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毕业论文(设计)题目: 我国保险企业外汇风险管理研究

专 业: 保 险 学

院 系: 金融学 院

年 级: 200 4 级

学 号: 04024102106

姓 名: 蒋姗姗

指导教师: 刘 宁

职 称: 讲 师

湖北经济学院教务处 制

目 录

目录........................................................................................................................................I 摘要......................................................................................................................................II Abstract................................................................................................................................III 引言 (1)

一、外汇风险管理概述 (2)

(一)外汇风险的概念与具体形态 (2)

(二)保险企业所面临的汇率风险 (3)

二、我国保险企业外汇风险管理的现状及其存在的问题 (4)

(一)我国保险企业外汇风险管理现状 (4)

(二)我国保险企业外汇风险管理存在的问题 (6)

三、国际保险企业汇率风险管理的最新进展 (7)

(一)保险企业外汇风险管理战略的选择 (7)

(二)发达国家保险企业开展汇率风险管理的经验 (10)

(三)基于金融工程技术的保险企业外汇风险管理 (11)

四、我国保险企业加强外汇风险管理的建议 (13)

(一)保险企业外汇风险管理外部环境的建设(宏观层面) (13)

(二)保险企业外汇风险管理内部环境的建设(微观层面) (14)

五、案例:中国平安外汇风险管理的经验 (18)

(一)明确的外汇风险管理目标和战略 (19)

(二)稳建的外汇投资理念和方案 (19)

(三)相对完善的外汇投资管理体系和操作流程 (19)

(四)国际化的外汇管理人才 (20)

结束语 (21)

致谢 (22)

参考文献 (23)






Under the background of the current RMB continuing to revalue fast, specially the numerous insurance enterprises already or arranged coming into the market abroad, the permission insurance fund foreign investment is very important to release the pressure of RMB revaluation and maintain the exchange rate basically stable. But if the insurance enterprise cannot manage the exchange risk well, it will affect not only its own profit size but also endanger reimburses ability, what's more, will affect the insurance enterprise's competitive ability, profit ability, even survivability, and will harm the general insured's benefit finally. Presently, the fact that whether the safe enterprise complete the exchange risk management is already becomes one of essential important matters influencing insurance business steady progression. However, the premise of managing the exchange risk is to having enough understanding of the exchange risk which is facing now. The goal of this article is that it attempts to overall analyze each kind of manifestation of insurance enterprise exchange risk and unit the management experience of overseas insurance enterprise exchange risk, moreover, it also provide some beneficial mentalities of further impelling and deepening our country insurance enterprise exchange risk supervisory work.

Keywords: insurance companies exchange risk hedging
