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6. He found it difficult to accustom _h_i_m_s_e_l_f _ to getting up early.
7. It is the first time I _h_a_v_e _b_e_e_n_ (be) here.
8. It was a dark and stormy night _w_h_e_n__ he was born.
7. We fully _c_om__p_r_eh_e_n_d_ people’s anxieties(焦虑), exactly speaking, it is not beyond our _c_o_m_p_r_e_h_en_s_io_n_ at all. (comprehend)
8. Nowadays lots of children are _a_d_d_i_c_te_d__ to computer games, which is incredibly __a_d_d_ic_ti_v_e_ as powerful as heroin. (addict)
6. As you can imagine, moving to a new place is a very _s_t_re_s_s_f_u_l _ (stress) experience, which takes you a long time to get _a_c_c_u_s_to_m__e_d_ (accustom).
13.strong n.s_t_r_e_n_g_t_h_(力量,体力) v. _s_tr_e_n__g_t_h_e_n (加强)
14.relax (使放松) n.r_e_la_x__a_ti_o_n(放松) adj.r_e_l_a_x_e_d(放松的)
15.chemist (化学家)n.c_h_e_m_i_s_tr_y(化学) adjc.h_e_m__ic_a_l(化学的)
16.disappoint (使失望)n. dis_a_p_p_o_i_n_t_m_e_nt (失望) adjd.i_sa_p_p__o_in_t_e_d(感到失望的) d__is_a_p_p_o_i_n_ti_n_g_adj.(令人失望的)
17 weak (弱的) n. w__e_a_k__n_e_s_s (虚弱) v. _w__e_a_k_e_n___ (减弱)
their best to help those in need since the disaster.
句子考查 1. That he doesn’t like it is very clear. (改写句子)
__I_t_’_s__v_e_r_y __c_le_a_r_t_h_a_the doesn’t like it.
10.effect (结果) adj. _e_f_f_e_c_t_iv__e_ (有效的)
11.normal (正常的) adj. __a_b__n_o_r_m__a_l__(不正常的) 12.breathe (v. 呼吸) n.b_r_e_a_th( 呼吸) adjb.r_e_a_th(l气es喘s 吁吁的)
5. Schools had to be closed _d_u_e_ _to__(因为、由于) the hurricane.
6. When he realized that it had been his careless actions that had _p_u_t_all their lives _a_t_ r_i_s_k_ (使处于险境) he felt like killing himself.
4. They made __it__ a rule to make a five-minute speech in turn every day before English class.
5. She thought it no use _d_is_c_u_s_s_in_g_ (discuss) the subject again.
18 comprehension (理解) v. ___c_o_m__p_r_e_h_e_n_d___ (理解)
19 legal (合法的) _i_ll_e_g_a_l__(不合法的)
20 rob (v.抢夺) n. __r_o_b_b__e_r_y__ (抢夺) __r_o_b_b_e_r__ (强盗)
9. His experience in the Vietnam War caused him much _m__en_t_a_l _ suffering. In fact, more than half of the soldiers were serious _m__e_n_ta_ll_y__ ill because of the war. (mental)
4. 处于危险之中 5. 习惯于 … …
at risk accustomed to
6. 对… … 做出决定 decide on
in spite of
8. 陷入;染上(坏习惯)get into
9. 对…有瘾
addicted to
be ashamed of (doing) sth.
_e_m__b__a_r_r_a_s_s_m__e_n_t_ (窘迫)
1. Everyone knows that _a_d_d_i_c_t_io_n__ (addict) to drugs is difficult to stop, so keep away from any form of drugs if you want a healthy life.
3. Tom_d__ec_i_d_e_d_ _o_n__ (对……作出决定) buying a necklace as a birthday gift to his mother.或: accustom himself to
4. It didn’t take him long to _g_e_t_ a_c_c_u_s_t_o_m_e_d__t_o_ (习惯) the new surroundings and he soon felt at home.
2. The quick pace of modern life and the _s_t_r_e_ss_f_u_l_ job make her feel _st_r_e_s_se_d__. (stress)
3. It is an automatic washing-machine and it will work _a_u_t_o_m__a_ti_c_a_ll_y_ when you switch it on. (automatic)
6.accustom (使习惯于) adj. ac_c_u_s_t_o_m__ed(习惯了的) 7.withdrawal (撤退) v. _w_i_t_h_d_r_a_w_ (撤退)
8.automatic (自动的) adv.a_u_t_o_m__a_ti_c_a_ll_y (自动地)
9.mental (精神的) adv.m__e_n_t_a_ll_y(精神上)p_h__y_s_ic_a_l(身体的)
10. Watching TV is a favorite form of _r_e_la_x_a_t_io_n_ (relax) when he is tired.
1. 由于… …
due to
2. 想要(做)… … feel like (doing)
3. 冒险
take risks / take a risk
4. The news that he failed to get the chance to study abroad made his parents _d_is_a_p_p_o_i_n_t_ed_ (disappoint).
5. The teacher’s advice has s_t_r_en__g_th_e_n_e_d_ (strong) my determination to get rid of the bad habits.
2. The moment I passed the finishing line in the 3000meter race, I felt _b_r_e_aபைடு நூலகம்th_l_e_s_s (breath).
3. We become lawful voters a_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_ca_l_ly(automatic) when we turn eighteen.
Unit 3
1. alcohol (酒/酒精) n./adj. _a_lc_o_h_o_l_ic__(含酒精的/酒鬼)
2.abuse n./v. _a_b_u_s_i_v_e_a.滥用的;辱骂的;虐待的 3.fitness n. __f_it___a.合适的/v.适合 __u_n_f_i_t_a.不合适的 4.stress (压力) adjs.tr_e_s_s_e_d心力交瘁的_s_t_r_e_s_s_fu__l _ (紧张的) 5.addict(使上瘾) na. d_d__ic_t_i_o_n(上瘾) a__d_d_i_c_te__d(adj.上瘾的)
1. To my __d_is_a_p_p__o_in_t_m__en__t , she refused my invitation and I felt very ___d_is_a_p_p_o_i_n_t_ed_at such __d_i_s_a_p_p_o_in_t_i_ngnews. (disappoint)
13. Do you mean it sounds strange? I will tell you something that _d_o_e_s__ sound strange.
14. This is as good an example __a_s_ the other is. 15. All people, __w__h_e_th__er__ young or old, have been trying
9. It was 30 years ago _t_h_a_t he was born.
10. It is necessary for you _t_o_ t_a_k_e_ (take) pills to control your blood pressure.
11. They kept it secret _t_h_a_t_ he was dead. 12. It never rains but it pours, as the saying _g_o_e_s_ (go).
21 survive (v.幸存) n. _s_u__r_v_iv_a__l (幸存) s_u__r_v_iv__o_r幸存者
22 judge (v.判断) n. _j_u_d_g_e_m__e_n_t_ (判断)
eamdjbe. am_r_rb_aa_srs_r_(av_.s_使s_e窘d(尴迫尬) 的n).
2. Though he is young, he knows a lot about the international affairs. (改写句子) __I_n_ _s_p_i_te__ _o_f_ his young age, he knows a lot about the international affairs.
feel desperate
1. __I_n__s_p_it_e_ _o_f_(尽管) all her efforts, she failed. But she made up her mind to try again.
2. People lose their temper more easily when they _a_re_ u_n__d_er_g_r_e_a_t s_t_r_e_ss_.(在巨大的压力下)