and after a while it seemed to him that he heard a voice in the sand at his feet. He listened, and heard an ant-king complain, "Why cannot folks, with their clumsy beasts, keep off our bodies? That stupid horse, with his heavy hoofs, has been treading down my people without mercy!" So he turned on to a side path and the ant-king cried out to him, 'We will remember you - one good turn deserves another!" The path led him into a wood, and here he saw two old ravens standing by their nest, and throwing out their young ones. "Out with you, you idle, good-for-nothing creatures!" cried they; "we cannot find food for you any longer; you are big enough, and can provide for yourselves." But the poor young ravens lay upon the ground, flapping their wings, and crying, "Oh, what helpless chicks we are! We must shift for ourselves, and yet we cannot fly! What can we do, but lie here and starve?" So the good young fellow alighted and killed his horse with his sword, and gave it to them for food. Then they came hopping up to it, satisfied their hunger, and cried, "We will remember you - one good turn deserves another!"And now he had to use his own legs, and when he had walked a long way, he came to a large city. There was a great noise and crowd in the streets, and a man rode up on horseback, crying aloud, "The King's daughter wants a husband; but whoever sues for her hand must perform a hard task, and if he does not succeed he will forfeit his life." Many had already made the attempt, but in vain; nevertheless when the youth saw the King's daughter he was so overcome by her great beauty that he forgot all danger, went before the King, and declared himself a suitor.So he was led out to the sea, and a gold ring was thrown into it, in his sight; then the King ordered him to fetch this ring up from the bottom of the sea, and added, "If you come up again without it you will be thrown in again and again until you perish amid the waves." All the people grieved for the handsome youth; then they went away, leaving him alone by the sea. He stood on the shore and considered what he should do, when suddenly he saw three fishes come swimming towards him, and they were the very fishes whose lives he had saved. The one in the middle held a mussel in its mouth, which it laid on the shore at the youth's feet, and when he had taken it up and opened it, there lay the gold ring in the shell. Full of joy he took it to the King, and expected that he would grant him the promised reward. But when the proud princess perceived that he was not her equal in birth, she scorned him, and required him first to perform another task. She went down into the garden and strewed with her own hands ten sacks-full of millet-seed on the grass; then she said, "To-morrow morning before sunrise these must be picked up, and not a single grain be wanting." The youth sat down in the garden and considered how it might be possible to perform this task, but he could think of nothing, and there he sat sorrowfully awaiting the break of day, when he should be led to death. But as soon as the first rays of the sun shone into the garden he saw all the ten sacks standing side by side, quite full, and not a single grain was missing. The ant-king had come in the night with thousands and thousands of ants, and the grateful creatures had by great industry picked up all the millet-seed and gathered them into the sacks. Presently the King's daughter herself came down into the garden, and was amazed to see that the young man had done the task she had given him. But she could not yet conquerher proud heart, and said, "Although he has performed both the tasks, he shall not be my husband until he has brought me an apple from the Tree of Life." The youth did not know where the Tree of Life stood, but he set out, and would have gone on for ever, as long as his legs would carry him, though he had no hope of finding it. After he had wandered through three kingdoms, he came one evening to a wood, and lay down under a tree to sleep. But he heard a rustling in the branches, and a golden apple fell into his hand. At the same time three ravens flew down to him, perched themselves upon his knee, and said, "We are the three young ravens whom you saved from starving; when we had grown big, and heard that you were seeking the Golden Apple, we flew over the sea to the end of the world, where the Tree of Life stands, and have brought you the apple." The youth, full of joy, set out homewards, and took the Golden Apple to the King's beautiful daughter, who had no more excuses left to make. They cut the Apple of Life in two and ate it together; and then her heart became full of love for him, and they lived in undisturbed happiness to a great age.简短英语童话故事大全精选2:三片蛇叶There was once on a time a poor man, who could no longer support his only son. Then said the son, "Dear father, things go so badly with us that I am a burden to you. I would rather go away and see how I can earn my bread." So the father gave him his blessing, and with great sorrow took leave of him. At this time the King of a mighty empire was at war, and the youth took service with him, and with him went out to fight. And when he came before the enemy, there was a battle, and great danger, and it rained shot until his comrades fell on all sides, and when the leader also was killed, those left were about to take flight, but theyouth stepped forth, spoke boldly to them, and cried, "We will not let our fatherland be ruined!" Then the others followed him, and he pressed on and conquered the enemy. When the King heard that he owed the victory to him alone, he raised him above all the others, gave him great treasures, and made him the first in the kingdom.The King had a daughter who was very beautiful, but she was also very strange. She had made a vow to take no one as her lord and husband who did not promise to let himself be buried alive with her if she died first. "If he loves me with all his heart," said she, "of what use will life be to him afterwards?" On her side she would do the same, and if he died first, would go down to the grave with him. This strange oath had up to this time frightened away all wooers, but the youth became so charmed with her beauty that he cared for nothing, but asked her father for her. "But dost thou know what thou must promise?" said the King. "I must be buried with her," he replied, "if I outlive her, but my love is so great that I do not mind the danger." Then the King consented, and the wedding was solemnized with great splendour.They lived now for a while happy and contented with each other, and then it befell that the young Queen was attacked by a severe illness, and no physician could save her. And as she lay there dead, the young King remembered what he had been obliged to promise, and was horrified at having to lie down alive in the grave, but there was no escape. The King had placed sentries at all the gates, and it was not possible to avoid his fate. When the day came when the corpse was to be buried, he was taken down into the royal vault with it and then the door was shut and bolted.Near the coffin stood a table on which were four candles, four loaves of bread, and four bottles of wine, and when this provision came to an end, he would have to die of hunger. And now he sat there full of pain and grief, ate every day only a little piece of bread, drank only a mouthful of wine, and nevertheless saw death daily drawing nearer. Whilst he thus gazed before him, he saw a snake creep out of a corner of the vault and approach the dead body. And as he thought it came to gnaw at it, he drew his sword and said, "As long as I live, thou shalt not touch her," and hewed the snake in three pieces. After a time a second snake crept out of the hole, and when it saw the other lying dead and cut in pieces, it went back, but soon came again with three green leaves in its mouth. Then it took the three pieces of the snake, laid them together, as they ought to go, and placed one of the leaves on each wound. Immediately the severed parts joined themselves together, the snake moved, and became alive again, and both of them hastened away together. The leaves were left lying on the ground, and a desire came into the mind of the unhappy man who had been watching all this, to know if the wondrous power of the leaves which had brought the snake to life again, could not likewise be of service to a human being. So he picked up the leaves and laid one of them on the mouth of his dead wife, and the two others on her eyes. And hardly had he done this than the blood stirred in her veins, rose into her pale face, and coloured it again. Then she drew breath, opened her eyes, and said, "Ah, God, where am I?" - "Thou art with me, dear wife," he answered, and told her how everything had happened, and how he had brought her back again to life. Then he gave her some wine and bread, and when she had regained her strength, he raised her up and they went to the door and knocked, andcalled so loudly that the sentries heard it, and told the King. The King came down himself and opened the door, and there he found both strong and well, and rejoiced with them that now all sorrow was over. The young King, however, took the three snake-leaves with him, gave them to a servant and said, "Keep them for me carefully, and carry them constantly about thee; who knows in what trouble they may yet be of service to us!"A change had, however, taken place in his wife; after she had been restored to life, it seemed as if all love for her husband had gone out of her heart. After some time, when he wanted to make a voyage over the sea, to visit his old father, and they had gone on board a ship, she forgot the great love and fidelity which he had shown her, and which had been the means of rescuing her from death, and conceived a wicked inclination for the skipper. And once when the young King lay there asleep, she called in the skipper and seized the sleeper by the head, and the skipper took him by the feet, and thus they threw him down into the sea. When the shameful deed was done, she said, "Now let us return home, and say that he died on the way. I will extol and praise thee so to my father that he will marry me to thee, and make thee the heir to his crown." But the faithful servant who had seen all that they did, unseen by them, unfastened a little boat from the ship, got into it, sailed after his master, and let the traitors go on their way. He fished up the dead body, and by the help of the three snake-leaves which he carried about with him, and laid on the eyes and mouth, he fortunately brought the young King back to life.They both rowed with all their strength day and night, and their little boat flew so swiftly that they reached the old King before the others did. He was astonished when he saw themcome alone, and asked what had happened to them. When he learnt the wickedness of his daughter he said, "I cannot believe that she has behaved so ill, but the truth will soon come to light," and bade both go into a secret chamber and keep themselves hidden from every one. Soon afterwards the great ship came sailing in, and the godless woman appeared before her father with a troubled countenance. He said, "Why dost thou come back alone? Where is thy husband?" - "Ah, dear father," she replied, "I come home again in great grief; during the voyage, my husband became suddenly ill and died, and if the good skipper had not given me his help, it would have gone ill with me. He was present at his death, and can tell you all." The King said, "I will make the dead alive again," and opened the chamber, and bade the two come out. When the woman saw her husband, she was thunderstruck, and fell on her knees and begged for mercy. The King said, "There is no mercy. He was ready to die with thee and restored thee to life again, but thou hast murdered him in his sleep, and shalt receive the reward that thou deservest." Then she was placed with her accomplice in a ship which had been pierced with holes, and sent out to sea, where they soon sank amid the waves.简短英语童话故事大全精选3:麦草、煤块和豆子An old woman lived in a village. She had gathered a serving of beans and wanted to cook them, so she prepared a fire in her fireplace. To make it burn faster she lit it with a handful of straw. While she was pouring the beans into the pot, one of them fell unnoticed to the floor, coming to rest next to a piece of straw. Soon afterward a glowing coal jumped out of the fireplace and landed next to them. The straw said, "Dear friends, where do you come from?" The coal answered, "I jumped from the fireplace, tomy good fortune. If I had not forced my way out, I surely would have died. I would have burned to ash." The bean said, "I too saved my skin. If the old woman had gotten me into the pot I would have been cooked to mush without mercy, just like my comrades." - "Would my fate have been any better?" said the straw. "The old woman sent all my brothers up in fire and smoke. She grabbed sixty at once and killed them. Fortunately I slipped through her fingers." - "What should we do now?" asked the coal. "Because we have so fortunately escaped death," answered the bean, "I think that we should join together as comrades. To prevent some new misfortune from befalling us here, let us together make our way to another land."This proposal pleased the other two, and they set forth all together. They soon came to a small brook, and because there was neither a bridge nor a walkway there, they did not know how they would get across it. Then the straw had a good idea, and said, "I will lay myself across it, and you can walk across me like on a bridge." So the straw stretched himself from one bank to the other. The coal, who was a hot-headed fellow, stepped brashly onto the newly constructed bridge, but when he got to the middle and heard the water rushing beneath him, he took fright, stopped, and did not dare to go any further. Then the straw caught fire, broke into two pieces, and fell into the brook. The coal slid after him, hissed as he fell into the water, and gave up the ghost. The bean who had cautiously stayed behind on the bank had to laugh at the event. He could not stop, and he laughed so fiercely that he burst. Now he too would have died, but fortunately a wandering tailor was there, resting near the brook. Having a compassionate heart, he got out a needle and thread and sewed the bean back together. The bean thanked himmost kindly. However, because he had used black thread, since that time all beans have had a black seam.。
下面是小编为您整理的小童话故事简单的,欢迎阅读参考!英语小童话故事简单的篇一:Two Little Monkeys两只猴子The monkey mother has two little monkeys. She likes the younger, not the other.猴妈妈生了两个猴子。
One day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came,running at them. The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.一天,他们正在森林里玩的时候,一只狼来了并向他们扑去。
After some time, the wolf went away slowly. The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly. Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.过些时候,狼慢慢地离开了。
快来看看店铺为你准备了简短的几则英语童话小故事,欢迎大家阅读!简短的英语童话小故事整理篇1Io was the daughter of a rivergod. She was loved,run after and won by Zeus.伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她、追求她、并得到了她。
Hera became so green eyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival back .Zeus,however,had foreseen her arrival and changed Io into a beautiful white little cow. Seeing through the trick,Hera asked for the cow as a present and Zeus had to give in to her wish .Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster,Argus.赫拉对此嫉妒不已。
Argus eyes were ever open and no escape was possible. Unable to bear to see her so unhappy,Zeus sent Hermes down to destroy the monster. Dressed up as a shepherd,Hermes lulled Argus to sleep with his sweet songs and long stories,then killed him and set Io free.阿刚斯的眼睛永远睁着,要想逃脱是不可能的。
【第⼀篇】RapunzelOnce upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple had always wanted a child but couldn’t make it. So they had to pray every day to have a baby. One day, an old witch moved into the house next door. The old witch was not friendly and the old couple didn’t dare to speak to her. The witch grew a lot of magic lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious.The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce so much that she became very sick since she couldn’t have it. “I think I’ll die if I don’t have the lettuce.” Without knowing what else to do, the husband stole some of the witch's lettuce.However, this was found by the witch soon afterwards. She said angrily, "You dare steal my lettuce! You deserve to be punished!" The husband said, "I am terribly sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much. I think she will die if she can’t have it."The witch said, "Is that so? Then you can take as much as you want. But there is one condition.""What is it?""If a baby is born, you have to give the baby to me ."Soon after that, his wife did get pregnant and gave birth to a pretty girl. The witch quickly took the baby and disappeared into the forest.The witch gave the name Rapunzel to the girl. The day went on, the girl grew up and became a beautiful lady who had long golden hair. Yet the witch was afraid of losing Rapunzel, so she locked her up in a tower."Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your golden hair." When Rapunzel dropped down her long hair, the witch would climb up with the help of it. The witch prevented Rapunzel from meeting other people.One day, a Prince happened to pass by the tower. He lost his heart to the beautiful singing voice of Rapunzel.“Lavender’s blue, dilly dilly, lavender’s green. When you are King, dilly, dilly, I shall be Queen...” "How beautiful is the voice! But how can I climb up to the tower?" The Prince decided to wait under the tower until he saw an opportunity.The next day, the Prince saw that the witch climbed up to the tower on the lovely golden hair of Rapunzel. After the witch left the tower, the Prince imitated the witch. Then the long hair was dropped from the inside of the tower.Upon seeing Rapunzel, the Prince fell instantly in love with her. He said, "You are the most beautiful lady in the world." Rapunzel also lost her heart to the handsome prince. Since then, the two lovers met each other secretly, hiding from the witch.However one day, the witch found out their secret meetings. She was so angry that she cut off the hair of Rapunzel, and cruelly sent her to a desert. When the Prince came again, the witch dropped down the cut hair to him. While the Prince was climbing up the tower, the witch let loose the hair. The poor prince fell heavily on the ground and became blind.Yet the Prince gained strength by wandering around the land in order to find Rapunzel, and finally met her in the heart of the desert. Rapunzel recognized the Prince at once. Upon realizing that the Prince had become blind, Rapunzel's eyes were filled with tears, which dropped down into the eyes of the Prince.Just at that moment, the Prince gained his eyesight again with the power of love. Then the two lovers returned to the royal palace and lived happily ever after.长发姑娘从前,有对⽼夫妇住在⼀座村庄⾥。
英语童话故事(精选10篇)完美版1. The Three Little Pigs (三只小猪)三只小猪兄弟,分别用稻草、木头和砖头盖房子,结果面对大灰狼的袭击,前两只小猪的房子都被吹倒了,只有第三只小猪的砖头房子坚固无比,成功抵挡了大灰狼的进攻。
2. The Tortoise and the Hare (龟兔赛跑)一只骄傲的兔子嘲笑一只慢吞吞的乌龟,决定和它比赛跑步。
3. The Ugly Duckling (丑小鸭)一只丑陋的小鸭子在鸭群中受到排挤,但它并没有放弃,而是努力寻找自己的价值。
4. The Little Mermaid (小美人鱼)5. The Princess and the Pea (豌豆公主)一位王子寻找真正的公主,遇到了一位自称是公主的女孩。
6. Hansel and Gretel (汉塞尔和格雷特尔)一对兄妹被继母遗弃在森林里,他们遇到了一个吃人的巫婆,并住进了她的糖果屋。
7. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (白雪公主和七个小矮人)美丽的白雪公主被邪恶的继母嫉妒,被赶出了王宫。
1.英文童话故事:老人和老猫An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”2.英文童话故事:找朋友Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.3.英文童话故事:聪明的兔子The wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.One day the wolf says to the fox, "You go home and lie1 in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead2. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him." That's a good idea," says the fox.The fox goes home at once. The wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked3 at the door. "Who is it?" asks the rabbit. "It's the wolf. I cometo tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf goes away.The rabbit goes to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and sees the foxlying4 in bed with his eyes closed5. He thinks, "Is the fox really dead or is hepretending6 to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him." so hesaid7, "The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open." When the fox hears this, he thinks, "I'll show him that I'm dead." So he opened his mouth.The rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly.4.英文童话故事:诺巴斯的葡萄园Once upon a time, there was a man named Naboth, who had a very nice vineyard. Heinherited1 the vineyard from his father, he got a lot of money from it.One day the king passed by the vineyard, he found the yard was so beautiful that he wanted to have it. So he went to Naboth and asked, "Would you sell the whole vineyard to me? I can pay you some money." "I'm very sorry. It is a heritage2 of my family, I can't give it to you at any price," said Naboth. The king told her the story. The queen said, "You forget you are the king! Let me teach you how get it. You can make Naboth an office, then find an excuse and sentence him to death." The king did what the queen said, Naboth died and the king got the vineyard.When God learned3 about this, he was very angry and said, "The king must be eaten by dogs, and the queen must be eaten by big birds. They are not good people, they take the things which are not theirs." At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.5.英文童话故事:我的家I am in desperate need of help -- or Ill go crazy. Were living in a single room -- my wife, my children and my in-laws. So our nerves are on edge, we yell and scream at one another. The room is a hell.Do you promise to do whatever I tell you? said the Master gravely.I swear I shall do anything.Very well. How many animals do you have?A cow, a goat and six chickens.Take them all into the room with you. Then come back after a week.The disciple was appalled. But he had promised to obey! So he took the animals in. A week later he came back, a pitiable figure, moaning, Im a nervous wreck. The dirt! The stench! The noise! Were all on the verge of madness!Go back,said the Master, and put the animals out.The man ran all the way home. And came back the following day, his eyes sparkling with joy. How sweet life is! The animals are out. The home is a Paradise, so quiet and clean and roomy!。
英语童话短故事带翻译1:小袋鼠换尾巴Kangaroo has a tail, thick and hard. He felt his tail long too ugly. Baby bunny picked and soft, a short tail. He felt his tail is too short, don't look good.One day, they met together, happily in the tail.Kangaroos bouncing in the woods to find something to eat, a busy morning, now it's time to sit down and rest. Oh, that's too bad! The kangaroo fell a casualty. Small kangaroo tail is hard and long, with two hind legs walked on the earth, and just become a "three feet on the bench". In the tail can't sit, wallabies out in a rash.The rabbit, with a long tail, to play in the woods, suddenly ran into a Wolf. Little rabbit desperately run, run, can be as big tail in tow, always run fast. See the rabbit will be caught up the Wolf, suddenly, from the woods and a rabbit, oh, turned out to be a mother rabbit. Mother rabbit ran quickly and opened the Wolf.Little rabbit, from behind the tree sadly low head. He hate the long tail. The original tail much good, gentle, soft, run really. Find a kangaroo!Kangaroos and the rabbit find each other, can't wait to change back to its own tail. From then on, they do not feel the tail of the ugly.小袋鼠长着一条又粗又硬的尾巴。
下面是小编为您整理的经典童话故事,希望对你有所帮助!英语经典童话故事篇一:狼与小羊Wolf, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him.He thus addressed him:"Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me." "Indeed," bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, "I was not then born."Then said the Wolf , "You feed in my pasture.""No, good sir," replied the Lamb, "I have not yet tasted grass."Again said the Wolf, "You drink of my well.""No," exclaimed the Lamb, "I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother's milk is both food and drink to me."Upon which the Wolf seized him and ate him up, saying, "Well! I won't remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations."The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.一只小羊在河边喝水,狼见到后,便想找一个名正言顺的借口吃掉他。
简短英语童话故事简短英语童话故事童话故事正是以‘幻想’为一方面,以‘真实’为另一方面,中间流淌着对儿童充满诱惑的奇妙故事、给童年增添了更多的色彩,接下来就由小编带来简短英语童话故事,希望对你有所帮助!简短英语童话故事篇1The dolphins quarrelled with the whales, and before very long they began fighting with one another. The battle was very fierce1, and had lasted some time without any sign of coming to an end, when a sprat thought that perhaps he could stop it; so he stepped in and tried to persuade them to give up fighting and make friends. But one of the dolphins said to him contemptuously, "We would rather go on fighting till were all killed than be reconciled2 by a sprat like you!"海豚与鲸争吵起来,他们之间已经争斗了很久,战争一步步升级,并且越打越猛烈,根本没有一点要停的迹象,有一条西鲱鱼认为自己或许能够调停他们的战争,便过去准备劝他们停止斗争,成为朋友。
简短英语童话故事篇2A long time ago, there was a Bo Luo Nai City in the State of Jia Shi. Outside the city was a large forest, where 500 macaques lived.One night the 500 macaques wandered around and came to a ni ju lu (bodhi) tree. Under the tree was a deep ancient well. The water in the well was very clean and reflected the full moon in the sky.The leading macaque bent1 over the well and watched carefully for a while. Then it jumped onto the edge of the welland said to the others: "Alas2! Today the moon has died and fallen into this well. Let us scoop3 it up together; otherwise the nights will be dark forever."All the macaques tweaked their ears and scratched their cheeks, saying:"The well is so deep. How can we scoop up the moon?"The leading macaque had a sudden brainwave and said: "I have it! I will climb up the tree and grasp a branch, then another one grasps my tail. In this way, one following another in succession4, cant we hang down into the well?"When the other macaques heard this, they jumped with joy. So they linked their heads and tails together, extending5 longer and longer until they almost touched the surface of the well water. At this moment, the branch broke with a big crack and all 500 macaques fell into the ancient well.很久以前,在伽尸国有一座波罗奈城。
原版英语童话小故事1:小白兔参加夏令营活动Lele grew up, the little white rabbit was a primary school in grade one of primary school children, the school organization of children summer camp activities, the small white rabbit is very happy. Mom and dad for her clothes, food, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, such as articles for daily use, in a pretty little backpack.In the summer camp, there are a lot of children, there are also many games, activities, games, etc. Children every day kubla khah dripping wet, so have to take a bath, washes the bath, sweat soaked clothes need to be replaced. Action links, the small white rabbit, only see other children soon wash clothes, and drying up. Can the small white rabbit just looked at a pile of dirty clothes, don't know how to wash, she regret, at ordinary times did not listen to your mom and dad, didn't learn basic life skills, it is silly, don't have my mom and dad again, how should do?Just as she when you are sad, little bear flatly, asked what happened to the little white rabbit, the small white rabbit embarrassed to tell him: "I don't know how to wash the clothes.""It doesn't matter, I'll teach you.""Thank you!"With the help of the little bear, little white learned to wash his clothes, and fold the quilt, sorting, and so on. Summer camp a week passed quickly, the small white rabbit backpack and went home happily, from then on, the small white rabbit no longer lazy, became a labor of love good boy! She know: should do their ownthings, can't rely on mom and dad.原版英语童话小故事2:一只叫葱花的母鸡There is a hen, called the scallions, she likes to help friends. One day, the black rooster to please her one thing: "I'm going out to buy things, could you help me keep the henhouse key?" "No problem, I will keep the key in the safest place." So, the black rooster safely go out! Scallions hen put keys in a flowerpot, she said to herself: "hidden in the most beautiful flower pot, the key is not afraid to lose." For a moment, bigfoot duck to please her one thing: "I want to go swimming, can you please help me to take care of the baby eggs?" "No problem, I will be the safest place to put the baby egg."Bigfoot duck safely go swimming! Scallions hen has many colorful baskets, she put the eggs in one basket, baby also cover a soft soft towel for it, she gently taps a baby egg and smile happily say: "the color of the basket, the most suitable for cute little duck eggs."Chopped green onion hen busy over, want to sit down and have a good rest, she put the frames on the head, close your eyes, take a nap for a while. "Ding-dong ding-dong......" Is black the cock of the doorbell. He said politely, "scallions, let me get the key." "Okay." Chopped green onion hen is looking for the key, "ding-dong ding-dong......" Bigfoot duck also to ring the bell! She said very politely: "scallions, I to take baby egg." Scallions hen in a hurry to jump jump in the past: "oh, good good, I immediately to pick up." The scallions hen for hours, I have searched every corner in the home, bad! The key is lost!Oh my god! Baby eggs were not found! Chopped green onion out in a rash hen: "I want to wear glasses to find something, but my glasses were not found, Strange! I put it in the most safeplace! " Black rooster said: "the glasses is not on your head?" Scallions hen got the glasses and smiled shyly: "rightness! I remember in one of the safest places."She immediately puts on his glasses, go to looking for the black rooster key. Chopped green onion hen remembered: "key hidden in the flowerpot. Where a flower pot? She carefully to find, turn! It turns out that the key hidden in the rose flower pot. Big feet baby duck eggs?Chopped green onion hen also remembered: "baby eggs in the basket, I put it in the safest place, will not be stolen!" Do you found all the basket, It turns out that baby eggs in a basket of yellow, Scallions hen confidently and towels, but exclaim 1: "oh!How only egg?" Bigfoot duck said: "it must be my baby duck duck has been hatched!" People began to looking for duck duck. "Ah! Find! Find! He here." Held the duckling duck scallions hen happy, at that time... What do you guess the duckling duck said to scallions hen?原版英语童话小故事3:月亮的大衣Night, very cold in winter is very cold, and the moon looked down, people on informed all wear a warm coat and to be desired."If I had a coat." She wants to. So she said to the people in the moon, "can you help me with a warm coat, can?""Yes!" The people in the moon said. He moved out of the sewing machine, spread out the cloth, took out a needle and thread, buttons, scissors, and tape measure.He measured the size of the moon first, then cut cloth, sewing, nail on the button, then spend half a month, coat ready."Moon tried the coat and obviously it's too big."Strange!" The people in the moon scratched his head, said. He took out his tape measure, the amount to the moon again.The shape of the moon is more thin. So he took out his scissors, lines, and out of the sewing machine, the coat changed little.For half a month, coat change good. The moon to try again. Ha, this coat is too small, because the moon is much fatter."You are so fat into ball ball for a while, for a while and thin into a thin, let I how to give you a fit coat?" The people in the moon said. It was obvious that he was very angry, but he is a special kind people, help somebody else's will always help to the end. He said: "well, I'll give you do two coats, a fat when you wear, you wear thin."Thank you very much." Said the moon.Coat well, after the moon try to wear the wear, both quite fit. She put on her coat, though, that is, of course, not as bright as he used to be.No way! "The man in the moon said:" you sometimes have to shine, go to bed so that children can see you from the window. ""Good!" After finish the moon. My coat, let her connect body to shine forth. The people of the earth look up and saw the moon, are all very happy, the children especially excited. From then on, they sometimes see the moon is very fat, skinny, became a crescent moon, sometimes see the moon sometimes don't see her again."Ah! The moon tonight in overcoat." "Yes." The moon said, "I put on the coat, the coat, nice and warm." However, she is not always wearing a coat. Little stars have heard about the moon's coat, and outstanding interest. "We also went to see the people in the moon give us a coat." They said."No!" The moon said, "I can't to make so many stars on a coat. That how many years can give you each do a coat on?Besides, I where to find so many cloth?"Later, he thought an idea. He told all the small clouds loudly say: "ah, the little cloud, everybody listen up, you wrapped the stars at night, let them feel warm."The stars are moving. , but the moon take off coat, is lonely. So, as long as the moon to take off your coat, the stars and clouds a night off, the moon is very happy, the people of the earth is also very happy, the children especially happy.。
英文童话故事精选5篇儿童英语小故事不仅可爱有趣,还能够让孩子在读故事时更早地接触英语, 让孩子们逐渐对英语产生兴趣,有利于孩子之后的英语学习。
英文童话故事1黄鼠狼和人A man once caught a weasel, which was always sneaking1 about the house, and was just going to drown it in a tub of water, when it begged hard for its life, and said to him, "Surely you haven't the heart to put me to death? Think how useful I have been in clearing your house of the mice and lizards2 which used to infest3 it, and show your gratitude4 by sparing my life." "You have not been altogether useless, I grant you," said the Man: "but who killed the fowls5? Who stole the meat? No no! You do much more harm than good, and die you shall."从前,有一个人抓住了一只黄鼠狼,它总是在房子里偷偷摸摸。
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简短英语童话故事(通用9篇)经典英语童话故事篇一It happened that the cat met Mr. Fox in the woods. She thought,"He is intelligent and well experienced,and is highly regarded in the world," so she spoke to him in a friendly manner,"Good-day,my dear Mr. Fox. How is it going? How are you? How are you getting by in these hard times?"The fox,filled with arrogance,examined the cat from head to feet,and for a long time did not know whether he should give an answer. At last he said,"Oh,you poor beard-licker,you speckled fool,you hungry mouse hunter,what are you thinking? Have you the nerve to ask how I am doing? What do you know? How many tricks do you understand?""I understand but one" answered the cat,modestly."What kind of a trick is it?" asked the fox."When the dogs are chasing me I can jump into a tree and save myself.""Is that all?" said the fox. "I am master of a hundred tricks,and in addition to that I have a sackful of cunning. I feel sorry for you. Come with me,and I will teach you how one escapes from the dogs."Just then a hunter came by with four dogs. The cat jumped nimbly up a tree,and sat down at its top,where the branches and foliage pletely hid her."Untie your sack,Mr. Fox,untie your sack," the cat shouted to him,but the dogs had already seized him,and were holding him fast."Oh,Mr. Fox," shouted the cat. "You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch. If you been able to climb like I can,you would not have lost your life."经典英语童话故事篇二One day the wind said to the sun, “Look at that man walking along the road. I can get his cloak off more quickly than you can.”“We will see about that,” said the sun. “I will let you try first.”So the wind tried to make the man take off his cloak. He blew and blew, but the man only pulled his cloak more closely around himself.“I give up,” said the wind at last. “I cannot get his cloak off.” Then the sun tried. He shone as hard as he could. The man soon became hot and took off his cloak.英语故事篇三The grasshopper and the owl 蚂蚱和猫头鹰An owl1, who lived in a hollow tree, was in the habit of feeding by night and sleeping by day, but her slumbers2 were greatly disturbed by the chirping3 of a grasshopper4, who had taken up his abode5 in the branches. She begged him repeatedly to have some consideration for her comfort, but the grasshopper, if anything, only chirped6 the louder. At last the owl could stand it no longer, but determined7 to rid herself of the pest by means of a trick. Addressing herself to the grasshopper, she said in her pleasantest manner, As I cannot sleep for your song, which, believe me, is as sweet as the notes of Apollo#39;s lyr.,I have a mind to taste some nectar, which Minerva gave me the other day. Won#39;t you come in and join me? The grasshopper was flattered by the praise of his song, and his mouth, too, watered at the mention of the deliciousdrink, so he said he would be delighted. No sooner had he got inside the hollow where the owl was sitting than she pounced8 upon him and ate him up.栖息在一棵树上的猫头鹰,习惯于晚上觅食,白天睡觉。
下面是小编为您整理的童话故事大全,希望对你有所帮助!英语童话故事篇一:狐狸死了The wolf and the fox wanted to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.One day the wolf said to the fox, "You go home and lie in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him."狼和狐狸想要吃掉兔子,但是这只兔子太难抓到了。
”" That's a good idea," said the fox.He went home at once. The wolf went to the rabbit's house and knocked at the door. "Who is it?" asked the rabbit.“真是个好主意!”狐狸说。
"It's the wolf. I've come to tell you that the fox is dead." Then the wolf went away.The rabbit went to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and saw the fox lying in bed with his eyes closed.“狼,我是来告诉你狐狸已经死了。
英语童话故事短的篇一Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river.一天,一只猴子在河边骑车。
He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey.他不会游泳,大叫起来。
Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.幸运的是,一只大象过来了。
英语童话故事短的篇二Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。
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刘振轩篇二:英语童话小故事童话:海的女儿(一)Far out in the sea the water is very, very blue. You can see through it like glass. Far down in the water there are beautiful trees and plants. These trees and plants are so far from the top of the water that no one can see them. Fishes go in and out of the trees just like birds. This is the place where the Sea King’s city is.The Sea King’s wife died many years before, so his old mother looked after him. She loved the Sea King’s six children very much, and they loved their grandmother, too. These six children were beautiful princesses. The youngest princess was the most beautiful: her eyes were as blue as the sea and her body was white like a rose. But, like all her sisters, she had no feet. The top of her body was like a girl’s body; an d the rest of her body was like the body of a fish.The six princesses often played all day in the big rooms inside the Sea King’s house. Beautiful flowers GREw out of the walls on all sides of them. When the windows were opened, fishes would go into the rooms just like birds come into our rooms. But the fishes were braver than birds They went up to the little princesses to eat food from their hands.In front of the Sea King’s house there was a large garden full of redplants and blue plants. The flowers of these plants were like the burning sun. There was a blue light over the garden; you would think that you were up in the sky — not down in the sea.Each of the little princesses had her own little garden inside the largegarden. They could plant the flowers, which they themselves liked the most. The youngest princess planted red flowers in the garden, and she planted a red tree near the flowers. She was not at all like her sisters.在海洋的远处,水很蓝很蓝,你能象隔着玻璃一样,看透它。
童话:海的女儿(二)The little princess loved to hear about people who were not the same as she was. These people have feet and did not live in the sea: they lived on land. She made her grandmother tell her everything she knew about ships, cities, and men. She was very pleased when she heard that the flowers on land had a lovely smell: the flowers in the sea had no smell at all. She was very pleased, too, when she heard that the small fishes in the sky could sing. The old lady was speaking about birds, but she called them fishes because the little princesses did not know about birds. "When you are fifteen years old, you can go to the top of the sea, " their grandmother said. "You will then sit at night and see the ships go by. And you will know about cities and men. "The next year the oldest of the sisters would be fifteen. She was very happy, but the other sisters were unhappy. They could not go to the top of the sea. The oldest sister said that she would tell them about everythingthat she saw.But none of the sisters wanted to go so much as the youngest sister wanted to go. On many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the blue water. She could see the sun and it looked very big to her. If a ship went by up there, above her, she thought that it must be a very big fish.The day now came when the oldest of the princess was fifteen and could go to the top of the sea.When she came back she had many things to tell.这个小公主喜欢听跟自己不同的人类的故事。