



新思维5b语法练习册答案【练习一:现在进行时】1. 他正在读一本书。

- He is reading a book.2. 他们正在公园里玩。

- They are playing in the park.3. 我正在学习英语。

- I am learning English.4. 她正在听音乐。

- She is listening to music.5. 我们正在准备晚餐。

- We are preparing dinner.【练习二:一般过去时】1. 昨天我去了图书馆。

- I went to the library yesterday.2. 他们上周去了海滩。

- They went to the beach last week.3. 她昨天买了一件新衣服。

- She bought a new dress yesterday.4. 我们昨天看了一部电影。

- We watched a movie yesterday.5. 他上个夏天去了中国。

- He went to China last summer.【练习三:一般将来时】1. 明天我将去学校。

- I will go to school tomorrow.2. 他们下个月将去旅行。

- They will travel next month.3. 她将参加明天的会议。

- She will attend the meeting tomorrow.4. 我们将在周末举办一个派对。

- We will have a party on the weekend.5. 他将在下个学期学习法语。

- He will study French next semester. 【练习四:现在完成时】1. 我已经完成了我的作业。

- I have finished my homework.2. 他们已经去过中国。

- They have been to China.3. 她已经学会了开车。



Book 2Unit 1Compr‎e hens‎i on Check‎i ngII. T; F; T; T; F; TVocab‎u lary‎Build‎i ngI. limit‎i ng; finan‎ced; face; runni‎n g; finan‎ce; riski‎n g; peake‎d; limit‎; faced‎; peak; run; riskII. ratio‎; ally; optim‎i stic‎; jolti‎n g; spike‎d; pledg‎e; monet‎a ry; reces‎si on; dimin‎i s hed‎; subsi‎d y;relyi‎n g on; toxic‎a ntTrans‎l atio‎n Train‎i ng1) Centr‎a l banks‎and gover‎n ment‎s are essen‎tial to breat‎h e life into the globa‎l econo‎m y and mitig‎a te (减轻) the effec‎t s of the crisi‎s.要为全球经‎济注入生机‎、减轻危机的‎影响,各国央行和‎政府的参与‎至关重要。

2) Such a backd‎oor deal would‎presu‎m ably‎pull the plug on the ralli‎e s.这样的秘密‎交易可能使‎结盟土崩瓦‎解。

3) Worse‎, all of the world‎’s advan‎c ed econo‎m ies are in reces‎s ion.更糟的是,全球先进经‎济体都在衰‎退。

4) Only when insol‎v ent banks‎are shut down, other‎s are clean‎e d up, and the debt level‎ of insol‎vent house‎holds‎is reduc‎e d will condi‎t ions‎ease.只有当银行‎破产关闭,其他的被清‎理,破产户债务‎水平减少,才会使得条‎件放松。



1. 下列各数中,不是有理数的是()A. -2.5B. √2C. 0.1010010001…D. -1/3答案:B解析:有理数是可以表示为两个整数之比的数,包括整数、分数和小数。


2. 若a、b是实数,且a+b=0,则下列各式中,正确的是()A. a=0B. b=0C. a=-bD. ab=0答案:C解析:由题意知,a+b=0,则a=-b。

3. 下列各式中,正确的是()A. 3^2 = 9B. (-2)^3 = -8C. 2^0 = 1D. (-3)^2 = 9答案:B解析:A选项中的3^2=9是正确的,B选项中的(-2)^3=-8也是正确的,C选项中的2^0=1是正确的,D选项中的(-3)^2=9也是正确的。


4. 若a、b、c是三角形的三边长,则下列各式中,正确的是()A. a+b>cB. a-b>cC. a+b>cD. a-b>c答案:C解析:根据三角形的性质,任意两边之和大于第三边,故选C。

5. 下列各式中,正确的是()A. √9=±3B. √16=4C. √25=5D. √36=6答案:C解析:A选项中的√9=±3是错误的,因为√9=3;B选项中的√16=4是正确的;C 选项中的√25=5是正确的;D选项中的√36=6是正确的。


1. 若x^2=9,则x=_________。


2. 若a=2,b=-3,则a^2+b^2=_________。


3. 若x=5,则(x+2)^2=_________。


4. 若x=3,则|x-2|=_________。



五年级科学·下册答案沉和浮第1课我会填1. 下沉2. 上浮3. 容易浮、容易沉4. 下沉、上浮5.重我判断1-5 ×××√√我会选 1.A 2.A 3.AC 4.A 5.C第2课我会填1. 体积、密度2. 重、体积小3. 潜水艇4. 控制其他因素不变5. 相同材料的物体、重量、体积6. 潜水艇、浮力原理7. 漂浮我判断1-5 √×√√×我会选1-4 AAAB第3课我会填1. 排开的水量2. 量杯3. 排开的水量4.它受到的浮力大于自身重力,即排开水的质量大于自身质量5. 物体在水中排开水的体积、排开的水量6.浸在流体中的物体(全部或部分)受到竖直向上的浮力,其大小等于物体所排开流体的重力7. 浸入水中的越大、装载量我判断1-5 ×√√√√6-7 ××我会选1-6 AABAAA第4课我会填1. 水面上2. 浮、随之增大3. 越大4. 独木舟5. 科学、技术6. 伟大发明、水面上7. 准备、制作、改进和完成我判断1-5 √××××我会选1-3 CAC第5课我会填1. 向上的力、浮力2. 重力、与重力相反垂直向上3. 不同4. 体积5. 上浮、等于6. 重量、体积7. 上表面积、下表面积、浮力、弹簧测力计8. 浮力9. 浮力、重力、相反我判断1-6 √××√××1五年级科学·下册答案我会选1-4 ABAC第6课我会填1. 上表面积、下表面积、浮力、弹簧测力计2. 体积3. 小于4. 下沉、大于5. 重量、浮力6. 液体密度7. 一定浓度8. 不同、不同、上浮、下沉9. 同体积、重、下沉、同体积、轻、漂浮我判断1-5 ×√×√√我会选1-4 CBCA第7课我会填1. 上浮、下沉2. 浮沉3. 加热液滴、调制液体4. 不同5. 下沉、上浮、小6. 小于7. 约旦、巴勒斯坦、死海、六七8. 体积我判断1-5 √×√×√6-8 ×××我会选1-3 CBA第8课我会填1. 不同2. 下沉漂浮3. 下沉漂浮4. 比重计5. 浮力重力6. 糖浆7. 酒精盐水8. 比重计我判断1-5 ××√×√6-7 √×我会选1-4 BCBA单元测试题(一)一、1. 自由发挥即可 2. 浮力 3. 重量、体积 4. 自由发挥即可二、1-5 √√××√6-10 √×√√√三、1-5 CBCAA 6-10 BCBAB热第1课我会填1. 自由发挥即可2. 温度计3. 凉的、热的4. 热起来5. 并不是衣服、增加了热量6. 能量、热量7. 摩擦、能量、热量我判断1-5 √√√√×2五年级科学·下册答案我会选1-4 ABCC第2课我会填1. 自由发挥即可2. 增大、不变3. 热起来而且会有少许的膨胀4. 上浮我判断1-5 ××√××6-7 √√我会选1-6 CAAAAA第3课我会填1. 膨胀、缩小2. 膨胀、缩小3. 热胀冷缩4. 看起来更清楚5. 微粒、运动6. 微粒运动7. 上升、增大、下降、减小8. 液体9. 不变、变大、上浮10. 4℃以上、热胀冷缩、4℃以下、冷胀热缩11. 下降我判断1-5 √√×√√6-9 √×××我会选1-5 CBCAB第4课我会填1. 膨胀、缩小2. 微粒、运动3.吸热升温、加快了运动、增大、膨胀了、运动、缩小、收缩4. 膨胀、缩小我判断1-4 √√××第5课我会填1. 大多数的金属灰热胀冷缩2. 热胀冷缩、锑、铋3. 印刷上、印刷书报用的铅字4. 钢铁造的桥在温度变化时会热胀冷缩5. 热胀冷缩滚轴6. 松一些、避免路面因热胀冷缩而损坏7.水、空气、铜、热胀冷缩、许多物体都有热胀冷缩的性质我判断1-5 √√××√我会选1-4 BCAA第6课我会填1. 逐渐变烫2. 温度高、温度低3.从一个物体传递给另一个物体、从物体的一部分传递到另一部分4. 高、低5. 高、低6. 热传导、对流、热辐射7. 热传导8. 较热、较冷9. 热辐射10. 变热、变凉、温度完全相同我判断1-5 √××√√我会选D3五年级科学·下册答案第7课我会填1. 不同2. 好、差3. 塑料、木头4.铁、铝、铜、金、银、玻璃、塑料、棉布、纸、土、空气、陶瓷、石头、水5. 不同、不同、快、慢6. 减少、热的不良导体7. 方便、良导体8. 减慢、不良导体我判断1-5 √××√√我会选1-3 CAB第8课我会填1. 热传递2.保温材料能够阻挡不同温度间物质的冷热量传导3. 能保温、对流4. 散热、暖气片5. 对流6. 金属、塑料、木头7. 上方8. 温度、触觉9. 塑料我判断1-4 ×√√√我会选1-4 CC单元测试题(二)一、1. 能量、热量 2. 膨胀、缩小、也3. 使实验现象更明显、使实验效果更加明显4. 温度高、温度低5. 热胀冷缩6. 不良导体二、1-5 ××××√6-9 √√三、1-5 ACCBC 6-7 AC时间的测量第1课我会填1. 时、分、秒、1 秒钟、1 分钟2. 453. 244. 时间、某一时刻、时间间隔5. 相同时间时长、不变的速度6. 快乐、不高兴、感觉我判断1-3 √×√第2课我会填1. 太阳2. 日出而作、日落而息、天3. 光影4. 方向、长短5. 估计时间6.对太阳运动周期的观察、投射形成的影子、有规律运动的装置7.影子的长短、角度、日晷、圭表、日影的变化规律、计时器8. 36、星座9. 12、8 10. 12 11. 2、十一、一、丑、正午十二点4五年级科学·下册答案12.日规、日影、铜制的指针、石制的圆盘、太阳投射的影子来测定并划分时刻我判断1-5 ×√√√我会选1-3 BAC第3课我会填1. 流水、刻漏、泄水型水钟、受水型水钟2. 固定的速度、水钟3. 等时性我判断1-4 √√√√我会选1-2 CA第4课我会填1. 泄水型、下降、过去了多少时间2. 受水型、固定的速度、上升、流逝的时间3.盛水容器的形状、滴水的快慢、水位的高低4. 计时、滴漏5. 滴漏的速度6. 稳定的流速我判断1-4 ×√√×我会选 1.C 2.A 3.ABC 4.BC第5课我会填1. 日晷、水钟、燃油钟、沙漏、摆钟、精确度2. 摆钟3. 设计、材料4.摆5. 不同、不一样6. 摆动一次、等于一个周期7. 单摆的等时性、摆钟我判断1-5 √×√√我会选1-2 BB第6课我会填1. 摆绳2.摆绳越短、摆动越快、摆绳越长、摆动越慢3. 不等于、摆长、摆锤重心我判断1-3 √√×我会选1-2 AB第7课我会填1. 长度2. 摆动变慢3. 不同4. 机械摆钟、摆锤、齿轮操纵器5. 30、基本一样6. 摆的长度7. 上升、下降8. 摆绳长短、意大利、伽利略9. 下垂物体的重力10. 成长、年轮、树干的横切面我判断1-5 √√×第8课我会填1. 摆锤、与齿轮相连2.下垂的重力、转动齿轮、齿轮操纵器、转动的规律5五年级科学·下册答案3. 控制一个齿, 如此一个接一个有规律的使齿轮转动, 同时带动指针转动。



英语语法新思维基础版答案1、一Mary wants to invite you to see the movie today. 一I would rather she(B)me tomorrow. [单选题] *A.tellsB. told (正确答案)C. would tellD. had told2、--Jimmy, you are supposed to?_______ your toys now.--Yes, mom. [单选题] *A. put upB. put onC. put away(正确答案)D. put down3、He does ______ in math.()[单选题] *A. goodB. betterC. well(正确答案)D. best4、Grandfather lives with us. We all _______ him when he gets ill. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look atC. look forD. look like5、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When6、Finally he had to break his promise. [单选题] *A. 计划B. 花瓶C. 习惯D. 诺言(正确答案)7、By the end of this month, all this _____. [单选题] *A. is changedB.will changeC. will have changed(正确答案)D. has changed8、I like dancing, ______ I can join the Dancing Club.()[单选题] *A. becauseB. so(正确答案)C. andD. but9、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad10、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base11、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)12、Don’t _______ to close the door when you leave the classroom. [单选题] *A. missB. loseC. forget(正确答案)D. remember13、The strawberries ______ fresh. Can I taste (品尝) one?()[单选题] *A. watchB. tasteC. soundD. look(正确答案)14、I’m looking forward to hearing from you _______. [单选题] *A. recentlyB. soon(正确答案)C. quicklyD. fast15、We can see ______ stars at night if it doesn’t rain. [单选题] *A. a thousand ofB. thousandsC. thousand ofD. thousands of(正确答案)16、My mother and my aunt are both _______. They work in a big supermarket. [单选题] *A. actressesB. doctorsC. salesmenD. saleswomen(正确答案)17、This seat is vacant and you can take it. [单选题] *A. 干净的B. 没人的(正确答案)C. 舒适的D. 前排的18、The huntsman caught only a()of the deer before it ran into the woods. [单选题] *A. gazeB. glareC. glimpse(正确答案)D. stare19、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms20、Bob used ______ on the right in China, but he soon got used ______ on the left in England.()[单选题] *A. to drive; to driveB. to drive; drivingC. to driving; to driveD. to drive; to driving(正确答案)21、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)22、The students in that university are not fewer than()in our university. [单选题] *A. the oneB. thatC. themD. those(正确答案)23、(), it would be much more sensible to do it later instead of finishing it now. [单选题] *A. FinallyB. MildlyC. Actually(正确答案)D. Successfully24、We often go to the zoo _______ Saturday mornings. [单选题] *A. atB. inC. on(正确答案)D. of25、John and Jack had looked for the key, but _____ of them found it. [单选题] *A. noneB. neither(正确答案)C. bothD. either26、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)27、One effective()of learning a foreign language is to study the language in its cultural context. [单选题] *A. approach(正确答案)B. wayC. mannerD. road28、I don’t like snakes, so I ______ read anything about snakes.()[单选题] *A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never(正确答案)29、—It’s too noisy outside. I can’t fall asleep.—I can’t, either. We have to ______ new ways to solve the problem.()[单选题] *A. come up with(正确答案)B. get on withC. make up withD. catch up with30、There are many_____desks in the room. [单选题] *rge old brown(正确答案)B.old large brownrge brown oldD.brown old large。

新思维朗文3A chapter4 - 答案

新思维朗文3A chapter4 - 答案

朗文3A Chapter 4一、Phrases1.a __camera_ 一台相机2.two __watches_两块手表3.a _photo___ __frame_一个相框4.___some___ _purses__/__wallets____ 一些零钱包/钱夹5.__some___ _crayons___一些蜡笔6.__a__ __hundred_ dollars 100美元7.__sell___ things卖东西8.__at__ school _fair__ 在学校义卖会上9.raise money __for__ 为……筹钱10.__people__ homeless 无家可归的人e __to___ school 来到学校12.__some___ key _rings__ 一些钥匙扣13.___at__ the market 在市场上14.__from____ the market 来自市场15.__for___ the school __fair___ 给(为)学校义卖会16.___for__ you 给你17.__from__ the market 从市场上18.__make__ money赚钱19.write __prices__ 写下价格20.look __at__ the prices 看价格二、Sentences1.__How__ __much__ ___is_ the watch? __It’s__ ten __dollars.这个手表多少钱?10美元。

2.__How_ __much__ __are___ the crayons? __They’re__ ___ten___ dollars.这些蜡笔多少钱?49元。

3.Charlie __would_ __like__ to ___sell___ things ___at___ the school __fair___.Charlie想要在学校义卖上卖东西。



新思维大学英语混合式教学III智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下郑州大学郑州大学第一章测试1.Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln are from similar family background.()A:对 B:错答案:错2.According to text A, perseverance is the key to success.()A:对 B:错答案:对3.Les Brown has a strong passion for being a D.J.()A:对 B:错答案:对4.At night Les Brown would take a radio to bed so he could ___ his dream bylistening to the local DJs.()A:indulge B:indulged C:realize D:spoil答案:indulge5.While hanging ___ with the stat ion’s real DJs, Les taught himself their postureand hand movements on the control panel.()A:on B:out C:over D:up答案:out第二章测试1.There are usually five essential parts of a plot in a story: exposition, risingaction, climax, falling action, and resolution.()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Prior knowledge of the reader could help reason out the implications of theauthor.()A:错 B:对答案:对3.In Text B, the great courage the mother demonstrated is out of her deep lovefor her daughter. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Then, with ___, I saw a thin arm waving weakly a few yards away.()A:clarify B:charity C:classify D:clarity答案:clarity5.Please analyze it ____ the principles discussed.()A:in case of B:in preparation for C:in the event of D:in the light of答案:in the light of第三章测试1. A biography is a narrative essay about another person’s life, which isfrequently written in chronological order. ()A:对 B:错答案:对2.Facts are statements that tell what really happened or what really is the case.A fact can be proved with direct evidence.()A:错 B:对答案:对3.Steven’s achievements, in a sense, related to his personal obstacles andsetbacks. ()A:对 B:错答案:对4.She believed deeply in ideology that all people share in the duty to care forthose in need. Audrey Hepburn was always ready to lean ___ example.()A:for B:with C:by D:in答案:by5.Steven contrived to ____ the situation on his own by diverting his attentionaway from academics.()A:infect B:rectify C:revert D:shun答案:rectify第四章测试1.The writer of Text A believes that distance and difference are very importantfor one’s creativity.()A:错 B:对答案:对2.In America, the act of leaving food on the plate is seen as a compliment. ()A:对 B:错答案:错3.It is implied in Text B that solo travelling is strange, even consideredinconceivable or reckless.()A:错 B:对答案:错4.My only consolation is a cup of ___ airport coffee.()A:terminal B:complimentary C:complementary D:contemplating答案:complimentary5.Don’t ever let a lack of companionship __ you from doing what you reallywant to do.()A:confine B:constrain C:conceive D:perplex答案:constrain第五章测试1.According to Text A, the difference between work and labor is consistentwith the difference between a manual job and a mental job.()A:错 B:对答案:错2.According to Text B, the author felt doubtful when the shoe repairer firstmentioned that he had a tradition to live up to. ()A:对 B:错答案:对3.According to Text A, to be truly happy, one must feel free. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Modern-day laborers may find it difficult to ___ from the addictive and trivialpursuits.()A:refrain B:foster C:constrain D:suffice答案:refrain5.When a person amends their ways and learns to take pride in their work, alifetime of happiness will____.()A:linger B:vent C:entail D:ensure答案:ensure第六章测试1.In Text A, the Grandpa could not move due to his old age.()A:对 B:错答案:错2.In Text B, Smith an Luis are of the same nationality. ()A:错 B:对答案:错3.In Text B, after the war ended, Smith tried hard to look for Luis and finallyfound him.()A:错 B:对答案:错4.In Text A, having waited in the long queue for a whole night, I got some candyeventually.()A:对 B:错答案:错5.Finally, old age forced him to stop traveling, but Smith dwelled more andmore ____ his broken promise and felt regret. ()A:along B:in C:on D:away答案:on第七章测试1.In Text A, Unemployment benefits Sue could get from the government couldenable her to live a decent life.()A:错 B:对答案:错2.In Text B,Economic bubbles are caused by negative feedback mechanism. ()A:对 B:错答案:错3.____ the bubble is small enough, the losers earn wisdom in retrospect , andthe winners earn a lot of money.()A:Provide B:Provides C:Providing D:Provided答案:Provided4.She wondered if she would ever again be able to ____ that life of comfort andrespect.()A:expire B:plunge C:oversee D:reclaim答案:expire5.If the situation is widespread, it can culminate ___ the failure of those banksand a severe crackdown ___ the lending needed to grow the economy.()A:in...on B:for...on C:On...on D:in...in答案:in...on第八章测试1.Both articles in Unit 8 are argumentative essays.()A:错 B:对答案:对2.In Text A, the author presents the view that the Chinese parenting method ismore beneficial to children for the future. ()A:错 B:对答案:对3.In Text B, the author, by telling stories about her two daughters, defends theWestern mothers’ parenting method. ()A:错 B:对答案:对4.Another area where Chinese and Westerners ______ is that most Westernersdon’t believe offspring must show permanent gratitude to parents.()A:clash B:clarify C:conflict D:crash答案:clash5.Chinese parents believe that they have ultimate authority ______ theirchildren’s desires and preferences.()A:with B:for C:in D:over答案:over。



新思维英语答案1、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take2、73.The moonlight goes ____ the window and makes the room bright. [单选题] *A.acrossB.through(正确答案)C.overD.in3、As for the quality of this model of color TV sets, the ones made in Chine are by no means _____ those imported. [单选题] *A inferior thanB less inferior toC less inferior thanD. inferior to(正确答案)4、89.The blackboard is ________ the classroom. [单选题] *A.nextB.betweenC.in front ofD.in the front of(正确答案)5、66.—How much meat do you want?—________.[单选题] * A.Sorry, there isn't anyB.I can't give you anyC.Half a kilo, please(正确答案)D.Twelve yuan a kilo6、—______some nice crayons. I think they are ______.()[单选题] *A. Here is; Betty’sB. Here are; BettyC. Here is; BettyD. Here are; Betty’s(正确答案)7、I’ve got some very _______ news to tell you. [单选题] *A. exciting(正确答案)B. comfortableC. convenientD. beautiful8、He does ______ in math.()[单选题] *A. goodB. betterC. well(正确答案)D. best9、Jim, it’s dark now. Please _______ the light in the room. [单选题] *A. turn on(正确答案)B. turn upC. turn offD. turn down10、You’d ______ give up smoking. [单选题] *A. goodB. wellC. better(正确答案)D. best11、The soldiers would rather die than give in. [单选题] *A. 呈交B. 放弃C. 泄露D. 投降(正确答案)12、John will go home as soon as he _______ his work. [单选题] *A. finishB. will finishC. finishedD. finishes(正确答案)13、Yesterday I _______ a book.It was very interesting. [单选题] *A. lookedB. read(正确答案)C. watchedD. saw14、He made ______ for an old person on the bus. [单选题] *A. room(正确答案)B. roomsC. a roomD. some rooms15、--I can’t watch TV after school.--I can’t, _______. [单选题] *A. alsoB. tooC. either(正确答案)D. so16、25.A watch is important in our life. It is used for ______ the time. [单选题] * A.telling (正确答案)B.sayingC.speakingD.holding17、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many18、The storybook is very ______. I’m very ______ in reading it. ()[单选题] *A. interesting; interested(正确答案)B. interested; interestingC. interested; interestedD. interesting; interesting19、_____ rooms are both large and comfortable. [单选题] *A. Jack's and Jane's(正确答案)B. Jack and Jane'sC. Jack's and JaneD.Jack and Jane20、She talks too much; you’ll be glad when you’re free of her. [单选题] *A. 与她自由交谈B. 离开她(正确答案)C. 受她的控制D. 与她在一起21、Study hard, ______ you won’t pass the exam. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. butD. if22、59.—Can I talk to the manager?—Please wait ________ minute. [单选题] * A.anB.a(正确答案)C.theD./23、Jim is a(n) _______. He is very careful and likes to work with numbers. [单选题] *A. secretaryB. tour guideC. accountant(正确答案)D. English teacher24、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into25、32.Mr. Black is ______ now, so he wants to go to a movie with his son. [单选题] *A.busyB.free(正确答案)C.healthyD.right26、I paint a lot of pictures. [单选题] *A. 评论B. 注意C. 悬挂D. 画(正确答案)27、—What were you doing when the rainstorm came?—I ______ in the library with Jane. ()[单选题] *A. readB. am readingC. will readD. was reading(正确答案)28、55.There is a ________ on in the bookshop. Let's go to buy some books. [单选题] *A.movieB.matchC.sale(正确答案)D.concert29、8.Turn right ________ Danba Road and walk ________ the road, then you will findMeilong Middle school. [单选题] *A.in...alongB.into...along (正确答案)C.in...onD.into...on30、It’s usually windy in spring, ______ you can see lots of people flying kites.()[单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. orC. butD. for。

新思维朗文3A chapter3 - 答案

新思维朗文3A chapter3 - 答案

朗文3A Chapter 3一、Phrases1.___our___ school __activies___ 我们学校活动2.the school __fair___校园义卖3.__Open__ Day开放日4.__Sports__ Day 运动会5.__Parents’_ Day 家长会6.the school ___concert___ 校园音乐会7.__Speech___ Day颁奖典礼8.the school ___picnic___ 校园野餐9.__ninth_ ___November____11月9日10.___on___ the __second___ of May 在5月2日11.___feel____ bad 感觉糟糕12.___from___half __past____ two ____to___ three o’clock 从两点半到三点13.invite __you___ __to__ our _school__ 邀请你来我们学校14.__from__ nine o’clock __in_ the morning __to__ two o’clock _on__ the afternoon从早上九点到下午两点二、Sentences1.Sally _is__ ___helping___ Peter __make___ a webpage.Sally正在帮Peter制作一个网页。

2.__When’s___ the school __picnic__?It’s __on___ the __seventh__ of __November____.校园野餐是什么时候?在11月7日。

3.__When’s__ ___the___ ___Sports__ Day?It’s __on__ the __third__ __of__ May.运动会是什么时候?在5月3日。

4.Ricky and Kitty __both___ have __an__ invitation.Ricky和Kitty都有一封邀请函。



新思维初中英语js1b答案1、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?2、Hearing that he had passed _____ health examination, he immediately made _____ call to his parents. [单选题] *A. a; /B. the; /C. the; a(正确答案)D. a; the3、I always make my daughter ______ her own room.()[单选题] *A. to cleanB. cleaningC. cleansD. clean(正确答案)4、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising5、Can I _______ your order now? [单选题] *A. makeB. likeC. giveD. take(正确答案)6、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *A. 礼物B. 观点C. 邀请(正确答案)D. 好意7、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)8、73.The moonlight goes ____ the window and makes the room bright. [单选题] * A.acrossB.through(正确答案)C.overD.in9、33.Will Mary's mother ______ this afternoon? [单选题] *A.goes to see a filmB.go to the filmC.see a film(正确答案)D.goes to the film10、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)11、Mum is ill. I have to _______ her at home. [单选题] *A. look after(正确答案)B. look forC. look outD. look forward to12、I couldn’t find Peter,_____did I know where he had gone. [单选题] *A.nor(正确答案)B.eitherC.neverD.as13、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that14、—______ my surprise, Zhu Hui won the first prize in the speech contest. —But I think hecould, because he kept practicing speaking.()[单选题] *A. To(正确答案)B. AboutC. ForD. In15、Mary's watch is more expensive than _____. [单选题] *A. Susan's(正确答案)B. that of Susan'sC. that of SusanD. Susan16、He _______ walks to school, because he lives near school. [单选题] *A. sometimes(正确答案)B. neverC. doesn’tD. don’t17、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyC. kind(正确答案)D. glad18、I used to take ____ long way to take the bus that went by ____ tunnel under the water. [单选题] *A. a, aB. a. theC. a, /(正确答案)D. the, a19、There _____ wrong with my radio. [单选题] *A. are somethingB. are anythingC. is anythingD. is something(正确答案)20、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] *A. used to(正确答案)B. use toC. is used to21、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案)D.About22、76.AC Milan has confirmed that the England star David Beckham ()the team soon. [单选题] *A. has rejoinedB. was going to rejoinC. rejoinedD. is to rejoin(正确答案)23、Jim, it’s dark now. Please _______ the light in the room. [单选题] *A. turn on(正确答案)B. turn upC. turn offD. turn down24、_______ a busy afternoon! [单选题] *A. HowB. What(正确答案)C. WhichD. Wish25、15.This kind of bread is terrible. I do not want to eat it ________. [单选题] *A.any more(正确答案)B.some moreC.no longerD.some longer26、54.—________?—Yes, please. I'd like some beef. [单选题] *A.What do you wantB.May I try it onC.Can I help you(正确答案)D.What else do you want27、He asked for help from his friends who owned a computer company in New York. [单选题] *A. 拥有(正确答案)B. 经营C. 工作D. 了解28、16.Lily is a lovely girl. We all want to ________ friends with her. [单选题] * A.haveB.make(正确答案)C.doD.take29、My father always gets up early. He’s never late _______ work. [单选题] *A. toB. for(正确答案)C. onD. at30、I hope to see you again _______. [单选题] *A. long long agoB. long beforeC. before long(正确答案)D. long。



一、选择题(每题4分,共20分)1. 下列各数中,有理数是()A. √2B. πC. 3.14D. 0.1010010001…答案:C解析:有理数是可以表示为两个整数之比的数,其中分母不为零。




2. 如果a+b=5,ab=6,那么a²+b²的值是()A. 19B. 25C. 36D. 49答案:A解析:由平方差公式得,a²+b²=(a+b)²-2ab。


3. 下列函数中,是反比例函数的是()A. y=x²B. y=2xC. y=3/xD. y=2x+1答案:C解析:反比例函数的定义是y=k/x(k为常数,且k≠0)。


4. 在直角坐标系中,点A(-2,3)关于x轴的对称点是()A.(-2,-3)B.(2,3)C.(2,-3)D.(-2,3)答案:A解析:关于x轴对称的点,横坐标不变,纵坐标取相反数。


5. 一个等腰三角形的底边长为10cm,腰长为8cm,那么这个三角形的面积是()A. 32cm²B. 40cm²C. 48cm²D. 64cm²答案:C解析:等腰三角形的面积公式是S=1/2×底×高。





初中英语阅读新思维七年级第二学期答案1、You _____ smoke in the library, or you will be driven away. [单选题] *A. can'tB. mustn't(正确答案)C. will notD. may not2、You can ask()is on duty there tonight. [单选题] *A. WhatB. whomC. whoever(正确答案)D. whomever3、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. practiceB. newsC. messagesD. suggestions(正确答案)4、—What were you doing when the rainstorm came?—I ______ in the library with Jane. ()[单选题] *A. readB. am readingC. will readD. was reading(正确答案)5、Alice hopes to _______ more friends at her new school. [单选题] *A. visitB. make(正确答案)C. missD. take6、There is a popular belief _____schools don’t pay any attention to spelling. [单选题] *A.that(正确答案)B.whichC.whatD.whose7、Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people_____harm them. [单选题] *A.more thanB.other thanC.rather than(正确答案)D.better than8、96.Let's cross the street from school. There is a park ______ the school. [单选题] * A.far fromB.next toC.atD.opposite(正确答案)9、Jim, we have _______ important to tell you right now . [单选题] *A. someB. something(正确答案)C. anyD. anything10、You should finish your homework as soon as possible. [单选题] *A. 赶快地B. 尽能力C. 一...就D. 尽快地(正确答案)11、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *A. guide(正确答案)B. touristC. painterD. teacher12、Don’t talk _______. Your grandmother is sleeping now. [单选题] *A. happilyB. nearlyC. loudly(正确答案)D. hardly13、If you pass your exams, we’ll have a party to celebrate. [单选题] *A. 宣布B. 发表C. 解放D. 庆祝(正确答案)14、The little boy saved his money ______ he could buy his mother a gift on Mother’s Day.()A. butB. such thatC. in order toD. so that(正确答案)15、Betty works as a waitress to earn money for her education. [单选题] *A. 服务员(正确答案)B. 打字员C. 秘书D. 演员16、Every means _____ but it's not so effective. [单选题] *A. have been triedB. has been tried(正确答案)C. have triedD. has tried17、( ) No matter _____ hard it may be, I will carry it out. [单选题] *A whatC how(正确答案)D however18、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect19、These plastics flowers look so_____that many people think they are real. [单选题] *A.beautifulB.artificialC.natural(正确答案)D.similar20、Tom is very _______. He never cleans his room. [单选题] *A. lazy(正确答案)B. activeC. shyD. healthy21、I do not have my own room,_____. [单选题] *A. neither does Tom(正确答案)B. neither has TomC. so does TomD. so has Tom22、Everyone knows that the sun _______ in the east. [单选题] *A. fallsB. rises(正确答案)C. staysD. lives23、( ) .Would you please ______me the gifts from your friends? [单选题] *A.to showB. showingC. show(正确答案)D. shown24、There may be something wrong with her _______. She can’t see things clearly. [单选题] *A. eyes(正确答案)B. earsC. mouthD. nose25、______this story, and you will realize that not everything can be bought with money. [单选题] *A. ReadingB. ReadC. To readD.Being read(正确答案)26、I don't know the man _____ you are talking about. [单选题] *A. who'sB. whose(正确答案)C. whomD. which27、There are still some wild tigers alive. [单选题] *A. 聪明的B. 凶恶的C. 野生的(正确答案)D. 珍贵的28、Don’t _______ to close the door when you leave the classroom. [单选题] *A. missB. loseC. forget(正确答案)D. remember29、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make30、( ) Do you have any difficulty _____ these flowers?I’d like to help you if you need.[单选题] *A in planting(正确答案)B for plantingC with plantingD to plant。



新思维英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly?A. AccommodateB. AccomodateC. AccommodatedD. Accommodating答案:B2. The phrase "break a leg" is commonly used to wish someone:A. To have an accidentB. To perform wellC. To recover quicklyD. To take a rest答案:B3. In the sentence "She is a quick learner," the word "quick" is used as:A. An adjectiveB. A nounC. An adverbD. A verb答案:A4. Which of the following is not a synonym for "happy"?A. JoyfulB. SorrowfulC. DelightedD. Content答案:B5. The sentence "The book was written by Mark Twain" is in the:A. Active voiceB. Passive voiceC. Future tenseD. Past tense答案:B6. What is the correct way to write the following numbers in words?A. 1234 - One thousand two hundred thirty-fourB. 1234 - One thousand two hundred thirty-fourthC. 1234 - One thousand two hundred thirty-fourthsD. 1234 - One thousand two hundred thirty-four答案:D7. The word "their" is used to indicate:A. Possession by the speakerB. Possession by the listenerC. Possession by a third partyD. Possession by more than one person答案:D8. Which of the following is an example of a compound sentence?A. She likes to read, and she also enjoys swimming.B. She likes to read because she enjoys swimming.C. She likes to read, but she does not enjoy swimming.D. She likes to read; she also enjoys swimming.答案:A9. The phrase "at the drop of a hat" means:A. To do something immediatelyB. To do something reluctantlyC. To do something after a long delayD. To do something with great difficulty答案:A10. The word "disinterested" means:A. UninterestedB. UnbiasedC. UninvolvedD. Unmotivated答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The opposite of "large" is ________.答案:small2. The past tense of "do" is ________.答案:did3. The comparative form of "big" is ________.答案:bigger4. The word "their" is a possessive pronoun used to refer to ________.答案:more than one person5. The phrase "a piece of cake" is an idiom that means________.答案:something easy6. The word "unique" is an adjective that means ________.答案:one of a kind7. The word "although" is a conjunction used to introduce a ________.答案:contrast8. The word "irregular" is an adjective that means ________. 答案:not following a pattern9. The word "eleven" is a(n) ________.答案:cardinal number10. The word "because" is a conjunction used to indicate________.答案:reason三、阅读理解(每题3分,共30分)阅读下面的短文,然后回答问题。



四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案电第1课我会填1.摩擦2.相互排斥、相互吸引3.电流4.电源、用电器、导线、电器元件5.电源、电路6.所有物质、生物、非生物7.正电荷、负电荷、相等、抵消、不显示8.转移、正负电荷、不一样、显示9.电荷、静电10.带静电、不能持续 11.相互排斥、相互吸引12.静电 13.摩擦14.梳子、干燥、负电荷、正电荷、吸引、异种电荷相互排斥我判断 1-5 √√××√ 6-7 √√我会选 1.AB 2.A 3.BC 4.C 5.C第2课我会填1.电流、电丝2.电源3.导线、短路4.导线、2205.触电事故、死亡6.正极、负极7.电、一个完整的电路 8.电池的正极流出、灯泡、电池的负极、电路、会发光9.电流通过小灯泡的灯丝时 10.钨丝、玻璃罩、底座、电极我判断 1-5 ×××√√我会选 1.ABC 2.C 3.C 4.C第3课我会填1.导线、电池、小灯泡2.电池盒、电池、电池盒3.电池盒、电池、电池盒4.小灯座、5.电源、导线、用电器6.电荷流动、电流、电源、电路、在电路中我判断 1.√ 2.√ 3.×我会选 1-2 AA第4课我会填1.电池、导线、小灯泡、电池2.灯座、电路检测器3.亮、不会亮4.家用220V的电器电路5.电路、电流、不会亮6.电路检测器、首先、两个检测头、亮、多次7.电路检测器、替换法8.电路检测器、故障、切断电源、不、220V我判断 1-5 √√×√√我会选 1.ABC 2.B 3.C1四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案第5课我会填1.塑料、铜丝、铜丝、塑料2.导体3.绝缘体4.相同、不同、电路、不同、连接方式、不同我判断 1-6 ×××√√√我会选 1-2 CB第6课我会填1.控制电流通断2.开关、接触式、非接触式3.遥控开关、控制学校铃声的按键开关4.电冰箱内灯5.开关、连接或断开、控制、电器元件6.开关7.接触式、非接触式 8.光亮、声音我判断 1-5 ×√√√× 6-7 √×我会选 1.A 2.B 3.不可 可 不可4.能 能 不能 不能 能 不能 能第7课我会填1. 1.5V、3V2. 1.5V3.串联、并联4.插电源插头、开电器开关、关掉电器开关、电源插头5. 220V的交流电 8.串联、亮、并联我判断 1-6 √××√×√我会选 1.A 2.A B单元测试题(一)填空题1.正电荷、负电荷2.电源、电路3.电源、用电器、导线、电器元件4.自由发挥即可5.自由发挥即可6.自由发挥即可7.铜帽、正极、锌壳、负极 8.自由发挥即可判断题 1-5 √×√√√ 6-9 √√×√选择题 1-5 CCBAC新的生命第1课我会填1.雄蕊、雌蕊2.外、内3.根、茎、叶、果实、种子4.子房和胚珠5. 46.根、茎、叶、花、果实、种子2四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案7.花蕾、开花、凋谢 果荚 8.十字、4片、4个、6个、1个9.完全花、黄我判断 1-5 √√√×√我会选 1-2 CC第2课我会填1.完全花、不完全花2.雄蕊、雌蕊、雌蕊、雄蕊3.单性4.自由发挥即可5.完全花、两性花6.帮助植物满足自身7.产生种子、繁殖新生命 8.不同我判断 1-5 √√×√√我会选 1-3 AAA第3课我会填1.花药、花丝、花粉2.花柱、子房、黏液3. 324.花粉、柱头、子房、果实、种子5.产生种子、繁殖新生命6.雄蕊、雌蕊、果实和种子7.子房、胚珠 8.果皮、种子、花开过后生长出来的9.纵切、横切 10.果实、种子、果皮、共同特征11.果皮、种子、果皮种子、种子、果皮、果皮、种子我判断 1-5 √×√√×我会选 1-3 CBB第4课我会填1.风力、动物、动物、弹射2.油菜籽花花的掉下来了3.风力4.果实、种子的结构 种子散播的方式、相适应5.不同、能将种子散布得更广、繁殖后代6.播种繁殖、扦插繁殖、分株繁殖7.炸裂、种子、弹射传播8.芥菜、大豆、绿豆、酢浆草、豌豆、芝麻9.不同、不同方式、风力 10.种子滚动、跳动我会选 1-3 BBA第5课我会填1.种皮、胚根、胚芽、子叶2.茎、叶、根、营养3.两、胚轴4.胚、一株植物5.一定的水分、适宜的温度、足够的氧气、饱满6.根、茎和叶7.种子、新的生命、萌发、种子萌发、不同、生长8.重要、胚、有生命、植物我判断 1-4 √×√×3四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案第6课我会填1.蝴蝶、青蛙、卵生动物2. 10、213.蟾蜍、鱼、鸟、蝴蝶4.鸡胚胎在发育期间提供氧气5.各种各样、发育生长6.产卵、相似、动物7.一定的时间、条件我判断 1-5 ×√√√×我会选 1-2 CC第7课我会填1.精子2.猫、狗、胎生动物3.哺乳4.春天、新生命5.相似、雄性、雌性、雌性、卵、雄性、精子6.产卵、产下小动物、卵生、胎生9.卵生动物 10.胎生动物11.猫、狗、兔、老虎、狼、狐狸、胎生 12. 3周、10我判断 1-4 √√×√我会选 1-2 AA单元测试题(二)填空题1.萼片、花瓣、雄蕊、雌蕊2. 4、4、6、13.花粉、柱头、胚珠4.雄性、雌性5.花6.花药、花丝、花药、花柱、子房、柱头、子房7.完全8.雄蕊、雌蕊9.种皮、胚、胚根、胚芽、子叶 10. 10、三个星期判断题 1-5 ×√√√√ 6-8 ×√√选择题 1-5 BABBB食物第1课我会填1.食物2.按生活习惯、按食物来源3.给食物分类4.粮食、蔬菜、肉制品、奶制品5.植物的食物、动物的食物6.馒头、米饭、包子、瓜果、蔬菜、奶制品7.营养、合理营养、身体健康我判断 1-5 ×√√√√4四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案第2课我会填1.多种营养2.蛋白质、糖类、脂肪、维生素、矿物质3.脂肪、糖类4.维生素、矿物质5.实验、查阅资料6.维生素、蛋白质、蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质、大豆、奶酪、番茄、苹果7.营养、食物 8.包装、信息、成分我判断 1-5 ×√√×√我会选 1-5 ACBBB第3课我会填1. 52.谷类3.奶类和奶制品4.蔬菜类5.富含维生素6.肌肉、内脏、头发、指甲、血液、烧焦的毛发味7.豆浆、牛奶、维生素 8.碘酒、蓝色、食物中含有淀粉9.米饭、碳水化合物、糖类、能量10.糖类、脂肪、热量、活动的能量、肥肉、芝麻、脂肪11.储存、脂肪、糖类、维生素、矿物质、调节身体机能、蔬菜、水果、各种维生素和矿物质、保持健康、营养我判断 1-5 √√√√× 6-7 √×我会选 1-4 AACC第5小题:×√√√√×√第4课我会填1.蛋白质、脂肪2.生、维生素3.减少营养的损失、饮食卫生4.生食、熟食5.潮湿、温度、空气有无、光照强弱6.烧熟、杀灭细菌、味道更好、消化吸收我判断 1-6 √×√√√√我会选 1.A 2.A 3.BC第5课我会填1.霉菌2.营养、适宜的生长环境3.有害4.绝对不能食用5.阴暗、潮湿6.对人体有害的物质 绝对不能食用我判断 1-4 ×√×√我会选 1.AB 2.A 3.A第6课我会填1.微生物2.一定的条件3.分解、吸收4.冷冻法、曝晒法、腌制法、密封包装法5四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案5.保存方法有关、食用方法无关6.冷冻、晒干、腌制、灭菌密封、破坏微生物的生长条件、减慢食物变质的速度 我判断 1-5 ×√√√√我会选 1.B 2.ABC 3.AB第7课我会填1.透明、真空、不透明2.对人体有害3.名称、生产日期、保质期、保存条件4.科学地均衡营养5.包装上我判断 1-6 ×√×√×√我会选 1-4 BAAB单元测试题(三)填空题1.蛋白质、糖类、脂肪、维生素、矿物质、水2.实验、查阅资料3.健康、有营养4.获取营养、适宜的生长环境5.生产日期、保质期、保存条件6.蛋白质7.动物选择题 1-5 √√√×× 6-7 ×√选择题 1.A 2.B 3.CB 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.ABC 8.B岩石和矿石第1课我会填1.光滑、粗糙2.听、闻、摸、掂3.按颜色、按是否透明4.岩浆、岩浆5.由地表到地心、地壳、地核6.成因、岩浆岩、沉积岩、变质岩我判断 1-4 √××√我会选 1-2 AC第2课我会填1.页岩、砂岩、石灰岩、砾岩、大理岩、花岗岩2.用放大镜观察岩石颗粒、岩石相互敲击、在岩石上滴稀盐酸3.容易分离成层4.页岩、石灰岩5.花岗岩、玄武岩、岩浆岩6.砾岩、砂岩、页岩和石灰岩、沉积岩、矿物质7.大理岩、板岩、变质岩8.化石我判断 1-4 √√×√我会选 1-4 BAAB6四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案第3课我会填1.矿物2.通常几种混杂在一起组成岩石3.石英、长石、云母4.自由发挥即可我判断 1-5 ××√我会选 1-5 ACCBC第4课我会填1.颜色、辨认矿物2.白色的无釉瓷板、条痕3.金刚石、石墨4.互相刻画、用指甲划、用铜钥匙划、用小刀划5.颜色、软硬、轻重、颗粒大小6.颜色、光泽、花纹、条痕、软硬、组成颗粒7.手摸、鼻闻、轻轻敲打、滴盐酸、8.冷热、风、地表变动、植物的根、变化9.岩石、感官、味觉 10.视觉、岩石的形状、大小、颜色11.触觉、岩石的硬度、粗糙度 12.嗅觉、岩石的气13.听觉、敲打时的声音我判断 1-4 ××√√我会选 1-3 AAC第5课我会填1.透明度、透明、半透明、不透明2.光泽3.观察透明度、观察光泽、观察形状4.显微镜、薄片成分、颗粒5.稀盐酸、腐蚀性、皮肤、眼睛里清水冲洗干净6.大气、水、生物7.显微镜我判断 1-3 ×√×我会选 1-2 CA第6课我会填1.红色涂料、红色铅笔2.用显微镜观察、对照资料、图鉴3.玻璃、白4.颜色、条痕、软硬、多种、相似5.很少、一种、几种6.观察矿物的颜色、检测矿物的硬度、观察矿物的晶体形状7.指甲、铜钥匙、小刀、指甲、能、铜钥匙、较硬、能、小刀、硬、不能、硬度最大 金刚石、硬度最小、石墨8.碎片的边缘、其他物体、透明度、透明、半透明、不透明、反光形成了光泽我判断 1-3 √√√我会选 1-3 CAC第7课我会填1.岩石、矿物2.国家3. 1714. 40007四 年 级 科 学·下 册 答 案5. 171、较齐全、稀有金属矿、钨矿、锡矿前列7.岩石、矿物、资源、保护和利用我判断 1-5 √√√√√我会选 1-4 ABBB单元测试题(四)填空题1.地壳、地幔、地核2.板岩、页岩3.稀有金属矿、钨矿、锡矿前列4.锑矿、金矿、钨矿判断题 1-6 √×√√×√选择题 1-5 BBBC期末测试卷(一)填空题1.胚根、胚芽、胚轴2.花萼、花冠、雄蕊、雌蕊、雄蕊、雌蕊3.铜帽、负极4. 3V、不变的5.植物、动物6.微生物7.电源、电路 8.排斥、吸引9.石英、长石、云母 10.页岩、砂岩、石灰岩、砾岩、大理岩、花岗岩判断题 1-5 ×√×√√选择题 1-5 AAAAA 6-7 AC期末测试卷(二)填一填1.电源、导线2.串联、并联3.绝缘体、导体4.排斥、吸引5.胚、生命6.完全花、不完全花7.卵生、胎生 8.维生素、矿物质9.蛋白质、糖类、脂肪、维生素判断题 1-5 ×√×√√ 6-10 √√×××选择题 1.(1) 2.(2) 3.(3) 4.(2) 5.(2)8。



新思维六年级下册数学答案练习1负数答案试一试1、正数:+5 +8 4.5 15/4 +9.4负数:-25 -½-0.7 -322、(1)负二十四(2)正十六(3)负三分之二(4)负零点零五做一做1、(1)A:2 B:4 C:7 D:-2 E:-3 比一比< < >= < >= > >解决问题(1)广州哈尔滨(2)> 北京(3)< 西安(4)广州> 上海> 西安> 北京> 哈尔滨(5)略第1单元综合练习答案(一)填一填。

1、+6 0.5,+1/5,+6 -3,-0.2,-1/3 +6 -32、方向距离3、-6 -4 -2 24、> > =< > <> = <(二)判一判。

1 - 5 ×√√√×(三)写一写。


1、100 - 2 = 98(分)答:小亮这次数学考试得了98分。

2、-120-220+3360-6003、(1)-5(2)东 5(3)+1(4)162折扣成数答案填一填1、90 % 67 % 30 %20 % 35 % 95 %2、九九七五七五五五六三六三解决问题1、(1)2800 - 2800 ×0.8 = 560(元)答:比原价便宜了560元。

(2)2300 ×0.85 = 1955(元)2200 ×0.9 = 1980(元)1980 > 1955 1980 - 1955 = 25(元)答:刘老师花的钱多,多25元。

2、5 ÷(30 - 5)= 5 ÷25= 0.2 ×100%= 20% 20%=2成答:这块棉花地皮棉产量增长了2成.3、1600 ×10%= 160(人) 1600 - 160 = 1440(人)答:参加保险的学生有1440人。



新思维大学英语思政版综合教程2课后答案1、—______? —Half a kilo.()[单选题] *A. How much are theyB. How much is itC. How much would you like(正确答案)D. How many would you like2、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do3、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)4、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的5、In winter, animals have a hard time_____anything to eat. [单选题] *A.to findB.finding(正确答案)C.foundD.to finding6、72.—? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??—Yes, please. I want a sweater. [单选题] *A.How muchB.Can I help you(正确答案)C.Excuse meD.What will you take7、—The weather in Shanghai is cool now, ______ it? —No, not exactly. ()[单选题] *A. doesn’tB. isC. isn’t(正确答案)D. does8、John is fond of playing _____ basketball and Jack is keen on playing _____ piano. [单选题] *A./…the(正确答案)B.the…/C./…/D.the…the9、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)10、I’m so tired after _______ walk. [单选题] *A. three hour’sB. three hours’(正确答案)C. three hoursD. three hour11、I tell my mother not ______ me.()[单选题] *A. worry aboutB. to worry about(正确答案)C. worry withD. to worry with12、9.—Will there be more cars in the future?—________. [单选题] *A.See youB.Well, I'm not sure(正确答案)C.You're welcomeD.Thank you13、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)14、The reason I didn't attend the lecture was simply _____ I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] *A. becauseB. asC. that(正确答案)D. for15、We _______ play basketball after school. [单选题] *A. were used toB. used to(正确答案)C. use toD. are used to16、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness17、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)18、Now he is _______ his homework. [单选题] *A. busyB. busy with(正确答案)C. busy with doingD. busy does19、In fact, Beethoven did something brave than dying. [单选题] *A. 勇敢(正确答案)B. 冒险C. 可怕D. 奇妙20、74.No person ()carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college Entrance Examinations.[单选题] *A.shall(正确答案)B.mustC.canD.need21、This is not our house. lt belongs to _____. [单选题] *A. the Turners'B. the Turners(正确答案)C. Turner'sD. Turners22、Sam is going to have the party ______ Saturday evening. ()[单选题] *A. inB. on(正确答案)C. atD. to23、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)24、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] *A. as many asB. as few as(正确答案)C. as much asD. as little as25、The language school started a new()to help young learners with reading and writing. [单选题] *A. course(正确答案)B. designC. eventD. progress26、We are very hungry now. Can you _______ us something to eat? [单选题] *A. carryB. takeC. borrowD. bring(正确答案)27、They all choose me ______ our class monitor.()[单选题] *A. as(正确答案)B. inC. withD. on28、Nearly two thousand years have passed _____ the Chinese first invented the compass. [单选题] *A. whenB. beforeC. since(正确答案)D. after29、I've never been to Africa, but that is the place(). [单选题] *A. where I most want to visitB. in which I most want to visitC. I most want to visit(正确答案)D. that I want to visit it most30、70.Would you like ________,sir? [单选题] *A.something else(正确答案)B.nothing elseC.else something D.else anything。



新思维实用英语综合教程3答案大连理工大学1、( ) ____ eye exercises ___ good __ your eyes. [单选题] *A. Doing, is, for(正确答案)B. Doing, are, forC. Do, is, forD. Do, are, at2、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)3、It was _____ that the policy of reform and opening up came into being in China. [单选题] *A. in the 1970s(正确答案)B. in 1970sC. in the 1970s'D. in 1970's4、3.—Will you buy the black car?No, I won't. I will buya(n) ________ one because I don't have enough money. [单选题] *A.cheap(正确答案)B.expensiveC.highD.low5、65.There is a big sale on in the shop! Every-thing is ________ price. [单选题] *A.bigB.fullC.zeroD.half(正确答案)6、Tony can _______ the guitar.Now he _______ the guitar. [单选题] *A. play; plays(正确答案)B. playing; playingC. plays; is playingD. play; is playing7、There is not much news in today's paper,_____? [单选题] *A. is itB. isn't itC.isn't thereD. is there(正确答案)8、Our teacher suggested that each of us _____ a study plan for the tong summer vacation. [单选题] *A. make(正确答案)B. madeC. will makeD. would make9、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's10、My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet?_______ at the airport. [单选题] *A. herB. youC. him(正确答案)D. them11、We have _______ a double room with a bath for you in the hotel. [单选题] *A. boughtB. reserved(正确答案)C. madeD. taken12、Our campus is _____ big that we need a bike to make it. [单选题] *A. veryB. so(正确答案)C. suchD. much13、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)14、The teachers don't make us wear a school uniform and we can wear _____ we like. [单选题] *A. anyB. thatC. asD. what(正确答案)15、I _______ to the tape yesterday evening. [单选题] *A. lookB. listenC. listened(正确答案)D. hear16、A modern city has sprung up in _____was a waste land ten years ago. [单选题] *A.whichB.what(正确答案)C.thatD.where17、What about _______ there by bike? [单选题] *A. goesB. wentC. goD. going(正确答案)18、1.________my father ________ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one. [单选题] *A.Neither; norB.Both; andC.Either; orD.Not only; but also(正确答案)19、—Excuse me, how long does it ______ to walk to the library? —About 15 minutes, I’m afraid.()[单选题] *A. take(正确答案)B. spendC. costD. pay20、48.—________ is your new skirt, Lingling?—Black. [单选题] *A.HowB.What colour(正确答案)C.WhichD.Why21、_____ of the teachers in this district are women teachers. [单选题] *A. Four fifthB. Four fifths(正确答案)C. Fourth fifthsD. Four five22、It’s one of _______ means of transportation. [单选题] *A. cheapB. convenientC. second-handD. the most convenient(正确答案)23、—Why do you look so ______?—Our team won the basketball match!()[单选题] *A. angryB. excited(正确答案)C. nervousD. unfair24、85.You’d better? ? ? ? ? a taxi, or you’ll be late. [单选题] *A.take(正确答案)B.takingC.tookD.to take25、10.Mum, let me help you with your housework, so you ________ do it yourself. [单选题] * A.don’t need to(正确答案)B.need toC.don’t needD.need26、—Would you like some milk?—Yes, just _____, please. [单选题] *A. a little(正确答案)B. littleC. a fewD. few27、Online shopping _______ very popular now. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. wasD. were28、This year our school is _____ than it was last year. [单选题] *A. much more beautiful(正确答案)B. much beautifulC. the most beautifulD. beautiful29、75.Why not________ for a walk? [单选题] *A.go out(正确答案)B.to go outC.going outD.goes out30、While they were in discussion, their manager came in by chance. [单选题] *A. 抓住时机B. 不时地C. 碰巧(正确答案)D. 及时。

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