爱立信 G产品资料




2 0 0 8 1 16
起 伏 指 尖 的波 浪
移 动 的互 联 网

采 用 了 索 尼 爱 立 信 传 统 的直 板 外 观 设 计

机 身黑 色 为
用S 款男女 皆
y m b ia

款 入 门级 的 移 动 互 联 网 机 型

-- -
_ . - _ _ - - ._ _ _ _ - _ _ . _ _ . . _ - _

l I
好娱 乐好 心 情
尽 管 索尼 爱立 信 不 是 每款 手 机 都强 调 音 乐 功能

t ~ lJ览 器

浏 览 器 默 讨 的 主 页 是 中 国移
a rt

在 菜 单 中也 有 明 显 的提 示



该 浏 览 器 支持 自动 调 整 页 面 的 S m

F it 模 式
索尼 爱立 信 G 5 0 2 c ~
头 区域

同 样 采 用香 槟 金 色 色 块 装 饰

必 须 另 外唇 置蓝 牙 的 G P s 接 收 模 块 己

而 G o o g le M a p s 同 样 也 需 要
每 个按 键采 用 拱形 设 计

使机 器 看 上 去 有 些

连 接 互 联 网 使 用 才行
别致 的同 时

也 让 按 键 层 次感 更 明 显

爱立信5G 基站产品说明

爱立信5G 基站产品说明

DoT44 2.6G 100M v3
— 一期产品 — 通道数: NR 2.6G 4T4R、FDD 1.8G 2T2R、TDD 2.3G 2T2R — 尺寸(L):2L — 重量: 2Kg — 工作频带宽度:100MHz+25MHz+50MHz — 滤波器带宽及范围:160MHz+25MHz+50MHz(2515-2675 MHz、1710-
爱立信5G 二期基站产品说明
Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21
BB 6630 v2
— 本期新增产品 — 尺寸:宽*高*深 483mm*44.5mm*350mm — 重量:小于6.5kg — NR单模能力:3*100M NR(64T/32T/8T)、 6*100M NR(4T/2T/4T DOT) — LTE单模能力:9*20M LTE(64T/32T)、12*20M LTE(8T) — 支持pRRU的数量:48 NR/48 LTE — 支持48个pRRU合并成一个小区 — 支持北斗/GPS双模,无需额外硬件支持1588V2带外方式 — 回传接口:2*10G光/电口+2*1G电口 — IR接口:6*25G — 供电:直流-48V
1735MHz/1805-1830MHz、 2320MHz~2370MHz) — 配置方式:2.6G:NR+TDD
1.8G:GSM+NB+FDD 2.3G:TDD — 输出功率:2.6G:4x250mW 1.8G:2x125mW 2.3G:2x125mW — 功耗: 55W — 供电方式: POE — 级联情况:不支持
Ericsson Internal | 2018-02-21
DoT44 2.6G 100M v2



快速分 享信息 。与其他P C或产权 解决 方案相 比 , o
摩 托罗拉 新一代 的P C 决方案提 供快速 的呼 叫建 o 解 立 ,实用 的 “ 好友列 表”功能 ,以及一个 可 以支持 不同厂商 生产 的多种移动设备 的开放式 系统 ( 些 这
移 动 设 备 需 装 有 P C客 户 端 软 件 )。 除 此 之 外 ,该 o
Байду номын сангаас
索 尼 爱 立 信 手 机 G5 2 0c 倾 情 上 市
为 满 足 主 流 年 轻 用 户 对 手 机 的 个 性需 求 和娱 乐需 求 ,索 尼 爱 立 信 日前在 国内 正式 推 出了最 新 产 品
G5 2 0 c。这款 采 用高 亮烤漆 工 艺 的
直板 手 机 ,拥有 立体 感十 足 的 波浪 型 按键 设 计 和创 新 的 横竖 双 向浏 览 / 操作 模 式 ,同时 娱 乐功能 也十 分全 面 。G5 2 延续 了 索尼 爱立 信 经典 0 c
上述产 品均可根据 用户要 求定制 ,详情 请登录公司网站 了解 ,ht / t p:/ www.Db we.o C —o i m。 c
I地 址 :中 国 ・ 北 ・ 家 庄 市 鹿 泉 经 济 技术 开 发 区 昌盛 大 街 2 ] 河 石 1号 ( 5 2 0 0 00 ) ;— Emai r a・ wei om qi @c — owe.or l l :I@c bo . c an a b i n c [ 电话 : 31 )7 9l9I 3 3 6 8 8 0 8 7 : ] ( 8 0 8 、8 9 3 8 、 7 91 8 0 1 jI 真 : 31) 7 91 8 传 f O 18 0 2 2
建立延迟 时间及更 好的服务质 量 ( S)等。摩托 Qo 罗拉 的端 到端无线 一键通解 决方案 ,可 为装 有P C o



CDU-C Duplexer
TX1 TX2 RX1... RX6
Duplexer CDU-C+
TXin1 TXin2 CDU-C
HL out HL in
RX out1 RX out2 RX out3 RX out4 RX o ut5 RX o ut6
Duplexer CDU-C(1)
Duplexer CDU-C(2)
... RX6
爱立信 2G 基站介绍 目录 1.………………………………………………………………………………………简介 2.………………………………………………………………………………………硬件介绍 3.………………………………………………………………………………………OMT 介绍 4.………………………………………………………………………………………常见故障
CDU-A 与 TRU 连接示意图
CDU-A应用总结 1 个TRU时:需要1个CDU-A, 2根接收天线和 1 根发射天线 2个TRU时: 需要1个CDU-A, 2根接收天线和 2 根发射天线 CDU-A可以单独使用(有2个天线连接端子〕

美国爱立信Eaton公司Arrow Hart系列产品说明书

美国爱立信Eaton公司Arrow Hart系列产品说明书

Eaton’s Arrow Hart locking devices now offer enhanced safety withcolor coding to help you easily identify circuit voltage.Eaton’s Color Coded Locking Devices are anindustry-first solution that adds six voltage rating color codes to plugs, connectors, inlets, outlets and receptacles.Perfect for:Welding, generators, power distribution units, stage and entertainment equipment, trade shows, conventions, temporary power, industrial machinery and equipmentFeatures & benefits • Six color codes consistent with IEC 60309 standard to identify voltage ratings at a glance • Voltage ratings are printed on device in a location which is visible even when devices are mated • Ergonomic ultra grip design on plugs and connectors are easier to handle during use • Double dovetail cord grip provides superior cord alignment and clamp force for wire retention The superior safety of Eaton’s Arrow Hart locking devices has been enhanced withcolor coding to provide you a quick, clear and easy way to identify your circuit voltage . Designed to provide the long lasting, dependable service you’ve come to expect from Arrow Hart plugs and connectors, ourcolor coded locking devices are the perfect solution for your commercial and industrial applications.Connect with Color Find your voltage - find your NEMA - find your e the chart below tofind the color for your devices. See our NEMA selector guide for our full product offering./wiringdevices125/250 V/AC L10, L14, Non-NEMA250 V/AC L63Ø 250 V/AC L11, L153ØY 120/208 V/AC L18, L21, 480 V/ACL8 3Ø 480 V/ACL163ØY 277/480 V/ACL19, L223Ø 600 V/ACL173ØY 347/600 V/AC L20, L23Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton BoulevardCleveland, OH 44122United States© 2019 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. BR630010ENNovember 2019Electrical Sector203 Cooper CirclePeachtree City, GA 30269United States/wiringdevicesElectrical SectorCanada Operations5925 McLaughlin RoadMississauga, Ontario, L5R 1B8CanadaEatonCanada.ca/wiringdevicesElectrical SectorMexico OperationsCarr. Tlalnepantla -Cuautitlan Km 17.8 s/nCol. Villa Jardin esq.Cerrada 8 de MayoCuautitlan, Mexico CP 54800MexicoEaton.mx/wiringdevicesAt Eaton, we believe that power is a fundamental part of just about everything people do. Technology, transportation, energy andinfrastructure-these are things the world relies on every day. That’s why Eaton is dedicated to helping our customers find newways to manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power more efficiently, safely and sustainably. To improve people’s lives, thecommunities where we live and work, and the planet our future generations depend upon. Because that’s what really matters. Andwe’re here to make sure it works.See more at /whatmatters*We make what matters work.*。



小区选择参数(ACCMIN、CCHPWR) 小区选择的标准
RELEV----MS所接收的信号电平 ACCMIN----MS接入系统时所需的最小接收电平(系统信息中给出) CCHPWR---MS在RACH信道上的发射功率(系统信息中 给出) P---MS的最大发射功率(因不同的级别的MS而不同)
北京联通网优项目 技术交流
西安汇诚电信有限责任公司 2009-9-25
总目 录
第一部分:汇诚简介 第二部分:GSM网络优化介绍 第三部分:爱立信无线优化参数介绍 第四部分:讨论
1、小区选择参数 2、小区重选参数 3、切换参数 4、功控参数 5、无线链路断开参数 6、半速率调整参数
在远离当前小区的另一个小区上建立,导致质量更差。参数BQOFFSET用于定义差质量紧急区域,以便MS可以 定位来满足差质切换 如果 K_RANK n < -KHYST s,n -BQOFFSET s,n,该相邻小区n 不包括在服务小区的质差紧急切换区域内 如果 L_RANK n > LHYST s,n + BQOFFSET s,n,该相邻小区n 不包括在服务小区的质差紧急切换区域内 BQOFFSET(3、0~63)仅在同层小区间有效 对质差(上行、下行链路或全部)、超TA 、紧急情况,切换成功后需要对原小区进行惩罚。 质差---惩罚值:PSSBQ(30)、惩罚时间:PTIMBQ(20)、 超TA --- 惩罚值:PSSTA(30)、惩罚时间:PTIMTA(15) 0~63/0~600s

爱立信5G 一期基站产品介绍

爱立信5G 一期基站产品介绍

爱立信5G 一期基站产品说明产品概览产品描述产品名称BB6630基带板Air 645464通道AAS 160MRadio 22282通道RRUDoT44 2.6G 100M v1单模分布式皮站DoT44 2.6G 100M v2多模分布式皮站,B3+N41DoT44 2.6G 100M v3多模分布式皮站,B3+B40+N41Baseband 6630—外围尺寸:高*宽*深44mm*483mm*313mm,1U,19英寸机框—重量:小于6.5kg—3*100MHz小区配置—支持GPS/Glonass/Beidou/1588V2PTP/Sync. E同步参考输入—2*10GE/1GE 光/电,2*1GE电回传接口;9*10GE Ir接口—整机额定功耗:180瓦—供电:直流-48VAIR 6454—支持频段: 2515-2675 MHz—通道数:64T64R—天线阵子数:192—OBW:160MHz—IBW:160 MHz—流数:16 DL / 8 UL layers—输出功率:240 W—EIRP:78.3 dBm—尺寸:961.5*509.5*178(mm) —重量:~47 kg—功耗:1.3KW—供电:-48V产品规格介绍——Radio 2228微站 2.6G 2通道设备型号Radio 2228尺寸(宽×高×深)380×350×130mm尺寸(L)18L重量(Kg)18Kg供电方式(直流/交流/交直流)-48DC功耗~600W工作频带宽度100MHz滤波器带宽及范围2515-2675 MHzNR工作频率范围2515-2675 MHz输出功率(例:8*10W)2x100W光纤接口(个数×速率)2x10G光纤拉远距离单级10km/4级40 km级联情况支持RRU接头方式(N型/集束/其他) 4.3-10型产品规格介绍——DoT44 2.6G 100M v1NR 2.6G 4通道设备型号DoT44 2.6G 100M v1尺寸(宽×高×深)200mm 直径50mm 高尺寸(L)<1.5L重量(Kg)<1.1Kg供电方式(直流/交流/交直流)POE功耗<35W工作频带宽度100MHz 滤波器带宽及范围2515 -2675 MHz (160MHz)工作频率范围2515 -2675 MHz (160MHz)输出功率(例:8*10W)4x250mW产品规格介绍——DoT44 2.6G 100M v2NR 2.6G 4通道FDD-LTE 1800 2通道设备型号DoT44 2.6G 100M v2尺寸(宽×高×深)80*420*210 mm尺寸(L)<5L重量(Kg)<2Kg供电方式(直流/交流/交直流)POE功耗<45W工作频带宽度2.6G带宽:100M 1.8G带宽:25M滤波器带宽及范围2.6G频段:2515 -2675 MHz 1.8G频段:1805-1830MHz工作频率范围2.6G频段:2515 -2675 MHz 1.8G频段:1805-1830MHz输出功率(例:8*10W)2.6G:4x250mW 1.8G:2x125mW产品规格介绍——DoT44 2.6G 100M v3NR 2.6G 4通道TD-LTE E频段2通道FDD-LTE 1800 2通道设备型号DoT44 2.6G 100M v3尺寸(宽×高×深)80*420*210 mm尺寸(L)<5L重量(Kg)<2Kg供电方式(直流/交流/交直流)POE功耗<55W工作频带宽度2.6G带宽:100M 2.3G带宽:40M 1.8G带宽:25M滤波器带宽及范围2.6G频段:2515 -2675 MHz 2.3G频段:2320-2370MHz 1.8G频段:1805-1830MHz工作频率范围2.6G频段:2515 -2675 MHz 2.3G频段:2320-2370MHz 1.8G频段:1805-1830MHz输出功率(例:8*10W)2.6G:4x250mW 2.3G:2x125mW 1.8G:2x125mW。



无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无
Eri-R12061 Eri-R12062 Eri-R12063 Eri-R12064 Eri-R12065 Eri-R12066 Eri-R12067 Eri-R12068 Eri-R12069 Eri-R12070 Eri-R12071 Eri-R12072 Eri-R12073 Eri-R12074 Eri-R12075 Eri-R12076 Eri-R12077 Eri-R12078 Eri-R12079 Eri-R12080 Eri-R12081
无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无
Eri-R12082 Eri-R12083 Eri-R12084 Eri-R12085 Eri-R12086 Eri-R12087 Eri-R12088 Eri-R12089 Eri-R12090 Eri-R12091 Eri-R12092 Eri-R12093 Eri-R12094 Eri-R12095 Eri-R12096 Eri-R12097 Eri-R12098 Eri-R12099 Eri-R12100 Eri-R12无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 无
Eri-R12166 Eri-R12167 Eri-R12168 Eri-R12169 Eri-R12170 Eri-R12171 Eri-R12172 Eri-R12173 Eri-R12174 Eri-R12175 Eri-R12176 Eri-R12177 Eri-R12178 Eri-R12179 Eri-R12180 Eri-R12181 Eri-R12182 Eri-R12183 Eri-R12184 Eri-R12185 Eri-R12186



爱立信公司 RBS6201 RUS01 BSS R12 MCPA 无 是 室内 支持 否 48 6 3X16 RBS6201 RUS02 BSS R12 MCPA 无 无 室内 支持 否 96 6 3X24 RBS6601 RRUS01 BSS R12 MCPA 无 RBS6601 RRUS02 BSS R12 MCPA 无 RBS6601 RRUS12 BSS R12 MCPA 无
单机柜占地面积(m ) 安装方式 可否靠墙放置 满配时重量(kg)(单机柜) 供电方式 机柜进出线方式 节能环保部分 满配最大功率输出时的整机功耗(W)(单机柜) 满配仅BCCH载波工作下整机功耗 网络正常话务下,主业务处理器负荷百分比 如果设备支持基于时隙的PA关断,触发时间 (多少个时隙空闲后才触发关断) 如果设备支持基于时隙的PA关断,PA激活时间 (提前多少个时隙激活) 如果设备支持基于时隙的PA关断,分别给出关 断前后单个TRX模块和整机的功耗变化(分别 给出数值,按基站满配下,50%的设备处于关 断状态) 如果设备支持基于时隙的PA关断,对基带跳频 和射频跳频的影响 如果设备支持TRX关断,触发时隙数目或触发 时间(多少个时隙多长时间空闲后才触发关 断) 如果设备支持TRX关断,激活时间是多少(提 前多长时间激活) 如果设备支持TRX关断,分别给出关断前后单 TRX模块和整机的功耗变化(分别给出数值, 按基站满配下,50%的设备处于关断状态) 如果设备支持TRX关断,对基带跳频和射频跳 频的影响 支持节能及环保的其它技术 其他特点 备件通用性 是否可以内置传输单元 有无塔放接口 有无内置避雷装置
4 TRX(一级合路) 4 TRX(一级合路)
8TRX(无合路) 16TRX(一级合路) 支持 支持 否 MCPA
支持 6dB 支持 否 是

索尼爱立信 G502C 手机说明书

索尼爱立信 G502C 手机说明书
在使用本手机前,请阅读安全及有效使用指南 和 有限保修 章节。
本手机能够另外下载、存储和转发一些附加内容, 例如铃声。第三方拥有的权利 (包括但不限于遵照 适用的版权法施加的限制)可能会限制或禁止使用 这类内容。对于您另外下载的内容或从本手机转发 的这类内容,您 (而非索尼爱立信)应当负全部责 任。在您使用任何附加内容之前,请检查您的预期 用途是否拥有适当的许可证或者其他形式的授权。 索尼爱立信不保证任何附加内容或任何第三方内容 的准确性、完整性或质量。无论在何种情况下, 对于您对附加内容或其他第三方内容的不当使用, 索尼爱立信概不负责。
连接 ................................... 47
设定 ............................................... 47 手机名 ........................................... 47 使用互联网 .................................... 48 Web 因子 ...................................... 49 Bluetooth™ ( 蓝牙 ) 无线技术 ....... 50 使用 USB 连接线 .......................... 52 同步 ............................................... 53 自助软件更新服务 ......................... 55
索引 ................................... 71
2 目录 This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.



Eaton 198859Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 8.5 A, 4 kW, Sensor input 4, 400/480 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q4/2, with manual override switch, with braking resistance, with fanGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1988594015081969173195 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.78 kg IEC/EN 61800-5-1 RoHS UL 61800-5-1 UL approval CEProduct NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on roundRASP5-8404A31-412R101S1480 VIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.4 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Internal DC linkBreaking resistanceIGBT inverterManual override switchTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationKey switch position AUTOBraking resistanceFanPTC thermistor monitoringKey switch position HANDControl unitPC connectionKey switch position OFF/RESETThermo-click with safe isolation Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.epsETN.RASP5-8404A31-412R101S1.edzIL034085ZUrasp5_v29.stpramo5_v29.dwgConfiguration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5DA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfModel CodeMains voltage - max10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - max Output voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Ambient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:BrochureDisegnieCAD modelIstruzioni di installazionemCAD modelNote per l'applicazioneReport di certificazione busbar junctionDiagnostics andreset on deviceand via AS-Interfaceintegrated PTCthermistormonitoring andThermoclick withsafe isolationoptional: 4sensor inputswith M12-Yadapter forswitchover tocreep speedoptional: Fasterstop if external24 V failsTwo sensorinputs throughM12 sockets(max. 150 mA)for quick stopand interlockedmanualoperationwith AUTO -OFF/RESET -HAND keyswitcheswith selectorswitch REV -OFF - FWD0 HzStarting current - max200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power sectionRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)10 kAAmbient operating temperature - max40 °CCommunication interfaceAS-InterfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase5 HPOutput frequency - max500 HzSwitching frequency8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitFeaturesParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: drivesConnectDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-InterfaceInternal and on heat sink, temperature-controlled Fan Parameterization: KeypadParameterization: FieldbusAmbient operating temperature - min-10 °CBraking current≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Nominal output current I2N8.5 A10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Product categorySpeed controllerRadio interference classC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions onlyHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug) 400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase5 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolASIAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modules10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP65NEMA 12Ambient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VConnectionPlug type: HAN Q4/2Overload currentFor 60 s every 600 sFunctionsFor actuation of motors with mechanical brakeBrake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic braking1 potentiometer speed3 fixed speeds4-quadrant operation possibleOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max4 kWMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Leakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAConverter typeU converter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesNumber of inputs (analog)Number of phases (output)310.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)Efficiency98 % (η)System configuration typeAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Switch-on threshold for the braking transistor765 VDCProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Braking voltage400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brakeApplication in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 5017810.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overload current IL at 150% overload12.7 AInput current ILN at 150% overload7.8 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4Current limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.8 - 8.5 A, motor, main circuitCable lengthC1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz5 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Rated operational current (Ie)8.5 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase4 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modeBLDC motorsSynchronous reluctance motorsU/f controlPM and LSPM motorsSensorless vector control (SLV)Rated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, On-delay< 10 ms, Off-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption95 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)1Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequency Resistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torque≤ 30 % (I/Ie)Adjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuitRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Number of HW-interfaces (parallel)Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tutti i diritti riservati. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia5 HP Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)351.6 W at 25% current and 0% speed 53.8 W at 25% current and 50% speed 60.9 W at 50% current and 0% speed 64 W at 50% current and 90% speed 65.4 W at 50% current and 50% speed 85.1 W at 100% current and 0% speed 94 W at 100% current and 50% speed 95.3 W at 100% current and 90% speed 0Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 mAssigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase InterfacesNumber of phases (input)Heat dissipation at current/speed Number of interfaces (PROFINET)Altitude。



Eaton Series G completemolded case circuit breakerGEB4080FFMUPC:782116984442Dimensions:Height: 5.5 INqLength: 2.99 INqWidth: 4 INqWeight:4 LBWarranties:Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year fromqthe date of installation of the Product oreighteen (18) months from the date of shipmentof the Product, whichever occurs first.Specifications:Amperage Rating: 80AqInterrupt Rating: 25 kAIC at 240 Vac, 18 kAICqat 415/480 VacNumber Of Poles: Four-poleqVoltage Rating: 480 VacqTrip Type: Fixed thermal, fixed magneticqCircuit Breaker Type: GEqCircuit Breaker Frame Type: CompleteqbreakerFrame Size: EG-frameqProtection: 0% protected neutral poleqTerminals: Line and load end capsqMounting Hardware: MetricqSupporting documents:Application of Multi-Wire Terminals for MoldedqCase Circuit BreakersApplication of Tap Rules to Molded CaseqBreaker TerminalsStrandAble terminals product aidqSeries G MCCB quick selectorqPlug-in adapters for molded case circuitqbreakers product aidMotor protection circuit breakers product aidqCurrent limiting molded case circuit breakerqmodule for series G, JG and CLCircuit breaker motor operators product aidqMulti-wire lugs product aidqMolded case circuit breakers providing higherqlevels of selective coordination product aidHigh performance operating handles for SeriesqG circuit breakers product aidPower metering and monitoring with ModbusqRTU product aidComprehensive circuit protection for controlqpanel applicationsCurrent limiting molded case circuit breakerqmodule product aidEatons Volume 4-Circuit ProtectionqMolded case circuit breakersqFixed and Adjustable Thermal Trip GE MouldedqCase Circuit BreakerBreaker service centersqEaton Specification Sheet - GEB4080FFMqMOEM MCCB product selection guideqNG and ND-Frame molded case circuitqbreakersCertifications:IEC RatedqProduct compliance: No Data______________________________________________________________________© 2016 Eaton. All rights reserved.。



1、爱立信基站主设备介绍硬件故障软件故障动力故障传输故障更换载频时,注意戴上防静电环,防止静电危害人体健康人体上的静电影响载频板子载频驻波比告警出现的原因有:(1)、载频连线CS-03等连接线;(2)、载频;(3)、耦合器与合路器;(4)、天馈系统引起扩容后基站无法正常工作的原因:(1) 扩容载频坏;(2) 扩容载频槽位坏;(3) BTS背板坏;(4) BTS背板连接排线坏影响小区覆盖大小的要紧因素有基站天线高度、天线下倾角、天线特性、基站发射功率、接收机灵敏度等在更换BCCH载频时不需要关闭TEL (错)1.RBS2206基站中,有4个G.703接口。


2.RBS2206中,目前要紧使用的CDU类型有CDU-G 与CDU-F3.一个RBS2206机架最多可支持 6 个dTRU。

4.爱立信2202设备四条总线本地总线 , 时钟总线 ,X总线, CDU bus线,5.DXU21 DCP 与时隙上的关系对应表。

A端口:1 至 31B端口:33 至 63C端口:287 至 317D端口:319 至 349CDU-C,C+所含的合成器为 HCOMB ,CDU-D所含的合成器为FCOMB ,CDU-C+既可接成A 型接法,又可接成C型接法,GSM900本架内从HLOUT连到HLIN时要加 3dB衰减头。


我省使用爱立信宏蜂窝设备的型号要紧为RBS2000系列的2202与 2206 ;2000系列机架连接方式有级连, TG同步与主附架。


(T)7.下列( D )项不是TRU的功能?A、功率放大B、信号处理C、VSWR监视D、发射信号合成8.RBS2000中有()条LOCAL BUS?每条LOCAL BUS上最多携带()个载波?A、1,6B、2,6C、4,4D、1,19.dTRU can handle how many users on one GSM Time Slot?BA) 1B) 2C) 6D) 1210.What is needed if you want to change RBS 2206 power system from AC to –48 volts?BA)Direct connection to IDMB) -48 volt PSU onlyC)DCCU and –48 V DC PSUD)DCCU and +24 V DC PSU11.The Main DC supply voltage in the RBS is__________.BA) - 24 VDCB) + 24 VDCC) - 48 VDCD) + 48 VDC12.From where to where Y-link is connected?DA)CDU-G to CDU-FB)CDU to CXUC)CDU to dTRUD)DXU front to dTRU backplane13.The dTRU performs which of the following?DA) Signal Modulation/Demodulation and Amplification.B) Burst formatting, ciphering, interleaving & speech coding.C) Cross connect timeslot information.D) Both A and B.14.What is the meaning of multidrop ? BA) A quick way of decreasing the temperature inside the cabinet.B) Casacading of PCM-links between RBS’s.C) A quick way of decreasing the outputpower of the TRU’s.D) All calls are dropped when you push the reset button on one of the TRU’s.15.The PSUs are responsible for_______________.CA) Controlling the usage of the backup batteriesB) Receiving the input AC main supply and distributing it throughout the cabinetC) Transforming and rectifying input AC power and providing dc input supplyto the IDMD) Supervising power management and controlling the charging of the backup batteries16.What is the idea of using a combiner?BA)Up to four sites can share one PCM linkB)Several TRXs can share one antenna systemC)The mobile can listen to two base stations at the same timeD)Only one base station is needed per siteE)Sending and transmitting can be performed from the same antenna17.The TRU handles how many timeslots per carrier?AA)8B) 3C)32D)1618.天线增益是如何获得的?BA)在天线系统中使用功率放大器B)使天线的辐射变得更集中C)使用高效率的天馈线D)使用低驻波比的设备19.It is possible to have mixed CDU’s in the cabinet. Which combinations areallowed?DA) CDU type A and CDU type C+B) CDU type A and CDU type CC) CDU type A and CDU type DD) Both A and B20.Which unit enables connection of multiple transmitters to the same antenna?AA) Combining and Distribution Unit (CDU)B) Power Supply Unit (PSU)C) Transceiver Unit (TRU)D) Distribution Switch Unit (DXU)21.The ACCU performs which of the following?BA) Supplies DC power to the batteries.B) Provides circuit breaker protection for the PSU’sC) Distributes power to the IDM’sD) Provides circuit breaker protection for all Main RU’s in the cabinet22.Which type of CDU is a narrowband combiner?DA) CDU-AB) CDU-CC) CDU-C+D) CDU-D23.Which of the following can the OMT perform?DA) Read the cabinets Installation DatabaseB) Reconfigure the cabinets Installation DatabaseC) Display faults in the RBSD) All of the above24.The PSUs are responsible for __________________CA) controlling the usage of the backup batteriesB) receiving the input AC main supply and distributing it throughout the cabinetC) transforming and rectifying input AC power and distributing itD) supervising power management and controlling the charging of the backup batteries25.During normal network operation the Base Station Timing ______________ and sentto other RBS units.BA) is generated in the ECU’s Central Timing UnitB) is synchronized in the DXU using T1 frame sync, or generated from TS 0 (E1).C) is generated in the #1 TRUD) is received via the Air interface1.RBS2000站温度过高超过门限值时,则 EXTERNAL ALARM 灯会亮。


• 规则、过程、显示和其它任务都是并发执行的 • 按照实时系统的方式进行任务调度,为任务分配系 统资源 • 每个任务都有一个优先级,保证关键的任务能优先 得到处理
任务: 一个 时间片 任务: 任务: 任务: 规则 过程 显示 规则
Байду номын сангаас
• • • • • • • 在毫秒级时间水平上进行任务调度管理 记录和保存带有时间标记的数据 对基于时间的事件和历史值推理 数据缺失条件下的推理 在规定时限内得到最优结论 发生中断后,具有现场保护和热启动恢复能力 在线开发
• • • • • • 实时推理 高可靠性 面向对象设计 结构化自然语言 图形化建模技术 在线开发
构建智能系统的两大任务: 知识库的建立和维护; 与外部软、硬件系统的集成。
以迭代增量的方式建立知识 库。
• 与各种硬件系统、软件系统和数据库紧密集成 • 在现有系统的基础上建立智能系统
-Charles Robertson,洛克西德.马丁 公司首席研究员
美国空军GPS系统一直由G2进行着监控和管理。 该系统由20多颗卫星组成,G2负责对整个系统进 行管理调度,确保其为包括对伊作战在内的多次 任务提供可靠支持。 G2已在该系统中稳定运行 了长达10多年的时间。
Da Da ta 1 Data ta 1 1 Da Da ta 2 Data ta 2 2 Da Da ta 3 Data ta 3 3 Da Da ta 4 Data ta 4 4 Da Da ta 5 Data ta 5 5 Da Da ta 6 Data ta 6 6 Da Da ta 7 Data ta 7 7 Da Da ta 8 Data ta 8 8 Da Da ta 9 Data ta 9 9 Da Da ta 1 0 Data ta 1 10 0



BMP 903 021/1 BMR 960 013/1 BMR 960 014/1 CP-1280665 CP-1280674 CP-1280681 CP-1280685 CP-1280687 CP-1280696 CP-1280702 CP-1280705 CP-1280711 CP-1280726 CP-1280752 CP-1284476 CP-1313850 FAB 102 579/1 FAB 102 580/1 FAB 620 407/0005 FAB 620 409/0004 FAB 620 409/0005 FAB 620 416/0033 FAB 620 428/0003 FAB 620 428/0003 FAB 620 430/0032 FAB 620 430/0033 FAB 620 432/0032 FAB 620 440/0029 FAB 620 440/0030 FAB 620 441/0005 FAB 620 472 FAB 620 474/2 FAB 620 475
代码 0/FABCH 620 06/0093 0/FABCH 620 06/0108 0/FABCH 620 18/0060 0/FABCH 620 210/0114 0/FABCH 620 210/0129 0/FABCH 620 210/0130 0/FABCH 620 210/0169 0/FABCH 620 210/0173 0/FABCH 620 76/0050 0/FABCH 620 76/0055 0/FABCH 620 76/0070 0/FABCH 620 76/0071 0/FABCH 620 79/0088 0/FABCH 620 79/0094 0/FABCH 620 79/0123 0/FABCH 620 79/0128 0/FABCH 620 93/0076 01/FABCH 620 203/380 01/FABCH 620 203/404 01/FABCH 620 203/469 01/FABCH 620 213/088 01/FABCH 620 213/119 01/FABCH 620 213/123 02/FABCH 620 203/084 02/FABCH 620 203/167 02/FABCH 620 213/026 02/FABCH 620 213/079 4/NTM 201 201/2 5/NTM 201 201/2 6/NTM 201 201/3 7/NTM 201 201 BFL 119 123/1 BFL 119 104/1 BFL 119 113/1 BML 231 201/1





RLDEC:CELL=G, CGI=460-00-21392-0471, BSIC=64, BCCHNO=86, AGBLK=1, MFRMS=2, BCCHTYPE=NCOMB, FNOFFSET=0, XRANGE=NO;CGI---小区全球识别号;CGI由位置区识别(LAI)和小区识别(CI)组成,其中LAI又包含移动国家号(MCC)、移动网号(MNC)和位置区码(LAC)BSIC--基站识别号;表示为nccbcc 。






MFRMS---复帧周期.定义对同一寻呼子传送PAGING REQUES信息的周期.MFRMS-MS收听PACH 的时间间隔。






爱⽴信参数解释GPRS GPRS通⽤分组⽆线业务GPRS SGSN GPRS服务⽀持结点GPRS GGSN GPRS⽹关⽀持结点GPRS PDU点对点PDP协议数据单元GPRS PTP点对点业务GPRS PTM点对多点业务GPRS PTM-M点对多点⼴播GPRS PTM-G点对多点群呼GPRS IP-M IP多点传播GPRS CLIP主叫线路识别表⽰GPRS CLIR主叫线路识别限制GPRS CoLP连接线路识别表⽰GPRS CoLR 连接线路识别限制GPRS CFU⽆条件呼叫转移GPRS CFB移动⽤户遇忙呼叫转移GPRS CFNRy ⽆应答呼叫转移GPRS CFNRc ⽆法到达的移动⽤户呼叫转移GPRS CW 呼叫等待GPRS HOLD呼叫保持GPRS MPTY多⽤户业务GPRS CUG封闭式的⽤户群GPRS AoCI资费信息通知GPRS BAOC禁⽌所有呼叫GPRS BOIC禁⽌国际呼出GPRS BAIC禁⽌所有呼⼊GPRS ISDN综合业务服务⽹GPRS GMSK⾼斯滤波最⼩频移键控法GPRS8PSK8相移键控法GPRS PCU分组控制单元GPRS GBIU Gb接⼝单元GPRS SMS-GMSC短消息业务⽹关移动交换GPRS SMS-IWMSC短消息业务互通移动交换GPRS MSC移动交换中⼼GPRS VLR拜访位置寄存器GPRS HLR本地位置寄存器GPRS PDN分组数据⽹络GPRS BG边界⽹关GPRS NSS⽹络⼦系统GPRS GTP GPRS隧道协议GPRS SNDCP⼦⽹相关融合协议,它的GPRS LLC LLC层为逻辑链路控制层GPRS RLC⽆线链路控制GPRS MAC MAC为媒质接⼊控制层,主GPRS PLL物理链路层GPRS RFL物理射频层GPRS BSSGP GPRS基站系统协议GPRS TCP传输控制协议GPRS UDP⽤户数据报协议GPRS IP⽹际协议GPRS Relay中继转发GPRS NS⽹络服务GPRS MAP移动应⽤部分GPRS BSSAP基站系统应⽤部分GPRS RA路由区GPRS RAI路由区标识GPRS MM移动性管理GPRS PDCH分组数据信道GPRS PCCCH分组公共控制信道GPRS PRACH分组随机接⼊信道,GPRS GPRS PPCH分组寻呼信道,⽤来寻呼GPRS PAGCH分组接⼊许可信道,PAGC GPRS PNCH分组通知信道GPRS PBCCH分组⼴播控制信道GPRS PTCH分组业务信道GPRS PDTCH分组数据业务信道,这种GPRS PACCH分组相关控制信道,这种GPRS BCS块校验序列GPRS DRX⾮连续接收GPRS USF上⾏链路状态标志GPRS CCU信道编码器单元GPRS CDR基本计费单元GPRS CRO计费记录输出GPRS VPLMN拜访地公共陆地移动⽹络GPRS HPLMN本地公共陆地移动⽹络GPRS CIDR⽆类别域间路由GPRS VLSM可变⼦⽹掩码GPRS CS GPRS⽆线编码GPRS P-TMSI分组临时移动⽤户识别码GPRS TLLI临时逻辑链路识别码GPRS RAC路由区代码GPRS QoS服务质量GPRS BLER传输块错误率GPRS BPC基本物理信道GPRS RTT全程时延,主要指的是从GPRS APN接⼊点名称GPRS WAP⽆线应⽤协议GPRS KPI关键性能指标GPRS ICMP⽹间控制报⽂协议GPRS PDP分组数据协议GPRS RAU路由区更新GPRS E2E端到端GPRS TBFGPRS TFI临时块流(TBF)识别码GPRS TRCGPRS TRHGPRS TXGPRS BVCGPRS GPHGPRS PFCGPRS PSIGPRS PSDGPRS PSETGPRS CRS⼩区重选GPRS GSLGPRS NSVCIGSM dtquGSM DSP数字信号处理器3G DAMPS 先进的数字移动电话系统3G IS-54北美数字蜂窝3G IS-95北美的另⼀种数字蜂窝标3G PSTN公众电话交换⽹3G RTT⽆线传输技术3G ITU国际电信联盟3G FPLMTS未来公众陆地移动通信系3G IMT-2000国际移动通信-2000 3G3GPP第三代伙伴关系计划3G HSCSD⾼速电路交换数据WCDMA宽带码分多址General Packet Radio ServiceServing GPRS Supporting NodeGateway GPRS Support NodeProtocol Data UnitPoint to PointPoint to MulticastCall Line Identify RestrictConnect Line Restrict户遇忙呼叫转移达的移动⽤户呼叫转移Ban Of All Out CallBan Of international Out CallIntegrated Services Digital Network Gaussian Minimum-Shift Keyingeight-phase-shift keyingPacket Control UnitGb Interface UnitSMS-Gateway Mobile Switch CenterSMS-Intercommunication Mobile Switch Center Mobile Switch CenterPacket Data NetworkBorder GatewaysNetwork SubSystemGPRS Tunneling ProtocolSubnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol Logical Link ControlRadio Link ControlMedium Access ControlPhysical Link LayerPhysical RF LayerBSS GPRS Application Protocol Transmission Control ProtocolUser Datagram ProtocolInternet ProtocolNetwork ServiceMobile Application PartBase Station System ApplicationRoute AreaRoute Area IdentifierMobile ManagementPacket Data ChannelPacket Common Control ChannelPacket Randem Access ChannelPacket Paging Channe1Packet Access Grant ChannelPacket Notification ChannelPacket Broadcast Control ChannelPacket Traffic Channe1Packet Data Traffic Channe1Packet Associate Control ChannelBlock Checkout SerialUplink State FlagChannel Coding UnitCall Detail RecordChzrge Record Output公共陆地移动⽹络共陆地移动⽹络Class Inter Domain RoutingVariable Length Subnet MaskCoding Scheme时移动⽤户识别码Temporary Logical Link IdentifierRouting Area CodeQuality of ServiceBlock Error RateBasic Physical ChannelRound Trip TimeAccess Point NameWireless Application ProtocolKey Performance IndicatorInternet Control Message ProtocolPacket Data ProtocolRouting Area UpdateEnd to EndTemporary Block FlowTemporary Flow IdentifierTranscoder Rate adapter ControllerTransceiver HandlerTransmitterBase Station System General Packet Radio Service Protocol Virtual ConnectionGPRS Packet HandlerPacket Flow ContextPacket System InformationPacket Switched DomainPDCH SetCell ReselectionGPRS Signalling LinkNetwork Service Virtual ConnectionsDeci Transformed GSM Quality Unit使⽤800MHz频带,是两种北美数字蜂窝标准中推出较早的⼀种,指定使⽤TDMA多址⽅式。



爱立信MeOnTV 我上电视系统安装与培训
1 系统安装
爱立信可以提供对MeOnTV系统安装服务 .以安装standard package MeOnTV
系统为例, 建议系统安装时间为10天。

2* MME :4 天
3*LME : 3 天
1*MMT : 1.5 天
手机软件安装和无线网络集成、测试时间:1.5 天
2 系统安装培训

主要内容包括如何安装MME 系统、LME系统

建议系统安装培训时间为5 天。

MME 安装培训
LME 安装培训
MMT 安装培训
3 系统操作培训



MeOnTV 系统操作维护的培训主要包含:
4 系统二线支持


服务每年 = 价格
5 学员所需技能要求
MeOnTV系统是基于Windows 操作系统的应用,因此需要学员具备一定的技
Windows XP 和Windows Server 2003安装和操作
SQL Server 知识



Eaton 9SX3000GEaton 9SX online, extended runtime UPS, 3000 VA, 2700 W, L6-20P input, Outputs: (1) C19, (8) C13, 13.6"Hx8.4"Wx16.2"D, 77.2lb., network card optionalGeneral specificationsEaton 9SX UPS9SX3000G74317209131416.2 in13.6 in8.4 in77.2 lb 3 year limitedFCC Compliant CE Marked cULus ListedProduct Name Catalog Number UPC Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Warranty Compliances CertificationsView runtime graph ABM technology (3-stage charging extends battery service life by 50% and provides advance warning for battery replacement)Hot-swappable internal batteries and extended battery modules (EBMs)Yes(1) C19, (8) C13Online/Double-conversion 2700 W 3000 VA True sine wave 208 V0.9208V default (200/208/220/230/240/250V)50/60 Hz 1L6-20P8 ft60 Hz: 50–70 Hz, 50 Hz: 40–60 Hz >.99Runtime graph Battery managementBattery replacementExtended battery capability Receptacle TopologyWattage VA rating Output waveform Voltage Output power factor Output nominal voltageOutput frequency Feed type Input connection Input cord length Input frequency rangeInput power factor Communication Expansion slots(1) MiniSlot (1) USB port(1) Serial RS-232 port (1) RPO/ROO/Signal input terminal(1) mini-terminal block for output relay (1) Mini-Slot (MS) expansion port. Optional connectivity cards may be ordered separately.- Gigabit Web/SNMP card5-button graphical user interface Yes 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)TowerFree standing modelYesEaton 9SX UPS brochureEC DoC Eaton 9SX9SX3000G ups-battery-runtime graph9SX3000G UPS 3D technical drawingEaton 9SX UPS visio stencils9SX3000G UPS 2D technical drawingEaton 9SX UPS installation and user manual Quick start guide for Eaton 9SX UPS 208V modelsUser interfacePotential free switch contact Temperature rangeForm factor Construction type Package contentsInternal bypassStandard factory warranty Extended service plans BrochuresCertification reports Characteristic curve DrawingsManuals and user guides Specifications and datasheetspart number: NETWORK-M2- Modbus card part number:INDGW-M2- Relay card part number:RELAY-MS9SX 3000 VA UPSQuick start guide(2) IEC C13-C14 jumpers1.8m8-foot C19 to L6-20P inputconnectorRS-232 serial cableUSB cable3-YEAR FACTORYWARRANTY- 3 years- Parts, electronics andbatteries coverage- Standard ground shipping- Technical supportADVANCED DEPOTEXCHANGE- 5-year depot repair:9SW5Y-3000UC- Expedited parts coveragefor 5 years- Parts, electronics and UPSEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia Eaton 9SX UPS technical specificationsEaton Specification Sheet - 9SX3000Gbatteries coverage- Next business day shipping- Technical support5-YEAR ON-SITE PLAN: WFLN75XX-6009UC- On-site parts and labor coverage for years 5- Parts, electronics and UPS batteries coverage- 24x7 on-site labor coverage, next-day response- Next-day shipping- Technical support。

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爱立信MeOnTV 我上电视系统
爱立信可以提供对MeOnTV系统安装服务 .以安装standard
package MeOnTV系统为例, 建议系统安装时间为10天。

2* MME :4 天
3*LME : 3 天
1*MMT : 1.5 天
手机软件安装和无线网络集成、测试时间:1.5 天


建议系统安装培训时间为5 天。

MME 安装培训
LME 安装培训
MMT 安装培训



MeOnTV 系统操作维护的培训主要包含:


服务每年 = 价格
MeOnTV系统是基于Windows 操作系统的应用,因此需要学
Windows XP 和Windows Server 2003安装和操作
SQL Server 知识
