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Language focus:




Both,,, and,,,,

Not only,,, but also,,,




3. 使用分号

4. 使用连接副词。如,简单句1;moreover,简单句2

表递进:And=moreover, besides, furthermore, in addition, additionally,also, in fact.

表对比:But=however, on the contrary, on the other hand, nevertheless, instead, in contrast.

On the one hand, on the other hand.

表结果: So=therefore, consequently, accordingly, as a result, thus, hence

表时间:later. next, then, afterward, beforehand, meanwhile,


例句:many herbal remedies(草药) are not safe; besides, their effectiveness has not been proven scienfifically.

Examples and practices请将1-4句组句子合并. 翻译5-7组句子

1.the storm subsided. We continued on our trip.

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. I sent my mother a bithday cake. I called her.

____________________________________________________________________________ 3. I like getting flowers. I don’t like chocolate.

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. The book will not turn you into a great writer.

The book will help you to master the basics of technical writing.

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.吸烟可能构成潜在的火灾隐患,因为吸烟者往往随意丢弃烟头.(for )

_______________________________________________________________________________ 6.传统印刷书籍不会被电子书籍所取代,正如快餐不会取代传统食物一样。(nor)

_______________________________________________________________________________ 7. 政府已经尽力去保护文化遗产,然而还有许多正遭受严重的破坏。(yet)


Complete this paragraph with and or but

Same holiday, different customs

People in the u.s and Japan celebrate V alentine’s Day on 14th February. However, the holiday is celebrated in different ways in each country. In the U.S, Valentine’s Day is enjoyed by friends and romantic parteners, ______ in Japan usually only romantic partners celebrate this day. Chocolate is the most popular gift in Japan, _______ it is common in the U.S too. However,

in the U.S other lands of gifts are also given, ______ many people exchange cards. The biggest difference is that in Japan, girls and women give chocolate to boys and men, ________in the U.S, boys and girls give cards or small gifts to all of their friends. American men and women five gifts and cards to each other. In fact, women ususally get more expensive gifts than men.. I would like to be a man in Japan, ________ a woman in the U.S!
