食品添加 剂:着色 剂;甜味 剂;调味 剂;其它指 令
食品接触 材料;包装 材料;塑料 与塑料材 料;再生纤 维素;塑料 材料试验 方法
化学品污 染;禁止某 些化学品 使用;限制 某些化学 品使用;食 品生产环 境要求;其 他指令
特殊营养 物:婴儿食பைடு நூலகம்品配方;婴 儿用谷物 类食品; 特殊医疗 保健食品; 其他
基本法(178/2002 法规) 食品技术法规(基础性规定)
食品卫生: 食品官方 控制;食品 卫生标准; 食品抽样 和检验方 法标准
食品标签: 食品广告; 食品批号; 食品营养 成分。
2002 年 1 月 28 日 的 欧 洲 议 会 和 理 事 会 的 (EC)178/2002号法规规定的食品法的一般规 范和要求,建立了欧洲食品安全局并制订了 有关食品安全规程。
本法规中,食品(或食品原料)是指那些经 过加工、半加工或未加工、意欲加工以及可 能会被人类食用的任何物质或产品。
食品包括饮料、口香糖和其他物质,还包括 水以及加工过程、前处理或处理阶段故意加 入食品的物质。 (第2条)
责任(第17条); 可追溯性(第18条); 对食品和饲料的收回、召回和通告(第19、
第6條 官方管制、Registration / approval
All food businesses must be registered or approved 所有的食品经营必须登记或经过批准
Registration = simple procedure 登记=简单的程序 Approval = prior visit/provisional approval 批准=预先视察/临时批准
第II章 食品業者之義務
第3條 义务 规章是对食品企业的强制要求。 从农场到餐桌
第4條 衛生要求
加工动物源性食品的企业,必须符合 EC 852/2004+853/2004。
(a) 遵守食品微生物標準; (b) 程序需符合本規章設定之目標 (c) 遵守食品溫度管制的要求; (d) 冷藏鏈之維持; (e) 取樣和檢驗分析。
简而言之,欧盟的食品安全体系是由“一份白皮书、官方主管机构、统一的技术标准、统一的法规法令、重要的食品安全制度”5个部分构成,其中:“一份白皮书”是指2000年1月12日欧盟委员会(EC)发布的《欧洲食品安全白皮书》(white paper on food safety),这是欧洲现行食品安全体系构建的路线图式章程,该白皮书的主要内容例如建立统一的安全机构,动物福利,风险评估与预警系统等都是后续欧盟食品安全体系的重要组成部分。
“官方机构”即欧洲主管食物安全的相应机构,这里包含欧盟健康与消费者保护总署(DG SANCO)及其下属但相对独立的食品与兽医办公室(FVO)以及食品安全局(EFSA),EFSA依据欧洲法令178/2002(Ec)建立,独立于欧盟委员会,是欧盟官方的食品安全机构。
FVO为欧盟委员会的下属机构,率属于欧盟健康与消费者保护总署(DG SANCO),主要职责为负责监督各成员国执行欧盟相关法规情况及第三国输欧食品安全情况。
”“重要的食品安全制度”,是指欧盟在应对食品安全问题采取的制度化措施,包括“从农田到餐桌”的全程监控制度“、“危害分析与关键控制点制度(HACCP)”、“食品与饲料快速预警系统(RASFF) ”、“可追溯制度”、“食品或饲料从业者承担责任制度”,以“食品与饲料快速预警系统(RASFF)”为例:该制度欧盟食品安全局的一项职责,即对欧盟食品环境出现的未被相关技术标准、法规所规定的潜在风险进行评估,以确定其安全性。
•饮用水 •食品添加剂
•98/83 •指令89/107 & 95/2
•标签 •消费者信息
•指令2000/13 •104/2000 & 2065/2001
•食品卫生 •附件1: 初级产品,附件 II: 总体卫生要求
•动物源性食品的卫生 •第 VIII部分: 水产品
•官方控制 •一致性的核查: 饲料和食品法,动物卫生和动物福
•被 2074/2005, 2076/2005, 1662/2006, 1791/2006, 1243/2007修
•部分被2076/2005废止 •被776/2006, 1791/ 2006, •180/2008, 301/2008修改
•被882/2004, 2074/2005, 2076/2005, 1663/2006, 1791/2006修改
主席由各成员国轮流担任,任期半年,每年至少举行两次 会议,欧洲联盟的内部建设、重要的对外关系及重大的国 际问题 。 • 2、欧盟理事会(Council of the European Union): 欧盟最高决策机构,又部长理事会。 • 3、欧洲议会 (European Parliament ):欧洲联盟的 执行监督、咨询机构,在某些领域有立法职能。 • 4、欧盟委员会( The European Commission )
•REGULATION •EC No 853/2004
•REGULATION •EC No 854/2004
•REGULATION •EC No 882/2004
•852/2004 •853/2004 •882/2004 •854/2004
•部分被 2074/2005废止
欧盟及部分欧洲国家 食品安全法律、法规
一、食品安全监管机构 及职能
01Βιβλιοθήκη 三、欧盟食品安全法律、 法规体系特点
二、欧盟食品安全法规 体系概况
《通用食品法》涵盖食 品生产链的所有阶段
欧盟设立了安全管理机构,提高管理的科学性、合理性 、统一性和高效性
欧盟具有一个较完善的食品安全 法规体系,涵盖了"从农田到餐 桌"的整个食物链(包括农业生产 和工业加工的各个环节)。由于 在立法和执法方面欧盟和欧盟诸 国政府之间的特殊关系,使得欧 盟的食品安全法规标准体系错综 复杂。欧盟食品安全法规体系以 欧盟委员会1997年发布的"食品 法律绿皮书"为基本框架
三、欧盟食品安全法律、法规体系特 点
1.种类多、涉及面广 2.系统性强 3.科学性强 4.可操作性强 5.时效性强
(1)通用原则:实施食品法的目的是保护人类的生命健康,保护消费者的利益,对保护动 物卫生和福利、植物卫生及环境应有的尊重;欧盟范围内人类食品和动物饲料的自由流通 ;重视已有或计划中的国际标准
(2)在食品贸易中应遵守的一般义务:进口并投放到市场或出口到第三国的食品及饲料必 须遵守欧盟食品法的相关要求。欧盟及其成员国必须为食品、饲料以及动物卫生和植物保 护国际技术标准的发展作出贡献
GB 16740-1997 保健(功能)食品通用标准
卫生部令第73号,2010 食品添加剂新品种管理办法
总局令第127号, 2010 食品添加剂生产监督管理规定
GB 2760-2007 食品添加剂使用卫生标准
GB 14880-94 食品营养强化剂使用卫生标 准
第四十一条 受他人委托加工食品添加剂的,受委托生产者应当具有委托生产范围内的食品添 加剂生产许可证。
委托加工的食品添加剂,除应当按照产品质量和食品安全法律法规以及本规定的要求进行食品 添加剂标识标注外,还应标明受委托生产者的名称、地址和联系方式等内容。
第四十三条 生产者应当建立生产管理情况自查制度,按照有关规定对食品添加剂质量安全控制等生 产管理情况进行自查。
申请食品添加剂新品种生产、经营、使用或者进口的单位或者个人(以下简称申请人),应 当提出食品添加剂新品种许可申请,并提交以下材料:
(一)添加剂的通用名称、功能分类,用量和使用范围; (二)证明技术上确有必要和使用效果的资料或者文件; (三)食品添加剂的质量规格要求、生产工艺和检验方法,食品中该添加剂的检验方法或 者相关情况说明; (四)安全性评估材料,包括生产原料或者来源、化学结构和物理特性、生产工艺、毒理 学安全性评价资料或者检验报告、质量规格检验报告; (五)标签、说明书和食品添加剂产品样品; (六)其他国家(地区)、国际组织允许生产和使用等有助于安全性评估的资料。 申请食品添加剂品种扩大使用范围或者用量的,可以免于提交前款第四项材料,但是技术 评审中要求补充提供的除外。
2. 在受理后的3个月内,受理的成员国起草首次评估报告, 并且决定是否需要进行另外评估。而且立刻转发给欧盟委 员会,委员会再转发给其它成员国。
1. 欧盟食品和饲料快速预警系统简介
2. 通报类型分析
(1) 预警通报
(2) 信息通报
(EC)178/2002规定了某些适用于所有食品的基本食品法规要求,这些要求包括:符合或等效((EC) 178/2002)第11条)进口欧盟在欧盟销售的食品应符合:相关食品法规要求,或被共同体认为至少等同于相关法规要求,或出口国与共同体之间有签署特定的协定,相关要求包括在协定内。
欧盟 EC178-2002 通用食品法律
人类的饮用水质量标准已在EEC 中规定,参考EC指令98/83第6条已足够。
食用香料香精安全性与国内外法规标准徐易, 曹怡, 金其璋(上海香料研究所, 上海200232 )摘要: 食用香味物质是化学结构明确的物质, 来自化学合成或得自动植物。
食用香精由食用香味物质、天然香味复合物(如精油)和非香味的食品成分(食材和食品添加剂)组成, 用于食品加香。
食用香精配方按使用情况而变, 食用香精的安全性取决于其全部组分的安全性。
如果食用香精的全部组分均符合法规要求, 则其安全性是有保证的。
本文对食用香料香精的安全性和国内外相关法规标准进行了回顾和论述, 并提出了如何完善我国食用香料香精法规标准体系。
关键词: 食用香料; 食用香精; 安全性; 法规; 标准中图分类号: TS20213 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006 - 2513 ( 2009 ) 02 - 0049 - 06The sa f e ty co n ce rn a n d re g u l a ti o n s& s t a n da rd s f o r fl a v o ri ng sXU Yi, C AO Yi, J IN Q i2z hang( Shangha i R e s ea r ch I n s titu t e of F r agrance & F l avo r I ndu s try, Shangha i 200232 )A b s tra c t: F l avo r ing sub s tance is chem ica l ly - defined sub s tance, e i the r fo r m e d by chem ica l syn t he s is, o r ob t a i ned fr om m a te r ia ls of p lan t o r an i m a l o rigin. I t is g ene ra lly no t con su m ed a s such. F lavo ring ( o r flavo r compound) is c o m 2 po sed by flavo ring sub stance s, na tu ra l flavo ring comp lexe s ( such a s e ssen tia l o il) , and non - flavo ring food i n g r ed i2 en ts ( food stuffs and food add itive s) . It is u sed in o r on food. The fo r m u la of flavo ring is chan g ed ve ry often acco r d i n g to the u sed - situa tion s. The safe ty of flavo ring is de te r m ined by a ll its in gred ien ts, so if they a ll m ee t the regu l a t i o n r e2 qu irem en ts, the safe ty of th is flavo r ing is gua ran teed. Th is p ap e r m ade a review of the safe ty conce rn and reg u l a t i o n s fo r flav o r ings, and p r opo s ed how to p e r fec t the system of reg u l a t i o n s and standa r d s fo r flav o r ings in Ch i na.Key word s: flavo r ing m a t e r ia l s; flavo r ings; safe t y conce r n; reg u l a t ion s; standa r d s香料是具有香气和/或风味的物质。
欧盟法规178/2002(EC 28 January 2002)摘要此法规又称“一般食品法律”(GENERAL FOOD LA W)-自2005年1月1日起此法规成为适用于食品法律所有领域的一般性要求而全面实施,并且适用于各成员国。
-对等此法规,我国的同等法规包括:《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》(总局2002年第20号令)《进出境水产品检验检疫管理办法》(总局令2002年第31号)《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》(国务院令第503号,2007年7月26日)此法规主要描述:- 制定食品法律的总体原则和要求:包括建立欧盟共同的原则和责任,建立提供强大科学支撑的手段、建立有效的组织安排和程序来控制食品和饲料安全- 建立欧洲食品安全局- 制定处理直接或间接影响食品和饲料安全事件的的程序本法规文章构架:本法规以章节(CHAPTER),章节下为:单元节(SECTION) 来规划。
而条款(ARTICLE): 则穿插在各个章节和单元节里,按顺序往下排列。
第二章:基本食品法包括四个部分:制定法规的总原则(第一部分);法律的透明度原则(第二部分);食品贸易的基本义务(第三部分) ;食品法律的基本要求(第四部分)需要我们了解的包括:第三部分:食品贸易基本义务第11条规定:输入共同体的食品和饲料输入并投放到共同体市场的食品和饲料应符合食品法相关要求或者经共同体认可的至少与其等同的条件,或对于共同体和出口国之间存在特殊协议的,要至少与所包含这些要求等同的条件。
欧盟一般食品法Regulation (EC) No 178-2002中文翻译
I(Acts whose publication is obligatory)歐盟一般食品法Regulation (EC) No 178/2002歐洲議會和歐盟理事會2002年1月28日第853號有關食品規章REGULATION (EC) No 178/2002 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OFTHE COUNCILof 28 January2002laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing theEuropean FoodSafetyAuthorityand laying down procedures in matters of food safety一、法規重點摘要:於2005年1月1日起一般食品法(178/2002號法規生效,並同時成立歐洲食品安全局(European Food Sfety Authority, EFSF),以協調各會員國執行與食品安全有關之法規,如食品之可追溯性、防止有害食品(含有害物質)進入市場、食品供應鏈業者(含進出口商)之義務(包括配合實施歐盟食品及飼料快速警報系統)、標示規範、不合符食品安全標準時須自市場撤回之規定。
歐盟食物鏈及動物健康常務委員會(Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health)為協調各會員國執行上述法規有關食品之可追溯性、防止有害食品進入市場、食品業者之義務及對進出口商之要求(178/2002號法規第11,12及16至20條)等一般原則及基本規範,已制定指導綱領,並同時協助相關業者瞭解,以徹底落實相關規範。
(EC) No 178 2002 欧盟食品法要求
I(Acts whose publication is obligatory)REGULATION(EC)No178/2002OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCILof28January2002laying down the general principles and requirements of food law,establishing the European Food SafetyAuthorityand lay ing down procedures in matters of food safetyTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Community,and in particular Articles37,95,133and Article 152(4)(b)thereof,Having regard to the proposal from the Commission(1),Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee(2),Having regard to the opinion of the Committee of the Regions(3),Acting in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 251of the Treaty(4),Whereas:(1)The free movement of safe and wholesome food is anessential aspect of the internal market and contributessignificantly to the health and well-being of citizens,andto their social and economic interests.(2)A high level of protection of human life and healthshould be assured in the pursuit of Community policies.(3)The free movement of food and feed within theCommunity can be achieved only if food and feed safetyrequirements do not differ significantly from MemberState to Member State.(4)There are important differences in relation to concepts,principles and procedures between the food laws ofthe Member States.When Member States adopt meas-ures governing food,these differences may impede thefree movement of food,create unequal conditions ofcompetition,and may thereby directly affect the func-tioning of the internal market.(5)Accordingly,it is necessary to approximate theseconcepts,principles and procedures so as to form acommon basis for measures governing food and feedtaken in the Member States and at Community level.It ishowever necessary to provide for sufficient time for theadaptation of any conflicting provisions in existing legis-lation,both at national and Community level,and toprovide that,pending such adaptation,the relevant legis-lation be applied in the light of the principles set out inthe present Regulation.(6)Water is ingested directly or indirectly like other foods,thereby contributing to the overall exposure of aconsumer to ingested substances,including chemical andmicrobiological contaminants.However,as the qualityof water intended for human consumption is alreadycontrolled by Council Directives80/778/EEC(5)and98/83/EC(6),it suffices to consider water after the point ofcompliance referred to in Article6of Directive98/83/EC.(7)Within the context of food law it is appropriate toinclude requirements for feed,including its productionand use where that feed is intended for food-producinganimals.This is without prejudice to the similar require-ments which have been applied so far and which will beapplied in the future in feed legislation applicable to allanimals,including pets.(8)The Community has chosen a high level of healthprotection as appropriate in the development of foodlaw,which it applies in a non-discriminatory mannerwhether food or feed is traded on the internal market orinternationally.(1)OJ C96E,27.3.2001,p.247.(2)OJ C155,29.5.2001,p.32.(3)Opinion delivered on14June2001(not yet published in the Offi-cial Journal).(4)Opinion of the European Parliament of12June2001(not yetpublished in the Official Journal),Council Common Position of17September2001(not yet published in the Official Journal)and Decision of the European Parliament of11December2001(not yet published in the Official Journal).Council Decision of21January 2002.530.8.1980,p.11.Directive repealed by Directive98/ 83/EC.(6)OJ L330,5.12.1998,p.32.(9)It is necessary to ensure that consumers,other stake-holders and trading partners have confidence in thedecision-making processes underpinning food law,itsscientific basis and the structures and independence ofthe institutions protecting health and other interests.(10)Experience has shown that it is necessary to adopt meas-ures aimed at guaranteeing that unsafe food is notplaced on the market and at ensuring that systems existto identify and respond to food safety problems in orderto ensure the proper functioning of the internal marketand to protect human health.Similar issues relating tofeed safety should be addressed.(11)In order to take a sufficiently comprehensive and inte-grated approach to food safety,there should be a broaddefinition of food law covering a wide range of provi-sions with a direct or indirect effect on the safety of foodand feed,including provisions on materials and articlesin contact with food,animal feed and other agriculturalinputs at the level of primary production.(12)In order to ensure the safety of food,it is necessary toconsider all aspects of the food production chain as acontinuum from and including primary production andthe production of animal feed up to and including saleor supply of food to the consumer because each elementmay have a potential impact on food safety.(13)Experience has shown that for this reason it is necessaryto consider the production,manufacture,transport anddistribution of feed given to food-producing animals,including the production of animals which may be usedas feed on fish farms,since the inadvertent or deliberatecontamination of feed,and adulteration or fraudulent orother bad practices in relation to it,may give rise to adirect or indirect impact on food safety.(14)For the same reason,it is necessary to consider otherpractices and agricultural inputs at the level of primaryproduction and their potential effect on the overallsafety of food.(15)Networking of laboratories of excellence,at regionaland/or interregional level,with the aim of ensuringcontinuous monitoring of food safety,could play animportant role in the prevention of potential health risksfor citizens.(16)Measures adopted by the Member States and theCommunity governing food and feed should generallybe based on risk analysis except where this is not appro-priate to the circumstances or the nature of the measure.Recourse to a risk analysis prior to the adoption of suchmeasures should facilitate the avoidance of unjustifiedbarriers to the free movement of foodstuffs.(17)Where food law is aimed at the reduction,elimination oravoidance of a risk to health,the three interconnectedcomponents of risk analysis—risk assessment,riskmanagement,and risk communication—provide asystematic methodology for the determination of effec-tive,proportionate and targeted measures or otheractions to protect health.(18)In order for there to be confidence in the scientific basisfor food law,risk assessments should be undertaken inan independent,objective and transparent manner,onthe basis of the available scientific information and data.(19)It is recognised that scientific risk assessment alonecannot,in some cases,provide all the information onwhich a risk management decision should be based,andthat other factors relevant to the matter under considera-tion should legitimately be taken into account includingsocietal,economic,traditional,ethical and environ-mental factors and the feasibility of controls.(20)The precautionary principle has been invoked to ensurehealth protection in the Community,thereby giving riseto barriers to the free movement of food or feed.There-fore it is necessary to adopt a uniform basis throughoutthe Community for the use of this principle.(21)In those specific circumstances where a risk to life orhealth exists but scientific uncertainty persists,theprecautionary principle provides a mechanism for deter-mining risk management measures or other actions inorder to ensure the high level of health protectionchosen in the Community.(22)Food safety and the protection of consumer's interests isof increasing concern to the general public,non-govern-mental organisations,professional associations,inter-national trading partners and trade organisations.It isnecessary to ensure that consumer confidence and theconfidence of trading partners is secured through theopen and transparent development of food law andthrough public authorities taking the appropriate stepsto inform the public where there are reasonable groundsto suspect that a food may present a risk to health.(23)The safety and confidence of consumers within theCommunity,and in third countries,are of paramountimportance.The Community is a major global trader infood and feed and,in this context,it has entered intointernational trade agreements,it contributes to thedevelopment of international standards which underpinfood law,and it supports the principles of free trade insafe feed and safe,wholesome food in a non-discrimina-tory manner,following fair and ethical trading practices.(24)It is necessary to ensure that food and feed exported orre-exported from the Community complies withCommunity law or the requirements set up by theimporting country.In other circumstances,food andfeed can only be exported or re-exported if theimporting country has expressly agreed.However,it isnecessary to ensure that even where there is agreementof the importing country,food injurious to health orunsafe feed is not exported or re-exported.(25)It is necessary to establish the general principles uponwhich food and feed may be traded and the objectivesand principles for the contribution of the Community todeveloping international standards and trade agreements.(26)Some Member States have adopted horizontal legislationon food safety imposing,in particular,a general obliga-tion on economic operators to market only food that issafe.However,these Member States apply different basiccriteria for establishing whether a food is safe.Giventhese different approaches,and in the absence of hori-zontal legislation in other Member States,barriers totrade in foods are liable to arise.Similarly such barriersmay arise to trade in feed.(27)It is therefore necessary to establish general requirementsfor only safe food and feed to be placed on the market,to ensure that the internal market in such productsfunctions effectively.(28)Experience has shown that the functioning of theinternal market in food or feed can be jeopardised whereit is impossible to trace food and feed.It is thereforenecessary to establish a comprehensive system of trace-ability within food and feed businesses so that targetedand accurate withdrawals can be undertaken or informa-tion given to consumers or control officials,therebyavoiding the potential for unnecessary wider disruptionin the event of food safety problems.(29)It is necessary to ensure that a food or feed businessincluding an importer can identify at least the businessfrom which the food,feed,animal or substance that maybe incorporated into a food or feed has been supplied,toensure that on investigation,traceability can be assuredat all stages.(30)A food business operator is best placed to devise a safesystem for supplying food and ensuring that the food itsupplies is safe;thus,it should have primary legalresponsibility for ensuring food safety.Although thisprinciple exists in some Member States and areas of foodlaw,in other areas this is either not explicit or elseresponsibility is assumed by the competent authorities ofthe Member State through the control activities theycarry out.Such disparities are liable to create barriers totrade and distort competition between food businessoperators in different Member States.(31)Similar requirements should apply to feed and feed busi-ness operators.(32)The scientific and technical basis of Community legisla-tion relating to the safety of food and feed shouldcontribute to the achievement of a high level of healthprotection within the Community.The Communityshould have access to high-quality,independent and effi-cient scientific and technical support.(33)The scientific and technical issues in relation to food andfeed safety are becoming increasingly important andcomplex.The establishment of a European Food SafetyAuthority,hereinafter referred to as‘the Authority’,should reinforce the present system of scientific andtechnical support which is no longer able to respond toincreasing demands on it.(34)Pursuant to the general principles of food law,theAuthority should take on the role of an independentscientific point of reference in risk assessment and in sodoing should assist in ensuring the smooth functioningof the internal market.It may be called upon to giveopinions on contentious scientific issues,therebyenabling the Community institutions and Member Statesto take informed risk management decisions necessaryto ensure food and feed safety whilst helping avoid thefragmentation of the internal market through the adop-tion of unjustified or unnecessary obstacles to the freemovement of food and feed.(35)The Authority should be an independent scientificsource of advice,information and risk communicationin order to improve consumer confidence;nevertheless,in order to promote coherence between the risk assess-ment,risk management and risk communication func-tions,the link between risk assessors and risk managersshould be strengthened.(36)The Authority should provide a comprehensive indepen-dent scientific view of the safety and other aspects of thewhole food and feed supply chains,which implies wide-ranging responsibilities for the Authority.These shouldinclude issues having a direct or indirect impact on thesafety of the food and feed supply chains,animal healthand welfare,and plant health.However,it is necessary toensure that the Authority focuses on food safety,so itsmission in relation to animal health,animal welfare andplant health issues that are not linked to the safety of thefood supply chain should be limited to the provision ofscientific opinions.The Authority's mission should alsocover scientific advice and scientific and technicalsupport on human nutrition in relation to Communitylegislation and assistance to the Commission at itsrequest on communication linked to Community healthprogrammes.(37)Since some products authorised under food law such aspesticides or additives in animal feed may involve risksto the environment or to the safety of workers,someenvironmental and worker protection aspects shouldalso be assessed by the Authority in accordance with therelevant legislation.(38)In order to avoid duplicated scientific assessments andrelated scientific opinions on genetically modified organ-isms(GMOs),the Authority should also providescientific opinions on products other than food and feedrelating to GMOs as defined by Directive2001/18/EC(1)and without prejudice to the procedures establishedtherein.(39)The Authority should contribute through the provisionof support on scientific matters,to the Community's andMember States'role in the development and establish-ment of international food safety standards and tradeagreements.(40)The confidence of the Community institutions,thegeneral public and interested parties in the Authority isessential.For this reason,it is vital to ensure its indepen-dence,high scientific quality,transparency and effi-ciency.Cooperation with Member States is also indis-pensable.(41)To that effect the Management Board should beappointed in such a way as to secure the higheststandard of competence,a broad range of relevantexpertise,for instance in management and in publicadministration,and the broadest possible geographicdistribution within the Union.This should be facilitatedby a rotation of the different countries of origin of themembers of the Management Board without any postbeing reserved for nationals of any specific MemberState.(42)The Authority should have the means to perform all thetasks required to enable it to carry out its role.(43)The Management Board should have the necessarypowers to establish the budget,check its implementa-tion,draw up internal rules,adopt financial regulations,appoint members of the Scientific Committee andScientific Panels and appoint the Executive Director.(44)The Authority should cooperate closely with competentbodies in the Member States if it is to operate effectively.An Advisory Forum should be created in order to advisethe Executive Director,to constitute a mechanism ofexchange of information,and to ensure close coopera-tion in particular with regard to the networking system.Cooperation and appropriate exchange of informationshould also minimise the potential for divergingscientific opinions.(45)The Authority should take over the role of the ScientificCommittees attached to the Commission in issuingscientific opinions in its field of competence.It is neces-sary to reorganise these Committees to ensure greaterscientific consistency in relation to the food supplychain and to enable them to work more effectively.AScientific Committee and Permanent Scientific Panelsshould therefore be set up within the Authority toprovide these opinions.(46)In order to guarantee independence,members of theScientific Committee and Panels should be independentscientists recruited on the basis of an open applicationprocedure.(47)The Authority's role as an independent scientific pointof reference means that a scientific opinion may berequested not only by the Commission,but also by theEuropean Parliament and the Member States.In order toensure the manageability and consistency of the processof scientific advice,the Authority should be able torefuse or amend a request providing justification for thisand on the basis of predetermined criteria.Steps shouldalso be taken to help avoid diverging scientific opinionsand,in the event of diverging scientific opinionsbetween scientific bodies,procedures should be in placeto resolve the divergence or provide the risk managerswith a transparent basis of scientific information.(1)Directive2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of12March2001on the deliberate release into the envi-ronment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive90/220/EEC(OJ L106,17.4.2001,p.1).(48)The Authority should also be able to commissionscientific studies necessary for the accomplishment of itsduties,while ensuring that the links established by itwith the Commission and the Member States preventduplication of effort.It should be done in an open andtransparent fashion and the Authority should take intoaccount existing Community expertise and structures.(49)The lack of an effective system of collection and analysisat Community level of data on the food supply chain isrecognised as a major shortcoming.A system for thecollection and analysis of relevant data in the fieldscovered by the Authority should therefore be set up,inthe form of a network coordinated by the Authority.Areview of Community data collection networks alreadyexisting in the fields covered by the Authority is calledfor.(50)Improved identification of emerging risks may in thelong term be a major preventive instrument at thedisposal of the Member States and the Community inthe exercise of its policies.It is therefore necessary toassign to the Authority an anticipatory task of collectinginformation and exercising vigilance and providingevaluation of and information on emerging risks with aview to their prevention.(51)The establishment of the Authority should enableMember States to become more closely involved inscientific procedures.There should therefore be closecooperation between the Authority and the MemberStates for this purpose.In particular,the Authorityshould be able to assign certain tasks to organisations inthe Member States.(52)It is necessary to ensure that a balance is struck betweenthe need to use national organisations to carry out tasksfor the Authority and the need to ensure for thepurposes of overall consistency that such tasks arecarried out in line with the criteria established for suchtasks.Existing procedures for the allocation of scientifictasks to the Member States,in particular with regard tothe evaluation of dossiers presented by industry for theauthorisation of certain substances,products or proced-ures,should be re-examined within a year with theobjective of taking into account the establishment of theAuthority and the new facilities it offers,the evaluationprocedures remaining at least as stringent as before.(53)The Commission remains fully responsible for commu-nicating risk management measures.The appropriateinformation should therefore be exchanged between theAuthority and the Commission.Close cooperationbetween the Authority,the Commission and theMember States is also necessary to ensure the coherenceof the global communication process.(54)The independence of the Authority and its role ininforming the public mean that it should be able tocommunicate autonomously in the fields falling withinits competence,its purpose being to provide objective,reliable and easily understandable information.(55)Appropriate cooperation with the Member States andother interested parties is necessary in the specific fieldof public information campaigns to take into accountany regional parameters and any correlation with healthpolicy.(56)In addition to its operating principles based on indepen-dence and transparency,the Authority should be anorganisation open to contacts with consumers and otherinterested groups.(57)The Authority should be financed by the general budgetof the European Union.However,in the light of experi-ence acquired,in particular with regard to the processingof authorisation dossiers presented by industry,the poss-ibility of fees should be examined within three yearsfollowing the entry into force of this Regulation.TheCommunity budgetary procedure remains applicable asfar as any subsidies chargeable to the general budget ofthe European Union are concerned.Moreover,theauditing of accounts should be undertaken by the Courtof Auditors.(58)It is necessary to allow for the participation of Europeancountries which are not members of the EuropeanUnion and which have concluded agreements obligingthem to transpose and implement the body ofCommunity law in the field covered by this Regulation.(59)A system for rapid alert already exists in the frameworkof Council Directive92/59/EEC of29June1992ongeneral product safety(1).The scope of the existingsystem includes food and industrial products but notfeed.Recent food crises have demonstrated the need toset up an improved and broadened rapid alert systemcovering food and feed.This revised system should bemanaged by the Commission and include as members ofthe network the Member States,the Commission andthe Authority.The system should not cover theCommunity arrangements for the early exchange ofinformation in the event of a radiological emergency asdefined in Council Decision87/600/Euratom(2).(60)Recent food safety incidents have demonstrated the needto establish appropriate measures in emergency situa-tions ensuring that all foods,whatever their type andorigin,and all feed should be subject to common meas-ures in the event of a serious risk to human health,animal health or the environment.Such a compre-hensive approach to emergency food safety measuresshould allow effective action to be taken and avoidartificial disparities in the treatment of a serious risk inrelation to food or feed.1p.24.(2)OJ L371,30.12.1987,p.76.(61)Recent food crises have also shown the benefits to theCommission of having properly adapted,more rapidprocedures for crisis management.These organisationalprocedures should make it possible to improve coordi-nation of effort and to determine the most effectivemeasures on the basis of the best scientific information.Therefore,revised procedures should take into accountthe Authority's responsibilities and should provide for itsscientific and technical assistance in the form of advicein the event of a food crisis.(62)In order to ensure a more effective,comprehensiveapproach to the food chain,a Committee on the FoodChain and Animal Health should be established toreplace the Standing Veterinary Committee,the StandingCommittee for Foodstuffs and the Standing Committeefor Feedingstuffs.Accordingly,Council Decisions68/361/EEC(1),69/414/EEC(2),and70/372/EEC(3),shouldbe repealed.For the same reason the Committee on theFood Chain and Animal Health should also replace theStanding Committee on Plant Health in relation to itscompetence(for Directives76/895/EEC(4),86/362/EEC(5),86/363/EEC(6),90/642/EEC(7)and91/414/EEC(8))on plant protection products and thesetting of maximum residue levels.(63)The measures necessary for the implementation of thisRegulation should be adopted in accordance withCouncil Decision1999/468/EC of28June1999layingdown the procedures for the exercise of implementingpowers conferred on the Commission(9).(64)It is necessary that operators should have sufficient timeto adapt to some of the requirements established by thepresent Regulation and that the European Food SafetyAuthority should commence its operations on1January2002.(65)It is important to avoid confusion between the missionsof the Authority and the European Agency for the Evalu-ation of Medicinal Products(EMEA)established byCouncil Regulation(EEC)No2309/93(10).Conse-quently,it is necessary to establish that this Regulation iswithout prejudice to the competence conferred on theEMEA by Community legislation,including powersconferred by Council Regulation(EEC)No2377/90of26June1990laying down a Community procedure forthe establishment of maximum residue limits of veter-inary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animalorigin(11).(66)It is necessary and appropriate for the achievement ofthe basic objectives of this Regulation to provide for theapproximation of the concepts,principles and proced-ures forming a common basis for food law in theCommunity and to establish a European Food SafetyAuthority.In accordance with the principle of propor-tionality as set out in Article5of the Treaty,this Regula-tion does not go beyond what is necessary in order toachieve the objectives pursued,HAVE ADOPTED THIS REGULATION:CHAPTERI SCOPE AND DEFINITIONSArticle1Aim and scope1.This Regulation provides the basis for the assurance of a high level of protection of human health and consumers' interest in relation to food,taking into account in particular the diversity in the supply of food including traditional products, whilst ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market.It establishes common principles and responsibilities,the means to provide a strong science base,efficient organisational arrangements and procedures to underpin decision-making in matters of food and feed safety.2.For the purposes of paragraph1,this Regulation lays down the general principles governing food and feed in general,and food and feed safety in particular,at Community and national level.It establishes the European Food Safety Authority.It lays down procedures for matters with a direct or indirect impact on food and feed safety.(1)OJ L255,18.10.1968,p.23.(2)OJ L291,19.11.1969,p.9.(3)OJ L170,3.8.1970,p.1.(4)OJ L340,9.12.1976,p.26.Directive as last amended by Commis-sion Directive2000/57/EC(OJ L244,29.9.2000,p.76).(5)OJ L221,7.8.1986,p.37.Directive as last amended by Commis-sion Directive2001/57/EC(OJ L208,1.8.2001,p.36).(6)OJ L221,7.8.1986,p.43.Directive as last amended by Commis-sion Directive2001/57/EC.(7)OJ L350,14.12.1990,p.71.Directive as last amended byCommission Directive2001/57/EC.1024.8.1993,p.1.Regulation amended by Commission Regulation(EC)No649/98(OJ L88,24.3.1998,p.7).(8)OJ L230,19.8.1991,p.1.Directive as last amended by Commis-sion Directive2001/49/EC(OJ L176,29.6.2001,p.61).(11)OJ L224,18.8.1990,p. 1.Regulation as last amended byCommission Regulation(EC)No1553/2001(OJ L205,31.7.2001, p.16).(9)OJ L184,17.7.1999,p.23.。
成同质分布状态的物质; (k)“固化剂”是指那些使水果或蔬菜的组织保持结实或脆的,或与胶凝剂彼此作用,
产生或加强凝胶体的物质; (1)“增味剂”是指那些增加食品现存味道和(或)气味的物质; (m)“发泡剂”是指在液体或固体食品中可使气态的物质形成同质弥散状态的物质; (n)“胶凝剂”是指那些通过形成凝胶体赋予食品一定质地的物质; (o)“上光剂”(包括润滑剂)是指那些用于食品外表时可产生光亮外表或提供保护膜的
的物质; (b)“抗氧化剂”是指那些防止因氧化引起的食品腐败变质,如脂肪变质以及颜色变化,
从而延长食品保存期的物质; (c)“载体”,包括载体溶剂,是指那些为了方便食品添加剂的处理,应用或使用,用
来溶解、稀释、分散或其他不改变食品添加剂的技术功能只产生物理变化的物质(并且它们 本身未发挥任何技术作用);
以外的气体; (s)“推进气体”是指那些把食品从容器中排出的气体(不是空气); (t)“膨松剂”是指能用来释放气体并借此增加面团或糊状物的体积的物质或某些物质
的混合物; (u)“螯合剂”是指与金属离子一起形成化学复合物的物质; (v)“6“稳定剂”是保持食品物理化学状态的物质;稳定剂包括使食品中两种或多种不
(d)“酸”是指增加食品酸度和(或)使食品具有酸味的物质; (e)“酸度调节剂”是改变或控制食品酸度或碱度的物质; (f)“抗结剂”是指那些减少食品个体微粒彼此粘合倾向的物质; (g)“消泡剂”是指那些预防或减少泡沫的物质; (h)“填充剂”是指那些有助于食品的体积而无益于其可获取的能量价值的物质; “乳化剂”是指那些可能使两种或更多的不可溶合状态的物质,例如食品中的油和水形 成或保持一种同质混合状态的物质; “乳化盐”是指那些使干酪中的蛋白质转化为一种分散状态,从而使脂肪和其他成分形
• 从2000年《食品安全白皮书》发布后,相继制定一系 列法规。
• 2002年欧洲议会和欧盟理事会第178/2002号法规(《通 用食品法》) 的出台至今,是欧盟食品安全法律体系适 时调整、日臻完备的阶段。 • 2004年4月29日,欧盟为了进一步完善立法,为《通用 食品法》制定相应细则,又公布了四个于2006年1月1日 实施的“食品卫生系列措施法规”。 • 除了这些基础性的法律规定,欧盟还分别在食品卫生、 人畜共患病、食品标签、转基因食品等方面制订了具体 的要求。
One - stop Solution From Farm to Fork
根据欧洲议会和欧盟理事会第178/2002号法规的规定,2002年6月21日欧盟食 品安全局 (European Food Safety Authority,简称EFSA)正式成立,总部设在意大 利的帕尔玛市。 EFSA并不隶属于欧盟的其他任何机构,其经费来源于欧盟财政预 算,它是一个具有特殊地位的、独立的法律机构。 EFSA主要承担监督食品的整个食物链,通过收集和分析数据、科学的识别和评估 风险,提供独立的、透明的科学建议,为欧盟相关权力机构和各成员国政府的立法 和决策提供科学依据的任务。但是,EFSA并不具备法律法规的制定权,食品的风 险管理决策权仍然归属于欧盟理事会、欧洲议会、欧盟委员会等权力机构。
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欧盟法规178/2002(EC 28 January 2002)摘要此法规又称“一般食品法律”(GENERAL FOOD LA W)-自2005年1月1日起此法规成为适用于食品法律所有领域的一般性要求而全面实施,并且适用于各成员国。
-对等此法规,我国的同等法规包括:《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》《中华人民共和国农产品质量安全法》《出口食品生产企业卫生注册登记管理规定》(总局2002年第20号令)《进出境水产品检验检疫管理办法》(总局令2002年第31号)《国务院关于加强食品等产品安全监督管理的特别规定》(国务院令第503号,2007年7月26日)此法规主要描述:- 制定食品法律的总体原则和要求:包括建立欧盟共同的原则和责任,建立提供强大科学支撑的手段、建立有效的组织安排和程序来控制食品和饲料安全- 建立欧洲食品安全局- 制定处理直接或间接影响食品和饲料安全事件的的程序本法规文章构架:本法规以章节(CHAPTER),章节下为:单元节(SECTION) 来规划。
而条款(ARTICLE): 则穿插在各个章节和单元节里,按顺序往下排列。
第二章:基本食品法包括四个部分:制定法规的总原则(第一部分);法律的透明度原则(第二部分);食品贸易的基本义务(第三部分) ;食品法律的基本要求(第四部分)需要我们了解的包括:第三部分:食品贸易基本义务第11条规定:输入共同体的食品和饲料输入并投放到共同体市场的食品和饲料应符合食品法相关要求或者经共同体认可的至少与其等同的条件,或对于共同体和出口国之间存在特殊协议的,要至少与所包含这些要求等同的条件。
(要确认,接口,包装追溯法规)●此外,食品卫生法规(EC)No 852/2004规章和即将颁布的饲料卫生规程应当确保,从2006年1月1日,农场主将必须保持并保存食品/饲料、兽药和植物保护产品的记录,以填补这些产品之间的联系的缺口。
iii) 第三国出口商的适用性(与第11条要求相衔接)(较重要)●本法规中的追溯条款对欧盟以外的第三国没有法律效力。