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NCE3 Lesson4

editor. n. 编辑

edition n. 版本

editor-in-chief = Chief editor 主编

edit. v.编辑

editorial n. 社论

an editorial on education 一篇关于教育的社论

eg. to edit a Shakespeare play for use in schools


补充:compile v. 汇编(不作改动的编辑)

compiler n. 汇编者

A guidebook compiled from variety of sources 利用各种资料汇编的导游手册

compose v. 创作,作曲

composer n. (尤指)作曲家

eg. She began to compose songs at an early age.

extreme. n. 极端adj. 极端的

go to extremes to do sth. 走极端做某事

eg. 1. Sometimes he eats too much and sometimes he eats nothing.

He goes from one extreme to the other.

2. He went to extremes to steal because of poverty.

In the extreme 极其

extremely adv. 极端地,极其地,非常

eg. He has been generous in the extreme. 他极其慷慨大方。

eg. Personally, I’m extremely well satisfied.

补充:go so far as to do sth. 甚至于…; 竟然做…

Eg. 1. I won’t go so far as to say that he is dishonest.


2. I may go as far to say that I have not lived wholly in vain. If my record were closed tonight, I could still survey it with equanimity(平静,镇定)。


without so much as doing 甚至于不…,连…都没…

Eg. He left the job without so much as saying goodbye.

statistics n. 统计数字;统计学

statistician. n. 统计员

补充:accountant 会计师,会计员;auditor 审计员;

assessor 审核员; inspector 稽查员

journalist n. 新闻记者(指采访、撰稿、编辑等记者)

reporter n. (on camera) (上镜作报导的)记者

press(报刊)/ TV / radio reporters

correspondent (驻远地的)记者;通讯记者;驻外记者

president n. 总统;主席;校长

补充:Chairman 主席;premier 总理;prime minister 首相;

foreign minister 外交部长; secretary 书记部长

congressman国会议员;commissioner 委员

Palace. n. 王宫,宏伟的住宅

President’s palace 总统府

P.R.C. : the Forbidden City 紫禁城;Summer Palace 颐和园;

Palace Museum 故宫博物院

Britain: Buckingham Palace (British royal family in London) 白金汉宫

Downing St. (the official house of the British Prime Minister at

No. 10 and the Chief financial minister at No. 11) 唐宁街

Whitehall (British government)白厅

America: White House ( the official home of American president)白宫Pentagon 五角大楼

Russia: Winter Palace 冬宫(过去俄国沙皇的寢宫)

the Kremlin ( the government of Russia) 克林姆林宫

Red Square 红场

(In the center of Moscow, known especially for the military processions(阅兵)took place there on May Day)

publish v. 出版,发行

eg. When are you going to publish this work of yours?

publishing house 出版社

press n. 出版;印刷;go to press (be printed)付印

出版社Oxford University Press 牛津出版社

go to the press 参加记者招待会

press 报刊、杂志;

the local / national / foreign press


the press freedom = the freedom of the Press(记者、新闻界)

issue v. 发行come out 出版

fax v. n. 传真

send a fax to sb. / fax sb.

impatient adj. 不耐烦的

be impatient at sth. / with sb. 对……不耐烦

eg. He was getting impatient as having to wait so long.

be impatient of sth. 无法容忍某事

eg. He is impatient of anything stupid.

be impatient for sth. / to do sth. 渴望、急切做……

Eg. 1. We are impatient for the Spring Festival to come.
