西华大学EDA课程试卷+参考答案( A卷)1

西华大学课程考试参考答案( A卷)课程代码:8400070试卷总分: 100 分一、填空题参考答案及评分标准:(本大题共6小题10空,每空3分,总计30分)评分标准:填对一空得3分,不填或填错得0分。
参考答案:1. EDA的中文全称为电子设计自动化,FPGA的中文全称为现场可程序门阵列。
2. 一个大型的组合电路总延时为120ns,采用流水线将它分三个较小的组合电路,理论最高工作频率可达25MHz。
3. 实现一个大量数据处理、存储的电路,应选ACEX1K(填ACEX1K或MAX700)器件。
①4’b1110^4’b1101=4’h1111; ②8’b00101000=8’h28;③reg b; assign b=a; ④reg [1:0]c ; always@(posedge clk) c[1:0]=a[1:0];⑤{3{3’b110}}=6’B101010; ⑥4’b10ZX =4’b10Zx;正确答案②,④,⑥。
------------------------------------------------(V )2、Verilog HDL硬件描述方式中有行为描述方式。
---------------------------------(V )3、一个电路设计中使用了一个时钟,它最好锁到全局时钟管脚上。

西华大学课程考试(考查)参考答案(B卷)课程名称:考试时间: 110 分钟课程代码:0405660 试卷总分: 100 分一、名词解释参考答案及评分标准:评分标准:本大题共10分。
参考答案:1、B2、D3、B4、C5、C6、D7、D8、B9、A 10、D三、填空题答题要点及评分标准:评分标准:本大题共50分。

试卷编号课程名称:统计学C 考试时间: 100 分钟课程代码: 1101190 试卷总分: 110 分1.政治算术学派的代表人物是()①海门尔.康令②阿亨瓦尔③威廉.配第④凯特勒2、统计学的研究对象是()①大量现象的质量方面②个体现象的数量方面③个体现象的质量方面④大量现象的数量方面3.对家用电器的平均使用寿命进行调查,从经济和效率两方面衡量,一般应该采用()①普查②重点调查③典型调查④抽样调查4.某连续变量数列,其末组为开口组,下限为500,又知其相邻组的组中值为480,则末组的组中值为()。
① 520 ② 510 ③ 500 ④ 4905.某企业单位产品成本计划在上月的基础上降低2%,实际降低1.5%,则单位产品成本降低计划完成程度为()① 75% ② 100.5% ③ 99.5% ④ 133.2%6.对组距数列进行向上累计,则某组向上累计次数表示()①大于该组上限的次数有多少②大于该组下限的次数有多少③小于该组上限的次数有多少④小于该组下限的次数有多少7.甲、乙两组工人的平均日产量分别为18件和15件。
若两组工人的平均日产量不变,但是甲组工人数占两组工人总数的比重上升,则两组工人总平均日产量会()8.如果变量值中有一项为零,则不能计算()①算术平均数和几何平均数②调和平均数和几何平均数③算术平均数和众数④几何平均数和中位数9 甲班学生平均成绩80分,标准差8.8分,乙班学生平均成绩70分,标准差8.4分,因此()①甲班学生平均成绩代表性好一些②乙班学生平均成绩代表性好一些③无法比较哪个班学生平均成绩代表性好④两个班学生平均成绩代表性一样10.本期发展水平与去年同期发展水平之比称为()①增长速度②年距发展速度③年距增长速度④环比发展速度11.把近20年来我国的国内生产总值按年份顺序排列起来,所形成的时间序列是( )。

西华大学课程考试(考查)参考答案( 卷)课程名称: 统计学C 考试时间: 100 分钟 课程代码: 1101190 试卷总分: 110 分二 多项选择题(以下各题中,有两个或两个以上的正确答案,多选或少选均不得分。
三 计算题(共45分) (一)(共5分)答案:考试分数的算术平均数=71.875 。
(二)(共10分) 抽样平均误差为=0.43抽样极限误差为=2*0.43=0.86以0.9545的置信度估计平均产量的置信区间为(34.14,35.86). (三)(共10分) 1.提出假设:01:1000;:1000H X H X =≠2.构造检验统计量并计算检验统计量的值: 2.5x X Z ===3.确定临界值:/2 1.96Z α=4.决策:/22.5 1.96Z Z α=>=,因此,拒绝原假设,这批电子元件的使用寿命有显著差异。
(四)(共10分)(1)以1953年为固定基期,试计算我国1964年、1982年、1990年、2000年的人口定基发展速度分别为118.644%;172.32%;194.04%;222.33% (2)我国1990年至2000年之间的人口平均增长率=0.013793 (五)(共10分)(1)商品乙的个体出口量指数和个体出口价格指数;(2分)答案:92%;130% (2)三种商品的出口金额总指数;(2分) 答案:122.6%(3) 出口价格总指数和出口量总指数;(3分)答案:111.15%;110%;(4)综合分析出口量变动和出口价格变动对出口金额影响的绝对额;(3分)答案:59000=26500+32500四(15分)结合自己所学专业,论述学习统计学的必要性。

试卷编号:(2011 至2012 学年第_2__学期)课程名称:结构力学(I) A 考试时间: 100 分钟课程代码: 8503600 试卷总分: 100 分考试形式:闭卷学生自带普通计算器: 允许一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
1. 欲使图示体系成为无多余约束的几何不变体系,则需在A端加入()A.固定铰支座;B.固定支座;C.滑动铰支座;D.定向支座。
题2图3.对图示的AB段,采用叠加法作弯矩图是()A. 可以;B. 在一定条件下可以;C. 不可以;D. 在一定条件下不可以。
题3图4. 在径向均布荷载作用下,三铰拱的合理轴线为( ) A .圆弧线; B .抛物线; C .悬链线; D .正弦曲线 。
5. 图示结构N DE ( 拉 )为( )A. 70kN ;B. 80kN ;C. 75kN ;D. 64kN 。
题5图6. 图示静定多跨粱,当EI 2增大时,D 点挠度( ) A.不定,取决于EI EI 12; B.减小;C.不变;D. 增大。
题6图7. 在力法方程δij j c i X ∑+=∆∆1中( ) A.0i ∆=; B.0i ∆>;C.0i ∆<;D.前三种答案都有可能8. 位移法中,将铰接端的角位移、滑动支承端的线位移作为基本未知量( ) A. 绝对不可; B.必须; C. 可以,但不必; D.一定条件下可以 。
9. 图示连续梁,已知P , l ,Bϕ ,C ϕ,则( )A. C i B i BC M ϕϕ44+=;B. C i B i BC M ϕϕ24+= ;C. 8/4Pl B i BC M +=ϕ;D. 8/4Pl Bi BC M -=ϕ 。

西华学院考试真题试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是西华学院的校训?A. 厚德载物,自强不息B. 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之C. 求实创新,团结协作D. 知行合一,止于至善2. 西华学院的校庆日是每年的哪一天?A. 5月1日B. 10月1日C. 11月11日D. 12月31日3. 西华学院的图书馆藏书量大约是多少?A. 20万册B. 50万册C. 100万册D. 200万册4. 下列哪项不是西华学院提供的专业课程?A. 计算机科学与技术B. 经济学C. 航空航天工程D. 法学5. 西华学院的学生会组织名称是什么?A. 学生联合会C. 学生自治会D. 学生社团联合会6. 西华学院的校徽中包含哪种元素?A. 书籍B. 火炬C. 翅膀D. 地球7. 西华学院的校歌名称是什么?A. 《西华之歌》B. 《青春之歌》C. 《梦想启航》D. 《扬帆远航》8. 西华学院的校园占地面积大约是多少?A. 200亩B. 500亩C. 1000亩D. 2000亩9. 西华学院的校史馆位于校园的哪个位置?A. 东门附近B. 西门附近C. 南门附近D. 北门附近10. 下列哪项不是西华学院的校园文化活动?A. 学术讲座B. 体育竞赛D. 军事训练二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 西华学院的校训是“________”,体现了学院对学生的________和________的期望。
12. 西华学院的校园内有________个学生食堂,提供多样化的饮食选择。
13. 西华学院的校庆日是每年的________,这一天学院会举行________等活动。
14. 西华学院的图书馆藏书量丰富,其中包括________、________、________等各类书籍。
15. 西华学院的校园内有________个运动场地,包括篮球场、足球场、排球场等。
三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 请简述西华学院的办学理念。

西华大学课程考试参考答案 (A 卷) 课程名称:可编程控制器原理及应用 考试时间: 100 分钟 课程代码: 8401620 试卷总分: 100 分 一、 填空题(每题3共24分) 1、停止。
2、PLC 的运行速度,程序的长短。
4、CPU 单元,输入接口电路,输出接口电路,存储器,电源,编程接口 或CPU 单元,输入/输出接口电路,存储器,电源,编程接口,扩展接口。
二、 简述与问答题(每题10共20分) 1、如果计算机发出读FX2 PLC 的Y0~Y17通信命令后,其返回的信息是“02 30 46 31 31 03 44 42” 试说明该信息的通信结构,并指明Y0~Y17中那些位被置1 答: “02”是文头,“30 46 31 31”是返回的数据信息,“03”是文尾。
(5分) Y0~Y17中Y3 、Y2 、Y1、 Y0和Y10 、Y14被置1。
(5分) 2、简述采用MCGS 组态软件设计上位监控的步骤 答:首先在组态环境建立新工程,进行窗口界面的组态,进行动态数据库变量的设置,进行动画连接,将窗口界面的图元与动态数据库的变量进行连接(5分);进行设备窗口的组态,将PLC 的通道与动态数据库的变量进行连接(4分)。
三、 画出图1的波形图(10分)(6分)以上是用一个按钮进行通断控制的梯形图,也可用作分频功能。
(4分)四、 分析题参考答案(10分)X0第一次按下时,M10接通;X0第二次按下时,M10关断。

个人资料整理仅限学习使用西华大学课程考试<考查)试卷卷课程名称:机械设计考试时间:110分钟课程代码: 8200570 试卷总分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分评卷教师一 . 单项选择题 <每小题 1.5分,共 12分)1.平键的剖面尺寸通常是根据从标准中选取。
<a)传递的转矩 <b)传递的功率<c)轮毂的长度 <d)轴的直径2.滑动螺旋传动,其失效形式多为 ______。
<a)螺纹牙弯断 <b)螺纹磨损 <c)螺纹牙剪切 <d)螺纹副咬死3.当两个被联接件之一太厚,不宜制成通孔,且联接不需要经常拆装时,往往采用。
<a)螺栓联接 <b)螺钉联接 <c)双头螺柱联接 <d)紧定螺钉联接4.带传动的失效形式之一是带的 ______。
<a)松驰 <b)颤动<c)疲劳破坏 <d)弹性滑动5.设计链传动时,为了降低动载荷,一般采用。
<a)较多的链轮齿数 z和较小的链节距 p <b)较少的 z和较小的 p<c)较多 z的和较大的 p<d)较少的 z和较大的 p6.两相对滑动的接触表面,依靠吸附的油膜进行润滑的摩擦状态称为______。
<a)液体摩擦 <b)干摩擦 <c)混合摩擦 <d)边界摩擦7.一减速齿轮传动,小齿轮 1选用 45钢调质,大齿轮 2选用 45钢正火,它们的齿面接触应力。
<a)σH1 >σH2<b)σH1 <σH2<c)σH1 =σH2<d)不确定8.下列四种叙述中 ______是正确的。
<a)变应力只能由变载荷产生 <b)静载荷不能产生变应力<c)变应力是由静载荷产生<d)变应力是由变载荷产生,也可能由静载荷产生1.润滑油的粘度与温度有关,且粘度随温度的升高而降低。

西华大学课程考试试题卷(A 卷)试卷编号:(2008至2009学年第2学期)课程名称:数据结构考试时间:110分钟课程代码:8401801试卷总分:100分考试形式:闭卷学生自带普通计算器:否一、单项选择题(本大题共20个小题,每小题2分,共40分)1.如果在数据结构中每个数据元素只可能有一个直接前驱,但可有多个直接后继,则该结构是(c )A.栈 B.队列 C.树 D.图2.在数据结构中,从逻辑上可以把数据结构分成(b )。
A.动态结构和静态结构B.线性结构和非线性结构C.紧凑结构和非紧凑结构D.内部结构和外部结构3.算法分析的两个主要方面是(a )。
A.空间复杂性和时间复杂性 B.正确性和简明性C.可读性和文档性 D.数据复杂性和程序复杂性4.在以下的叙述中,正确的是(c )。
A.线性表的顺序存储结构优于链表存储结构B.线性表的顺序存储结构适用于频繁插入/删除数据元素的情况C.线性表的链表存储结构适用于频繁插入/删除数据元素的情况D.线性表的链表存储结构优于顺序存储结构5.非空的循环单链表head 的尾结点(由p 所指向)满足(c )。
A.p->next==NULL B.p==NULL C.p->next==head D.p==head 6.栈和队列的共同点是(c )。
A.都是先进先出 B.都是先进后出C.只允许在端点处插入和删除元素 D.没有共同点7.设若入栈序列的元素顺序为X,Y,Z,判断下列哪一个出栈序列是不可能的。
(c )。
A.XYZ B.YZX C.ZXY D.ZYX 8.设数组Data[0..m-1]作为循环队列SQ 的存储空间,front 为队头指针,rear 为队尾指针,则执行出队操作的语句为(b )。
A.front=front+1 B.front=(front+1)%m C.rear=rear+1 D.rear=(rear+1)%m 9.深度为5的二叉树至多有(d )个结点。
【精编范文】西华大学毛概考试试题及答案word版本 (11页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==西华大学毛概考试试题及答案期末就要到了,小伙伴们都是怎么复习毛概这一课程的呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的西华大学毛概考试试题,希望大家都能通过考试。
1、关于改革、发展和稳定的关系下列表述正确的是( )A、改革必然促进发展,不管社会稳定与否都要改革B、改革会触动稳定,为了稳定就不应改革C、改革能促进发展但会影响稳定D、在处理改革、发展和稳定关系时,把改革的力度、发展的速度和社会可以承受的程度统一起来2、中国特色社会主义的对外开放战略是( )A、国内国际两种市场相结合B、自力更生、独立自主C、全面开放、兼顾内外D、“引进来”和“走出去”战略3、标志着我国对外开放进入新阶段的重大举措是( )。
A、兴办经济特区B、开放浦东新区C、扩大出口D、实施“走出去”战略4、我国社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度是( )。
A、按劳分配为主体,多种分配形式并存B、按劳分配和按生产要素分配相结合C、公有制为主体和集体所有制经济相结合D、公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展5、社会主义社会实行按劳分配的前提条件是( )。
A、旧的社会分工的存在,劳动还是谋生的手段B、社会主义生产力发展的水平C、社会主义生产资料公有制D、社会主义市场经济体制的建立6、社会主义市场经济的基本标志是( )。
A、市场对资源配置起基础性作用B、国家对国民经济进行宏观调控C、建立现代企业制度D、坚持公有制的主体地位7、中国共产党和各民主党派合作的政治基础是( )A、中国共产党和各民主党派都必须在宪法和法律规定的范围内进行活动B、遵循“长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共”的方针C、坚持四项基本原则 D、中国共产党是执政党,民主党派是参政党8、中共十五大报告指出:“发展社会主义民主政治,是我们党始终不渝的奋斗目标。

西华大学课程考核参考答案(卷)课程名称:运作营管理考试时间:分钟课程代码:双学位试卷总分:分一、填空(每空分,共分).自然.可变流水线成组流水线混合流水线.看管产量工序单件时间.查定能力计划能力.投入提前二、判断题(每小题分,共分).√ .× .√ .× .√ .× .× .√ .×.× .√ .× .× .× .√ .√ .×.√ .× .√三、单项选择(每小题分,共分)四、计算题(每小题分,分).解:假定产品台时定额=∑(×)=(××××)=以假定产品表示的车床组生产能力=设备台数×有效时间假定产品台时定额=×=具体产品生产能力假定产品生产能力×产品占总产品的比重产品:×=;产品:×=产品:×=;产品:×=.解:()顺序移动=∑×(+) =()平行移动=∑+()×长=(+)+(-)×=()平行顺序移动=∑-()×∑() ×(+)()×(+)==.解:()令()=则有:()=()+,=+=()=()+,=+=()=()+,=+=()=(),=+=即结点⑤最早开始时间为。

试卷编号:(2019 至2020 学年第1学期)课程名称:流体力学A 考试时间:110 分钟课程代码:150407049 试卷总分:100 分考试形式:闭卷学生自带普通计算器: 允许一、单项选择题(本题共10小题,每小题2分,小计20分)1.流体的动力粘度μ与()有关。
A.当地加速度B.迁移加速度C.合加速度D.矢量加速度4. 层流的沿程水头损失与管截面上的平均流速的()成正比。
A.均匀分布B.抛物线分布C.管轴处为零、管壁处最大的线性分布D.管壁处为零、管轴处最大的线性分布6. 动能修正系数是反映过流断面上实际流速分布不均匀的系数,流速分布(),系数值()。
A. 越不均匀,越小B. 越均匀,越小C. 越均匀,越大D. 越不均匀,不定7. 应用动量方程求流体对固体壁面的作用力时,进、出口截面上的压强应使用()。
A. 绝对压强B. 相对压强C. 大气压D. 真空度8. 在同一瞬时,位于流线上各个流体质点的速度方向总是在该点与此流线()。
A. 相切B. 重合C. 平行D. 相交9.边界层的基本特征之一是()。
A.边界层内流体的流动为层流B.边界层内粘性力与惯性力为同一数量级C.边界层厚度沿流动方向逐渐减薄D .边界层内流体的流动为湍流10. 下列方程中哪个不是气体等熵过程的能量方程( )。
A. 2p v C 2+=ρB. 2k p v C k 12+=-ρC. 2kRT v C k 12+=-D. 21p p v +C k 12+=-ρρ二、判断题(正确的填“√”,错误的填“Ⅹ”,本题共10小题,每小题1分,小计10分)1. 气体的粘性主要来自于气体分子间的内聚力。

试卷编号:.课程名称:_______大学英语B(3) 考试时间: 120 分钟课程代码:5100280 试卷总分: 100 分注意:1. 请按要求用铅笔把学号填涂在机读卡上。
2. 请按要求把相应客观试题(对应编号)答案用铅笔填涂在机读卡上,用其他笔填涂无效;主观试题答案写在试卷二上。
3. 交卷时,请将试卷一、试卷二、机读卡分开交。
试卷一Part I Writing (本大题共1题,总计15分)( 注意:此部分试题在试卷二上 )Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,总计10分)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on the Answer Sheet. For questions 1 to 7,mark Y(for YES) if the statement agrees with theinformation given in the passage; N(for NO) if the statement contradicts the information givenin the passage; NG(for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. Forquestions 8 to 10,complete the sentences with the information given in the passage on PaperTwo.( 注意:此部分试题1-7请在机读卡上作答,8-10 在试卷二上)Computer CrimeA computer crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and software for illegal purposes. This doesn’t mean that all the crimes are new types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer, these offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered.Computer crimes are on the rise and have been for the last twelve years. Just how much these computer crimes cost the American public is in dispute, but estimates range from $3 billion to $5 billion annually. Even the FBI, which attempts to keep track of the growth or decline of all kinds of crimes, is unable to say precisely how large a loss is involved; however, it estimates that the average take from a company hit by computer crime is $600,000. A number of reasons are given for the increase in computer crime: (A) more computers in use and, thus, more people who are familiar with basic computer operation;(B) more computers tied together in satellite and other data-transmission networks; and (C) the easy accessof microcomputers to huge mainframe data bases.The CriminalMovies and newspaper stories might lead us to believe that most computer crimes are committed by teenage “hackers”-brilliant and basically good children who let their imagination and technical genius get them into trouble. But a realistic look at the crimes reveals that the offender is likely to be an employee of the firm against which the crime has been committed, i.e., an “insider”.Difficulty of Detection and PreventionGiven the kind of person who commits a computer crime and the environment in which the crime occurs, it is often difficult to detect who the criminal is. First of all, the crime may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone discovers it.Second, once the crime has been revealed, it is not easy to find a clear trail of evidence that leads back to the guilty party. After all, looking for “weapons” or fingerprints does not occur as it might in the investigation of more conventional crimes.Third, there are usually no witnesses to the computer crime, even though it may be taking place in a room filled with people. Who is to say if the person at the next terminal, calmly keying in data, is doing the company’s work or committing a criminal act?Fourth, not enough people in management and law enforcement know enough about computer technology to prevent the crimes. Authorities have to be familia r with the computer’s capabilities within a given situation to guard against its misuses. In some large cities, such as Los Angeles, police departments have set up specially trained computer crime units.But even when an offender is caught, the investigators, attorneys (律师), judges, or juries may find the alleged crime too complicated and perplexing to handle. More attorneys are specializing in computer law and studying the computer’s potential for misuse.After a computer crime has been discovered, many companies do not report it or prosecute (起诉)the person responsible. A company may not announce the crime out of fear that the pubic will find out the weaknesses of its computer system and lose confidence in its organization. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities (脆弱性)because they rely heavily on customer trust.To avoid public attention, cautious companies will often settle cases of computer tampering out of court. And if cases do go to trial and the offenders are convicted, they may be punished only by a fine or light sentence because the judge or jury isn’t fully trained to understand the nature and seriousness of the crime. Not all companies are timid in apprehending computer criminals. For example, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company decided it had to get tough on violators. So when the company discovered that one of its computer technicians had embezzled $200,000 by entering false benefit claims, it presented it findings to the state’s attorney and aided in the prosecution of the technician. The technician was found guilty and sentenced to prison, not just for the computer misuse, but also for grand theft and insurance fraud. Connecticut General now has a policy of reporting all incidents of theft or fraud, no matter how small.(每段开头格式不对,要空两格英文字符,而不是中文字符)1. The FBI knows exactly how large a loss is involved in computer crimes.2. It has become easy for microcomputer owners to use huge mainframe data bases.3. It is implied in the Paragraph 3 that most computer criminals are the employees of the concerned companies.4. Many companies don’t report computer crimes because law procedures against computer crim es usually cost a lot of money.5. When computer crime takes place in a room filled with people, there are usually many witnesses to thecrime.6. The passage is mainly about the increase of computer crimes in America and the difficulties in combating computer crimes.7. Computer crimes are on the rise because more cheap microcomputers are available.8. According to the passage, computer crimes has been on the rise for the last ______years.9. Connecticut General Life Insurance company is cited as __________ of companies that took serious measures to fight against computer crimes.10. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities because they place too much reliance on________.(不要用网络格式)Part III Listening Comprehension (本大题共3大部分,总计35分)Section A (本部分共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversationand question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During thepause, you must read the four choices mark A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the bestanswer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through thecenter.( 注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(不要用网络格式)11. A) She knows where Martha has gone.B) Martha will go to the concert by herself.C) It is quite possible for the man to find Martha.D) The man is going to meet Martha at the concert.12. A) The air pollution is caused by the development of industry.B) The city was poor because there wasn't much industry then.C) The woman's exaggerating the seriousness of the pollution.D) He might move to another city very soon.13. A) The man should work harder to improve his grades.B) The man will benefit from the effort he's put in.C) It serves the man right to get a poor grade.D) It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a C.14. A) She can make a reservation at the restaurant.B) The man should decide where to eat.C) She already has plans for Saturday night.D) The man should ask his brother for suggestions.15. A) The man deserved the award.B) The woman helped the man succeed.C) The man is thankful to the woman for her assistance.D) The woman worked hard and was given an award.16. A) Voluntary work can help the man establish connections with the community.B) The man's voluntary work has left him little room in his schedule.C) Voluntary work with the environment council requires a time commitment.D) A lot of people have signed up for voluntary work with the environment council.17. A) The patient must receive treatment regularly.B) The patient can't leave the hospital until the bleeding stops.C) The patient's husband can attend to the business in her place.D) The patient must take a good rest and forget about her business.18. A) Alice does not know much about electronics.B) Alice is unlikely to find a job anywhere.C) Alice is not interested in anything but electronics.D) Alice is likely to find a job in an electronics company.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. A) A new fuel for buses.B) The causes of air pollution.C) A way to improve fuel efficiency in buses.D) Careers in environmental engineering.20. A) Her car is being repaired.B) She wants to help reduce pollution.C) Parking is difficult in the city.D) The cost of fuel has increased.21. A) A fuel that bums cleanly.B) An oil additive that helps cool engines.C) A material from which filters are made.D) An insulating material sprayed on engine parts.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.22. A) Two different types of bones in the human body.B) How bones help the body move.C) How bones continuously repair themselves.D) The chemical composition of human bones.23. A) They defend the bone against viruses.B) They prevent oxygen from entering the bone.C) They break down bone tissue.D) They connect the bone to muscle tissue.24. A) They have difficulty identifying these cells.B) They aren't sure how these cells work.C) They've learned how to reproduce these cells.D) They've found similar cells in other species.25. A) To learn how to prevent a bone disease.B) To understand differences between bone tissue and other tissue.C) To find out how specialized bone cells have evolved.D) To create artificial bone tissue.Section B (本部分共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear aquestion, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.( 注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the conversation you have just heard.26. A) They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery while driving.B) They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.C) They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars.D) They are pleased because it saves them much time.27. A) They don't have their own cars to drive to work.B) Many of them are romantic by temperament.C) Most of them enjoy the drinks on the boat.D) They tend to be more friendly to each other.28. A) Many welcome the idea of \having\ more bars on board.B) Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present speed.C) Some suggest improving the design of the deck.D) Some object to using larger luxury boats.Passage T woQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the conversation you have just heard.29. A) Coca ColaB) SausageC) MilkD) Fried chicken30. A) He has had thirteen decayed teethB) He doesn't have a single decayed toothC) He has fewer decayed teeth than other people of his ageD) He never had a single tooth pulled out before he was fifty.31. A) Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the eveningB) Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possibleC) Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervalsD) Clean your teeth shortly after eating.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the conversation you have just heard.32. A) Whether it can be detected and checked.B) Whether it will lead to widespread food shortage.C) Whether global warming will speed up in the future.D) Whether it will affect their own lives.33. A) Many species have moved further north.B) Many new species have come into existence.C) Many species have developed a habit of migration.D) Many species have become less sensitive to climate.34. A) Storms and floods.B) Disease and fire.C) Less space for their growth.D) Rapid increase of the animal population.35. A) They will gradually die out.B) They will be able to survive in the preserves.C) They will have to migrate to find new homes.D) They will face extinction without artificial reproduction.Section C Compound Dictation(本大题共11小题,S1-S8每小题0.5分,S9-S11每小题2分;总计10分)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you havejust heard. For blanks numbered from S9 to S11 you are required to fill in the missinginformation. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or writedown the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.( 注意:此部分试题请在试卷二上作答)American learn sports as part of their education. They learn two or more ball (S1)______, such as football or basketball. At high school, they choose groups of boys or girls to make (S2)______,. They choose those who are best at that sport. These teams (S3)______, against teams from other schools. In many schools, students learn wrestling, running, tennis, golf and swinging. They have teams for some of these sports, too. The games between schools are often very (S4)______,.Other students, the ones not on the team, love to watch them. They let everyone know this by shouting and (S5)______, when their team plays well. There is a special (S6)______, of girls and boys, mostly girls, who jump up and down and shout for their football team. They call themselves (S7)______, because they lead everyone in shouts and cheers. They (S8)______, clothes of a special color—the color of their school’s t eam. The football players wear that color, too. Each school has a team color and a team name. Cheerleaders call out the team name in their cheers. (S9)______________________________. Cheerleading is almost s port itself. Every classroom has an American flag in it. (S10)_____________________________________________. They put their hands over their hearts and say “the Pledge of Allegiance”.(S11)_____________________________________________. By standing and showing respect to the flag people think about the United States and its freedoms.(每段开头格式不对,要空两格英文字符,而不是中文字符)Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (本大题共20小题,Questions F1 to F10每小题0.5分,Questions 36 to 45每小题2分,总计25分)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. Y ou are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passagethrough carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please fill out the corresponding letter for each item on Paper Two. Y ou may not use any ofthe words in the bank more than once.( 注意:此部分试题请在试卷二上作答,只填入单词前面相应的编码,填单词均不得分)Questions F1to F10 are based on the following PassageIf our society ever needed a reading renaissance(复兴), it’s now. The National Endowment for the Arts released “Reading at Risk” last year, a study showing that adu lt reading(F1) have dropped 10 percentage points in the past decade, with the steepest drop among those 18 to 24. “Only one half of young people read a book of any kind in 2002. We set the bar almost on the ground. If you read one short story in a teen-ager magazine, that would have(F2),” laments a director of research and analysis. He(F3)the loss of readers to the booming world of technology, which attracts would-be leisure readers to E-mail, IM chats, and video games and leaves them with no time to cope with a novel.“These new forms of media undoubtedly have some benefits,” says Steven Johnson, author of Everything Bad Is Good for Y ou. V ideo games (F4) problem-solving skills; TV shows promote mental gymnastics by (F5)viewers to follow complex story line s. But books offer experience that can’t be gained from these other sources, from (F6) vocabulary to stretching the imagination. “If they’re not reading at all,” says Johnson, “that’s a huge problem.”In fact, fewer kids are reading for pleasure. According to data (F7) last week from the National Center forEducational Statistic’s long-term trend assessment, the number of 17-year-olds who reported never or hardly ever reading for fun (F8) from 9 percent in 1984 to 19 percent in 2004. At the same time, the (F9) of 17-year-olds who read daily dropped from 31 to 22.This slow but steady retreat from books has not yet taken a toll on reading ability. Scores for the nation’s youth have (F10) constant over the past two decades (with an encouraging upswing among 9-year-olds). But given the strong apparent correlation between pleasure reading and reading skills, this means poorly for the future.(每段开头格式不对,要空两格英文字符,而不是中文字符)Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Y ou should decideon the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.( 注意:此部分试题请在机读卡上作答)Passage OneQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following PassageJohn and Sebastian Cabot sailed back across the North Atlantic with bad news for their patron, King Henry VII of England. Instead of a short sea route to Japan and India, they had found only rocky, icy coasts.It was as a mere afterthought that they mentioned that they had visited a place near what they called New Found Isle. The codfish were so plentiful there that when the sailors had lowered baskets into the water and hoisted them up, they were full of squirming, silvery fish.Although the merchants and the nobles at court did not care about this discovery, the fishermen of Europe became very interested. Before long many fishermen were sailing across the Atlantic to Newfoundland in their little fishing boats and bringing back great number of dried fish for the kitchens of Europe.In time, the right to fish the Grand Banks came to be considered far more valuable than all the treasures of the fabled East. The Grand Banks were, and still are , the richest fishing ground in the world. (每段开头格式不对,要空两格英文字符,而不是中文字符)(这篇文章与第17套重复,重新出一篇)36.The Cabots made their voyage for___-A, some European fishermen B, a group of merchantsC, the king of England D, Queen Elizabeth37. The Grand Banks are located ___.A, near England B, off NewfoundlandC, off the European coast D, near Japan38. The fish carried to Europe from the Grand Banks were ___.A, cooked B, frozenC, dried D, fresh39. Implied but not stated: ___.A, New Found Isle was what is now known as NewfoundlandB, The Grand Banks are still a very rich fishing groundC, The Cabots would have found greater treasure if they had found JapanD, The Cabots’s patron punished them for failing to find the route to Japan40. The best title for this selection is ___.A, Sebastian Cabots B, A V oyage to NewfoundlandC, Fishing Round the World D, The Treasure of the Grand BanksPassage T woQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following PassageIn cities with rent control, the city government sets the maximum rent that a landlord can charge for an apartment. Supporters of rent control argue that it protects people who are living in apartments. Their rent cannot increase; therefore, they are not in danger of losing their homes. However, the critics say that after a long time, rent control may have negative effects. Landlords know that they cannot increase their profits. Therefore, they invest in other businesses where they can increase their profits. They do not invest in new buildings which would also be rent-controlled. As a result, new apartments are not built. Many people who need apartments cannot find any. According to the critics, the end result of rent control is a shortage of apartments in the city.Some theorists argue that the minimum wage law can cause problems in the same way. The federal government sets the minimum that an employer must pay workers. The minimum helps people who generally look for unskilled, low-paying jobs. However, if the minimum is high, employers may hire fewer workers. They will replace workers with machinery. The price, which is the wage that employers must pay, increases. Therefore, other things being equal, the number of workers that employers want decreases. Thus, critics claim, an increase in the minimum wage may cause unemployment. Some poor people may find themselves without jobs instead of with jobs at the minimum wage.Supporters of the minimum wage say that it helps people keep their dignity. Because of the law, workers cannot sell their services for less than the minimum. Furthermore, employers cannot force workers to accept jobs at unfair wages.Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production, rent control, and the minimum wage. The predictions may be correct only if “other things are equal”. Economists do not agree on some of the predictions. They also do not agree on the value of different decisions. Some economists support a particular decision while others criticize it. Economists do agree, however, that there are no simple answers to economic questions. (每段开头格式不对,要空两格英文字符,而不是中文字符)41. There is the possibility that setting maximum rent may_______.A) cause a shortage of apartmentsB) worry those who rent apartments as homesC) increase the profits of landlordsD) encourage landlords to invest in building apartment42. According to the critics, rent control_______.A) will always benefit those who rent apartmentsB) is unnecessaryC) will bring negative effects in the long runD) is necessary under all circumstances43. The problem of unemployment will arise_______.A) if the minimum wage is set too high B) if the minimum wage is set too lowC) if the workers are unskilled D) if the maximum wage is set44. The passage tells us_______.A) the relationship between supply and demandB) the possible results of government controlsC) the necessity of government controlD) the urgency of getting rid of government controls45. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A) The results of economic decisions can not always be predicted.B) Minimum wage can not always protect employees.C) Economic theory can predict the results of economic decisions if other factors are not changing.D) Economic decisions should not be based on economic theory..Part V Error Correction (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,总计10分)( 注意:此部分试题在试卷二上,请在试卷二上作答)Part VI T ranslation (本大题共5小题,每小题1分,总计5分)Directions: Complete the following 5 sentences by translating the Chinese given in brackets into English. ( 注意:此部分试题在试卷二上,请在试卷二上作答)。

e =
1 x2
lim tan x
e = x0 2 x
=e 2
3. 设 f (3) 2 ,求 lim x[ f (3 2) f (3)]
解: lim x[ f (3 2) f (3)]
解: y(1) 2x x1 2
切线方程为: y 2x
D 的面积为:
D 绕 x 轴旋转一周的旋转体体积为:
1 (x2 1)2 dx 1 (2x)2 dx 8
七.设 x 是 f (x) a sin x 1 sin 3x 的极值点,求 a 值和该点极值并判断是极大值还是
中的哪一个?为什么?(3 分)
1)n n
的极限为 e1
0.368 ,
(1 1 )1000 1000
a1000 ,所以这个数是接近 0.368 的,
故该数落在区间[1 , 1) 42
第 5 页 共6 页
f (3 2) f (3)
= lim x
x 2
西华大学高等数学考核参考答案(A 卷)

(0, 1 ) 是凸区间,[ 1 , + ∞)是凹区间, ( 1 , 1− ln 2a)是拐点。
2a 2
∫ 3、解:首先,当 x ≠ 0 时,令 xt = s ,则
g(x) =
f (xt)dt =
f (s)ds
∫ xf (x) − f (s)ds
gʹ(x) =
其次,当 x = 0 时,由 f (x) 连续, lim f (x) = 2,知 x→0 x
证:设 F (x) = f (x) − x,则 F (x) 在[0, 1]上连续,在 (0, 1) 内可导,且 Fʹ(x) = f ʹ(x) −1
因为 F(0) = 0, F(1) = f (1) − 1 = 1 > 0, F(1) = f (1) −1 = −1 < 0 2 2 22 1
2 π
]x 4 0
+ [− cos
− sin
2 π
2 −1)
1 x2
1 x cos x
∫ ∫ 3、原式=
−11+ x2 dx +
dx −1 1+ x2
∫ = 2 0 (1− 1+ x2 )dx + 0
+∞ exdx

西华大学期末考试试题卷(2012 至2013 学年第2学期)课程名称:智能控制技术基础考试时间: 60 分钟课程代码: 6004699 试卷总分: 100 分考试形式:开卷学生自带普通计算器: 允许1. 已知由极大极小推理法得到输出模糊集为:试用重心法计算出此推理结果的精确值。
2. 已知某一加炉炉温控制系统,要求温度保持在600℃恒定。
1、解:解:采用离散重心法:2、解法一(针对非确定输入情况):第1页共1 页解:给定值600℃,模糊控制器选用的系统的实际温度T 与温度给定值T d 的误差d e T T =-作为输入语言变量,把控制加热装置的供电电压u 选作输出语言变量。
1)输入输出变量的模糊化2)确定控制规则:规则1、如果误差e 是NB ,则控制U 为NB; 规则2、如果误差e 是NS ,则控制U 为NS; 规则3、如果误差e 是ZE ,则控制U 为ZE; 规则4、如果误差e 是PS ,则控制U 为PS; 规则5、如果误差e 是PB ,则控制U 为PB; 3)确定模糊控制表一维模糊控制器 设模糊控制器的输入变量为e ,输出控制量为u ,则模糊控制规则一般有以下形式:R1: 如果e 是E1,u 是 U1; R2: 如果e 是E2,u 是 U2;...Rn: 如果e 是En,u 是 Un;其中E1,E2,…En,为模糊控制器输入论域上的模糊子集;U1,U2,…Un 为模糊控制器输出论域上的模糊子集;其总的模糊关系:1(,)ni i i R e U E U ==⨯由此得到了模糊控制表。

课程名称:微机原理及应用考试时间:110分钟课程代码:106001379试卷总分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分评卷教师微机原理与应用单元测试试题(1)一、问答题1、下列字符表示成相应的ASCII 码是多少?(1)换行(2)字母“Q”(3)空格2、下列各机器数所表示数的范围是多少?(1)8位二进制无符号定点整数;(2)8位二进制无符号定点小数;(3)16位二进制无符号定点整数;(4)用补码表示的16位二进制有符号整数;3、(111)X=,基数X=4、有一个二进制小数X=0.X 1X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6(1)若使X≥1/2,则X 1……X 6应满足什么条件?X1=1若使X>1/8,则X 1……X 6应满足什么条件?5、有两个二进制数X=01101010,Y=10001100,试比较它们的大小。
(1)X 和Y 两个数均为无符号数;(2)X 和Y 两个数均为有符号的补码数。
二、填空题1、对于R 进制数来说,其基数(能使用的数字符号个数)是,能使用的最小数字符号是。
A)EBCDIC 码B)ASCII 码C)十六进制编码D)二进制编码2、与十进制数56等值的二进制数是。
A)73Q B)37Q C)59Q D)112Q4、与十进制数58.75等值的十六进制数是。
A)A3.CH B)3A.CH C)3A.23H D)C.3AH5、二进制数1101.01转换成十进制数是。

( 20__ 至 20__ 学年第___学期)课程名称:汽车测试基础考试时间: 110 分钟课程代码: 8200940 试卷总分: 100 分考试形式:闭卷学生自带普通计算器: 允许一、判断题(每小题1分,总计10分)1.动态应变仪的标定电桥的输出电压是采用半桥接法工作的。

西华大学考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 西华大学位于中国的哪个省份?A. 四川省B. 陕西省C. 贵州省D. 云南省答案:A2. 西华大学成立于哪一年?A. 1960年B. 1970年C. 1980年D. 1990年答案:A3. 下列哪项不是西华大学提供的专业?A. 机械工程B. 法学C. 航空工程D. 农学答案:D4. 西华大学的主要校区位于哪个城市?A. 成都B. 重庆C. 西安D. 昆明答案:A5. 西华大学的校训是什么?A. 求实创新,厚德载物B. 厚德博学,求是笃行C. 明德新民,止于至善D. 自强不息,厚德载物答案:B6. 西华大学图书馆藏书量超过多少万册?A. 50万B. 100万C. 150万D. 200万答案:C7. 下列哪项不是西华大学的教学特色?A. 工程实践教育B. 创新能力培养C. 文化素质教育D. 单一学科教学答案:D8. 西华大学有多少个学院?A. 18个B. 20个C. 22个D. 25个答案:C9. 西华大学是否拥有博士学位授予权?A. 是B. 否答案:A10. 西华大学的学生总数大约是多少?A. 20000人B. 25000人C. 30000人D. 35000人答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 西华大学提供的学位类型包括哪些?(ABD)A. 学士B. 硕士C. 工程师D. 博士12. 下列哪些是西华大学的教学设施?(ABD)A. 实验室B. 体育馆C. 电影院D. 图书馆13. 西华大学的学生可以参与哪些类型的活动?(ABD)A. 学术研究B. 社团活动C. 体育竞赛D. 文化演出14. 西华大学的科研方向包括哪些领域?(ABD)A. 工程技术B. 人文社会科学C. 军事科学D. 自然科学15. 下列哪些是西华大学的学生服务?(ABC)A. 心理咨询B. 职业规划C. 奖学金发放D. 法律咨询三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 简述西华大学的历史沿革。
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西华大学课程考试(考查)试题卷课程名称:机械设计考试时间:110分钟课程代码:8200570试卷总分:100分一. 单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共12分)1.平键的剖面尺寸通常是根据从标准中选取。
(a)传递的转矩(b)传递的功率(c)轮毂的长度(d)轴的直径2. 滑动螺旋传动,其失效形式多为______。
(a)螺纹牙弯断(b)螺纹磨损(c)螺纹牙剪切(d)螺纹副咬死3. 当两个被联接件之一太厚,不宜制成通孔,且联接不需要经常拆装时,往往采用。
(a)螺栓联接(b)螺钉联接(c)双头螺柱联接(d)紧定螺钉联接4. 带传动的失效形式之一是带的______。
(a)松驰(b)颤动(c)疲劳破坏(d)弹性滑动5. 设计链传动时,为了降低动载荷,一般采用。
(a)较多的链轮齿数z和较小的链节距p (b)较少的z和较小的p(c)较多z的和较大的p(d)较少的z和较大的p6. 两相对滑动的接触表面,依靠吸附的油膜进行润滑的摩擦状态称为______。
(a)液体摩擦(b)干摩擦(c)混合摩擦(d)边界摩擦7. 一减速齿轮传动,小齿轮1选用45钢调质,大齿轮2选用45钢正火,它们的齿面接触应力。
(a)σH1 >σH2(b)σH1 <σH2(c)σH1 =σH2(d)不确定8. 下列四种叙述中______是正确的。
(a)变应力只能由变载荷产生(b)静载荷不能产生变应力(c)变应力是由静载荷产生(d)变应力是由变载荷产生,也可能由静载荷产生二.判断题(题意正确的在括号内填“√”,不正确的填“×”,每题1分,共10分)1. 润滑油的粘度与温度有关,且粘度随温度的升高而降低。
()3. 平键联接可以同时实现轴与轮毂的周向及轴向固定。
()5. 为提高轴的刚度,把轴的材料由45钢改为合金钢是一简便、有效的方法。
()6. 对非液体摩擦的滑动轴承,验算pv ≤[pv]是为了防止轴承过热。
()8. 机械零件设计计算中最基本的设计准则是强度准则。
()9. 单头蜗杆传动蜗杆头数少、效率低、发热多。
()10. 承受横向载荷作用的螺栓联接中,螺栓一定是受剪切作用的。
()三.填空题(每空1分,共23分)1. 常用螺纹按牙型分为、、、。
2. 有一普通圆柱蜗杆传动,已知蜗杆头数z1 = 4,蜗杆直径系数q = 9,蜗轮齿数z2 = 41,模数m =10mm,则蜗杆分度圆直径d1 = mm,蜗轮分度圆直径d2 = mm,传动比i = 。
3. 形成液体动压润滑的必要条件是:(1);(2);(3)。
4. 代号为6312的滚动轴承,其内径d = mm,直径系列为系列,轴承类型名称为,公差等级为级。
5. 设计液体动压向心滑动轴承时,若宽径比B/d取得较大,则轴承端泄量;承载能力;温升。
6. 弹簧旋绕比(或称弹簧指数)C = D/d ,C值愈小,则弹簧刚度,卷制则愈。
7. 图示为起重机卷筒的两种结构方案,试根据Ⅱ轴的受力情况判断轴的类型。
其中:(a) 方案中的Ⅱ轴为轴;(b) 方案中的Ⅱ轴为轴。
相应的强度计算方法:(a) 方案按强度条件计算;(b)方案按强度条件计算。
四. (8分)普通V带传动所传递的功率P = 7.5 kW,带速v =10 m/s ,工作情K=1.2,单根V带在该工况下的许用功率[P] = 2.5 kW,现测得带的况系数A预紧力F0 =800 N,试求:(1)带的根数Z;(2)带的有效拉力F e、紧边拉力F1、松边拉力F2 。
五.(10分)一对闭式软齿面标准直齿圆柱齿轮传动,已知中心距a = 175mm,齿数比u = 4,齿宽b1=65mm,b2 = 60mm,小齿轮为主动,其转速n1= 960 rpm,大、小齿轮均为钢制,两齿轮的许用接触应力分别为[σH] 1 = 650 Mpa,,[σH] 2 = 620 Mpa,载荷系数K=1.3。
试按接触疲劳强度计算该对齿轮所能传递的最大名义功率P kW。
提示:uubdKFZZ tHEH11±⋅=σZ E =189.8 MPa1/2 , Z H =2.5六.(12分)图(a)表示某提升机构,1、2为斜齿圆柱齿轮,3为右旋蜗杆,4为蜗轮,它和钢丝卷筒固联在一起,要求Ⅱ轴上的轴向力能互相抵消一部分。
试在图上画出:(1) 提升重物时,斜齿轮1、2和蜗杆3、蜗轮4各啮合点处所受各分力的方向(画在图(b)上);(2) 标出各轴的转向;(3) 判断斜齿轮1、2的螺旋线方向,并画在图上;判断并说明蜗轮4的螺旋线方向。
已知:轴上的轴向载荷F ae = 800 N(方向如图示),轴上的径向载荷F re = 3000 N,轴的转速n = 450 r/min;载荷系数f P = 1.2。
试计算:(1)轴承Ⅰ、Ⅱ所受的径向载荷F r1、F r2;轴承上的派生轴向力F d1、F d2,并在图上画出其方向;(2)轴承Ⅰ、Ⅱ所受的轴向载荷F a1 、F a 2 ;(3)轴承Ⅰ、Ⅱ的当量动载荷P1 、P2 ;(4)Ⅰ、Ⅱ轴承中哪一个轴承的寿命较短?为多少小时?轴承型号派生轴向力F deF a/ F r≤eF a/ F r > e基本额定动载荷C(N)7207AC 0.68 F r0.68 X Y X Y29000 1 0 0.41 0.87八.(12分)图示为某减速器输出轴的结构图,试指出图中的设计错误以及错误原因。
说明:(1) 滚动轴承的类型为深沟球轴承,采用双支点各单向固定;(2) 在错误处画圆圈并编上序号,然后在图下方的空白处分别说明各处错误的原因。
西华大学课程考试(考查)参考答案课程名称:机械设计考试时间:110分钟课程代码:8200570 试卷总分:100 分一. 单项选择题(每小题1.5分,共12分)1.(d)2.(b)3.(b)4.(c)5.(a)6.(d)7.(c)8.(d)二. 判断题(题意正确的在括号内填“√”,不正确的填“×”,每题1分,共10分)1.√ 2.×3.×4.×5.×6.√ 7.√ 8.√ 9.√ 10.×三. 填空题(每空1分,共23分)1.三角形、矩形、梯形、锯齿形2.90、410、10.253.相对运动的两表面间必须形成收敛的楔形间隙;被油膜分开的两表面必须有一定的相对滑动速度,其运动方向必须使润滑油由大口流进,小口流出;润滑油必须有一定的粘度,供油要充分。
4.60、中系列、深沟球轴承、普通级(0级) 5.小、高、高 6.愈大、困难7.心轴、转轴、弯曲、弯扭合成四. 本题共8分(1)[]⨯==P P K Z A 取Z = 4 根 2分 (2)∵1000v F P e =kW ∴ 750105.710001000=⨯==v P F e N 2分11752750800201=+=+=e F F F N 2分4252750800202=-=-=e F F F N 2分五. (本题共10分)∵()u d a +=121 ∴ 70411752121=+⨯=+=u a d mm 2分2b b ==60 mm []6202==H H σσ MPa 2分又112d T F t =∴ 满足齿面接触疲劳强度的条件式可写为[]H HE H u bd u KT Z Z σσ≤+=211)1(2 2分故[]4.1544451443.1270605.28.18962012222121=+⋅⨯⨯⋅⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⨯=+⋅⋅⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛≤u u K bd ZZ T HE H σN·mm 2分又 1611055.9n PT ⨯= N·mm∴ 53.151055.99604.1544451055.96611=⨯⨯=⨯⋅=n T P kW 2分六. (本题共12分)评分参考:(1)6分;(2)3分;(3)3分;七. (本题共13分)(1)求轴承上的径向载荷 1.5分1200300052521=⨯=⨯=re r F F N 1800300053532=⨯=⨯=re r F F N求派生轴向力(画方向 →、 ←) 2.5分816120068.068.011=⨯==r d F F N ,1224180068.068.022=⨯==r d F F N (2)求轴承上的轴向载荷 3分∵ 211616800816d ae d F F F >=+=+∴ 1轴承被放松,2轴承被压紧故 81611==d a F F N ,161612=+=ae d a F F F N (3)求当量动载荷 3分∵ eF F r a ===68.0120081611 ∴0111==Y X ∴ e F F r a >==90.01800161622 ∴87.041.022==Y X 故∴()144012002.111111=⨯=+=a r P F Y F X f PN ()()70.2572161687.0180041.02.122222=⨯+⨯=+=a r P F Y F X f P N(4)求轴承寿命 3分∵12P P > ∴ 2轴承的寿命较低2.5304770.2572290004506010601036262=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛⨯=⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=εP C n L h ht 1F a 1a 2r 1 F 2t 3F 4F a 3F a F r 3t 4t 右八.(12分)评分参考:8×1.5 = 12 (答对8处即得满分)①右支点轴承没有轴向定位及固定措施,故整根轴在机器中的位置不确定;②套筒左端的外径尺寸超过了轴承内圈的定位高度,无法安装拆卸器勾爪,不便轴承拆卸;③轴与齿轮的配合长度应略短于齿轮轮毂长度,以使定位、固定准确可靠;④轴伸处的键槽长度尺寸过大,已超过了安装端盖的位置,键无法装入;⑤左端轴承装到位前所经过的轴段直径应略小,以便于其装拆,且保证其配合性质;⑥外伸轴上安装的传动零件无轴向定位措施;⑦左端轴承端盖中部的孔与外伸轴之间有很大的相对运动速度,其间应留有间隙;⑧左端轴承端盖中部的孔与外伸轴之间应考虑密封装置,以防润滑剂向外流失及外界灰尘、杂质的侵入;⑨左右两个轴承端盖下无调整垫片;⑩轴承座孔附近的机体上可开设油沟,使轴承得到较为可靠的油润滑。