




7. (凸)球面滚子轴承 convex roller bearing滚动体是凸球面滚子的向心滚动轴承。

8. 凹面滚子轴承 concave roller bearing滚动体是凹面滚子的向心滚动轴承。

9. 球面滚子轴承 spherical roller bearing滚动体是凸球面或凹面滚子的调心向心滚动轴承。


10. 交叉滚子轴承 crossed roller bearing有一列滚子的角接触滚动轴承,相邻滚子交叉成十字配置,以使一半滚子(每数第二个滚子)承受一个方向的轴向负荷,而相反方向的轴向负荷由另一半滚子承受。

11. 推力滚子轴承 thrust roller bearing滚动体是滚子的推力滚动轴承。

12. 推力圆柱滚子轴承 cylindrical roller thrust bearing滚动体是圆柱滚子的推力滚动轴承。

13. 推力圆锥滚子轴承 tapered roller thrust bearing滚动体是圆锥滚子的推力滚动轴承。

14. 推力滚针轴承 needle roller thrust besring滚动体是滚针的推力滚动轴承。

15. 推力球面滚子轴承 spherical thrust roller bearing滚动体是凸球面或凹面滚子的调心推力滚动轴承。


二、轴承零件:(一)轴承零件总论1. 轴承零件 bearing part组成滚动轴承的各零件之一,但是不包括所有的附件。

2. 轴承套圈 bearing ring具有一个或几个滚道的向心滚动轴承的环形零件。

3. 轴承垫圈 bearing washer具有一个或几个滚道的推力滚动轴承的环形零件。

4. 平挡圈 loose rib一个可分离的基本上平的垫圈,用其内或外部分作为向心圆柱滚子轴承外圈或内圈的一个挡边。




带固接套的轴承adapter bearing;可调轴承adjustable bearing;圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承adjustable cone colter bearing空气静力轴承aerostatic bearing;玛瑙轴承agate bearing;气体轴承air journal bearing;空气润滑止推轴承air lubricated thrust bearing (直线)对位轴承aligning bearing;抗磨轴承alkaline-friction bearing;容许支承力allowable bearing;全胶式轴承。

全橡胶轴承all-rubber type bearing;铝基合金轴承aluminum base bearing;铝锡合金轴承aluminum-tin bearing;径向止推滚珠轴承angular ball bearing;角面接触滚珠轴承,向心止推滚珠轴承angular contact ball bearing;角面接触轴颈轴承angular contact journal bearing;向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承annular ball bearing;推力向心球轴承annular contact thrust ball bearing;(电磁)天线方位antenna bearing;减磨推力轴承,减磨止推轴承antifriction thrust bearing;止推轴承antithrust bearing;非对称滚子轴承asymmetrical roller bearing;支撑轴承,止推轴承axial bearing;轴向推力轴承axial thrust bearing;轴箱轴承axle box bearing;方位azimuth bearing;反象限角,后轴承,反方位(炮)back bearing;成对双联轴承(外圈宽端面相对)back-to-back duplex bearing;滚珠轴承ball bearing;滚珠环止推轴承,滚珠环推力轴承ball collar thrust bearing;球颈轴承ball journal bearing;止推滚珠轴承ball thrust bearing;圆筒轴承barrel bearing;主轴承,底轴承,基轴承base bearing;钟杆推力轴承,小钟杆平球架,炉钟杠杆bellbearing;小锥齿轮前[后]轴承bevel pinion front bearing;大端轴承big-end bearing;刃型支承blade bearing;支承轴承,止推轴承block bearing;镗杆轴承boring bar bearing;空转轴承box bearing;托架轴承bracket bearing;衬套轴承bushing bearing;无保持架轴承cageless rolling bearing;凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing;下心盘,下心盘支承面;中心支承center bearing;调准簧杆轴承centring spring rod bearing;陶瓷轴承ceramic bearing;检验方位,检验轴承check bearing;环状单向推力轴承circular unidirectional thrust bearing;密闭形轴承closed-type bearing;离合器分离轴承clutch release bearing;环形止推轴承collar (thrust) bearing;组合轴承combination bearing;整流子侧支座commutator side bearing;多层轴瓦,复合轴承composite bearing;压缩空气轴承,压气轴承compressed air bearing;同心调整轴承concentric adjustable bearing;圆锥轴承conical bearing;梳状轴承,槽形轴承corrugated bearing;副轴齿轮轴承countershaft gear bearing;曲轴轴承,曲柄轴承,连杆轴承crank(ed) bearing;十字头销轴承cross head holt bearing;十字头销轴承cross head pin bearing;低温轴承cryogenic bearing;对开径向上止推轴承cup-and-cone bearing;滚刀轴承cutter bearing;离合器操纵轴承,分离轴轴承declutch shaft bearing;金刚石轴承diamond bearing;模铸轴承die cast bearing;差速器主小齿轮轴承罩differential drive pinion cage bearing;差速器壳轴承differential side bearing;圆盘轴承disk bearing;圆盘耙轴承disk harrow bearing;配电器上轴承distributor upper bearing;双列轴承double bearing;双(护)罩轴承double shield bearing;双止推轴承double thrust bearing;双列向心推力球轴承double-row angular contact ball bearing;双列径向滚珠轴承double-row ball journal bearing;双列向心球轴承double-row radial ball bearing;双列向心鼓面滚子轴承double-row radial spherical roller bearing;双列向心球面滚子轴承(自动调心型)double-row self-aligning spherical roller bearing;拉杆支座drag link bearing;主动端轴承,驱动端轴承drive end bearing;主动小齿轮锥形轴承drive pinion cone bearing;主动轴轴承drive shaft bearing;悬挂轴承drop-hanger bearing;鼓形滚柱轴承drum roller bearing;干轴承dry bearing;双轴承duplex bearing;成对双联向心推力球轴承duplex ball bearing;发电机轴承dynamo bearing;弹性退让轴承elastically yielding bearing;椭圆形轴承elliptical bearing;密封套管轴承(属于油浴润滑式轴承)enclosed tubular bearing;端枢轴承end journal bearing;机油滤清器内盖头轴承end shield bearing;止推轴承end thrust bearing;(耙组)两端安装的轴承end-mounted bearing;止推滚珠轴承engine thrust ball bearing;非标准轴承established line bearing;活动支承,温度)伸胀支承expansion bearing;活动桥支座expansive end bearing of bridge;夹布胶木轴承fabric bearing;风扇端止推滚球轴承fan end thrust ball bearing;风扇轴轴承fan shaft bearing;渗硫铁系含油轴承Ferro porit bearing;填槽式轴承filling slot type bearing;油膜轴承film bearing;油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承film lubrication bearing;固定轴承fixed-type bearing;带法兰盘轴承flange bearing;外环凸缘轴承flanged cup bearing;挠性轴承flexible bearing;浮动衬套轴承floating bush bearing;液体摩擦轴承,油膜轴承flood-lubricated bearing;液压轴承fluid bearing;流体膜轴承fluid-film bearing;立轴承footstep bearing;前轴承fore bearing;叉轴承fork bearing;前象限角forward bearing;四列圆锥滚柱轴承four-row tapered roller bearing;活动支承,自由支承free end bearing;滑动轴承friction bearing;摩擦止推轴承friction thrust bearing;前主轴承front main bearing;支承fulcrum bearing;全围式滑动轴承full-journal bearing;整体模制式橡胶轴承full-molded type rubber bearing;气体润滑轴承gas-lubricated bearing;齿轮轴滚柱轴承gear shaft roller bearing;球面轴承globe bearing;石墨板(离合器分离的),石墨轴承graphite bearing;含石墨的轴承graphite-containing bearing;石墨润滑的无油轴承graphited oilless bearing;重力复原旁承gravity side bearing;坐标(网)方位grid bearing;砂轮轴承grinding wheel bearing;带沟球轴承groove ball bearing;动力输出轴的)护罩轴承guardbearing;活塞销轴承,耳轴销轴承gudgeon pin bearing;导向轴承,导引轴承,定向轴承,导引方位角guide bearing;导轴轴承guide spindle bearing;炮铜轴承gunmetal bearing;半轴承无盖轴承half-and-haif bearing;吊挂轴承hanging bearing;硬木轴承hardwood bearing;止端轴承head bearing;重载轴承heavy-duty bearing;液体动压轴承,油膜轴承hydrodynamic journal bearing;静压轴承hydrostatic bearing;空转轴轴承idler shaft bearing;(倾)斜轴承,斜支承inclined bearing;内轴承inner bearing;中间轴承intermediate bearing;曲柄轴轴承jack shaft bearing;宝石轴承jewelled bearing;推力套筒轴承Jordan bearing;经向轴承journal bearing;冲式起动器的曲柄轴承kick-starter bearing;凸轮止推回转轴承,止推销轴承,止推枢轴承,中心(转向节)轴承kingpin bearing;刃形支承,刃支承,刀口承knife-edge bearing;铰式支座,球形支座,关节轴承knuckle bearing;迷宫轴承,曲径式密封轴承labyrinth bearing;夹布胶木轴承,层压轴承laminated bearing;传动螺杆轴承leading -screw bearing;层压胶木轴承lignumvitae bearing;止推轴承,定位轴承locating bearing;锁紧螺帽座lock nut bearing;墙托架轴承longitudinal wall hanger bearing;远距离方位long-path bearing;下轴承lower bearing;轴承下瓦lower half bearing;永久润滑轴承(即橡胶轴承)lubed-for-life bearing;阻油环轴承lubri-seal bearing;磁向位,磁方位magnetic bearing;磁性推力轴承magnetic thrust bearing;主轴承main bearing;主杆轴承main rod bearing;主轴轴承mainshaft bearing;自润滑轴承maintenance-free bearing;轴承(总称)mechanical bearing;中间轴轴承midship shaft bearing;微型轴承,超小型轴承miniature bearing;(设计)模制纤维轴承molded-fabric bearing;电动机支承轴承motor support bearing;活动支承movable bearing;滚针轴承multi-roll bearing;多列轴承multirow bearing;弓形轴承,扇形轴承multipart bearing;多油槽轴承multiple-groove bearing;中间轴承neck bearing;needle bearing滚针轴承;滚针轴承needle(type) roller bearing;低噪声轴承noise-free bearing;无滚珠槽的滚动轴承nonfilling slot type bearing;浮动轴承,不定位轴承non-locating bearing;无孔轴承non-porous bearing;油膜轴承oil film bearing;油膜轴承,液体摩擦轴承oil flooded bearing;油浴润滑式轴承oil-bath type bearing;不加油轴承自动润滑轴承石墨润滑轴承,含油轴承oilless bearing;含油轴承oil-retaining bearing;开式锭子轴承open spindle bearing;希望能帮到大家更加好地了解轴承,如果喜欢的话,大家可以收藏。



轴承英语作文Title: Understanding Bearings: An Essential Componentin Machinery。

Bearings play a crucial role in various mechanical applications, serving as the interface between moving parts to reduce friction and facilitate smooth motion. Understanding the types, functions, and importance of bearings is essential for engineers and technicians in various industries. In this essay, we delve into the realm of bearings, exploring their significance and applications.Firstly, let's grasp the fundamentals. A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion and reduces friction between moving parts.It consists of two main components: the inner and outer rings, with balls, rollers, or needles between them. These components work together to support and guide rotating or oscillating shafts or axles.There are several types of bearings, each designed for specific applications and operating conditions. The most common types include ball bearings, roller bearings, plain bearings, and thrust bearings. Ball bearings, for instance, utilize balls to maintain separation between the bearing races and minimize friction. Roller bearings, on the other hand, use cylindrical rollers to support heavier loads.The functions of bearings extend beyond merely reducing friction. They also provide support and stability torotating components, allowing them to operate efficiently and reliably. Additionally, bearings facilitate accurate positioning of shafts and axles, ensuring precise alignment within machinery. Without bearings, the performance and lifespan of machinery would be severely compromised.In industrial settings, bearings find applications in a wide range of equipment, including motors, pumps, gearboxes, and turbines. In automotive engineering, bearings are integral components of engines, transmissions, and wheel assemblies. Moreover, bearings play a vital role in aerospace, marine, and construction machinery, among othersectors.The importance of proper bearing selection, installation, and maintenance cannot be overstated. Choosing the right type and size of bearing for aparticular application is crucial for optimal performance and longevity. Improper installation can lead to premature failure and costly downtime. Regular maintenance, including lubrication and inspection, is essential to ensure bearings operate smoothly and efficiently.Advancements in bearing technology continue to drive innovation in various industries. From the development of high-precision ceramic bearings to the integration of smart sensors for condition monitoring, manufacturers are constantly striving to improve bearing performance and reliability. These innovations contribute to increased efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and enhanced safety in machinery operation.In conclusion, bearings are indispensable components in machinery, enabling smooth motion, reducing friction, andsupporting heavy loads. Their significance spans across numerous industries, from automotive and aerospace to manufacturing and construction. Understanding the types, functions, and importance of bearings is essential for engineers and technicians involved in the design, operation, and maintenance of mechanical systems. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the role of bearings in shaping the future of machinery and engineering.。



深沟球轴承英文介绍Deep Groove Ball Bearings: A Comprehensive Overview.Deep groove ball bearings, commonly referred to as DGBBs, are a crucial component in various mechanical systems, providing efficient and durable support for rotating elements. These bearings are designed to handle both radial and axial loads, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.The construction of a deep groove ball bearing is relatively simple yet highly effective. It consists of an outer ring, an inner ring, a set of steel balls, and a retainer. The steel balls, which are arranged in a circular pattern between the inner and outer rings, act as the primary load-bearing elements. The retainer, on the other hand, keeps the balls in place, preventing them fromfalling out during operation.The key features of deep groove ball bearings lie intheir ability to operate at high speeds and handlesignificant loads with minimal friction. This is achieved through the precision engineering of the bearing components, which ensures smooth and efficient rotation. The balls and rings are typically made from high-quality steel, ensuring durability and resistance to wear and tear.Deep groove ball bearings are available in a wide range of sizes, making them suitable for use in various mechanical systems. From small-scale equipment like fansand pumps to larger industrial machines like motors and gearboxes, these bearings play a crucial role in ensuring smooth and efficient operation.One of the most significant advantages of deep groove ball bearings is their adaptability. Depending on the specific requirements of the application, these bearingscan be configured to handle different types of loads and operating conditions. Whether it's a radial load, an axial load, or a combination of both, deep groove ball bearings can be designed to meet the specific requirements.In addition to their adaptability, deep groove ball bearings also offer excellent performance in terms of durability and reliability. With proper maintenance and lubrication, these bearings can last for extended periods, providing consistent support for rotating elements. This ensures that the mechanical systems they are part of can operate efficiently and reliably, minimizing downtime and maintenance requirements.The design of deep groove ball bearings also allows for easy installation and removal. This is particularly beneficial in applications where regular maintenance or repairs are required. With the ability to quickly andeasily access the bearing components, maintenance personnel can perform the necessary repairs or replacements quickly and efficiently.In terms of performance, deep groove ball bearings exhibit low friction and high stiffness, ensuring smooth and precise rotation. This is crucial in applications where precise control of motion is essential, such as in high-precision machining or robotics. By providing a stable andreliable support for rotating elements, deep groove ball bearings enable precise and accurate control of motion.Overall, deep groove ball bearings are an essential component in various mechanical systems, providingefficient and durable support for rotating elements. Their adaptability, durability, and reliability make themsuitable for a wide range of applications, from small-scale equipment to large industrial machines. By ensuring smooth and efficient operation, deep groove ball bearings play a crucial role in maintaining the performance and reliability of mechanical systems.。


轴承术语中英文对照(部分): 1.滚道英文:raceway 解释:滚动轴承承受负荷部分的表面,用作 滚动体的滚动轨道。 2.直滚道英文:straightraceway
解释:在垂直于滚动方向的平面内的母线为 直线的滚道。 3.凸度滚道英文:crownedraceway 解释:在垂直于滚动方向的平面内呈连续的 微凸曲线的基本圆柱形或圆锥形的滚道,以防止 在滚子与滚道接触处产生应力集中。
19.润滑槽英文:lubricationgroove 解释:在轴承零件上用于输送润滑剂的槽。 20.润滑孔英文:lubricationhole 解释:在轴承零件上,用于将润滑剂输送到 滚动体上的孔。
2dg0f7c9b 99彩
解释:在轴承套圈或轴承垫圈的挡边或凸缘 根部为便于磨削所开的沟或槽。 16. 密 封 ( 接 触 ) 表 面 英 文 : sealing (conract)surface 解释:与密封圈滑动接触的表面。
17.密封圈(防尘盖)槽英文: seal (shield) groove 解释:用以保持轴承密封圈(防尘盖)的槽。 18.止动环槽英文:snapringgroove 解释:用以保持止动环的槽。
解释:滚动轴承内圈或轴圈的内孔。 11.圆柱形内孔英文:cylindricalbore 解释:轴承或轴承零件的内孔,其母线基本 为直线并与轴承轴心线或轴承零件轴心线平行。 12.圆锥形内孔英文:taperedbore
解释:轴承或轴承零件的内孔,其母线基本 为直线并与轴承轴心线或轴承零件轴心线相交。 13. 轴 承 外 表 面 英 文 :






1 、瓦房店轴承股份有限公司
2 、哈尔滨轴承制造有限公司
4 、大连冶金轴承股份有限公司
5 、西北轴承股份有限公司
6 、瓦房店冶金轴承集团有限公司
7 、瓦房店光阳轴承集团有限公司
8 、杭州人本冶金轴承有限公司
9 、北京天马轴承有限公司
10 、大连国威轴承股份有限公司
11 、瓦房店第一轧机轴承有限公司
12 、大连光扬轴承有限公司
13 、瓦房店重工冶金轴承制造有限公司
14 、瓦房店通用轧机轴承制造有限公司
16 、北京时代新人轴承有限公司
17 、北京京冶轴承股份有限公司
18 、洛阳轧机轴承制造有限公司
19 、河北银河轴承有限公司(河北邯郸)
20 、河北轧机轴承有限责任公司(河北邢台)。



第1章滚动轴承(rolling bearing1.1 向心轴承(contact ball bearing1.1.1 深沟球轴承(deep grove ball bearing)1.1.2 圆柱滚子轴承(cylindrical roller bearing)1.1.3 滚针轴承(needle bearing)1.1.4 调心球轴承(self-aligning ball bearing)1.1.5 角接触球轴承(angular-contact ball bearing)1.1.6 圆锥滚子轴承(tapered roller bearing)1.1.7 调心滚子轴承(self-aligning roller bearing)1.2 推力轴承(thrust bearing)1.2.1 推力球轴承(thrust ball bearing)1.2.2 推力圆柱滚子轴承(thrust cylindrical roller bearing)1.2.3 推力滚针轴承(thrust needle bearing)1.2.4 推力角接触球轴承(thrust angular-contact ball bearing) 1.2.5 推力调心滚子轴承(thrust self-aligning roller bearing) 1.3 组合轴承(combined bearing)1.4 外球面球轴承(spherical surface ball bearing)1.5 直线运动滚动支承(linear roll bearing)1.6 滚轮滚针轴承(tracd & needle roller bearing)1.7 水泵轴连轴承(water pump bearing)1.8 专用轴承(special bearing)1.9 滚动轴承附件(fitting parts for rolling bearing)第2章滑动轴承(plain bearing)2.1 关节轴承(articulated bearing)2.1.1 杆端关节轴承(rod end & spherical plain bearing)2.1.2 向心关节轴承(plain radial bearing)2.1.3 角接触关节轴承(angular-contact articulated bearing)2.1.4 推力关节轴承(thrust articulated bearing)2.2 其他滑动轴承(others plain bearing)2.3 滑动轴承轴套与轴瓦(bushing & half-liner of plain bearing) 2.3.1 轴套(plain bearing bushing)2.3.2 轴瓦(plain bearing half-liner)2.4 滑动轴承附件(fitting parts for plain bearing)adapter bearing带固接套的轴承adjustable bearing可调轴承adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承agate bearing玛瑙轴承air journal bearing气体轴承air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承allowable bearing容许支承力all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。



最新各种轴承英文翻译各种轴承英文翻译第1章滚动轴承(rolling bearing1.1 向心轴承(contact ball bearing1.1.1 深沟球轴承(deep grove ball bearing)1.1.2 圆柱滚子轴承(cylindrical roller bearing)1.1.3 滚针轴承(needle bearing)1.1.4 调心球轴承(self-aligning ball bearing)1.1.5 角接触球轴承(angular-contact ball bearing)1.1.6 圆锥滚子轴承(tapered roller bearing)1.1.7 调心滚子轴承(self-aligning roller bearing)1.2 推力轴承(thrust bearing)1.2.1 推力球轴承(thrust ball bearing)1.2.2 推力圆柱滚子轴承(thrust cylindrical roller bearing) 1.2.3 推力滚针轴承(thrust needle bearing)1.2.4 推力角接触球轴承(thrust angular-contact ball bearing) 1.2.5 推力调心滚子轴承(thrust self-aligning roller bearing) 1.3 组合轴承(combined bearing)1.4 外球面球轴承(spherical surface ball bearing)1.5 直线运动滚动支承(linear roll bearing)1.6 滚轮滚针轴承(tracd & needle roller bearing)1.7 水泵轴连轴承(water pump bearing)1.8 专用轴承(special bearing)1.9 滚动轴承附件(fitting parts for rolling bearing)第2章滑动轴承(plain bearing)2.1 关节轴承(articulated bearing)2.1.1 杆端关节轴承(rod end & spherical plain bearing)2.1.2 向心关节轴承(plain radial bearing)2.1.3 角接触关节轴承(angular-contact articulated bearing)2.1.4 推力关节轴承(thrust articulated bearing)2.2 其他滑动轴承(others plain bearing)2.3 滑动轴承轴套与轴瓦(bushing & half-liner of plain bearing)2.3.1 轴套(plain bearing bushing)2.3.2 轴瓦(plain bearing half-liner)2.4 滑动轴承附件(fitting parts for plain bearing)adapter bearing带固接套的轴承adjustable bearing可调轴承adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承agate bearing玛瑙轴承air journal bearing气体轴承air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承allowable bearing容许支承力all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。



Single-shaft type
Double-shaft type
• Having developed and manufactured chemical fiber equipment special bearings for 5 years, XCC helped ZXZ users reduce maintenance cost .The feedback from customers shows that the product life is as the same as the original one’s and the general costs are 50% lower than imported products. Meanwhile the development has reduced the price of the imported bearings of the same kind by 30%,which contributes to the lower maintenance cost for the chemical fiber enterprises not having used ZXZ products yet .
Shengzhou Provincial economic development zone---ZXZ Shengzhou Plant Area
Fuli Steel tube Co.,Ltd, a group holding subsidiary, locates in Shengzhou city which is next to Xinchang with an area of 200 acres, 9 km far from headquarter .It specializes in manufacturing high-end bearing steel tube and special tube of air generator for automobile safety airbag.


作完成的这两台大型锻焊加氢反应器是 中国首次出口的 义 。
同类 产品 。
据介绍 ,首次出 口的两台反应器的 自重都在50 0 吨 以上 ,平均每吨售价近2万元人民币。两台反应器从设 0

国家知识产权 局近 日发布公告 ,决定授予瓦房店光 供 了样 板 。目前 ,中国一重手持 大型反应 器国际订单 阳轴承集团有限公司四种新产品专利权 ,并颁发 《 实用 2 台,合 同金额3 多亿人 民币。 2 0 新型专利证书 》。这四种专利产品分别是 :轧机用四列
Z7L 钻机在保 留传统模块钻机先进技术 的基础 外圈和内圈之间 ,滚子装入保持架座 内,保持架盖与保 J0DB 上 ,运用了多项创新成果 :采用滑轨式泥浆伞 ,解决了 持 架 座 由铆 钉 相 连 接 , 内 圈端 面 设 有 边 挡 圈 。 其 特 点 井 口保洁问题 ;应用旋升式钻台 ,实现 了低位安装 、整 是 :径向负荷由滚道承受,轴向负荷 由挡边承受 ,不存
加 氢反 应 器主 要 用 于油 品精 制和重 油 深 加工 ,是 石 圆柱滚子轴承 ,四点接触球轴承 ,轧机用双列圆柱滚子 化行业重要装备。1年前 ,其设计制造技术全部为少数 轴承 ,圆柱滚 子轴 承 。 9 获得专利 的轧机四列圆柱滚 子轴 承主要应 用于 轧 发达国家垄断。经 自主研发 ,中国一重攻克了大型锻件
近 日 , 由 江 汉 油 田 四 机 厂 研 发 的 70米 钻 机 00
工况中额定寿命短 、易损坏 ;采用国外销式保持架 ,套 圈、滚动体为渗碳钢 ,材料成本更高 ,不适合中国国情 等弊端。
四点接触 轴承 的冲压保持架在 安装时为一次 性装 z7L 成功下线,标志着江汉油田在陆上深井钻机制 配,不需凿孔锁球 ,节省了人力 ,减轻 了劳动强度。 J0DB 造领域实现了新突破。 轧机用双列圆柱滚子轴承的特点是 ,保持架座置于



个人整理中英文轴承的英文术语青岛凯斯瑞轴承有限公司alkaline-friction bearing抗磨轴承allowable bearing容许支承力all-rubber type bearing全胶式轴承。

全橡胶轴承aluminum base bearing铝基合金轴承aluminum-tin bearing铝锡合金轴承angular ball bearing径向止推滚珠轴承angular contact ball bearing角面接触滚珠轴承,向心止推滚珠轴承angular contact journal bearing角面接触轴颈轴承annular ball bearing向心球轴承,径向滚珠轴承annular contact thrust ball bearing推力向心球轴承antenna bearing(电磁)天线方位antifriction thrust bearing减磨推力轴承,减磨止推轴承antithrust bearing止推轴承base bearing主轴承,底轴承,基轴承bellbearing钟杆推力轴承,小钟杆平球架,炉钟杠杆bevel pinion front bearing小锥齿轮前[后]轴承big-end bearing大端轴承blade bearing刃型支承block bearing支承轴承,止推轴承boring bar bearing镗杆轴承box bearing空转轴承bracket bearing托架轴承asymmetrical roller bearing非对称滚子轴承axial bearing支撑轴承,止推轴承axial thrust bearing轴向推力轴承axle box bearing轴箱轴承azimuth bearing方位babbit metal (cast) bearing(铸造)巴氏合金轴承babbit-lined bearing巴氏合金衬套轴承,衬巴氏合金的轴承back bearing反象限角,后轴承,反方位(炮)back-to-back duplex bearing成对双联轴承(外圈宽端面相对) ball bearing滚珠轴承ball collar thrust bearing滚珠环止推轴承,滚珠环推力轴承ball journal bearing球颈轴承ball thrust bearing止推滚珠轴承barrel bearing圆筒轴承adapter bearing带固接套的轴承adjustable bearing可调轴承adjustable cone colter bearing圆犁刀的可调式锥形轴承aerostatic bearing空气静力轴承agate bearing玛瑙轴承air journal bearing气体轴承air lubricated thrust bearing空气润滑止推轴承aligning bearing(直线)对位轴承。



转动轴承术语中英文对照与公差关联的尺寸1.公称内径(外径) noninal bore diameter (outside diameter)包络基础圆柱形内孔(圆柱形外表面)理论表面的圆柱体的直径。




2.套圈公称宽度nominal ring width轴承套圈两理论端面间的间隔。


3.轴承公称宽度(轴承高度) nominal bearing width (bearing height)套圈两理论端面(垫圈背面)间的间隔,用以限定向心轴承宽度(推力轴承高度)。


4.轴承实际宽度actual bearing width向心轴承的轴心线与限定轴承宽度的套圈实际端面的两个切平面交点间的间隔。




5.轴承实际高度actual bearing height推力轴承轴心线与限定轴承高度的垫圈两个实际背面的切平面交点间的间隔。

6.轴承实际高度偏差deviation of the actual bearing height推力轴承实际高度与公称高度之差。

7.公称倒角尺寸nominal chamfer dimension作为基准的倒角尺寸。

8.径向单一倒角尺寸radial single chamfer dimension在单一轴向平面内,套圈或垫圈的假想尖角到倒角表面与套圈或垫圈端面交点间的间隔。

9.轴向单一倒角尺寸axial single chamfer dimension在单一轴向平面内,套圈或垫圈的假想尖角到倒角表面与套圈或垫圈的内孔或三角皮带表面交点间的间隔。



各种轴承英文翻译轴承承英文翻翻译第 1 章滚动轴承承(rolling bearing) 1.1 向心轴承(co ontact ball b bearing) 1.1.1 深沟球轴承承(deep gro ball bear ove ring) 1.1.2 圆柱滚子轴轴承(cylindr rical roller be earing) 1.1.3 滚针轴承( (needle bea aring) 1.1.4 调心球轴承 4 承(self-align ning ball bea aring) 1.1.5 角接触球轴轴承(angula ar-contact ba bearing) all 1.1.6 圆锥滚子轴轴承(tapered roller bear d ring) 2.2 其他滑动轴轴承(others p plain bearing g) 1.1.7 调心滚子轴轴承(self-aligning roller bearing) 2.3 滑动轴承轴轴套与轴瓦(b bushing & half-liner of plain h 1.2 推力轴承(th hrust bearing g) 1.2.1 推力球轴承承(thrust ball bearing) 1.2.2 推力圆柱滚子轴承 (thrust cylindrical ro oller bearing) 1.2.3 推力滚针轴轴承(thrust n needle bear ring) 1.2.4 推力角接 4 接触球轴承(t thrust angular-contact ball bearing) 1.2.5 推力调心滚子轴承 (thrust self f-aligning ro oller bearing) 1.3 组合轴承(co ombined bearing) 承 1.4 外球面球轴轴承(spherica surface ba bearing) al all aer rostatic bear ring 空气静力力轴承 1.5 直线运动滚滚动支承(linea roll bearin ar ng) aga bearing 玛瑙轴承 ate 玛1.6 滚轮滚针轴轴承(tracd & needle rolle bearing) er air journal bear ring 气体轴承承 1.7 水泵轴连轴轴承(water p pump bearin ng) air lubricated th hrust bearing 空气润滑止 g 止推轴承 1.8 专用轴承(sp pecial bearin ng) alig gning bearing(直线)对位位轴承ada apter bearing 带固接套的的轴承 adjustable bearing 可调轴承承adjustable cone colter bea aring 圆犁刀刀的可调式锥锥形轴bea aring) 2.3.1 轴套(plai bearing b in bushing) 2.3.2 轴瓦(plai bearing h alf-liner) in 2.4 滑动轴承附附件(fitting pa for plain bearing) arts n 1.9 滚动轴承附附件(fitting pa for rollin bearing) arts ng 第 2 章滑动轴承(plain bea aring) 2.1 关节轴承(a articulated b bearing) 2.1.1 杆端关节节轴承(rod en & spheric plain bea nd calaring) 2.1.2 向心关节节轴承(plain r radial bearin ng) 2.1.3 角接触关节轴承 ( (angular-con ntact articul lated bea aring) 2.1.4 推力关节节轴承(thrust articulated bearing)alka aline-friction bearing 抗磨磨轴承 allow wable bearin 容许支承 ng 承力 all-rubber type b bearing 全胶胶式轴承。



薄钢板冲压(拉伸)外圈向心滚针轴承,其 一端封闭或两端敞开,经常不带内圈使用。
6. 圆 柱 滚 子 轴 承 cylindricalrollerbearing
滚动体是圆柱滚子的向心滚动轴承。 7.圆锥滚子轴承 taperedrollerbearing
滚动体是圆锥滚子的向心滚动轴承。 8. (凸)球面滚子轴承 convexrollerbearing
3.滚子轴承 rollerbearing 滚动体是滚子的滚动轴承。
4.向心滚子轴承 radialrollerbearing 滚动体是滚子的向心滚动轴承。
5. 冲 压 外 圈 滚 针 轴 承 drawncupneedlerollerbe一笔代
1.滚针轴承 needlerollerbearing 滚动体是滚针的向心滚动轴承。
2.球面滚子轴承 sphericalrollerbearing 滚动体是凸球面或凹面滚子的调心向心滚
动轴承。有凸度球面滚子的轴承,外圈有一球面 形滚道;有凹面滚子的轴承,其内圈有一球面形 滚道。
滚动体是凸球面滚子的向心滚动轴承。 9.凹面滚子轴承 concaverollerbearing















Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告瓦房店光阳轴承集团合肥轴承销售有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:瓦房店光阳轴承集团合肥轴承销售有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分瓦房店光阳轴承集团合肥轴承销售有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业批发业-机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发资质一般纳税人产品服务空1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
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Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.
http ://www. wgys. cn
http ://www. wgys. cn
Wafangd ia n Gua ngya ng Bearing Group Co., Ltd.