白鲸MobyDick作品分析 ppt课件

Moby Dick—the great white whale.
Starbuck—the first mate(大副)of the Pequod.
Hale Waihona Puke Queequeg(标枪手魁魁格)— Starbuck’s skilled harpooner and Ishmael’s best friend.
About The Author
Herman Melville(1819—1891) was an American novelist,short story writer,essayist,and poet.
Although Melville has been regarded throughout most of the twentieth century as one of America’s most powerful literary artists,particularly for his masterpiece Moby-Dick,he was largely unrecognized in his lifetime.
The land The sea The Pequod The voyage Ahab Ahab's Pipe Starbuck The Doubloon Queequeg's Coffin Moby Dick
Land:a symbol f safety
Sea:a symbol of adventure and danger
Herman Melville——Moby Dick《白鲸》

Meeting Hawthorne in the summer of 1850 Influenced by his black vision, he revised Moby 1)Life Dick and dedicated it to Hawthorne. will never rest he gets hold of a definite He was“He a novelist, anuntil essayist, a short story belief. It is strange how he persists… He can writer and a poet. He was called as‖Master of neither believe, nor be comfortable in his Philosophical His sea experiences and disbelief; Allegory‖ and he is too honest and courageous not to try to do one or the other… adventures He has a very furnished him with Three things which deserve mentioned: high and noble nature.” abundant material
Man cannot influence and overcome nature at its source. Once he attempts to seek power over nature, he is doomed. The idea that man can make the world for himself is nothing but a transcendentalist folly. Melville never seems able to say an affirmative yes to life: his attitude of ―Everlasting Nay‖ . The loss of faith and the sense of futility and meaninglessness were expressed in Melville‘s works.

The theme of the book
It is a novel not only telling us the life at sea but also illustrating(阐明) the epiphany(生活的真谛): 1 we may be failed if we have limited knowledge 2 we can not believe in fate because fate is deceptive
The ntent of the book
The is an adventure novel.This adventure story starts when Ishmael (the narrator) walked into a whale hotel.Then he came to a ship called “Pequod”(裴廓德号) , and Ishmael became one of the boat's sailors. Ahab(the captain of the ship) made an order that all of his sailors had to try their best to find Moby-Dick and kill it.
What did I learn from the book? After I have read this book I also know only with a sincere heart, selfless to treat your good friends, you will achieve a sum of the most precious wealth -- friendship! Only the unity cooperation can do better.

1、外部影响和作家自我写作的需求 莎
这为作者的创作提供了丰富的原始材料。同时也是作者体会到了捕鲸者的悲 惨处境,看到各种人情世态,找不到解决的办法,只能悲天悯人,将一切归于天 命。这也大大加深了作品的哲学、宗教内涵。
二、美国社会的捕鲸史 文学是一种社会性实践
-韦勒克、沃伦 《文学理论》
19世纪前期的海上捕鲸业促使美国东北沿海地区迅速繁荣起来,资本 家用鲸油来计算财富,富人用大鲸作为儿女的嫁妆;巨大的经济利益驱使 着形形色色的冒险家、野心家和流浪汉从四面八方汇集到捕鲸船上,追求 一种刺激、浪漫而有利可图的生活。
鲸披上了基督教的象征色“白色”,更使鲸的宗教意义变得更加浓 厚。
走进作品; -----从叙事学的角度来分析
反 抗
向 死 而 生
宗 教
救 赎
魁魁格则出现在第12章。魁魁格是科科伏柯岛某酋长之 子,对自己所见到的现代文明失望透顶,虽然离开家乡多年, 仍坚持着部落原始文明的习惯,并未被同化。

moby dick白鲸【ppt】

Ahab Symbol of solipsism, revenge and thDick
1. Search for truth The story deals with the human pursuit of truth and the meaning of existence.
Queequeg’s coffin Life and death
The name 'Ishmael' stems from that of the first son of Abraham in the Old Testament.
Hagar Sarah
Ishmael Isaac
The name has come to symbolize orphans, exiles, and social outcasts.
Captain Ahab: the Captain of the Pequod. He is reaching his sixties. He believes he is fated to kill Moby Dick and lives for this purpose alone for this whale took Ahab's leg, causing him to use a leg made of the jaw of a whale to walk and stand.
"Captain Ahab, I have heard of Moby Dick- but it was not Moby Dick that took off thy leg?" "Who told thee that?" cried Ahab; then pausing, "Aye, Starbuck; aye, … it was Moby Dick that dismasted me; Moby Dick that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now. Aye, aye," he shouted with a terrific, loud, animal sob, like that of a heartstricken moose; …

梅尔维尔的比喻独特而富有创意,如将大海比喻为“液态 的群山”,将白鲸比喻为“白色的幽灵”,使读者对作品 留下深刻印象。
分析梅尔维尔在小说中运用的 象征、隐喻、讽刺等文学手法
反思自己在探讨小说主题过程中的思考和见 解。
总结自己在学习过程中的态度和方法,以及 需要改进的地方。
介绍魁魁格的异族身份、善良 品质及与主人公的友谊,分析
简要介绍其他人物形象,如捕 鲸手、船员等,分析他们在故
探讨白鲸莫比·迪克在故事中的象征意 义,如自然力量、命运、邪恶等。
介绍故事中其他具有象征意义的元素, 如捕鲸船、鲸鱼油、海洋生物等,分析 它们在故事中的象征意义及作用。
作品揭示了人类与自然界 的紧密关系,以及人类在 自然面前的渺小和无力。
通过亚哈船长的失败和白 鲸的毁灭,表达了作者对 悲剧命运的深刻思考。
作品提醒我们重新审视人类与自然界的关系,认识到自然界的伟 大和神秘。
白鲸 moby dick Herman Melville. 美国文学 英美文学 美国文学作品分析

Revenge Individual VS Fate
Human VS Nature
It symbolizes the world's different cultures mixed and intertwined, from a variety of the world as a patchwork of linen cloth, from different cultures, races, backgrounds interwoven, interdependent people together, interdependent, different from the novel State of the crew is the most vivid expression.
Queequeg's Coffin Queequeg's coffin alternately symbolizes life and death. Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chest to hold his belongings and an emblem of his will to live. He perpetuates the knowledge tattooed on his body by carving it onto the coffin's lid. The coffin further comes to symbolize life, in a morbid way, when it replaces the Pequod's life buoy. When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael's buoy, saving not only his life but the life of the narrative that he will pass on. (Generally symbolizes bringing forth life, from death.)
Moby_Dick 《白鲸》

Captain Ahab
Ahab is the tyrannical captain of the Pequod.A man who is obsessed with the killing of a white whale that has taken a leg from him.The novel is essentially the story of Ahab and his quest to defeat the white whale.
The novel is the realistic account of a whaling Voyage within which sets a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate.
Major Characters
Moby Dick possesses various symbolic meanings for various individuals. 1) Symbol of nature for human beings,because it is mysterious, powerful, unknown,out of control. 2) Symbol of evil for the Captain Ahab. 3) Symbol of good and purity because of its whiteness.
He is the chief mate of the Pequod.Among the characters in Moby Dick, it is only Starbuck who openly opposes Captain Ahab, believing his quest against the great whale to be an impulsive and suicidal folly. Despite his misgivings, he feels himself bound by his obligations to obey the captain.

亚哈船长在故事中曾经向皮阔 德夫人表白,但她拒绝了他。
皮阔德夫人对亚哈船长的复仇 计划持有反对意见,认为这是 不道德和疯狂的。
尽管皮阔德夫人拒绝了亚哈船 长的爱情,但她仍然关心他的 命运,并试图劝阻他放弃复仇 计划。
皮阔德夫人虽然身处男性主导的世界,但她的善良和坚韧精神使她成为一股不可忽视的力量。她不仅关心船员们 的身体健康,还在精神上给予他们支持。在面对困境时,她始终保持乐观的心态,用自己的力量鼓舞着周围的人。
Moby Dick作为自然界的力量 ,与人类形成了一种对立关系 。故事中的人物对待白鲸的态 度和行为,反映了人类对自然 界的认知和态度,引发了对人 与自然关系的深刻思考。
尽管皮阔德夫人拒绝了魁魁格的爱情,但她仍然关心他的命运,并试图帮助他摆脱 困境。
船员与其他人物的 关系
Ishmael与Ahab的关系是叙述 者和主角的关系。Ishmael通 过观察和叙述Ahab的故事,展 现了人类对自然界的复杂情感 。
船员与其他人物的关系展现了 团队协作与个人英雄主义之间 的冲突。在追捕白鲸的过程中 ,船员们既有合作也有分歧, 展现了人性的复杂性和多样性 。
白鲸记 ppt

➢ 孤独 无助
a) One clear, steel-blue day, Ahab, lined and tired, his eyes burning, like coals still hot in the ashes of some ruin, slowly crossed the deck, leaned over and watched his shadow on the water.
➢ 固执 偏执
a) Doesn’t listen other’s voice & insist on his revenge b) Spend so many yeark
➢ 自大 自私
a) “the rope? Am I to hang, then? I shall never hang! I shall not die, then,on the land or sea.”
➢ 冷漠
a) But Ahab stood there like a rock. (somebody ask him to help his son)
b) Ignore other’s life to revenge.
The end
thank you
Moby Dick
Tashtego Queenqueg
• 积极方面
• 消极方面
不受道 德约束
意志 坚定
聪明 理性
固执 偏执
孤独 无助
勇敢 斗争
自大 自私
➢ 聪明 理性

6 .Character List
• Ishmael - The narrator, and a junior member of the crew of the Pequod. Ishmael doesn't play a major role in the events of the novel, but much of the narrative is taken up by his eloquent, verbose, and extravagant discourse on whales and whaling.
• --- The married life of Melville was more like that of Scott Fitzgerald than Mark Twains. Melville married Elizabeth Shaw, the daughter of a wealthy judge. To support her and their growing family, he had to write for money.
• ---During the summer of 1850, Melville and Hawthorne met. They exchanged visits, meeting at least nine times, and wrote to one another often.
• ---Melville saw in Hawthorne the one American who was expressively aware of the evil at the core of American life. He found Hawthorne’s understanding of evil, that blackness of vision, unusually fascinating.
文学作品《白鲸》分析 Moby Dick

④But the whale rushed around in a sudden maelstrom; seized the swimmer between his jaws…and went down. (p208. para2 last three lines) ⑤Moby Dick rose again, with some tatters of Radney’s red wooden shirt, caught in…finally wholly disappeared. (p.209 para1 line3-5)
Emerson 's prose (p.140 para5)
1. highly individual (Line1) 2. polish each sentence into a striking thought (Line4) 3. the unit of thought is generally the sentence (Line6)
2. Moby-Dick --1). one of the Top Ten Literary Works in the world 2). The greatest Marine Legend Novel in the History of World Literature 3). Encyclopedia of Whaling
Moby Dick is an impersonal force, God, inscrutable(神秘的) and powerful.
②A very white, and famous, and most deadly immortal monster, Don;-but that would be too long a story.’ (p.207 para10)

Moby-Dick白鲸解析Appreciation of Moby-DickAmerican epic: one of the world’s greatest masterpieces: an encyclopedia of everything,history, philosophy and religion etc.Shakespearean tragedy: man fighting against naturePlotCall Me Ishmael Ishmael, A thoughtful but gloomy young man, Ishmael begins his odyssey in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a prosperous whaling town and crossing point to the island of Nantucket(楠塔基特岛). Queequeg, a fierce-looking harpooner (叉鱼者)covered with tattoos(纹身)and carrying a tomahawk(美洲印第安人用的战斧)and a shrunken head. They sign the ship’s papers, but on their way back to the inn to get their belongings, they meet Elijah(以利亚), a shabbily dressed old man who haunts the docks.Elijah hints at the dangers to come and warns the two not to get involved with the vengeful captain. The Quest The Pequod leaves Nantucket on Christmas day headed for the whaling grounds in the Pacific. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin for several days, while the crew accustoms itself to life at sea. When Ahab does emerge, his appearance startles Ishmael.A long, white scar runs down Ahab's face, and he walks on an artificial leg made of whalebone. Soon he calls the entire crew together and informs them that their voyage will be no ordinary whaling cruise. Ahab has returned to sea with the sole purpose of finding and killing the whale that took his leg on the previous voyage. He offers a sixteen-dollar gold piece to the first man who spots the whitewhale, Moby-Dick, and drink to the death of the whale.The ChaseCaptain Ahab●“a grand, ungodly, godlike man,”●two things about Ahab, captain of the Pequod in Moby-Dick:●Ahab was orphaned when he was twelve months old,●one of his legs was lost as a r esult of his most recent whaling voyage.●The wound is so fresh that the stump(残肢)is still bleeding. Ahab does not make aproper appearance in the book until Chapter 28. The long delay in Ahab's involvement in the action of the novel helps to build him up as a grand figure, the major tragic character Melville wants his readers to see.Ishmael(以实玛利)narrator. A rootless individual, brought up as a good ChristianWanderer disinherited and dismissed from his home in favor of his half brother Isaac(以撒). outcast, drifter, no family, no last name. ran away from society to nature. His running away symbolizes human being's departure from Eden.Then after the experience on the sea, he wished to return to the land.He believed God not to be conquered, survivedWhiteman who considers Indians as equal and should share brotherly love. (Queequeg’scoffin)Queequega highborn native of an uncharted south-seas island. His father was a High Chief, and hisuncle a High Priest. Queequeg is covered in tattoos(文身)and worships pagan gods, including a small black idol, Yojo.But the real point about Queequeg is his friendliness. He and Ishmael strike up an instantcomradeship.Themes1.Individual Vs. Nature2.(Ahab) versus Nature (symbolized by Moby-Dick)3.Tragic hero\noble4.Tragedy of man: revenge on nature5.Anyone who wants to revenge will be defeatedGod and Religionreligion and God's role in the natural world. westward.God and man, who is the controllerNature and man (Newton: man can study\examine nature) SymbolsSymbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas orconcepts.voyage- "search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience."the Pequod -the ship of the American soulMoby Dick---a symbol of good and evilits whiteness--- paradoxical colorThe PequodNamed after a Native American tribe in Massachusettsdid not long survive the arrival of white men and thus turned to be an extinctionthe Pequod is a symbol of doom.It is painted a gloomy black and covered in whale teeth and bones, --violent death. It is,in fact, marked for death. Adorned (decorate) like a primitive coffin, the Pequod becomes one.American dream :Ishmael thought he found dream and freedom in it.Others sacrifices for the whiteMoby DickTo the Pequod's crewAn unknown God whose whiteness represents goodness and tranquility, evil and violence.Ahab : Moby Dick is a manifestation of all that is wrong with the world, and he feels thatit is his destiny to erase this symbolic evil.it represents the destruction of the environment by expansion and exploitation in the 19thFor the author and the readers, Ishmael, it is a mystery of the universeQueequeg's CoffinQueequeg‘s coffin alternately symbolizes life and death.Queequeg has it built when he is seriously ill, but when he recovers, it becomes a chestto hold his belongings and an mark of his will to live. He make the knowledge tattooed on his body last forever, by carving it onto the coffin’s lid.The coffin further comes to symbolize life, in a morbid way, when it replaces thePequod…s life buoy(救生衣). When the Pequod sinks, the coffin becomes Ishmael's buoy, saving not only his life but thelife of the narrative that he will pass on.The novel can be understood from three levels1. It is a novel of journey and whale catching.2. It is a conflict between Captain Ahab and Moby Dick.3.It is a story of Ishmael, his thought about human body’s ego realization, therelationship between man and nature, man and God, man and man, etc.Melville’s views of lifea. negative attitude towards life.b. One of the major themes of his is alienation (far away from each other.c. Other themes: loneliness, suicidal individualism (individualism causing disaster and death), rejection and quest, confrontation of innocence and evil, doubts over the comforting 19th-century idea of progressMelville’s contr ibution to American literature and features Autobiographical elements, Moby-Dick for instance SymbolismAhab Moby dick AND Sea whiteness Pequod VoyageThe style of MelvilleThere is a threefold quality in his writing; the style of fact, the style of oratory celebratingthe fact, and the style of meditation.His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. The novel has many non-narrative chapters,and this is how Melville changed an adventure story into a philosophical novel.He used the technique of multiple views to achieve the effect of ambiguity.Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing thetechnique of multiple view of his narratives.O Captain My CaptainO Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weathered every rack(刑架), the prize we sought is won,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red,Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head!It is some dream that on the deck,You've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult O shores, and ring O bells!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.。

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago—never mind how long precisely—having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world.
Three mates in Pequod
* Starbuck
the young first mate of the Pequod, is a thoughtful and intellectual Quaker from Nantucket. He is bold enough to criticize Ahab‘s vengeance but fails.
The first two sentences of his narration in Chapter 1 make up one of the most famous passages in American literature:
Queequeg hails from the fictional island of Kokovoko in the South Seas, inhabited by a cannibal tribe, and is the son of the chief of his tribe. Since leaving the island, he has become extremely skilled with the harpoon.

所以这部小说既遵循了传统小说的叙事结构,也突破 了传统。
在第一章中,以实玛力说自己的荷包里只有一点点,也可 以说是没有钱,岸上也没有什么特别让他留恋的事,于是他就 决定去航行一番。可以推断以实玛力无钱无业、无亲无故。虽 然说当时鲸油是财富的象征,但是捕鲸人确实高风险、低回报 的工作。所以,与其说是以实玛力自愿出海,不如说是被迅速 发展得现代文明挤压出去的,是对现代文明的一种被动脱离。 第一章末,作者还安排了美国总统大选和阿富汗战争两个事件。
• 《白鲸》在1851年刚刚出版不久,美国的《文 学评论》曾讥讽他为“知识的大杂烩”。直到今 日,从麦尔维尔这部小说庞杂而繁琐的文本中梳 理出其结构也是一个难题。《白鲸》曾被不同的 学者评论为史诗、戏剧甚至传奇。我们可以在这 部小说中发现传统的小说叙事结构、戏剧化的内 心独白和史诗般的宏达气魄。《白鲸》无可否认 的是一部具有丰富意义层面的作品,这也就注定 了其结构的复杂。
-----从生态主义批判的角度看《白鲸》中人 与自然的关系
《白鲸》体现了麦尔维尔对人与自然作为两种力量象征的传统观念 的反驳。人与自然的关系研究属于生态批评的范畴。其主旨在于探讨 人与自然的关系究竟是和谐统一,还是彼此矛盾互为异己。在人与自 然关系的认识史上,经历了由二元对立到二者统一的变化过程。在远古 时期,由于人类自身体能低下和认识能力等方面的局限,人类对大自然 并没有亲切感,而是敬畏感。在人与自然之间,人是主体,大自然是客体, 两者之间是征服与被征服的关系。甚至当社会发展到现代阶段,人类在 认识论上的这一观念仍然没有发生实质性的变化,所以,向大自然开战、 人定胜天一直是人类对大自然关系上所持的谬误态度,因而把人类自我 摆到了超越自然的位置上,形成了以人类自身利益为中心的人类沙文主 义。
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Moby Dick—the great white whale.
Starbuck—the first mate(大副)of the Pequod.
Queequeg(标枪手魁魁格)— Starbuck’s skilled harpooner and Ishmael’s best friend.
Moby Dick
Type of work:symbolic work
First publication:1851
Setting:Most of the book takes place on various oceans,such as the Atlantic,the Indian,and the Pacific,in the early to mid 1800’s.However,a good deal of the first part of the novel takes place in New England inside and around Nantucket.
Meanings of Mobห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Dick to the Characters
First, as to Captain Ahab, Moby Dick is evil, is the one he wants to take revenge on, and it is his sworn enemy. Ahab vowed to avenge and kill Moby Dick for ripping his leg, so he considered Moby Dick as his aim of conquest. He heat Moby Dick, think of it nothing but the embodiment of evil, it makes him furious, painful, and messed up all his life. In order to chase and hunt down Moby Dick, Ahab abandoned his family, even sacrificed all sailors’ life. To Ahab, Moby Dick is the evil he must defeat and destroy.
After loosing his leg he is determined to pursue Moby Dick and kill it.He hangs a doubloon on the mast as a reward for anyone who sights the white whale first.
Plot Summary
Ishmael,the narrator,having little money and finding life on shore grim,decides to go to sea.He signs aboard the whaling ship named Pequod.It’s captain,Ahab,is a tall,broad man seemingly made of bronze.He has a white leg,made from the jaw of a sperm whale,because his own leg is torn away by Moby Dick—a huge white whale.
Moby Dick (1851)
—— Herman Melville
About The Author
Herman Melville(1819—1891) was an American novelist,short story writer,essayist,and poet.
Although Melville has been regarded throughout most of the twentieth century as one of America’s most powerful literary artists,particularly for his masterpiece Moby-Dick,he was largely unrecognized in his lifetime.
Eventually the white whale appears,and the Pequod begins its doomed fight against it.
On the first day the whale smashes a whaleboat.The second day,another boat is swamped,the captain’s ivory leg is snapped off.When the third day comes,Ahab and his crew manage to harpoon the whale,but it carries the Pequod along with it to its doom.All on board get downed expect Ishmael,who is rescued by another whaler and survives to tell the story.
Ishmael yearns for a whaling adventure Meets Queequeg Sign with the whaleship Pequod Captain Ahab appears Only purpose of Ahab is killing Moby Dick Starbuck argues with Ahab Several sinister omens appear Find Moby Dick Two fights between Moby Dick & the crew First one: Moby Dick escapes Second one: All the crew die except Ishmael
Main Characters
Ishmael(以实玛利)—the narrator,also a member of the crew of the Whaler Pequod.
Pequod Ahab(亚哈伯)—the egomaniacal得(名Moby Dick中的人物