
河南省九年级英语全册Unit13Wearetryingtosavetheearth笔记重点大全单选题1、I can't hear you. I ________ to an English speech.A.am listeningB.was listeningC.listenD.listened答案:A句意:我听不到你说话。
am listening现在进行时,正在听;was listening过去进行时;listen听,动词原形;listened是过去式或过去分词形式。
2、—Would you like to see the movie Changjin Lake this evening?—Oh, it’s a good movie. But I _________ it already.A.sawB.have seenC.seeD.will see答案:B句意:——今晚你想看电影《长津湖》吗?——哦,那是一部好电影。
根据“already”可知此处表示过去的动作对现在的影响,使用现在完成时have/has done。
3、Larry hopes his English, so he keeps practicing it every day.A.to solveB.solvingC.to improveD.improving答案:C句意:劳瑞希望提高他的英语,因此他每天坚持练习它。
根据hope to do希望做某事,排除B/D; solve解决;improve提高,根据so he keeps practicing it every day.可知是希望提高;故选C4、—This silk scarf looks nice.—Yes, and it ________ in Thailand.A.madeB.makesC.was made答案:C句意:——这条丝巾看起来不错。
新人教版九年级英语下册Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!要点详解

Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!要点详解1. We’re trying to save the earth!我们正尽力拯救地球!(1) 本句时态为现在进行时,表示现阶段正在做的事情。
例如:George is translating a book now. 乔治现在在翻译一本书。
)(2) try to do 表示“设法或尽力去做某事”,实际上做与不做,视情况而定,而try doing表示“试着做”,即动作真的进行了或正在进行,成败则视结果而定。
例如:He tried to read, but he was too tired to read much.他想设法看书,但太疲倦了,没看多少。
He tried reading, but that could not make him forget his trouble.他试着看书,但这并没使他忘记烦恼。
2. I am like this animal because I am strong and intelligent.我像这种动物,因为我强壮而聪明。
(1) like在本句中做介词,意为“像”,例如:He looks like winning the race.他看来要在比赛中获胜。
She is like her mother.她像她的妈妈。
(2) like做介词时可用very,very much,rather,quite等副词修饰。
例如:You look very much like your father.你与你父亲很相像。
3. Some of the swamps have become polluted。

1.学生能够掌握与环保相关的词汇和表达方式,如:pollute, protect, recycle等。
2.学生能够正确使用一般现在时表达自己的环保行为和计划,如:I usually turn off the lights when I leave the room.
本节课为人教版英语九年级全册Unit 13 “We are trying to save the earth”的教学案例。本单元主题围绕环保展开,旨在让学生通过学习,掌握与环保相关的词汇和表达方式,提高他们的环保意识。考虑到学生已经掌握了英语基础语法和词汇,本节课将重点培养学生的听说能力和合作精神,使他们能够在实际情境中运用所学知识。

word格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!1. Environment protection 环境保护2. air pollution 空气污染3. noise pollution 噪音污染4. water pollution 水污染5. Public places 公共场所;公共地方6. Mobile phone 手机;可移动电话7. Art pieces 艺术品8. The food chain 食物链9. Scientific studies 科学研究10. The number of ... ...... 的数目11. Take part in 参加12. Take action 采取行动;采取措施13. Turn off关闭 = shut off14. Play a part in 在......中起作用15. Make a difference 起作用;有影响16. Pay for 付费;付出代价17. Put sth to good use 好好利用= make good use of18. Pull down 撤出;摧毁19. Cut down 砍到;削减20. Cut off 把......砍断开;截断21. Add up 把......加起来;加起来22. Clean up 把......打扫干净23. Throw away 把......扔掉;丢掉24. Bring back 拿回;归还;恢复25. Lead to 通向;导致26. Can’t afford to do sth. 不能承担做某事27. Build sth . out of 用......来建造某物28. Be made of 被用......制造成29. Be made from 被用......制造成30. Be famous for ........ 因......而出名31. Be full of 充满......;装满......= be filled with32. Be good for 对......有好处33. Be harmful to 对......有害34. (be) in danger 处于危险状态之中35. In the last twenty to thirty years.在过去的20至30年中36. At the top of sth 在......的顶部37. Instead of 代替;取代38. Upside down 上下颠倒;倒转1. We’re trying to save the earth! 我们正在竭尽全力拯救地球!try to do =try one’s best to do 努力去做某事。

下面是小偏整理的UNIT13We'retryingtosavetheearth 原文与翻译,感谢您的每一次阅读。
UNIT13We'retryingtosavetheearth原文与翻译SectionA1bListenandcompletethesentences.Tony:Hey,Mark,maybewecouldgoswimmingintheriverlaterthi safternoon.Mark:Idon’tthinkIwanttogo,Tony.Tony:Whynot?Mark:Iwastherelastweekendandtheriverwasreallydirty.Eventh ebottomoftheriverwasfullofrubbish,andtherewerenomorefishforf ishermentocatch.Tony:Noway!Itusedtobesoclean.Infact,ithasalwaysbeentheni cestriverinthistown.Mark:Notanymore.Ithinkpeoplearethrowinglitterintotheriver. Factoriesarealsoputtingwasteintotheriver.Tony:That’sterrible!Weshouldwritetothegovernment.Theys houldclosedownthefactories.Mark:Goodidea!ButIthinkeveryoneinthistownshouldhelptocl eanuptheriver,too.Everyoneshouldplayapart,notjustthegovernm entSectionA2aListentotheinterview.thekindsofpollutionthatJasonandSusan talkabout.Interviewer:T odaywe’retalkingtoJason andSusanaboutenvir onmentalproblems.JasonandSusan,canyoutellusaboutsomeofth eproblemsyou’veseen?Jason:Ithinkoneproblemisthattheairisbadlypolluted.Ihardlye verseeblueskiesanymore.Susan:Yes,andIusedtoseethestarsclearly.Interviewer:Whatdoyouthinkhascausedthisproblem?Susan:Well,therearemorecarsontheroadthesedays.Jason:Andfactoriesthatburncoalalsopollutetheairwithalotofb lacksmoke.Interviewer:Whatotherproblemsdoyousee?Susan:Iguessthere’stoomuchrubbishandwasteinthestreets.Jason:Yes!Everydaypeoplearethrowingawaythingslikewoode nchopsticks,plasticbowlsandplasticbags.Susan:They’realsolitteringinpublicplaces,forexample,durin gpicnicsinparks.Thisisturningbeautifulplacesintouglyones.Interviewer:You’reright.Theseareseriousproble msforourenv ironment.Next,let’stalkaboutthethingswecandotohelp.SectionA2bListenagainandcompletethesentences.Interviewer:T odaywe’retalkingtoJasonandSusanaboutenvir onmentalproblems.JasonandSusan,canyoutellusaboutsomeofth eproblemsyou’veseen?Jason:Ithinkoneproblemisthattheairisbadlypolluted.Ihardlye verseeblueskiesanymore.Susan:Yes,andIusedtoseethestarsclearly.Interviewer:Whatdoyouthinkhascausedthisproblem?Susan:Well,therearemorecarsontheroadthesedays.Jason:Andfactoriesthatburncoalalsopollutetheairwithalotofb lacksmoke.Interviewer:Whatotherproblemsdoyousee?Susan:Iguessthere’stoomuchrubbishandwasteinthestreets.Jason:Yes!Everydaypeoplearethrowingawaythingslikewoodenchopsticks,plasticbowlsandplasticbags.Susan:They’realsolitteringinpublicplaces,forexample,d urin gpicnicsinparks.Thisisturningbeautifulplacesintouglyones.Interviewer:You’reright.Theseareseriousproblemsforourenv ironment.Next,let’stalkaboutthethingswecandotohelp.SectionA2dRoleplaytheconversation.JasonandSusan,whatareyourideasforsolvingtheseproblems?Well,tocutdownairpollution,weshouldtakethebusorsubwayin steadofdriving.Yeah,orrideabike.Thereareotheradvantagesofbikeriding.It'sg oodforhealthitdoesn'tanythingGreatideas!Whataboutwastepollution?Mmm,Ithinksimplethingslikebringingabagtogoshoppingcan help.Istarteddoingthatayearago.Me,tooAlso,Inevertakewoodenchopsticksorplasticforkswhen Ibuytakeawayfood.Iusetheonesathome.Andremembertothrowrubbishinthebinsandkeeppublicplace scleanandbeautifulforeveryone.Sotogether,ouractionscanmakeadifferenceandleadtoabetter future!SectionA3aReadthepassageaboutsharksandcompletethefactsheetbelow.SavetheSharks!Manyhaveheardofsharkfinsoup.Thisfamousandexpensivedis hisespeciallypopularinsouthernChina.Butdoyourealizethaty ou’r ekillingawholesharkeachtimeyouenjoyabowlofsharkfinsoup?Whenpeoplecatchsharks,theycutofftheirfinsandthrowthesha rkbackintotheocean.Thisisnotonlycruel,butalsoharmfultotheenvir onment.Withoutafin,asharkcannolongerswimandslowlydies.Sharksar eatthetopofthefo odchainintheocean’secosystem.Iftheirnumber sdroptoolow,itwillbringdangertoalloceanlife.Manybelievethatsharkscanneverbeendangeredbecausethey arethestrongestintheirfoodchain.Butinfact,around70millionshark sarecaughtandtradedinthisindustryeveryyear.Thenumbersofsomekindsofsharkshavefallenbyover90percen tinthelast20to30years.Environmentalprotectiongroupsaroundthe world,suchasWildAidandtheWWF,areteachingthepublicabout“fi nning”.Theyhaveevenaskedgovernmentstodeveloplawstostopthesal eofsharkfins.Sofar,noscientificstudieshaveshownthatsharkfinsare goodforhealth,sowhyeatthem?Helpsavethesharks!SectionB1cListenandcheck(√)thethingsthatJuliaandJacktalkabout.Jack:Turnoffthelights,Julia.Itsaveselectricity.Julia:Oh,Iusuallydothat.Iwasjustinahurry.Jack:Isee.I’vejustreadabookwh ichgivesideasabouthowweca nsavetheenvironment.Forexample,youshouldturnofftheshowerw henyou’rewashingyourhair.Julia:Oh,Iwouldneverdothat.Ihaveveryshorthair.Itonlytakesaf ewminutestowash.Whatelsedoesitsay?Jack:Youshouldtakeyourownbagswhenyougoshopping.Julia:Oh,that’seasy.I’lldothatfromnowon.Whatelse?Jack:Peopleshouldstopridingincarsandstartridingbikes.Julia:Noway!Itwouldtakeme45minutestogettoschoolbybike!Jack:Butit’sgoodfortheenvironment!Besides,Ilikeridingmybi ke.Julia:Yes,andyoualsoliveclosetoschool!SectionB1dListenagain.Check(√)thethingsthatJuliaisdoingnow,thethings shewilldointhefutureandthethingsshewouldneverdo.Jack:Turnoffthelights,Julia.Itsaveselectricity.Julia:Oh,Iusuallydothat.Iwasjustinahurry.Jack:Isee.I’vejustreadabookwhichgiveside asabouthowweca nsavetheenvironment.Forexample,youshouldturnofftheshowerw henyou’rewashingyourhair.Julia:Oh,Iwouldneverdothat.Ihaveveryshorthair.Itonlytakesaf ewminutestowash.Whatelsedoesitsay?Jack:Youshouldtakeyourownbagswhenyougoshopping.Julia:Oh,that’seasy.I’lldothatfromnowon.Whatelse?Jack:Peopleshouldstopridingincarsandstartridingbikes.Julia:Noway!Itwouldtakeme45minutestogettoschoolbybike!Jack:Butit’sgoodfortheenvironment!Besides,Ilikeridingmybi ke.Julia:Yes,andyoualsoliveclosetoschool!SectionB2bReadthepassageandcompletethechartbelow.Rethink,Reuse,Recycle!Doyouoftenthrowawaythingsyoudon’tneedanymore?Have youeverthoughtabouthowthesethingscanactuallybeputtogoodu se?Nothingisawasteifyouhaveacreativemind.Youhaveprobablyn everheardofAmyHayes,butsheisamostunusualwoman.Shelivesin ahouseintheUKthatshebuiltherselfoutofrubbish.Thewindowsanddoorscomefromoldbuildingsaroundhertow nthatwerepulleddown.Thetopofthehouseisanoldboatturnedupsi dedown.Andthegateinfrontofherhouseismadeofrocksandoldglas sbottles.AmyrecentlywonaprizefromtheHelpSaveOurPlanetSociety.Thepresidentsaid,“Amyisaninspirationtousall.”Amyisn’ttheonlyonewhoisgoodatrecycling.JessicaWongfro mHongKongusesoldclothesthatpeop ledon’twearanymoretoma kebags.Shehasbeendoingthisforafewyearsnow.Sheopenedasmallshopwhereshesellsherbags,andshehasalso setupawebsitetosellthemonline.Sheespeciallylikestouseoldjeanst omakehandbags.Herbagsarecuteanduseful.“Iplantowriteabookaboutnewwaystouseoldclothes,”shesai d.“Ihopepeoplecanreadmybookandenjoyit!”WangTaosetupasmallbusinessinShanghaifouryearsago.Heisk nownforusingironandothermaterialsfromoldcarstomakebeautifu lartpieces.Somearelargepiecesthatlooklikeanimalsorhumans,and somearesmallerpiecesyoucanputathome.Themorepopularworks canevenbeseeninartshopsaroundthecity.WangTaohopestosetupa“metalart”themeparktoshowpeop letheimportanceofenvironmentalprotection.Notonlycantheartbri nghappinesstoothers,butitalsoshowsthatevencold,hardironcanb ebroughtbacktolifewithalittlecreativity.翻译:SectionA2d采访者:贾森和苏珊,对于解决这些问题,你们有什么想法?贾森:为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁,而不是开车。

九年级英语Unit13《We're trying to save the earth!》知识点【短语归纳】1. at the bottom of the river 在河床底部2. be full of the rubbish 充满了垃圾3. throw litter into the river 把垃圾扔入河中4. play a part in cleaning it up 尽一份力把它清理干净5. land pollution 土地污染6. fill the air with black smoke 使空气中充满了黑烟7. cut down air pollution 减少空气污染8. make a difference 产生影响17. take action 采取行动18. turn off 关掉19. pay for 付费20. add up 累加21. use public transportation 使用公共交通22. recycle books and paper 回收书和废纸23. use paper napkins 使用纸巾24. turn off the shower 关掉喷头25. ride in cars 开车出行【重点句子】1. Even the bottom of the river was full of rubbish. 即使河底都充满垃圾。
2. Everyone in town should play a part in cleaning it up.城里的每个人都应当尽一份力把它清理干净。
3. The air is badly polluted because there are too many cars on the road these days.空气被严重污染因为如今路上的汽车太多了。
4. To cut down air pollution, we should take the bus or subway instead of driving.为了减少空气污染,我们应当乘坐公汽或地铁而不是开车。

Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!单词(带音标)及重点短语(可编辑)

Unit13 We're trying to save the earth!单词(带音标)及重点短语(可编辑)一、单词litter [litə(r)] v. 乱扔n. 垃圾;废弃物bottom [bɔtəm] n.底部;最下部fisherman [fiʃə(r)mən] n. 渔民;钓鱼的人coal [kəu l] n. 煤;煤块public [pʌblik] adj. 公众的;公共的n. 民众;百姓ugly [ʌgli] adj. 丑陋的;难看的advantage [ədva:ntidʒ] n. 优点;有利条件cost [kɔst; kɔ:st] v. 花费n. 花费;价钱wooden [wudn] adj. 木制的;木头的plastic [plæstik] adj. 塑料的n. 塑料;塑胶make a difference 有关系,作用,影响shark [ʃa:(r)k] n. 鲨鱼fin [fin] n.(.鱼)鳍cut off 割掉;砍掉method [meθəd] n. 方法;措施cruel [kru:əl] adj. 残酷的;残忍的harmful [ha:(r)mfl] adj. 有害的chain [tʃein] n. 链子;链条ecosystem [i:kəu sistəm] n.生态系统low [ləu[ a(.数量等)减少的;低的;矮的industry [indəstri] n. 工业;行业law [lɔ:] n. 法律;法规reusable [ri:ju:zəbl] adj.可重复使用的;可再次使用的afford [əfɔ:(r)d] v. 承担得起(后果);买得起transportation [t ænspɔ:(r)teiʃn] n. 运输业;交通运输recycle [ri:saikl] v. 回收利用;再利用napkin [næpkin] n. 餐巾;餐巾纸upside down 颠倒;倒转gate [geIt] n. 大门bottle [bɔtl] n. 瓶;瓶子president [prezidənt] n. 负责人;主席;总统inspiration [inspəreiʃn] n. 灵感;鼓舞人心的人(或事物)metal [metl] n. 金属creativity [kri:eitivəti] n. 创造力;独创性WildAid [waildeid] 野生救援协会(美国)WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) 世界自然基金会Mark [ma:(r)k] 马克(男名)Jason [dʒeisən] 贾森(男名)Ken [ken] 肯(男名)Hayes [heiz] 海斯(姓)Jessica [dʒesikə] 杰茜卡(女名)二、重点短语1. environment protection 1. 环境保护2.air pollution 2. 空气污染3.noise pollution 3. 噪音污染4.water pollution 4. 水污染5.public places; 5. 公共场所;公共地方6.mobile phone; 6. 手机;可移动电证7.art pieces 7. 艺术品8.the food chain 8. 食物链9.scientific studies 9. 科学研究10.the number of... 10. 的数目11.take part in 11. 参加12.take action;12. 采取行动;采取措施13.turn off =shut off 13. 关闭=14.play a part in... 14. 在中起作用15.make a difference;15. 起作用;有影响16.pay for;16. 付费;付出代价17. put sth. to good use =make good use of 17. 好好利用=18. pull down;18. 撤山;摧毁19. cut down;19. 砍到;削减20.cut off...;20. 把……砍断开;截断21.add up...;21. 把加起来;加起来22.clean up ... 22. 把打扫干净23.throw away...;、23. 把扔掉;丢掉、24.bring back;;24. 拿回;归还;恢复25.lead to;25. 通向;导致26.can ’t afford to do sth. 26. 小能承担做某事27.build sth. out of... 27. 用来建造某物28.be made of... 28. 被用制造成30.be famous for..... 30. 因而山名31.be full of ...;...=be filled with 31. 充满;装满=32. be good for ... 32. 对有好处33. be harmful to ... 33. 对有害34. (be) in danger 34. 处于危险状态之中35. in the last twenty to thirty years. 35. 在过去的20 至30 年中36.at the top of sth ... 36. 在的顶部37.instead of ;37. 代替;取代38.upside down;38. 上下颠倒;倒转。
九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth Sec

A. to do
B. doing
C. to doing
Survey the students in our class. Then take a class vote.
Do you… recycle paper? turn off lights in the
Chemical constantly circulate or recycle in
the system. 化学物质在系统中不断循环或回流。
The sole reason the Recycle Bin exists is to implement an undo facility for deleted files. 回收站存在的唯一理由就是实现文件删除的撤 销工具。
_5__ stop riding in cars _4__ recycle books and paper _1__ turn off the lights when you leave a room _2__ turn off the shower while you are washing
your hair _3__ don’t use paper napkins
Things Julia is doing now
Things Julia will do in the future
Things Julia would never do
Things Julia and Jack Things Things
talk aபைடு நூலகம்out
Julia is Julia will
1b Compare your answers in 1a with
your partner.
九年级英语全册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth Sec

ICS 29.060.01K12JB 中华人民共和国机械行业标准JB/T ××××——××××200级变频电机用耐电晕漆包铜圆线Corona-resistant enamelled round copper wires for inverter-fed motors, class 200××××-××-××发布××××-××-××实施目 次前言 (Ⅱ)1 范围 (1)2 规范性引用文件 (1)3 分类 (1)4 技术要求 (1)5 检验方法 (2)6 检验规则 (3)7 包装 (3)附录 A (规范性附录) 漆包线耐电晕性能试验方法 (5)前言本标准为首次制定。
本标准的制定参照了IEC 62068—1.Ed.1:2003《电气绝缘系统—反复脉冲产生的电应力—第1部分:耐电性评定的通用方法》。
2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。
Uint13( We’re trying to save the earth!完整)

5. 情态动词 1) 情态动词本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气,但不能单 独作谓语,只能与其他动词构成谓语。 常见的有:can (could), may (might), must, need, shall (should), will (would)等。 2) 情态动词无人称和数的变化, 后接动词原形。 否定式是在情态动词后面加not。 个别情态动词有过去式形式, 可用来表达更加客气、委婉的语气。 e.g. Ken can climb up the tress like a koala. Tracy could ride a bicycle when she was five years old. You mustn’t play with fire. It is dangerous.
1. We can’t afford to wait any longer to take action! afford v. 承担得起;提供, 给予 afford to do sth. (常与can, be ble to连用) 买得起;有足够的…… e.g. 我们付不起这个价钱。 We can’t afford to pay such a price. 2. …save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room. turning off 关掉 e.g. Please turn the television off before you go to bed. 睡觉前请关掉电视。 拓展:turn相关短语 turn around 转身 turn up 调高(音量) turn down 调低;拒绝 turn into 变成;进入 turn on 打开,发动 turn off 关掉,关闭 turn out to be 结果是 turn over 移交

河南省九年级英语全册Unit13Wearetryingtosavetheearth重点知识归纳单选题1、—Look! Mary is talking to Mr. Smith over there.—It ________ be her. She is ill and in hospital now.A.mustn’tB.shouldn’tC.needn’tD.can’t答案:D句意:——看!玛丽正在那边和史密斯先生谈话。
根据“She is ill and in hospital now.”可知,在那边和史密斯先生谈话的不可能是玛丽,can’t表否定推测。
2、—What are you doing?—I ________ the book The Old Man and Sea.A.am readingB.was readingC.read答案:A句意:——你在干什么?——我正在读《老人与海》这本书。
根据“What are you doing?”可知,谈论的是现在正在做的的事情,因此设空处应用现在进行时态,主语是I,be动词用am。
3、— Is it important to protect wild animals, Susan?— Yes. If we don’t protect them, they ________ die out one day.A.needB.can’tC.may答案:C句意:——保护野生动物很重要吗,苏珊?——是的。
根据“If we don’t protect them, they...die out one day.”可知,表示一种可能性,应用may,故选C。
人教版新目标九年级英语Unit 13讲义及重点总结

新目标九年级英语Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! 讲义一、词性转换Section A1. litter → (v.) litter2. wood → (adj.) wooden3. harm → (adj.) harmful4. science → (adj.) scientific5. reuse → (adj) reusable6. transport → (n.)transportationSection B7. inspire → (n.) inspiration8. create → (n.) creativity /(adj.) creative二、短语归纳1. play a part in在……中起作用;参与2. not only…but also…不但……而且……3. no longer 不再4. so far 到目前为止5. take action 采取行动6. cut down 砍倒;减少7. help out 帮……解决困难8. pay for 付费;付出代价9. turn off 关掉10. instead of 代替11. lead to 导致;通向12. be harmful to 对……有害13. at the top of 在……顶部14. clean up打扫干净15. add up 总计;加起来16. begin with 以……开始17. set up 建立18. be made from由……制成(看不出原材料)19. be made of由……制成(看得出原材料)20. take public transportation乘坐公共交通工具21. upside down 上下颠倒;倒转22. be known for 因……闻名23. win a prize 获奖24. be good at擅长于25. ride a bike 骑自行车26. get worse and worse越来越糟糕27. throw away 扔掉;抛弃28. pull down 拆下;拆毁29. put……to good use好好利用某物30. bring back恢复;使想起;归还三、句型集萃1. What are your ideas for… 关于……你有什么看法?2. do A instead of doing B 做A而不做B3. doing sth. can help 做某事有用4. The number(s) of … have fallen by… ……的数量下降了……5. a + adj.最高级+ n. 一个最……的……6. sb. isn’t the only one who ……不是唯一一个……的人四、重点句子1. There are other advantages of bike riding.骑自行车还有其他的优点。
九年级英语Unit13 课文翻译

Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth ! Section A 2d采访者:贾森与苏珊,对于解决这些问题,您们有什么想法?贾森:为了减少空气污染,我们应该乘坐公共汽车或者地铁,而不就是开车。
Section A ,3a拯救鲨鱼很多人都听说过鱼翅羹。
到目前为止,没有任何科学研究表明,鱼翅对健康有好处,那么为什么要吃她们呢?帮助拯救鲨鱼吧!Section B , 2a重新思考重新使用,重新利用您经常扔掉您不在使用的东西不?您就是否曾想过这些东西还能很好地重新利用?如果您有一个充满创意的头脑,没有东西就是废品。
人教版英语九年级全册 Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!

3第一课时 Section A (1a—2d)Ⅰ. 根据首字母及句意补全单词。
1.Y ou mustn’t throw pafter you use them.2.S tudents from the middle school used 300trees to build a w house.3.A nswers can be found at the b ofPage 8.4.T he girl was afraid to speak in publicbecause she thought she was u .5.W e should keep our classroom clean, sodon’t l everywhere.Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成译句。
1. 警察在湖底发现了一具尸体。
T he police found a body the lake.2. 在大城市生活的花费非常高。
T he of in is very high.3. 老师告诉我们不要到处乱扔垃圾。
T eachers tell us to everywhere.4. 他在一个木制的大箱子里养了一只兔子。
H e in a big box.5. 顾客们已充分了解了这些好处吗?H ave been ofthe ?Ⅲ. 补全对话(有一项多余)。
A:E xcuse me. Could you tell me where thenearest museum is?B:W ell, it’s a bit far. You can go along thestreet, and then take the first turning on theright. Walk on and you’ll find one there. 1 A: Oh, thanks. 2 B:I t should be open now. It opens at 8:00 am.A: Good. 3 B:W hich bus? I don’t know. You may ask thepoliceman over there. 4 A:O K, by the way, where’s the nearestMcDonald’s, do you know?B: 5 See that sign?A: Oh, thanks a lot.B: You’re welcome.A. You can’t miss it.B. He must know that.C. Right behind you, sir.D. You don’t need to rush.E. Do you know what time it opens?F. And can you tell me which bus I should take?1. 2. 3. 4. 5.Ⅳ. 阅读理解。

人教版英语九年级Unit 13《We’re trying to save the earth》全单元说课稿一. 教材分析人教版英语九年级Unit 13《We’re trying to save the earth》全单元主要围绕环保主题展开,通过学习本单元,学生能够掌握与环保相关的词汇和表达方式,了解人们为保护地球所采取的行动,提高环保意识。
二. 学情分析九年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,能够理解和运用一些基本的英语表达。
三. 说教学目标1.知识目标:学生能够掌握本单元的重点词汇和表达方式,理解阅读文本的内容。
四. 说教学重难点1.重点:本单元的重点是让学生掌握与环保相关的词汇和表达方式,提高阅读理解能力。
五. 说教学方法与手段1.教学方法:采用任务型教学法,引导学生通过阅读、讨论、实践活动等方式,提高英语运用能力。
六. 说教学过程1.导入:通过展示地球环境的图片,引导学生思考环保问题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
人教版九年级英语全册Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth

●2. John played an important
part __B_____ the plan.
● A. made B. in making C. to make D. makes
●3. — Wow, your sweater is very beautiful! How much is it?
●5. What a nice day! We should go
sightseeing _B______ watching TV in the
●A. because of
B. instead of
●C. together with
D. out of
loud music cars rubbish planes littering乱丢垃圾 ships factories smoking building houses mobile phones
Write the words in the box below. Then add more words.
Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth.
Section A 1a-1c
Learning objectives
● 1.To talk about different kinds of pollution; ● 2.To learn to protect environment; ● 3.To master the key words and phrases:litter, bottom, fisherman,

郑州市九年级英语全册Unit13Wearetryingtosavetheearth必考知识点归纳单选题1、To make rivers than before, everybody is supposed to protect them. A.dirtyB.dirtierC.cleanD.cleaner答案:D句意:为了使河流比以前更清洁,每个人都应该保护它们。
A. dirty脏的;B. dirtier更脏的;C. clean干净的;D. cleaner更干净的。
根据than判断,这是一个比较级的句子,排除A,C;根据“everybody is supposed to protect them.”可知,保护河流的目的是让它们更清洁干净,故答案为D。
2、Sorry, I ________ a mistake. Let me correct it.A.will makeB.am makingC.was makingD.have made答案:D句意:对不起,我弄错了。
根据“Sorry, I...a mistake. Let me correct it.”可知,因为已经犯了错误,所以现在要去纠正,故选D。
3、Holly prefers playing the piano to ________ the violin. Listen! She ________ the piano in her room.A.play; is playingB.playing; playsC.playing; is playing答案:C句意:霍莉喜欢弹钢琴而不喜欢拉小提琴。
prefer doing to doing“宁愿做……也不愿做……”,是固定短语,第一空用动名词形式;结合“Listen!”可知,第二空用现在进行时结构,故选C。
4、—Alex, come down to play football.—I can’t. Mom said I ________ clean my bedroom before doing anything else.A.had toB.willC.used toD.can答案:A句意:——Alex,下来踢足球吧。
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Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth
1.noise pollution噪音污染 advantages and disadvantages优点和缺点
2. at the top of the food chain在食物链顶端 upside down上下颠倒;倒转 some kinds of 几种
in the ocean’s ecosysterm在海洋生态系统 worse and worse越来越糟
3. not only…but also…不但……而且…… not…any more不再
4. cut down减少 hear of 听说 cut off割掉 begin with以……开始 pay for付费;付出代价
add up加起来 throw away扔掉 pull…down拆下;摧毁 set up建立 bring back恢复;使想起
look like看起来像 turn off关掉(turn on打开 turn up调高 turn down调低)turn…into…使……变成……
5.be good for对……有益(be good at擅长 be good with善于应付)
be known for因……而闻名 be able to能够
go shopping去购物 take part in参加 take action采取行动 play a part in参与某事;在……方面起作用
6. save the problem解决问题 solve the problem解决问题 make a difference起作用;有影响
put sth. to good use好好利用某物 (put off推迟 put away收拾起来 put on 穿上;上演 put out 熄灭)
win a prize获奖
7.catch a cold感冒 catch sb.’s eyes引起某人得注意 catch the train赶上火车 catch up with 赶上;跟上
8.“限定词+whole+名词”“all+限定词+名词” the whole family all the family
9.endangered濒危的;濒临灭绝的 in danger在危险中
10.over = more than超过 be against反对……(be for支持……)
11.join / join in / take part in
12.oneself enjoy oneself玩得开心 hurt oneself伤害自己 introduce oneself自我介绍
dress oneself自己穿衣 by oneself靠某人自己 teach oneself =learn…by oneself自学
look after oneself = take care of oneself照顾自己
13. out of用法归纳
(1)从……里出来 He is running out of the classroom. 他正在从教室里跑出来。
(2) 在……外,离开 Fish can’t live out of water. 鱼离开水就不能活。
(3) 由于,出于……的原因 They helped us out of kindness. 他们出于好心而帮助了我们。
(4) 缺乏,没有 He is out of breath. 他上气不接下气。
(5) 在……范围之外 The boy has been out of danger. 那个男孩脱离了危险。
14. die v.死 death n.死 dead adj. 死的 dying adj.奄奄一息的
die of因…而死(死因多来自内部)(+old age,illness,sorrow,cancer…)
die from由于…而死(原因多来自外部)(+wound,a traffic,accident,an earthquake…)
15.win +比赛项目/奖品/战争 beat +战胜的对手
16.set up (= start /establish / put up /found )
1.try to do sth.尽力做某事 used to do sth.过去常常做某事 plan to do sth.计划做某事
need to do sth.需要做某事 hope to do sth.希望做某事
afford to do sth.承担得起做某事 can’t afford to do sth.担负不起做某事
2.play a part in doing sth.参加做某事 start doing sth.开始做某事 by doing sth.通过做某事
be good at doing sth.擅长做某事
3. remember to do sth.记得去做某事(remember doing sth.记得做过某事)
4.lead to (道路)等通往……;引起(结果等)(lead sb. to do sth.致使/诱惑某人做某事)
lead sb. to some place带领某人去某地
5.be harmful to sb./sth.对某人/某物有害
6.be an inspiration to sb.对某人来说是一个鼓舞人心的人/物
7. taking your own bags when shopping 购物时自带购物袋
when shopping意为“购物时”,连词when引导时间状语从句时,可以换成以when引导的介词短语或分词短语,when doing sth.意为“做某事时”。
When doing the work,you must be careful.
8.现在进行时助动词be +doing
9. 现在完成时助动词 have/has + done
Dear Jim,
How are you? Thanks for sending me the shirt. I love it very much. Red is my favorite color! It makes me feel energetic. And the shirt suits me just fine. Every time I wear it, I will think of you.
I am fine recently. Last week I had a birthday party. Many of my friends came and we really had a wonderful time together. How are you doing, Jim? I always miss the days when we were on the summer camp last summer holiday. I hope you can visit China some day.
Please write back soon.
Li Lei。