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go up \down上升\下降The prices keep going up\down these days.

go away 离开He went away from home last year.

go on 继续let’s go on with the reading.\go on doing the reading.

go ahead 用吧--Would you mind my smoking here? --No, go ahead. go after 追求While many people go after fame,he goes after happiness. go by(时间)流逝As time went by, he came to know the value of life.

go in for 参加--Which sport do you go in for? --Football.

go off (枪支等)走火The gun went off quickly.

go through 经历He has gone through a lot of hardships.

go against 违背Anyone who goes against nature will be punished.

go over 复习let’s go over what we have learnt so far.

go with 与…相配He bought a new tie to go with his new suit.

go +adj.\done :go bad\crazy\hungery Food goes bad easily in summer.

go without在没有…继续Life won’t go without water.

go back to 追溯到… The building goes back to 19th century.


come in 进来Come in,please.

come up 出现Many problems came up at the meeting yesterday. come out 出来,出版When will his new book come out?

come back 回来He came back from Shanghai yesterday.

come about 发生How did the accident come about?

come across 偶遇

1. Refer to your dictionary if you come across a new word.

2. I came across an old friend of mine on the street yesterday.

come down 下来Come down quickly! It is dangerous!

come off 脱落 A button has come off my coat.

come on 别担心,加油…

eg. Come on ,Don’t be so sad! Everything will be ok.

come to oneself 苏醒He came to himself two hours later.

come true (梦想)实现My dream has come true .

come into power 掌权He came into power last year.

come up with 想出He came up with a good idea.


take up 占据(时间、空间);从事(事业、爱好);拿起

eg. 1. The table takes up too much room.

2.He took up gardening after he retired.

3.They took up their guns to fight for their freedom.

take on 呈现;雇佣eg. 1.Our school has taken on a new look.

2.They took 20 more workers this year.

take out 拿出eg. Please take out your book .

take something for granted 认为…理所当然

eg. Don’t take everything your parents do for you for granted.

take pains to do something 努力做某事

eg. They took great pains to finish the work on time.

take something into consideration 把….考虑在内

eg. Before you make the final decision, you must take everything into consideration. take measures to do something 采取措施做某事

eg. Measures have been taken to protect our environment.

take after (在长相或性格上)像某人(常之父母)

He took after his father not only in looks but also in character.

take…as 把…理解成We took what he said as agreement.

take advantage of 利用

eg.They take advantage of the new library to read more books.

take interest in 对…感兴趣eg.He took great interest in acting.

take pride in 对…感到骄傲

eg. He took pride in his son’s achievement.

take place 发生

eg. Great changes have taken place in our hometown.

take in 吸收;理解;包括;欺骗

eg. 1. Eat more vegetables to take in more vitamins.

2.Don’t be taken in by his appearance.

3.The professor’s lecture took in many subjects.

4.I didn’t take in wh at you said just now.

take down 写下,记下eg. They took down everything the teacher said.

take off (飞机)起飞;(事业)腾飞

eg.1. The plane takes off at 6 this afternoon.

2. After the film , his career began to take off.

take A for B 错把A当成B

eg. I took Mary for her twin sister just now.

take notice of 注意到He took no notice of the warning.

take over 接管

eg. Hongkong has been taken over by the Chinese government.

take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事They took turns to clean the room.


make up 弥补;化妆;组成;和好

1.She made herself up before going to the party.

2.You must make up for the lost time.

3.Fifty students make up our class.

4.They soon made up after the quarrel.

make out看出,听出,辨认出

eg. He didn’t make out her voice over the phone.

make sense 有道理,讲得通

1.What you said just now didn’t make any sense to me.

2.Can you make sense of what he said just now?

make use of 利用You should make better use of your free time.

make….into 把…制成They finally made the wood into a new desk.
