铁路专用线调车作业安全管理探讨【毕业论文,绝对精品】 - 道客巴巴

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Abstract: Shunting operation plays a very important role in railway transportation activities, and also is an complex task with highly skill and demanding. Objectively, there are many minus factors in shunting operation on the siding, in the meanwhile, a great deal of questions exactly exist on the management. Shunting operation, in present, is the weakness of safety of transport management, so, it is necessary to make sure the safety of it. As a result, it,s important to strenthen the supervision over the enterprises which in possession of sidings, and guaratee the critical part of operation, and tighten supervision over the site・ There is also critical to improve the level of the pratical operation, and the ability of emergency treatment, and improve the operation conditions continously. This paper make an anlisis on some unsteady factors including: equipments, management, and some disadvantages in the aspect of system of management. By analyzing some protential safety hazard snd shunting accidents, especially the inertial ones, and the combination of the demands of industrial siding and the practical condition, on this basis, some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward・

Key Word: industrial siding; shunting operation; safety mangement;


中文摘要 (10)

英文摘要 (11)

一、专用线调车作业的现状及其不利因素 (14)

1.1调车设备 (14)

1.2调车人员 (14)

1.3作业环境 (15)

1.4调车管理 (15)

1.4.1管理指导思想错位 (15)

1.4. 2 规章制度不全 (15)

1.4.3现场管理控制薄弱 (15)

1.5作业中不确定因素 (15)

1.6事故处理不够严格 (16)

二、铁路专用线调车事故分析 (16)

2.1铁路专用线调车车事故发生时间分析 (16)

2.2调车事故原理分析 (16)

2.3调车作业惯性事故发生原因分析 (16)

2.3. 1冲突事故主要原因 (16)

2.3.2调车脱轨主要原因 (17)

2.3.3挤道岔主要原因 (17)

2.4调车事故处理不当分析 (17)

三、解决铁路专用线调车安全问题的对策 (17)

3.1加强作业人员的培训、教育 (17)

3.2树立正确的安全管理机制 (18)

3.3强化对专用线的监督管理 (19)

3.4加强专用线调车设备安全的重点管理 (19)

3.4.1提高专用线调车作业基础设备的安全管理水平 (20)

3.4.2严把安全关键环节 (20)

3.5提高职工实际操作水平和应急处理能力 (21)

3.6坚持岗位责任制,预防调车惯性事故 (22)

3.6. 1 挤岔 (23)

3.6.2 撞车 (23)


3・8建立安全检查表, 提升安全管理实用价值24 3・9改善作业条件25 3・10推进专用线安全文化建设 (25)

3. 11改善专用线生产、生活待遇,稳定调车人员队伍 (26)

四、结论26 参考文献27
