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相比,治疗 3 d 及 7 d 后患眼视力明显改善,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);与治疗 3 d 后相比,治疗 7 d 后视
力亦明显提高,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01)。 OCT 变化情况分析显示:与治疗前相比,治疗 3 d 及 7 d 后平
均黄斑中心凹区 ILM-RPE 视网膜厚度、黄斑部视网膜容积以及黄斑部视网膜平均容积厚度均明显下降 ,差异有
· 临床医学-五官科 ·
中国医药导报 2017 年 6 月第 14 卷第 18 期
大剂量甲泼尼龙冲击治疗 Vogt- 小柳 - 原田病的效果观察
朱茂丽 黄 亮 薛 敏 董健鸿▲ 上海市徐汇区中心医院眼科,上海 200031
[摘要] 目的 观察大剂量甲泼尼龙冲击治疗 Vogt-小柳-原田病的临床效果 。 方法 回顾分析 2013 年 1 月~2016
影(FFA)的变化情况,并随访 1 年。 结果 经治疗,100 眼(74.1%)1 周内视力明显提高(≥0.6)、视网膜水肿消退,
OCT 示浆液性视网膜脱离消失 ,FFA 荧光素渗漏减轻 。 视力提高缓慢的 32 眼(23.7%)发病时间 均≥2 周 ,用药
2 周视力方缓慢提高。 3 眼(2.2%)治疗无效后改免疫抑制剂治疗。 BCVA 转换为 logMAR 视力分析显示:与治疗前
The effect observation of high-dose Methylprednisolone treatment on VogtKoyanagi-Harada disease
ZHU Maoli HUANG Liang XUE Min DONG Jianhong▲ Department of Ophthalmology, Xuhui District Central Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200031, China [Abstract] Objective To observe the effect of high -dose Methylprednisolone treatment on Vogt -Koyanagi -Harada disease. Methods Sixty -nine hospitalized patients (135 eyes) diagnosed with Vogt -Koyanagi -Harada disease from January 2013 to January 2016 in Xuhui District Central Hospital of Shanghai were analyzed retrospectively. All patients received high -dose Methylprednisolone treatment, with Methylprednisolone 1.0 g/d in early mornings for three consecutive days, and then the dosage was tapered based on the condition improvement. Before and after being treated for three and seven days, all patients underwent vision acuity examination, fundus examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA). The changes were analyzed, and the patients were followed up for one year. Results After treatment for one week, there were 100 eyes (74.1%) whose vision acuity were improved significantly [best corrected vision acuity (BCVA) ≥0.6], retina edema subsided, retinal detachment disappeared in OCT and fluorescence leakage reduced in FFA. All of the 32 eyes (23.7%) with vision acuity slowly improved were treated after an onset of no less than two weeks. The BCVA was improved slowly after treatment for two weeks. There were 3 eyes (2.2%) that showed no response to the high -dose methylprednisolone treatment and then received immunosuppressant therapy. Analysis of logMAR vision converted from BCVA, vision acuity of all patients was improved obviously after treatment for three days and seven days compared to before treatment, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.01); moreover, vision acuity of all patients was improved markedly after treatment for seven days compared to that after treatment for three days, and the difference was of statistical significance (P < 0.01). Analysis of OCT: compared to conditions before treatment, foveal thickness (ILM-RPE), macular retinal volume and ▲通 讯 作 者
134 CHINA MEDICAL HERALD Vol. 14 No. 18 June 2017
中国医药导报 2017 年 6 月第 14 卷第 18 期
· 临床医学-五官科 ·
average volume thickness were decreased greatly after treatment for three days and seven days, and the difference was of statistical significance (P < 0.01). Compared to results after treatment for three days, macular foveal thickness (ILMRPE), macular retinal volume and average volume thickness were decreased greatly after treatment for seven days, and the difference was of statistical significance (P < 0.01). During the one-year follow-up, no serious corticosteroid complications occurred to all eyes. Three patients (6 eyes) had a relapse within six months after treatment, and were given high-dose Methylprednisolone treatment again, which ended well. Conclusion High -dose Methylprednisolone treatment can effectively control the Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, with fast visual function recovery, low recurrence rate and rare adverse reaction. It is safe and effective. The earlier the treatment is given, the better the curative effect will be. [Key words] Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease;Methylprednisolone;Corticosteroid
回顾性分析入住我院眼科的 69 例(135 眼)VKH 患 者病例资料 。 本组病例中 ,男 37 例 (71 眼 ),其 中 3 例为独眼 ,女 32 例(64 眼);年 龄 为 14~64 岁 ,平 均 (39.1±12.8)岁。 参照 1999 年美国葡萄膜炎学会修订 的 VKH 诊断标准确诊患者[4-5]。 本研究所有患者均为 初发病例,发病时间为 2 d~9 个月,其中发病时间<2周 的病例有 47 例(91 眼),发病时间≥2 周的病例有 22 例 (44 眼)。 1.2 方法 1.2.1 大剂量甲泼尼龙冲击治 疗方案 所有 患者入院 后均详细询问病史,行详细眼科检查:最佳校正视 力 (best corrected vision acuity,BCVA)、裂 隙 灯 检 查 、 散 瞳 眼 底 检 查 、 眼 底 照 相 、 眼 底 荧 光 血 管 造 影 (fundus fluorescein angiography,FFA)以及光学相 干 断 层 扫 描 (optical coherence tomography,OCT)等 。 所 有 患 者 予 以化验血常规、肝功能等指标,排除糖皮质激素应 用禁忌证后 给予大剂量 甲泼尼龙(Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV,批 号 :N67641)冲 击 治 疗 :甲 泼 尼 龙 1 g 加入 500 mL 生理盐水中静脉滴注, 连续使用 3 d 后减量为甲泼尼龙 500 mg 加入 500 mL 生理盐水中 静脉滴注,继续使用 3 d,然后改为口服泼尼松片 1 mg/(kg·d)继续治疗,每日晨起顿服,后根据患者视
年 1 月上海市徐汇区中心医院确诊为 Vogt-小柳-原田病的住院患者 69 例(135 眼)。 所有患者予以大剂量甲泼
尼龙冲击治疗,即甲泼尼龙 1 g/d 静脉滴注,连续 3 d,再根据患者临床表现改善情况正规逐渐减量至停药 。 观察
比较患者治疗前及治疗 3、7 d 后的最佳校正视力 (BCVA)、眼底、光学相干断层扫描 (OCT)以及眼底荧光血管造
Vogt-小柳-原田病(Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, VKH)为 双 眼 弥 漫 性 渗 出 性 葡 萄 膜 炎 , 伴 有 毛 发 、 皮 肤 改变、听觉受损和脑膜刺激症状,又称为葡萄膜-脑膜 炎, 是一种累及全身多个系统的自身免疫性疾病。 VKH 好发于 青壮年患者 ,发病急、易 反 复 发 作 ,致 盲 率高[1-2],其首 选药物是糖 皮质类固醇 激素,但目 前对 于激素治疗的类型选择、剂量以及应用时间等尚无统 一的标准[3]。 为 此,回顾分析 2013 年 1 月~2016 年 1 月上海市徐汇区中心医院(以下简称“我院”)接受大 剂量甲泼尼龙规范冲击治疗的 69 例(135 眼)VKH 患 者,现报道如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料
泼尼龙冲击治疗 Vogt-小柳-原田病疗效确切、视功能恢复快、复发率低、不良反应少 ,是一种安全有效的治疗方
法。 且发病时间越短,治疗效果越好。
[关键词] Vogt-小柳-原田病;甲泼尼龙;糖皮质激素
[中图分类号] R773
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)06(c)-0134-04
高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);与治疗 3 d 后相比,治疗 7 d 后平均黄斑中心凹区 ILM-RPE 视网膜厚度、黄斑部视
网膜容积以及黄斑部视网Biblioteka Baidu平均容积厚度均明显下降 ,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01)。 所有患者随访 1 年,
未见严重不良反应 ,其中 3 例患者 (6 眼)于治疗后半年内复发 ,再次予以冲击治疗 ,随访稳定 。 结论 大剂量甲