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设计中常用的英文词汇2012-04 月cherlead 整理Page1


安装图installation plan

按鞋楦设计鞋样building up a shoe design on last 按样板制作的pattern-shaped

按照客户的指定设计design on buyer specified

暗边pump edge

暗拉链invisible zip



巴黎鞋号paris point

百分(数)误差percentage error 误差百分数

半号half size

帮脚打褶pleat , pleating

绑脚大小allowance for method of lasting

绑脚宽度edge width

帮面件打号upper marking

帮面件刻花边upper nicking

帮面件片边upper skiving


帮面件折边outside turning-in

帮面挠nao性upper appearance

帮面装饰upper decoration , upper dressing

帮样shoe pattern, upper pattern,upper patterns

帮样裁剪pattern cutting

帮样裁剪师pattern designer


帮样组件sectional pattern parts

包边binding-on , bound ,braiding,edge,edging


包边缝线binding stitching, edge stitching

包跟样板heel cover pattern

包头长度cap depth

包头尺寸不合标准off size of toe cap

包头线tip line ,cap line


包楦不平服wrapping not even , wrapping not tight

包中底plateform wrapping


包住lap ,embed ,embedment

包型楦tree ,tree foot

背中线,楦面中线center line of a last,front lines, instep line 绷帮lasting , shoe lasting 再绷帮,二次绷帮是relast

两步绷帮(用两台机器完成)是two-operation lasting

绷帮帮脚成形feather clearing

绷帮边(帮脚)lasting edge

绷帮不平服unbalanced lasting

绷帮钳laster's pincers, lasting pincers ,lasting tool

绷帮鞋楦lasting last

绷帮裕度allowance for method of lasting ,lasting allowance,lasting margin 绷边pulled-over edge , upper margin seat

绷边褶皱pleat, pleating

绷衬里lining lasting

绷跟heel seat lasting

边宽edge width

边楞fin 指鞋楦的边楞

变更设计change in design

变更颜色change in colour


变换transform , transformation

便鞋鞋样设计sandal designing

标记marking-up 指“打上商标”等,做“标记”“作记号”是tick

标样楦copying model last 复制用,master model last

标志mark , identification 符号,identifying mark记号,indicia

标志不当mis identification

标准脚standard foot

标准脚型normal foot

标准口门one vamp curve

标准试样standard sample , reference test block

标准外形regular pattern

标准误差standard error

标准鞋grade footwear

标准鞋楦standard last

标准样板standard pattern

标准样品standard sample

不对称asymmetry , dissymmetry unsymmetry , unsymmetry 不对(的)as. ( asymmetric )

不对称的irregular , dissymmetric

不对称帮样asymmetric upperpattern

不对称设计asymmetrical design

不对称鞋帮asymmetrical upper

不对称鞋楦asymmetrical last

不对称样板,不对称样式asymmetrical design

不计加工余量的样板net pattern 净样

补强作用reinforing action , strengthening action

部分扩缩section grading

部件part , parts , semi-finished , piece

部件装配图partial assembly drawing

布鲁克林接缝(剖缝贴衬)brooklyn seam

裁断样板cut pattern , garniture

裁断裕量cutting area allowance , cutting gain
