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唐代时,风筝传入朝鲜、 日本等周边国家. 十三世纪时,意大利马 可· 波罗自中国返欧后, 中国风筝始传到世界各地。
In Tang Dynasty, kite was introduced to China's neighboring countries like Korea and Japan. In 13th century, an Italian explorer Marco Polo introduced kite to Europe , and since then, kite was introduced to all over the world.
在风筝的发展过程中, 具 有悠久历史的中国传统文 化开始与风筝工艺相融, 将神话故事、花鸟瑞兽、 吉祥寓意等表现在风筝 上, 从而形成了独具地方 特色的风筝文化。
Through history of kite development, Chinese traditional culture is integrated with kite craft. Chinese fairy tales, folk art, and luck characters have been used for kite designs. Therefore, an unique kite culture with Chinese characteristics has been formed.
In the Spring and Autumn Period in China, there was a philosopher named “ Mo Qu” (478-392 B.C.) in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. He spent three years made a wooden glede that could fly in the air. He flied his wooden kite in Shandong Province of China, but it crashed just in one day. That wooden glede was the first kite in China and also same in the world. It’s over two thousand and four hundred years from now.
风筝用细竹扎成骨架, 再糊以纸或绢,系以长 线,利用风力升入空中。
To make a kite, you need to make a frame first. Frames usually made with thin bamboo strips. Next, paste paper or silk onto frame, then tie a long thread. It flies into the sky by wind force.
古时称为“鹞” yào ,北方称 为“鸢” yuān.
In ancient time, kite was called “sparrow hawk" and also was well known as "glede" in northern region of China.
春秋战国时,东周哲人墨翟(公元前478-392年), 曾“费时三年,以木制木鸢,飞升天空.”。墨子在鲁 山(今山东潍坊境内),“斫木为鹞,三年而成,飞 一日而败”。这是说墨子研究试制了三年, 终于用木板制成了一只木鸟,但只飞了 一天就坏了。墨子制造的这只“木鹞” (或“木鸢”)就是中国最早的风筝,也 是世界上最早的风筝。(约纪元前300 年左右),距今已有二千四百年。
宋张择端的《清明上河图》,宋苏汉臣的 《百子图》里都有放赐筝的生动景象。
Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan demonstrated a vividly image of playing kite in the ancient time on his panoramic painting “Along the River During the Qingming Festival”; and Su Hanchen from the same period of time did the same on his painting of “Hundred Kids”.
Designs often emulate natural creatures, like insects, birds, animals and three-dimensional forms. Graphic deigns are various based on individual interests, such as promotional marks, animals, butterflies, birds, and etc. Kites are mainly made with silk, paper, and also can be made by plastic materials. Kites’ frames can be made with bamboo strips, wooden materials and glue.
据古书记载:“五代李郑于宫 中作纸鸢,引线乘风为戏, 后于鸢首以竹为,使风入 竹,声如筝鸣,故名风筝。” 故而不能发出声音的叫“纸
According to an ancient books: In the period of Five Dynasties in China, Li Zheng made a kite in imperial palace. A bamboo whistle was tied to a paper kite. It made sound like Zheng (a 2125 string plucked instrument) while wind passed through. Since then, kites that could not give out sound called “paper glede”, others were called “Feng Zheng” (Feng means wind, Zheng is the music instrument).
风筝的种类主要分为“硬 膀”和“软翅”两类, “硬膀”风筝翅膀坚硬, 吃风大,飞的高;“软 翅”风筝柔软,飞不高, 但飞的远。
There are two major types of kites - “hard-wings” and “soft-wings”. Kites with hard wings fly higher than the kites with soft wings, because hard wings can stand greater windpressure. However, the kites with soft wings fly further.
风筝的用途 Usage of Kite
最初风筝常被利用为军事工具,用于三角测量 信号、天空风向测查和通讯的手段。
Kite was used for military purpose initially, like measuring distance and locating target, testing wind, and sending signal for communications.
墨子把制风筝的事业传给了他的学生公输班(也称鲁 班),<墨子‧鲁问篇>中说,鲁班根据墨翟的理想和 设计,用竹子做风筝。鲁班把竹子劈开削光滑,用火烤 弯曲,做成了喜鹊的样子,称为「木鹊」,在空中飞翔 达三天之久。<鸿书>上说:“公输班制木鸢以窥宋城”。
Mo Qu taught his student Lu Ban how to make a kite. According to an ancient book “Mo Zi”, Lu Ban inherited his teacher’s skill and created his own design of a bamboo kite. He split bamboo into strips, heated them with fire and shaped them. He made a magpie shaped bamboo kite. That kite was able to fly in the sky for three days. The historical book “Hong Shu” said, Lu Ban made a kite to spy neighbor Song’s territory for military purpose.
风筝的形状: 主要是模仿大自然的生物,如雀鸟、昆虫、 动物及几何立体等; 而图案方面,主要由个人 喜好而设计,有动物、蝶、飞鸟等,琳琅种 种。风筝的建造材料除了丝绢、纸张外,还 有塑胶材料造的,骨杆有竹篾,木材及胶棒 等。
How to make a kite
Shapes of kite:
“扎”即要达到对称,左右吃风面积相当, 又包括:选、劈、弯、削、接; “糊”即要保证全体平整,干净利落, 又包括:选、裁、糊、边、校; “绘”即要做到远眺清楚,近看真实的效果, 又包括:色、底、描、染、修; “放”即要依据风力调整提线角度, 又包括:风、线、放、调、收。
Sanlihe #3 Elementary School Beijing, China
风筝的起源 The Origin of Kite
Chinese invented the first kite.
“夜静弦声响碧空, 宫商信任入来风; 依稀似曲才堪听, 又被风吹别调中。”
Tang Dynasty poet Gao Pian’s poem - “Kite”:
“Strings sound the blue sky in a silent night, Wind brings tunes coming right; Vaguely resembles a melody to listen, Also it mists into breeze might.”
Techniques for making Traditional Chinese Kites: “Tie, Paste, Paint, Fly”
“Tie”- make a frame. Need to make it symmetrical, balance, so that both wings will receive same air pressure. Include: select, split, shape, chop, and connect; “Paste”- glue a piece of paper or silk onto the frame. Need to make it flat and neat. Include: select, cut, glue, edge check, and adjust; “Paint”- draw an image. Need to paint clear image with details, so that it can be seen from far away, and looks vivid. Include:color, background, trace, paint, and modify; “Fly”- fly a kite. Need to adjust string’s angle according to wind. Include:wind, string, release, adjust, and retrieve.