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Part1 Listening(第一部分听力)(共30分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture.(共6分)


2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

6. ________

B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (8分)

7. A. A doctor. B. A detective C. A policeman D. A postman

8. A. Buy a new purse. B. Call the police C. Repair her purse D. Look for her purse

9. A. He was sunbathing with Peter. B. He was bathing in the bathroom

C. He was playing basketball with Peter

D. He was playing tennis with Peter.

10.A. At1:00 B. At1:30. C. At2:30 . D. At3:30.

11.A. A detective. B. A reporter. C. An actor. D. A writer.

12.A. $ 5,750 B. $5,850 C. $ 5,950 D. $ 6,400

13.A. Sales B. Nurses. C. Teachers D. Tourism managers

14.A. 1,000 dollars B. 1,100 dollars C. 1,200 dollars D. 1,300 dollars

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(6分)

15.In the story, Kuskoy is the name of a country.

16.The children of Kuskoy begin to learn to whistle((吹ロ哨)at school.

17.In Kuskoy, whistling as a way of talking started hundreds of years ago.

18.The whistle can be heard at a distance of 10 miles.

19.The children of Kuskoy always start a day with a whistled song.

20.Through whistling, all the villagers quickly knew a young-couple’s adventure.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(10分)

21.Mr. Bram became completely blind ________ ________.

22.Mr. Bram graduated with a degree ________ ________ although his condition was declining all the way.

23.M. Bram picked up a bottle of glue and drew cutlines that he could feel with ________ ________

24.Mr. Bram once said that he didn’t become ________ ________ to fail until he lost his sight.

25.Mr. Bram learnt that he should live in the moment and________ ________through stressful situations from painting.

Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and vocabulary


II. Choose the best answer (20分)

26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?

A. contact

B. manage

C. captain

D. escape

27.The young engineer solved the problem in________unusual way

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

28.Several thieves broke ________the bank and stole the safe last night.

A. into

B. down

C. out

D. /

29.We saw a couple of laptops, but________of them was really what we wanted.

A. neither

B. all

C. both

D. either

30.Steven asked the taxi driver to driver a little________because he had to catch the last train.

A. quickly

B. the most quickly

C. more quickly

D. less quickly

31.You’ll not make any progress ________ you get rid of your bad habit of study.

A. because

B. after

C. if

D. unless

32.Tim's sister________as a waitress in a big restaurant for the time being.

A. was working

B. worked

C. has worked

D.is working

33.The lawyer________ by a few reporters when he appeared in the hall this afternoon.

A. will be interviewed

B. has been interviewed

C. is interviewed

D. was interviewed

34.________ great fun it is to go fishing in the countryside at the weekend!

A. How

B. What

C. What a

D. What an

35.This notebook________ be Tom's. Look at his name on the cover

A. must

B. mustn't

C. can

D. can’t

36.When the boy lost his balance, the skateboard went one way and went________ .

A. the other

B. others

C. other

D. the others

37.Do you know the boy ________under the big tree?

A. lay

B. lain

C. laying

D. lying

38.We________ our national flag every morning when the sun________.

A. raise...is risen

B. rise...is raised

C. raise...is rising

D. rise... raises

39.People rarely thought of planting more trees to prevent the land from disappearing,________?

A. didn’t they

B. did they

C. do they

D. don’t they

40.You________ tired. You should get some rest.

A. hear

B. sound

C. listen

D. listen to

41.If you enjoy American stories, you’ll find that quite________of them take place on the road.

A. few

B. a few

C. little

D. a little

42.The suspect's friend denies________ him destroy evidence.

A. help

B. helped

C. helping

D. to help

43.Big TV's aren’t popular today________ most people watch shows on their phones.

A. even if

B. so that

C. because

D. as long as

44.---Hello, Jenny, you look busy. Anything I can do for you?

--- ________I can manage myself.
