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1. b __tch __ __ (卖肉的)

2. tr __ th (实情)

3. b__ __ n(豆角)

4. t__ m__ t__(西红柿)

5. s__ __ s__ __ (季节)

6. s__ bj __ ct (话题)

7. r__ s__ (升起) 8. cl __ m__ t __ (气候) 9. sn__ ___ (下雪)

10. r__ __ n (下雨)


1. husband ________

2. peach ________

3. pleasant ________

4. sometimes ______

5. October________

6. autumn ________

7. Italy ________ 8. east __________ 9. early ______

10. Japan __________

三.请将有关的国人和国家找到,序号填在括号内(每题1分,共10分)Australia Japan Turkey Korea India

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Thailand Canada Germany Sweden the U.S.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

A. Canadian

B. Australian

C. Swedish

D. Korean

E. Thai

F. Japanese

G. Turkish

H. German

I. Indian

J.American 四.短语互译(每题1分,共10分)


2. 在春天__________________

3. 每天____________

4. 来自于__________________

5. 在北方____________

6. in April ________________

7. 在你们国家_______________ 8. very pleasant _______________

9. in the east ____________ 10. our favourite subject ______________ 五.按要求完成下列各词(每题1分,共10分)

1. cold _______ (反义词)

2. Chinese ________(国家词)

3. do not _______ (缩写)

4. long _______ (反义词)

5. rise ________ (反义词)

6. day ________ (对应词)

7. early ________ (反义词) 8. season ___________ (复数)

9. east _________ (对应词) 10. peach __________ (复数) 六.将下列序数词变成相应的基数词(每题1分,共10分)

1. first ________

2. second _________

3. third __________

4. fourth ________

5. fifth ________

6. sixth ___________

7. twelfth _______ 8. eighth __________

9. twenty-first __________ 10. ninth ___________


A: Where do you ___________ (来自) ?

B: I come from ____________ (希腊) .

A: What’s the climate like in your ___________(国家) ?

B: It’s very ___________ (宜人的) .

A: What’s the ___________ (天气) like in ___________ (春天) ?

B: It’s often ______ (刮风) in ___________ (三月) .

It’s always warm in _________________(四月和五月) but it rains



()1. ___ do you come from ?

A.. What

B. Where

C. Which

D. Who

( ) 2. I come from ______ .

A. Thai

B. Thailand

C. the Thai

D. the Thailand

( ) 3. I can do it , but he _____ .

A. isn’t

B. doesn’t

C. can’t

D. don’t

( ) 4. Do you ____any meat today? Yes, please.

A. to want

B. wants

C. want

D. wanting

( ) 5. My friend is Turkish. He comes from ___.

A. Turkey

B. Thailand

C. Poland

D. India

( ) 6. Which season do you like ____? I like spring.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. best

( ) 7. It’s _____ favorite subject of conversation .

A. us

B. our

C. we

D. the

( ) 8. Where do you come from ? I ___ from Spain.

A. come

B. comes

C. coming

D. am coming

( ) 9. What’s the climate ____ _____ your country ?

A. in , like

B. in , to

C. in ,on

D. like ,in

( ) 10. It’s often windy ____ March.

A. on

B. to C in D. of

( ) 11. The sun ____ every day.

A. shine

B. shines C .is shining D. is going to shine

( ) 12. My teacher ____ from Italy .

A. come

B. comes

C. coming

D. don’t come

( ) 13. They ____ come from Russia .

A. don’t

B. doesn’t

C. aren’t

D. isn’t

( ) 14. I like coffee . He ____ coffee , too.

A .like B. likes C. don’t like D. doesn’t like

( ) 15. Do you want beef ______ lamb ?

A. or

B. and

C. but

D. to

( ) 16. ______you like lamb? Yes, I ____.
