


北外英美文学专业初试复试备考经验及 03—06真题 准备考研的时间不长,只有三个月,总结起来两大经验吧,细节和节奏。细节是说考研要做个有心人,要勤看别人的经验,即使不是一个方向的。因为虽然准备的内容不同,但过程都是一样的(讲到底也只有专二不同)。学习别人的经验自己才能避免走别人的弯路,犯别人犯过的错误。节奏是说时间的充分利用,时间不在长短而在效率的高低,要根据自己的情况制定合适的复习计划。在这里给大家小小的鼓励一下:永远不要觉得时间不够用,也永远不要觉得这是不可能完成的的任务。当然要基于自身实力和现实的考虑,我相信大家都明白我的意思。等到真正做到了,你就是那个“传说”。 政治:六十多分没什么经验。。。。。。总的感觉是过线不拉分就好因为进入复试政治和二外就不算分了,不要给自己太大的压力,不要浪费过多的时间,节省下来精力好好看专业。 法语:学校用的是很老的橘黄色皮的《法语》,先复习一遍,把忘掉的知识捡回来。然后把历年真题研究一遍,考察的知识点就那么多,有的题基本没变隔年又考一次。从图书馆借来新大学法语1-3,从头到尾梳理知识点整理笔记。因为知道考什么,所以看得有重点。借书的好处之一就是“书非借不能读也”,借来的总要还,有压力就看得快了,而且借的书都少都有点笔记,看看也是很好的。

基英:分阅读,翻译和写作三个部分。像名字一样就是考察英语的基础,所以投机取巧是不可取的,要稳扎稳打地不间断复习。阅读--每天精读一篇1500字左右的新闻,有用的词句整理出来,有兴趣的段落翻一翻,阅读是最好的输入方式,扩大阅读量不言而喻,也对写作和翻译大有益处。翻译--练了叶子南里面几个靠谱的文章,订在一起没事看看,每翻译一篇都会看到自己逐步的进步,翻译得逐渐成熟。写作—写作看的是内容、结构和语法。虽然在考场上不可能三方面都完美,但是写的时候有这样的意识在脑子里,偏也偏不到哪里去。基础自认为还是不错的,所以每天的复习就是一个routine,保持对英语的娴熟度,主要的精力都集中在复习专业上了。 专业:文学选段匹配+小说分析,今年取消了逻辑题。虽然文学的复习范围没边没沿,文学著作浩如烟海;但是恶俗的讲一句,只要是考试,它就有它的侧重点和一定的规律。文学选段匹配--本着上一原则,我把历年真题找来统计了一下每年考得上都是谁的作品,集中在哪几部作品上。统计过后发现大概十人左右而且都是大家Mark Twain, Charles Dicke ns, Wordsworth…然后就拜读他们的大作就好了。小说的话要先看看写作风格,像总考的adventures of huckleberry finn,如果没读过现读是来不及的,但只要了解马克吐温的写作风格,就会在看到南方方言的第一时间想到他老人家。诗歌


What’s symbolism? 1)Symbolism is a movement in literature and the visual arts that originated in France in the late 19th century. In literature, symbolism was an aesthetic movement that encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings, and values by means of symbols or suggestions rather than by direct statements. Hawthorne and Melville are masters of symbolism in America in the 19th century. 2)举例。

48. “Young Goodman Brown ”is one of Hawthorne ’s most profound tales. What is the allegorical meaning of Brown, the protagonist? What does Hawthorne set out to prove in this tale? How does Melville comment on Hawthorne ’s manner of concerning with guilt and evil?

**ELIZABETH **4. A comparison of the three giants: William Dean Howells; Mark Twain; and Henry James They are the three dominant figures of the realistic period. The forerunner of American Realism is Howells. Though the three writers wrote more or less at the same time, they differed in their understanding of the “truth.”While Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the “life”of the Americans, Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world”of man. Though Twain and Howells both shared the same concern in presenting the truth of the American society, they had each of them different emphasis. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “local colorism,”a unique variation (变体) of American literary realism.


山东师范大学英美文学考研资料外国语学院 文稿归稿存档编号:[KKUY-KKIO69-OTM243-OLUI129-G00I-FDQS58-

007 外国语学院更新时间:2010-9-8

复式科目英语语言文学 《英美概况(导读)》来安方编写大象出版社

这本书在网上似乎很难找到但是是考试必备的! 很多山师往年的试题都能在书中找到原题的答案! 但是遗憾的是都是中文的,考试的时候需要你自己把这些答案翻译成英文 也许是导师们想考考我们的理解水平和汉译英翻译能力吧 我当时备考的时候在书中把往年考过的题都做了标记而且把每一个自己认为可能考到的条目都翻译成了英语做成笔记,等快考试的时候就看自己的笔记就比较省力了下面是在书中出现的三道往年考题了 Yours is not why but how. 记得是07年的一个问答题考对这句话的理解 15分呢! (那本黄皮的指定参考书里是没有答案的,自己看那本黄皮概况的话,是绝对想象不到这也是考点的!) the tertiary industry ,the service industry 第三产业 ,某年的专有名词翻译题 1分 British Disease 英国病某年的简答题 5分 《英美概况》来安方等编写大象出版社是旧版的小本的厚厚的大象出版社来安方等编写的我记得我的这本是2004年印刷的,有自由女神像黄皮的《外国文学史》朱维之等编写我用的是第三版的当然你用最新版的也行里面的内容区别不大的 特别注意每一章前面的那段类似导读的话很重要大题目往往从里面出大家可以自己对对看历年的题目,这本书没有辅导书要看个人的功力了其实看这本书也没什么窍门一个字“勤”,勤动笔、勤动脑 ,要善于总结 ,思考 《现代汉语》下册就看下册就可以了我用的是最新版的你要用旧版的也可以没什么区别,课后习题多做做这本书考的还是比较简单的 《现代汉语教学说明和自学参考》


复旦大学英美文学考研经验 我准备考研比较早,3、4月份就开始了,因为大三课比较多,所以前期复习时间较短,速度有点慢,因此,如果大家已经有目标,建议越早开始越好The early bird catches the worm! ?政治: 暑假开始复习,一直到最后都是跟着肖秀荣老师的书在走,1000题很重要,可以抓很多细节性的知识,建议不要在书上直接写,方便后期反复利用。暑假期间可以先看去年大纲,大概有个印象,最后冲刺时四八套题一定要好好背,今年肖老师大题基本都中了。政治最好每天都分配一定的时间,这一科记得快忘的也快。 ?二外法语: 本科学校教材是新大学法语,我复习用过的资料有:考研必备,二外法语考研综合(肖红),和圣才出版的名校历年二外真题,不过这些书提供的答案有些是错的,大家小心。复习重点还是考研必备,多刷几遍,错题好好整理下来,另外语法基础一定学要扎实了,而且词汇量是一大关,所以平时就要开始积累单词,动词变位尤其重要,而且今年考试第一题居然就是给了10个词写变位。 ?专业课: 复旦英语语言文学专业只给了4本参考书,两本文学方向,两本语言学方向,基英没有复习资料。 基英,考试有三道题,英译汉,汉译英和作文,每项50分。复习是第一项任务是背单词,翻译总得看懂文章。过最好多看英文原著,这样积累的词汇比较牢,我是光背单词书,实际记住灵活用的其实不多。翻译要自己动手练习,然后对照译文学习技巧,过一段时间再练再揣摩。建议,汉译英,张培基先生的书是一定要练,今年直接有原文,平时练习大家可以多学学表达,衔接。英译汉的话就做了做真题,没有太认真练,主要还是积累词汇和用法。至于作文,考前可以用专八作文练练手(改革前最好,专八改革后先要材料概述,不太适合复旦的题型)。基英时间很赶,大家一定要注意时间分配啊。我用的书有:张培基的《英译现代散文选》1和4册,刘士聪《英汉汉英美文翻译与鉴赏》,叶子南《高级翻译理论》以及《英语专业考研英汉互译》。 最后是语言学,一本是Fromkin的《An introduction to language》,一本是Yule的《The study of language》的书。复习时可以用Y的书开始打基础,这本书相对比较简单,后期复习以F的书为主,主要知识点都在F的书上,一定要多读几遍吃透了,书后的术语汇编很实用,一定要好好背下来,语言学答题很


上外英语语言文学英美文学经验贴 1.用书:①综英:全球热门报刊双语阅读精选(4本);环球时代美文读本(只用了其中4本);本科高级英语1-2(张汉熙主编)+教参;星火专八阅读100篇;华研专八阅读180篇;新东方阅读100篇(高分版);冲击波专八阅读;英语写作教程2--细节描写与读者意识;地道英文进阶(魏剑锋著);Gre长难句;刘毅10000;Gre3000;经济学人100篇精读②翻译:108散文;张培基2和4(4只看了1/3);英汉名篇名译(朱明炬)③政治:肖秀荣1000题;肖八(只刷了选择);肖四 ④二外(德语):大学德语1-2(张书良总主编);新求精;圣才真题 2.复习方法: 初试: 我是按照姐姐发在群里的50分钟循环复习课表来的,加上平时跟做姐姐的阅读和写作,所以复习比较系统化,有条理。当然在这过程中会备受打击,但是打击习惯了也就好了,越挫越勇,最后两个月真的是佛系,各种看剧和综艺啥的,也算是给自己放松一下,不然真的怕憋出毛病来。每个月我基本上只放松1-2天,平时早上6:40起,洗漱吃早饭,大概7:40开始学习,中午会睡午觉,14:00又开始学习,晚上大概11:30睡觉。每天晚上10:30-11:30会把一整天所学内容再复习一遍,我喜欢用本子把所有学到的词组都记下来,然后集中复习。 平时练阅读要注意每篇文章的开头结尾和每段的开头结尾;写作上,我会注意每一句话的用词和结构,所以每次写作文都要花好长时

间,虽然有点费时间,但是的确感觉进步比较大,写多了,会变顺畅。作文会背环球时代上的美文以及英语写作教程上的细节描写文章。翻译一定要好好弄,千万不可以不重视,每次大家的综英其实都考的差不多,但是翻译会拉开差距,所以张培基一定要反复看,反复视译,可以研究一下结构什么的,熟悉度高了,慢慢张培基的遣词用句也就能用到作文里了,这个很重要!!! 但不是死背,只要熟悉,一看到就能反应过来就行。政治我是10月才开始准备的,不求考多高,只要过了就行,一开始刷1000题,把错的题号都记下来,最后一个月再复盘一遍就行,然后好好把肖四大题按结构框架背熟就没问题了,考试的时候记着写满,哪怕把材料抄一遍都行。二外(德语)因为在学校就学的还不错,所以不太费劲,每天花100分钟在上面就行,主要是弄清语法,单词写熟记熟,变位变格学会,最后两个月刷圣才的题,每天一套(我是挑着做的,阅读和选择一定要做,其他的随便),作文最后3个月对照模板再练就行。 复试: 1.用书:吴伟仁的英国文学和美国文学选读(4本);罗经国英国文学选读(2本);童明的美国文学史;星火考点精梳与精炼英美文学 2.复习方法:由于今年疫情原因,我在家就拖延症晚期,看书也不好好看,天天玩手机,直到4月中旬才开始正式好好复习,我主要以罗经国的英国文学和童明的美国文学为主,吴伟仁的4本作为补充,每看一个时期就做一个时期的mindmap(思维导图做历史背景,时代特征,流派,作家,作品,写作风格等),然后全部做完后,就开始


Chapter I The Renaissance Period Definitions of the Literary Terms: 文艺复兴时期的界定 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. 历史文化背景It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to emb race the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "reviva l," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoverie s in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expa nsion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in whic h the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that e xpressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. 文艺复兴到英国比较晚的原因The Renaissance was slow in reaching Englan d not only becaus e o f England?s separation from the Continent but also be cause of its domestic unrest. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England. With Henry VII I?s encouragement the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduc ed classical literature to England. 15th century, began the English Renaissa nce, which was perhaps England?s Golden Age, especially in literature. 人文主义H umanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient author s and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its consci ous, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on s uch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new l earning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, b ut the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists fou nd in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see th at human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was thei rs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizin g the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the bea uty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wond ers. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the b est representatives of the English humanists. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimi lation.


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.


山东师范大学英美文学考研资料外国语学院 The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.

007 外国语学院更新时间:2010-9-8 复式科目英语语言文学

这本书在网上似乎很难找到但是是考试必备的! 很多山师往年的试题都能在书中找到原题的答案! 但是遗憾的是都是中文的,考试的时候需要你自己把这些答案翻译成英文 也许是导师们想考考我们的理解水平和汉译英翻译能力吧 我当时备考的时候在书中把往年考过的题都做了标记而且把每一个自己认为可能考到的条目都翻译成了英语做成笔记,等快考试的时候就看自己的笔记就比较省力了 下面是在书中出现的三道往年考题了 Yours is not why but how. 记得是07年的一个问答题考对这句话的理解 15分呢! (那本黄皮的指定参考书里是没有答案的,自己看那本黄皮概况的话,是绝对想象不到这也是考点的!) the tertiary industry ,the service industry 第三产业 ,某年的专有名词翻译题 1分 British Disease 英国病某年的简答题 5分 《英美概况》来安方等编写大象出版社是旧版的小本的厚厚的大象出版社来安方等编写的我记得我的这本是2004年印刷的,有自由女神像黄皮的《外国文学史》朱维之等编写我用的是第三版的当然你用最新版的也行里面的内容区别不大的 特别注意每一章前面的那段类似导读的话很重要大题目往往从里面出大家可以自己对对看历年的题目,这本书没有辅导书要看个人的功力了其实看这本书也没什么窍门一个字“勤”,勤动笔、勤动脑 ,要善于总结 ,思考 《现代汉语》下册就看下册就可以了我用的是最新版的你要用旧版的也可以没什么区别,课后习题多做做这本书考的还是比较简单的 《现代汉语教学说明和自学参考》 我当初还买了这一本辅导书是为了知道课后习题的准确答案的这个辅导书你单独备考的时候很管用 招考信息发布权威书目: ①《英美概况》(新版)莱安方编,大象出版社;


英美文学选读要点总结精心整理3 I). Washington Irving华盛顿.欧文 11. He is regarded as Father of the American short stories.他是美国浪漫主义文学代表作家之一,美国短篇小说之父。 12. With the publication of The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Irving won a measure of international fame on both sides of the Atlantic.1819年至1820年,欧文出版了《见闻札记》,该书为欧文获得了欧美两大洲的文学荣誉。 13. A History of New York---He parodies or imitates Homer.《纽约史》在多方面模仿了荷马。 14. Like the two famous personae he created, Diedrich Knickerbocker and Geoffrey Crayon, Irving remained a conservative and always exalted a disappearing past.他所创造的两个人物Diedrich Knickerbocker和Geoffrey Crayon和他一样,都停留在对过去的事情的津津乐道上。 15. We hear rather than read, for there is musicality in almost every line of his prose. We seldom learn a moral lesson because he wants us amused and relaxed.他的作品行文优美流畅,犹如音乐。他的作品寓教于乐,给人以轻松安逸之感,如入梦境。 16. He is worth the honor of being“the American Goldsmith”for his literary craftsmanship.在创作艺术方面他堪称是“美国的近匠”。 17. “rip van winkle”—Here, Irving’s pervasive theme of nostalgia for the unrecoverable past is at on ce made unforgettable.“瑞普.凡.温克尔”---欧文在此表达了对一去不复返的东西十分依恋,笔触生动,令人难忘。 (II). Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫.华尔多.爱默生 18. New England Transcendentalism, which is unanimously agreed to be the summit of the Romantic period in the history of American literature.在美国浪漫主义时期的文学中,新英格兰的超验主义是不可或缺的。 19. Emersonian Transcendentalism is actually a philosophical school which absorbed some ideological concerns of American Puritanism and European Romanticism, with its focus on the intuitive knowledge of human beings to grasp the absolute in the universe and the divinity of man.爱默生的超验主义实际上是在吸收美国清教思想,强调人类具有本能的掌握宇宙绝对真理和人的神性而形成的一个哲学流派。 20. In his essays, Emerson put forward his philosophy of the over-soul, the importance of the individual, and Nature.爱默生的文章提出了超灵哲学,个人及自然的重要性。 21. Emerson id a ffirmative about man’s intuitive knowledge, with which a man can trust himself to decide what is right and to act accordingly.爱默生相信人的直觉知识。人类可以利用自己的直觉决定是非并采取相应得行动。 22. The ideal individual should be a self-reliant man.一个理想的个人应是自助自立的人。 23. “Go back to nature, sink yourself back into its influence and you’ll become spiritually whole again.”“回到自然中去吧,沉浸在自然的影响中吧,你将重新获得精神的完整。” 24. In 1845, a great transcendentalist work Walden was born.1845年,写成了超验主义的伟大作品《沃尔登》。


2020上外英语语言文学英美文学方向考研经验分享 一年的考研之路终于画上圆满句号,现在自己也闲下来了,想给大家分享一下我个人的一些小经验,希望帮助到2020考研的小伙伴们。 基础英语(业务课一): 2019年的考试题型包括单选,完型,阅读,小作文以及大作文,题量比较大,难度也不小,考试时要注意时间的分配。单选主要考察GRE难度单词的词义辨析,基本上知道意思就可以选对。针对这一题型的备考主要是背单词,大家选择适合自己的方法来记忆就可以了,但一定要记熟,背单词背的摸棱两可真的没什么用,还浪费时间。 完型填空难度比较大,选择的篇章来自英文报刊和书籍,今年考的是一篇关于文学评论方法的文章,和平时资料里做到的风格不太一样。备考时主要用的是428资料里的35篇来练手,篇章主题包括政治,经济,文化等等。备考主要是多练习多阅读,一开始不用太在意时间,找到做题的状态,细心静心,尽量提高正确率。 阅读题备考主要是掐时间做一做专八的阅读,GRE的阅读。 小作文以描述,记叙类为主,428资料里还有一些具体的分类和范文。大作文比较常规,是最常见的说理议论类,遵循三段论的原则,框架搭起来,举例与论述相结合,注意语言的流畅度就可以。近两年没有考改错,往年一直在考,题型和难度与专八相仿,平时复习时可以适当练习。 英汉互译(业务课二): 一篇英译汉,一篇汉译英,英译汉的主题多为文化类,汉译英的体裁主要是名家散文。由于今年的基础英语试题难度较大,大家的分数普遍不高,差距不大,翻译就成了拉分项。备考汉译英大家基本上都选用《英译中国现代散文选》(张培基译注共四册),《散文佳作108篇》和历年真题作为练手和学习的材料。建议规定时间,自己先译,再对照参考译文,学习一些出彩的搭配和句型。我比较好的一点就是报了班,做完翻译不用自己去对答案,有爱考宝典的老师给我批改,他看过我的答案过后就能知道我的薄弱之处在哪,会针对性地给我讲解训练相关的内容。我们自己也要从参考译文中学习一些好的词汇,搭配和句型,观察参考译文对长难句的处理,长短句式的安排以及中英文转换时句子主语的变化和上下句之间的逻辑衔接。考试时保证自己的译文对原文的忠实性,注意语言的自然性,准确性和流畅度。英译汉首先是巩固自己的单词量,尽量不要因为不认识单词而失分,真题中还会出现个别GRE难度的词;其次是要注意自己对母语的把控能力,写出的句子要符合中文的语言习惯,并且成熟流畅,行文风格忠实于原文;再次是要了解一些世界文化常识。 二外(德语): 考试题型包括单选,完型,阅读,德译汉和作文。上外没有规定二外的参考书,我复习时主要是反复刷了刷本科时的二外教材《新编大学德语》一二三册,做了书上所有的课后习题,背了课后的单词,对照着配套的教师手册后的课文译文默写德语原文。语法的总结和巩固用的是《新求精德语语法精解与练习》,这本书的语法脉络与讲解很清晰简明,题目难度很适合二外的备考,好好做一做很有帮助。 政治:花的时间很少,完全靠运气,所以没啥经验好分享给大家,希望大家能好好复习这一门,尤其是理科生。 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。大家千万不要害怕困难挫折,勇敢的战胜它们,你就能成功,加油!


1.What is in the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” that makes Hemingway say that all modern American literature comes from this book? (这个题找了2个小时,实在是找不到了。看看下面的会不会有所帮助) (海明威写的Green Hills of Africa中的原文)All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. If you read it you must stop where the Nigger Jim is stolen from the boys. That is the real end. The rest is just cheating. But it's the best book we've had. All American writing comes from that. There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since. The best work that Mark Twain ever produced is, as we noted earlier on, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It tells a story about the United States before the Civil War, around 1850, when the great Mississippi Valley was still being settled. Here lies an America, with its great national faults, full of violence and even cruelty(n. 残酷;残忍;残酷的行为), yet still retaining the virtues of …some simplicity, some innocence(n. 清白,无罪;天真无邪), and some peace.? The story takes plac e along the Mississippi River, on both sides of which there was unpopulated(adj. 无人居住的) wilderness(n. 荒地) and a dense forest(密林). It relates the story of the escape of Jim from slavery and, more important, how Huck Finn, floating along with him and helping him as best he could, changes his mind, his prejudice about black people, and comes to accept Jim as a man and as a close friend as well. At the heart of Twain?s achievement(n. 成就;完成;达到) is his creation of Huck Finn, who embodies(v t. 体现) that mythic(adj. 神话的;虚构的) America, midway(n. 中途;娱乐场adj. 中途的adv. 中途) between the wilderness and the modern super state. 2.Is Mr. Bennett in “Pride and P rejudice” a positive figure? Why or why not? (这是原题答案,第一句为第一问,剩下的是第二问) Mr. Bennet?s chief characteristics are an iron ic detachment(n. 分离,拆开;超然;分遣;分遣队) and a sharp, cutting wit. The distance that he creates between himself and the absurdity(n.荒谬的言行;谬论;) around him often endears(v t. 使…受钟爱;使…亲密) him to the reader and parallels the amused detachment with which Austen treats ridiculous(adj. 可笑的;荒谬的) characters such as Mr. Collins and Lady Catherine. To associate the author?s point of view with that of Mr. Bennet, however, is to ignore his ultimate failure as a father and husband. He is endlessly witty(adj. 诙谐的;富于机智的), but his distance from the events around him makes him an ineffective parent. Detached humor may prove useful for handling the Mr. Collinses of the world, but it is helpless against the depredations(n. 掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹) of the villainous (but likable) Wickham. When the crisis of Lydia?s elopement(n. 私奔;潜逃) strikes, Mr. Bennet proves unable to handle the situation. Darcy, decent(adj. 正派的;得体的;) and energetic(adj. 精力充沛的;积极的;有力的), and the Gardiners, whose intelligence, perceptiveness, and resourcefulness(n. 足智多谋) make them the strongest adult force in the novel, must step in. He is a likable(adj. 可爱的), entertaining character, but he never manages to earn the respect of the reader. 3.Discuss the theme of Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby".(at least 200 words) (两个主题,有上千字,我不知道怎么概括,我把对每个主题描述的第一段话写在下面了)
