
船舶保险相关条款沿海、内河,船舶保险条款 (1)船(渔)工责任险条款 (2)螺旋浆、舵、锚、锚链及子船单独损失保险条款 (3)四分之一碰撞、触碰责任保险条款 (4)沿海内河船舶附加部分损失特约条款 (4)水路货物运输承运责任保险特约条款(试行) (5)沿海内河油船油污责任保险特约条款(试行) (6)缉私船舶附加执行公务意外损失保险特约条款(试行) (7)沿海内河船舶保险条款附加第三者人身伤害责任保险条款 8沿海、内河,船舶保险条款本保险的保险标的是指在中华人民共和国境内合法登记注册从事沿海、内河航行的船舶,包括船体、机器、设备、仪器和索具。
但本条对下列责任概不负责:a 人身伤亡或疾病;b 保险船舶所载的货物或财物或其所承诺的责任;c 清除障碍物、残骸、货物或任何其他物品;d 任何财产或物体的污染或沾污(包括预防措施或清除的费用)但与保险船舶发生碰撞的他船或其所载财产的污染或沾污不在此限。
e 任何固定的、浮动的物体以及其他物体的延迟或丧失使用的间接费用。
DTV ADS 德国远洋船舶保险条款

Non-binding publication of the German Insurance Association (GDV) for facultative use.Other conditions may be agreed.In case of deviations, only the German wording shall be binding and prevailDTV - German Standard Terms and Conditions of Insurance for Ocean-GoingVessels 2009(DTV-ADS 2009)Standard terms and conditions of the GDVContentsSection One: General ProvisionsI Insuredinterest1 Insuredinterest2 Lack of insured interest3 Loss of insured interestII Insurance for own account, for the account of another4 Insurance for own account, for the account of another5 Legal position of the Assured (third-party insured)6 Legal position of the Insured (policyholder)7 Offsetting of balances8 Knowledge,faultIII Term of the insurance9 Term of the insuranceIV Insured value, underinsurance, overinsurance, double insurance, agreed value10 Insured value and agreed value11 Underinsurance12 Overinsurance13 Insurer's liability in the case of double insurance14 Notification and cancellation of the double insurance15 Good faithV Policy, co-insurance, premiums16 Policy17 Contents of the policy18 Cover note19 Leading insurer – co-insurance20 Payment of the premium21 Lay-upVI Duty of disclosure, alteration of risk22 Insured's pre-contractual duty of disclosure23 Trading limits24 Alteration of risk25 Change of management26 ClassificationVII Scope of the Insurer’s liability27 General28 General-average absorption29 Contributions to general average30 General-average sacrifices and expenses31 Insured expenses and costs32 Provision of bail33 Compliance with ship safety regulations, seaworthiness34 Faults of the Insured35 War and piracy36 Special weapons and cyber attacks37 Violent acts and piracy38 Acts of authorities39 Nuclear energy40 Deductible41 Limits of liability42 AbandonmentVIII Notice of loss, loss prevention, breach of obligations43 Notice of loss44 Averting and mitigating the loss45 Communication of information and preservation of evidence46 Legal consequences of a breach of obligationsIX Lodgement of claims, communication of information, payment of the indemnity47 Lodging of the claim48 Loss account, due date for payment of the indemnity49 Loss arising from delay in payment X Transfer of rights of recourse50 Protection and transfer of rights of recourse51 Loss mitigation after subrogationXI Insolvency of the Insurer52 Insolvency of the InsurerXII Sale of vessels and vessel parts53 Sale of vessels and shares in vesselsSection Two: Hull Insurance (Where Agreed) 54 Appurtenances and installations; parts removed from thevessel55 Wear and tear, old-age, rust, corrosion, cavitation56 Ice damage57 Set-off of salvage remuneration58 Machinery59 Error or defect in construction, materials and manufacturing;shaft breakage60 Total loss and equivalent cases61 Vessel “unfit for repair”62 Partial loss63 Experts' procedure64 Tenders65 Liability to third parties66 Sister shipSection Three: Additional Insurances (WhereAgreed)67 Supplementary hull insurance in the case of total loss68 Freight in the case of total loss69 Insurance premium in the case of total lossSection Four: Loss of Hire Insurance (WhereAgreed)70 Insured perils71 Exclusions72 Scope of cover73 Deductible74 Assessing loss of income75 Choice of repair yard76 Extraordinary expenses77 Simultaneous repairs78 Voyage to the repair yard in the case of joint repair work79 Loss of income after completion of the repair work80 Repairs after the end of the insurance contract81 Sale of the insured vesselSection Five: Mines Clauses (Where Agreed) 82 Mines clausesSection Six: War Insurance (Where Agreed)83 Scope of cover84 Insured perils85 Corresponding application of the provisions of Section Two86 Special exclusions for the war insurance87 Cancellation of the war insurance88 Scope of liability and special provisions in the case of a claim Section Seven: Concluding Provisions89 Time bar90 Applicable law91 Place of jurisdictionI Insuredinterest1 Insured interest1.1 The subject matter of the insurance can beany monetary interest an individual has inseeing that a vessel survives the perils ofan ocean voyage.1.2 Unless otherwise agreed, the following arecovered by the insurance:1.2.1 in Hull Insurance – the proprietary interestof the vessel’s registered owner and hisliability interest as set down in Clause 65 ofthese terms and conditions;1.2.2 in Additional Insurances – the interestsenumerated in Clause 67 to Clause 69 ofthese terms and conditions;1.2.3 in Loss of Hire Insurance – the interest ofthe vessel’s owner in the vessel's income; 1.2.4 in the War Clauses – the proprietaryinterest of the vessel’s registered ownerand his liability interest as provided for byClause 85 in conjunction with Clause 65 ofthese terms and conditions;1.2.5 in the Mines Clauses – the proprietaryinterest of the vessel’s registered ownerand his liability interest as provided for byClause 82.9 in conjunction with Clause 65of these terms and conditions.1.3 If other agreed interests are not declaredcorrectly, the insurance is not binding uponthe Insurer.1.4 Additional sums that were insuredseparately for the shipowner's account inrespect of interest, freight and insurancepremium in the case of total loss will beagreed from case to case. In the event oftotal loss, the Insurer is entitled to demanddeclaration of all additional insurancestaken out for the shipowner's account. Ifadditional insurances are covered forhigher amounts than those agreed in thepolicy, the Insurer will be discharged fromliability in respect of these higher amountsin the event of total loss.2 Lack of insured interest2.1 For a contract to be valid, an insurableinterest must exist.2.2 The Insurer is, however, still entitled tocollect the premium if he was unaware ofthe reason for the invalidity at the time thecontract was concluded, and provided thatthe Insured neither knew nor ought to haveknown of this reason at the time ofconclusion.2.3 If the contract is concluded by an agent,the provisions of the above clause (“knew”,“ought to have known”) apply not only tothe agent but to the Insured as well.3 Loss of insured interest3.1 If the interest on which the insurance wastaken out ceases to exist before theinsurance commences, the Insured is notobliged to pay the premium.3.2 The Insured’s obligation to pay thepremium is not affected by the fact that theinterest on which the insurance was takenout ceased to exist after the insurancecommenced.II Insurance for own account, for the account of another4 Insurance for own account, for theaccount of another4.1 If the contract leaves open whether theInsured is concluding the insurance in hisown name on behalf of another person(insurance for the account of another), theinsurance will be deemed to be for theaccount of the Insured (insurance for ownaccount).4.2 If the insurance is taken out for the accountof another – even if the latter is named inperson – it will be assumed that the partyconcluding the contract is doing so not asan agent but in his own name for theaccount of another.4.3 Unless otherwise agreed, an Assured willenjoy the same terms and conditions as theInsured under whose contract he iscovered. Where third-party liability risks areinsured, cover will be restricted in terms ofreason and amount to the cover the Insurerwould have granted to the shipowner underthis insurance – taking account of the limitsof indemnity applicable to him – had theclaims been brought against the shipownerrather than against the Assured.4.4 The insurance cover is available to theInsured and to all Assureds together onceonly per loss event. In the absence of anyagreement, the Insured’s claim for covertakes precedence over any claims of theAssureds.5 Legal position of the Assured (third-party insured)5.1 The Assured is entitled to exercise hisrights under the contract. However, onlythe Insured is entitled to request that apolicy be handed over.Section One: General5.2 Without the Insured's consent, the Assuredmay not exercise his rights under thecontract and enforce these rights in a courtof law unless he is in possession of apolicy.6 Legal position of the Insured(policyholder)6.1 The Insured is entitled to exercise, in hisown name, the rights due to the Assuredunder the contract.6.2 Once a policy has been issued, the Insuredis entitled to accept payment and transferthe rights of the Assured without the latter'sconsent only if he is in possession of thepolicy.6.3 The Insurer is obliged to indemnify theInsured only if the latter can prove to theformer that the Assured gave his approvalto the insurance.7 Offsetting of balancesThe Insurer may set off any claim he has inrelation to the Insured who effected theinsurance against an insurance claiminsofar as the Insurer's claim results fromthe insurance taken out by the Insured forthe Assured.8 Knowledge, fault8.1 Unless otherwise agreed, where referenceis made in these insurance conditions tothe Insured's knowledge or fault in respectof certain material facts (“knew”, “ought tohave known”), this will apply equally to theAssured. The same applies to cases wherethe Insured is exempt from an obligation topay the premium on the grounds of a lackof an insured interest. The Insured mayonly contest the issue with the Insurer onthe grounds that he was not responsible forfailing to disclose a material fact if neitherhe nor the Assured was at fault.8.2 If the insurance was arranged such that itcommences prior to conclusion of thecontract, the Insurer is not obliged toindemnify if the Insured or the Assuredknew or ought to have known at the timethe contract was concluded that theinsured event had already taken place.8.3 Where the insurance was concludedwithout the knowledge of the Assured, it isof no avail whether or not he knew or oughtto have known of the occurrence. Thesame applies if notification of the Insured ingood time was not feasible; notification isdeemed not to have taken place in goodtime if it took longer than would be feasiblein the ordinary course of business, buttakes place, however, at least in the sameor a similar manner in which the declarationcontaining the order to conclude theinsurance was dispatched.8.4 If the Insured concluded the contractwithout the Assured's instruction and failedto notify the Insurer of this failure, theInsurer is not obliged to accept a plea ofignorance in a claim brought against him.III Term of the insurance9 Term of the insurance9.1 The insurance cover commences at 00.00hours and terminates at 24.00 hours on thedates specified in the policy.9.2 Before the term of insurance expires,however, the Insured may notify the Insurerof his desire to extend the period of coverfor those vessels which, at the end of theterm of insurance, are missing presumedlost or en route, or have suffered anindemnifiable loss en route that hasimpaired their seaworthiness. In the case ofvessels missing presumed lost, extensionof the insurance ends when the vessel islocated or, at the latest, when the period ofpresumptive loss as stipulated in Clause60.2.2 below expires. In the case ofdamage, the insurance terminates as soonas the repair work is completed or – if thework cannot be carried out immediately –when the damage has been identified. Inthe case of extension, the Insurer is due anadditional premium commensurate with theextension in the term of the cover.9.3 The insurance contract will terminatebefore the date specified in the policy:9.3.1 in the case of total loss of the insuredvessel or the cases set out in Clause 60corresponding to a total loss;9.3.2 if the insured vessel is sold in accordancewith Clause 53 below;9.3.3 if the class of the vessel expires, isrestricted or is withdrawn in accordancewith Clause 26 below;9.3.4 if the Insured terminates the contractfollowing adjustment by the Insurer of theagreed value in accordance with Clause 10below;9.3.5 if the Insurer terminates the contract in thecase of non-payment of the premium inaccordance with Clause 20 below;9.3.6 if the Insurer serves notice to terminate thecontract on the grounds of an infringementof the pre-contractual duty to discloseinformation, in accordance with Clause 22below;9.3.7 if the Insurer serves notice to terminate thecontract with 14 days' notice within 14 daysof the transfer of responsibility for manning,fitting out and inspecting a vessel toanother company in accordance withClause 25 below, or of a change ofclassification society in accordance withClause 26 below of these terms andconditions;9.4 Insurance cover for the acts of violencespecified in Clause 37 below will endbefore the date specified in the policy if theInsurer serves notice to terminate thecontract in accordance with Clause 37.2;thereafter, the remaining insurancecontract can be terminated by the Insuredin accordance with Clause 37.3;9.5 if the Insurer serves notice to terminate thecontract in case war and piracy risks arecovered in accordance with Clause 87below;9.6 The insurance can be arranged such that itincepts on a date prior to conclusion of thecontract. In this case, the Insurer is notobliged to indemnify if the Insured knew orought to have known at the time thecontract was concluded that the insuredevent had already taken place; the Insureris entitled to collect the premium if he wasunaware at the time the contract wasconcluded that the insured event hadalready taken place.If the contract is concluded by an agent,the provisions of the above clause (“knew”,“ought to have known”) apply not only tothe person of the agent but to the personbeing represented as well.IV Insured value, underinsurance,overinsurance, double insurance,agreed value10 Insured value and agreed value10.1 The values of the insured interests (insuredvalues) are the full values of theseinterests.10.2 These values are considered to be theinsured values in the event of an insuredloss.10.3 If the insured value has been set at aspecific amount by way of an agreement(the agreed value), the latter will determinethe insured value.10.4 If, however, the agreed value exceeds thereal insured value by 20% or by anotherpercentage figure stipulated in the policy,the Insurer is entitled to declare that theagreed value be lowered to match the realinsured value ascertained at the time of theoriginal assessment, unless the Insuredcan prove that10.4.1 he had no knowledge of this at the time ofthe agreement, or that10.4.2 the Insurer was aware of this. 10.5 After the reduction in the agreed value, thepremium will be adjusted commensuratewith the new value.10.6 The Insured is entitled to serve notice toterminate the contract within 14 days ofreceiving notification of the decision tolower the value.10.7 If the sum insured is less than the agreedvalue, the Insurer is obliged to indemnify –even when the agreed value has beenlowered – only in the proportion the suminsured bears to the agreed value.10.8 If a special value has been agreed forpartial losses (see Clause 62), the Insurerwill indemnify for partial loss/damage up tothis agreed special value.11 UnderinsuranceIf the sum insured is less than the insuredvalue, the uninsured part of the insuredvalue will be regarded as being self-insuredby the Insured himself. In particular, theInsurer will be liable for the loss andexpenses only in the ratio of the insuredamount to the insured value.12 Overinsurance12.1 The insurance contract is invalid if the suminsured exceeds the insured value. Theprovisions set out in Clause 2.2. of theseterms and conditions apply accordingly tothe Insured’s obligation to pay thepremium.12.2 The insurance contract is invalid if it isdeemed that the Insured has concluded theinsurance contract with the intention ofgaining an unlawful pecuniary advantagefrom the overinsurance. The Insurer is,however, still entitled to collect thepremium provided that he was unaware ofthe reason for the invalidity at the time thecontract was concluded.13 Insurer's liability in the case of doubleinsurance13.1 If an interest has been insured against thesame peril with more than one insurer suchthat the sums insured together exceed theinsured value, the insurers are liable jointlyand severally in such a way that eachinsurer is liable to the Insured in theamount owed under its contract. In theaggregate, however, the Insured may notdemand compensation in excess of thetotal loss amount.13.2 In relation to each other, the individualinsurers are liable for shares proportionateto the amounts contractually owed by eachof them to the Insured. If any of thecontracts is governed by foreign law, theinsurer to whom the foreign law appliesmay assert a claim for contribution againstthe other insurers only if he himself is liablefor contribution under the law applicable tohim.13.3 The relevant insurance contract is invalid ifit is deemed that the Insured concludedsaid contract with the intention of gainingan unlawful pecuniary advantage from theduplicate insurance; the Insurer is,however, still entitled to collect the fullpremium if he was unaware of the reasonfor the invalidity at the time the contractwas concluded.14 Notification and cancellation of thedouble insurance14.1 The Insured must notify the Insurerimmediately upon becoming aware of thedouble insurance.14.2 If the Insured concluded the contract whichresulted in the double insurance withoutbeing aware of the existence of the otherinsurance, he may – provided that theinsurance has not yet commenced –request either insurer to lower the suminsured (and, correspondingly, thepremium) in proportion to the amount thatthe one insurer has to bear relative to theother. This entitlement lapses if notexercised by the Insured immediately uponbecoming aware of the duplicateinsurance.15 Good faithAll parties must act in the utmost good faithat all times.V Policy, co-insurance, premiums16 Policy16.1 At the Insured's request, the Insurer isobliged to issue a signed certificatedocumenting the insurance contract(policy).16.2 The policy contains the name and addressof the Insured, any Assureds and, wherenominated, the Insurer's agent, the nameof the insured vessel, the IMO number, theinsured interest, the risks covered withreference to the pertinent General Termsand Conditions of Insurance, any additionalagreements, the sums insured and agreedvalues, the agreed deductibles, and detailsof the start and end of the insurance cover.It must bear the Insurer's signature and bereturned immediately for correction shouldamendments be necessary. Amendmentsmust be documented in endorsementssigned by the Insurer. 16.3 If a policy has been issued, the Insurer isnot obliged to indemnify until presentedwith this policy. The payment to the holderof the policy discharges the Insurer fromfurther liability.16.4 If the policy is lost or destroyed, the Insureris obliged to indemnify once the policy hasbeen declared invalid, or security has beengiven; security by way of a guarantee isexcluded. The same applies to theInsurer's obligation to issue a replacementpolicy, the cost of which must be borne bythe Insured.17 Contents of the policyThe contents of the policy are regarded asapproved by the Insured unless contestedimmediately upon issue. The right of theInsured to refuse approval on account ofan error remains unaffected.18 Cover note18.1 The content of a cover note that was notproduced by the Insurer himself is materialin terms of the content of the insurancecontract only if it is countersigned by theInsurer.18.2 If a policy has been issued in addition tothe cover note, only the policy is material interms of the content of the insurancecontract.19 Leading insurer – co-insurance19.1 If several insurers underwrite a policy, theyare obliged to indemnify severally for theirrespective shares only, i.e. not jointly. Thisapplies even if the policy or cover note wasunderwritten by one insurer on behalf ofthe others.19.2 The leading insurer is deemed to havereceived authorisation from the co-insurersto19.2.1 make agreements with the Insured;excepted from the above are, however,increases to sums insured above andbeyond the contractual limit of indemnity,as well as extensions to the term of theinsurance,19.2.2 sign mortgage clauses,19.2.3 receive pledging notices,19.2.4 declare abandonment (see Clause 42),19.2.5 settle claims and recovery actions,19.2.6 provide security in accordance with Clause32 of these terms and conditions. Theleading insurer is authorised but notobliged to provide security not only for hisown share but also for the shares of the co-insurers. In this case, the co-insurers areobliged to provide security for their ownshares vis-à-vis the leading insurer in thesame manner as the leading insurer did forthem.19.2.7 conduct recourse proceedings,19.2.8 litigate on behalf of the co-insurers; thisapplies equally to cases brought beforecourts of law and to those before arbitrationtribunals. However, a verdict against theleading insurer for his part alone, or asettlement made after litigation or anyarbitration award must be recognised bythe co-insurers as binding for their sharesas well.19.3 The leading insurer is not authorised todeclare the transfer of rights on behalf ofthe co-insurers in accordance with Clause60.3 below.19.4 Notifications and declarations of intentreceived by the leading insurer are deemedto have been received by the co-insurersas well.20 Payment of the premium20.1 The Insured must pay the premium inadvance for each 3-month period. TheInsurer may demand immediate payment ofpremiums if the insurance ends.20.2 Additional premiums are payable togetherwith the following quarterly instalment.20.3 The Insurer must have received payment ofthe premium within 10 days of thecommencement of the three-month period.If the payment is effected through a broker,the premium must be received by himwithin the above-mentioned period andpassed on immediately, but it must bereceived by the Insurer, however, within afurther seven days at the latest.20.4 If the Insured is responsible for not makingthe payment in good time, he will beregarded as having defaulted the momenthe receives a written reminder. The Insurermay send the Insured a written request forpayment, specifying a deadline of at least14 days within which payment must bemade.20.5 If the Insured is still in default after the twoweeks have passed, the Insurer isdischarged of his obligation to indemnifyany insured event that occurs before thepayment is made.20.6 If the premium has not been received bythe end of the aforementioned period, theInsurer is entitled to terminate theinsurance contract subject to a further twoweeks' notice. If the Insurer serves noticeto terminate the contract, the insurance willend 14 days after the Insured receivednotice, or earlier as the case may be. 20.7 If the Insurer pays out the sum insured or,pursuant to Clause 61.2.2, the differencebetween the sum insured and the valueagreed between the Insurer and theInsured, or the proceeds from auctioningthe vessel, the annual premium is payable.That proportion of the annual premium notyet paid in advance is payable in full, albeitless any returns claimable by the Insured. Ifthe contract has been concluded for morethan one year, the annual premium isdeemed to be the premium of the currentinsurance year.20.8 The Insured may offset any counterclaimsnot yet due against the premium payableonly if the Insurer has given his consent inwriting.20.9 The Insurer is entitled to offset any claimsdue against the next premium instalmentpayable.21 Lay-up21.1 If the Insured notifies the Insurer of hisintention to lay up the vessel, cover will beprovided in accordance with the provisionsset out in the following.21.2 Lay-up within the meaning of this policy is avessel21.2.1 that is to be laid up at a location agreed inadvance with the Insurer,21.2.2 that is unladen,21.2.3 on which or to which no work involving afire hazard is to be carried out,21.2.4 that is manned at least according to theminimum provisions governing safemanning,21.2.5 that is to be laid up for a minimum of 30 fulldays, and21.2.6 for which the agreed value for hullinsurance has not been reduced for theduration of the lay-up.21.3 Insurance cover for laid up vessels remainsfully in force, but is limited by way ofamendment to Clause 23 of these termsand conditions to the territory of thelocation of lay-up agreed with the Insurer.21.4 Before the vessel sets sail again, theInsured must:21.4.1 in the case of a period of lay-up of up tothree months, observe therecommendations made by theclassification society and the vessel'sengine manufacturers on resumingoperations, and also document compliancewith them;21.4.2 in the case of a period of lay-up of morethan three months, pay for an expert toinspect the vessel prior to resumingoperations, the inspection taking place atthe earliest 15 days before the vessel isdue to resume operations, and provide theInsurer with the expert's report;21.4.3 remedy any damage or defects identifiedby the expert in accordance with Clause21.4.2 above.21.5 As soon as the Insured providesnotification that the period of lay-up is toend and the vessel sets sail again, theterritorial scope of the insurance covercorresponds once again to the navigationallimits originally agreed.21.6 The returns agreed with the Insurer will begranted for the period of lay-up. Lay-upreturns are payable quarterly on aretroactive basis.VI Duty of disclosure, alteration of risk 22 Insured's pre-contractual duty ofdisclosure22.1 Before concluding the contract, the Insuredmust disclose all material facts andcircumstances relevant to the risk – unlessthese circumstances are generally known –and must answer completely and truthfullyall questions posed by the Insurer. Amaterial fact is a circumstance that wouldinfluence the Insurer in accepting, decliningor rating the insurance. In case of doubt, amaterial fact is understood as one that theInsurer has queried expressly or in writing.If the Insured appoints an agent toconclude the contract and the latter isaware of a material fact, the Insuredhimself will be deemed to have been awareof said material fact.22.2 The Insurer is not obliged to indemnify ifthe Insured discloses incomplete orinaccurate information. Moreover, theInsurer may terminate the insurance withinone month of becoming aware of the failureto disclose or of the inaccurate disclosureof the material fact.This also applies if information was notdisclosed on account of the Insured'signorance of the fact and this was due togross negligence on his part.If the loss event has already occurred, theInsurer may not refuse cover if the Insuredcan prove that the incomplete or inaccurateinformation disclosed influenced neither theloss event occurring nor the size or scale ofthe payment obligation.If the Insurer refuses to indemnify inrespect of a claim, the Insured may servenotice to terminate the insurance. This rightto terminate the contract expires if it is notexercised within one month of the Insuredreceiving notification of the Insurer’sdecision to refuse indemnification. 22.3 The Insurer is obliged to indemnify if hewas aware of the material facts or that suchfacts had been inaccurately disclosed.The same applies if the Insured can provethat neither he nor his agent wasresponsible for the incomplete orinaccurate disclosure of the information.22.4 If the Insurer is obliged to indemnify in theabsence of fault on the part of the Insuredor his agent, the Insurer will be due anadditional premium, to be agreedcommensurate with the aggravated risk.The same applies if neither contractingparty was aware without fault of a materialfact prior to conclusion of the contract.22.5 The right of the Insurer to rescind thecontract on the grounds of fraudulentmisrepresentation of materialcircumstances remains unaffected.23 Trading limitsDepending on the trading area agreed, thefollowing applies:23.1 European tradingThe insurance covers voyages between allEuropean places and all places located onthe Mediterranean Sea and on the BlackSea, limited23.1.1 to the north, by 70° Lat. N., but excludingGreenland.Excepted from this limitation are:voyages to all places in Norway, into theKola Bay and to Murmansk, provided thatthe vessel does not navigate or remainnorth of 72° 30' Lat. N. or east of 35° Long.E.,voyages from and to the White Sea,provided that on the outward voyage thevessel does not pass Honnigsvaag prior to10 May and does not commence the returnvoyage from the last port of call on theWhite Sea after 31 October.23.1.2 in the area of the Baltic Sea: for vesselsthat exceed 90,000 dwt, operations east of28° 45' Long. E.23.1.3 to the south, by the Atlantic coast of Africaup to and including Casablanca.23.1.4 to the west, by and including Iceland, butexcluding the Canary Islands and theAzores.23.2 Worldwide tradingThe insurance covers voyages to and fromall places. Excluded, however, arevoyages:23.2.1 north of 70° Lat. N.Excepted from this limitation are:voyages to all ports and places in Norway,into the Kola Bay and to Murmansk,。



但本条对下列责任概不负责:a 人身伤亡或疾病;b 保险船舶所载的货物或财物或其所承诺的责任;c 清除障碍物、残骸、货物或任何其他物品;d 任何财产或物体的污染或沾污(包括预防措施或清除的费用)但与保险船舶发生碰撞的他船或其所载财产的污染或沾污不在此限。
e 任何固定的、浮动的物体以及其他物体的延迟或丧失使用的间接费用。
船舶建造保险(2009 版)附加险条款

保险人对于每次事故产生的上述额外费用的赔偿金额不超过每次事故损失金额的10% 。



全部保费应在承保时交清,保险人同意也可分期支付。 被保险船舶退保或保险终止时,按净保费的日比例计算退 还保费 被保险船舶在保险人同意的港口或区域停泊超过30天时, 停泊期间保费按净保费的日比例的50%计算。
碰撞责任 共同海损和救助 施救
不适航 被保险人及其代表的疏忽或故意行为 被保险人恪尽职守应予发现的正常磨损、锈蚀、腐 烂或保养不周,或材料缺陷,不良部件的更换或修 理
4、免赔额 5、海运 6、保险期限
9、被保险人的义务 10、索赔与赔偿 11、争议处理
(二)船舶战争、罢工险 船舶战争、
船舶战争保险是船舶保险中的一个附加 险
1、沿海内河船舶保险条款 、
承保范围 保险责任 除外责任 保险金额 索赔 赔偿规定 被保险人的义务 争议处理
2、 沿海内河船舶保险附加险条款 、 3、沿海内河船舶保险的其他险种 、
沿海内河船舶建造保险 沿海内河渔船保险
三、 船舶保险实承保
船东资信 船型 船龄 船级 航区 登轮检验 针对老龄船要求被保险人在投保前进行风险评估检 验
第十章 船舶保险
一、 船舶保险特征
以承保水上风险为限 所承保的风险相对集中, 所承保的风险相对集中,损失金额较大 事故的发生频率较高 承保范围广 属于定值保险 保险单不能随船舶的转让而自动转让 船舶保险法律适用面广、 船舶保险法律适用面广、政策性强

的“ 迮润6 ”轮 投保 卅海 河 船舶 一 险 。保 险期 间 I ~,保险 船舶 他 l j 发 生碰撞 ,保险鲋 矗 n“ 连润 6 ”轮 破裂 , 生 的 修 赀 l l 3 余 厄 ;被 捕 船 舶 火 为6 2 5 万 余 已 , , } l 驸 损 失为 9 3, J , 。 陔保 险 的特 圳约 定清 单 中规
必须 专为检 查 搁 浅情 况时 才不扣 免 赔额 ,这 样 的规 定一方 面 为避 免被
时 ,保 险人不 赔 ,一旦超过 免赔额 ,
保 险 人就 全部 赔偿 ,不 作扣 减 。因 此 有学 者将 其 形 象地 比做 “ 阀 门” 。
意识 ,加 强对船舶 的管理 。
保 险人钻 空 子 ,借村 t x ,  ̄ l a a l f 进 行免 费船 级检 验 ; 另一 方 面则 鼓励 船 东
自2 0 世 纪7 0 年 代 后 ,保 险 条 款 中
普遍 使 用的是 “ 绝 对免赔额 ” , 已很
少使用 “ 相对 免赔额” ,但英 国协 会 船 舶运 费保 险条款 中仍 然规 定 了相 对免 赔额 : 本保 险不 承保共 同海 损
之 外 的低 于 3 %的部分损 失 ……
3 、 碰 撞 责 任 、 共 同 海 损 、救
已承担 的 风险损 失 大 ,保 险 费率 也
根据 上述 规 定 ,免 赔额 只适 用
于保 险船舶 遭遇 单独 海损 所 造成 的
部分 损失 赔偿 ,对于 一 FY J I 情 况 则不 予扣 减免赔 额 :
会 相对 减 少。免 赔额 在制 约保 险 费
率 疗面 的 作用在 市 场竞争 中越 发 明
所 致 的部 分损 失赔偿 ,每 次事 故要

地址:石家庄市裕华西路83号邮编: 050081密级:缓急:电函冀人保财险船电函…2009‟50号签发人:李岩关于印发《海洋运输货物保险条款(2009版)》等条款及征订船舶货运险承保单证的通知各分公司、省分公司国际部、营业部:新修订的《中华人民共和国保险法》于2009年10月1日起生效,总公司对船货险总颁条款进行了保险法适应性修改和完善。
请各单位按照辖区内业务情况,按照附表样式征订新地址:石家庄市裕华西路83号邮编: 050081承保单证。
邮箱地址:menjun@联系电话:6242船舶货运保险部二○○九年十月十日地址:石家庄市裕华西路83号邮编: 050081部门:船舶货运保险部联系人:吴育红邮箱: wuyuhong@ 电话:6242。

中国人民财产保险股份有限公司沿海内河船舶保险条款(2009 版)本保险的保险标的是指中华人民共和国境内合法登记注册从事沿海、内河航行的船舶,包括船体、机器、设备、仪器和索具。



机动车辆保险、船舶与货物运输保险您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________一、单选题(每小题1分,共62题)1.机动车辆保险的特点不包括()。
[单选题] *A.承保风险的多样性B.属于定值保险(正确答案)C.赔偿方式主要是修复D.赔偿中通常规定绝对免赔额2.()是指以各种船舶(包括其船壳、救生艇、机器、设备、仪器、索具、燃料等)及相关利益作为保险标的的保险。
[单选题] *A.船舶保险(正确答案)B.货物运输保险C.机动车辆保险D.财产损失保险3.远洋船舶保险一切险中,国际市场上其他的船舶险条款一般承保3/4碰撞责任(即船东自己或保赔协会要承担剩余的1/4碰撞责任),人保财险公司船舶一切险条款中规定的为承担()碰撞责任。
[单选题] *A.1/4B.2/4C.3/4D.4/4(正确答案)4.海洋运输货物保险中,水渍险是在平安险的基础上,加上()作为保险责任。
[单选题] *A.保险货物由于自然灾害所造成的全部损失B.保险货物由于自然灾害所造成的部分损失(正确答案)C.保险货物由于意外事故造成的全部损失D.保险货物由于意外事故造成的部分损失5.()只使用于不大可能发生碰损、破碎或容易生锈但不影响使用的货物,如铁钉、铁丝,以及旧汽车、旧机床等二手货。
[单选题] *A.平安险B.水渍险(正确答案)C.邮包险D.一切险6.一般而言,货物运输保险的保险标的包括()。
[单选题] *A.机动车(正确答案)B.蔬菜C.牲畜D.金银珠宝7.远洋船舶保险中,当要对被保险船舶的损失进行修理时,被保险人对受损船舶的修理进行招标以接受最有利的报价。
[单选题] *A.0.1B.0.2C.0.3(正确答案)D.0.58.下列不属于沿海内河船舶保险保险标的的是()。
海上保险法5-1 船舶保险条款

【案例211】 (救助)G/A比例约定太高
3、施救:独立赔偿;属于P/A、G/A、救助的,不得按 施救 处理
“……,但以被保险人在船舶开航时,知道或应该知道此种不适航为限” “被保险人”:本人、其代表
2、违反的后果:不负责因此造成的损失 3、非正常航行活动 1)被保险船舶从事拖带或救助服务:不包括“强制性救助” 2)被保险船舶与他船(非港口或沿海使用的小船)在海上直接装卸货物, 包括驶近、靠拢和离开 3)被保险船舶为拆船或为拆船出售为目的的航行
2、提前终止合同 3、停航退费
2)停泊期间:连续超过30天 退费额 = 1/2(保险金额 X 费率 — 各种扣减)X 停泊天数 / 保险期间
180 …… 4)保期内未全损:一般要等到保期届满后,才办理退费 4、航次保险:自保险责任开始一律不办理退保和退费 10 25 365
不论G/A是否成立,抛货引起的船舶全损,直接赔偿 6、核装置或核反应堆发生的故障或意外事故
7、 “殷琪玛瑞条款” (仅“船舶险”有)
① 装卸或移动货物或燃料时发生的意外事故; ② 船舶机件或船壳的潜在缺陷;
③ 船长、船员有意损害被保险人利益的行为;
(“船员恶意行为” ) ④ 船长、船员和引水员、修船人员及租船人的疏忽行为;
五、保险期间 1、定期
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