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(1) 概括说明本课题的研究内容、结果及其意义与价值。

(2) 比较具体地说明本研究证明了什么假设或理论,得出了什么结论,研究结果有何实

(3) 与他人的相关研究进行比较。

(4) 本课题的局限性、不足之处,还有哪些尚待解决的问题。




第三篇,论文中的主要Result写在第3部分(3.CASE STUDIES AND RESULTS)中,Result和Conclusion是分开的。

第四篇,论文中的主要Result已第4部分的(IV. Results and Discussion)中进行叙述,Result和Conclusion是分开的。

第五篇,论文中的主要Result已第4部分的(4. Results and discussion)中进行叙述,Result 和Conclusion是分开的。

题目:An overview of NACA6-digit airfoil series characteristics with reference to airfoils for
large wind turbine blades
IV. Conclusions
The two-dimensional aerodynamics characteristics of the NACA 63 and 64 six-digit series of airfoils measured in the NASA LTPT have been investigated, with a view to verify RFOIL calculations at high Reynolds numbers. The following conclusions can be drawn: - The zero-lift angle of the NACA 64-618 airfoil needs to be adjusted with -0.4 degrees.
- The zero-lift angle of The NACA 63-615 needs to be corrected with -0.87 degrees in the smooth case and with +1 degree in case of wrap around roughness.
-The maximum lift coefficients predicted with RFOIL match the LTPT data well at Re=3x106, but under predict the Cl,max at Re=6x106 by 3.5 % , up to 6.5% at Re=9x106.
-It is uncertain if the established differences in lift between experiment and calculations are caused by a constant bias in the measurements or by the fact that the RFOIL code fails to predict the right level of maximum lift.
-RFOIL consistently under predicts the drag coefficient. The difference is about 9% for a wide range of airfoils and Reynolds numbers
-NACA standard roughness causes a reduction in the lift coefficient of 18% to 20% for most airfoils from the NACA 64 series
-The zero-lift angle of airfoil NACA 64-418 with wrap-around roughness needs a correction of +0.54 degrees.
-Wind tunnel experiments and side-by-side tests in the field with one clean rotor need to be done to be able to better predict the effects of roughness.


使用了被动语态,The two-dimensional aerodynamics characteristics of the NACA 63 and 64 six-digit series of airfoils measured in the NASA LTPT have been investigated have been investigated.
The high-lift performance of an airfoil with a single-element flap is enhanced significantly using an
active flow control system consisting of spanwise fluidic actuators that are integrated near the separation point. Spanwise arrays of spanwise-oscillating or non-oscillating jets issue tangentially to the local surface from a miniature downstreamfacing surface step. Jet actuation leads to flow attachment of varying streamwise extent that depends on the jet momentum coefficient and the formation of a low pressure domain near the juncture between the main body and the flap. As a result, lift is increased substantially, by as much as CL = 1.40, 1.22 and 1.04 at Rec = 6.7∙105, 8.3∙105
and 1.0∙106, respectively, for α = 4º.
In the present experiments, three spanwise rows of fluidic jets are placed in the vicinity of the juncture and operated in various combinations leading to significant increases in lift. The upstream (x/c = 0.59) and middle (x/c = 0.61) actuators, which are closest to separation (x/c = 0.62) are most effective, while the downstream actuator (x/c = 0.64) only produces a significant lift increment when operated in conjunction with one of the other actuators. The degree of flow attachment increases with jet momentum coefficient and simultaneous operation of multiple actuators can increase the lift increment further even when the flow is attached. Actuation results in a strong suction peak near the juncture (Cp ~ −7.5) and also leads to increases in suction on the main body of the airfoil and near the leading edge. The lift increment is measured over a range of angles of attack (0º < α < 12º) and is accompanied by an increase in lift-induced pressure drag and an increase in nose-down pitching moment.
It is shown that the high-lift performance can be improved significantly by design modifications of the surface interface between the jet actuators and the surrounding flow. In particular, modifying the jet orifices from a “stepped” to a “recessed” configuration enhances the interaction of the jets with the cross flow, resulting in increased lift for a given momentum coefficient, particularly at lower levels of C . The recessed design also reduces the loss in lift caused by the presence of the orifices and the attached flow exhibits significantly stronger suction peaks near the flap juncture and the leading edge. At C = 0.36% the upstream actuator yields CL = 0.57 and 0.79 for the stepped and recessed configurations, respectively, and operating the combination of upstream and middle actuators at C = 0.36% each yields CL = 0.78 and 0.92, respectively.
The effect of the actuator jets on the attached flow is characterized using PIV measurements of the flow field over the flap and additional high-magnification measurements in the vicinity of the actuators. In the absence of actuation, the flow separates near the juncture between the flap and the main body (x/c = 0.62), forming a recirculating domain over the flap and a detached vorticity layer. Actuation leads to complete flow attachment through the trailing edge with significant acceleration of the flow within the attached boundary layer downstream of the actuators and outside of the boundary layer along most of the flap. At C= 1.6% an interaction domain containing a cross-stream velocity peak (~2.3 times the maximum speed of the jet under quiescent conditions) is formed along the flap between the actuator jet
and the free stream flow that is particularly apparent using the recessed configuration.

第1段概括了文章的主要研究内容(active flow control system),第2段到第4段主要说明了文章的研究方法(experiment,PIV),以及一些具体的结果。

In this article, Bezier and Parsec representation methods are tested in two different flow conditions; subsonic and transonic flows. In the fist test case both representation methods are compared via VGA optimization tool under the subsonic flow conditions. The comparison between Bezier and Parsec representation methods is shown in Fig. 8. This plot emphasizes the superiority of Parsec representation method. In the second test case both representation methods are compared via VGA optimization tool under the transonic flow conditions. The comparison between Bezier and Parsec representation methods i s shown in Fig. 11. This plot emphasizes the superiority of Bezier representation method. From these cases it is concluded that Parsec method is more global and more efficient than Bezier method in subsonic flows. However, Bezier method is more flexible than Parsec method within transonic flows.


第8 句说明了本文方法的优越性,最后一句说明了本文方法的不足。

In this article,
The comparison between
is shown in Fig. 8.
From these cases it is concluded that
题目:Unsteady Flow Simulation of a High-Lift configuration using a Lattice Boltzmann
V. Conclusions
Simulations of a generic high-lift geometry were carried out using the Lattice Boltzmann based code PowerFLOW with the framework of the 1st AIAA CFD High Lift Prediction Workshop held in 2010. The results shown here were the only unsteady simulations among all workshop participants and show excellent agreement of drag and lift forces as well as cp distributions for all workshop cases. Good predictions in the region of maximum lift were a particularly distinguishing feature of the Lattice Boltzmann simulations, indicating the importance of unsteady simulations in correctly capturing strongly separated flow structures. The slight over-prediction of c L,max observed for the baseline case was shown to be largely attributable to the absence of slat and flap brackets in the simulations. Adding these brackets (Case 3 of the workshop) shows a significant reduction of lift in particular at the higher angle of attack, bringing the simulation results to almost perfect agreement with measured results. The effect of changing flap angles was also well captured by the simulations.
The position of laminar-to-turbulence transition was set for most of the simulations presented here based on published experimental results since the method used for the current study uses a wall model rather than fully resolving the boundary layer. Fully turbulent simulations were carried out for selected configurations and showed a significant reduction of lift.
In addition to the workshop cases a study of wind tunnel blockage effects is shown here. Adding walls in the simulation corresponding to the dimensions of the wind tunnel led to a change of predicted forces consistent with the corrections applied to the experimental results.
Computational times required for the unsteady simulations were generally in the same order of magnitude or even slightly below as the RANS simulations presented by other workshop participants, confirming the high level of efficiency of the unsteady Lattice Boltzmann method. Overall, this method was shown to be an interesting and viable alternative to the predominantly used RANS methods for the simulation of high-lift wings.

第2段对文章中的使用的计算方法中的laminar-to-turbulence transition进行了说明。

第3段文章中的使用的计算方法中的一点(Adding walls in the simulation)进行了说明。



题目:Design of a new urban wind turbine airfoil using a pressure-load inverse method
5. Conclusions
A pressure-load inverse design method was successfully applied to the design of a high-loaded airfoil for application in a small wind turbine for urban environment. The pressure distribution of the designed blade section shows a smooth increase of the blade pressure-load, defined as the pressure difference between the upper and the lower sides of the section, from the leading edge up
to 20% of the axial chord. From 20% up to 80% of the axial chord, the pressure-load is almost constant and it reduces smoothly toward the trailing edge. The experimental testing of the new blade section, as an isolated airfoil, confirmed the high maximum lift and a moderate drag. Future developments will consider the application of the current design method with an optimization of the thickness distribution for viscous flow. Due to the specification of the blade load, this methodology will reduce the drag without changing the lift.


