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A C E昂立小升初(B)


1. Listen and choose 根据听到的上句,选择合适的应答句。

1. ( ) A. Yes, I’m hungry. B. Yes, I’m thirsty. C. Yes, I’m happy.

2. ( ) A. All right. B. No. C. Go .

3. ( ) A. Wait. B. Go. C. Stop.

4. ( ) A. It’s over there. B. It’s my home . C. I t’s big.

5. ( ) A. No, I’m drinking milk. B. No, I’m drinking coffee. C. Yes, I’m drinking water. 2. Rewrite the sentences 正确抄写。

Peter don’t drink cold water please


3. Read and judge 辩音,用T/F表示。

1. don’t box ( )

2. picture traffic ( )

3. or worker ( )

4. station wait ( )

5. sing sign ( )

6. cross not ( )

7. underground know ( )

4. Rewrite the sentences 将下列句子改成否定句。

1. Please sleep now. __________________________________________

2. Betty, eat some beef , please. ___________________________________

3. Mr. White, please dance with Linda. ________________________________________

4. Please paint an apple, Tom. ________________________________________________

5. Smoke in this room , please, Mike. ____________________________________________ 5. Make sentences 连词成句(每组两句,找出不同之处和原因)

1. a, football, on, watches, Sundays, Nancy, match


a, football, match, Nancy, watch, please


2. isn’t, Susan, crossing, now, road, the


cross, now, road, the, Susan, don’t


3. doesn’t, homework, John, do, evening, on, Friday, his


don’t, homework, John, do, evening, on, Friday, your


6. Choose the right answers 根据所给情景,选择合适的答案。

1. 妈妈要求Jane 别到地铁站去。()

A. Jane does n’t go to the underground station.

B. Jane, don’t go to the underground station.

2. 老师命令Lucy 读英语。()

A. Please read your English book, Lucy .

B. Read your English book, Lucy.

3. Jack 正步行去上学。()

A. Jack , walk to school , please.

B. Jack is walking to school.

4. 河边有雾,妈妈提醒Nancy别在河边玩。()

A. Nancy doesn’t play beside the river.

B. Don’t play beside the river, Nancy.

5. 请别人和咖啡。()

A. Do you like any coffee?

B. Please drink some coffee.


1. Listen and fill in the blanks 听音,填入所缺单词。

Some _____ are playing table ______ in the _______ . Jack and Jim are _____ them. They have no time to _____ . Because the bell is _____.

2. Rewrite the sentences 正确抄写。

look miss white is playing football with john



3. Read and judge 辩音,用T/F表示。

1. gym yes ( )

2. many bell ( )

3. again wait ( )

4. try cycle ( )

5. over mother ( )

6. sorry orange ( )

4. Rewrite the sentences 将下列句子改成否定句。

1. Let Jack and Jim play basketball. __________________________________________

2. Let’s go out. _______________________________________________________

3. Let’s me taste the pear . _____________________________________________

4. Let the girls sing and dance. ___________________________________________

5. Let them try on the jackets. ____________________________________________

5. Fill in the blanks 用所给的词的适当形式填空。

1. Let ______ (he) watch TV.

2. Let ______ (we) go to the supermarket.

3. Let ______ (she) paint a picture.

4. Let ______(they) skip.

5. Let ______ (I) fly a kite.

6. Make sentences 根据所给情景,造句。

1. 有客人来玩,请客人喝茶。
