





关键词:象征数字物体人物姓名冷漠残忍盲从I712.074 A 1006-026X(2013)2-0000-011.引言美国当代著名女作家雪莉·杰克逊(Shirley Jackson)的短篇小说《抽彩》给我们讲述了一个奇怪习俗的荒诞故事。












用其尽善尽美的语言文字对真实的人类生活进行阐释 。文章对波特 的短篇小说
‘ 绳子》从第三人称有限视角变换叙述、修辞手法和开放式结尾来浅析她的语言
和艺术形式 ,从而 三人 ;第 称有限 视角转 换;修 法;隐 辞手 寓;开 放式
凯瑟琳 ・ ・ 安 波特是美国著名的女作家。19 年 5月 1 80 5日出 生于得克萨斯州南部一个信仰天主教的家庭。她 自幼丧母,由祖母 抚养,家境贫困,曾经就读于一所修道院,但那里的清规戒律并不 能束缚波特的追求 自由和倔强的天性。波特从没有受过正规的写作 教育,但她勤奋好强 ,刻苦 自学,博 览群 书,用各方面的知识充实 自己。在 日常生活 中,波特 注意观 察发生在身边的各种事件和各式 各样的人物 ,这使她 的洞 察力不断得 到提 高。由于她阅历丰富,思 想敏锐 ,生活根基深厚 ,所 以她的小说题材广泛 ,生活气息浓郁 , 寓意深远 。波特 的作品大都取材于她所熟悉的美国南方、墨西哥和 欧洲的生活, 正如她自己所说的: 我在小说中所写的每一件事都取 “ 材 于现 实生活 ” 她的作品文笔优美,结构严密,词句精炼,因此使其艺术魅力 经 久不衰 。波特 的短篇小说叙述生动 ,能把主人公复杂的 内心世界 发掘的相当深刻,描写的十分细腻,她的最成功之处是她能寓深刻 的主题于貌似简 单、平 淡的情节当中,使其作品具有深邃的寓意 ,
20 0 9年
《 和田师 范专科学校学报 》( 汉文综合版 )






















[浅谈爱伦.坡短篇小说的艺术特色] 爱伦·坡短篇小说

[浅谈爱伦.坡短篇小说的艺术特色] 爱伦·坡短篇小说

[浅谈爱伦.坡短篇小说的艺术特色] 爱伦·坡短篇小说摘要本文结合美国19世纪作家爱伦・坡短篇小说的特点和对世界文学的影响,就其短篇小说创作的叙事艺术、文体艺术与风格艺术的形成以及在作品中对这些艺术的营造三个方面进行了论述,旨在探讨爱・伦坡小说的唯美艺术特色。

<br/> 关键词:爱伦・坡短篇小说艺术特色 <br/> 中图分类号:I106文献标识码:A <br/> <br/> 爱伦・坡是被誉为文坛怪杰的美国19世纪作家。




<br/> 一叙事艺术特色<br/> 在文学旨趣上,爱伦・坡一直主张由心境所支配、以效果为旨趣的短篇。


<br/> 1 以第一人称为叙事视角 <br/> 从叙事学的角度来考察爱伦・坡的短篇小说,不难发现他几乎所有的作品都是以第一人称视觉进行叙述的:第一人称叙述者“我”往往既是叙述者,又是故事人物;既可以是故事主人公,又可以是故事事件的旁观者。


<br/> 2 以设置悬念为叙事手段 <br/> 在美国的短篇小说发展史上,爱伦・坡是第一个有意识将短篇小说作为独立文学体裁来写的作家,并提出了短篇小说的创作理论。




四川外国语大学2013-2014学年第二学期硕士研究生课程论文题目:关于美国二十世纪最佳短篇小说《我死去的兄弟来到美国》的叙事学分析------ 以外聚焦的叙事模式为中心课程名称《叙事学方法论》任课教师熊沐清教授年级2012级班次9班学号2012218姓名张婷关于美国二十世纪最佳短篇小说《我死去的兄弟来到美国》的叙事学分析------ 以外聚焦的叙事模式为中心张婷(2012级9班朝鲜语专业 2012218)摘要:二十世纪二十年代中期和二十世纪三十年代,这段时期无论是对于美国或是世界的其他地区都是一段粗陋又残酷的时期。















欧亨利短篇小说鉴赏 英语文学赏析论文

欧亨利短篇小说鉴赏 英语文学赏析论文

摘要: 作为世界三大小说家之一,欧亨利与契诃夫和莫泊桑齐名。



关键词:艺术手法,人性,社会现实,欧亨利式结尾Unexpected and reasonale ending——A Brief Comment on O’ Henry’s Short Stories Abstract: O. Henry, one of the three most famous short-story writers in the world, enjoys equal status with Chekhov and Maupassant. Exquisite plot, wry humor and twist ending dominate his works. Those surprising but logical endings are the most brilliant in all of the highlights. This thesis mainly analyses O. Henry’s surprising but logical endings of his famous works such as The Gift of the Magi , The Last Leaf an and The Cop and the Anthem.These O. Henry-style endings impress readers ,and at the same time ,help him express his ideas completely and vividly.So this thesis mainly analyses how O’ Henry set the plot to achieve the desired ending effect,and how the twist ending help idea-expression.Key Words:artistic styles; humanity; social reality; O. Henry-style endingContents1. Introduction (1)2. Unique O-style endingmethod (2)2.1 Improbable coincidence (3)2.2 Sharp contrast………………………………………………………………………42.3 Repetition and change (6)3. Conclusion (8)Bibliography (9)1. IntroductionO. Henry, originally named William Sydney Porter, is a distinguished American storywriter. He wrote more than 300 short stories in his life. His stories are full of colorful characters. He creates an original, typically American democratic form of short stories with, at its best, a valuable critical awareness of life and society tellingly expressed through humor. Therefore, some critics call him “the founder of American stories”. Being gifted with humor and a keen awareness of details, he objectively shows us what America looks like. All his stories putting together constitute a true panorama of American life.This thesis mainly emphasizes O. Henry’s unique twist ending.The ending of an article has long been considered as a conclusion or just a summary of the whole passage. However, O. Henry illustrates a new way, the so-called twist ending or sometimes the O. Henry’s ending. It means that at the end of an article the mental status or the fate of the character has changed greatly. But the whole passage is suddenly endowed with a great charm because of the ending. The author has your nerves all a quiver until the lastsentence. The surprise comes quickly and the story is finished. O. Henry is such a master of the unexpected ending that one must admire his skills. 2. Unique O-style ending methodO. Henry's trademark is the surprising ending that each of his stories contains. He sets a story moving in one direction, and just when the reader is convinced of the general direction of the narrative, the story will be completely reversed.This kind of ynexpected but reasonable ending which called O.Hernry’s ending may be a little sorrowful but it still gives the readers some hope,which is so-called “O.Henry’s humor(smile with tears)”. And if we look back to the total story, the ending seems logical and plausible. As a “plot-maker”, and designer of incident, he is an amazing genius. No one can do better than him to holds the reader in “suspense”. More than that, the reader scarcely knows that he is suspended until the very close of the story. Just as turns on the lights and the whole tale is revealed in its entirety. He uses this device of dramatic and humorous effect in the short story collection The Four Million which including “The Gift of the Magi ”, and “The Cop and the Anthem”, “the Service of Love”, “The last Leaf.”He often stresses on something important but not the most important in his works.The most important part always seems to write incidentally,which eben the most circunspective reader may ifnore it.When the stories end in a totally unexpected but reasonable way ,we can do nothing but cheer for O.Henry’s literary talent.2.1 Improbable coincidence (The Gift of the Magi)The novel “The Gift of the Magi” is about a young couple that is short of money but desperately wants to buy each other Christmas gifts. Unknown to Jim, Della sells her most valuable possession, her beautiful hair, in order to buy platinum as the chain for Jim's watch; unknown to Della, Jim sells his most valuable possession, his watch, to buy jeweled combs for Della's hair.In the end ,both gifts became useless——short-haired Della got a comb and Jim got a chain for an already-sold watch.What a surprising coincidence! However, when we look back, we can find that O.Henry had already given us some suggestions.”Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took a mighty pride. One was Jim’s gold watch that had been his father’s and hisgrandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair.” This description is related to how they got the money for gifts and what they bought for each other. The auther used a casual and vague tone deliberately so that few people would think over its meaning before seeing the ending. So the ending turns out to be unexpected but reasonable.This coincidence is filled with complex emotions. People feel touched by the longlasting true love between the young couple and at the sametime ,pity for them for their “unwise” gifts and their cruel bitter life.Though confronted with cruel reality and dull daily routine, Della and Jim can never change their eagerness toward love. To them the most valuable material possession is so slight and insignificant ,when compared with the spiritual possession of love romance.Perhaps the gifts were "unwise" as the author says, but, as he further writes, "let it be said that of all who give gifts, these two were the wisest.”In The Gift of the Magi , we feel so pity that Della has her precious long hair cut. But to our surprise ,Jim has sold the watch to buy the jeweled tortoise-shell combs for her wife’s hair. O.Henry does not end on the note of irony and surprise but gives to what he calls his uneventful coincidenceof two foolish children the appearance of a little parable with a significant meaning. The magi , he reminds the reader ,were wise men who brought gifts to the Christ child. As for Jim and Della, the are the magi. This is the ending of the story with O.Henry’s own style.2. 2 Sharp contrast (The last leaf)In this story, Johnsy and Sue are artists who move into Greenwich Village in New York City. As Winter approaches and the weather gets colder, Johnsy becomes ill with pneumonia. She gets so sick that she believes that when the last leaf falls from the vine outside her window, she will die. An old artist, named Behrman, who lives in the same building as the girls, braves a storm one night to paint a leaf on the wall — a leaf that will never fall. Cold and wet from painting in the icy rain, he catches pneumonia and dies. This gives Sue the hope to survive her illness, and it also creates the masterpiece Behrman had always dreamed of painting.After reading the novel,we can find that Behrman rarely appears and O.Henry spent few words on him .We only know that he is a bad-tempered old painter. “He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.”“Behrman was a failure in art”. Behrman earned little money by serving as a non-professional model and was a terrible alcoholic who sometimes “talked of his coming masterpiece”. He was “a fierce little old man, who scoffed terribly at softness in any one”.To be honest, Behrman was not a traditonal pleasing hero at all. He was fierce in personality , poor in money and untalented in painting.However, it is exactly him who saved Johnsy in a silent and artistic way——painting a leaf on a wall. This leaf gives Sue the hope of living, making her realize that: “It is a sin to want to die”.O.Henry did not tell how he helped Sue, how he painted his masterpiece and why he chose to do it deliberately but readers knew it from the conversation between Sue and Johnsy indirectly . Many details point to a truth that the old artist sacruificed his life to restore Sue’s will to live. All these things took place in a cold storming night and Behrman told no one about his plan. It shows that he did it not for praise, but just for saving a young girl.Behrman, given few show-ups and descriptions by the author , was rarely concerned by readers in early plot.Many people even think he is just an unimportant supporting role.But when we see the ending and know the truth, we find we were completely wrong. Behrman was a hero and a savior who did not only save a person’s life, but successfully saved an American dream for all the people who seek freedom and peace, connecting the social reality of that time.“The last leaf” is the symbol of hope, life and faith. Behrman seemed more alive than dead.This Sharp contrast strenthens the theme of love and sacrifice. Behrman’s behavior seemed more praiseworthy and inspiring after readers’psychological change . That’s what O.Henry wants to achieve. Though the touching ending makes us absorbed in sadness, the readers can still find gleams of hope and desire out of despair.2.3 Repetition and change (The Cop and the Anthem)In the story The Cop and the Anthem, Soapy, a homeless tramp, deciding to be sent to the prison on the Island which he called his winter quarter against the rigor and the hunger, attempted to practice several illegal activities for the purpose of “wooing capture”; but the cop, who stood nearby when Soapy was trying to attract his attention by his anti-law behavior, paid no special attention to Soapy every time, even “seemed toregard him as a king who could do no wrong”.Developing up here, the story must give the reader the conclusion that Soapy had to go back disappointedly to his home—a park bench. On his way, the sweet music of anthem from the church played by the organist and the beautiful moonlight scenery “wrought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul”, he made up his mind to “pull himself out of the mire”and “make a man of himself again”.Moving like this, the plot is not completely understandable at once. When the reader is puzzled about the use and meaning of growing plot, and just while Soapy was planning his tomorrow’s action for being “somebody in the world”, an unforeseen plot, and just while abruptly: he was arrested because a policeman thought him doubtful, and the next day he was sentence to “three months on the Island”.The story stops here suddenly in spite of the reader’s not immediate understanding. But after a moment of consideration, the reader’s surprise turns into admiration for his astonishing contrivance of tricky ending which reveals rigorously the real facts of reversal between truth and falsehood in capitalist society which confuses right and wrong.In this short stories, the plot develops as Soapy’s various anti-law behaviors being ignored by the cop time and time again. This kind of repetition may disappoint and bore readers in some degree.However, it’s exactly the highlights of the story. The more such repetition occurs the more confused and curious readers become. They can’t help wondering, “Why did all these happen again and again? What followed next? How will Soapy finally become?”and so on. Then there comes the change,which is also the climax——Soapy was inspired by the anthem from the church, but before he can truly make a brand new start in his life ,he got arrestted just because he looked like a criminal. With those repetitions in early times, the final ending seems so ironic and unexpected. Soapy seems more suffered being born in that rough-and-tumble age.3. ConclusionTotally speaking, in O. Henry’s works, the events of some short stories are arranged in the spe cific order which exceed reader’s normal expectation to the arrangement of those events in his works, make the ending unpredictable and strange. O. Henry deliberately designs the little tricks with words, for he is a master of language and not its slave.These unexpected but reasonable endings, in many conditions ,are the most remarkable parts in the novel. They also engage something profound in the human psyche and reflect sociel reality in that age . Bibliography[1] Medrick, Fred. An introduction to American literature[M]. Henan University Press, 1985[2] Hudson, Long. O Henry The Man and His Work[C]. New York:Russell and Russell, 1969[3] O, Henry, Heart of the West[M]. New York: McClure, 1907[4] O, Henry, The Four Million[M]. New York: Dobleday, Doran and Company. 1906[5] O, Henry, 欧亨利短篇小说[6] 李国宁. 欧亨利式结尾的艺术魅力[7] 赵书颖. “含泪的笑”与“含笑的泪”浅析欧•亨利的主题[8] 赵丽,黄春妮. 欧亨利作品导读[M]. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社2003 P3[9] 欧亨利. 四百万[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988。



学期论文学期论文题目:Epiphany in James Joyce’s “Araby”课程:英美短篇小说赏析学生姓名:***学号:************院(系):外国语学院班级:英语112班课程教师姓名:郭建学期时间:2013-2014-2(外国语学院制表)Epiphany in James Joyce’s “Araby”OutlinePart I .............................................The background of the storyPart II..........................................................The plots of the storyPart III..................................Analysis of the themes of the storyPart IV...........................................................................SummaryDubliners published in 1914, it is James Joyce youth to create a collection of short stories, is set in Dublin, vividly depicted in the early 19th century Dublin street life of the people with a variety of mentality, and also reveals in the social life is a kind of insensitive and lifeless. Araby is the third piece in the collection, vividly describes a child to obscure the romance of love and disillusioned pursuit. In the novel the most obvious feature is the spirit of Joyce use a novel insight to show character complex thoughts and feelings.Live in the North Richmond Street, a boy hoped to win his friend’s elder sister's heart. One day, the boy with a romantic idea to Mann’s sister, promised to go to the east bazaar and bring a gift for her. After uncle promised money, the boy for a few days have been thinking about girls and bring gifts for her. But on that day to the bazaar, uncle come homevery late, so when the boy arrived, market is almost closed. Only a few stalls sell things. Boys look at some of the goods, feel that they are very expensive, beyond his ability to purchase. The boy in Araby bazaar were disappointed.Joyce through the description of character moments of fine feeling right and vividly reveals a teenager's first love feelings. Everything is so simple and real, but makes the young youth conflict , beautiful, rambling, and at the same time the reader into the hero's inner world.Traditional psychoanalysis criticism, literary works is the author of the dream or something similar, is the symbol of the artist's unconscious fantasies, can reveal the author's writing attitude and psychological state. Work is the leading role of the writers the externalization of themselves. Therefore, in a sense, we can say "Araby" is Joyce’s childhood experiences and emotions, is the first love of Joyce.First love is usually good. This from the title of the article we can see the author's intentions. The word Araby contains quite rich. As early as when Napoleon conquest of Egypt, Araby became synonymous with romance in the Middle East, has the different region amorous feelings of Arab and the infinite charm of Oriental world. Joyce used it as a subject, and it is not only used as the name of a shopping mall, Dublin is more use of the name of romantic with good imagination space to us, also symbolizes the protagonist exploration and pursuit of the goal. He is toconstruct an ideal world.As a bold innovation, effective experimental modern writer. Joyce in "Dubliners" the stream of consciousness techniques has yet to use to describe characters.But he used a kind of novel and unique creative skills of the spirit of enlightenment to show people the wrong heald complex thoughts and feelings. Spiritual enlightenment, is a kind of sense of literature and the technique of sudden apparition, or the perception of the mind. Epiphany moments is man suddenly wake up at a time, to see their situation, realize the true meaning of life. Joyce is interpreted it as a kind of suddenly got the message just a fragment, but all contain the meaning of life.In the article the author finally has the description: Although knows the female traders is the only commercial instinct to care me. I still wandering at the counter of her before. Then I slowly turned around and walked into the middle of the hall. Let the hand of two penny coins land on a sixpence coins pocket, when I heard the voice of the lights out a passageway. The whole hall became dark.it is a stark contrast to the front of the boy’s mood.Joyce once again through the objective description of the protagonist movement and sensory, let the reader feel the boy's psychology is very frustrated, the performance of all of these are because of the hero in the moment to see their plight. Before this, lack of awareness of his surroundings, wanted to seek romantic thought.At themoment, the hero fantasies of Araby thoroughly burst.The boy pursuits of romantic love, actually to he experienced a self-knowledge of spiritual journey. Joyce used the technique of spiritual enlightenment not only vividly shows the subtle psychological change characters, and it also shows that such a harsh fact, namely in dead Dublin society, even the innocent children cannot get rid of the shadow of paralysis. In this novel, the hero is not a surprise to comprehend the spirit of enlightenment, but the character itself through gradually.Joyce did the hero of spiritual enlightenment orchestrated a period at the end of the novel, is the climax of the novel. In the hero when I feel the truth of life, the work here to a screeching halt, not only just right, the spirit of the protagonist's Epiphany left a deep impression on the readers. Also left a vast space for imagination to the reader.The hero found how to continue his life after the thing, he will become like the people around him, or continue to look for the ideal of his heart. All this to the reader to think, make the person aftertaste.Epiphany often needs objective corresponding motivation and cooperation, by a certain situation or certain events to arouse people's feelings. Our objectives correlative than what is stated here, imagination of Araby is my ideal situation, and realistic than stimulate the hero's heart. Made him not only to the Araby and it is for the whole of the world in which he lived with a fresh understanding. In "Araby" the boy was feelsabout their environment very numb, because he passed than events, the objective of stimulating pulled him out of their building suddenly pulled out in an ideal situation. In the dreamful place he heard the vulgar dialogue, make him feels there is no romance in his heart, here and the place where he lived as callousness, lifeless.James Joyce’s work is to explore the inner world of human beings. In the short story Araby, for those who help lend unique spirit enlightenment writing technique, through the hero to obscure the romance of love pursuit and disillusionment of tracing the process of writing, to the whole deep understanding of the society and the people for the whole period. In Araby, Joyce’s well written style is exemplified, as well as his deep thoughts. From the perspective of literary devices, Joyce employ “impressionism” and “epiphany” which are special artistic devices he hao applied in this story. The author discusses the plot, setting in Araby, and analyze the characters in it. Through a thorough study of Araby, the thesis is in order to push forward the understanding of Joyce’s purpose in writing the story. The discussion of impressionism and epiphany in this thesis is an attempt to focus the discussion on the story alone, combing the inner unity and integrity of this device, providing better understanding of the functions and management of such new innovation, thus a better understanding of the work itself.。



(完整版)美国经典短篇⼩说TheLottery完整评析Characteristics (蔡嘉懿)Bobby, Harry Jones, Dickie Delacroix, Bobby Martin :na?ve, curious,(represents for the new generation that are destroyed by the feudatorial thoughts. )Mr. Summers :Pitiful (For he had no children and his wife was a scold),Traditional , numb ( summers represents for the time),brutal ( “ ‘ All right folks.’ Mr. Summer said, ‘ Let’s finish quickly’.”)energetic : direct characterization (“ who had time and energy to devote to civic activities”)Mr. Graves :calm, serious, polite, rationalBaxter:powerful, young, energetic (“Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers s tirred up the papers inside it.”)Warner:Old (the oldest man in the village),brutal,(Old Man Warner was saying, "Come on, come on, everyone." )conservative,“Old Man Warner snorted, "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.')numb, "Seventy-seventh year I been in the lottery," Old Man Warner said as he went through the crowd. "Seventy-seventh time."stubborn "Nothing but trouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack of young fools." Mrs. Hutchinson:tragic, ( She “won” the lottery)helpless, (Everyone is happy that the person who won the lottery is not them. No one is feeling sad or unfair for her) selfish(asked to let her daughter join the second round of lottery)Mrs. Dunbar/ Mrs. Delacroix:chilling, hypocritical, ( She talked to Mrs. Hutchinson so friendly before she was picked to be the person who was going to die. Then, she chose a big stone to kill her “friend”. )brutal( she chose a big stone)Waston:brave, love his mother, responsible (draw the lottery for his mother)Mr. Adams and Mrs. Adams:Dare to question, aware of the bad of the lottery,( "They do say," Mr. Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next to him, "that over in the north village they're talking of giving up the lottery.")Nancy and Bill:cold and detached, selfish ( As they were happy when they knew they were not going to die)Devices: (蔡嘉懿)1.Indirect characterization: For example, Warner, the oldest man. The author uses his words todescribe him as a brutal, conservative, numb, stubborn man.“Old Man Warner snorted, "Pack of crazy fools," he said. "Listening to the young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work any more, live that way for a while. Used to be a saying about 'Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.’”Here, he believed the advantages of lottery, keeping the old conception instead of accepting new ideas.2.Irony(1)“Mrs. Delacroix said, "You're in time, though. They're still talking away up there.""Seems like there's no time at all between lotteries any more," Mrs. Delacroix said to Mrs.Graves in the back row. "Seems like we got through with the last one only last week."From the quotation, we know that Mrs. Delacroix talked friendly to Mrs. Hutchinson, but later on she killed her with a big stone without any pity. Author uses ironic tone to express the detest of the folks who believe in old tradition and criticizes both the traditions and folks like Mrs. Delacroix.(2) “Delacroix-- the villagers pronounced this name "Dellacroy"”the original meaning of“Delacroix”is the Cross which represents for “Christianity”.Then, author uses irony of people’s mistake of pronouncing that word to criticize their misunderstanding of Christianity by doing Lottery.3.Repetition(1)“Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers, "You didn't give him time enough to takeany paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!"”"It isn't fair, it isn't right," Mrs. Hutchinson screamed and then they were upon her.Here, the author uses the repetition of the words of Mrs. Hutchinson stating “unfair” to show her sorrow and fear. She better passes the message of the bad of the Lottery through emphasizing the pain .(2)The black boxThe author describe the black box over and over again in order to criticize the old tradition through the repetition of the black box.4.Symbolize(1)Mr. Summer is the name of one main character. “Summer” is the symbol of years andpassing time which is also ironically revealing that the folks are numb.(2)the original meaning of “Delacroix”is the Cross which is the symbol for“Christianity” .Then, author uses irony of people’s mistake of pronouncing that word to criticize their misunderstanding of Christianity by doing Lottery.(3)The name “Graves” is the symbol of death.。


语 系 ,安 徽 合肥 2 3 0 6 0 1 )
[ 摘
要]作为表现形式有限的文类 , 短篇 小说在 美国文 学中的蓬勃发展具有 鲜明的 民族性 和资本性。通过 声称 占据
最小量的空间, 同时提供最 大量的文学回报 , 体现 出一种显著的扩张性叙事特征。 [ 关键词]短篇 小说 ; 扩张 ; 叙事
0 0, 0 0 0 。 背景 下 的一 个 事 件 , 牵 涉 到 一 两个 人 物 的 活动 , 处理 达 到 1
的是 单一 人物 、 事件 、 情感 , 或者 由单 一 情 境所 引 发 的

短篇小 说作 为一种 特殊 类型 的艺 术 形 式 , 需 要 在

连 串情感 。要 求语 言 、 行动 、 人物 形 象 简洁 , 结 局 也
国 的向西拓 殖视 为美 利坚 民族 不 断追 求 的精 神 表现 , 是 美 国第一 位真 正进行 资本管 理 的文学评 论家 。 那么 在瑞普 身上 无疑 流露 出 了相似 的心 态 。《 见 闻札 短篇小 说 的民族性 和资本 性 的交又 是 很 明显 的 ,
9世 纪 6 O年 代完 工 , 连 记》 使 欧文 名垂 青史 , 他 的成功 , 表 明新世 界 已出现 可 交叉 特别显 著 的历史事 件是 1 与 欧洲文 坛一 争雌雄 的作 家 , 美 国文学 作 为 一个 独 立 接东 、 西海 岸 , 横 贯大 陆 的联 邦太 平 洋铁 路 , 它 体 现 的 实体 已开 始躁 动于母 腹 , 这 对 民族 文化 独 立 意识 日渐 是整 个美 国经济 的力 量和资 源 , 包括 成 千上 万 大 陆移 强 烈的美 国来 说 是 一 个意 义 非 凡 的 历 史 事 实 。而 民 、 他们 的劳动 和资金 。同时 , 一群 文 学家 , 包 括 布莱

竺新平 美国短篇小说赏析

竺新平  美国短篇小说赏析

• He was a bony man, old and wrinkled. He had a bent back, leaning forward when he walked. Most men of his age were enjoying a carefree and content life after retirement. • But this man, small and thin as he was, would leave his rented apartment at three o‟clock. Only God knows what the man had to endure each time he swept layers of fallen leaves that had been accumulated over a rainy night. Day after day, he cleaned the street with maximum strength, smiling at the pedestrians occasionally, though most of the passers-by ignored his greetings. After 5-hour hard labor, he would rest under a tree, whose shadow sheltered him from the scorching sun. Then he started to fill his stomach with the simple meal which had been prepared before he left home.
sold sold





















麦田里的守望者论文开题报告J.D .塞林格的小说《麦田里的守望者》是美国文学中最具争议性的小说之一,被美国文学界公认为美国文学中的“现代经典”之一.该小说通过讲述霍尔顿离开潘西中学后在纽约的游荡经历,深刻地揭示了现代社会中人类心灵的极度孤独.国内外对《麦田里的守望者》的研究很多,但研究主要集中于作品主人公霍尔顿的形象阐释、叙事与语言特色、异化与成长主题等几个方面,而对作品的孤独主题关注较少.一、国外研究概况在美国,《麦田里的守望者》刚刚问世,便出现许多相关评论研究文章,甚至在作品于1951年7月16日正式出版前,读者评论文章便见诸报端.但是最早的评论文章数量多,质量差.这些评论武断臆测,随心所欲,风靡一时.直到一些很有研究价值的评论文章在学术刊物上发表后才慢慢平息下来.到20世纪60年代,塞林格在文坛上的地位已经确立,他被认为是“一位天才和有趣的作家”.《麦田里的守望者》也成了大家一致认定的经典作品.有大量的评论文章研究《麦田里的守望者》,研究塞林格及其其它的中短篇小说,竟有“塞林格工业”的说法.1963年,评论家沃伦?弗兰契甚至夸张地说有关《麦田里的守望者》的文章已超过任何当代美国小说.国外对《麦田里的守望者》的研究在不同时期,呈现不同的特点.在2 0 世纪5 0 年代, 评论家主要关注作品的主题.ArthurHeiserman和James ler是最早的研究者,他们将霍尔顿与马克吐温笔下的哈克进行比较,认为他们都是在流浪中获得成长.Charles Kaplan 将霍尔顿与哈克进行比较,认为他们都是逃离现代文明去寻找自由.他着重比较两者的相同点:原罪,不信教,拒绝伪善,需要获得新生.Edgar Branch则肯定了哈克与霍尔顿的文化联系,认为霍尔顿是对哈克精神的继承.Aldridge着重探讨了哈克与霍尔顿的不同,认为霍尔顿并未像哈克一样去践行他所渴望的价值观.语言分析方面,Costello研究了霍尔顿的语言,认为霍尔顿语言的塑造是艺术的进步.霍尔顿的形象方面,Hassan认为霍尔顿是这个世界的受害者,是个局外人.Tom D论文范文is第一次阐述了东方哲学对作品的影响,指出“守望者”其实是东方慈悲的菩萨的化身,到凡间帮助别人免受轮回之苦.John M.Howell认为霍尔顿像佛教中的菩萨,是一个无私的拯救者,最后菲比乘坐的旋转木马象征了生死之轮.60年代后期,评论家开始用心理学分析霍尔顿.D论文范文idJ.Burrows分析了霍尔顿的焦虑、死亡情结.他认为霍尔顿送给妹妹菲比的唱片变成了碎片,这些碎片代表了霍尔顿脆弱的意识与破碎的人格.心理分析的方法为作品及人物的研究提供了一个新的方向.70年代则侧重以各种理论为基础进行批评研究.JamesBryan利用弗洛伊德精神分析理论,分析了霍尔顿对性与死亡的态度.马克思批评学派则采用政治立场来解析作品.1976年,Carol和Richard Ohmann调查分析了过去20多年对《麦田里的守望者》的批评研究,认为其主题不是要与社会达成和谐统一,而是对资本主义社会、对资产阶级生活的强烈批判.Gerald Rosen则用佛教的理念来诠释作品.他认为霍尔顿的故事是按照佛陀的生活轨迹进行架构的.霍尔顿同佛陀一样思考了年老、疾病、死亡等,只是霍尔顿最后没有达到佛陀的圆满境界.80年代以来,研究理论、研究方向更加多样.EdwinH论文范文il 和 Miller认为霍尔顿弟弟艾里的死亡塑造了霍尔顿的世界观.霍尔顿不能处理好这件事情反映出他有严重的心理疾病.R.J.Huber采用的是奥地利精神学家Alfred Adler的理论,认为霍尔顿有严重的自卑倾向.霍尔顿讽刺别人是对其自卑心理的补偿.他认为霍尔顿想成为“守望者”的愿望表明霍尔顿患有神经强迫症,想把自己变成权威人物,将自己凌驾于人类之上.Nadel认为霍尔顿的语言反映出冷战时期普遍流行的压力与矛盾.霍尔顿的挣扎反映了麦卡锡时代清纯与罪恶,忠诚与背叛的斗争.JamesM.Mellard用拉康的理论进行批评研究,他指出霍尔顿要经历疏离、挫折、绝望,然后才能找到新的身份,一个新的自我.Mc Sweeney认为《麦田里的守望者》成功的关键是*称的使用.他还将其与《了不起的盖茨比》进行比较,认为他们都是经典的美国小说.Whitfied则着重从社会不同阶层对作品的反应来进行考察.直至今天,塞林格及其作品仍然是评论的热点,历久不衰.二、国内研究概况在我国,《麦田里的守望者》在20世纪60年代由施咸荣译为中文,内部流通,作为批判研究材料使用.施先生的中文译本在1983年由漓江出版社公开发行.30多年来,《麦田里的守望者》在我国的研究蓬勃发展、不断深入.在国内,比较常见的研究重点在以下几个方面:阐释霍尔顿的形象,研究霍尔顿在现代社会中所承担的角色.如罗世平的《<,麦田里的守望者>,中局外人的形象》,认为霍尔顿是社会的局外人,是西方文学史上的孤独者.王万兵、陈辉的《美国50年代的学生叛逆形象》则将霍尔顿定位为社会的反抗与叛逆者.研究作品的价值和意义,希望能给我国的青少年的教育与发展带来启示.张碧竹、潘丽的《战后美国青少年的心理历程》结合美国二战后的政治、经济、文化发展状况,研究霍尔顿的心理发展历程.李征戎的《逃逸与反叛》研究了霍尔顿在现实社会中遇到矛盾所采取的逃逸与反叛方式,指出引导青少年发展应该注意的方面.研究作品的叙事、象征、语言特色,并且将叙事技巧、象征手法及语言特色与作品的主题相结合,研究作家在作品中透露出来的主题意识.如张桂霞的《<,麦田里的守望者>,的叙事者和隐含作者》通过对霍尔顿形象塑造过程的文本研究,指出青少年所遇到的迷茫、彷徨是成长的必然.水彩琴的《<,麦田里的守望者>,中的象征手法分析》分析了作品中所使用的象征手法,通过象征手法的使用来烘托作品的主题.徐普良在《试论<,麦田里的守望者>,的主题与叙事艺术》中研究了作品中限制性叙述视角的使用,指出限制性叙述视角打破了全知视角的话语垄断,解构了主流意识形态,并指出作品中“低俗”语言的使用打破了通俗文化与高雅文化的界限,体现作品的反异化、反主流文化的主题.研究作品所体现的社会危机与异化主题,如任伟利的《论作品<,麦田里的守望者>,对“异化”的再现》,孔秋梅的《忧患意识:探析<,麦田里的守望者>,的异化主题》,方军、蔡红梅的《现代文明中个体存在的困惑及存在的方式探询》,张欲晓的《悬崖边上的人生困惑》等探讨了作品中的异化主题及人在现代异化社会中的生存困境.在研究异化主题的同时,有的研究者也指出了作品中所反映出来的对真、善、美,对爱的追寻与渴望.孔秋梅的《以爱换爱》研究了主人公霍尔顿心态的转变,由追寻爱到付出爱,并逐渐实现了自我的觉醒.王长才的《爱与真的艰难探寻》研究了霍尔顿对真的艰难寻索,对爱的苦苦探求,并指出主人公对真与爱的追寻都带有悲剧色彩.此外,联系到作者塞林格的犹太人身份,有的研究者探讨作者身份与《麦田里的守望者》之间的关系.王立宏的《塞林格犹太及半犹太特征在其小说中的折射》研究了塞林格的身份及生活经历对其作品的影响,将尴尬的生存身份反映在了其作品中.朱新颜的《论<,麦田里的守望者>,的犹太性》认为作品反映出了流浪、拯救、边缘等犹太文学母题.此外研究方法也突破单一的社会历史研究,研究理论、研究角度更加多元.学者们利用现代文学理论,分析作品,扩展了研究视野.用精神心理分析人物的内心世界,有罗世平的《精神病症情结*》;新历史主义评论作品,如刘萍的《反叛的悖论——新历史主义文学功能论与<,麦田里的守望者>,》;从后现代文学理论的视角切入,有张群的《从塞林格、贝娄等作家的小说看现代主义向后现代主义的演变》;拉康的后精神分析理论的运用,如唐姿的《话语权利的规范与主体行为的叛逆——试论<,麦田里的守望者>,中霍尔顿的镜像期幻灭》;布迪厄的文化理论阐释了塞林格的文化立场,如袁小明的《文化场域中的“占位”与“雅趣”生产研究——以塞林格及其作品<,麦田里的守望者>,为例》等.由此可以看出,对塞林格《麦田里的守望者》的研究,理论不同,方法多样,成果丰硕.但研究主要集中于作品主人公霍尔顿的形象阐释、叙事与语言特色、异化与成长主题等几个方面,而对作品的孤独主题关注较少.对作品的研究中也存在很多问题.在研究《麦田里的守望者》时,很多研究者以中文译本为研究基础,没有读过原著,又对美国文化缺乏深入的理解,导致理解不全面.二是许多研究者主观臆测,超越文本,断章取义,以推测而不是以文本为基础,缺乏整体的判断.三是许多研究者的研究流于表面,不深入,不持续,多为单篇论文,依靠经验得出结论.所以我们在研究塞林格及《麦田里的守望者》时,要对美国20世纪40、50年代的政治、经济、文化、教育状况有全面的把握,避免文化误读;以文本为基础,进行文本细读,不能超越文本,主观臆测;并且要用多元现代的文化理论,对作品进行深入、持续、多角度的研究.只有这样,才能深刻把握《麦田里的守望者》的孤独主题,坚持正确的研究方法与研究方向.三、以往研究的不足塞林格的作品以短、中篇居多,大多数主要写美国中产阶级出身的青少年,反映他们的痛苦和孤独.他采用现实主义的手法,客观地描述人物的内心与外部世界的冲突.他的作品一般使用*称和内心独白来叙述,语言诙谐风趣,伤感中透露出幽默,讥讽中流露出同情.其中许多作品表现出禅宗和东方哲学对他的影响.小说一出版,就受到美国国内青少年的热烈欢迎,认为它吐露了自己的心声.一时大中学的校园都掀起了模仿霍尔顿的风潮——他们模仿霍尔顿的语言动作,身穿风衣,倒戴着红色的鸭舌帽.甚至在60年代初,一跟美国学生谈到美国文学,学者们马上就会谈到《麦田里的守望者》.在《麦田里的守望者》中,始终都贯穿着一个主题,那就是孤独.塞林格通过霍尔顿的视角来观察这个世界,通过其所见、所闻、所感表现出内心的孤独.受当时的社会历史背景、个人身份、个人生活经历的影响,孤独主题是塞林格整个创作的重心.《麦田里的守望者》通过讲述霍尔顿离开潘西中学后在纽约的游荡经历,深刻地揭示了现代社会中人的心灵的极度孤独.作品的孤独主题主要表现在三个方面,即霍尔顿内心的孤独迷茫与引导者的缺位、感情的孤独无着与慰藉者的缺位和理想自我与现实自我的矛盾冲突.为烘托作品的孤独主题,作者采用了限制性视角、反复循环的叙事方式和丰富的纵横象征系统等复杂、高超的艺术手法.塞林格并不仅仅将孤独这一人类无法回避的问题暴露出来,他也在思考造成孤独的根源及摆脱孤独的途径.《麦田里的守望者》揭示出在单维度物质文明发展的异化社会中,整体对个体的消解、人对自我本质的违背、人与人之间关系的疏远是造成孤独的根源,爱的给予则是摆脱孤独的途径.塞林格尤其擅长通过青少年的视角观察社会,揭示他们痛彻心髓的孤独.其作品中的孤独主题引起人们的思考,体现他对人类命运的关怀.《麦田里的守望者》十分深刻地揭示了二战后美国青少年所面临的精神危机及当时的社会异化对心灵的戕害,同时对现在青少年的成长也有着重要的现实意义.《麦田里的守望者》的出版距今已有60余年,其影响历久不衰.小说在美国当代文学中的地位也日渐巩固,越来越受到文学史家的关注.四、结语鉴于对作品的孤独主题研究关注较少,在前人研究的基础上进一步探讨作品的孤独主题,能够拓展对《麦田里的守望者》的研究视野,有助于更加全面地把握作品中孤独主题的呈现方式、强化孤独主题的艺术表现手法及塞林格对孤独的根源和解决途径的思考.有助于更加深入的了解在主流文化与亚主流文化夹缝中艰难生存的青少年的孤独痛楚,并进一步思索人的精神困境、人的本质与人生的价值意义.我国现在的经济文化发展状况与美国20世纪50年代的发展状况存在相似之处,全面了解孤独的成因及解决途径,对我国的青少年的成长发展具有深刻的指导意义.。

英美经典短篇小说鉴赏 当代中国学术文库

英美经典短篇小说鉴赏 当代中国学术文库
《英美经典短篇小说鉴赏》是西南交通大学英语专业文学教材之一,可作英语专业学生必修课或选修课教材 之用,也可供社会上英语爱好者进修之用。《英美经典短篇小说鉴赏》由郑博仁、王鹏飞、王维民、唐跃勤编写。
短篇小说作为文学的重要组成部分,其内容直面人生,紧贴社会,其语言叙事写生及英语学习爱好者对英美短篇小说的形成与 发展有初步的了解:并通过阅读具有代表性的英美短篇小说作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色并 努力掌握正确评价点,因此读者通过仔细阅读原作,努力提高语言水平,增强对英美文学原著的理解,特别是对作品中表现的社会 生活和人物思想感情的理解,提高阅读文学作品的能力和鉴赏水平。
英美经典短篇小说鉴赏 当代中国学 术2013年中央编译出版社出版的图书
01 内容简介
03 作者简介
02 推荐 04 图书目录
要特点之一是以英语短篇小说结构要素为主线,分为8章加以专题介绍和 讨论,依次为:情节与结构、人物、视角、场景与氛围、主题、象征与寓言、语言与风格、以及反讽与矛盾。其 次,《英美经典短篇小说鉴赏》分英国短篇小说和美国短篇小说两部分,共计选编了16篇作品为范例。而且所选 篇章皆为经典传世之作,其代表作家包括从19世纪的华盛顿·欧文到20世纪的多丽斯·莱辛等在内的16位著名短 篇小说大师。第三,每章含英、美短篇小说各一篇。每章各有中心,但彼此呼应相连,所选的短篇小说既体现所 在章节的重点,又可其他章节进行讨论。此外每篇作品的鉴赏均由6个部分组成,分为“作者简介”、“作品简 介”、“作品”、“注释”、“讨论题”和“作家隽语”等。书末的附录一是“文学批评方法简介”,对西方文 艺理论的发展、主要流派及分析方法做了简要讲解。附录二是“文学术语”,对文学评论中常用术语做了简要解 释,方便读者在阅读、分析实践中查阅。



The Cask of AmontilladoIronically, the story takes place during the carnival season of madness and merrymaking. Montresor plays on Fortunato's pride in his wine connoisseurship, asking him to verify whether or not Montresor's recent bargain-price wine purchase is expensive amontillado or ordinary sherry. Fortunato agrees over Montresor's protests that it would be an imposition and a health danger, since the vaults where the wine is stored are cold, damp and "encrusted with nitre." Montresor's expressed concern for the other man's well-being is at odds with his true intentions.the names of the wines noted throughout the story and their possible symbolism. for example, "medoc" for fortunato so he can fend off the cold and "de grave" while he is walking to his own grave.There are four possible reasons why Fortunato volunteered to check if it were really Amontillado.1) He was drunk. 2) The festival was going on and he was in high spirits. 3) He wanted to prove that he was better than Luchesi. 4) He was, of course, tricked by Montresor. He put in much exaggeration and falsity into his 'speech' to egg Fortunado into entering the crypt or he would never be able to exact revenge."Free Mason refrence" When Montressor was talking about "being" a mason he was probably responding in scarcasim to Fortunato's question. Montressor cleverly knows that he is detering the attention of his drunkin friend when he pulls out his trowel (which is a tool for masony).At that point in the conversation it seems that Fortundo aknowledges he lost the conversation in his intoxication and moves along to the Amontillado.the abnormal social phenomena exist in the reality,the intrigue among people to gain profits and also the immoral measures people took for panning gold at the Gold Rush Era.The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyPlot:The narrator is sent by a friend on an errand to visit an old man, Simon Wheeler, to find an old acquaintance of his friend, Leonidas W. Smiley. The narrator finds Simon at the "decayed mining camp of Angel's" The narrator asks the fat, bald-headed man of Leonidas. Simon responds that he doesn't know a Leonidas Smiley, but he knows of a Jim Smiley. From there Simon tells the story of Jim.Themes: A cultured Easterner relates his recent visit to a talkative old man at a western mining camp. Rather than providing information that the Easterner is looking for, the old man keeps him waiting while he spins a tale about a betting man and his pet frog.Culture Clash: it highlights various aspects of late nineteenth-century American society and culture through the retelling of a tall tale. Central to the story is the idea of conflicting cultures, particularly the clash between the settled, eastern portion of the United States and the still-developing West. At the time Twain wrote the story, the East and its inhabitants had a reputation for being civilized, cultured, and advanced. The West, on the other hand, was still being settled and was considered to be populated.Style:The frame tale structure.In a frame tale, one story appears in—that is, it is framed by—another story. In "Jumping Frog" the outer tale focuses on Mark Twain and his meeting with the talkative old storyteller, Simon Wheeler. This meeting occurs at the request of a friend of Twain's, identified in some versions of the tale as A. Ward, who supposedly wants to find out about an old acquaintance named Leonidas Smiley. Twain reveals, however, that he suspects his friend's request was merely a practical joke designed to waste his time. Twain's suspicions about the meeting and his descriptions of Wheeler appear in the few paragraphs that open and close the entire story.幽默艺术的四个特点:用夸张的手法突出幽默对象的本质特征;用漫画的技巧追求幽默艺术的深刻性;运用大量土语和俚语增强幽默效果;巧妙地构思出一些奇特、曲折的故事情节,增强幽默的感染力.A Clean,Well-Lighted PlaceThe old man is afraid of the darkness and loneliness, He need cafe's whiskey to encourage himself to live, to insist. The cafe represents the soul shelter or the rest harbor for the two.One man's loneliness and isolation from the rest of the world. the younger waiter and the older one are different. The older one has more xp in the world, so he can understand the old man better. Nothingness is the keynote of the whole story.In the end, Hemingway leaves us with an universality to the tale in that: "Many must have it." Not only do many people have the insomnia and sleeplessness, but they also experience loneliness and the need for a clean, well-lighted place in which to feel safe, or perhaps insulated.Some have argued that Hemingway contrasts light and shadow to differentiate the old man and the young people around him, and uses the deafness of the old man as a symbol for his separation from the rest of the world. Hemingway uses the waiters to judge the old man and portray his views. As a clean drunk, the man does not spill a drop as he drinks and walks "unsteadily but with dignity" when he finally leaves the café. The waiters talkbetween themselves as the young waiter asks the old waiter the man’s story. He wond ers how anyone could sit alone drinking in the café instead of buying a bottle for himself and drink in the comfort of his own home. It is then the old waiter who defends the man. The old waiter acknowledges that it is better for the man to have many drinks in public than any drinks in private.Another way to analyze the relationships between the men is to compare them as one person. The young waiter complains about having to stick around the café waiting for the man to finish drinking. He claims that he has a wife to go home to and he would rather be in bed than in the café. The old waiter defends the drinking man because he can relate and even see himself in the man. He sympathizes knowing that he, too, prefers a clean well lighted place to drink and will later appreciate such a place in his old drinking age. The old man is in his final years of life and the old waiter recognizes that he soon will have the same fate as the old man. A progression of age is seen among the characters demonstrating the transition from being young and social to aging and feeling lonely. Hemingway portrays a difference in age, experience, and opinion of drinking through the unique characters.虚无就是黑暗孤独,无希望、无意义、精神无所寄托的迷惘。



詹姆斯短篇小说初秋的文学评论的论文 摘 要: 《初秋》是詹姆斯·兰斯顿·休斯的一篇短篇小说。

以朴素而高超的写作手 法,向人们展示了一幅平静而又波澜壮阔的感情画面,呈现了普通人的普通生活, 读来回味无穷。

生动而细腻地显现了两种截然不同的心理,体现了自然主义文学 的特征。

关键词: 詹姆斯 《初秋》 自然主义文学 《初秋》(Early Autumn)是美国黑人作家 Langston Hughes(兰斯顿·休斯) 一篇脍炙人口的短篇小说。

作者以朴素而高超的写作手法,通过短短文字,向我们 展示了一幅平静而又波澜壮阔的感情画面,读来回味无穷。

《初秋》是一篇小小 说,以素描笔法,描写出一对昔日的情人若干年后重逢的情景,突出表现了女主人 公的怀旧心理。


提起他的名字,人们很自然地想 到他反映黑人生活的诗歌。

但休斯多才多艺,诗歌以外,他也写小说,而且还并不 完全局限于黑人生活题材方面。

《初秋》就是一个例子,它再现的是普通人的普 通生活。


《初秋》 写的虽然不是黑人所遭遇的挫折、压迫与不公,但它的手法却也是自然主义的。

自然主义文学的基调是记实性的,自然主义作家有意采用明白通俗、朴素无 华的日常语言,堆积起大量琐碎的细节,从而准确地再现社会生活的面貌、特征, 乃至时代气息,而在这种记实性的外观之下,则潜伏着一股浓厚的悲观情绪。

要想 平静而深刻地理解和接受作者那种“无动于衷”的纯记述口吻,就需要对文学创 作中的“自然主义”写作方法有个大概的了解。

在自然主义作家的小说中,生活 画面是悲惨的、 令人沮丧的。

人物总是漫无目的地四处漂荡,总是失败,或陷于受 压迫的苦境而不能自拔。

《初秋》 呈现的就是这样一种听凭命运摆布的哀怨情景。

故事以一对昔日的恋人若干年后不期而遇这一生活琐事为题材,通过两人极为普 通的日常对话,辅以一定的情景衬托,生动而细腻地显现了两种截然不同的心态, 尤其是女主人公 Mary 那起伏跌宕的感情波澜。





[中图分类号]:I106.4 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2014)-20-0-02Salvation是美国历史上著名的黑人作家兰斯顿.休斯自传《大海》中的一篇短篇小说,文章短小,但语言生动,视角独特,主题鲜明,有力地批判了西方宗教的虚伪性。






二、选词的语境塑造在该小说中作者有意选择了很多相关的宗教词汇如:“sin”,“revival”,“preaching”,“praying”,“sinners”,“Christ”,“revival”,“lambs”,“fold”,“mourners”,“Jesus”,“preacher”,“preached”,“sermon”,“hell”,“sisters”,“deacons”,“god”,“minister”,“Amens”,“ Holy Ghost”,一方面营造贯穿全文的宗教氛围或语境;另一方面,营造故事发生的真实语境,艺术地呈现了西方宗教生活与现实生活的真实画面。



1995年联合国教科文组织确定:4 月23日为“世界图书与版权日”。 塞万提斯、莎士比亚都在1616年的 这一天去世。
西班牙加泰罗尼 亚地区传说:圣·乔 治在4月23日这一天 杀死恶龙,救出被困 的公主,公主回赠给 乔治一本书作为礼物。 书成为胆识和力量的 象征。
西班牙 每年4月23日前 后,加泰罗尼亚地 区便会举办书展, 读者每购买一本书, 都可获得一枝玫瑰 花,很多人拿着玫 瑰在街上走,像是 情人节一样。 各国书香
阿瑟· 米勒代表作品 中国国家话剧院
“我的宝贝,亲爱的费丝,”小伙子布朗回答,“一 年到头就这一夜,我必须离开你。我这趟出门,就是 你说的旅行,必须现在就走,明天日出时回来。怎么, 我漂亮可爱的妻子,结婚才三个月,你就怀疑我 啦?”——毅然出走 “可怜的小费丝!”他骂着自己,“俺真够可耻的, 竟为了这么趟差使丢下她!……不,不,她要知道了 真会活不下去。唉,她真是个有福的人间天使,过了 今晚这一夜,俺再也不离开她的。”——信心满怀
• 短篇小说集: 《故事重述》1837 《古宅青苔》, 1843 • ★The Scarlet Letter 《红字》,1850
《年轻小伙子古德曼· 布朗》 是一个寓言故事,它的写作 背景是马萨诸塞州的塞勒姆 女巫案。
1692年马萨诸塞州塞勒姆 镇,200多人被冠以“巫师” 的头衔投入监狱,19人被 绞死,1人被砸死。宗教迫 害导致了人们的互相猜疑 仇恨,让 “好人”迫害自 己身边的人。
哈尔滨果戈里书店—— 中国最美书店
书店门脸不大,但三层 楼的内部空间却别有洞天,

(英语短篇小说鉴赏)In the American society

(英语短篇小说鉴赏)In the American society

Culture shock
Culture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own.
Four phases of culture shock:
Negotiation Phase
Differences between the old and new culture become apparent and may create anxiety. That sense of excitement will eventually give way to new and unpleasant feelings of frustration and anger as you continue to have unfavorable encounters that strike you as strange, offensive, and unacceptable. It's a very hard period for the people who need to adjust to a new culture. The most important challenge is communication.
About the author
Gish Jen:
Real name:Lillian Jen Chinese name:任碧莲 任碧莲 Born: in 1955 in Long Island, New York Occupation: novelist Nationality: American Period: Current Genres(体裁 novel 体裁): 体裁 Notable works: Typical American Mona in the Promised Land The Love Wife Who's Irish? World and Town
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远离诱惑 人性复杂 自我反省,勇于改过
William Faulkner 威廉姆·福克纳
• 美国小说家、诗人和 剧作家,被西方文学 界视作“现代的经典 作家”,意识流文学 在美国的代表。1949 年,获得诺贝尔文学 奖。
The Sound and the Fury (1929), 《喧嚣与骚动》 As I Lay Dying (1930),《我弥留之际》 Light in August (1932), 《八月之光》 Absalom, Absalom! (1936),《押沙龙,押沙 龙》
• 短篇小说集: 《故事重述》1837 《古宅青苔》, 1843 • ★The Scarlet Letter 《红字》,1850
《年轻小伙子古德曼· 布朗》 是一个寓言故事,它的写作 背景是马萨诸塞州的塞勒姆 女巫案。
1692年马萨诸塞州塞勒姆 镇,200多人被冠以“巫师” 的头衔投入监狱,19人被 绞死,1人被砸死。宗教迫 害导致了人们的互相猜疑 仇恨,让 “好人”迫害自 己身边的人。
籍,因为书籍在这 里无处不在。” 由
废弃剧院打造的“雅典人书店”成 Nhomakorabea为了解这座书都的
“如果有天堂, 天堂应该是图书馆的 模样。”在荷兰的马 斯特里赫特有一座教 堂改建的书店,这座 有着800多年历史的多 米尼亚教堂刚好满足 了大家对于天堂书店 的幻想。
1995年联合国教科文组织确定:4 月23日为“世界图书与版权日”。 塞万提斯、莎士比亚都在1616年的 这一天去世。
西班牙加泰罗尼 亚地区传说:圣·乔 治在4月23日这一天 杀死恶龙,救出被困 的公主,公主回赠给 乔治一本书作为礼物。 书成为胆识和力量的 象征。
西班牙 每年4月23日前 后,加泰罗尼亚地 区便会举办书展, 读者每购买一本书, 都可获得一枝玫瑰 花,很多人拿着玫 瑰在街上走,像是 情人节一样。 各国书香
布朗:“俺已守约上这儿来见了你,现在俺想 回去啦。对你熟知的那件事俺还拿不定主意哩。” 从魔鬼的口中,布朗得知当警察的爷爷曾鞭打 过一名女教徒,父亲放火烧了印第安人的村子; 他们曾多次和魔鬼在林中聚会。 新英格兰这一带的人大多是魔鬼的伙伴。
布朗:“伙计,”他执拗地说,“俺决心已定, 为这种差使俺可一步也不肯走了。就算俺以为那 老恶婆是去天堂,可其实她是去见魔鬼,也没理 由叫我丢下心爱的费丝去学她的样啊!” 布朗发现虔诚堪称模范的太太古迪·克洛伊丝 也来参加聚会,她竟然是一个巫师。 她与牧师和古金执事一道是自己道德与精神方 面的顾问。
• 粉色=红色 + 白色 被污染的纯真 • 缎带的降落 信仰的丧失 主人公的名字 Goodman Brown: 好人布朗 Faith:信仰、忠诚
蛇形拐杖 • 撒旦及引诱亚当、夏娃的蟒蛇(神学) • 驱使人类走向邪恶的本能(心理学) 老人/魔鬼 人类的一切邪恶 森林的路径 圣经里通往毁灭的宽阔大路
• 本我:作为一种原始的欲望,激发古德曼 追寻快乐和幸福,去森林聚会, 冲动超 越了理智,诱惑冲淡了亲情。 • 自我:要履行职责,满足本我的冲动,同 时又要保护个人、家庭不受伤害,遵循现 实原则 • 超我:追求完美, 使他“超越”自己,堕 落成了一个冷酷悲伤、沉思默想、怀疑 一切的人。

把“读书日” 活 动提前到3月举行,包 括故事人物模仿大赛、 午间故事时间、各类型 的书展等。向小朋友发 出面值1英镑的图书日 代用券,让他们换购一 本喜欢的书。

韩国政府一般会 在4月23日发行“世界 读书日”的纪念邮票, 让当地的小孩把阅读
枚枚精美的邮票随信 件传遍世界不同的角
布朗:“俺的费丝也走了!” “人世还有什 么善!罪孽不过空名罢了。来吧,魔鬼,这世界 全是你的啦。” 可是有什么东西从空中飘飘落下,挂在了一 根树枝上。小伙子连忙抓住它,原来是根粉红色 的缎带。 最后的挣扎:“费丝!费丝!”丈夫叫道,“仰 望天堂,抵挡邪恶!”
第二部分 第三部分 这间布置得像新房的屋子,仿佛到处都笼罩
着墓室一般的淡淡的阴惨惨的氛围:败了色的玫瑰 荷默·伯隆的第一次出现 色窗帘 ,玫瑰色的灯罩,梳妆台,一排精细的水晶 小镇人们的反应-女人们流言蜚语 制品和白银做底的男人盥洗用具,但白银已毫无光 泽,连刻制的姓名字母图案都已无法辨认了。杂物 爱米丽被人看见买砒霜 中有一条硬领和领带,仿佛刚从身上取下来似的, 强迫读者做出判断: 把它们拿起来时,在台面上堆积的尘埃中留下淡淡 • 我们应该为她感到难过吗?她得了老 的月牙痕。椅子上放着一套衣服,折叠得好好的; 年痴呆了吗?这是诽谤吗? 椅子底下有两只寂寞无声的鞋和一双扔了不要的袜 子。 • 她买砒霜是在荷默来访之前还是之后?
第一部短篇小说集, These 13 (1931)《这十三篇》: "A Rose for Emily“《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》 , “Dry September”《干旱的九月》.
共写了19部长篇小说与120多篇短篇小说, 其中15部长篇与绝大多数短篇的故事
莫言:“读了福克纳之后,我感到如梦初醒,原 来小说可以这样地胡说八道,原来农村里发生的那 些鸡毛蒜皮的小事也可以堂而皇之地写成小说。他 的约克纳帕塔法县尤其让我明白了,一个作家,不 但可以虚构人物,虚构故事,而且可以虚构地理。” 余华:“影响过我的作家很多,比如川端康成和卡 夫卡,可是成为我师傅的,我想只有威廉·福克纳。 他让我知道如何去对付心理描写。”
哈尔滨果戈里书店—— 中国最美书店
书店门脸不大,但三层 楼的内部空间却别有洞天,
考究不失内涵。 各国书香
2014第11次全民阅 读调查: 2013中国国民 人均纸质图书的阅 读量为4.77本;韩 国11本、法国20本、 日本40本、犹太人 的64本!
“他踏上了一条凄清的小路。阴森森的树 木遮天蔽日,挤挤挨挨,勉强让狭窄的小径蜿 蜒穿过。人刚过,枝叶又将小路封了起来,荒 凉满目。而且这荒凉凄清还有一个特点,旅人 弄不清无数的树干与头顶粗大的树枝后面会藏 着什么……”
“你迟到啦,古德曼·布朗,”这人道, “我经过波士顿的时候,老南方教堂的钟正好 敲响,现在都过了整整十五分钟啦!”
纳撒尼尔·霍桑 Nathaniel Hawthorne
19世纪前半期美 国最伟大的小说 家,美国心理分 析小说的开创者, 浪漫主义小说家, 象征主义小说 家 。
出生于美国马萨诸塞州塞勒姆镇,清教徒 家庭,祖辈为1692年塞勒姆驱巫案的三名 法官之一 麦尔维尔: “霍桑描写黑暗的巨大力量,是 由于受到加尔文派关于与生俱来的堕落与原 罪思想的影响。” 霍桑评麦尔维尔: :“他既不肯信教,又对自 己的不信感到惶恐不安。”对霍桑同样适用。
第二部分 这间布置得像新房的屋子,仿佛到处都笼罩
着墓室一般的淡淡的阴惨惨的氛围:败了色的玫瑰 一种奇怪的味道从爱米丽小姐的房 色窗帘子里传出来 ,玫瑰色的灯罩,梳妆台,一排精细的水晶 制品和白银做底的男人盥洗用具,但白银已毫无光 男人们在夜里潜入,在地窖门和所 泽,连刻制的姓名字母图案都已无法辨认了。杂物 有的外屋里都撒上了石灰 中有一条硬领和领带,仿佛刚从身上取下来似的, 她看见他们了吗?她帮他们掩盖气 把它们拿起来时,在台面上堆积的尘埃中留下淡淡 的月牙痕。椅子上放着一套衣服,折叠得好好的; 味了吗? 椅子底下有两只寂寞无声的鞋和一双扔了不要的袜 父亲生前一直主宰爱米丽的生活, 子。
信息化时代更 需要经典阅读
小说 诗歌 思维方式 情感模式
书籍像一个永不枯竭 的井泉,满载宝藏,放 下汲桶,唾手可得。 ——尼采
世界读书日 短篇小说 《年轻小伙子古德曼·布朗》 《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》 《白象似的群山》
World Book Day 世界读书日
• 爱米丽. 格里尔森小姐去世时, 全镇的人 都去送葬了. 男人们去是出于一种尊敬, 因为一个纪念碑到下了.女人们则是出于好 奇, 想看看爱米丽小姐的房子里面到底是 什么样子的, 因为除了一个作花匠兼厨师 的老男仆之外, 起码有10年没别人踏进过 她家的大门了.
第一部分 这间布置得像新房的屋子,仿佛到处都笼罩
着墓室一般的淡淡的阴惨惨的氛围:败了色的玫瑰 人们谈论爱米丽拒绝交税的事件 色窗帘 ,玫瑰色的灯罩,梳妆台,一排精细的水晶 爱米丽一生都被父亲所控制 制品和白银做底的男人盥洗用具,但白银已毫无光 泽,连刻制的姓名字母图案都已无法辨认了。杂物 沙多里斯上校编造了谎言,说爱米 中有一条硬领和领带,仿佛刚从身上取下来似的, 丽的父亲曾贷款给镇政府(南方的 把它们拿起来时,在台面上堆积的尘埃中留下淡淡 骄傲) 的月牙痕。椅子上放着一套衣服,折叠得好好的; 她一直到死都不必交税,全镇沿袭 椅子底下有两只寂寞无声的鞋和一双扔了不要的袜 子。 下来的一种义务
生命里充满了劳绩,但人诗意地栖居 在这片大地上。 ——海德格尔
叙述 情节 场景 结构 主题 情感 人物 虚构
• 英文:novelette,小说的一种。其特点 是篇幅短小、情节简洁、人物集中、 结构精巧 • 与其沉迷碎片化信息,不如读篇完美 短篇