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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

第一章绪论 (3)

1.1研究背景 (3)

1.2研究意义 (4)

1.3主要研究内容和框架 (5)

第二章文献综述 (5)

2.1 快递服务业顾客满意度的内涵 (5)

2.2 快递服务业顾客满意度提升的现状 (6)

2.3 快递服务业顾客满意度提升的策略 (7)

2.4快递服务业顾客满意度提升策略研究综述 (7)

2.5 综述小结 (7)

第三章研究方法 (8)

3.1 研究方法 (8)

(1)文献研究法 (8)

(2)案例分析法 (8)

(3)比较分析法 (8)

第四章我国在快递服务业顾客满意度存在的问题 (8)

3.1快递的运输速度无法保证 (8)

3.2“暴力分拣”时有发生 (9)

3.3派件人员服务态度有待改善 (10)

3.4快递下单的方便性不足 (10)

3.5快递的费用合理性不足 (11)

第五章我国如何提升快递服务业顾客满意度分析 (12)

4.1提高快递运输效率 (12)

4.2保证运输物件的完整无损 (14)

4.3改善基层派件人员服务态度 (15)

4.4改善快递下单途径 (17)

4.5制定合理地费用标准 (18)

第六章案例分析 (19)

5.1 案例介绍 (19)

5.2 案例分析 (20)

第七章结论与展望 (22)

6.1 结论 (22)

6.2 展望 (23)

参考文献 (24)

致谢 (24)













At present, express service industry attaches great importance to customer satisfaction, so many express service industry began to investigate customer satisfaction.In addition, I hope to find out the reasons that affect customer satisfaction according to the development status of express service industry.This research is mainly based on the current situation of express service industry development, to analyze and discuss the impact of express service industry on customer satisfaction, and put forward corresponding solutions to the problem, hoping to provide feasible strategies and suggestions for future express service industry to improve customer satisfaction.

The first chapter, the introduction part mainly provides the research background and significance of the current express industry development, provides a research content and framework for this study, and guarantees the enrichment and value of the research content.

Chapter II, literature review, mainly in this part of the analysis of the connotation of customer satisfaction in express service industry, as well as the status quo and promotion strategies, as well as the overall research review. Through the analysis of other people's literature, this paper summarizes and studies other literature, which lays a foundation for the research of customer satisfaction of express service industry in this paper.

The third chapter is the introduction of research methods.

Chapter IV mainly analyses the problems of customer satisfaction in express service industry in China, including that the speed of express delivery can not be guaranteed, the occurrence of "violent sorting" in express delivery, the service attitude of dispatchers to be improved, the convenience of placing orders by express delivery and the lack of rationality of express delivery fees, and so on, to find out the causes of these problems.

In the fifth chapter, aiming at the problems existing in the express service industry mentioned above, the improvement measures are put forward pertinently, including improving the efficiency of express delivery, ensuring the integrity of the transport items, improving the service attitude of the grass-roots dispatchers, improving the way of placing orders by express delivery, and formulating reasonable cost standards.

Chapter 6 is a case study of Yunda Express. Firstly, it introduces Yunda Express's improvement of customer satisfaction, and then analyses it.

Chapter 7 is a conclusion and Prospect of the whole study.

Key words: express service industry; customers; satisfaction
