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126、"It dawned on sb.that…"突然想起;

例句:It dawned on me that I had not turned off the radio. 我意识到我没把收音机关掉。

It dawned on sb that … 是个固定句式,句首的it是形式主语,真正主语是后面的that 从句。it dawn on sb that...的意思是“某人突然明白(理解、意识、领悟)到……”,从句就是想起的内容。


(1). 单项填空:

①It dawned on them what _____.

A. was happening

B. will happen

C. would happen

D. happens

②It dawned on Joseph that the professor's strictness with him is not to punish a careless student but _____ him how to be precise.

A. teaches

B. to teach

C. taught

D. teaching

③It dawned on me that I left my purse at home _____ I was about to pay my phone bill.

A. that

B. if

C. when

D. whether

④It suddenly dawned on me that this express was not roaring down the line at ninety miles an hour, but barely _____ along at thirty.

A. chug

B. chugged

C. to chug

D. chugging

(2). 完成句子:

①At last it dawned on me that there is ________________.我终于明白没有通向幸福的捷径。

②Then it dawned on me that they __________________.到那时我忽然明白过来他们说的是西班牙语。

③It dawned on me that I had not ________________. 我意识到我没把收音机关掉。

127、"Be that as it may" 虽然如此,尽管这样;话虽如此;

例句:Be that as it may, I still need one pair of socks. 可尽管如此,我还是要一双袜子吧。

"Be that as it may"是"Let it be that as it may"的省略形式,是由"be"引起的另外一种假设结构,be that as it may是一种固定结构,意思是"虽然如此,尽管这样, 话虽如此"。 be that as it may 是虚拟语气,be that 倒装表示强调虚拟对象。be that as it may用在句中,起到插入语的作用。


(1). 单项填空:

①Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business _____ man far more quickly than the blood poison.

A. to

B. for

C. towards

D. with

②I know you don't like him but be that as it may, you can _____ be polite to him.

A. at last

B. at most

C. at least

D. at first

③Be that as it may, many aspects of modern science could not work _____ accepting evolution.

A. not

B. without

C. with

D. no

④Be that as it may, we do not vouch for his ability _____.

A. to pay

B. paying

C. paid

D. to be paid

⑤Be that as it may, they are going ahead _____ their plans just the same.

A. of

B. with

C. to

D. in

⑥Be that as it may, I began to download all the information _____ I couldregarding Bettie.

A. what

B. how

C. that

D. if

(2). 完成句子:

①Be that as it may, I ________________. 尽管如此,我确实跟进了。

②Be that as it may, _____________________. 尽管如此, 可怕的事情无疑还是发生了。

③Be that as it may, I think that facts _______________. 就算是,那也正好证明了我的观点。

④Be that as it may, ___________ you saw another mammoth?尽管如此,你上一次见到别的长毛象是在什么时候?

128、choice between...在...之间作出选择;

例句:She hesitates about the choice between the two dresses. 她不能决定选这两件衣服中的哪一件。

choice between...是一个名词短语,用choice between...表示从两种做法中选取一种更好的做法, 意思是“在...之间作出选择”。表示作出选择,通常用动词make,have。choice常与介词构成以下习惯搭配:make a choice between the two 在这两者中选择;make a choice among the three 在这三者中选择;have a choice between A and B,在A和B当中选择;have the choice of A or B,在A和B当中选择。


(1). 单项填空:

①It's a straight choice _____ low-paid jobs _____ no jobs.

A. either, or

B. neither, nor

C. between, and

D. not only, but also

②Women _____ to make a choice between family and career

A. are forced

B. forced

C. force

D. are forcing

③Given the choice between a pure white T-shirt and a more expensive, dirty cream _____, most people can be forgiven for choosing the former.

A. it

B. itself

C. ones

D. one

④She therefore suggested that young thugs _____ the choice between jail and the birch.

A. had

B. would have

C. have

D. must have

⑤She hesitated _____ the choice between the two blouses for her daughter.

A. for

B. over

C. about

D. in

(2). 完成句子:

①At lunchtime, ______________ between the buffet or the set menu.午餐可以吃自助餐,也可以选套餐。

②You ________________ between these two positions. 在这两个职位中,你有权选择其一。

③She had to _____________ between the two dresses. 她得在两件衣服中选择一件。

④You ______________between the two. 在这两个之中,你有选择权。

⑤____________between me and junk food . 在我和垃圾食品之间你一定要做个抉择。

129、it so fell out that... 结果是,终于,刚巧;

例句:It so fell out that the two people never met each other again. 结果从那时起两人再没有见过面。

本句的it是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。It作形式主语时,常用于下列四种结构,且有固定译法:a) it + be + noun + that-clause;如:it is a fact that…事实上是……;
