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One cold winter day a little girl and her father arrived in London. Sarah Crewe wasseven years old, and she had long black hair and green eyes she sat in the cab nextto her father and looked out of window at the tall houses and dark sky .

“Whatare you thinkingaboutSarah?”MrCreweasked“youareveryquiet”heput his arms round his daughter

“.I am thinking about our house in Indian.”said Sara.“And the hot sun and bluesky. I don’t think I like England very much father.”

“yes it very different form Indian.”herfathersaid“butyoumustgotoschoolin London and I must go to Indian and work.”

Mr Crewe smiled, but he wasn’t happy. He loves his little Sara very much, and hedidn’t want to be without her. Sara’s mother was dead, and Sara was his only child.Father and daughter were very good friends.


MissMinchinwasa tallwomeninablackdress.Shelookedat Sarahandthengave a very big smile.

“What a beautiful child.”She said to Mr Crewe .Sarah stood quietly and watchedMissMinchin“why doshesay that? ShethoughtIam not beautiful,sowhydoshe say it?

Sara wasn’t beautiful but her father was rich. And Miss Minchin liked girls withrich father. Because it good for the school and good for Miss Minchin, too.

“Sara is a good girl.”Mr Crewe said to Miss Minchin“Her mother was French, soshespeaksFrenchwell.Shelovesbooks,andshereadsallthetime.Butshemust play with the other girls and make new friends too.”

“Of course.”Said Miss Minchin .She smiled again.“Sara is going to be very happyhere, Mr Crewe”

Mr Crewe stayed in London for a week. He and Sara went to the shops, and heboughtmany beautiful,expensivedressesforhisdaughter.Hebought booksandflowers for her room, and big doll with beautiful dresses too.

Miss Minchin smiled, but she said to her sister Amelia“all that money on dressesfor a child of seven! She looks like a little princess, not a school girl!”

When Mr Crewe left London, he was very sad. Sara was very sad too, but shedidn’t cry.Shesatin herroomand thoughtabout herfatherontheship back

toIndia“Fatherwantsmetobe happy”shesaidtohernew doll.“Ilove himverymuch and I want to be a good daughter, so I must be happy.”

It was a very big , and very beautiful doll, but of courses it could not answer.Sarasoonmadefriendsintheschool.SomelittlerichgirlsarenotverynicechildrenT heythinktheyareimportantbecausetheyhavemoneyandlotsofexpensivethings,butSara wasdifferentshelikedbeautifuldressesandshewasmoreinterestinginpeopleandbooksan dtellingstories.Shewasverygoodattelling story. She was a clever child ,and other girl love to listen to her. The story allabout queens kinds and prinees and beautiful countrythe sea.
