

商务英语词汇大全 知乎

商务英语词汇大全 知乎

一.商务英语词汇大全知乎1.货币化 monetization2.赤字 deficit3.经济不景气 recession4. a period when the economy of a country is not successful,business conditions are bad, industrial production and trade are at a low level and there is a lot of unemployment5.一个时期一个国家的经济不景气,商业环境不好,工业生产和贸易水平低和有很多失业6.经济好转 turnabout7.复苏 recovery8.成本推进型 cost push9.货币供应 money supply10.生产率 productivity11.劳动力 labor force12.实际工资 real wages13.成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation14.需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation15.双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation16.极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation17.长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation18.治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation19.最终目标 ultimate goal20.坏的影响 adverse effect21.担保 ensure22.贴现 discount23.萧条的 sluggish24.认购 subscribe to25.支票帐户 checking account26.货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control27.借据 IOUs(I owe you)28.本票 promissory notes29.货币总监 controller of the currency30.拖收系统 collection system31.支票清算或结算 check clearing32.资金划拨 transfer of funds33.可以相信的证明 credentials34.改革 fashion35.被缠住 entangled36.货币联盟 Monetary Union37.再购协议 repo38.精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading39.欧元 euro40.公共债务 membership criteria41.汇率机制 REM42.储备货币 reserve currency43.劳动密集型 labor-intensive44.贡交易所 bourse45.牛市 bull market46.非凡的牛市 a raging bull47.规模经济 scale economcies48.买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads49.期货(贡) futures50.经济商行 brokerage firm51.回报率 rate of return52.贡 equities53.违约 default54.现金外流 cash drains55.经济人佣金 brokerage fee56.存款单 CD(certificate of deposit57.营业额 turnover58.资本市场 capital market59.布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System60.经常帐户 current account61.套利者 arbitrager62.远期汇率 forward exchange rate63.即期汇率 spot rate64.实际利率 real interest rates65.货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy66.银行倒闭 bank failures67.跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)68.商业银行 commercial bank69.商业票据 commercial paper70.利润 profit71.本票,期票 promissory notes72.监督 to monitor73.佣金(经济人) commission brokers74.套期保值 hedge75.有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory76.外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves77.固定汇率 fixed exchange rate78.浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate79.货币选择权(期货) currency option80.套利 arbitrage81.合约价 exercise price82.远期升水 forward premium83.多头买升 buying long84.空头卖跌 selling short85.按市价订购贡 market order86.贡经纪人 stockbroker87.国际货币基金 the IMF88.七国集团 the G-789.监督 surveillance90.同业拆借市场 interbank market91.可兑换性 convertibility92.软通货 soft currency93.限制 restriction94.交易 transaction95.充分需求 adequate demand96.短期外债 short term external debt97.汇率机制 exchange rate regime98.直接标价 direct quotes99.资本流动性 mobility of capital 100.赤字 deficit101.本国货币 domestic currency102.外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market 103.国际储备 international reserve104.利率 interest rate105.资产 assets106.国际收支 balance of payments107.贸易差额 balance of trade108.繁荣 boom109.债券 bond110.商品 commodities111.商品交易所 commodity exchange112.期货合同 commodity futures contract 113.普通贡 common stock114.联合大企业 conglomerate115.货币贬值 currency devaluation116.通货紧缩 deflation117.折旧 depreciation118.贴现率 discount rate119.归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income 120.从业人员 employed person121.汇率 exchange rate122.财政年度fiscal year123.企业 free enterprise124.库存 inventory125.劳动力人数 labor force126.债务 liabilities127.市场经济 market economy128.合并 merger129.货币收入 money income130.个人收入 personal income131.优先贡 preferred stock132.价格收益比率 price-earning ratio 133.优惠贷款利率 prime rate134.利润 profit135.回报 return on investment136.使货币升值 revaluation137.薪水 salary138.季节性调整 seasonal adjustment 139.关税 tariff140.失业人员 unemployed person141.效用 utility142.价值 value143.工资 wages144.工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral145.收益 yield146.补偿贸易 compensatory trade,compensated deal 147.储蓄银行 savings banks148.欧洲联盟 the European Union149.单一的实体 a single entity150.抵押贷款 mortgage lending151.业主产权 owner''''s equity152.普通股 common stock153.无形资产 intangible assets154.收益表 income statement155.营业开支 operating expenses156.行政开支 administrative expenses157.现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow158.贸易中的存货 inventory159.收益 proceeds160.投资银行 investment bank161.机构投资者 institutional investor162.垄断兼并委员会 MMC163.招标发行issue by tender164.定向发行 introduction165.代销 offer for sale166.直销 placing167.公开发行 public issue168.信贷额度 credit line169.国际债券 international bonds170.欧洲货币Eurocurrency171.利差 interest margin172.以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan 173.权利股发行 rights issues174.净收入比例结合 net income gearing175.accountant n. 会计176.air hostess 女乘务员,空姐177.applicant n. 申请人178.appoint v. 任命179.appointment n. 任命180.assistant n. 助理181.attendant n. 服务员182.auditor n. 查帐员183.banker n. 银行家184.barber n. 为男士理发的理发师185.book keeper n. 记帐员186.broker n. 经纪人187.businessman n. 商人188.buyer n. 采购员189.capable a. 有能力的190.career n. 职业191.certificate n. 证书192.chemist n. 药剂师193.clerk n. 办事员194.current (present) post 现在的工作195.dentist n. 牙医196.designer n. 设计家197.detective n. 侦探198.diploma n. 文凭,学位199.director n. …长(主任)200.dismiss v. 解雇201.drawer n. 出票人,开票人,抽屉202.employee n. 雇员203.employer n. 雇主204.engineer n. 工程师205.executive n. 行政官206.experienced staff 有经验的雇员207.freelance n. 职业者(作家、演员等)208.full-time job 专职工作209.graduate n. 毕业生210.hairdresser n. 理发师211.interview n. v. 面试212.job agency 职业介绍所213.judge n. 法官borer n. 劳工ndlady n. 女房东wyer n. 律师217.manager n. 经理218.managing director n. 总经理219.manufacturer n. 制造商220.newsagent n. 报刊销售人221.newspaper reporter 记者222.office worker 办公室工作人员223.officer n. 官员224.operator n. 接线员225.out of work 失业226.packer n. 包装工227.part-time job 非专职工作228.permanent job 固定职业229.photographer n. 照相师230.pilot n. 飞行员231.politician n. 政治家232.postman n. 邮递员233.president n. 总裁,董事长234.previous job 以前的工作235.price controller 物价员236.prime minister 总理237.principal n. 校长238.producer n. 制造者239.professor n. 教授240.purchaser n. 采购员241.qualification n. 资格242.quality controller 质量管理员243.receptionist n. 接待员244.recommend v. 推荐245.redundancy n. 过剩,多余,累赘246.redundant a. 过剩的,多余的,累赘的247.resign v. 辞职248.resume n. 简历249.retailer n. 零售商250.retire v. 退休251.sack v. n. 解雇252.sales rep(representative)销售代表253.salesman n. 销售员254.scientist n. 科学家255.secretary n. 秘书256.shop assistant 售货员257.shopkeeper n. 店主258.skilled workers 技术工人259.specialist n. 专家260.specialize in v. 专长261.staff recruitment 雇员招聘262.supervisor n. 主管人263.temporary job 临时职业264.to apply for 申请265.to take on 雇佣266.typist n. 打字员267.unemployment n. 失业268.vacancy n. 空缺(职位)269.wholesaler n. 批发商270.workforce n. 劳动力271.TYPES OF COMPANYBUSINESS 行业名称272.banking n. 银行业273.construction n. 建筑业274.correspondence n. 通信cation n. 教育276.electronics n. 电子学277.entertainments n. 娱乐278.finance n. 财经,金融279.health n. 保健280.import/ export n.v. 进/出口281.manufacture n. 制造业282.press n. 报刊,新闻界283.printing n. 印刷业284.producing n. 生产业285.programming n. 编程286.publishing n. 出版287.science n. 科学288.telecommunications n. 通讯289.trade union n. 工会290.transporting n. 运输291.accounts n. 会计部292.administration n. 行政管理部293.advertising n. 广告部294.assembly line 装配线295.assembly plant 装配工厂296.canteen n. 餐厅,小卖部297.clinic n. 门诊所298.customer account 帐务部299.distribution n. 分销部300.financial services 财务服务部301.forwarding company 运输公司302.group n. 集团303.head office 总部304.headquarters n. 总部305.human resources 人力资源部306.maintenance n. 维修部307.management n. 管理部308.marketing n. 营销部309.packaging n. 包装部310.personnel n. 人事部311.production n. 生产部312.public relations 公关部313.purchasing n. 采购部314.quality control 质量管理部315.research and development 调研部316.sales n. 销售部317.training n. 培训部318.wages and salaries 工资部。

商务英语翻译 第5章 商务广告翻译

商务英语翻译 第5章 商务广告翻译

• 新颖别致
译:Wiseness does not come from baldness. We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs. 译:我们肆无忌惮地知道如何卖鸡蛋。 English.(英语教学磁带广告) .(英语教学磁带广告 A sound Way to Learn English.(英语教学磁带广告) 译:有声地学习英语,优胜的学习方式。
例2 【原文】一夜之中,每时每刻,玉兰油晚霜使 一夜之中,每时每刻,
您的皮肤始终保持湿润,增加皮肤的自然再生能 您的皮肤始终保持湿润, 舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软更年 力,舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软更年 轻。
All through the night, Night of Olay night, enhances the natural regeneration of your skin by keeping it constantly moist,easing tiny wrinkles and making delicate. your skin softer and more delicate.
译:With Sanyang at home,warmth in winter and coolness in With summer will be with you.
译:By drinking it,you will marvel at it. By If only everything in life was as reliable as a Volkswagen. 译:假如生活中的一切都有大众汽车那么可靠,世界该有多

商务翻译 Chapter 10

商务翻译 Chapter 10

1. 单音节词语的使用 • Feel the new space. ——Sumsung 译文:感受新境界。——三星 2. 大量使用形容词及其比较级、最高级 • Let’s make things better. ——Philips 译文:让我们做得更好。——飞利浦
一. 广告的词汇特点---
3. 大胆借用或杜撰词语 Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only from Sony. —— Sony 译文:高保真,高乐趣,高时尚,只来自索 尼。 ——索尼 fidelity (infidelity)
将下列个句翻译成汉语。 1.I’m sorry to say that your price has soared. It’s almost 20% higher than last year’s. 译文: 很遗憾,贵方的价格猛涨,比去年几乎 高出20%。
2. You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. 译文:你们还要出具另一份证明书,以证明货 物没有受放射线污染。
3. Having established ourselves in this city, as merchants and general agents, we take the liberty of acquainting you of it, and solicit the preference of your order.
• Like no other. ( Sony ) 独一无二。

Engineered to move the human spirit. ( Mercedes-Benz ) 人类精神的动力。



论商务英汉翻译准则发布时间:2023-01-15T07:17:36.959Z 来源:《中国教工》2022年16期作者:付一星[导读] 改革开放以来,中国的经济在世界上创造了一个又一个奇迹付一星四川大学,四川成都610041摘要:改革开放以来,中国的经济在世界上创造了一个又一个奇迹,中国的国际贸易速度增长。



关键词:商务英汉翻译;准则;译文引言如今社会发展速度越来越快,人们在科技和经济等领域的合作也越来越广泛,英语作为交流的工具,也迎合了这种变化,“专门用途英语”(English for Specific Purpose)随之出现了。










商务英语(BEC)词汇1000词,适合中高级使用1 abide vt.忍受,停留,拘留,等候 vi逗留,居住2 accommodate vt.使符合,使适应,给—方便,调节3 accountability n.有责任,有义务,有解释的必要4 accreditation. N.水准鉴定,鉴定认可5 acquaint vt.使熟悉,使了解,通告6 acute adj.尖锐的,棘手的,剧烈的,严重的7 admirer n.仰慕者,敬慕者8 revenue n.收入,收益,财政税收9 aesthetics n.美观令人愉悦的外观10 align vt.使成为一线,使一致,公开支持11 allege vt.断言,声称12 alteration n.改变,改动,更改13 amass vt.积聚财富,积累14 ambient adj 周围的,包围的,氛围轻松的15 amenable adj.顺从的,积极响应的16 amentities n.便利,了却,福利措施17 amiable adj.和蔼可亲的,令人愉悦的18 ample adj.宽敞的,宽大的,充裕的,令人愉悦的19 analgesic n. 止痛剂20 animations n.动画式广告21 antiseptic n. 抗菌剂,防腐剂22 aperitif n. 开胃酒,饭前酒23 apparel n. 衣服,服饰24 apportion vt. 分摊,分配、25 appreciate vt.意识到,领会,察觉26 apitude n. 天资,才能27 artifact n.人造物品28 aseptic adj. 无菌的,防止感染的29 aspire vi. 追求,有志于30 assertive adj. 自信的31 asset n.有点,长处,有益的东东32 assorted adj. 各式各样的33 assume v.承担职务34 assumption n.假设,假定35 astounding adj.令人震惊的,令人震撼的36 athletic adj. 体育运动的,体格健壮的,敏捷活跃的37 attentiveness n. 关心的,体贴的,殷切的38 attire n. 服装,穿着39 authentically adv.确实的,真实的40 authentication n.认证41 authorisation n. 授权42 responder n.回应,响应,回复43 tire n.汽车轮胎44 autocratic adj. 独裁的,专制的45 bankruptcy n.破产46 barrier n.壁垒47 bastion n.堡垒,阵地工事48 batter vt.磨损,损坏49 Baucon Asia 亚洲建筑设备暨科技展50 susceptible adj.易感染的51benchmark n.基准,标尺 vt.用标准问题测试52 bias n.偏见53 billboard n.广告牌54 biodegradable adj.可降解生物的55 blessing n.上帝的祝福,赐福,恩典,保佑56 disguise vt.假装,化妆,伪装,打扮57 blunder n.大错特错,严重失误58 blur vt.使模糊59 boardroom n.董事长60 rhythm n.节奏61bosom n.知心朋友62 insistence n.坚持,忠诚63 brewing n.酿造64 brochure n.小册子65 buffet n.自助餐66 bulk n.巨大的,巨大的体积,重量67 bunk n.假话,空话,大话68 etiquette n.商务礼节69 cafeteria n.自助餐,任凭自选的东西70 cafeteria questionnaire 自助餐馆,自选回答问题71 call box 公用电话亭72 capital goods 资本货物73 caplet n.囊片74 capri pants 紧身中裤75 capsule n.胶囊76 cardigan 羊毛上衣77 automated teller machine ATM 自动柜员机78 catering business/sector 餐饮业79 centralized reservation system 中央订票系统80 CEO.chief executive officer 首席执行官81 champion vt. 捍卫,支持,拥护82 changleover file 交接文件83 charge n.指控,控告84 charge cards n.签章卡85 chauffeur n.受雇于私人或者公司的司机86 chic n.时髦风格,别致87 childcare vouchers 托儿券88 chrysler 克莱斯勒汽车公司89 cigna insurance company 美国信诺保险公司90 clash vt. 冲突91 classified authorization 分级授权92 claw back 使什么得到弥补93 clerical job 办事员工作94 clientele n.顾客,常客,老客户95 closely-knit adj. 关系密切的96 close up n.特写镜头97 clutter n.混乱,杂乱98 coaster n. 杯垫99 cohesion n.凝聚力,粘附,内聚力100 collected adj. 集成的,凝聚的,泰然自若的101 collective bargaining 集体谈判102 colone n.淡雅香味香水,男士和女士都可以使用103 column n.专栏104 combat stress n.克服压力105 commercial n.电视广告,商业的,盈利的106 commercialisation n.商品化107commission n.佣金,职权,委任状,犯罪108 commute vi. N. 乘车上下班109 slogan 公司标语,公司口号110 compassionate adj. 富于同情心的111 compatible adj.适合的,协调的112 competitive edge 竞争优势113 competitor intelligence n. 对手情报114 compile vt. 编辑,编纂,汇编资料,手机115 complement vt. 互补116 complementary adj. 互补的,互相补充的117 blouse n. 短上衣,短衬衫118 complimentary adj. 免费赠送的119 comply with 遵守120 illiterate n. 文盲,没有受过教育的人121 conceptualise vt.使概念化122 concession n.让步,承认,特许权123 confectionary n.糖果厂123 confidential adj.保密的,机密的123 confine vt.限制,使什么局限于124 connote vt.包含,意味着,暗示125 consensus n.一致的意见,多数意见126 conservatism n. 保守主义,守旧的127 consolidate vt.巩固,强化128 contact n. 熟人,有用的社会关系129 contaminate vt. 污染130 contingency n.可能发生的事情,不测事件,经济状况131 contradiction n. 矛盾132 contribute vi.提供建议,起作用133 convention n.大会,例会134 cooking-contest 烹饪比赛135 copier n.复印机136 core benefits 核心利益137 core values 核心价值观138 cornerstone n. 基石139 corporate citizen 企业公民140 corporate social responsibility 企业社会责任141 corrupt practice 暗箱操作,不道德的做法142 cost accountant 成本会计师143 cost conscious 注重节约成本的144 cost-oriented pricing 依据成本的定价方式145 costume ball 化妆舞会146 counterfeit vt.vi.仿照,伪造,手迹,钱币147 coupon n.优惠券148 court shoes 与正装相配的高跟鞋149 courtesy coach/bus 免费接送汽车,商场,饭店,机场用150 cramped adj.狭窄,受限制的151 credibility n. 可靠性,可信性152 credit rating 信誉度153 credit transfer 银行转帐154 credo n.信条155 crippling adj.极有害的,造成严重损失的156 crystal n.水晶,水晶饰品157 cubicle n.图书馆,办公室用于担任工作的小隔间158 cuisine n. 烹饪,菜肴159 taboo n.禁忌160 curb vt.控制,限制,约束161 customer defection rate 顾客流失率162 customisation n.根据对方需要制作的,量身定做163 cyclical celebration 周期性的庆祝活动164 date/fas modem ports 数据/传真调制解调器接口165 deadwood n.朽木,无用之人166 décor n.装饰,装潢167 defective illumination 不良照明168 defer to 遵从,服从169 deficiency n.不足,欠缺之处170 dejected adj. 沮丧的,情绪低落的171 delegate vt.授权,把。



商务英语口语900句中英文对照中文翻译全文翻译Unit 1希望与要求Part 11. We'd like to express our desire to establish business relationship with you on the basis of quality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods .我们希望在保证质量、互惠互利以及交易彼此需要的货物的基础上和你们建立业务关系。

2 .In order to extend our export business to your country we wish to enter direct business relations with you.为了扩大我们在贵国的出口业务,我们希望和你们建立直接贸易关系。

3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us . 希望在我们之间能够建立互惠互利的贸易关系。

4. We looking forward to further extension of pleasant business relations. 我们期待进一步保持愉快的业务关系。

5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我们的希望是和你们保持可观的生意往来。

6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon.我们期待尽快收到你们的报价单。

hope you see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost.我希望你能够看到我们事实上已经作出了最大程度的让价。



商务英语广告词大全商务英语广告词大全商务英语广告词大全1. 产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评2. ur prduts are sld in Britain, Aeria, Japan, Italy and Suth East Asia and ell a reeived by their purhasers3. 畅销全球 selling ell all ver the rld4. 典雅大方 elegant and graeful5. 定型耐久 durable deling6. 方便顾客 aking things nvenient fr usters7. 方便群众 aking things nvenient fr the peple; t suit peple s nveniene8. 方便商品 nveniene gd9. 方便生活 bringing re nveniene t the peple in their daily life; Prviding aenities fr the peple; aking life easier fr the ppulatin10. 各式俱全 ide seletin; Large assrtent11. 顾客第一 usters first12. 顾客是我们的上帝 e take usters as ur Gds13. 规格齐全 a plete range f speifiatin, plete in speifiatin14. 花样繁多 a ide seletin f lurs and design15. 货色齐全 gds f every desriptin are available16. 客商第一,信誉第一 lients first, reputatin first17. 款式多样 a great variety f del18. 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style19. 款式齐全 varius style. 款式新颖 attrative design fashinable style, nvel in design up-t-date styling. 款式新颖众多 diversified latest design22. 美观大方 elegant appearane23. 美观耐用 attrative and durable24. 品质优良疗效显著誉满全球欢迎选购 exellent quality, evident effet, gd reputatin ver the rld, rders are ele. 品种多样 nuerus in variety great varieties ide varieties26. 品种齐全 plete range f artile, a great variety f gds27. 让我们的商品走向世界 let ur dities g t the rld28. 色彩鲜艳 bright in lr29. 色泽光鲜 bright luster30. 色泽艳丽 beautiful lr31. 深受顾客欢迎 e have n praise fr uster t in ar praise fr usters32. 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉 t in a high adiratin and is idely trusted at he and abrad33. 深受消费者的欢迎和好评 t be highly praised and a reited by the nsuing publi. 式样美观 aestheti appearane, attrative fashin. 式样新颖大方 dern and elegant in fashin36. 式样雅致 elegant in style37. 式样众多 in any styles38. 适合男女老幼四季穿着 suitable fr en and en f all ages in all seasn39. 外形大方 elegant shape. 享有盛誉 t in a high adiratin41. 新品迭出 ne varieties are intrdued ne after anther42. 行销世界 t be distributed all ver the rld. 以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外. T be renned bth at he and abrad fr exquisite rkanship, skillful knitting and elegant design45. 以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称46. Faus fr seleted aterials, nvel design, delightful lrs and exquisite rkanship. 以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称48. Faus fr high quality ra aterials, full range f eifiatin, and sizes, and great variety f design and lr49. 在国际市场上享有盛誉 t enjy high reputatin in the internatinal arket. 誉满中外 t enjy high reputatin at he and abrad51. 造型美观 attrative appearane, handse appearane. 质量第一,用户至上 quality first, usters first. 货源充足供应及时 aple supply and prpt delivery54. 甜而不腻 agreeable seetness55. 味鲜适口 agreeable t taste56. 香味浓郁 arati flavrs57. 外观光泽透明 bright and transluent in appearane58. 其功若神 as effetively as a fairy dse59. 科学研制 by sientifi press60. 能多次翻新 an be repeatedly relded61. 选料考究 hie aterials62. 清晰突出 lear and distintive63. 条纹清晰 lear ut texture64. 色彩夺目,迥然不俗 lrs are striking, yet nt vulgar65. 穿着舒适轻便 frtable and easy t ear66. 手感舒适 frtable feel67. 冬暖夏凉 l in suer and ar in inter68. 防皱 rease resistane69. 性能可靠 dependable perfrane70. 包装多样 diversified in paking nvenient t k71. 烹制简便 urteus servie72. 服务周到 deliius lved by all73. 众所喜爱品尝之佳品 deliius in taste74. 口味鲜美 pleasant t the palate75. 清香爽口 gd taste76. 味道纯正 distintive fr its traditinal prperties77. 具有传统风味特色 diversified praties and effiient servie78. 方式灵活快捷方便 durable in use79. 经久耐用 easy ntats and flexible trading ethds80. 易于业务,联系方便,贸易做法灵活 easy t lubriate81. easy t repair 维修简易82. easy t use 使用方便83. elegant and graeful 典雅大方84. elegant and sturdy pakage 包装美观牢固85. elegant appearane 美观大方86. elegant in saell 香气高雅87. elegant style 式样雅致88. elegant shape 外形大方89. Enquiries are rdially ele.欢迎洽购90. exellent in ushin effet 抗冲强度高91. exellent in quality 品质优良92. fine quality 质地优良93. exquisite raftsanship 技艺精湛94. fine raftsanship exquisite traditinal ebridery art 传统绣工精湛95. exquisite in rkanship 做工精湛96. fine in rkanship extreely effiient in preserving heat 耐热性强97. fashinable and attrative pakages 包装新颖美观98. fashinable patterns 花色入时99. fashinable in style 款式新颖100. fast lr 不退色101. fir in struture 结构坚固102. fragrant ara 香气馥郁103. fragrant in flavur 香味浓郁104. gd heat preservatin 保温性强105. handse appearane 选型美观1. harnius lrs 颜色调和107. highly plished 光洁度高108. high quality aterials 选料考究109. high resiliene 富有弹性110. high standard in quality and hygiene 质量高,卫生严111. ideal gift fr asins 节日送礼之佳品112. Please rder n请君速订。

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第1单元 关于商务英语

商务英语翻译(英译汉)第1单元 关于商务英语
• 例如: • By making it possible to accumulate corporate knowledge in an information system linking computer to computer and business process to business process, intranets allow disparate corporate knowledge to be collected in one “virtual” place. • 译文:通过在连接电脑同电脑、业务流程同业务 流程的信息系统中使得积累企业知识成为可能的 方式,局域网允许不同的企业知识被收集到一个 “虚拟的”地方。
• 商务英语蕴涵各种商务活动内容、为从事国际商 务活动的人们所认同和接受、适合国际商务活动 交际需要。 • 它融较强的实用性、较强的专业性和明确的目的 性于一身。 • 它包括语言知识、交际技能、专业知识、管理技 能和文化意识等核心内容。
• 在当今经济全球化的社会里,包括技术引进、对 外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际 金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运 输、商业广告等在内的各种商务活动中,所使用 的英语都称之为商务英语。
• 在商务合同类的文本中,所使用的英语句子结构 通常较为复杂,句式规范,文体正式,尤其在招 标文件和投标文件以及合同当中更是如此。
• As the bank’s undertaking will be replacing that of the importer, the bank will treat this as an application for credit and will give consideration to setting up a “line of credit” in the same way as if it were an application for a loan. If the “line” is granted or has already been arranged, the importer completes an “Application for Commercial Credit” in which he gives full details of the Credit he requires. • 译文:由于银行承诺将取代进口商的承诺,银行 将此视为申请信贷,而且会考虑设立一个“信贷额 度”,就和申请一笔贷款一样。如果这种“额度”已 经提供或者安排妥当,进口商便办理“商业信贷申 请”手续,向银行提供他所需信贷的详细要求。



产物远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢送和好评Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.畅销全球selling well all over the world典雅大方elegant and graceful定型耐久durable modeling便利顾客making things convenient for customers便利群众making things convenient for the people; to suit the people's convenience 便利商品convenience goods便利生活bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the people; making life easier for the population各式俱全wide selection; large assortment顾客第一Customers first顾客是我们的皇帝We take customers as our Gods.规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications把戏繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs货色齐全goods of every description are available.客商第一,信誉第一clients first, reputation first款式多样 a great variety of models款式活泼端庄vivid and great in style款式齐全various styles款式新颖attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) design; up-to-datestyling款式新颖众多diversified latest designs美不雅大方elegant appearance美不雅耐用attractive and durable品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢送选购excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome.品种多样numerous in variety品种繁多great varieties品种齐全complete range of articles; a great variety of goods让我们的商品走向世界Let our commodities go to the world.色彩鲜艳bright in colour色泽光润bright luster色泽艳丽beautiful in colour深受顾客欢送We have won praise from customers; to win warm praise from customers.深受国表里客户的信赖和称赞to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.深受消费者的欢送和好评to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public式样美不雅aesthetic appearance; attractive fashion式样新颖大方modern and elegant in fashion式样雅致elegant in style式样众多in many styles适合男女老幼四季穿戴suitable for men and women of all ages in all seasons外型大方elegant shape享有声誉to win a high admiration新品迭出new varieties are introduced one after another行销世界to be distributed all over the world以工艺精细、针法灵巧多样、图案典雅大方而闻名中外to be renowned both at home and abroad for exquisite workmanship, skillful knitting and elegant design以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称famous for selected materials, novel designs, delightful colors and exquisite workmanship以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种把戏繁多而著称famous for high quality raw materials, full range of specifications and sizes, and great variety of designs and colours誉满中外to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad在国际市场上享有盛誉to enjoy high reputation in the international market造型美不雅attractive appearance; handsome apprearance质量第一,用户至上quality first, consumers first种类繁多wide varieties安心益气to make one feel at ease and energetic包君健康keep you fit all the time保健治病promoting health and curing diseases保暖防风warm and windproof补肝益肾,调和气血,益髓添精,强健筋骨,乌须黑发,驻颜养血an enricher and nutrient for the liver and kidney, for improving blood circulation, beneficial to essential medulla, strengthening sinews and bones, preventing hairs from greying and helpful to retain complexion补气,健脾,益精滋肾,祛风活血,强筋壮骨good for energy and the spleen, beneficial to the sperm, nourishing the kidneys relieving rheumatism, activating blood circulation and strengthening sinews and bones补血和气,壮腰强筋norishing blood and adjusting spirit, strenthening waist and sinews除湿散寒,祛风定痛relieving rheumatism, chills and pains穿戴舒适轻便comfortable and easy to wear促进体质to invigorate health effectively涤烦疗渴to clear out annoyance and quench thirst冬暖夏凉cool in summer and warm in winter芳香开窍,理气止痛removing obstruction, smoothing circulation and stopping pains. 防病治病,延年益寿to prevent and cure diseases, and to have a long life.富有稠密诗情两画意rich in poetic and pictorial splendor瑰丽多彩pretty and colourful花色入时fashionable patterns华美臻美beautiful and charming戒烟making people refrain from smoking经久耐用durable in use; durable service久享盛名with a long standing reputation居家旅行,工矿必备之良药an indispensable sovereign remedy for home, travelling, factories and mines.老少良伴good companions for children as well as adults历史悠久to have a long historical standing男女老少皆宜sutable for men, women, and children其功假设神as effectively as a fairy does.轻身延寿to reduce body weight and prolong life.清火明目,怡神醒脑,帮忙消化to produce an effect toward clear vision, refreshment, and digestion helping清洁口腔cleaning the oral cavity.清热润喉,止咳化痰,益气消哑good for antipyretic and throat soother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration and relieving hoarseness清晰突出clear and distinctive祛风散寒,活血止痛relieving rheumatism and cold, invigorating blood circulation and stopping pains染制精良meticulous dyeing processes柔软轻盈soft and light色彩夺目,迥然不俗colours are striking, yet not vulgar色彩奇异大方in pain, fancy colours色彩协调matching in colour色泽鲜艳可爱lovely luster设计华美luxuriant in design手感舒适comfortable feel提神,生津refreshing and enriching the saliva条纹清晰clear-cut texture消热止渴relieving heat and thirst.消暑解热,明目怡神relieving heat and sunstroke, refreshing and beneficial to the eyes 颜色调和harmonious colours益气强壮,延缓衰老bracing up the whole system and strengthening it, delaying senility益气养阴,生津增液,补肺健脾supplement the vital energy and nourish yin, promote the production of body fluid and saliva雍容华美rich and magnificent永不褪色fast colour长处出众outstanding features质地考究superior (in) quality质地优良fine quality助消化,除油腻to help digest greasy food按质论价fixing prices according to quality of products包装多样diversified in packaging包装安稳strong packing包装美不雅安稳elegant and sturdy package包装新颖美不雅fashionable and attractive packages保温性强extremely efficient in preserving heat; good heat preservation保险性强high safety保质保量quality and quantity assured备用详细目录,惠索即寄catalogues will be sent upon request备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选available in various designs and specifications for your selection备有塑料盒,便于安然保留 a plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage.外表光泽lustrous surface薄利多销volume large, profit small不成退货without return不吝工本spare no cost at any cost;at all costs; at any cost采用先进技术和工艺to adopt advanced technology采用最新设备和工艺with the most up-to-date equipment and techniques操作简便easy and simple to handle产物按质分等grade products according to quality常饮绿茶,增进健康regular tea drinking improves your health敞开供给sufficent supply; products are sold without limitations; commodities are available without restriction传送灵活to ensure smooth transmission传统绣工精湛exquisite traditional embroidery art大贱卖sale price; crazy price; terrific value; special buy定牌包装packing of nominated brand独特的民族风味to have a unique national style多年使用,不出故障to assure years of trouble-free service.防水、防震、防磁waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic防缩shrink-proof防皱crease-resistance富有弹性high resilience工艺精良sophisticated technologies供不该求in short supply; demand exceeding supply光洁度高highly polished回味隽永pleasant in after-taste货源充沛ample supply and prompt delivery技术先进modern techniques技艺精湛exquisite craftsmanship; fine craftsmanship价格公正reasonable price; street price; moderate price价格适中moderrat cost价谦物美high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and low overhead节日送礼之佳品ideal gift for all occasions洁白纯粹pure whiteness洁白如玉jade white洁白透明pure white and translucent布局安定sturdy construction; firm in structure经久耐用structural durabilities精打细算be shrewd in money matters; careful calculation and strict budgeting居同类产物之魁首to rank first among similar products具有传统风味特色distinctive for its traditional properties具有中国风味possessing Chinese flavours抗冲击强度高excellent in cushion effect抗热耐磨strong resistance to heat and hard wearign科学精制by scientific process口味鲜美delicious in taste快干drip-dry买一送一buy one give one; buy one get one free免烫non-ironing能屡次翻新can be repeatedly remoulded.您想购置中国土特产物吗?Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce 烹制简便convenient to cook品质优良excellent (in) quality清仓大拍卖clearance price清货大减价big clearance sale清香爽口pleasant to the palate请君常购中国绿茶always buy Chinese green teas.韧硬兼顾to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness入口和醇mild and mellow软硬适中neither too hard nor too soft散热迅速rapid heat dissipation色泽光洁,柔软防滑lustrous, soft and antislippery色泽清澈limpid in sight设计合理professional design设计新颖modern design生意兴隆driving a roaring trade使用便利easy to use使用极便utmost in convenience使用寿命长久long perfomance life岁末大减价year-end bargain sale甜而不腻agreeable sweetness外不雅色泽透明bright and traslucent in appearance外型永葆如新to ensur a like-new appearance indefinely维修简易easy to repair味道纯粹good taste味鲜可口agreeable to taste物价不变price remains stable夏季出格大减价special summer sale香浓可口aromatic character and agreeable taste香气馥郁fragrant aroma香气高雅elegant in smell香味纯和pure and mild flavour香味浓郁aromatic flavour; fragrant (in) flavour性能可靠dependable performance性能可靠reliable perormance性能无与伦比unequal in performanc性能优越superior performance选材精良superior materials选料讲究high quality materials选料考究choice materials沿用传统的出产方式with traditional methods易于润滑easy to lubricate用料精选carefully selected materials用料上乘selected material优质西瓜,消暑解渴top watermelons, quell summer thirst 制作精巧skilful manufacture制作精巧perfect in workmanship质量高,卫生严high standard in quality and hygiene众所喜爱品尝之佳品delicacies loved by all走时准确punctual timing最新工工艺latest technology做工讲究exquisite (in) workmanship做工精细fine workmanship2023年6月6日星期二17:08:036.6.202317:0817:08:0323.6.65时8分5时8分3秒Jun. 6, 236 June 20235:08:03 PM17:08:03。



商务英语口语900句带翻译1 I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿2 I’d like to change this ticket to the first class.我想把这张票换成头等车。

3 I’d like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。

4 I won’t check this baggage 这件行李我不托运。

5 I’d like to sit in the front of the plane.6 I missed my train.7 I haven’t nothing to declare. 我没申报的东西。

8 it’s all personal effects. 这些东西都是私人用品。

9 I’ll pick up ticket at the airport counter.我会在机场柜台拿机票。

10 I’d like two seats on today’s northwest flight 7 to Detroit, please.我想订两张今天西北航空7班次到底特律的机票。

11 we waited for john in the lobby of the airport.我们在机场的大厅里等约翰。

12 I’d like to buy an excursion pass instead.我要买一张优待票代替。

13 I’d like a refund on this ticket. 我要退这张票。

14 I’d like to have a seat by the window.我要一个靠窗的座位。

15 you have to change at Chicago station.你必须要在芝加哥站转车。

16 we have only one a day for New York.到纽约的一天只有一班。



6.Performance requirements of the business advertising language
鲜明突出 简明通俗 新颖别致 生动形象
• If only everything in life was as reliable as a volkswagen
A contemporary classic. A timeless timepiece. 当代的经典作;永久的记时器。(对偶) Ask for More. (谐音)
再来一只,我还抽摩尔。 Spoil yourself and not your figure(语义 尽情大吃,不增体重。
The translation of pun
12.Translation appreciation
"麦斯威尔" 不如"雀巢"
有的品牌名称只进行音译,如“麦斯威尔 ”咖啡,仅仅是“Maxwell”的发音而已 。由于它的诉求对象是白领阶层,尤其是 “外向型”白领,因此这个名字是成功的 。 但如果想让广大华人买账,就不如“雀巢 ”。 在雀巢咖啡刚进入中国大陆时,就有人听 村里的农民议论:“雀巢”咖啡就是“鸟 窝”咖啡。即使没文化的人也对它产生兴 趣,可见名称的戏剧性效果非常有利于提 高品牌的知名度。
服务娱乐类广告 招聘广告
Recruitment advertisement
5.Design of the advertising
广告设计 标题:点名主题,引人注目;要求文字 简短新颖,给人深刻印象。 正文:承载广告的中心信息,其介绍商 品,建立印象和促进销售的作用。 标语:又叫广告口号,往往出现在广告的 末尾, 以简短易记的形式,加深人们 对广告的印象。 随文:是广告的必要说明,一般提供厂址、 厂名、经销部门、电话、电传等信息 以利读者(顾客)购买。



1.Marketing 市场营销:通过方案和执行关于产物、效劳和电子的订价、促销和分销,从而缔造交换,以实现个人和组织的目标的过程〕The process of planning and executing 〔执行、实行〕the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.——the definition emphasizes the diverse activities marketers perform.(强调市场商人不同的行为活动)❖Deciding what products to offer❖Setting prices❖Developing sales promotions and advertising campaigns❖Making products readily available to customers2. The marketing Concepts(市场营销不雅念:企业阐发消费者需求,制定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学)❖The Production Concept 出产不雅念❖The Selling Concept 推销不雅念❖The Marketing Concept 市场营销不雅念The Production Concept 出产不雅念The idea that a firm should focus on those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the low-cost products would create the demand for those products.The Selling Concept / sales concept 推销不雅念(操纵广告这种重要方式来与其顾客沟通从而获取他们的订单)The Marketing Concept市场营销不雅念Difference between Selling and Marketing发卖与营销的区别3.The Marketing Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合1)Product〔产物:有形和无形,包罗包装、色彩、品牌、效劳,甚至发卖商的声誉〕Consumer products消费品:produced for and purchased byhouseholds for their use.Industrial products 工业产物:are sold primarily for use inproducing other products.2)Price〔价格:消费者为获得产物所必需支付的金额〕Refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product.Loss Leader Pricing(亏本出售商品〕selling things in its lower price than its cost price in order to attract customers to purchase the products.Penetration Pricing (渗透订价法---心理订价策略〕设定最初低价,以便迅速和深入地进入市场,从而快速吸引来大量的购置者,博得较大的市场份赖。


语翻译》以英语为核心,以商务为 背景,以实践为主线并以“能力本位”为基 本理念,即本课程旨在培养学生实际语言能 力和商务技能的应用能力。对高职高专的国 际商务英语专业的毕业生来说,他们的外语 水平的提高主要体现在口笔译的能力上,听、 说、读、写几种能力最终都从翻译能力上表 现出来,因此可以说,翻译能力是学生外语 语言和知识各方面能力的综合体现。
朱香奇,湖南师范大学出版社,2007年1月第一版; ③《商务英语翻译》(全国高职高专院校规划教
材),汤静芳,对外经济贸易大学出版社,2007年9 月第一版; ④《商务英语翻译》(21世纪高职高专规划教材), 丁小丽等,清华大学出版社,北京交通大学出版社, 2007年3月第一版;
第四,通过发挥教学团队的示范性作用,加快教学内容、方 法改革与优质教学资源开发进程,推进教学工作的传帮带, 不断提高教师队伍的教学水平与人才培养质量,在学科建设、 专业建设、课程建设、实训室建设、教学和实践环节改革等 实践中发挥模范作用,为教学名师的培养打下基础。
9. 课程团队
应用英语专业及专业基础课教师共20人,副高职称 教师5人,讲师5人,45岁以下具有硕士学位的教师 5人(含在读),具有“双师”素质的教师4人,专 业带头教师1人,骨干教师1人。
我系通过选派优秀骨干教师参加国内各类学术研讨 会,各类培训班等途径,加大专业带头人、专业骨 干教师和双师素质教师的培养力度。选派双师素质 教师到酒店挂职锻炼1人次,专业骨干教师参加各 类短期培训12人次,参加国内学术研讨5人次。全 面提高本专业教师的教育教学水平和实践操作能力。
2. 课程链接(前序、后续)
前导课:综合英语、英汉翻译基础、商务知 识基础课程、英美概况;
后续课:商务英语口译、外贸实务综合实训、 商务英语写作、外贸函电



目录第一单元公司运作与管理Teamwork 团队合作 1 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本12 Internal Communications 内部沟通8 Reducing Overheads 减少管理费用18 How to Deal with a Heavy Workload 如何应对繁重的工作23 Work Environment工作环境27 Logistics物流32 Business Ethics 商业道德第二单元人力资源管理37 Recruiting & Selecting 人员招聘42 Employee Training 员工培训48 Career Development 职业发展53 Promotion 晋升59 Staff promotion 激励员工65 Staff turnover 员工流失71 Appraising and Improving Performance 绩效考核与改进绩效76 Pay and benefits 薪酬与福利80 Labor relations劳动关系85 Work place safety and health 工作安全与职业保健90 Time management 时间管理95 Managing stress 缓解压力第三单元市场营销101Product development 产品开发106 Setting price 产品定价110 Product promotion 产品推广114 Advertising 广告118 Packaging 包装122 Branding 品牌126 Customer satisfaction 顾客满意度130 Keeping Customers 留住顾客134 Marketing channels 营销渠道第四单元商务旅行138Travel and transport 出行与交通工具142 Travel and accommodation 差旅与住宿148 Domestic travel 国内差旅154 Travelling abroad 国际差旅第五单元企业公关160 Corporate culture 企业文化166 Company image 公司形象172 Corporate gifting 公司送礼178 Corporate sponsorship 企业赞助183 Dress code 着装要求189 Entertaining business clients 招待客户第六单元公司发展195Site location and relocation 公司选址和迁址200 Going global 全球营销205 Franchise 特许经营209 Meeting competition 应对竞争第七单元商务电子化与新型工作方式213 Office automation 办公自动化217 Setting up company website 建立公司网站224 Internet marketing 互联网促销230 Flexible patterns of work 弹性工作方式第八单元商务会议235Staging a meeting/conference 举办会议241 Attending a meeting/conference 参加会议247 Giving a presentation 大会发言251 Trade fair and exhibitions 会展257 PRACTICE TEST ONE 练习1 263 PRACTICE TEST TWO 练习2 271 PRACTICE TEST TWO 练习3 278UNIT ONE Company Operation and Management 第一单元公司运作与管理1.1Teamwork 团队合作Teamwork 团队合作,团队精神Team-based 以团队为基础的Horizontal organization structure 横向企业结构Corporate goals 企业目标Charter 规章,章程Be accountable for 对…负有责任Creative innovation 创新改革,创新发明创新精神Reward system 奖励制度Pay back 回报,报偿Individuality 个性Independent thinking 独立的思想Group decision-making 集体决策Managerial skill 管理技能Coordinate 使协调,调整Interpersonal relationship 人际关系Mutual trust 相互信任Bring out the potentials 充分发挥潜能Closely-knit (关系)密切的Keep track of 跟踪,追踪Time-consuming 花费时间的Line manager 部门经理,业务经理(与行政经理相对)Pre-building 团队建设Nurture 培养,教育,发展Nurture team dynamics 培养团队活力Promote team spirit 提倡团队精神Drive team success 驱使团队成功Minimize 将…减少到最少,最小化Inhibit 约束,抑止Liven up 使…有生气Training session 一场训练,培训课期Rafting 漂流Rock climbing 攀岩Teammate 队友Impact 影响,效果Complementary 补充的,互补的Revitalize 使新生,给予新的活力Trait (个人性格方面的)特征,显著的特点Commitment 敬业精神Interpersonal communication skills 人际交际技能,亦作interpersonal skillsAddress 处理(事情)Creative innovation 创新精神How to Make Teams Effective 如何组建精锐的团队People in every workplace talk about building the team, working as a team, and my team, but few understand how to create the experience of teamwork or how to develop an effective team.在各种工作场合,人们都在谈论团队建设、团队合作、自己的团队,但是却很少有人真正理解如何体验团队合作以及如何组建一支精锐的团队。



例1:To acquaint you with the Light Industrial Goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference. 例2:The full report isn’t ready yet, but you can see the interim report. 例3:Will you partake of our simple meal? 例4:The new manager effected several changes in the company. 例5:Negotiations terminated yesterday.
例14:Inspections: It is mutually agreed that the certificate of quality and quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the document for payment under relevant L/C. 例15:In case the contract is concluded on CIF basis, the insurance shall be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering all risks, war risk, and S.R.C.C. risks(i.e., Strikes, Riot, and Civil Commotions).


第二,商务英语翻译的文体风格不一样。商务英语的翻译特征 要了解不同的翻译实体的信息风格,才能够真正地达到传递信息 的效果。商务英语活动的内容,附带的文体风格都是不同的。相关 商务信函的翻译、政府文件的翻译、商业广告的翻译、产品说明书 的翻译、企业简介的翻译。关注其中的不同,才能够把握它们的交 际目的,发挥文体的功能。值得强调的是,商务英语的语言独特的 内涵是要紧紧围绕在其中的。在一些合同文件的翻译当中,合同是 签订双方和当事人必须遵循的规定,其具备法律的约束力。要关注 的是合同中的重要信息,使用的是“功能性”归化的办法,注意它们 翻译的准确性,用词严谨、措辞确切。广告的翻译则应该要求采取 的是“劝购功能”的原则,以达到宣传的效果,召唤出购买的欲望。[2] 这种文体就不强调仔细地找到对应的词汇,它是比较灵活的。要求
2 在翻译中要做到忠实性原则 翻译实际上就是把信息以不同的语言再现出来,因此从事商
务英语的翻译工作也要关注商务英语的翻译忠实性。只有这样才 能达到使双方明确地了解到其中的要求和原则,在此基础上所做 的沟通才具有实质性的意义。显而易见的是商务英语中出现的数 字的翻译,是一个非常重要的内容,而且一旦翻译者出现疏忽就可 能产生不可估量的损失。在翻译过程中译者应该做出相应的调整
商务英语翻译要求体现出商务的特征,具体来说应该重点把 握三个主要的特征。
第一,商务英语翻译的专业性强。这主要是由于商务英语涉 及的是贸易、商务、营销财务等理论和实物都很强,呈现出的语言 专业性也强。对于一些比较熟悉的、经常要求用到的商务英语词 汇的缩略词,如:提单bill of lading ——B/L,世界银行the World Bank——WB,世界贸易组织 World Trade Organization.—— WTO 等等;有一些是economic policy 经济政策,holding company 控 股公司,devaluation (货币)贬值等的常用词汇;还有一些是在商务 贸易的发展过程中不断增加的词汇,consolidated debt 合并债务, TPL(第三方物流),cyber-payment (电子支付),这些新词丰富了商 务英语的内容。



商务英语翻译心得从开学到现在,商务英语翻译(汉译英)共学习了两大类,一类为产品说明的翻译,包括商业广告、产品说明书、商名; 一类为企业旅游类,包括企业单位宣传材料、学校简介、旅游宣传材料。


I.产品说明类汉译英1. 商业广告的汉英翻译1.1商务广告的主要功能有三个:传播商业信息,诱发公众需求;塑造企业形象,提高企业知名度;展示商情,为公众咨询提供方便。

要取得这些功能,作为促销手段的广告首先必须引人注目,即具有“注意价值”(attention value)和“可读性”(readability)。

例如“谁跑到最后,谁笑得最好------He who lasts last laughs best(某一轮胎广告)”,该广告是模仿某句谚语“He who laughs last laughs best”改编而来的,读起来朗朗上口又颇具意味,达到了上述的注意价值和可读性;其次,必须具有“说服力”(persuasive power)或“推销能力”(selling power),能使人产生购买所促销售产品的欲望。

例如“美酒酿出世界的爱------Good liquor helps you to get love everywhere” 该翻译运用you这个单词,使酒与消费者很好的融为一体,达到了推销的作用。

1.2 商务广告的翻译要符合以下几点要求:鲜明突出,简明通俗,新颖别致以及生动形象。

例一:日本航空:舒适与温馨撒满世界A world of comfort.(Japan Airlines)例二:我们肆无忌惮的知道如何卖鸡蛋We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs例三: 你会像阳光一样明媚。

(阳光衬衫广告)You will be as charming as the Sunshine(一语双关,生动形象)2.产品说明书的汉英翻译2.1 产品说明书简介产品说明书通常翻译做“Instruction Manual 或Operation Manual”. 内容包括1)产品的一般特性:安装,使用,维修。



商务英语广告翻译研究论文(3) 商务英语广告翻译研究论文增补译这类翻译包括两种情况,一种是对原文某些关键词的词义进行挖掘,引申或扩充,将原文的深层意思加以发挥,从而将原文中的隐含的意思全面突显出来。


例如: Trust us for life. 财务稳健,信守一生。

Taking the lead in a Digital World. 领先数码,超越永恒(三星公司)综上所述,商务英语广告具备自己独特的特点,在翻译策略上具有多样性。






参考文献:[1]段梦敏.现代商务英语翻译策略[J].中国科技翻译,2005,(3).[2]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.[3]陈苏东.商务英语翻译[M].高等教育出版社,2003.英语广告翻译与商业广告【3】摘要:广告文体的翻译,关键是看能否达到广告的预期目的和功能,这就决定了广告的翻译必须要抓住广告受众的认知心理。



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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
– 路面干燥,司机安全;司机清醒,道路安 全。
– OIC – 哇!我看见了
众所周知,“可口可乐”就是“CocaCola”,但 是却很少有人追问一句:那是什么意思?
原来Coca和Cola是两种植物的名字,音译为古柯 树和可乐树,古柯树的叶子和可乐树的籽是该饮 品的原材料,古柯叶里面含有古柯碱,也叫可卡 因(有时用做局总麻醉药,尤其用于眼睛、鼻子 或喉咙,还因其兴奋性和刺激性而广泛用做毒品 )。这样枯燥乏味甚至有点可怕的名字居然被翻 译成“可口可乐”,真是CocaCola公司的化腐朽 为神奇。
3. Outdoor and Transport Advertising 露天广告和交通广告
4. Window and Point-of-Sale Display 橱窗和销售 点陈列广告
5. Exhibition and Trade Fairs 展览会和商品交 易会
6. Direct Mail Advertising 直接邮件广告 7. Cinema 电影广告
– All is well that ends well. – 烟蒂好,烟就好。 – Better late than the late. – 迟到总比丧命好。
– The driver is safer when the road is dry; The road is safer when the driver is dry.
• 大众汽车:假如生活中的一切都有大众汽 车那么可靠,世界该有多美好
• A world of comfort(Japan Airlines) • 日本航空:舒适与温馨洒满全世界
• Wiseness does not come from baldness • 聪明不必绝顶(生发灵广告)
法泽瓦特眼镜:轻如 鸿毛 (明喻)
高保真,高乐趣,高 时尚,只能来自索尼 。(头韵)
巴黎恰在香水中(暗 喻)
当代的经典作;永久 的记时器。(对偶)
1. 拟人
Flowers by Interflora speak form the heart.
倾诉衷肠 Strong tractor strong farmer. 拖拉机,农民好帮手。
• Strong tractor ,strong farmer. • 勇猛的拖拉机,勇猛的耕田夫(拖拉机广
• 效果优先 • 符合译语文化 • 符合译语广告规范和特色
• 出手不凡钻石表 • 译文一:Our diamond brand means
excellent wrist watches out of your hand. • 译文二:Ask for a diamond brand watch, if

末尾, 以简短易记的形式,加深人们
随文: 是广告的必要说明,一般提供厂址、
厂名、经销部门、电话、电传等信息, 以利读者(顾客)购买。
鲜明突出 简明通俗 新颖别致 生动形象
• If only everything in life was as reliable as a volkswagen
• 简单动词 • Start Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始(飘柔)
• 形容词 • There’s never been a better Time. • 从未有过的好时代(《时代周刊》)
• Given a Timex to all, and to all a good time • (Timex= Time + Excellent) • 拥有一块“天美时”表,拥有一段美好时

• We know Eggsactly how to sell Eggs • (Eggsactly, exactly) • 我们肆无忌惮地知道如何卖鸡蛋
• Tide’s in. Dirt’s out. • 汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来
广告口号(slogans)、广告语 句(catch-phrases)的特点
爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) Love me tender, love me true.
一册在手,纵览全球(《全球》杂志的广告语) With a copy of The Globe in your hand, the world unfolds before you so grand.
中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商 场)
While in Zhengzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese do --- Go shopping in the Asian Supermarket. 随身携带,有备无患;随身携带,有惊无险。 (速效救心丸)
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Coke refreshes you like no other can. (语法) 没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。 A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. (成语
或俗语双关 )
一天一块玛斯巧克力,让您工作像工作,娱乐 像娱乐。
You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. 纳克斯坚果让你爱不释口。
2. 双关
Ask for More. (谐音) 再来一只,我还抽摩尔。 More sun and air for your son and heir. 充足的阳光,清新的空气,一切都为了您的子孙后
代。 Spoil yourself and not your figure .(语义) 尽情大吃,不增体重。 A deal with us means a good deal to you. 和我们做买卖意味着您做了一笔好买卖。
– Easier dusting by a stre-e-etThe Unique Spirit of Canada. – 别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大精神

– I’m More satisfied. – 摩尔香烟,我更满意。


英美现代广告学认为,广告的作用在于: 1. Information (提供信息) 2. Persuasion (争取顾客) 3. Maintenance of Demand (保持需求) 4. Creating Mass Markets (扩大市场) 5. Quality (确保质量)
吸引力 (attractive --- catch the reader’s attention)
创造力 (creative --- project an image) 说服力 (persuasive --- urge the reader to
act) 影响力 (impressive --- produce an impact)
1.理论探讨.............................. 2.广告的定义、手段、功能、类型、组成部分 3
商业广告语言的表现要求................ 4.商业广告的翻译原则(汉-英)...........
5.商业广告的用词特点.................... 6.广告口号的特点及翻译..................
Our shoe polish is surely of the first rate; It shines your shoes and you look great.
Applying “Dabao” morning and night Makes your skincare a real delight.
7.广告的修辞特征........................ 8.翻译欣赏..............................
广告是将各种高度精炼的信息,采 用艺术手法,通过各种媒介传播给大众, 以加强或改变人们的观念,最终导致人 们行为的事物和活动。
广告撰写的原则:Attention(注意) Interest (兴趣) Memory (记忆)
生产资料广告 消费品广告 服务娱乐类广告 招聘广告
非常可乐,非常选择 A special cola. A Special Choice.
She takes over the chores, So you can rest, of course.
With Sanyang at home, warmth in winter and coolness in summer will be with you!
国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。 Good and vigorous spirit. 运动休闲,我行我速。 Go my own way. 我有我的品质。 What we do, we do well.