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1. It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant. 它是一种精确复制另一种动物和植物的方式。(P11)

【要点提示1】a way of ... = a manner of ... 一种……的方式。如:It is not only a way of living, but a positive attitude towards life. 它不仅仅是一种生活方式,也是一种对待生活的积极态度。

It is a way of seeing. 这是一个看问题的方法。

【要点提示2】exact adj. 精确的,准确的,精密的。如:

We need to know the exact time the accident occurred. 我们需要了解事情发生的确切时间。

Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science. 估定承保的风险永远不会成为一门精确的科学。

2. Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. 研究克隆的科学家们发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的羊身上,这使他们很沮丧。(P12)

【要点提示1】be / become cast down (by sth) (因某事)沮丧,不愉快。如:

He was much cast down by the failure of the experiment. 实验的失败使他很失望。

Don’t be so cast down. Just keep up your spirits. 不要沮丧,打起精神。【归纳拓展】cast your mind back 回顾;回想;

cast a spell on 对……施魔法/ 诅咒;

cast about / around for sth 四处寻找某物;

cast out 驱逐,赶走。

【要点提示2】be appropriate to ... 适合于……的,与……相称的。如:

Write in a style appropriate to your subject. 用与你的题目相称的体裁写。

Ordinary shoes are not appropriate to paddy fields. 普通鞋不适于下稻田。

3. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. 另一方面,多莉的出现引起一场反对风暴,并且对媒体和公众思想产生了很大的冲击。(P12)

【要点提示1】raise在这里的意思是“引起,导致”。除此之外,raise 还意为“举起,提起;站立;增加;筹募;召集;提出”等。如:The new plans have raised angry protests from local residents. 新的计划引起当地居民的抗议。

She raised the gun and fired. 她举枪射击。

He raised himself up on one elbow. 他用一只胳膊肘支起身子。

We are raising money for charity. 我们在进行慈善募捐。

The book raises many important questions. 这本书提出许多重要的问题。

【要点提示2】objection n. 反对(的理由),异议。常用于objection

to sth / to doing sth结构。如:

I have no objection to hearing it. 我不反对听听那件事。

The main objection to the plan was that it would cost too much. 反对这个计划的主要理由是费用过高。
