
3. As the affair continues and her reputation is further compromised,she goes to the store to purchase arsenic. 4. "I want some poison," she said to the druggist. She was over thirty then, still a slight woman, though thinner than usual, with cold, haughty black eyes in a face the flesh of which was strained across the temples and about the eyesockets as you imagine a lighthouse- keeper's face ought to look. "I want some poison," she said. "Yes, Miss Emily. What kind? For rats and such? I‘d recom--“ "I want the best you have. I don't care what kind."
In section 3 1. Homer soon becomes a popular figure in town and is seen taking Emily on buggy rides on Sunday afternoons. 2. At first we were glad that Emily would have an interest,because that ladies all said, “Of course a Grierson would not think seriously of a Northerner, a day laborer.’’But there were still others, older people, who said that even grief could not cause a lady to forge noblesse oblige.

献给艾米丽的玫瑰概要写作英语作文Emily Grierson was a reclusive and enigmatic figure in the small Southern town where she lived. Her story, as told by the unnamed narrator, is a haunting tale of a life marked by tragedy, isolation, and the weight of family legacy. The narrative unfolds in a non-linear fashion, jumping between past and present, and gradually revealing the complex and often unsettling details of Emily's life.At the heart of the story is the mysterious death of Emily's father, a domineering and controlling man who had a profound impact on his daughter's life. When he dies, leaving Emily alone and without means, the town takes pity on her and provides financial assistance. This act of kindness, however, is tinged with a sense of condescension and a desire to maintain the social order.As the story progresses, we learn that Emily has become increasingly withdrawn and isolated from the townspeople. She refuses to acknowledge her father's death, keeping his body in the house for several days, and later embarks on a secretive and ill-fated romance with a man named Homer Barron. The townspeople, who havealways viewed Emily as a relic of a bygone era, watch her decline with a mixture of fascination and unease.The climax of the story comes when the townspeople discover that Emily has poisoned Homer Barron and kept his body in her bedroom for years. This shocking revelation sheds light on the depths of Emily's isolation and the ways in which she has been shaped by the expectations and judgments of her community.Throughout the narrative, the rose serves as a powerful symbol, representing the fragility and beauty of Emily's life, as well as the ways in which the past can haunt the present. The rose is first introduced when Emily's father dies, and it reappears at various points throughout the story, serving as a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the ways in which the past can cast a long shadow over the present.One of the most striking aspects of the story is the way in which it explores the theme of social class and the ways in which it shapes the lives of individuals. Emily, as a member of the Southern aristocracy, is viewed with a mixture of reverence and disdain by the townspeople, who see her as a relic of a bygone era. Her refusal to conform to the social norms of her community, and her willingness to defy the expectations placed upon her, serve as a powerful commentary on the ways in which social class can both empowerand constrain individuals.Another key theme in the story is the idea of isolation and the ways in which it can shape an individual's psyche. Emily, who is increasingly cut off from the outside world, becomes consumed by her own inner demons and the weight of her family's legacy. The townspeople, who observe her from a distance, are both fascinated and repulsed by her, and their judgment and condescension only serve to further isolate her.Ultimately, "A Rose for Emily" is a haunting and complex story that explores the ways in which the past can shape the present, and the ways in which social class and isolation can profoundly impact an individual's life. Through the character of Emily Grierson, Faulkner has created a richly drawn and deeply compelling portrait of a woman who is both a product of her time and a rebel against it. The story's non-linear structure and the use of the rose as a symbolic motif add depth and complexity to the narrative, and leave the reader with a profound sense of the fragility and complexity of the human experience.。

• Love: she wants to possess even at a heavy price. She eventually settles for Homer, but the townspeople see this as an affront to her noble heritage, and she eventually murders Homer and dies a recluse. Emily stands for the south of the tradition, the way of life and the value.
Faulkner’s south feelings I love the south and I hate the south. Here are some things I don't like, but I was born in here, this is my home. So I would like to continue to maintain it, even with hatred. Emily stands for the south tradition , life style and value. She also is a victim in the rigid and old socity.
• • • • The symbol of rose Faulkner’s south feeling Love Death
• The symbol of rose • We can infer that Emily likes rose and its blight and romantic color through her room’s decorations. She also has a romantic dream just like the beautiful rose, but the traditions of her family and the society deprive off her dream.
My Review of A Rose for Emily, 献给艾米丽的玫瑰英文读后感

My Review of “A Rose for Emily”--By Cave dweller William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" is a short story which mainly describes a faded southern aristocrat, Emily Grierson's tragic life. An unnamed narrator vividly tells six impressive anecdotes to present Emily's life with an intelligent use of flashbacks. But after reading the story, we can divide it into six parts according the chronological order.The first part is the death of Emily's father. When her father died, the house is all that is left to her. This part reveals that to a certain extent, her father who has driven away all the young men should be responsible for her tragedy.The second part is Emily's miserable relationship. She falls in love with a foreman named Homer Barron, a dark, ready man, who has no interest in marriage. Then people are told that the man deserts her.The third is "the smell". After her father's death and heart-broken love, she only has a manservant. So her house smells bad. The people in town complain about it. In the end, they solve it by sprinkling lime around her house.The fourth part is Emily's teaching life. She gives lessons in china-painting several years and then closes her front forever.The fifth is the confrontation between Emily and the deputation. The young generation is dissatisfied with the edict of remitting her taxes. They send a deputation to negotiate this problem. But they failed. She vanquished them.The sixth part is Emily's funeral and the discovery of the dead man in her house. After the funeral, people decide to open the room which no one has seen in forty years. Then, they find a dead man in bed.The setting of the story is the declining of the southern aristocrats in America.The novel has been regarded as a Gothic horror tale, a study in abnormal psychology as well as an allegory of the relations between North and South. The novel's name is "A Rose for Emily", it tells little about rose, but much about the tragic heroine, Emily. Therefore,the rose represents Emily, which actually is an elegy sighting the lost prosperity of the South aristocracy. So the memory of the South aristocrats' glory is prominent in southern people's minds, which causes various conflicts and contractions in their psyche. Apparently, Emily is one of these people who think all the past is not a diminishing road but a huge meadow. Emily does not in her time but in the lost glory of South aristocracy. Her eccentric and wired behaviors are the surface of her psychological world which fills with conflicts and complexity. Her own unhealthy psychological world can be considered as a cause of her tragic life. The incorrect family education has caused her tragedy. Her father's archaic thoughts have passive influence on her life. Her father drives away all the young men. Her father interferes in her life too much.。

An I nterpret ati on of A Rose for Em ilyFrom a Fem in ist Perspecti ve○Zhao Q ian(X i ’an U niversity of Posts &Teleco mm unica tions,X i ’an,Shanxi,710121) [Abstract] This paper analyses the st ory ARose for Em ily fr om a fe m inist pers pective,exp l ores the s ocial r oots thatlead t o the tragedy of E m ily,and points out that E m ily is victi m ized by the patriarchal opp ressi on and her arist ocratic sta 2tus . [Key words] fe m inist; patriarchal opp ressi on; arist ocratic status [中图分类号]I 106.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2010)022******* The short st ory A Rose for Em ily is written by the well -known American novelistW illia m Faulkner .The st ory f ocuses on E m ily,“an eccentric s p inster who refuses t o accep t the passage of ti m e,or the inevitable change and l oss that accompaniesit ”.[1]617Because of its unique Faulkner ’s style,this st ory has been studied by many researchers fr om vari ous pers pectives —sy mbolis m,moral or phil os ophical value and stylistics .Howev 2er,fe wer researchers study the st ory fr om a fem inist pers pective .This paper will give a fe m inist inter p retati on of the s ocial r oots that lead t o the tragedy of the fe male p r otagonist,E m ily,who lives a m iserable,l onely and e mp ty life .According t o Guerin,“Fem inist literary critics try t oexp lain how power i m balances due t o gender in a given cultureare reflected in or challenged by literary texts ”.[2]196Faulkner is a male American author who was born int o a Southern fa m ily with a fairly l ong traditi on .He created different female characters who resist against or surrender t o the cruel reality resulted fr om s ocial changes or econom ic devel opments in his works,which reflect the s ocial reality in the South during the peri od of American Civil W ar and the WW Ι.A s t o Faulkner ’s attitude t owards fe male,researchers hold different op ini ons .Some researchers such as L inda W agner and CleanthB r ooks believe that Faulkner sy mpathizes the women characters he shaped .O thers like Leslie Fiedler,A lbert Guerard and Irving Howe hold the op ini on that Faulkner shows r ooted re 2sent m ents against women in his novels .This paper will f ocus on the fe m inis m in the short st ory A R ose for Em ily ,and will als o discuss Faulkner ’s attitude t owards fe m inis m.The main character of this st ory,E m ily lives a m iserable life without l ove,understanding,and communicati on with oth 2ers .E m ily is born in a declined arist ocratic fam ily .I n her youth 2hood,her father drives a way all the young men pursuing her .Af 2ter her father ’s death,she falls in l ove with a Northerner na medHomer Barr on .W hen they are believed t o get married,HommerBarr on disappeared .Since then,E m ily seldom went out till her death .W hen peop le open a r oom of her house,they f ound Hom 2mer ’s dead body lying in the bed .W hat result in E m ily ’s tragedy?One is the American South male -dom inated s ociety,under which women are treated ill and opp ressed .The other is arist ocracy traditi on .Peop le including arist ocrats think that the arist ocracy is the sy mbol,the traditi on and the idol of the s outh .The arist ocrats cannot live their life in the sa me way as the common peop le .They cannot l ove or marry a common pers on,es pecially a Yankee .Having the dual status of a common woman and an arist ocratic woman,E m ily suffers s o much that she eventually has t o murder her l over in order t o secure the fe male -subject positi on .Ι.Pa tr i a rcha l O ppressi onFe m inistic critics “investigate how s ociety shapes a woman ’s understanding of herself,her s ociety,and her world ”.[3]191A s a woman,E m ily is contr olled,opp ressed,and deserted by her father and her l over successively .She lives in the South of Amer 2ican during the CivilW ar .The s ociety in the South is patriarchy,just like the O ld China,under which women are required t o stay in the house,giving birth t o babies,taking care of her husband and dealing with daily chores .Women should obey the puritan virtues .They should be obedient t o their fathers before marriage and t o their husbands after marriage .Women are passive,weak,and unable t o choose the way of lives in such a male -dom inated s ociety .Men contr ol women physically,p sychol ogically,and e moti onally .Women depend on men t otally .Women who obey the traditi onal cust om s and moral standards are considered as good women;other wise,they are believed t o be wicked,guilty,and dirty .E m ily ’s father is such a typ ical S outhern man,who is self 2—72—语文学刊・外语教育教学 2010年第2期ish,p ride,and e moti onless .He confines E m ily in the big house compani oning hi m .He drives away all the young men pursuing E m ily and makes her an old s p inster without her own l ove .He dom inates E m ily ’s life and affects her even after his death .A s described in the st ory “W e had l ong thought of the m as a tab 2leau,M iss E m ily a slender figure in white in the backgr ound,her father a s p raddled silhouette in the f oregr ound,his back t o her and clutching a horse whi p,the t w o of them framed by the back -flung fr ont door ”,E m ily ’s “slender figure ”rep resents her inability;“W hite ”rep resents her virginhood and innocence .Her father,however,“s p raddled ”shows his peremp t oriness;“silhouette ”i m p lies E m ily lives in the shadow of her father all her life;“back ”rep resents his ignorance of E m ily ’s res ponses;“clutching a horsewhi p ”sy mbolizes the abs olute patriarchal pow 2er .E m ily ’s father leaves E m ily nothing but l oneliness and pov 2erty after his death .E m ily decides t o start her own life after her father ’s death as menti oned in the st ory “W hen we sa w her again,her hair was cut short,making her l ook like a girl,with a vague rese mblance t o those angels in col ored church windows —s ort of tragic and serene ”.Then she falls in l ove with Homer .The sa me tragedy restarts:she begins t o depend on this man as she did on his fa 2ther p revi ously;she is contr olled,opp ressed,and deserted by another man .Homer is open -hearted,just the opposite of E m ily .E m ily ’s l ove for such a “day laborer ”shows her deter 2m inati on t o start a new life,t o go out of her house,and t o get rid of her arist ocratic status .However,Homer doesn ’t l ove E m ily,“because Homer hi m self had re marked —he liked men,and it was known that he drank with the younger men in the Elks ’Club —that he was not a marrying man ”.He stays with E m ily just for fun .He thinks it is p rideful t o go out with such a s outhern lady as menti oned in the st ory “Homer Barr on with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth,reins and whi p in a yell ow gl ove ”.Homer ’s “hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth ”shows he pays no atten 2ti on t o E m ily ’s l ove,and “reins and whi p s ”rep resents the ab 2s olute patriarchal power just as E m ily ’s father ’s “horse whi p ”.Struck by her father ’s death and her l over ’s departure,E m ily is in des pair .She starts t o defend herself and revolt by an extre me way:pois oning Homer t o death and making hi m unable t o leave her f orever .Ⅱ.Ar istocra ti c St a tusE m ily ’s tragedy is not only led by the Patriarchal s ociety she lives in,but als o by her arist ocratic status .One of the rea 2s ons her father drives all the young men is that he thinks no one is good enough t o match this arist ocratic lady .Peop le in the t own consider E m ily as “a traditi on,a duty,and a care;a s ort of he 2reditary obligati on upon the t own ”.Peop le ad m ire and res pect E m ily who,f or the m,is a monu ment bearing their l onging for the O ld S outh life .I n their op ini on,E m ily should stay in the house,and live an is olated life .Theref ore,the fact that she falls in l ove with a Northerner hurts the e moti ons of the citizens as menti oned in the st ory “then s ome of the ladies began t o say that it was adisgrace t o the t own and a bad exa mp le t o the young peop le ”.W hen the citizens hear her buying pois on,they assu me “She will kill herself ”and even think that “would be the best thing ”.They believe that if such an arist ocratic lady marries a “day labo 2rer ”,that would be a sha me f or their t own,or even f or the South .They would like E m ily t o die rather than hu m iliate the South virtues .Ⅲ.E m ily ’s RevoltW hen E m ily notices Homer is going t o leave her,she is afraid of the l oneliness and the comments by citizens .I n order t o keep her p ride,es pecially her arist ocratic p ride,she chooses the extre me way t o retain Homer —killing hi m and keep ing his body in the bed,which makes hi m be with her f orever .By murder,E m ily finally dom inates Homer ’s life and s wifts fr om the passive one t o the active one .Her brave revolt against the male -dom i 2nated s ociety,although t oo extreme,should be res pected .W hat ’s worth noting here is that killing Homer see m s E m ily ’s vict ory because she challenges the male -dom inated s ociety .Ho wever,actually,it is a failure .Murder is an extreme way t o keep Homer .E m ily gets nothing but a cold body for the rest of her life .Therefore,we dare t o say that E m ily doesn ’t de 2feat male -dom inance and is only another victi m of the Patriar 2chal s ociety .A s t o the author ’s attitude t owards E m ily,I believe he shows his sy mpathy and res pect f or her —sy mpathizes her m isera 2ble life without l ove and marriage;res pects her courage and deter m inati on t o revolt against the male -dom inated s ociety,which we could notice fr om the title of this st ory —A Rose for Em ily .Roses rep resent l ove and happ iness that E m ily ’s life is lack of .Because of sy mpathy and res pect,the author would like t o offer E m ily a r ose t o wish her a happy and peaceful life with l ove in the heaven .【References 】[1]Zhang,B.X .Selected Readings in English and AmericanL iterature [M ].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1998.[2]Guerin,W.L.,Labor E .,Morgan L.,Rees man J.C .,W illingha m J.R.A Handbook of Critical App r oaches t o L iterature[M ].Oxf ord:Oxford University Press,1999.[3]B ressler,C .E .An I ntr oducti on t o Theory and Practice[M ].New Jersey:Prentice Hall,1998.[4]L i,J.P .The Real Essence of the Pr otesque —A Rose forEm ily :an I nter p retati on fr om a Fe m inist Pers pective [J ].Journal of Q iqihar University,2003(1).[5]Huang,Y .An I nsight int o Cause for Fe m inine Tragedy —aComparative Study of The Tale of the Golden Chain and A Rose for Em ily [J ].Journal of N ingbo University of Tech 2nol ogy,2008,20(3). (下转第35页)—82—L I TERAT URE Zhao Q ian /An I nter p retati on of A R ose for Em ily fr om a Fe m inist Pers pective与小说塑造的英雄鲁滨孙对话恐怕是难!我们受文本的局限,即便在今天看来显而易见的话语霸权,在联系英国当时拓殖背景,解读关于鲁滨孙这一殖民者原型的殖民神话之外,我们很难在小说原有的意义范围内,重塑另一个英雄———星期五。
a rose for emily解读与译赏

a rose for emily解读与译赏《A Rose for Emily》是美国作家威廉·福克纳的短篇小说,被认为是福克纳最杰出的作品之一。
《A Rose for Emily》是福克纳对南方社会的批判,揭示了社会对个人的限制和破坏力量。
总之,《A Rose for Emily》是一部充满象征主义和深度的文学作品,通过描述一个女性的孤独和精神崩溃,揭示了社会对个体的压迫和摧毁。

• It reflects the decline of the southern society. In this background, due to the restriction of the traditional ideas, some people are imprisoned in the past and ignore the passage of time.
• 门砰地一下踹开了,顿时屋里好像弥漫着灰尘。房间好像 曾是一间装饰一新旳新房,如今如坟墓一般发出淡淡旳、 呛人旳气味,到处渗透出阴森森气氛:褪色了旳玫瑰色窗 帘,阴暗旳玫瑰色灯光,梳妆台,一排精细旳水晶饰品, 还有白银底色旳盥洗用具,但是白银制品已经失去旳光泽, 连刻在上面旳笔迹也都看不清了。其中有一条硬领和领带, 好像是从身上取下来旳,然后提起来,在台面上留下淡淡 旳月牙形尘埃痕迹。椅子上挂着一套精心折叠旳衣服;椅 子下是两只寂寞旳鞋子,还有一双丢弃旳袜子。
• 此段对爱米丽旳卧室环境进行了细节描写。文学 作品中一切环境描写都具有一定旳意图,此段描 写也烘托出一种悲情气氛,并点出小说旳主题: 玫瑰(—爱情—婚姻—死亡)(171)。此处是整篇 小说中玫瑰唯一出现旳地方。
a rose for emily英美文学

a rose for emily英美文学《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是美国作家威廉·福克纳创作的一部短篇小说,以人类的视角展现了一个神秘而令人着迷的故事。


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二、原创论文参考题目1、(英语毕业论文)从功能理论角度分析电影《点球成金》字幕翻译2、(英语毕业论文)功能对等理论指导下的外贸函电翻译(开题报告+论文)3、(英语毕业论文)高中学生英语词汇学习现状研究综述(开题报告+论文)4、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Fagin in Oliver Twist5、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我6、(英语毕业论文)Cultural Differences and Translation Strategies7、(英语毕业论文)肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用8、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我9、(英语毕业论文)中国英语与中式英语的对比研究——从英汉民族思维差异的角度10、(英语毕业论文)从奈达的功能对等理论看《老友记》字幕中的幽默翻译11、(英语毕业论文)文化视角下的品牌名翻译研究12、(英语毕业论文)《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同13、(英语毕业论文)外贸英语函电的文体特征及翻译对策14、(英语毕业论文)Cross-cultural Differences in Business Etiquette Between China and America15、(英语毕业论文)《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)16、(英语毕业论文)弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析17、(英语毕业论文)言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析18、(英语毕业论文)《乞力马扎罗的雪》中的象征手法解析(开题报告+论文)19、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我20、(英语毕业论文)从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》(开题报告+论文+文献综述)21、(英语毕业论文)《生活大爆炸》言语幽默语用分析(开题报告+论)22、(英语毕业论文)论凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中的女性主义23、(英语毕业论文)从《热爱生命》看杰克•伦敦的生命观24、(英语毕业论文)The Symbolic Meanings of Colours in The Great Gatsby25、(英语毕业论文)初中生英语听力理解的障碍因素及对策(开题报告+论文+文献综述)26、(英语毕业论文)《蝴蝶梦》中的女性成长主题研究(开题报告+论文)27、(英语毕业论文)论《推销员之死》中的父子关系28、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我29、(英语毕业论文)从跨文化角度对商标翻译的研究(开题报告+论文)30、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义解读《胎记》31、(英语毕业论文)论人性自私在《呼啸山庄》中的体现32、(英语毕业论文)《虹》中的女性婚姻观浅析(开题报告+论文)33、(英语毕业论文)《野性的呼唤》中自然主义探析(开题报告+论文)34、(英语毕业论文)从《厄舍古屋的倒塌》看爱伦坡写作的哥特式风格(开题报告+论文)35、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我36、(英语毕业论文)《喜福会》中隐喻的使用37、(英语毕业论文)从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译(开题报告+论文+文献综述)38、(英语毕业论文)从成长小说的角度分析《杀死一只知更鸟》中小海鸥的成长危机(开题报告+论文+文献综述)39、(英语毕业论文)An American Nightmare: A Naturalistic Approach To Clyde in An American Tragedy(开题报告+论文+文献综述)40、(英语毕业论文)《名利场》中女性命运对比(开题报告+论文+文献综述)41、(英语毕业论文)A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man(开题报告+论文+文献综述)42、(英语毕业论文)Psychological Analysis of Stuttering in The King’s 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Peril–the Image of Fu Manchu in the West88、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我89、(英语毕业论文)论《苔丝》中女性意识与社会现实之间的冲突(开题报告+论文+文献综述)90、(英语毕业论文)浅析艾米丽•迪金森诗歌的主题思想(开题报告+论文+文献综述)91、(英语毕业论文)中英礼貌用语差异92、(英语毕业论文)从关联理论看《博物馆奇妙夜》的字幕翻译93、(英语毕业论文)《马太福音》对话中语气的人际意义研究94、(英语毕业论文)国际商务中的跨文化沟通95、(英语毕业论文)简析《呼啸山庄》中男女主人公爱情悲剧的原因96、(英语毕业论文)功能对等理论在汉英广告翻译中的应用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)97、(英语毕业论文)《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究98、(英语毕业论文)On Transcendentalism in Thoreau’s Walden(开题报告+论文+文献综述)99、(英语毕业论文)广告折射出的中西文化差异及广告翻译策略(开题报告+论文)100、(英语毕业论文)《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的爱情观对比究(开题报告+论文) 101、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我102、(英语毕业论文)浅谈中学生中国式英语产生及对策(开题报告+论文+文献综述)103、(英语毕业论文)企业英文简介中的概念语法隐喻分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)104、(英语毕业论文)从《肖申克的救赎》看美国的个人英雄主义(开题报告+论文)105、(英语毕业论文)不温不火,绵里藏针——分析《格列夫游记》的讽刺意义106、(英语毕业论文)从《爱玛》看简•奥斯丁的爱情观(开题报告+论文)107、(英语毕业论文)浅谈商务英语于商务信函中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)108、(英语毕业论文)从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用109、(英语毕业论文)从海尔的品牌成功探讨中国企业在全球化环境下的品牌战略110、(英语毕业论文)目的论下进口汽车说明书的翻译研究111、(英语毕业论文)从文化差异角度谈国际商务谈判中的语言技巧112、(英语毕业论文)肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用113、(英语毕业论文)情感教学在初中英语课堂中的理论和实践(开题报告+论文+文献综述)114、(英语毕业论文)《德伯家的苔丝》中的宿命论115、(英语毕业论文)Women in the Civil War: A Comparative Study of Cold Mountain and Gone with the Wind(开题报告+论文+文献综述)116、(英语毕业论文)对林语堂的《吾国与吾民》几种中译本比较研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)117、(英语毕业论文)从《野性的呼唤》看杰克・伦敦的人生观118、(英语毕业论文)任务型教学法在小学英语课堂的应用研究119、(英语毕业论文)高级英语课堂中教师角色研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)120、(英语毕业论文)《十日谈》中的乡村意象(开题报告+论文)121、(英语毕业论文)从文化角度谈动物习语的翻译122、(英语毕业论文)英汉“去除”类运动事件表达异同的对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)123、(英语毕业论文)模因论指导下的英语习语汉译124、(英语毕业论文)分析《悲惨世界》中冉•阿让的人物形象125、(英语毕业论文)General Principles and Features of Legal English Translation126、(英语毕业论文)A Brief Study of the Causes of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily127、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我128、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我129、(英语毕业论文)英语词汇在日常生活中对现代汉语词汇的影响130、(英语毕业论文)The Use of Body Language in Teaching131、(英语毕业论文)中西方茶文化对比研究——以红茶为例(开题报告+论文)132、(英语毕业论文)《红字》中海斯特性格分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)133、(英语毕业论文)从功能翻译理论看汉语公示语的英译(开题报告+论文)134、(英语毕业论文)理想与现实的冲突—霍桑对美国形象的思考135、(英语毕业论文)The Analysis of Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”136、(英语毕业论文)美剧《欲望都市》中女性语言的语用分析137、(英语毕业论文)The Analysis of the Double Character of Wuthering Heights’Hero——Heathcliff138、(英语毕业论文)DOTA游戏英雄名称汉译策略139、(英语毕业论文)学生英译汉翻译中的英式汉语及其改进方式(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)140、(英语毕业论文)一个女性的悲剧—从人性角度浅析苔丝的悲剧141、(英语毕业论文)对《傲慢与偏见》中贝内特太太及其女儿们的人物评论142、(英语毕业论文)浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望(开题报告+论文)143、(英语毕业论文)《傲慢与偏见》中的女性意识分析144、(英语毕业论文)大学英语电影教学现状及对策分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)145、(英语毕业论文)论罗伯特•佩恩•沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求146、(英语毕业论文)论《呼啸山庄》中两代人之间不同的爱情观147、(英语毕业论文)女权主义评论视角下的《金色笔记本》148、(英语毕业论文)爱伦•坡的《乌鸦》中的浪漫主义分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)149、(英语毕业论文)从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译150、(英语毕业论文)中英报刊新闻标题语言特色探讨(开题报告+论文)151、(英语毕业论文)英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析(开题报告+论文)152、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我153、(英语毕业论文)社会因素对汉语中英语外来词的影响(开题报告+论文+文献综述)154、(英语毕业论文)浅析《七个尖角阁的房子》中象征手法的运用155、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我156、(英语毕业论文)On Symbolism in The Wizard of Oz157、(英语毕业论文)The Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter158、(英语毕业论文)《蝴蝶梦》中吕蓓卡形象分析159、(英语毕业论文)Pragmatic Empathy and Chinese-English Translation(开题报告+论文+文献综述)160、(英语毕业论文)A Comparative Analysis of English Vocabulary Teaching between China and America at the Primary and Secondary School Level161、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China162、(英语毕业论文)英汉诗歌中“月”意象的认知解读(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)163、(英语毕业论文)海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例164、(英语毕业论文)《十日谈》中的乡村意象(开题报告+论文)165、(英语毕业论文)从归化异化的角度看《围城》中隐喻及其翻译研究(开题报告+论文)166、(英语毕业论文)英汉社交称呼语礼貌规范和语用失误研究(开题报告+论文)167、(英语毕业论文)从关联理论看《茶馆》两个英译本中修辞格的处理(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)168、(英语毕业论文)分析《嘉莉妹妹》中女主角嘉莉妹妹命运转变的原因169、(英语毕业论文)美国个人主义对民众生活信念的影响--以电影《当幸福来敲门》为例170、(英语毕业论文)怎样结束诗歌:罗伯特•洛威尔的结尾(开题报告+论文)171、(英语毕业论文)论马可•吐温小说中的讽刺技巧172、(英语毕业论文)从家庭价值观的角度分析中美家庭教育的差异173、(英语毕业论文)隐喻在英语委婉语中的应用174、(英语毕业论文)A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved175、(英语毕业论文)The Developments of Marriage View over Three Periods in the West176、(英语毕业论文)《周六夜现场》的幽默剖析177、(英语毕业论文)从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突(开题报告+论文+文献综述)178、(英语毕业论文)“垮掉的一代”与中国“后”比较研究——以摇滚音乐为分析视角(开题报告+论)179、(英语毕业论文)英国议会制辩论--探究与实践180、(英语毕业论文)A Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs Based on Nida's Fuctional Equivalence Theory181、(英语毕业论文)中美饮食文化实体行为与非实体行为的民族差异182、(英语毕业论文)汉译英语足球新闻中修辞手法的策略183、(英语毕业论文)非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查(开题报告+论文)184、(英语毕业论文)从奥运菜单看中式菜肴英译名规范化程度(开题报告+论文)185、(英语毕业论文)交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究(开题报告+论文)186、(英语毕业论文)浅谈汉语成语的英译187、(英语毕业论文)《夜访吸血鬼》中克劳迪娅这一人物的悲剧命运分析(开题报告+论文)188、(英语毕业论文)浅析简•爱的反抗性格及其形成过程189、(英语毕业论文)从《教长的黑面纱》看霍桑的象征主义190、(英语毕业论文)从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》(开题报告+论文+文献综述)191、(英语毕业论文)女性模糊语在交际中的运用及分析192、(英语毕业论文)论新闻英语中的选词及其翻译193、(英语毕业论文)中小学英语词汇教学法探讨194、(英语毕业论文)A General Analysis of Mr.Xu Yuanzhong’s Translation Art of Language Variation in Classic Poems195、(英语毕业论文)文化语境视域下英语习语的汉译研究(开题报告+论文)196、(英语毕业论文)战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用(开题报告+论文+文献综述)197、(英语毕业论文)高中英语写作中母语负迁移现象分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)198、(英语毕业论文)论英语专业八级口语测试的内容效度(开题报告+论文)199、(英语毕业论文)美国梦的幻灭——追问盖茨比命运的悲剧性根源200、(英语毕业论文)Effects of First Person Narration on Thematic Expression in Araby。

本科生期末论文设计题目:解析《献给爱丽丝的玫瑰》之哥特式爱情的悲与喜学院:行知学院专业:英语浙江师范大学本科正文目录Abstract. (2)摘要 (2)1. Introduction (3)2. A brief introduction of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily (3)3. Introduction of the Gothic Characteristics in Literature (4)4. The Lament and Jubilance of Gothic Love (5)5. Conclusion (6)Works Cited (6)EmilyAbstract:William Faulkner was a towering figure in American literature during the first half of the 20th century. Faulkner was particularly noted for the eloquent richness of his prose style and for the unique blend of tragedy and humor in his works. His novels have a stunning emotional impact and his characters are highly memorable. A Rose for Emily written by American writer William Faulkner is regarded as the representative work of southern gothic fiction of America. The story writes Miss Emily’s tragic life and it’s full of suspense and intensely interesting. The character is curious, unique,special and the plot is deserted. The theme is death. And the gothic characteristics were reflected in the novel and because of these gothic characteristics the author expresses his complicated feeling precisely and fully. The significance of the study is to share personal opinions about the novel and understand this novel better and express some new enlightenment and thinking of gothic characteristics in literature.Key words: Gothic Style, love, death, forever, truth解析《献给爱丽丝的玫瑰》之哥特式爱情的悲与喜摘要:威廉·福克纳是20世纪中叶美国文学史上伟大人物之一。

从文体学角度分析献给爱米丽的玫瑰英文《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》(To the Rose upon the Rood of Time)是
由爱尔兰诗人威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(W.B. Yeats)创作的一首诗歌。

(英语系毕业论文)解读《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》中“玫瑰”的象征意义Interpretation of the Symbolic Meaning of “the Rose” in A Rose for Emily摘要近年来,《献给艾米丽的一朵玫瑰花》以精湛的手法与丰富的内涵备受评论家和普通读者的高度赞扬。
关键词:玫瑰花;象征意义;南方情结;倒下的丰碑ContentsAbstract ii摘要iii1. Introduction 11.1 About the research 11.1.1 The selected topic and its significance 11.1.2 The research aim and objectives 11.1.3 Organization of the paper 11.2 About the novel 21.2.1 About the author and the writing background 21.2.2 About the content of A Rose for Emily 22. Literature Review 42.1 The foreign research 42.2 The domestic research 43. The Symoblic Meaning of the Rose in A Rose for Emily 63.1 About definition of symbolism 63.2 The rose for love, beauty and dignity 63.2.1 The common symbolic meaning of rose 63.2.2 The rose for Emily’s love and tragedy 63.3 The rose for the decling society 73.3.1 The background of the story: the Civil War 73.3.2 The fallen monument 83.4 The rose for the southern complex of Faulkner 93.4.1 The influence of Faulkner’s family 13Acknowledgements 156400字备注:全文是原创全英文英语专业的,因保持原创性,提供摘要和部分目录查看。
福克纳小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰a rose for emily赏析

福克纳小说献给艾米丽的玫瑰a rose for emily赏析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》是菲利普·威廉斯·福克纳写于1930年作品中的一篇短篇小说,融合了悲剧、哀思、爱情和时代话题,深受读者喜爱。

A Rose For EmilyLike so many American writers, Faulkner found himself again and again writing short stories, some of which are considered as equally important as his best novels. Good as his short stories are, they seem always at the threshold of being absorbed into the Yoknapatawpha saga —that legendary matrix which is Faulkner’s real achievement. However, for a beginner of Faulkner scholarship, his short stories may well be an easy start. “A Rose for Emily” is Faulkner’s first short story publis hed in 1930. Set in the town of Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha, the story focuses on Emily Grierson, an eccentric spinster who refuses to accept the passage of time, or the inevitable change and loss that accompanies it. Simple as it is in plot, the story is pregnant with meaning. As a descendent of the Southern aristocracy, Emily is typical of those in Faulkner’s Yoknapatwapha stories who are the symbols of the Old South but the prisoners of the past. In this story, Faulkner makes best use of the Gothic devices in narration, and, the deformed personality and abnormality Emily demonstrates in her relationship with her sweetheart is dramatized in such a way that we feel shocked and thrilled as we read along.In this story, Faulkner’s strong condemnation of the values of old tradition emanates from the pathetic life story of the central character, Emily Grierson dominated by her father and restrained byhis rigid ideas of social status, she has been prevented from getting married during his lifetime, and therefore after his death she is left alone and penniless. Her dependence on her father continues even after he dies. By delineating Miss Emily’s tragedy, Faulkner offers a strong denunciation of the morals of his own southern culture. Yet in “A Rose for Emily”, we can sense the underlying acclaim of the standard and moral values found in the South which have been destroyed by commerce and machinery. In spite of Emily’s insanity and grotesque actions, Faulkner chooses “A Rose for Emily” as the title of this story to show his admiration for Miss Emily who is a symbol of “tradition, duty and care; sort of hereditary obligation”. In addition, that Faulkner depicts Emily as dignified, valiant and literate; her serf as loyal and staunch; Colonel Sartories, generation as sympathetic and considerate is also a revelation of his applause of the glorious past which contains “the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and piety and sacrifice.”In “A Rose for Emily”, we can feel that part of the emotiona l and psychological thrill and involvement is that the style is adapted to the subject. First, Faulkner’s handling of time in his story is most noteworthy. The displaced chronology undoubtedly allows the narrator to tell the story in the most dramatic way and also to fill in adequate background details, but it is also a way in which one of thethemes — denunciation of the sins and evils of the southern culture — can be illustrated and strengthened by the structure itself. The interruption of chronological order denotes the moral confusion and social depravity of the southern tradition. Emily is in agonizing conflict, with herself, with modernization, and with the past forces that lie beyond her control. In order to dissipate her inner tensions, she clings to her father’s memory and refuses to change. Emily’s house, in the narrator’s eyes, marks the declining and disintegrating values of the South. In spite of all her eccentricities, not to mention her serious mental illness, she is never laughed at or treated with contempt or disgust by the narrator. Instead her struggle to assert her will has something courageous and heroic which serves to remind us of courage, honor and pride that Faulkner acclaims. In “A Rose for Emily”, and his entire Yoknapatawpha saga, F aulkner penetrates deeply into the psychological motivations for man’s actions and investigates man’s dilemma in the modern world throughout his fictional world, we profoundly sense his inner conflict and his combined feeling of love and hatred for the South. Although his novels often contain a two-faceted motif which compounds the condemnation of the sins and evils of the South and a compliment of its great and noble qualities, they are structurally sound as being pitched in too high a key.像许多美国作家福克纳发现自己一次又一次地写作短篇小说,其中有些是他最好的,同样作为小说的重要考虑。
a rose for emily中玫瑰的象征意义

a rose for emily中玫瑰的象征意义

A Rose for Emily 的评析(2010-06-21 23:49:34)转载▼标签:文化威廉.福克纳和他的《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》摘要:福克纳把南方的历史和现实社会作为自己创作源泉而成为美国南方文学的代表。
关键词:威廉·福克纳;献给爱米丽的玫瑰;南方小说一、威廉·福克纳的南方情结威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner,1897-1962)是美国文学史上久负盛名的作家之一,生于密西西比州一个在内战中失去财富和地位的没落的南方种植园家庭。
在他19部长篇小说和75篇短篇小说中,绝大多数小说的故事都发生在他虚构的美国的约克纳帕塔法县(Yoknapatawpha county)和杰弗生镇。

献给艾米丽的玫瑰花英文读后感In "A Rose for Emily," William Faulkner weaves a haunting tale of the life of Emily Grierson, a character whose existence is as intricate as the decaying Southern mansion she inhabits. The story is a poignant reflection on the passage of time, the persistence of tradition, and the inevitable confrontation with change.From the outset, the reader is drawn into the enigmatic world of Miss Emily, a figure who is both revered and feared by the townspeople. Her life is a microcosm of the Old South, a world where social standing and family honor are paramount. Faulkner masterfully uses the decay of Emily's home as a metaphor for the decline of her family's influence and the Southern aristocracy as a whole.The narrative unfolds through the eyes of the townsfolk, who view Emily with a mixture of pity and disdain. Herrefusal to pay taxes, her peculiar relationship with her father, and her eventual entanglement with a man who is not her husband all serve to isolate her further from the community. Yet, it is this isolation that gives her character depth and complexity, making her a symbol of resistance against the relentless march of progress.The most striking element of the story is the revelation of the room upstairs, where the remains of Emily's lover, Homer Barron, are found. This shocking twist serves as apowerful indictment of the societal norms that have trapped Emily, forcing her to resort to extreme measures to maintain her dignity and independence. The rose left by her side is a poignant symbol of her love and the life she could have had, but was denied by the rigid social structure of her time."A Rose for Emily" is a story that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned. It is a testament to Faulkner's ability to craft characters that are both deeply flawed and profoundly human. The story challenges the reader to consider the cost of clinging to the past and the price of individuality in a society that prizes conformity above all else. It is a narrative that resonates with themes of love, loss, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of societal constraints.。
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Garden16、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我17、(英语毕业论文)目的论视角下英语外贸函电汉译的研究(开题报告+论文)18、(英语毕业论文)中式菜谱英译策略研究19、(英语毕业论文)《德伯家的苔丝》中的宿命论20、(英语毕业论文)从体育舞蹈看中西方社会的审美文化差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)21、(英语毕业论文)身势语在演讲中的重要性和运用研究(开题报告+论文)22、(英语毕业论文)从文化角度分析《论语》中特殊词语的翻译——以“仁”为个例(开题报告+论文)23、(英语毕业论文)英式英语和美式英语中的词汇差异(开题报告+论文)24、(英语毕业论文)《当幸福来敲门》之美国文化价值观分析25、(英语毕业论文)从跨文化交际中的语用失误看中西文化差异(开题报告+论文)26、(英语毕业论文)《小妇人》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性爱情观对比研究27、(英语毕业论文)从《少年派的奇幻漂流记》论人性与兽性(开题报告+论文)28、(英语毕业论文)美国电影文学中种族歧视现象研究29、(英语毕业论文)初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计(开题报告+论文+文献综述)30、(英语毕业论文)The Inconsistencies between Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind and Alexandra Ripley’s 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Glossology and Translation of Rhetorical Devices of Harry Potter110、(英语毕业论文)埃德加•爱伦•坡恐怖小说的哥特式特征分析(开题报告+论文)111、(英语毕业论文)简•奥斯汀《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中女性角色的地位分析(开题报告+论文)112、(英语毕业论文)葛浩文英译《红高粱家族》的翻译策略研究113、(英语毕业论文)中美价值观的比较--以《老友记》为例(开题报告+论文+文献综述)114、(英语毕业论文)英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)115、(英语毕业论文)国际商务中的跨文化沟通116、(英语毕业论文)功能对等理论观照下《警察与赞美诗》译本评析(开题报告+论文)117、(英语毕业论文)顺应论视角中电影字幕汉英翻译研究——以李安电影作品字幕翻译为例(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)118、(英语毕业论文)从唐诗不同译本看数字词汇翻译得与失119、(英语毕业论文)双语字幕句法结构研究--《老友记》个案研究120、(英语毕业论文)从女性角度分析《喧哗与骚动》中的堕落与升华(开题报告+论文+文献综述)121、(英语毕业论文)英语频度副词“ALWAYS”主观性嬗变的历时研究122、(英语毕业论文)从《生活大爆炸》中看中西幽默的差异(开题报告+论文)123、(英语毕业论文)《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述)124、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义解读《威尼斯商人》(开题报告+论文+文献综述)125、(英语毕业论文)美国情景喜剧《老友记》中幽默的翻译研究(开题报告+论文)126、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我127、(英语毕业论文)A Discussion of the Gothic Style as Applied in “A Rose for Emily”(开题报告+论文+文献综述)128、(英语毕业论文)On the Influence of Social Environment on Pip’s Growth in Great Expectation(开题报告+论文+文献综述)129、(英语毕业论文)中国茶文化与西方咖啡文化的对比分析(开题报告+论文)130、(英语毕业论文)从合作原则违反角度分析《破产姐妹》中的幽默话语(开题报告+论文)131、(英语毕业论文)论中西文化中家庭观念的差异(开题报告+论文+文献综述)132、(英语毕业论文)Approaching English V ocabulary Teaching—a Lexicological Perspective133、(英语毕业论文)英语专业本科毕业论文摘要的体裁分析(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)134、(英语毕业论文)高中英语听力课中的文化教学(开题报告+论文+文献综述)135、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我136、(英语毕业论文)《名利场》中的女主人公性格分析137、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我138、(英语毕业论文)《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析139、(英语毕业论文)试析海明威《丧钟为谁而鸣》中的人物形象(开题报告+论文)140、(英语毕业论文)中国和英国传统婚俗差异研究(开题报告+论文)141、(英语毕业论文)The Analysis of Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”142、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Hemingway' Religious Complex in The Old Man and the Sea143、(英语毕业论文)托妮•莫里森《宠儿》中的主角赛丝的女性形象研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)144、(英语毕业论文)A Study on Chinglish of EFL Learners in Junior High Schools in China145、(英语毕业论文)浅析澳洲英语词汇文化的特色(开题报告+论文)146、(英语毕业论文)电影《死亡诗社》中的教育意义147、(英语毕业论文)论凯特•肖邦《觉醒》中的女性主义148、(英语毕业论文)从颜色词看中西方的文化差异149、(英语毕业论文)量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)150、(英语毕业论文)浅析卡夫卡小说中的荒诞意识(开题报告+论文)151、(英语毕业论文)托尼•莫里森《秀拉》中的女性主义(开题报告+论文)152、(英语毕业论文)肢体语言在商务谈判中的应用与作用153、(英语毕业论文)An Analysis of Youth Subculture through the Movie--Trainspotting154、(英语毕业论文)浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习(开题报告+论文+文献综述)155、(英语毕业论文)The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors156、(英语毕业论文)两种文化中不同的生存希望——以电影《肖申克的救赎》和《活着》人物命运分析为例(开题报告+论文)157、(英语毕业论文)论《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的自我矛盾及其成因(开题报告+论文+文献综述)158、(英语毕业论文)从《哈克贝里﹒费恩历险记》看马克﹒吐温的幽默讽刺艺术(开题报告+论文)159、(英语毕业论文)On Dual Personality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde from the Perspective of Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory(开题报告+论文+文献综述)160、(英语毕业论文)英汉互译中不可译现象的文化阐释161、(英语毕业论文)浅论国产小米手机的营销策略(开题报告+论文)162、(英语毕业论文)中西商务谈判中的跨文化因素研究163、(英语毕业论文)《嘉莉妹妹》中赫斯特伍德人生悲剧(开题报告+论文+文献综述)164、(英语毕业论文)托马斯哈代与张爱玲作品中女性悲剧命运对比研究——以苔丝和顾曼桢为例(开题报告+论文)165、(英语毕业论文)英语交际中害羞心理产生的根源及其克服方法(开题报告+论文)166、(英语毕业论文)On the Importance of China English as an English Variant167、(英语毕业论文)从广交会现场洽谈角度论英语委婉语在国际商务谈判中的功能与应用168、(英语毕业论文)初中英语词汇教学法研究综述(开题报告+论文)169、(英语毕业论文)《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较(开题报告+论文+文献综述)170、(英语毕业论文)论本杰明•富兰克林《自传》中的美国精神171、(英语毕业论文)跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析(开题报告+论文)172、(英语毕业论文)《那个读伏尔泰的人》英译汉中定语从句的翻译策略(开题报告+论文+文献综述+外文翻译)173、(英语毕业论文)英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究(开题报告+论文)174、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我175、(英语毕业论文)《善良的乡下人》的喜剧性分析176、(英语毕业论文)从大卫•芬奇《七宗罪》看宗教极端主义177、(英语毕业论文)对罗伯特•弗罗斯特自然诗的尝试性研究(开题报告+论文)178、(英语毕业论文)Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese179、(英语毕业论文)A Study of AP’s News Reports from the Angle of Cooperative Principle(开题报告+论文+文献综述)180、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我181、(英语毕业论文)On Translation of English Idioms182、(英语毕业论文)The Interpretation to Captain Ahab in Moby Dick through Abnormal Psychology183、(英语毕业论文)从目的论角度看外宣翻译—以年《政府工作报告》为例(开题报告+论文)184、(英语毕业论文)从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观(开题报告+论文+文献综述)185、(英语毕业论文)English to Chinese Translation Methods186、(英语毕业论文)从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略(开题报告+论文+文献综述)187、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我188、(英语毕业论文)试析《到灯塔去》中的女性主义189、(英语毕业论文)浅谈《圣经》对英语习语的影响190、(英语毕业论文)初中英语词汇教学中对策研究(开题报告+论文+文献综述)191、(英语毕业论文)师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析(开题报告+论文)192、(英语毕业论文)浅析《老人与海》中人对自然的态度193、(英语毕业论文)论《西风颂》背后的精神力量194、(英语毕业论文)语境顺应视角下英语情景喜剧中幽默字幕翻译--以《生活大爆炸》为例(开题报告+论文)195、(英语毕业论文)乌托邦和老子道家思想的比较研究196、(英语毕业论文)从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译(开题报告+论文)197、(英语毕业论文)从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译198、(英语毕业论文)《月亮与六便士》中查尔斯•思特里克兰德的追寻自我199、(英语毕业论文)从十字军东征看中世纪宗教冲突(开题报告+论文+文献综述)200、(英语毕业论文)从《雾都孤儿》看查尔斯•狄更斯的善恶观(开题报告+论文)。