



三一文库()/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿英国女王2017圣诞致辞全文thequeenschristmasspeechXXinthispastyearmyfamilyandihavebeeninspiredbyth ecourageandhopewehaveseeninsomanywaysinbritain ,inthecommonwealthandaroundtheworld.weveseenth atitsinhardshipthatweoftenfindstrengthfromourf amilies;itsinadversitythatnewfriendshipsaresom etimesformed;anditsinacrisisthatcommunitiesbre akdownbarriersandbindtogethertohelponeanother.families,friendsandcommunitiesoftenfindasource ofcouragerisingupfromwithin.indeed,sadly,itsee msthatitistragedythatoftendrawsoutthemostandth ebestfromthehumanspirit.whenprincephilipandivisitedaustraliathisyearwesawforourselvestheeffectsofnaturaldisasterinso meoftheareasdevastatedbyfloods,whereinjanuarys omanypeoplelosttheirlivesandtheirlivelihoods.w eweremovedbythewayfamiliesandlocalcommunitiesh eldtogethertosupporteachother.princewilliamtravelledtonewzealandandaustralia intheaftermathofearthquakes,cyclonesandfloodsa ndsawhowcommunitiesroseuptorescuetheinjured,co mfortthebereavedandrebuildthecitiesandtownsdev astatedbynature.theprinceofwalesalsosawfirsthandtheremarkabler esilienceofthehumanspiritaftertragedystruckina welshminingcommunity,andhowcommunitiescanworkt ogethertosupporttheirneighbors.thispastyearhasalsoseensomememorableandhistori cvisits–toirelandandfromamerica.thespiritoffriendshipsoevidentinboththesenationscanfillusallwithhope.relationshipsthatyearsa gowereoncesostrainedhavethroughsorrowandforgiv enessblossomedintolongtermfriendship.itisthrou ghthislensofhistorythatweshouldviewtheconflict softoday,andsogiveushopefortomorrow.ofcourse,familydoesnotnecessarilymeanbloodrela tivesbutoftenadescriptionofacommunity,organiza tionornation.thecommonwealthisafamilyof53natio ns,allwithacommonbond,sharedbeliefs,mutualvalu esandgoals.itisthiswhichmakesthecommonwealthafamilyofpeop leinthetruestsense,ateasewitheachother,enjoyin gitssharedhistoryandreadyandwillingtosupportit smembersinthedirestofcircumstances.theyhavealw ayslookedtothefuture,withasenseofcamaraderie,w armthandmutualrespectwhilestillmaintainingthei rindividualism.theimportanceoffamilyhas,ofcourse,comehometoprincephilipandmepersonallythisyearwiththemarria gesoftwoofourgrandchildren,eachintheirownwayac elebrationofthegod-givenlovethatbindsafamilyto gether.formanythischristmaswillnotbeeasy.withourarmed forcesdeployedaroundtheworld,thousandsofservic efamiliesfacechristmaswithouttheirlovedonesath ome.thebereavedandthelonelywillfinditespeciall yhard.and,asweallknow,theworldisgoingthroughdi fficulttimes.allthiswillaffectourcelebrationof thisgreatchristianfestival.findinghopeinadversityisoneofthethemesofchrist mas.jesuswasbornintoaworldfulloffear.theangels cametofrightenedshepherdswithhopeintheirvoices :fearnot,theyurged,webringyoutidingsofgreatjoy ,whichshallbetoallpeople.foruntoyouisbornthisd ayinthecityofdavidasaviourwhoischristthelord.althoughwearecapableofgreatactsofkindness,historyteachesusthatwesometimesneedsavingfromourse lves–fromourrecklessnessorourgreed.godsentintothewo rldauniqueperson–neitheraphilosophernorageneral(importantthough theyare)–butasaviour,withthepowertoforgive.forgivenessliesattheheartofthechristianfaith.i tcanhealbrokenfamilies,itcanrestorefriendships anditcanreconciledividedcommunities.itisinforg ivenessthatwefeelthepowerofgodslove.inthelastverseofthisbeautifulcarol,olittletown ofbethlehem,theresaprayer:oholychildofbethlehemdescendtouswepraycastoutoursinandenterinbeborninustodayitismyprayerthatonthischristmasdaywemightallfi ndroominourlivesforthemessageoftheangelsandfor theloveofgodthroughchristourlord.iwishyouallaveryhappychristmas.英联邦女王伊丽莎白二世的XX年圣诞致辞过去的一年里,我和我的家人在英国、诸英联邦成员国以及世界各地看到了人们以不同形式所表现来的勇气与盼望,我们为此深受鼓舞。



伊丽莎白二世致辞篇一:伊丽莎白二世女王20XX年圣诞节致辞(英翻汉)伊丽莎白二世女王20XX年圣诞节致辞(英翻汉)intheruinsoftheoldcoventrycathedralisasculptureofamanandawomanreachi ngouttoembraceeachother.Thesculptorwasinspiredbythestoryofawomanw hocrossedEuropeonfootafterthewartofindherhusband.在考文垂大教堂的废墟遗址上,有一组雕像,一个男人和一个女人伸手在拥抱彼此。




in1914,manypeoplethoughtthewarwouldbeoverbychristmas,butsadlybythe nthetrenchesweredugandthefutureshapeofthewarinEuropewasset.1914年,许多人以为战争会在圣诞节结束,但令人悲哀的是,那时候,战壕已经挖好了,未来欧洲的形势已成定局。

But,asweknow,somethingremarkabledidhappenthatchristmas,exactlyahun dredyearsagotoday.但是,众所周知,一百年前的今天,就在那个圣诞节,的确发生了非比寻常的事。

Beforechristmasinonehundred,withoutanyinstructionorcommand,theshoot ingstoppedandGermanandBritishsoldiersmetinnoman’sLand.Photographsweretakenandgiftsexchanged.itwasachristmastruce.一百年前的圣诞节,在没有接到任何指令的情况下,德国和英国的士兵停止了交战,在战壕外面相聚。



MerryChristmas一词,英国大文豪狄更斯推广所赐今天是圣诞节,大家会互道一声:Merry Christmas!但你有没有想过为何生日快乐是说Happy birthday;新年喊Happy new year,圣诞节却是Merry Christmas而非Happy Christmas呢?据说Merry Christmas最早出现在1565年,一名海军元帅写在信里的祝福。

但Merry Christmas真正在英语圈崛起,则是拜英国大文豪狄更斯大力推广所赐。

1843年,狄更斯中篇小说《圣诞颂歌》发行后,立刻成为畅销书,书中Merry Christmas一词更迅速流传开来。

当时的商人便顺势推出印有Merry Christmas的圣诞卡,引发抢购潮,甚至卖到缺货。

从此之后,Merry Christmas的说法便随着圣诞卡片传遍全世界。

Happy Christmas一词虽不常见,但英国女王伊莉莎白二世却经常使用Happy Christmas而不用Merry Christmas。

英国女王的历年圣诞致词中,Merry Christmas仅出现在了1962年、1967年、1970年和1999年的四次致词中,Happy Christmas则包揽了剩余的年份。


英国大文豪狄更斯此外,除了圣诞节该是Merry Christmas还是Happy Christmas 的疑惑外,美国也对于圣诞节该说Happy Holiday还是Merry Christmas争论不休。


职场英语:【视频】英国女王圣诞讲话——艰难时刻 “家庭”很重要

职场英语:【视频】英国女王圣诞讲话——艰难时刻 “家庭”很重要

The Queen's Christmas message this year focused on family, friends and community spirit.英国伊丽莎白女王今年的圣诞致辞讲话强调家庭、朋友和社区精神的重要性。

Describing her family's visits to tragedy-hit communities, the Queen said: "We have seen that it is in hardship that we often find strength from our families. It is in adversity that new friendships are sometimes formed. And it is in a crisis that communities break down barriers and bind together to help one another."在提到英国王室慰问英联邦受灾害地区,女王表示:“英联邦是个大家庭。


”She referred to her and Prince Philip's October visit to flood-ravaged Queensland in Australia, Prince William's trip to quake-hit New Zealand and flooded Australia and Prince Charles' visit to a Welsh mining community, which lost four miners in an underground disaster.2011年,英国王室积极奔走于英联邦国家的受灾地区:女王与丈夫菲利普亲王亲往澳大利亚慰问昆士兰洪灾地区,威廉王子慰问新西兰地震受灾人民,查尔斯亲王前往慰问威尔士矿难地区(威尔士地下矿难造成四名矿工丧生)。

2018 英国女王 圣诞致辞

2018 英国女王 圣诞致辞

2018 英国女王圣诞致辞For many the service of nine Lessons and Carols from King's College Cambridge is when Christmas begins. Listen to by millions of people around the world, it starts with a chorister singing the first verse of once in royal David city.The priest who introduced this service to King's College Chapel, exactly 100years ago was Eric Milner White. He had served as a military chaplain in the First World War. Just six weeks after the Armistice, he wanted a new kind of service which with its message of peace and goodwill spoke to the needs of the times.2018 has been a year of centenares. The Royal Air Force celebrated its hundredth anniversary with a memorable fly past,demonstrating a thrilling unity of purpose and execution.We owe them and all our armed services,our deepest gratitude. My father served in the Royal Navy during the First World War. He was a midshipman in HMS Collingwood at the Battle of Jutland in1916. The British fleet lost 14 ships and6,000 men in that engagement.My father wrote in a letter how and why we were not hit beats me. Like others,he lost friends in the war. But Christmas we become keenly aware of loved ones who have died, whatever the circumstances is, but of course we would not grieve if we did not love.Closer to home,it has been a busy year for my family.With two weddings and two babies and another child expected soon, it helps to keep a grandmother well occupied. We have had other celebrations too, including the70th birthday of the Prince of Wales.Some cultures believe a long life brings wisdom. I'd like to think so. Perhaps part ofthat wisdom is to recognize some of life's baffling paradoxes, such as the way human beings have a huge propensity for good, and yet a capacity for evil.Even the power of faith which frequently inspires great generosity and self-sacrifice can fall victim to tribalism. But through the many changes I have seen over the years,faith, family and friendship have been not only a constant for me, but a source of personal comfort and reassurance.In April the Commonwealth Heads of Government met in London.My father welcomed just eight countries to the first such meetings in 1948. now the Commonwealth includes 53 countries with2.4 billion people, a third of the world's population.Its strength lies in the bonds of affection it promotes and a common desire to live in a better more peaceful world. Even with the most deeply held differences, treating the other person with respect, and as a fellow human being is always a good first step towards greater understanding.Indeed the Commonwealth Games held this year on Australia's Gold Coast, are known University as the friendly games, because of their emphasis on goodwill and mutual respect.The Christmas story retains its appeal since it doesn't provide theoretical explanations for the puzzles of life. Instead it's about the birth of a child, and the hope that birth 2,000years ago brought to the world.Only a few people acknowledged Jesus when he was born. Now billions follow him.I believe his message of peace on earth,and goodwill to all is never out of date.It can be heeded by everyone. It's needed as much as ever. A very happy Christmas to all.。



A Christmas Message From Edward Snowden斯诺登圣诞演讲演讲稿中英对照Hi, and Merry Christmas.大家好,圣诞快乐。

I'm honored to have the chance to speak with you and your family this year.很荣幸今年能有机会向你们和你们的家人发出祝福。

Recently, we learned that our governments, working in concert, have created a system of worldwide mass surveillance, watching everything we do.我最近发现,我们的政府共同创建了一套覆盖全球的庞大监视系统,监视着我们的一举一动。

Great Britain's George Orwell warned us of the danger of this kind of information. The types of collection in the book -- microphones and video cameras, TVs that watch us -- are nothing compared to what we have available today. We have sensors in our pockets that track us everywhere we go.英国的乔治.奥威尔(《1984》作者)曾就这个问题警示过我们,他们用书中的麦克风、摄像头、电视机来实现监视的,这与我们当今的监视手段完全不可同日而语。


Think about what this means for the privacy of the average person. A child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. They'll never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves -- an unrecorded, unanalyzed thought. And that's a problem, because privacy matters. Privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who we want to be.想一想,这对普通人的隐私意味着什么。

英国女王历次圣诞致辞演讲稿中英文对照(2002 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019年)

英国女王历次圣诞致辞演讲稿中英文对照(2002 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019年)

英国女王历次圣诞致辞演讲稿中英文对照(2002 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019年)2019年圣诞致辞主题:和解”(reconciliation)The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 201925 December 2019双语全文小时候我从未想过,有一天人类可以在月球上行走。


As a child, I never imagined that one day a man would walk on the moon. Yet this year we marked the fiftieth anniversary of the famous Apollo 11 mission.当这些具有历史意义的照片传回地球时,数百万民众守在电视机前目不转睛观看,宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗迈出的一小步,成为了全人类历史上的一大步,无论对男性还是女性都是如此。


As those historic pictures were beamed backed to earth, millions of us sat transfixed to our television screens, as we watched Neil Armstrong taking a small step for man and a giant leap for mankind and, indeed, for womankind. It's a reminder for us all that giant leaps often start with small steps.今年,我们还迎来了另一个重要事件的周年纪念:诺曼底登陆。




英国女王圣诞英语作文英文:As Christmas approaches, I can't help but think about the traditions and celebrations that come with this special time of year. In the UK, one of the most anticipated events during the Christmas season is the Queen's Christmas message. Every year, on Christmas Day, the Queen addresses the nation in a televised broadcast, reflecting on the past year and offering words of hope and encouragement for the year ahead.The Queen's Christmas message is a time-honored tradition that brings the country together and reminds us of the importance of unity and compassion. It's a time when people gather with their families and loved ones to listen to the Queen's words and reflect on the year gone by. It's a moment of reflection and gratitude, as well as a time to look forward to the future.One of the things I love most about the Queen's Christmas message is the sense of connection it brings.It's a reminder that, no matter what challenges we may face, we are all in this together. The Queen's message often touches on themes of resilience, community, and the spiritof giving, which are especially poignant during the holiday season.中文:随着圣诞节的临近,我不禁想起了这个特别时节所伴随的传统和庆祝活动。





IntheruinsoftheoldCoventryCathedralisasculptureofamanandawo manreachingouttoembraceeachother.Thesculptorwasinspiredbyth estoryofawomanwhocrossedEuropeonfootafterthewartofindherhus band.CastsofthesamesculpturecanbefoundinBelfastandBerlin,anditissimplycalled"reconciliation".Reconciliationisthepeacefulendtoconflict,andwewereremind-edofthisinAugustwhencountriesonbothsidesoft hefirstworldwarcametogethertorememberinpeace.TheceramicpoppiesattheTowerofLondondrewmillions,andtheonlypossiblereactiontoseeingthemandwalkingamongthemwa ssilence.Foreverypoppyalife;andareminderofthegriefoflovedonesleftbehind.Noonewhofoughtinthatwarisstillalive,butweremembertheirsacrificeandindeedthesacrificeofallthosei nthearmedforceswhoserveandprotectustoday.在考文垂大教堂的废墟上,矗立着一座雕像,塑着一对男女在张开双臂,相互拥抱。






















英国女王伊丽莎白圣诞致辞下面作者给大家整理英国女王伊丽莎白圣诞致辞(共含8篇),希望大家喜欢!篇1:英国女王伊丽莎白圣诞致辞Queen’s Christmas Broadcast 1988In the year just past, Prince Philip and I have joined in the celebration of some notable anniversaries. The events which they marked were hundreds of years apart, but each was important enough to get much attention in 1988.The earliest event which we remembered was the encounter with the Spanish Armada in 1588. The 400th anniversary fell in the same year in which we were able to mark the happy relations between Britain and Spain which now exist, by our State Visit to Madrid.Four hundred years after “the winds blew” and the Spanish ships were scattered, the events were remembered, without animosity, in both countries.These prints from the Royal Library at Windsor illustrate the battles and some of the great fleet which gathered. This year, the present King of Spain showed me the rooms in the Escorial, where his predecessor, Philip the Second, planned the campaign. Had the fortunes of war gone against us, how very differently events in Britain and Europe would have unfolded?Earlier in the year, we marked another event of the first importance in our history C the 300th anniversary of what is popularly known as the Glorious Revolution.The invitation to King William and Queen Mary to accept the thrones of England and Scotland finally laid to rest the “enterprise of England” which Philip of Spain set in hand.It thus gave the particular direction to our history, which was to lead to the development of parliamentary democracy and the tradition of political and religious toleration which Britain enjoys today.It was a great pleasure for us to celebrate that event in the pany of the Crown Prince of the Netherlands. Together we visited Torbay C which was where King William landed in 1688.It was shrouded with fog when we were there, but we did manage to see through the mist some of the hundreds of British and Dutch yachts that had assembled there.Three hundred years may seem a long time ago, but there are still some objects here in Buckingham Palace which bring to life William and Mary as people C and one which I particularly treasure is this little patch box that belonged to The Queen and which caries her monogram entwined with William’s on the lid.The 1988 anniversary season opened in Australia C with a grand party on Australia Day to mark the country’s 200th birthday. It was a party which went on for most of the year, but Prince Philip and I joined in the festivities in April and May.Like so many visitors in Bicentennial year, we brought home some souvenirs of our visit. In our case, it was some delightful early prints of Sydney, which served to remind us of the extraordinary developments which have taken place in Australia in the short space of two hundred years.Contrast this scene of Sydney Harbour with the pictures we all saw of the crowded waters around the Opera House and the famous bridge in January this year.Centenaries may seem rather arbitrary occasions, but they nonetheless prompt us to look back into the past. When we do so, we can draw hope from seeing how ancient enmities have vanished; and how new nations have grown and established themselves in vigour and wisdom.Equally, they make us reflect on injustices and tragedies and inspire us to do our best to learn from these as well.To do that, we surely should draw inspiration from one otheranniversary C the one we celebrate every year at this time, the birth of Christ.There are many grand and splendid pictures in the Royal Collection that illustrate this event, but one which gives me particular pleasure is this precious, almost jewel-like book.It is a “Book of Hours”, full of prayers and devotional readings. It’s in Latin, but it contains the most exquisite illuminations and it is these that speak to us most movingly.The anonymous person who drew the pictures nearly five hundred years ago has included all the familiar elements of the Christmas story which we hear with such pleasure every year.Here are the angels, bringing the glad tidings to the shepherds, who listen attentively. Down here, where baby Jesus lies in the stall, you can see Mary and Joseph, watching over him, quite unmoved, it seems, by the man playing the bagpipes overhead.The star over the stable has lit the way for all of us ever since and there should be no one who feels shut out from that weling and guiding light. The legends of Christmas about the ox and the ass suggest that even the animals are not outside that loving care.Recently, many of you will have set up and decorated a Christmas tree in your homes. Often these are put by a window and the bright and shining tree is there for every passer-by to see and share. I like to think that if someone who feels lonely and unloved should see such a tree, that person might feel: ‘It was meant for me’.May the Christmas story encourage you, for it is a message of hope every year, not for a few, but for all.So in sending you my Christmas greeting, I pray that God may bless you C every one.[英国女王伊丽莎白圣诞致辞]篇2:英国女王伊丽莎白二世圣诞致辞英国女王伊丽莎白二世圣诞致辞I once knew someone who spent a year in a plaster cast recovering from an operation on his back. He read a lot, and thought a lot, and felt miserable.Later, he realised this time of forced retreat from the world had helped him to understand the world more clearly.We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. Be it through contemplation, prayer, or even keeping a diary, many have found the practice of quiet personal reflection surprisingly rewarding, even discovering greater spiritual depth to their lives.Reflection can take many forms. When families and friends e together at Christmas, it’s often a time for happy memories and remin iscing. Our thoughts are with those we have loved who are no longer with us. We also remember those who through doing their duty cannot be at home for Christmas, such as workers in essential or emergency services.And especially at this time of year we think of the men and women serving overseas in our armed forces. We are forever grateful to all those who put themselves at risk to keep us safe.Service and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear; they have an enduring value which spans the generations.I myself had cause to reflect this year, at Westminster Abbey, on my own pledge of service made in that great church on Coronation Day sixty years earlier.The anniversary reminded me of the remarkable changes that have occurred since the Coronation, many of them for the better; and of the things that have remained constant, such as the importance of family, friendship and good neighbourliness.But reflection is not just about looking back. I and many others are looking forward to the monwealth Games in Glasgow next year.The baton relay left London in October and is now the other side of the world, on its way across seventy nations and territories before arriving in Scotland next summer. Its journey is a reminder that the monwealth can offer us a fresh view of life.My son Charles summed this up at the recent meeting in Sri Lanka. He spoke of the monwealth’s “family ties” that are a source of encouragement to many. Like any family there can be differences of opinion. But however strongly t hey’re expressed they are held within the mon bond of friendship and shared experiences.Here at home my own family is a little larger this Christmas.As so many of you will know, the arrival of a baby gives everyone the chance to contemplate the future with renewed happiness and hope. For the new parents, life will never be quite the same again!As with all who are christened, George was baptised into a joyful faith of Christian duty and service. After the christening, we gathered for the traditional photograph.It was a happy occasion, bringing together four generations.In the year ahead, I hope you will have time to pause for moments of quiet reflection. As the man in the plaster cast discovered, the results can sometimes be surprising.For Christians, as for all people of faith, reflection, meditation and prayer help us to renew ourselves in God’s love, as we strive daily to bee better people. The Christmas message shows us that this love is for everyone. There is no one beyond its reach.On the first Christmas, in the fields above Bethlehem, as they sat in the cold of night watching their resting sheep, the local shepherds must have had no shortage of time for reflection. Suddenly all this wasto change. These humble shepherds were the first to hear and ponder the wondrous news of the birth of Christ - the first noel - the joy of which we celebrate today.I wish you all a very happy Christmas.篇3:英国女王圣诞致辞在圣诞来临之际,英国女王伊丽莎白二世于25日发表传统圣诞致词,今年的'圣诞演讲首次以3D形式录制和在电视台上播放,女王在致辞中回顾了伦敦奥运会和女王登基60周年的钻禧庆典。



As the festive season approaches, the Queens annual Christmas speech is a tradition that brings warmth and reflection to millions of households across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. This years address, delivered with her usual grace and poise, touched upon themes of unity, resilience, and hope.The Queen began her speech by acknowledging the challenges faced by many during the past year, highlighting the pandemics impact on daily life and the sacrifices made by frontline workers. She expressed her gratitude for the tireless efforts of healthcare professionals, teachers, and essential workers who have worked tirelessly to keep communities safe and functioning.Her Majesty then shifted the focus to the power of community and the importance of supporting one another. She shared stories of individuals who have stepped up to help their neighbors, whether through volunteering, fundraising, or simply offering a listening ear. These acts of kindness, she said, are a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the value of compassion.The Queen also spoke about the joy of family and the significance of spending time with loved ones during the holiday season. She mentioned how the simple act of sharing a meal or exchanging gifts can bring people closer together, even when physical distance separates them.In her closing remarks, the Queen looked towards the future with optimism. She encouraged everyone to hold onto hope and to believe in the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. She reminded her audience that, despite the difficulties of the present, there is always a reason to celebrate and to be grateful for the blessings in our lives.This years Christmas speech was a poignant reminder of the Queens unwavering commitment to her people and her role as a figure of stability and continuity in a world that can often seem chaotic and uncertain. As we gather with our families and friends, or find solace in our own reflections, we can take comfort in the Queens words and the timeless message of love, unity, and hope that they convey.。




























今年女王致辞的主题是“Home”圣诞电视致辞走过的60年时代在变迁,科技也在进步不变的是每年家人都会一起欢度节日这份不变,才是最令人感动的每年的圣诞节,英国女王都会向公众发表圣诞演讲(Christmas message),这已经成为了英国传统圣诞节的重要组成部分。














英国女王伊丽莎白二世于25日发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞 - 副本

英国女王伊丽莎白二世于25日发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞 - 副本

英国女王伊丽莎白二世于25日发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞 - 副本英国女王伊丽莎白二世于25日发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞。






1.In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other(张开双臂拥抱彼此). The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband.2. Casts(铸件)of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation(调和、和谐). Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of thefirst world war came together to remember in peace.3. The ceramic(陶瓷做的) poppies(罂粟花)at the Tower of London(伦敦塔) drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind.4. No one who fought in that war is still alive, but we remember their sacrifice and indeed the sacrifice of all those in the armed forces, who serve and protect us today.5. In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by then the trenches were dug(战壕还在挖掘) and the future shape of the war in Europe was set.6.But, as we know, something remarkable(不同寻常的事情) did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today.7. Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in no man’s land(无人区). Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce(圣诞休战).8. Truces are not a new idea. In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold(中止).9. Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and nations, as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games(英联邦运动会).10.It is no accident that they are known as the Friendly Games. As well as promoting dialogue between nations, the Commonwealth Games pioneered the inclusion of(…的融合) para-sports within each day’s events.11. As with the Invictus Games that followed, the courage, determination and talent of the athletes captured our imagination as well as breaking down divisions.12. The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June. While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones (电影:权力的游戏) may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol (克拉姆林道监狱)will remain vividly in my mind.13. What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose; a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture.14. Of course, reconciliation takes different forms. In Scotland after the referendum(公投)many felt great disappointment, while others felt great1.T o make her opinions convincing and persuasive, what examples are listed in the speech?3. Write down the meanings of the underlined words and phrases without referring to the dictionary.。


























英语美文-英国女皇演讲稿第一篇:英语美文-英国女皇演讲稿The Queens speech at the China State Banquet 2015.10.20 Mr.President,Prince Philip and I are delighted to welcome you and Madame Peng to Buckingham Palace this evening.Your visit to the United Kingdom marks a milestone in this unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship between the United Kingdom and China, as we celebrate the ties between our two countries and prepare to take them to ambitious new heights.The United Kingdom and China have a warm and longstanding friendship.Prince Philip and I recall with great fondness our visit to China almost thirty years ago, where we were privileged to experience your country’s rich history and culture, including t he Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Terracotta Warriors: all unforgettable memories of China’s ancient civilization.Yet it was China’s desire to shape a new future which captivated us the most.We were struck by the energy and enthusiasm with which Ch ina’s leaders were forging ahead with a new and ambitious future for the Chinese people;and I well recall our discussions with the late paramount leader Mr.Deng Xiaoping, who was foremost among these leaders in setting a clear direction for China with his policy of reform.It was also Mr.Deng’s visionary concept of One Country Two Systems which opened the way for the return of Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty under the Sino-British Joint Declaration.Almost thirty years later, Mr Deng’s vision has borne remarkable fruit.Rapid economic growth and development has transformed the lives of people across China and lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty: a huge and historic achievement with far reaching positive effects on people’slives.I was delighted that my grandson Prince William was able to witness these changes during his first visit to China earlier this year.Like myself and Prince Philip, he visited not only your great cities of Beijing and Shanghai but also the beautiful province of Yunnan, and saw at first-hand the strong connections which bind our two countries together, be they in culture, education or business.Mr.President, the relationship between the United Kingdom and China is now truly a global partnership.We have much reason to celebrate the dynamic, growing economic relationship between our countries as well as our success in working together to address pressing international challenges.We have, this year, marked the seventieth anniversary of the foundation of the United Nations.Today the world faces challenges which call for collaboration between the nations: conflict and terrorism;poverty and ill-health;conservation and climate change.As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, Britain and China are stewards of the rules-based international system, and we have a responsibility to cooperate on these issues which have a direct bearing on the security and prosperity of all our peoples.This global partnership is supported by an expanding network of links between the people of our two countries, which are essential in building mutual understanding and friendship, while we welcome the increasing numbers of Chinese tourists, students and business visitors to the United Kingdom.Mr.President, your visit is a defining moment in this very special year for our bilateral relationship.I am confident that it will serve to highlight the sincerity and warmth of our friendship and to strengthen relations between our countries for many years to dies and Gentlemen, I ask you to rise and drink a toast to the Presidentand Madame Peng and to the people of China.第二篇:2013圣诞英国女皇致辞英国女王2013年圣诞致辞I once knew someone who spent a year in a plaster cast recovering from an operation on his back.He read a lot and thought a lot and felt miserable。



圣诞演讲:英国女王致敬“平凡英雄”The Queen delivered an upbeat Christmas message on Sunday, saying that we can all draw inspiration in the face of difficult times from the achievements of ordinary people.星期天英国女王发表了圣诞致辞,她说:“那些平凡的人面对困难获得成功,我们能从他们身上汲取力量。

”Her annual Christmas message paid tribute to the country’s “inspirational unsung heroes”.女王在每年一度的圣诞致辞中向“鼓舞人心的无名英雄”致敬。


unsung heroes:无名英雄。


In it Her Majesty emphasised the theme of inspiration, as she reflected on the achievements of Olympic and Paralympic athletes from the UK and across the Commonwealth at the Rio Games last summer.今年女王圣诞讲话的主题是“鼓舞”,她赞扬了英国运动员在奥运会和残奥会上取得的成绩和英联邦在夏季里约奥运会上的表现。

【语言点解析】Her Majesty: 女王陛下(代词),英文中对陛下的称呼是Your/His/Her Majesty表示敬意,寓意为世上一切都归帝王所有!而不是My Majesty。

The Queen, speaking from the Regency Room at Buckingham Palace, said that"Inspiration fed their aspiration; having discovered abilities they scarcely knew they had, these athletes are now inspir ing others”.女王在白金汉宫内的摄政厅中说道:“心受鼓舞令人志存高远,这些运动员发现了自己都难以置信的能力,现在他们正鼓舞着他人。






1. 受戴花冠仪式诞生于玛丽一世时期的受戴花冠仪式(Coronation)是英国皇室最重要的仪式之一。



2. 皇家婚礼皇家婚礼是英国皇室的又一传统习俗,也是全球各地人们关注和瞩目的焦点。



3. 士兵交接仪式卫队交接仪式是英国皇室传统的重要组成部分。



4. 圣诞演讲每年圣诞节,英国国王或女王都会发表圣诞演讲向全国人民致辞。



5. 皇家马术表演英国皇室对马术的热爱是众所周知的,每年都会举办各种马术比赛和表演活动。

其中最著名的是皇家霍斯秀(Royal Windsor Horse Show),这是一场国际性的马术盛典,不仅有优秀的选手表演,还有皇室成员的参与和观赏。

6. 玫瑰花战玫瑰花战(The Battle of the Roses)是英国皇室传统的一部分,是英格兰北方和南方王室家族之间的斗争。



7. 皇家收藏英国皇室有着丰富的收藏品,包括珍贵的艺术品、皇冠和珠宝等。






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thispastyearhasbeenoneofgreatcelebrationforman y.theenthusiasmwhichgreetedthediamondjubileewa s,ofcourse,especiallymemorableformeandmyfamily .
itwashumblingthatsomanychosetomarktheanniversa ryofadutywhichpassedtome60yearsago.peopleofall agestookthetroubletotakepartinvariouswaysandin
manynations.butperhapsmoststrikingofallwastowi tnessthestrengthoffellowshipandfriendshipamong thosewhohadgatheredtogetherontheseoccasions.
princephilipandiwerejoinedbyourfamilyontherive rthamesaswepaidtributetothosewhohaveshapedtheu nitedkingdomspastandfutureasamaritimenation,an dwelcomedawonderfularrayofcraft,largeandsmall, fromacrossthecommonwealth.
onthebargesandthebridgesandthebanksoftherivert herewerepeoplewhohadtakentheirplacestocheerthr oughthemist,undauntedbytherain.thatdaytherewas atremendoussenseofcommondeterminationtocelebra te,triumphingovertheelements.
thatsamespiritwasalsoinevidencefromthemomentth eolympicflamearrivedontheseshores.theflameitse lfdrewhundredsandthousandsofpeopleonitsjourney aroundthebritishisles,andwascarriedbyeverykind
ofdeservingindividual,manynominatedfortheirown extraordinaryservice.
aslondonhostedasplendidsummerofsport,allthosew hosawtheachievementandcourageattheolympicandpa ralympicgameswerefurtherinspiredbytheskill,ded ication,trainingandteamworkofourathletes.inpur suingtheirownsportinggoals,theygavetherestofus theopportunitytosharesomethingoftheexcitementa nddrama.
wewerereminded,too,thatthesuccessofthesegreatf estivalsdependedtoanenormousdegreeuponthededic ationandeffortofanarmyofvolunteers.thosepublic -spiritedpeoplecameforwardinthegreattraditiono fallthosewhodevotethemselvestokeepingotherssaf e,supportedandcomforted.
formany,christmasisalsoatimeforcomingtogether. butforothers,servicewillcomefirst.thoseserving inourarmedforces,inouremergencyservicesandinou
rhospitals,whosesenseofdutytakesthemawayfromfa milyandfriends,willbemissingthosetheylove.
andthosewhohavelostlovedonesmayfindthisdayespe ciallyfullofmemories.thatswhyitsimportantatthi stimeofyeartoreachoutbeyondourfamiliarrelation shipstothinkofthosewhoareontheirown.
atchristmasiamalwaysstruckbyhowthespiritoftoge thernessliesalsoattheheartofthechristmasstory. ayoungmotherandadutifulfatherwiththeirbabywere joinedbypoorshepherdsandvisitorsfromafar.theyc amewiththeirgiftstoworshipthechristchild.fromt hatdayonhehasinspiredpeopletocommitthemselvest othebestinterestsofothers.
thisisthetimeofyearwhenwerememberthatgodsenthi sonlyson"toserve,nottobeserved".herestoredlove andservicetothecentreofourlivesinthepersonofje suschrist.
itismyprayerthischristmasdaythathisexampleandt eachingwillcontinuetobringpeopletogethertogive thebestofthemselvesintheserviceofothers.
thecarol,inthebleakmidwinter,endsbyaskingaques tionofallofuswhoknowthechristmasstory,ofhowgod gavehimselftousinhumbleservice:whatcanigivehim ,poorasiam?ifiwereashepherd,iwouldbringalamb;i fiwereawiseman,iwoulddomypart.thecarolgivesthe answeryetwhaticanigivehim-givemyheart.
