GBZ 19963-2005《风电场接入电力系统技术规定》

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1 背景与意义Background
电网中风电接纳能力的影响因素The factors influencing wind power penetration limits of power systems 电力系统规模 power system size 发电装机结构(固有的灵活性) generation capacity mix (inherent flexibility) 负荷变化load variation 风电场的地域分布、可预测性与可控制性 the geographical spreading, predictability and controllability of wind farms
2 法律基础Legal Basis
《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》 The renewable Energy Law of PR China
第十四条 电网企业应当与依法取得行政许可或者 报送备案的可再生能源发电企业签订并网协议,全 额收购其电网覆盖范围内可再生能源并网发电项目 的上网电量,并为可再生能源发电提供上网服务。 Utilities should purchase the all electricity generated by renewable resources and provide integration service for renewable power developers.
我国的电网结构相对薄弱,许多建设或规划中的风电 场都位于电网薄弱地区或者末端。Many wind farms under operation and planning locate remote areas where the grid is relatively weak.
1 背景与意义Background
considered in future
1 背景与意义Background
《可再生能源法》已经实施,风电场进入一个大规模 建设阶段。The enforcement of Renewable Energy Law of PR China
国家发改委风电特许权项目的实施,一批装机容量在 100MW以上的大型风电场将陆续建成。与此同时,若 干个百万千瓦级的大型风电基地也在进行前期工作。 The implementation of several Wind Power Concession Projects organized by NDRC
GB/Z 19963-2005《风电场接入电力系统技术规定》 Brief Introduction of GB/Z 19963-2005 Technical Rule
for Connecting Wind Farm to Power Networks
主要内容Main content
背景与意义Background 法律基础Legal Basis 基本依据和原则Reference & Principle 主要条款Key items 今后需要考虑的问题The issues to be
1 背景与意义Background
制定《技术规定》的目的:Objectives 保证风电场和电力系统的安全稳定运行。Ensure the security and stability of wind farms and power systems 明确电网公司和风电场开发商的责任和义务,适应 我国大规模建设风电场的需要。Identify the responsibility and obligation of utilities and wind power developers to promote the wind power development 支持国家正在加快实施的风电机组国产化战略,同 时对国产化风电机组的技术发展方向提供一定的支 撑和引导。Promotion of wind turbine localization
2 法律基础Legal Basis
《电网调度管理条例》(国务院第115号令) The regulation on Dispatch and Management of Power Systems (No.115 Rule of the State Council) 第三条 中华人民共和国境内的发电、供电、用电 单位以及其他有关单位和个人,必须遵守本条例。 All power plant operators, power suppliers, power consumers and others in China must comply with the order. 第二十五条 并网运行的发电厂或者电网,必须服 从调度机构的统一调度。All power plants and grids must obey the dispatching orders.
2 法律基础Legal Basis
《中华人民共和国电力法》 The Electric Power Law of PR China 第五条 国家鼓励和支持利用可再生能源和清洁能 源发电。Item 5:The China encourages and supports the renewable energy generation and the clean energy generation. 第二十一条 电网运行实行统一调度、分级管理。 任何单位和个人不得非法干预电网调度。Item 21: The operation of power systems is based on the principal of unified dispatch and hierarchical management. No organization/body may interfere the dispatch of power systems.
风电场对电网安全运行的影响The influence of wind farm on security operation of power systems 线路传输功率The capacity of transmission lines 电网无功/电压调节Reactive power/voltage rΒιβλιοθήκη Baidugulation 机组组合和最小出力Unit commitment and the minimum output of generating units 电网频率控制Grid frequency control 联络线功率控制Control of transmitted power of tie lines 电能质量Power quality