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★安排好要点和数据的表达、组织好文章的结构是完成写作任 务的关键 ★由于这类试题提示内容少,信息点分散,审题时一定要领会 作者的出题意图,弄清主题再动笔。
★高考书面表达图表类的试题常常既要求我们描述或解释图表 信息,又要求我们根据图表所提供的信息分析原因或发表议论, 甚至对图表所反映的现象提出自己的看法,因此也是对考生思 维能力的一种综合考查。
曲线图常用来表示事物的变化趋势。常分为带时间 参照和不带时间参照两种。曲线图的特点是信息集中, 一目了然。
数字表格是以表格形式将统计的数据或被说明的事 物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。
饼状图则是以圆内扇形的大小表示总体内部结构的 变化。
❖ 某学校对中学生课余活动进行了调查,结果如 下。请根据图表1提供的信息描述学生每天的 课余活动,并针对图表2中任何一个数据中反 映的情况写出你的一个看法。
或 facts and effects/opinions
Biblioteka Baidu
❖ go up to/ climb to/ increase to/ rise to/jump to ❖ The population of this city has been increasing so
rapidly that it has now amounted to 250 million. ❖ There was a rapid increase between 1993 and
❖ In comparison with that in 1988, the percentage of …… decreased by 30%.
❖ The number of visitors from Europe declined slightly, reaching 300,000..
❖ It is clear from the chart that as incomes increase people can afford to live more comfortably and eat better.
第二步:分析数据间的主要差异及趋势,然后描写 (在描写数据间变化及总趋势特征时,可采用分类 式或对比式以支持主题,并阐明必要的理由)。注 意层次。 facts and reasons
1994, and the number then jumped to five million in 1995. ❖ It doubled the number of last year.
❖ fall to; go down to; decrease; drop to; decline;
minutes and 30 minutes each. While 25 minutes is
spent on sports, only 12 minutes goes into
❖ As is shown on Chart 2, only 10% of the time is taken up with sports activities. I think the school should encourage the students to do more exercise after class. Only in this way may they be healthier and more energetic.
Guide: ❖ 文章体裁:
I. 审题
❖ 段落详略(要点):
❖ 数据分析与整合:
❖ 开放部分观点提炼: II. 打草稿
• 构思文章框架: • 选择关联词: • 修订重点句子:
III. 认真誊写
图表式作文写作分三步: 第一步:开门见山地点明本图表所反映的主题
即 conclusion
常见词汇: table表格 chart图表 figure数字 graph曲线图 describe描述 show表明 represent描绘,表现 indicate指出,揭示
❖ 图表作文多以说明文和议论文为主 ❖ 特定时间用过去时,经常出现的情况或自己
柱状图 曲线图 数字表格 饼状图四类。
柱状图是指在人们日常生活中,事物的变化情况通 常可以用宽度相等的柱状图形来表示,柱状图的高度 差别用来说明事物的动态发展趋势,同时要注意图例 说明和坐标刻度所提示的信息。柱状图是高中英语课 本中常见的图形,要求学生通过柱状图中的数据和提 示内容写一篇短文,属于比较、对照类。也可根据提 示写成议论文。
❖ As is shown in the graph/in the table …
❖ It can be seen from the table that …
❖ It can be concluded from the graph that …
❖ From the statistics given in the table it can be seen that …

Chart 1 shows the daily average amount of
time the students of the school spend on different
after-class activities. The students put the most time
★看懂所给的图表、数据及其中的文字说明,弄清各种信息之 间的关系
不必全部描述,切忌写成“填表题”,“一对一直译”,“句式单一”,遗漏“间 接要点”,应巧妙组合信息。
-93 minutes-into their homework, and next in
line is watching TV, which takes up 46 minutes.
They put in about the same amount of time
listening to music and working on the computer, 34