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Papa's New Pants

Papa saw purple new pants at the market. He told the shopkeeper, "We're having a picnic tomorrow. I must have those pants." When Papa tried them on, the shopkeeper said, "A perfect fit.

A little long, but don't worry. They need to be shortened only the length of a thumb."

Papa paid for them and went home. He asked his wife, "Can you hem(缝边) my new pants before the picnic tomorrow? They need to be shortened only the length of a thumb." Mama said, "Can't you see how busy I am? If we are going to have picnic, first I must bake the cakes. Then I must cut tomatoes and cucumbers for the salad." "I can see how busy you are." Papa sighed(叹气)." I'll ask Nina."

He found his oldest daughter going out the door with her bag. "Nina, can you shorten my pants for tomorrow?" "Oh, Papa, "Nina said, "look at this list Mama gave me. First I must go to the baker's and order fresh bread for tomorrow. Then I must buy drinks at the grocery store. Ask one of the twins."

The twins were in their bedroom. Margot was combing Becky's hair. "Can one of you fix my pants for the picnic?" "We want to look pretty for the picnic," Becky said. "When Margot finishes my hair, I'm going to comb hers."

Max, the little son of the family, tugged(用力拖) at his father's sleeve. "Let me shorten them.

I know what to do." "Nonsense," said Papa, laughing. "You're too little."

Papa was disappointed he wouldn't be able to wear his new pants to the picnic. He went outside to water the garden.

Max lifted the pants off the hook(挂衣钩).I'll show Papa that I'm not too young. After measuring the length of his thumb, Max cut edges and stitched(缝) them with thread from Mama's sewing box. When Max hung the pants back on the hook in Papa's bedroom, he thought they looked as good as new.

"Papa is going to think we're selfish," Margot said to her sister. "Why don't we help him? "Becky agreed.

Each girl measured the length of her thumb and cut the edges and stitched them with purple thread from the sewing box. "Don't say a word. It'll be a surprise." said Becky.

When Nina came home from shopping, she thought she was rude to his father, so she measured the length of her thumb and cut and stitched again.

After everyone had gone to sleep, Mama put the last of the food in the refrigerator. She sat down to rest. Poor Papa, she thought. I'll fix those pants so he can wear them tomorrow. She cut and stitched until the job was done.

When Papa woke up in the morning, he saw his new pants and sighed. Maybe no one will notice they're a bit too long, he thought. He pulled the pants on. What's going on here? He wondered. The family found him standing in front of the mirror.

"Papa, what happened to your pants?" everyone asked. "Oh, Papa, what will you do? "Nina cried. "We can't make them longer."

Papa laughed so hard that tears rolled down his cheeks. When at last he could speak, he said, "Nobody wanted to disappointed me. What a great family I have!"


( )1.Papa bought a pair of yellow new pants for the picnic.
