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Force for Good, CSR Report of NU SKIN Enterprise by China Business News

“How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it.”——Adam·Smith, The Theory of the Moral Sentiments

Blake Roney, the chairman of the board of NU SKIN, who share similar belief with Adam·Smith, realizes that everyone, deep down inside, is hoping that what he or she does for living is greater than just making money. And this is something valuable that all the companies should pay attention to and make good use of it. Caring for the children, innovation, sustainability, at every corner of the NU SKIN global market, these key words of Force for Good is ubiquitous.

NU SKIN Enterprise has cofounded the 5·12 Microfinance Fund with China Foundation f or Poverty Alleviation, which is meant to “Teach one how to fish”. The 5·12 Microfinance Funds has really helped thousands of the local farmers and their families to rebuild their home. Later on, the fund became an open platform that attracts many other global companies for donations. In China, NU SKIN has also cofounded the NU SKIN China Children’s Heart Fund with the Shanghai Charity Foundation. They have saved 600 impoverished children with congenital heart disease in 3 years of cooperation.

Nu Skin is more willing to advocate a public service model, which is closely related and similar with business model and as well sustainable. That’s why we can now have the Nourish the Children (NTC) program launched globally by NU SKIN which runs in the system of social enterprise. The only investment in the NTC program was at the very beginning of it. Everything now is all self-dependent as a normal company afterwards.

In order to provide the NTC program with the VitaMeal that NU SKIN developed, the two special factories located in Jixi, Heilongjiang province in China and Malawi in Africa have totally produced 235 million packages of VitaMeal. And all these VitaMeals are purchased by the distributors, staffs and customers of NU SKIN for donations. The VitaMeals have brought warmth, health and smiles to the impoverished children, and they also feed the principle of nature that everyone has to see the fortunes of others and render their happiness.

About China Business News:

Launched in Nov. 2004, China’s first national integrated financial newspaper by Shanghai Cable TV, Guangzhou Daily Newspaper Group and the Beijing Youth Daily; Broadsheet, come off the press from Monday to Friday, trying the cover all the mainstream crowd with the most purchasing power, with the readers from a vast range of business leaders, entrepreneurs, managing elites, finance and investment professions, policymakers and relevant intellectual community.

The CBN is attached to the SMG, the second largest media group in China. Up until now, the CBN possesses the CBN TV, China Business News, CBN radios, CBN weekly, the CBN web site, and the CBN research institute.
